The R5.00

Voice of the Labour Movement Established 1988 Issue No: 206 JULY, 2013 Registered at the GPO as a Newspaper

ZTWU, NUCI 2 WORKERS WARRIORS IN MERGER GET $19 000 FOR DRIVE DAMAGES COSAFA Page 3 Page 8 Page 16 Labour activists to contest in harmornised elections

BY STAFF REPORTER people in her ward. respectively. EVERAL labour activists “I promise to work towards the ZCTU President George will be standing in the development both at council and at Nkiwane in his May Day speech forthcoming harmonised ward level prioritising extending said labour leaders and activists S opportunities to locals. I will also elections in various capacities cannot be stopped from after sailing through the selection defend labour rights since I am participating in political activities processes. from the labour movement because or contesting for political The successful labour backed once a worker always a worker. I positions. candidates include the Federation will not detach myself from the As the working class and of Food and Allied Workers Unions electorate like what other elected conscious of our interests, it is time of (FFAWUZ) general people usually do. We are now in a we start to make things happen in secretary and ZCTU Second different political environment our favour. No passenger will want deputy secretary general Unganai where elected office bearers need to board a bus whose destination Dickson Tarusenga who will be to keep contact with their and departure time is not known, all contesting the Zengeza electorate. Being a councillor would want to get into a moving Constituency seat. entails being a person on the bus. Let`s move with our agenda Tarusenga said he is geared for ground, listening and attending to and politicians will come rushing the political career. community needs on a daily basis if to us like European investors to Tarusenga said those who will you are to remain relevant,” she India and China because that is be elected into positions from the said adding that she said she was where development is taking place. labour structures to parliament or prepared for the challenges ahead. We should be active and to local government portfolios The Acting President of the participating citizens as opposed to should not just go to add numbers. Zimbabwe Chamber of Informal being subjects. We can no longer “We should be there to deliver in Economies Associatiion Lucia escape or abdicate our whatever capacity. There should be Masekesa is also contesting for the responsibility, let us get Zimbabwe a link between the unions and the Masvingo senatorial seat on an working again and yes we should, individuals so that labour issues MDC-T ticket. everyone should account for their would be articulated well. If that Masekesa said she is prepared action or lack of it. Similarly so link fails to materialise then the for the election and to serve the time has come for politicians at labour backed individuals fail. people in that capacity. whatever level of leadership to There is need for constant 'It is good that we (from the account for their actions. When appraisals because situations labour movement) are graduating electing your councillors, members change and one would need to be into political careers in various of parliament, senators and your updated with the relevant capacities. We will always defend future President, apply your minds. information all the time,” he said. and push for workers rights. I There are those who will come to Katumba Miriam the ZCTU personally will work with all you with bags full of money, our Women Advisory Council political structures and individuals advice is take the money chop or UNGANAI DICKSON TARUSENGA Chairperson will also be contesting towards development,” she said. chew it ut vote wisely. Elect people ZCTU central region paralegal who are prepared to be your for the councillor's position Ward party. Other labour functionaries ministers Paurina Mpariwa and officer Charles Chikozho and WAC servants not masters,” he said. 23, Chitungwiza, who graduated into politics include Lucia Matibenga and several vice secretary Nyasha Benza will The ZCTU formed the MDC She said she will work towards Prime Minister members of parliament. development together with the be contesting for local government and continues to feed cadres to the positions in Gweru and Redcliff and his deputy Thokozani Khupe, Page 2 The Worker, JULY 2013 High level ILO delegation descends on Zimbabwe Christopher Mahove country's police and security forces government to ban trade union She noted that the government high level technical the ZCTU and implement the should conduct themselves activities was a violation of Article had shown its commitment by assistance mission from recommendations. professionally in the discharge of 3 of the Freedom of Association appointing eminent persons in the the International Labour In her response directed to the A their duties, adding the application and Protection of the Right to ILO Director General, Juan organ, who included the late Vice Organization, ILO, is expected to of laws such as POSA should be Organize Convention. President , a former visit the country soon to assess Somavia, Minister of Labour and reviewed in practice. Several trade union leaders and ILO Governing Body member, the the obstacles to the rapid Social Services, Paurina POSA, the committee noted, activists were brutally attacked by late , ZCTU former implementation of the ILO Mupariwa, acknowledged receipt should be used in conformity with the police in 2006 and many of president and also former ILO Commission of Inquiry of the ILO commission report and Convention 87, while the security them were left with life long governing body member and recommendations. said the recommendations were sector needed to be continuously injuries. Human rights activist, Sekai The world's umbrella labour already part of the reform work by trained on trade and human rights The ILO then set up the Holland. body has since called on the government. issues. commission of Inquiry in terms of However, the inclusive government of Zimbabwe to accept "It is in this context that "The committee requested the Article 26, paragraph 4 of the ILO government, whose life ended on the mission, which is expected to government will implement the government to ensure the continued Constitution to look into cases of June 29, failed to fully implement compile a detailed report from the recommendations. It should be training of the police and security non- compliance with ILO the various institutional and government, which would be noted that the inclusive forces with a view to ensuring the Conventions 87 and 98. legislative reforms aimed at transmitted to the Committee of government has established the full respect of human and trade After the ILO Commission of improving the governance of the Experts for its next meeting Organ for National Healing, union rights, take steps for the Inquiry into worker rights abuses labour market, including the expected later this year. Reconciliation and Integration elaboration and promulgation of visited the country and made its harmonization of the Labour Act. The Commission of Inquiry, charged with the responsibility to clear lines of conduct for the police recommendations, the which visited the country in 2009 foster unity of purpose among the and security forces and ensure that Government of Zimbabwe after the ZCTU raised concerns people of Zimbabwe," she wrote POSA is applied in a manner that is committed to work together with then. over the government's abuse of in conformity with the Convention" trade union rights following a read part of the report. series of violent attacks on trade The committee called on the union leaders by the police and government to provide resources ZESSCWU seeks $75 000 for congress security agents, recommended that needed to operationalise the should stop trade union Human Rights Commission, which By Christopher Mahove posts will be available for grabs save for those abuses and uphold the rule of law. has been idle since its appointment. To achieve this, the Zimbabwe he Zimbabwe Social, Scientific and Cultural that are of an appointment nature. In 2009, the ZCTU lodged a Mutindindi said the union was working flat out government was urged to align its formal complaint with the Workers Union (ZESSCWU) requires at least $75 laws with Convention 87 on the International Labour Organisation 000 to hold its elective congress scheduled for to ensure that employers in the sectors paid their Freedom of Association and T workers their back pays dating back to 2009 so that (ILO) over the continued October. Protection of the Right to Organize. interference in trade union business General Secretary, Mtutindindi, said although the they can be able to pay their subscriptions and However, in its recent meeting by the government of Zimbabwe. in Geneva, Switzerland, the union was facing financial constraints, the congress had enable the union to raise the required money. The representation, made in "We are currently working to ensure that our International Labour Conference terms of Article 24 of the ILO to be held this year without fail. on the Application of Standards Constitution, was made after the "The dates have been tentatively set for October members are paid their salary arrears dating back noted that the government had not government had seriously violated and we have a committee that is working on the to 2009 and that employers pay salaries fixed in the implemented many of the the ILO Convention 87 of 1948 on logistics. We are still looking for the resources and so Collective Bargaining Agreement. recommendations. the Freedom of Association and far we have raised $45 000 that we have set aside. "The under-payment of our members by In its report, the Committee said Protection of the Rights to employers means that we won't get any the country's laws should guarantee Organise. "However, this will not be enough because we need the freedom of association for The country's biggest labor in excess of $75 000 so that we can be able to have the subscriptions from them, so we need to make sure workers in both the private and umbrella body was convinced that main congress, as well as the youth and women's that they are paid agreed salaries," he said. public sectors. the attitude by the inclusive The committee said the congresses running concurrently," Mutindindi said. The ZESSCWU congress has been delayed due to He said the congress will be elective one and all financial constraints. Coalition against Zanu PF still in the pipeline BY STAFF REPORTER alliance. declaration of election dates “It is a complex issue; MKD distanced itself from reports that it Makoni however said the MKD ignoring calls for delays by other prefers and there are is supporting a pact between grand coalition of moved to ease the problems by parties. many considerations to Tsvangirai and Ncube. political parties to topple ruling their candidate out saying “Our joint presentation at accommodate. Many parties had ZCTU Secretary general said it ZANU-PF in the A the decision was aimed at helping SADC summit held two weekends prepared to contest alone. I am sure was not the duty of the labour body forthcoming elections is still in facilitate a quick agreement “on a ago was very effective. The we will make it on time. I am to prescribe political alliances. the pipeline despite the filing of single presidential candidate”. response of a wide cross section of convinced that other leaders who “The ZCTU denies comments nomination papers by Welshman “I am happy to advise the nation Zimbabweans to this cooperation are genuinely committed to attributed to its President George Ncube and Dumiso Dabengwa that the national management of of the four parties has been both national interest will rise to the Nkiwane in the Southern Eye of MDC and ZAPU as sources say MKD resolved on Tuesday, June positive and reinforcing. I believe challenge. I am fully committed newspaper alledging that Nkiwane consultations are still underway. 25, 2013 not to present or field a the people are urging us to work and so is our party to back one favours a pact between Prime Mavambo Khusile Dawn presidential candidate in the together, I in turn urges leaders of candidate agreed by the grand Minister Morgan Tsvangirai and (MKD) announced that it will not forthcoming elections.We took this all political parties to agree to work coalition. We are in constant one Professor . It be fielding a candidate for the decision in order to pave way for together to find accommodation meetings,” he said. is not ZCTU's place to prescribe presidency in the forthcoming agreement on a single presidential with each other for the good of the Meanwhile MDC-T President how a pact between political parties harmonised elections to pave way candidate for all those who are country and people.,” he said. Morgan Tsvangirai who is likely to should be structured,” he said. for a single candidate. yawning for real change in the “Our party MKD has been fully lead the coalition has said his party The report said that the ZCTU MKD leader Simba Makoni national leadership at the highest ceased with the imperative of is open for the coalition. would favour becoming a deputy to said he would not be running for the level.” he said. cooperation and therefore in “There are many parties that Tsvangirai after winning the presidency as the mooted grand Makoni said the proposed preparing ourselves for the want to remove Mugabe, but the election. opposition alliance to challenge grand alliance has dominated likelihood of elections this year we most strategic thing is that it is “The report alleges that President Robert Mugabe and Zanu political talk in the country in re-affirm our commitment to put better to be united than to be nkiwane prefers a pact that will PF in the next elections appeared to recent days adding that meetings the national interest above our divided. I know there are some in displace MDC Vice President take shape. were in progress at the time of the party or individual member the MDC-T who will say, let us go it Thokozani Khupe . This is entirely Speculation has been rife over a press conference when he interests.” alone, but we do not want to lose a falsehood as we hold Khupe in possible election pact between the announced the MKD's decision. Makoni said parties need to put any vote against Zanu PF. We need high esteem and will always be MDC formations of Prime Minister The parties decided to "national interests above personal those votes hence we should unite,” behind her as she is a product of the Morgan Tsvangirai and Welshman consolidate their efforts towards a and party considerations if the he said at a rally in Matabeleland. labour movement,” he said. Ncube as well as Mavambo, Zanu joint strategy following President alliance was to yield positive Meanwhile the Zimbabwe Ndonga and Zapu, although it is not Robert Mugabe's 'unilateral' results. congress of Trade Unions has yet clear on who will lead the 2013 JULY The Worker Page 3 Clothing , Textile unions moot merger

