25-44 year s ol d m en an d P SB TV Erik Bäckman, Publications Audience and Media Insight Key questions and methodology

• How do they use media; what routines, contexts, hopes and expectations do they have? • How and why do they watch web-tv? • What are th ei r i mpress ions o f ma ins tream tv ch anne ls ? • What is their awareness of the PSB tv offering? • How relevant do they find the PSB tv offering?

Methodology: Online bulletin board focus group of 31 men (Sept. 2010) • even age, professional, educational and regional distribution • all with some contact to PSB tv (easy criterion to fulfill) • three days’ discussion = 140 pages of text • several sample clips of PSB programming

Researchers: Anna Lahelma and Annika Ruoranen /YLE Statistics of the age group’s view of tv services

KikKuinkakii kiinnos ttav i ina idätp idät seuraavi kiia kanavj iait ja int terne t‐pallj?lveluja? How interesting do you(miehet find 25 these‐44 v.) channels/services? 0 %10 %20 %30 %40 %50 %60 %70 %80 %90 %100 %

YLE TV1 9 %58 %30 %3 %

YLE TV2 7 % 56 % 35 % 3 %

MTV3 8 % 70 % 19 % 3 %

Nelonen 8 % 68 % 21 % 4 % Sub 6 % 64 % 26 % 4 % erittäinvery interesting kiinnostava 8 % 48 % 38 % 6 % kiinnostavainteresting or tai moderately melko kiinnostava interesting einot kiinnostava interesting YLE FST5 0 % 17 % 69 % 13 % ennever tunne/entunne/enuse/watchkatso katso Jim 6 % 49 % 40 % 6 %

Liv 1 % 19 % 65 % 15 %

YLE Areena 10 % 44 % 32 % 13 % MTV3 Katsomo 2 % 32 % 42 % 24 % web tv services Ruutu.fi 1 % 26 % 42 % 31 %

Youtube 17 % 59 % 22 % 3 % N = 357 ”We watch it if we can find the time...”

• half the respondents have children, many under school age • work, hobbies and other daily activities fill their schedules

• time shifting is very popular (46% of tv households have a PVR) • tv viewing is time shifted from workdays to the weekend

”I feel like Homer Simpson: the television won’t let me live. I rarely watch tv in real time, I record a week’s programmes on hard disk and graze through that on weekends or after work” (Tommi, 34 yrs) Web-tv viewing

Kuinka usein katsot televisiota tai tv‐ohjelmia internetistä? How often do you watch(miehet tv 25 or‐44 tv v.)programmes online? 50 % 45 % 45 %

40 %

35 %

30 % 26 % 25 %

20 % 14 % 15 %

10 % 7 % 8 % 5 %

0 % Päivittäindaily/ almost tai lähes daily Muutamana few times kerran a week Noin oncekerran a weekviikossa Harvemminless frequently En katsonever lainkaan päivittäin viikossa N = 395 Most would like the full web-tv offering on their tv screen... Motives for watching online

”anonymous website” Forward in time: Backwards in time: cannot wait forgot to watch, for seri es to be aaedired in ftforgot to record; or a film to YLE Areena appear in video rentals

• When I realise I’ve missed a program. • Finnish tv-channels interrupt series, so I have to (Lasse 26 yrs) find the rest from foreign websites. (Antti V. 31 yrs) • If I forget to record a favourite series or the recording fails. (Sami P. 38 yrs) But… • I don’t download programmes , and I just use But… Finnish web-tv. I don’t have the time to wallow in • I don’t watch web-tv. I’ve never missed a the ocean of international tv programming. programme interesting enough to make me (Sami P. 38 yrs) look it up. (Mikko S. 40 yrs)

Computers are associated with work, and a tv is more comfortable to use – when web-tv comes to the sofa&telly, it will probably gain in popularity. Top-of-mind image of PSB TV

TV1: News, documentaries, current affairs and factual programmes ”For others, not for me – for old people, for highbrows...”

”Most trustworthy news and factual programmes, but I get my news online...”

TV2: Children’s programmes, sports, factual programmes, discussions

”For others, not for me – for old ppp,eople, for children , for sp orts fans...”

”Laid back and local, with some good HBO series...”

vague impressions, often from over a decade ago The power of love routine...

• people have other things in their life besides watching television • tv viewing is tightly bound to everyday routines and schedules

• a channel is seen as that which one usually finds there when watching tv at the usual time

• i.e. ”the news and factual channel” , ”the kids and sports channel ” , ”the movie channel”, ”the series channel”

This is the most complicated map of the television landscape that men in the busiest years of their lives can maintain Behind first impressions – programme samples...

”more action than one would expect” ”goes deeper into the tough army life”

”bring it on, as much as you can!”can!

”cool and laidback but earthy”

”I’ve watched it for years” ”a must-see series”

”amazing, anarchic and fast” ”hits my sense of humour spot on” The ideal channel for men under 45...

• Finnish and foreign drama series • Sports • Documentaries (science, technology, history, war... ) • Childrens’ programmes are OK • News are not necessary!

• laid back and relaxed, but not brainless

”An aroma of reindeer jerky and traditional Carelian pastry, some Dr Pepper, a dash of Lagavulin, a box of Moomin biscuits, some New York Prime Ribs and a helping of good Finnish topsoil.” (Sami P, 38 yrs) We have the ingredients, shame about the packaging...

• is the scheduling of PSB tv in sync with the media use of tttarget groups un d45ld?der 45 years old?

• is the marketing and branding of PSB tv channels in sync with the ppgrogramme interests and viewing motives of target groups under 45 years old?

• is it more important to prove to the over 45s that we’re still the same old safe and comfy PSB channel or to prove to the under 45s that we actually have good content? Thank you!