BY STAFF REPORTER “Circumstances on the ground The three unions have now since have forced us to look for each other. agreed on a memorandum of nions in the clothing, Its either we sink and die as understanding and are set to draft a textile, leather and allied individuals or swim to safety as constitution. Uindustries are mooting a merged unions. Our industries are The general secretaries said the merger which could come to struggling and membership is issue of positions in the merger will be fruition by October this year. deteriorating drastically,” he said. dealt with by the congress. Massive job losses and the He said there was unanimity for the “We are geared for the shrinking industry as well as the merger in all the unions from the membership and the issue of positions globaly trend of unions in like membership to the leadership. is a secondary issue. The congress industry merging are among the “There is willingness from the will deal with those issues,” they said. factors pushing the unions into a leadership and membership and the AT least 27 000 jobs have been lost merger. major driving force are the challenges in the clothing and textile industry in The National Union of the that we are facing and the need to the last decade due to economic Clothing Industry (NUCI), follow global trends. Our challenges besetting the sector and the Zimbabwe Textile Workers Union international unions to which we are number of people employed by the (ZTWU) and the Zimbabwe Leather, affiliated to IMF, ICEM and ITGLFW sector had plunged to 8 000 from a Shoe and Allied Workers Union have merged to form IndustiAll and peak of 35 000 due to a host of (ZSLAWU) are spearheading the the spirit is being cascaded to all their problems including the influx of merger which is now at an advanced affiliates,” he said. cheap imports as well as working stage. ZTWU general secretary Silas capital constraints. ZTWU GENERAL SECRETARY - SILAS KUVEYA If everything goes according to Kuveya confirmed the merger saying The situation had been plan and the unions merge before previous efforts to merge with NUCI compounded by an unprecedented a duty rebate system, which would 2011 5440 tonnes of raw hide October the move might see the return failed to materialize. economic meltdown in 2008, which allow the sourcing of raw materials including crocodile skins worth $28 of ZSLAWU to the ZCTU family “We are in for the merger. Last year was characterised by foreign currency not locally produced via the million were exported and experts say since it was booted out of the labour we tried to merge with NUCI but the shortages, runaway inflation and application of user friendly if all the raw hides are transformed body in 2011. process failed but this time around it's weak local currency and the influx of modalities. into finished goods, the industry Speaking to The Worker, NUCI certain. Our industries are struggling imported products in particular cheap The leather Industry is operating at would ballon to $2.5 billion from the general secretary Joseph Tanyanyiwa and we are losing membership and the oriental clothing and textiles items. around 30 percent capacity owing to present value of $450 million. said circumstances on the ground had merger is the only way for survival,” However, government plans to put viability challenges. More hides are created a fertile ground for the merger. he said. in place measures that would establish being exported in their raw form. In Ministry fails to publish CBA 7 years on By Christopher Mahove the case was still pending. he Ministry of Labor and “We appealed to the Supreme Construction workers Court because the CBA was done Social Services has failed to Tpublish in the Government unprocedurally. They did not follow the Gazette, the Collective Bargaining proper procedure for variation of scope. Agreement (CBA) for the Education, You should also read and analyze the Scientific Social and Cultural sectors, High Court order and you will see what take over company your courts are doing,” he said.The seven years after it was registered. The failure by the Ministry to CBA, which outlines the definitions of publish the CBA is in defiance of a High welfare and educational institutions, BY DICKSON CHAERUKA resolved to operate the company much interested to strike a deal Court order of the 25th of August, which was meant to replace Statutory Instrument 192 of 1995. through a cooperative in an effort with the company owner so that compelled the Minister and the ver 20 employees Registrar of Labor to publish it within 30 ZESSCWU General Secretary, plying their trade at to remit the statutory dues as well they can be given an opportunity to days. Sylvester Mutindindi, said publication of the CBA would have effectively put a Russell Hunt as to sustain their livelihoods purchase the company. It is also in contravention of O section 80 of the Labor Act, Chapter stop to the operations of an illegal and which they said was at stake. Construction Company recently '' We have operational 28:01. unregistered NEC for the School formed a cooperative and took ''Circumstances determine challenges mainly due to the The CBA, which outlines the Development Council and Committees, decisions we take in life. We definitions of welfare and educational which is being protected by some over the company's operations hostile economic climate as well as officials in the Ministry of Labor who reached a consensus as workers to institutions, was meant to replace three years after their employer stiff competition from mush Statutory Instrument 192 of 1995. are benefiting from it. manage the company in an effort to rooming brick moulding ZESSCWU General Secretary, “We appealed to the Supreme deserted them to pursue other Court because the CBA was done make it sustainable. We tried to be companies. In our vision, we are Sylvester Mutindindi, said publication business ventures overseas, The of the CBA would have effectively put a unprocedurally. They did not follow the Worker has learnt. patient since 2010 when the owner planning to engage the owner of stop to the operations of an illegal and proper procedure for variation of scope. left but nobody knows for how unregistered NEC for the School You should also read and analyze the Russell Hunt Company which the company so that we can High Court order and you will see what long we were to grapple in abject Development Council and Committees, trades as Kenmark (Pvt) Ltd, negotiate a transaction of the which is being protected by some your courts are doing,” he said. located in the border town of poverty. Since we had all the business entity and I believe we do officials in the Ministry of Labor who He said it was surprising that some Ministry officials were using necessary tools for making the have the potential,'' he said. are benefiting from it. Mutare is a renowned construction He said it was surprising that delaying tactics to frustrate the union's firm specialising in moulding a products, we resolved to sustain The Zimbabwe Construction some Ministry officials were using efforts to give its members better ourselves through a cooperative,'' and Allied Trades Workers Union delaying tactics to frustrate the union's working conditions. variety of concrete products The Zimbabwe Congress of said the workers. efforts to give its members better including laundry tubs, flower Eastern Regional Officer, Jackson working conditions. Trade Unions (ZCTU) has also pots, air vanes and bricks. It was revealed that the Mutisi confirmed the development The Zimbabwe Congress of expressed its displeasure, saying the non company's former human resource Trade Unions (ZCTU) has also publication of the CBA was prejudicing It has since been established saying the union has been helping thousands of workers in the sector who manager identified as Richard expressed its displeasure, saying the non that the company owner, identified and closely monitoring the publication of the CBA was prejudicing stood to benefit from the negotiated as Russell Hunt left the country for Chitsa was appointed as the initiative of workers to form a thousands of workers in the sector who conditions in the agreement. ZCTU Secretary General, Japhet coordinator of the cooperative. cooperative. stood to benefit from the negotiated Australia in early 2010 to pursue conditions in the agreement. Moyo, has since written to the other business interests leaving the When contacted for an '' We found it noble for the ZCTU Secretary General, Japhet Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of interview at the company, Chitsa workers to sustain themselves by Moyo, has since written to the Labour, Lance Museka, to intervene and brick moulding firm staggered in a cause the unconditional publication of stated that they were working to Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of financial trouble. taking over management of the Labour, Lance Museka, to intervene and the CBA. The workers alleged that their bring the company's operations business rather than suffering in cause the unconditional publication of “We appeal to your office to back to the rails and their focus was the CBA. urgently intervene and comply with the employer dumped them after the the name of waiting for the court directive to publish this agreement to cover up the accumulated debts. “We appeal to your office to company had accumulated a company owner who is abroad to urgently intervene and comply with the and save the jobs of thousands of ballooning debt totalling $39 000 '' The good news is that since return. It's fortunate that the court directive to publish this agreement workers who tend to benefit from the January we have managed to cover and save the jobs of thousands of improved conditions of service in this in salary arrears, trade union dues, employer left all the necessary workers who tend to benefit from the agreement,” he said. unremitted National Employment up most of the salary arrears which tools of the trade at the improved conditions of service in this Moyo's appeals, however, seem was our first port of call and our agreement,” he said. to have landed on deaf ears as no action Council (NEC) and Pension Fund construction site and there is has been taken by the Ministry to resolve focus is now to remit all the Moyo's appeals, however, seem dues. nowhere the workers can be to have landed on deaf ears as no action the issue yet. Unremitted trade union dues of accumulated statutory dues which rendered jobless in the case. As a has been taken by the Ministry to resolve Museka could not be reached for comment as his Secretary referred us to a we can give ourselves a target of 6 union we would want to encourage the issue yet. the 26 employees to the Zimbabwe Museka could not be reached for Mrs Simango. Construction and Allied Trades months to settle them,'' he said. or facilitate for bilateral comment as his Secretary referred us to a However, a gentleman who He further stated that although negotiations with the employer so Mrs Simango. answered the phone in her office, but Workers Union (ZCATWU) had could not give his name, said the they were still faced with However, a gentleman who apparently amounted to a $9 000. that he can come out clearly answered the phone in her office, but Ministry had appealed to the Supreme The workers reported that in numerous viability challenges in whether he can transfer the could not give his name, said the Court against the High Court order and the case was still pending. January this year they finally their operations, they were very business to the employees. Ministry had appealed to the Supreme Court against the High Court order and Page 4 The Worker, JULY 2013 The

Voice of the Labour Movement Comment Bring it on....we are ready!! S the election fever grips political parties, tension is also starting to mount in all sectors of the Zimbabwean Aeconomy and l bet my bottom dollar no one political party is actually sure that they will get an outright win. But God forbid we do not want another animal called the GNU. NO! NO! We are also watching as events unfold especially the drama taking place at the Constitutional Court. But what l am urging each one of us is that let us not lose sight of the ball thina sifuna ukhetho/isu takuda sarudzo/we want elections as soon as yesterday hence my appeal to our colleagues in the political arena not to get bogged down by such processes. What we need is a strong presence with the grassroots. Let us go all out to the people on the ground for the final stretch. Visibility is everything even in those areas that have been termed no-go areas, we still need to reach out to those because we have members there. Kudos to the thousands of Zimbabweans who have turned out, and are still turning out in their thousands to register to vote and also to check the voters' roll. This is despite the long excruciating wait and sometimes being turned away for allegedly not having enough documentation, mainly lack of proof of residence. This bottleneck has been confined to urban areas and no prize for guessing why! In rural areas the chief's or headman's letter written on a piece of paper is enough to get one on the voters' roll. Not so in the urban areas the 'interrogation' by the officials is excruciating but most have persevered and have managed to register to vote. We await the Election Day with bated breath because so much From Zhimbabwe to Zimbabwe is at stake for everyone in this country. Industry is at a standstill and The new government needs ideological dynamism of Zanu we hope come post election our fortunes will change for the better s the nation gallops to address inequalities and made it appreciate that it had to for our industries as more employment is created and existing jobs towards elections, promote social services, road work with Zapu (to form Zanu- are retained. The current scenario where sometimes an entity lays off Awhich may see the end services, health, education, PF) to continue the struggle for more than 3 000 is regrettable and as we look forward to rebuilding of the 33 year reign of Zanu PF, housing and others. These need total emancipation. Zanu-PF, the labour movement's emphasis is on decent employment creation. most people are holding their to be equally distributed and under the leadership of On another note, we note with regret the increasing number of breath and bracing for a made available to everyone and President Robert Mugabe, journalists being harassed, beaten or detained by political party bruising fight in the event that every province unlike the became a dynamic movement activists during the course of their duties. Such callous behaviour is the inevitable happens. current situation where some which challenged imperialism uncalled for and we continue to preach the gospel of peace, The end of Robert Mugabe's provinces are still in Rhodesia. and decidedly reclaimed TOLERANCE, love and unity. Tolerance Comrades is what we need reign is indeed inevitable, with We now need a superhero, Zimbabwe's economic in this nation. We should accept that the next person might have cracks that were seen in the someone who can bridge the resources amidst global neo- different political views from my own and they are entitled to their 2008 election when he lost to economic divide between rich liberal, racist, and Afrophobic own beliefs and convictions. Morgan Tsvangirai now and poor, between white and condemnation of blacks The only way to decisively deal with each other is through the increasing their width. The black. A leader of the Nelson reclaiming their land. ballot box. Let the ballot box do the harassment and beating on your violent campaign which forced Mandela fabric, "too soft" and In the same vein, it is behalf. We do not need a physical confrontation so let us all choose Tsvangirai to pull out of the "too good" to the citizens without prudent for the opposition confrontation through a peaceful means the ballot box. So as Presidential rerun of June 27 considerations of tribe, region, political parties to forge a single workers we have nothing to fear. As a parting shot we say bring it on! 2008 is likely to worsen this time colour or creed. front that will dislodge Zanu PF. We have never been more ready than we are at the moment. around if Mugabe loses the This kind of leader emerged The parties need to realize that election. His hangers on would in 1980, but changed along the a fragmented force will present want him to be in power forever, way to become a monster and Zanu PF with another chance not for his own good, but for them reversed all the country gained to steal its way back to power. to protect their interests. at independence. The economy Once we have a united The security sector needs to be is in shambles, our agriculture front, it will be up to the people reformed as soon as yesterday has died a natural death and the of Zimbabwe to go out in their as the generals who have shown farmers we kicked out of the numbers and make their bold unwavering allegiance to farms are the same farmers who statement once and for all; that Mugabe are "still in the they need a leader and not liberation war mode" and a ruler who does not listen are prepared to do anything to anyone but themselves. to protect their master. If the youths of South The nation is developing Africa managed to and evolving and the confront the apartheid The COMMENT generals need to be regime on June 16, 1976, reminded that their without any weapons, and allegiance should be to the are now feeding us from send their message The Worker is published by the nation of Zimbabwe not to a neighbouring countries. across to the authorities, surely Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions single individual and that the will The majority of Zimbabweans can be able to 9th Floor, Chester House, 88 Speke Ave of the people should be Zimbabweans are suffering and also stand up and rise against P.O Box 3549, Harare respected. dying in our hospitals while the the autocracy of our current For them no one fits into affluent ones are seeking leaders. TEL/FAX 04-702474/705602 Mugabe's shoes, but it's high We do not need weapons to medical treatment in foreign time the country gets new fresh countries using taxpayers' dislodge an unpopular regime minds to rid it of 33 years of money, the majority of poor that is abusing state resources mixed political and economic people is dying because they to maintain its grip on power. All EDITORIAL STAFF dispositions. The country now have no access to the expensive that Zimbabweans need to do is go out in their numbers and Last Tarabuku needs a leader with some sort of medication, are dropping out of supernatural spell on the nation, school because they cannot exercise their democratic right [email protected] one who is capable of bringing to choose a leader of their Khumbulani Ndlovu afford the taxing fees charged by together an otherwise divided tertiary institutions. They cannot choice. [email protected] society. The leader must qualify for national scholarships Our strength is in numbers confront the challenges such as and bursaries because they do and the more votes the people CORRESPONDENTS corruption, forge reconciliation not have the correct political will cast, the more difficult it will and sort out differences, orientation and ideology. be for the regime to suppress Admore Marambanyika whatever they might be, and the will of the people through Dickson Chaeruka Zanu PF has resisted the forge economic development political dynamism and has rigging. and eliminate inefficiencies, entrenched itself in the guerilla share national resources equally war mode and failed to realise for the benefit of the nation. that the turf has changed. The 2013 JULY , THE WORKER PAGE 5 FFAWUZ benefits from 3F support

can be able to stand up to your BY CHRISTOPHER MAHOVE degreed Human Resources Manager because we offer typical practical he Food Federation and education that equips you with the Allied Unions of Zimbabwe necessary skills,” she said. T(FFAWUZ), in partnership She urged the shop-stewards to with the Danish Trade Union continue to mobilize workers in the Federation (3F), last month trained sectors that were not affiliated to 32 shop-stewards from across its FFAWUZ to join the union as they member sectors in Harare and a needed to have the majority of sectors further 20 from Proton Bakers in in order for the federation to be Marondera. strong. The training was aimed at “Those sectors who are not in equipping members with basic shop- FFAWUZ must join because workers' stewards skills, including grievance strength is in numbers, therefore, we handling and health and safety. Those need those 10 to be with us,” she said. who successfully went through the FFAWUZ National Organiser, ten stage module are set to be trained Runesu Dzimiri, told the shop- as educators. stewards to spread the information on Speaking at the Harare workers' rights to their colleagues at workshop, held at the NEC offices, plant level to ensure everyone was ZCTU Head of Education and empowered. Training, Miriam Chikamba, said it “Employers take advantage of Participants at the FFAWUZ/3F workshop was the labor body's policy to the employees' ignorance of their own encourage workers to study and rights to abuse them and get them to to frustrate workers. Meanwhile, 3F Program “The manual being used to standardize their education in order to work in deplorable conditions. There “Divide and rule tactics as well Advisor, Tobias Bavnsgaard, said train the shop-stewards is a concrete match employer representatives at all are various challenges related to as casualisation of labour are still since its inception in 2011, the project result of collaboration as it was co- levels. health and safety which have seen being used by indigenous employers had reaped significant benefits for the written and funded by 3F,” he said. “We cannot go anywhere workers being injured at the today to trample on workers' rights. union. Bavnsgaard said 3F was without education because workplace,” he said. We hear a lot of stories where those “We have had a membership pumping in about US$1.65 million to employers hire well educated people Gift Mawoneke, in his who join trade unions are victimized increment of more than 10 percent, trade unions in Zimbabwe, including to contest with you in disputes and we presentation at Proton Bakers, said while some workers' committees and and to us that is a significant change. support to GAPWUZ, ZCTWU, have to match them. Once you are most employers had inherited the old trade union representatives are It is the most important step towards ZTWU and CLAWUZ,” he said. educated on a forum like this one, you tactics used by the settler employers bribed,” he said. self sustainability for the union. 2013 ALEN Programme Employer disowns NEC shopstewards training begins BY DICKSON CHAERUKA builders and general hands mostly Mutisi revealed that the case was referred BY STAFF REPORTER ver 300 workers at Nyangani employed from the surrounding for arbitration after they failed to reach a Renewable Energy communities, cry foul that their he Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) education settlement before conciliation held department has commenced shop-steward training for the Oconstruction site are up in employer's action was a deliberate ploy to recently. Tsecond cluster of unions in the Africa Labour Educators arms against their employer for exploit them for cheap labour. Before the conciliator, the employer Network (ALEN) Programme. refusing to register with the National They argued that their lines of duty argued that they were not legible to The cluster comprises the Cement, Lime and Allied Workers Union of Employment Council for the composed of building canals, bunkers Zimbabwe (CLAWUZ), the Zimbabwe Construction and Allied Trades subscribe to the construction minimums Workers Union (ZCATWU), Zimbabwe Chemicals, Plastics and Allied Construction Sector (NECCS) which and construction of a dam unequivocally since they had already registered with the Workers Union, National Energy Workers Union of Zimbabwe (NEWUZ) resulted in accumulated wage short fall under the construction industry and NEC for the Energy Sector and also that, and the Zimbabwe Chamber of Informal Economies Association (ZCIEA). falls exceeding half a million dollars they were entitled to be paid as stipulated they had agreed with the workers as well The shop-steward training will see cadres from the cluster receiving amongst a host of other unfair labour by the industry's Collective Bargaining training in all regions. as their village headmen on the payment The objective of the project is to develop trade union educators who will be practices they have been subjected to. Agreement (CBA). they have been effecting for the past three point persons in their sectors. It involves training and development of skills in Nyangani Renewable Energy is a project The workers revealed that efforts to years. educators and shop-stewards. started in 2011 facilitating the compel their employer to subscribe to the The ZCATWU Regional Officer reported It is aimed at building strong, vibrant and sustainable unions with construction of a hydro-power station CBA were fruitless and they were competent members who participate in all activities at the workplace and the that the union established that the society defending and advancing workers rights and interests. along Pungwe River with a plan to supply languishing in abject poverty which employer had never registered with the The current group will graduate together with the second group later this the resort community of Nyanga with forced them to report the matter to their energy sector adding that bargaining on year. The shopstewards will be issued with certificates of participation and or electricity by the end of this year, union- the Zimbabwe Construction and workers salaries with village heads was a competence. Shop-stewards will be presented with certificates of apparently also with a target to supply Allied Trades Workers Union participation while educators will receive certificates of competence. legal nullity. ALEN project coordinator Miriam Chikamba who is also the ZCTU head power to the whole of Manicaland by (ZCATWU). ''It is common knowledge that where there of Education and Training said outstanding shop-stewards would go further 2016. The ZCATWU Eastern Regional Officer, is a relationship between an employer and to train as educators. It has been established that the employer Jackson Mutisi confirmed the case saying an employee it is the Labour Act which “We will assess their participation and commitment and those who will be was blatantly refusing to register and the union was taking the employer to the performing well will get further training to be educators,” she said. takes reign. Moreover we have only one Chikamba said there was potential to change the image of the unions if subscribe to the NEC of the construction Ministry of Labour for breaching fair NEC in the industry with one national shop-stewards are utilised. industry since the project commenced labour standards stipulated by the payment plan and thus accordingly no any The first training targeted unions in the food cluster and included the three years ago despite ample evidence country's Labour Act. other agreement should be effected General Agriculture and Plantation Workers Union, Zimbabwe Catering and that activities at the construction site fall '' As is stipulated by the industry's Hotel Workers Union, Federation of Food and Allied Workers Union, otherwise it would be a duplication of Zimbabwe Tobacco Industrial Workers Union and the Zimbabwe Domestics under the stipulated construction industry statutory instrument 244 of 1999 their law,'' he said. and Allied Workers Union. lines of duty. operations falls under the industry of our He further confirmed that the case is yet to It was reported that the employer turned undertaking and the workers are entitled go for Arbitration in the coming months. down several letters directed by the to be rewarded according to the industry's NECCSI Designated Agent (D.A) for CBA,'' he said. Manicaland which compelled them to Mutisi confirmed that the employer was subscribe to the National Employment heavily underpaying the workers since Council. the project started in 2011. He revealed ''You are hereby advised to register with that the employer was paying a measly $4 our NEC since evidence has been a day which amounted to a paltry $83 obtained confirming that you are every month instead of paying workers currently working and employing labour according to the industry's CBA which on work falling within the definition of stipulated a total payment of $280 each Construction Industry S.I 244 of 1999 as month. amended by S.I 72 of 2001,'' read one of The workers were owed an accumulated the letters send by the (D.A). amount of over $500 000 in wages short The workers, who are comprised of falls from November 2011 up to date. Page 6 The Worker, JULY 2013 ZCTU POSITION ON ELECTIONS: 2013

(ZCTU) INTRODUCTION THE trade union movement in Zimbabwe has been playing a critical role in the struggle for democracy in both the pre-independence and post-independence era. Many nationalist leaders in pre-independence started off as active trade unionists and then politicians. In post independence Zimbabwe, the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) was at the fore front of championing democracy and multi-party dispensation when the then ruling party was toying with the idea of a one party state in the late eighties. More recently, the labour movement was at the forefront of the creation of a viable national alternative opposition party, thereby nurturing Zimbabwe's multiparty democracy. Following disputed elections of 2008, the then opposition party, the MDC-T, after signing the Global Political Agreement (GPA) became part of the ruling elite. One of the most important rallying points during the struggle for independence, besides the land, was for the "universal adult franchise" or "one man one vote". Thirty years after Independence, that rallying point of "one man one vote" has been seriously undermined as Zimbabwe has failed to deliver a free and fair election. It is clear that free, fair and transparent elections are a necessary prerequisite for democracy. Elections enable citizens to elect their representatives that govern them on their behalf. Regular free and fair elections give both internal and domestic legitimacy to an elected government. A flawed election can cause political instability. One of the deliverables of the GPA is the New Constitution that would lead to elections. The partners in Government, that is the Zanu PF and the two MDCs have agreed on a Constitution that would be taken to a referendum and then an election thereafter. The ZCTU also believes that the current dysfunctional Government of National Unity can only be ended through an election. But the election process has to meet minimum standards for it to be credible. The ZCTU will not accept a flawed election. would be addressed; Registrar-General's Office and taken over by the ZEC. II. THE GLOBAL POLITICAL AGREEMENT (GPA) ? Establish impartial, all-inclusive, competent and The Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions believes that the full accountable national electoral bodies staffed by qualified personnel, (viii). Ballot Papers: implementation of the Global Political Agreement is the key to holding as well as competent legal entities including effective constitutional To avoid speculation of cheating, ZEC must promptly free and fair elections. The ZCTU notes with concern that there has courts to arbitrate in the event of disputes arising from the conduct of disclose the number of ballot papers printed for an election and been piece-meal implementation of agreed positions on the GPA and elections; to disclose other such information, for example the number of some remain unimplemented. These include the land audit; national ? Safeguard the human and civil liberties of all citizens ballot-boxes issued to each polling station. healing and reconciliation; the rule of law; freedom of expression, including the freedom of movement, assembly, association, communication, assembly and association; free political activity, the expression, and campaigning as well as access to the media on the part (ix). Counting and Tabulation of Results: role of traditional leaders, security of persons and prevention of of all stakeholders, during electoral processes; Counting and tabulation of results must be properly done violence; legislative reforms(POSA and AIPPA remain) and non ? Take all necessary measures and precautions to prevent the within the provisions of the Electoral Act. The counting and partisan humanitarian food assistance. The GPA was signed after the perpetration of fraud, rigging or any other illegal practices throughout collation processes should be done in the presence of candidates parties recognized and accepted to "build a society free of violence, the whole electoral process, in order to maintain peace and security; or their polling agents. After counting of the votes and posting fear, intimidation, hatred, patronage, corruption and founded on ? Ensure the availability of adequate logistics and resources of results outside polling stations, results must be sent to the justice, fairness, openness, transparency, dignity and equality". for carrying out democratic elections; Ward Collation Centre where they are collated and verified. The The parties also claimed that justice, fairness, openness, ? Ensure that adequate security is provided to all parties ZCTU still believes that collated results should be posted tolerance, equality, non discrimination and respect of all persons participating in elections; outside the Ward Centers. These results should be immediately without regard to race, race class, gender, ethnicity, language, religion, ? Ensure the transparency and integrity of the entire electoral transmitted to the constituency elections officer for collation political opinion, place of origin or birth are the bedrock of good process by facilitating the deployment of representatives of political and verification who will declare the results and post them governance. parties and individual candidates at polling and counting stations and outside the Constituency Collation Centre. It is in this spirit that the ZCTU calls for the full implementation by accrediting national and/other observers/monitors; of the provisions of the GPA if there is going to be a free and fair ? Encourage the participation of women, disabled and youth These processes must be done efficiently and election. in all aspects of the electoral process in accordance with the national expeditiously after polling has taken place with no laws; unreasonable delay in announcing the results. Any recounts of III. INTERNATIONAL INSTRUMENTS ON votes should only take place after the announcement of the ELECTIONS IV. ESSENTIAL PREREQISITIES results. Elections can only be free and fair in an environment of respect of Besides the above important instruments whose contents human life and dignity. There are various instruments that have specific Zimbabwe has to follow, there are certain prerequisites that have to be (x). Observers: sections on elections and Zimbabwe has to respect them. The ZCTU followed if we are to have a free and undisputed election Observation of elections is an important aspect of the will encourage workers to go and vote in both the referendum and electoral process as it lends credibility to the process. Local and national elections if the following International Instruments are (i).The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC): international observers should be free to observe all elections. followed: There is need for a strong, independent ZEC managed by non This should not only be on the day of elections, but they should ? The United Nations Universal Declaration of Rights: Article partisan management staff. ZEC staff must be impartial in the be free to observe during the lead up period to the referendum 21: "Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his performance of their duties. There is belief that ZEC has been and elections. They should be free to observe the voting process country, directly or through freely chosen representatives." politicized and militarized and that the senior managers are politically and the collation and announcement of results and the period ? The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights biased. These must be replaced. following the announcement of results. The accreditation of (ICCPR): article 25: "Every citizen shall have the right and opportunity, observers should fall under the management and control of ….and without unreasonable restrictions a) to take part in the conduct (ii).Overhaul of draconian laws: ZEC. There is also need to remove veto power of Justice and of public affairs, directly or through freely chosen representatives; b)to There is still great concern that we are going into an election Foreign Ministers to exclude persons or organizations vote and be elected at genuine periodic elections which shall be by with laws such as POSA and AIPPA which curtail freedom of government does not want to observe elections. universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by a secret ballot, assembly, association, speech and media freedom in our statutes guaranteeing the freedom of expression of will of electors" books. There is still time for them to be worked upon in order to have (xi). Media Coverage ? The African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights free and fair elections. The public media in Zimbabwe continues to unashamedly emphasizes on the right to participate in accordance with the provision parrot one party stance. Both the print and electronic media of the laws (iii). Environment of violence: must be opened up to all political parties. In particular, the ZBC ? The AU has also declarations on the principles governing There must be zero tolerance to violence, intimidation and should also be transformed from a highly partisan broadcaster democratic elections harassment of opponents and subsequently no presidential amnesties into a genuinely public broadcaster that will cover elections on a ? The African Unions' New Partnership for Africa' for perpetrators of violence after elections so as to discourage fair and balanced basis. Development stresses the need for free and fair elections impunity. The ZCTU notes that at its 8th ordinary session of the AU held in The police must be non-partisan in the enforcement of the law. (xii). The security forces: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on 30 July 2007, African governments The security forces must be as impartial as possible. committed themselves to: (iv). Freedom to campaign: Members of the security forces must stay away from political ? Establish and strengthen independent and impartial national Political parties must campaign freely and voters must freely parties' campaign and must desist from uttering words that may electoral bodies responsible for the management of elections. express their electoral choices without intimidation and reprisals. The be deemed to intimidate or supportive of other political parties. ? Establish and strengthen national mechanisms that redress situation where some areas are called "No go" areas must be stopped. In fact such officers must be summarily be dismissed and election related disputes in a timely manner. disciplinary action taken against them. On the day of elections, ? Ensure fair and equitable access by contesting parties and (v). Party Election Agents: the police must not be deployed inside polling stations as this candidates to state controlled media during elections. During the 2008 elections, there was a lot of violence would intimidate voters. Voters in need of assistance should be ? Ensure that there is a binding code of conduct governing perpetrated on party election agents. The State has an obligation to helped by a relative or friend. Police officers should not be legally recognized political stakeholders, government and other protect everyone and this must be seen to be done. present. political actors prior, during and after elections. The code shall include a commitment by political stakeholders to accept the results of the (vi). Electoral Roll: Over the past years, there has been militarization of election or challenge them in through exclusively legal channels No credible elections can take place with a voters' roll in tatters. civilian institutions, including the then Zimbabwe Election The current voters' roll is inaccurate and distorted and it needs Commission. This has to be stopped if Zimbabwe is to have a These are minimum standards set by the AU and our government complete overhaul before the elections. There are reports of duplicate free and fair election. needs to make sure that they are adhered to during the coming elections. entries, voters enrolled in wrong constituencies, eligible voters being More importantly, the SADC principles and Guidelines left off, and, dead persons. The roll must also be available free of (xiii). Voter information and voter education: Governing Democratic Elections were agreed upon at the Grand Baie charge to polling agents, observers and political parties. The public has the right to all information on the voting Mauritius Summit, 16 – 17 August 2004 whose key provisions include process. This include registration and place of voting. Civic to: (vii). Voter Registration: organizations must be allowed to circulate information to the ? Establish where none exist, appropriate institutions where The process should be moved with speed and transparency. public to help members of the public to make informed issues such as codes of conduct, citizenship, residency, age There are reports of people who are frustrated whenever they want to decisions. Ideally, all material must be printed in all official requirements for eligible voters and compilation of voters' registers, register. Ideally, voter registration should be removed from the local languages. 2013 JULY The Worker Page 7 Parties lure civil servants' vote a rough guideline to adjust salaries in the civil service to bring them into line with olitical parties ambitious to form market conditions. This exercise will be the next government are conducted annually.” stampeding for the civil servants' Under its wages and salaries policy, the P MDC-T said it would deal broadly with the vote promising to improve their remuneration and conditions of service. matter across all sectors of the economy, The civil service which is currently the working through the system of employment major employer in the formal economy with councils. close to 500 000 workers is regarded as the It said there shall be fixed minimum wages key to a victory by all the parties for each sector that shall be observed by all The bulk of the 200 000 civil service employers. earns salaries below the poverty datum line The party said it was also concerned estimated at close to $600 per month. In with the huge gap in salaries between the January this year, civil servants got a salary shopfloor workers and senior managers. adjustment of 5,5% . The situation is more It is understood that some executives in dire to uniformed forces who are adjusting the private sector earn about $20 000 a to inadequate or worn out uniforms as month while the least paid worker gets as government fails to provide them. little as $200. The MDC-T proposed to increase civil To address the disparity, the MDC-T servants' salaries to match their counterparts proposed that all companies should disclose in the private sector in an effort to retain the salaries and working conditions of senior management and report these to the ZANU-PF LEADER- ROBERT MUGABE qualified personnel once it takes full control MDC-T LEADER- MORGAN TSVANGIRAI of the levers of power in government. National Statistical Services on an annual In its policy document titled The basis. Agenda for Real Transformation, the party It has noe become a cliché at session. know your problems, not some of the said it would go beyond harmonizing Tsvangirai's rallies that the 'MDC-T has not Mugabe pleaded with the civil servants Cabinet ministers in the inclusive labour policies and look into the forgotten workers, and that the party especially teachers to rally behind his party and government,” said Mugabe. remuneration policies for the civil service. needed “strong and robust trade unions able promised to reward them duly. He also promised to improve the “The fundamental principle to be to articulate the worker's position with a “I know that we have not paid the teachers educational infrastructure in schools for followed is that civil servants should be able strong voice that cannot be ignored by well because we did not have the budget. We their benefit. to earn salaries that compete with those in government instead of expecting to be also had problems with the two-headed creature “Schoolchildren, we have not forgotten the private sector, taking into account the pampered by government”. of the inclusive government with some of the you, once we win the elections, we are going difference in operating conditions in the two President Robert Mugabe last month ministers who did not believe in rewarding the to improve your learning facilities too,” said sectors,” read part of the policy document. promised to increase civil servants' salaries teachers. I want to assure you that if you vote Mugabe. “To achieve this, the State will facilitate in the event that they vote for him and Zanu for us and we win the elections things are going The MDC formations have also a national survey of working conditions for PF in the forthcoming harmonised elections to be better for you as we shall improve your indicated that they will also improve all employees in all sectors and then employ at the launch of 21st Junior Parliamentary salaries. I have a background in teaching and I conditions in the civil service. Concern over security of Civil servants to contest elections BY STAFF REPORTER parliamentary elections, a member he or she ceased to be member,” journalists ahead of polls reads the circular. HE Public Service would be deemed to have resigned from the service with effect from the It also states that those seeking he International “ZUJ would like to strongly Commission (PSC) has date of acceptance of his or her election to Parliament have 90 days Federation of Journalists condemn the continued harassment given civil servants nomination by the Nomination within which they can re-apply to (IFJ) has expressed T T of journalists by political parties, interested in contesting the Court. rejoin the public service. serious concerns on the security party activists, state and non state forthcoming elections the green- However, civil servants have a The guidelines also regards the of journalists in Zimbabwe ahead actors and takes this opportunity to right to re-apply to the Commission period between the date of ceasing of the forthcoming harmonised urge party leaders to urge their light to proceed while setting aside within a period ranging between 30 to be a member and assuming duty elections. supporters and followers to desist a provision for them to re-apply and 90 days after the elections. after re-appointment as leave The Zimbabwe Union of from attacking journalists and for their jobs in the event that they The circular reads that for without pay. Journalists (ZUJ), an IFJ affiliate media workers. What happened at members seeking election in local Some civil servants expressed has documented several cases of lose the polls. Zanu PF was unacceptable. Attacks A circular released by the Public authority, there is an allowance of 30 enthusiasm in taking part in the attacks against journalists and press against journalists and media days to which they could re-apply forthcoming elections but expressed freedom. Service Ministry to all Government workers have reached epidemic departments stated that civil for re-instatement. concern over getting their jobs back “We call on authorities in levels and we call on political party “If a member abandons his as well as the little time left before Zimbabwe to protect journalists and servants would be allowed to leaders to publicly denounce contest in the forthcoming elections. candidature or fails to be elected, the the polls. Among the civil servants promote press freedom as violence against journalists and member should apply to the vying for positions are Oliver guaranteed by the country's According to the circular, a civil media workers. The same has servant is deemed to have resigned Commission 30 days after the Mandipaka a police assistant Constitution IFJ Africa Director. happened at the MDCT offices at election for re-instatement. The commissioner in the Buhera west “Journalists must not be sacrificed from the public service on the date Harvest House. We may have to of being given permission to run for Commission may re-appoint him constituency. by political groups during the consider safety mechanisms which subject to the terms and conditions upcoming polls,” said Gabriel public office by the PSC. may include boycotting dangerous It says that for participation in as fixed by the Commission to any Baglo. working environments,” said ZUJ post or office with effect from date These elections are crucial for Secretary General, Foster Dongozi. the country's stability and are due to Journalists who were detained at take place on July 31, though the the ZANU PF headquarters were opposition wants them in August. Wonai Masvingise, Cynthia No vote, no sex - Misihairambwi The IFJ believes that all the Matonhodze- NewsDay, Peter DETE- MDC secretary general and cabinet minister Priscilla motives of these attacks are political Matambanadzo and Innocent Misihairabwi-Mushonga has urged women to deny their and closely related to the upcoming Makawa - The Herald, Wendy elections. husbands conjugal rights unless they register to vote and cast Muperi-The Daily News their ballot in the next election in an effort to increase the “These attacks must be On 7 May 2013 Dumisani investigated and their perpetrators number of voters. Muleya, editor of the Zimbabwe Priscilla Misihairabwi-Mushonga told a party rally in Cross Dete: brought to court”, Baglo added. Independent and reporter Owen Some of the journalists told ZUJ Gagare were arrested and charged "Our husbands have failed to play their role. Now it is up to us Secretary General, Foster Dongozi, with publishing falsehoods. They women to take it upon ourselves to change the political status quo in that they were detained by people were released from police custody the country. "If your husband has not yet gone to register to vote believed to be Zanu PF security but rejected the charges against then you must deny him his conjugal rights. If he does not have a officers and members of the police. them. registration slip to show that he has registered then do not give in." Initially they were made to delete This was followed in June by the Encouraged by strong applause from the crowd, she went on to pictures that had been recorded and brief detention of journalist claim that women were the hardest hit by the country's financial had their details taken down while Mashudu Netsianda, reporter for turmoil. being subjected to harassment in the state-owned Chronicle, and the "Women are forced to buy second-hand undergarments because of which they were called 'sell outs'. attack against journalists Herbert They were only released upon the financial meltdown in the country caused by [ruling party] Zanu Moyo, and Bernard Mapwanyire. PF. What kind of a country is that?" she asked. the arrival of some senior party and On June 14, non identified men government officials. abducted Paul Pindani, a freelance He calls come amid concerted efforts by forces opposed to Zanu PF In its statement ZUJ condemned journalist. The freelance journalist's try all means to oust the party from government. the harassment of journalists by attackers were wearing masks when PRISCILLA MISIHAIRAMBWI political activists. they were committing the assault. Page 8 The Worker,JULY 2013 Guard wins case after refusing to continuously renew contract By Staff Reporter hence it was irregular for it to arbitral award was incomplete reinstatement and if the parties the Labour Act which outlaws deem that Shombe had dismissed failed to agree on the quantum casualisation of labour. MUTARE THE Labour Court because it did not quantify himself by not renewing the then the parties had to approach “The court is therefore satisfied has ordered Guard Alert to damages in lieu of reinstatement. contract of employment and him for quantification,” reads that there is no merit on the reinstate a security guard it had On the other hand Shombe ordered his reinstatement without Labour Court President Betty ground of appeal about dismissed for refusing to maintained that the arbitrator loss salary or benefits. Chidziva's ruling. casualisation of labour. It should continuously renew his contract correctly found that Guard Alert The Labour Court quashed The court noted that the accordingly fail,' she said. of employment from 2006 t0 had casualised labour. Guard Alert's arguments the arguments about the contract and Shome was represented by 2006 claiming that he was now a “To that extent his award was in arbitrator had erred in failing to casual worker relationship which Justin Muonda of the Zimbabwe permanent employee. order. It need not have sounded appreciate that Shombe had were advanced by Guard Alert Security Guards Union. This came after the Labour in figures since it had stated that repudiated his contract when he were not persuasive at all when Court upheld an arbitral award in parties had to agree on the refused to renew and also that the viewed against Section 12 (3) of favour of the employee which quantum of damages of the security company had appealed against. The security guard Farai Shombe was called by the employer to renew his contract in Windfall for security guards 2012 and he queried the renewal BY Staff Reporter month and the company was later works council was supposed to be this agreement was supposed to be and did not sign the renewal and Thirty Five security guards have moved to the commercial sector registered with the National referred to the NEC for approval. It was dismissed. been awarded $80000.00 in which has 208 working hour per Employment Council, the issue was was not referred. I accept the “Appellant advised him that unpaid overtime by an arbitrator month. not prescribed since it was argument that employees cannot hence there was no employer- and their employer was also The employer was refusing to continuing,” reads their submissions. bargain away more favourable employee relationship since he ordered to pay them within 30 pay for the shortfall and a grievance The arbitrator M Dangarembizi noted contained in the CBA without the had refused to renew the contract days. ensued which the arbitrator had that the dispute was continuing. approval of the NEC ,” he said. it meant that he had dismissed The guards had their contracts of determine whether or not there was “I accept the argument by the He added that the parties were non payment of overtime. himself hence there was nomore employment terminated when they claimants that the dispute continuing not in disagreement as to whether The security company submitted because documents of overtime employer-employee relationship had not been paid their outstanding there was overtime and since the overtime and the employer that the workers did not complain claims were submitted up to the time works council agreement was not between them. Aggrieved by the Enterprise Dog Handler Unit was about the overtime during their tenure of termination of their contracts. A approved by the NEC it was invalid termination of his employment, adamant to pay arguing that they had of employment because they knew perusal of the documents filed on and the workers are entitled to the Respondent approached the agreed that the employees would not there was an agreement a works record indicate that a memorandum of overtime. labour offices and the matter be overtime at works council. council. agreement was reached. This The employer also argued that ended up at arbitration,” reads The security company argued However, the claimants document in my view does not state the claim was a case of sour grapes. part of the ruling. that since the guards were operating managed to prove that the issue was that the employees will not be paid The workers were represented The arbitrator held that Guard in farms they had to remunerated with still under discussion with their overtime. Even if that was the by Ratidzo Gasva of the Zimbabwe management. Alert had casualised labour the rates of the agricultural sector in understanding at works council, I Security Guards Union. which they worked for 299 hours per “The agreement reached at accept the claimants' argument that Shoppa Stoppa to Duo awarded pay supervisor BY STAFF REPORTER $19 000 damages local supermarket has been ordered by an arbitrator to pay its supervisor Stanford Mhuriro his outstanding salaries after BY STAFF REPORTER practice being perpetrated by months notice to pay off its $125 Athe expiry of three month exemption agreement which the Respondent,” reads part of their 000.00 debt. company had penned with its employees. or summarily dismissing submissions. “In order to raise those funds it Shoppa Stoppa supermarket had placed its employees on half salaries two employees Arena They added that by failing to was resolved that drastic measures from 6 September 2011 to 6 December 2011 as measures to avoid closing travel will fork out follow laid down procedures in were required, terminating F terminating their contracts, the down and retrenchment but continued to pay the half salaries well after the $19000.00 in damages in lieu of employment contracts being one of exemption period had lapsed. reinstatement as awarded by an employer had acted illegally and them to salvage the licence. The Complainant (Mhuriro) challenged the Respondent to produce a arbitrator. their dismissal was unlawful. Concerned employees were called written exemption from the National Employment Council (NEC) for the The travel company placed the The employer on the other hand for a meeting and their employment commercial sector but the employer has not done so up to now. two employees Martha Wanzai a submitted that he acted in that contracts were terminated,” reads the Mhuriro reported the matter to his union and conciliatory efforts failed to travel consultant and Svitsai Gonese manner to salvage the company from submissions. yield the desired result and the matter was then referred for arbitration. a marketing officer on three months closing down as it was technically The employer said he did not owe In his submissions before the arbitrator mhuriro said: “ The Respondent unpaid leave in February and insolvent and had consulted the the employees anything since the misled the ComplainantWinner together of the with day other T. Kemployees Rundodza to believe receives that they thereafter served them with letters employees. business had lost its licence and was had thea authorityDSTV decorder, and permission the of1st the prize NEC for in implementing the ZCTU theNER short raffle terminating their contracts of “After various meetings to doomed to close. working hours hence the arrangements became void in terms of the employment March and April this salvage the situation it was resolved However the arbitrator noted that Collective Bargaining Agreement. The complainat was paid for two weeks year respectively. to hire a marketing officer (Gonese) despite the good grounds of and not paid for the other two weeks despite willing to report for duty. The two employees submitted to boost sales volumes. The hiring of operational difficulties and Respondent could have used section 12D of the Labour Act to implement that the position taken by the the marketing officer did not yield provisions within the law to these measures but he chose to disregard them”. employer was in direct violation of desired results but instead added terminate contracts of employment The exemption was effected after a works council meeting and the labour laws which compel the costs to the company. The company in certain circumstances the employer said it was not necessary to engage the employees on the period in employer to follow proper channels borrowed $80 000.00 from a bank on employer acted illegally. question as it was provided for in Subsection 2 of Section 12D OF THE in terminating an employee's a credit revolving facility to bridge “Since the Respondent failed to Labour Act which allows short time work period to go for a maximum of 12 contract of employment. the mismatch between income flows follow laid down procedures in months. “Section 12D of the Labour Act and its expenses. A meeting was held implementing measures to avoid where it was agreed to send staff on However, the arbitrator noted that the supermarket had erred in failing to calls for the implementation of retrenchment there is no way he unpaid leave with one-on-one could b allowed to benefit from his seek consensus with the employees because the period had been fixed and special measures to avoid st time specific. retrenchment whereupon an meetings held on 1 February with all own mistakes. He should pay the the staff and the fist group was sent “I believe Respondent misdirected themselves in extending the period agreement between the employer and wages and benefits which on unpaid leave,” reads the without consultation. Though short time has a maximum period of 12 the employees in terms of Section Complainants were supposed to get submissions. months, if the parties agree for a lesser period, any extension will have to 25A of the Act and said legislation had he not sent them on unprocedural The company said it lost its come through consultation. Therefore respondent is liable for December also prohibits the employer from leave,” said R E Nhiwatiwa in his operating licence after failing to pay 2011 and January 2012 which after the said agreement,” reads R. E paying employees not less than 50 award. percent of their monthly wage. The for International Air Travel He noted that reinstatement was Nhiwatiwa's award. Association on time and could not Mhuriro was represented by Jokoniah Mawopa of the Commercial act of sending Complainants on no longer possible. unpaid leave is an unfair labour conduct its core business of issuing Workers Union of Zimbabwe. tickets and was also given three 2013 JULY The Worker Page 9 NUMAIZ ready to roll

he National Union of the Metal and Allied growing towards becoming one of the biggest unions. We have since centralised our operations and have already Industries in Zimbabwe is ready to roar as it nominated our representatives to all ZCTU structures. Our Tseeks to stamp its dominance in the industry registration with the Ministry of Labour and Social Services is with a massive membership recruitment and now at an advanced stage,” he said. He added that the union was preparing notices to inform its servicing programme. partners, National Employment Councils (NEC's) and Union general secretary Henry Tarumbira said the union ZCTU of the merger and to reaffirm that the union will had come up with a work-plan and has since engaged four continue to be an affiliate ZCTU. regional organisers with a view to recruit more. “We reaffirmed our position that we will remain an affiliate of The union has held its leadership meeting and orientation the ZCTU and have also applied for affiliation to international in which it ironed out its administration systems setup and trade union bodies such as Industri All and other metal unions. proposed for the appointment of a moderator from the Tarumbira said NUMAIZ had not closed the door to other Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions in compliance with metal unions which might want to join the union. their memorandum of agreement. “We are very open and willing to accommodate other metal “ We have started work and we are already implementing unions. We will not close the door on anyone especially to our congress resolutions with particular emphasis on affiliates of the ZCTU. This is line with section 38 of the gender mainstreaming in all union structures, programmes NUMAIZ constitution,” he said. and activities. We will ensure a quarter system for women He said the new leadership will fight splinterism within the in all union structures and we are starting with the metal industry with special reference to the Automotive and branches which will be constituted this month. The other Allied Workers Union of Zimbabwe (AAWUZ) Harare areas which we will focus on will be occupational health branch which threw spanners into the registration process of and safety, information and communications and shop- the Zimbabwe Metal and Allied Workers Union. steward development,” he said. “The Automotive Harare branch has been giving problems to Tarumbira said the union business had started on a good the then ZMEAWU and we are aware that they could be out to note and was expecting that the union grows in the near disrupt our operations. We already have strategies in place to future with a massive membership recruitment plan in the neutralise them,” he said. pipeline. 'We are looking at more than 20000 members and we are NUMAIZ General Secretary -Henry Tarumbira DW still under Supreme Court shatters A first for Zim mine workers’ hopes bank managers provisional judicial By Christopher Mahove BY STAFF REPORTER “The company wrote to the pension ank managers have fund confirming that we were indeed BINDURA - The Supreme Court registered their own trade management has shattered the hope 150 retrenched and we accessed our Ashanti Mine workers' hopes of benefits but later changed goal posts Bunion, the Banking and and appealed to the highest court,” issued share capital voted for getting their retrenchment Finance Managers Union of BY STAFF REPORTER packages after ruling in favour of said Hasidi. final judicial management. The Zimbabwe (BAFMUZ), the first the employer. The affected workers said the HE Supreme Court has firm was, for the second time, company was out to fix them over workers union organization for reserved a judgement In its judgment of case number placed under judicial 82/2011 delivered last month, it other issues and was using police managerial employees in in the case in which T management in December quashed previous Labour Court details to harass and arrest them time Zimbabwe. David Whitehead judicial 2010, having gone through the rulings which had, instructed the and again. “We have not known peace since Speaking at the launch of the union manager Winsley Militala same reconstruction between mine to retrench the employees. we clashed with management over in Harare last week, the Interim was challenging the 2005 and 2008 under Dr Cecil The workers clashed with their other issues that arose after Ashanti President, Philip Matambo, in a speech appointment of Knowledge Madondo of Tudor House employer in July 2007 and an agreement was reached that the bought gold claims from Fredda Hofisi as the final judicial Consultancy. read on his behalf by the Interim Vice employees would be retrenched with Rebecca Mine, our previous manager by the majority of In his report Militala said various employer. Fredda had sold company President, Tonderai Chinyati, said the the company's creditors and the approval of the retrenchment capital-raising initiatives were board. The mine only reneged on its houses to us as employees and had union was born out of the realization shareholders. pursued to rescue the company, commitment to retrench after a also sold agricultural plots and these that the lack of unity among Militala appealed Hofisi's were not included in the transfer of in recognition of its national determination from the ministry of managerial staff was making them too claims. However we are having a appointment arguing that significance, but none had borne labour was out. problem with the new mine weak to negotiate for improved creditors and companies under fruit. Speaking to The Worker the the textile company were not chairperson of the affected workers management which is claiming the salaries and working conditions. The fate of the company will be houses and plots back arguing that served with papers confirming th Michael Hasidi said the mine “The economic environment that known on the 17 of July when they were part of the deal,” said the placement of the firm into deferred the retrenchment after we are currently going through has the parties return to the realising that workers had got a Solomon Miti who is also affected. final judicial management. seriously weakened us in our Supreme Court for a verdict. favourable outcome from the He said they have been arrested The ruling reverts the textile Meanwhile The Zimbabwe Retrenchment Board. several times and the matter is with individual capacities. We lack the company back into the Textiles Workers Union “The matter was referred to the the courts. capacity to negotiate for the provisional judicial management “The last time we went to court the (ZTWU)which approached the Labour Court which ruled in favour improvement of salaries and benefits. of Militala. of the retrenchment but soon after the company was challenged to prove High Court on 29 May seeking an “Our employers have for long taken The High Court had appointed ruling our employer wrote letters to ownership of the houses and it failed order to place the company but we are still facing challenges Mr Hofisi of Aurifin Capital as the all affected employees instructing advantage of our lack of unity and under final judicial management because some of us are being evicted final judicial manager of the them to report for duty saying the divided us and used as against each said liquidation is not an option. retrenchment had been deferred. by force and in the process their collapsed textile giant after ZTWU general secretary Silas properties are being damaged. other,” he said. shareholders and creditors Only 33 workers returned and the Kuveya said Militala had proved rest of us opted to be retrenched in However we are resisting the moves He said employers were unilaterally rejected liquidation. Militala had that he had no capacity to accordance with the Labour Court and we are still occupying the varying their contracts during the houses,” he said. recommended the company be rescucitate the fortunes of DWT ruling since our employment transition from the Zimbabwe dollar placed under liquidation after The workers said they were now hence the best option is to place relationship had gone sour. We gave era to the multi-currency system. failing to raise working capital. the company our own conditions living under constant fear of one it under capable hands for final sergeant Karimahanga of Bindura The union was supported by the Hofisi's rescue plan received judicial management. which were to engage us on new contracts while we pursued our issue Police who has promised to arrest Zimbabwe Banks and Allied Workers substantial support from the “We do not want liquidation it's a them each time he finds them in a majority of creditors and but the employer responded by Union in its quest to register, which disaster for the workers. The seeking a review of the group of three or more. shareholders who then voted for took them two years. main objective of placing a quantification of the retrenchment Karimahanga arrested us for fraud the final judicial management. company under judicial packages at labour court ruling on allegations against Ashanti for “It was not easy to register the union Creditors owed about US$6,5 management is to resuscitate its which was turned down. This leasing out our houses but the matter as we faced resistance from the was quashed by the courts after we million voted for final judicial fortunes but Militala failed. He development then forced the Bankers Association of Zimbabwe and management which represented employer to appeal to the Supreme proved that we only pay money for has been in that position for legal fees to fight the employer and the Bank Employers Association of 56 percent of the vote, while 46 more than two years and has Court,” he said. He said before Ashanti appealed to we are also a registered association,” Zimbabwe and we had to engage a percent with total claims of done nothing. It is better if the the Supreme Court it had committed they said. local law firm to assist us with the about US$5,5 million voted for company is placed under the The affected workers are now in liquidation. itself to the retrenchment evidenced registration,” he said. management of a competent by its own approval to the Mining the process of seeking legal Shareholders with 590 million manager,” he said. Industry Pension Fund. protection from Ashanti and shares or 75 percent of the Karimahanga Page 10 The Worker, JULY 2013 ZCTU commemorates June 6 BY STAFF REPORTER compelling government to declare he ZCTU Northeastern June 6 a public holiday in region marked this year's commemoration of thousands of TJune 6 Commemorations workers who have been injured or ZCTU NER members and some with a clean-up campaign at Bako died at the workplace but with general council members listen ReDonhodzo Old People's Home in particular emphasis on the to a speech from one of the Egypt, Highfields Harare were it infamous KAMANDAMA SHAFT 2 residents of Bako ReDonhodzo made a donation of foodstuffs and disaster of June 6 1973. various clothing items. “As workers we have agreed to where the regional Jokoniah Mawopa, the lobby the Government of commemorations for June 6 Northeastern Regional Chairperson Zimbabwe through the Ministry of were held said they decided to hold such Labour and Social Services to commemorations in the declare JUNE 6 of every year a public communities as a way of boosting holiday and observe Occupational interaction of the labour movement Health and Safety issues in and the society. Zimbabwe the same way the He said most people in society International Health and Safety day associate the ZCTU with militancy is observed on 28th April of every adding that it was not a completely year,” he said. true reflection of the organisation. The event was aloso “We are a militant organization commemorated in the ZCTU Foodstuff and other items when it comes to demanding our Eastern region in Mutare where 50 clothes and other winter- rights but we have another facet workers. wear donated by the which we want society to realize. In Gweru the Central Region ZCTU Northeastern region Everyone in society is or has been a dedicated the month of June as a to the elderly at Bako worker so it is our duty to maintain month for remembering the victims ReDonhodzo relations with society that is why we and focussed on the living. are now taking our Old peoples Home. commemorations to the “This year the Central Region was the donation were sourced communities,” he said. very creative in a sense that we did from wellwishers among “This year we chose this not commemmorate just the day the activists particular home because of its but our Commemorations were plight. This home cares for the spread through out the month of elderly most of whom are sent there June. by their former employers usually On the 6th June 2013 the without pensions or anything to Central Region held a Press show for their service. As workers Conference which was also we would want the world to know of attended by ZCTU branch such a plight of former workers who chairpersons and secretaries of Activists clean up the home as are being dumped at an old people's the affiliates, affiliates full-time part of giving back to the home by employers and would want staff, ZCTU structures, the ZCTU community and establishing to advocate for better social security General Council members and the protection for future generations,” ZCTU Regional office staff. A minute links and networks. he said. of since was observed at 1025am The activists cleared the He said the majority of the exactly the time that 427 miners yards,washed clothes, elderly at the home are migrant perished in 1972 at the Wankie scrubbed the floors and walls workers from regional countries Kamandama Mine Disater. The leaving the place spik and with only three Zimbabweans. Regional Chairperson read the ZCTU “The bulk of them worked in June 6 Speech,” said Dallas spun the domestic sector and were left Nyandoro the central regional here by their former employers officer. upon relocation or when they had “On the 15th June 2013 the become too old to work. We have a Central Region again remembered case of one of them who was the disabled in our community and murdered along Mukuvisi river on visited Faith and Light a Community his way back from collecting his of the physically and mentally pension of $40.00 from Arcadia. The challenged childred in Mkoba 15, incident shows how callous some of which enrolls about 40 children of the employers can be. We lost a life which 6 are residents. With the cold because the former did not care to winter approaching the ZCTU drive the pensioner back to the Central Region donated a load of home or just the courtesy to bring fire and some food stuffs. the money to the home,” he said. On the 19th June 2013 the Central Mr Mujere the Board Region again remembered an Chairperson of Bako Redonodzo injured (AN INJURY TO ONE IS AN Society for the Elderly Destitute INJURY TO ALL) worker who was thanked the ZCTU for extending injured on duty at SINO and is their hand to their home and the unable to fend for his family, the work they had done at the facility. wife can not look for employment as “I am one person who used to he constantly needs her assistance think that the ZCTU was an to bath and organization that agitates for dress, Mr. Kachipare can not sit or disorder as a result of what I used to bend. The Central Regional Office read from the press but today I have Staff sourced food stuff from the witnessed a different ZCTU,” he ZCTU Stuctures and from the said. workers in general and Mrs He added that the clean-up Nkiwane the wife of the ZCTU campaign at the home had changed President presented the food stuffs the way he viewed ZCTU and had to the beneficiary Mr and Mrs come to understand it better Kachipare and a ceremony contrary to what he heard from that was held at the ZCTU Offices,” news reports. she said. The commemorations also saw ABOVE: ZCTU CENTRAL REGION COMMEMORATIONS- Mrs Bhebhe a Volunteer being handed the load of fire wood by the ZCTU Central Regional Officer activists signing a petition Dallas Nyandoro and three ZCTU Structures and the Children from the Community Centre 2013 JULY The Worker Page 11 RWAC Orientation Training in the Eastern Region

BY DICKSON CHAERUKA Head of Women and Gender Desk, Fiona Magaya said that adult he ZCTU Women and education is about sharing Gender Department experiences with no one right or Tsuccessfully trained the wrong with the sole objective of Eastern Regional Women Advisory empowering and emancipating each Council (RWAC) structure on the other. Convention on the Elimination of She urged participants to have a all forms of Discrimination Against reading culture and reiterated that Women (CEDAW), gender equality their participation in ZCTU activities and leadership skills at a workshop was imperative for them to be good recently held in the eastern border ambassadors of women emancipation town of Mutare. in all sectors of the society. The Orientation, which was ''It is important for the participants facilitated for two days at a local to articulate the content of this hotel, was attended by a total of 20 training so that they put this into women trade unionists elected from practise elsewhere. We need them to ZCTU affiliate unions including the increase their interest and Zimbabwe Amalgamated Railways participation because we expect them Workers Union (ZARU),National to have an impact to the unions they Energy Workers Union of Zimbabwe come from and by so doing they (NEWUZ), Zimbabwe Teachers would be complementing efforts by Association (ZIMTA) and the the Gender Desk,'' she said. General Agriculture and Plantations Magaya amongst other topics Workers Union (GAPWUZ). sensitised the participants on the roles The workshop was aimed at and functions of women's committees Participants at the Eastern region RWAC training workshop sensitising the women trade unionists in ZCTU saying the Women Advisory Council (WAC) was the highest with knowledge of the roles, because a trade union had a sole workplaces which fell short as The women further submitted that policy making structure with a functions and duties of RWAC in line permanent ideology of defending the stipulated by the provisions of the ZCTU in conjunction with the delegation to organise, educate and with the ZCTU constitution, to train workers interests. comprehensive Gender Convention. affiliates should intensify women unionising all working women them and raise awareness on the ''This is why labour clashed with Speaking at the same workshop, trainings especially at shop floor level amongst other duties. CEDAW Convention, to enhance the Government whenever it impose the ZCTU Eastern Regional Paralegal in the industry. ''As RWAC, you compose the their leadership skills and for them to misplaced policies such as ESAP Officer, Adrian Mugwanju stated that ''It was such an awakening highest women structure in the region recommend to the ZCTU actions and launched in 1990 and caused untold the impact of the labour movement exercise for us women and for most of and you report to WAC whilst the programs towards achieving descent suffering to the majority of the orientation was not confined in the us t is a new dawn on how we perceive District Women Advisory Council work and discrimination against working class through job losses,'' he trade union spectrum alone but also in the world economically, socially and (DWAC) is the women structure in a women at the workplace amongst said. the socio, economic and political politically,'' said some of the particular district or town and they other objectives. Zachael Mtimtema who is the sectors of the country. participants interviewed after the report to the RWAC structure in the Participants were taken through ZCTU Legal Adviser amongst other The participants expressed their workshop. region,'' she said. various fundamental topics which topics enlightened the participants on gratitude to ZCTU for affording them In her closing remarks at the One of the trainers, Tenson included: Leadership and good the provisions of the CEDAW such a training saying that they were workshop, the Eastern Regional Muchefa amongst other topics governance, Workers rights and ILO Convention, a United Nations charter empowered. They requested that the Chairperson, Francisca Gurure urged chronicled the history of ZCTU and conventions, Public speaking, Report which stressed on women Labour body should accord them such the participants to cascade the expagorated on its functions from the Writing Skills, Roles and functions of emancipation and gender equality trainings at regular intervals up to the acquired knowledge and skills to year it was formed on 28 February RWAC as well as the Grievance including at the workplaces. point they would be well vest or fellow workers at their various 1981. He reiterated that politics and handling procedures mechanism. He urged the women to register implement self reliance skills as workstations. trade unionism will never mix Speaking at the workshop, ZCTU any oppressive practices at their women. ZICEA on nationwide campaign BY DICKSON CHAERUKA at reminding and sensitising stake holders of the Malaya further stated that the informal workers can be more organised under the he Zimbabwe Chamber of need of a free working environment for the sector has become a soft landing for many who representative body. This is because when the Informal Economy Association informal workers operating around the country. are unemployed and is providing income for workers speak with one voice it is easy to engage T(ZICEA) has embarked on a '' We are facilitating this campaign country most people who have lost their jobs in the stake holders including banks and the nationwide awareness campaign aimed wide with one mandate of advocating for the formal sector hence the need of the government International Labour Organisation (ILO) at large at marketing the country's largest need of a regulated operational space so as to as well as municipalities' to scrutinise their for initiatives to help complementing their informal organisation amid heavy trade with market value, friendly and workable legislative frame work to recognise these activities,'' he said. deindustrialisation which resulted in environment for all informal workers . There is activities into the mainstream economy. ZICEA Mutare Territorial President, Benita under-employment and unemployment need for us to constantly lobby for conducive '' It is apparent that the Informal sector is Gonese confirmed that the awareness campaign in the country's formal sector. working conditions to stakeholders such as driving the economy and it is high time conducted in the border town was a success. Speaking during a peaceful campaign relevant ministries, municipalities and the stakeholders look at their legislation. Most '' We had a good turnout during the campaign recently conducted in the border town of Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP). To achieve laws including municipal regulations were which witnessed scores of informal workers Mutare, the ZICEA Secretary General, this, unity amongst the informal workers crafted with the colonial repressive ideology of curious to know deeper about our operations. Wisbon Malaya said the exercise was aimed themselves is fundamental,'' he said. oppressing black people of this country and Most of them showed their willingness to join the they are still operational proffering abuse and train and we are at pleasure working with harassment to the informal workers,'' he said. anyone,'' she said further stating that shortage of When contacted for an Interview at the strategic and developed selling places was one Fired CEO demands $1 million sidelines of the same campaign in Mutare, the major challenge encountered by most Informal Zimbabwe Congress Of Trade Unions (ZCTU) workers including vendors in her territory . ORMER Telecel Zimbabwe chief executive officer Francis Mawindi has taken the mobile phone operator to the ministry of labour demanding $1 million in damages or reinstatement following Head of Informal Desk, Elijah Mutemeri who The campaign started off in style after Fhis dismissal. is also a ZICEA technical facilitator stated that members of the association carried out a The dispute is being handled by the ministry of labour. It is believed that Mawindi was earning in excess of $20 000 in salaries, allowances and other benefits per they were not happy with the expansion of colourful procession from the down town area up month. informal economy but there was nothing they to the Central Business District (CBD) where Contrary to initial media reports that Mawindi had voluntarily resigned it has now emerged that he was they later convened at Meikles Park one of the summarily dismissed and previous efforts to solve the impasse were in vain. could do except undertaking an initiative After his dismissal, Mawindi, wrote a letter of demand to Telecel Zimbabwe seeking redress, but nothing through the association to try and assist in the city's biggest vending area. materialised. operations of these informal activities. So captivating and informative was the "On March 26, 2013, he served with a letter summarily and unlawfully terminating his contract of employment after attending a board meeting. '' There has been an influx of people exercise that materials including posters and Mawindi, according to the lawyers, was on a three-year contract which he had a legitimate expectation that engaging in informal activities especially pamphlets about the organisation were issued out it would be renewed after its expiry in 2015. He demanded that if the employer is unable to reinstate him, he wants to be paid damages in lieu of during this decade of the country's economic to hundreds of informal workers. reinstatement made up of the full salaries and benefits for the unexpired period of his contract of employment, crisis which forced most industries to scale The event was also attended by scores of plus full salaries and benefits for an additional three years after its expiry in 2015 plus payment of legal costs participants' mainly informal workers drawn that he shall incur in this matter. down or terminate operations. That is the The case gives credence to the ZCTU's name and shame campaign which was aimed at exposing the huge reason we are conducting peaceful awareness from the eastern region satellite district towns of earnings of top managers while the ordinary employees are getting salaries below the poverty datum line. campaigns to market ZICEA so that informal Chimanimani, Chipinge, Rusape and Nyanga. Page 12 The Worker, JULY 2013 Of primaries, sleeping in Parliament and Chindori - Chininga

he recent primary people for granted. The people impose cabbages to stand as the Chigumura was saddened by way of ridding of this evil is to elections at both the are getting more and more people's representatives in any the sudden death of the Member ensure the country is led by God TMDC-T and Zanu PF, mature politically and are public office. The shocks in the of Parliament for Guruve South, fearing people who respect the which saw a number of big- moving away from the politics of primaries were primarily a result Edward Chindori sanctity of life. wigs from the two leading voting people because of their of the poor caliber of Chininga,(May his soul rest in The people cannot continue to political parties in the country clout. People want results, not representatives who were voted peace) in a car crash which watch a few devilish individuals fail to make it past the first fly-by night leaders who only into office at the 2008 elections. many believe never was. Could getting away with murder just to hurdle, produced shocks, come during election time, We have had the worst this have been a case of a struggle cling to power. As we go to surprises and a lot of pamper voters with groceries and parliament in the history of the eating its own children? What is elections, the people must realize disappointments. beer, and are never to be seen in country, the worst council for the worrying is that Chindori's death that they have the power to A number of people who their constituencies once they capital city, Harare, and above had been predicted, or could it determine the destiny of this thought they were invincible fell enter parliament. all, the worst Minister of Local have been by coincidence that country and the people who by the wayside as some new faces The second lesson is for this faceless Baba Jukwa should take it there, and that cruised to victory in the contest to those who will be lucky enough gentleman had warned about power rests in their vote! represent their respective parties to get back to parliament. Now the impending death? On a parting shot, yours truly in the forthcoming parliamentary is not the time to go into the CHIGUMURA For how long should good would like to congratulate all the and local government elections August house to sleep. people continue to perish at trade union cadres who managed slated for later this year. On the Chigumura knows of a number the order of the evil who want to win primary elections, other hand, a number of aspirants of legislators who have not said to protect their selfish interests regardless of the party they are were disappointed after the anything in the House for the at the expense of the people? Is representing, and urges workers elections were either rigged or past five years they have been this the Zimbabwe we want, to vote for their fellow comrades. they were elbowed out before there, save for raising their with ruthless leaders who are It is my fervent hope that these they could even contest. voices when it came to threatened by divergence? It is comrades will not drown into the These primary elections demanding their allowances. so sad to note that those within dirty waters of political greed and reflect the new thinking among That should stop. The recent government in the history of Zanu PF who seem to be level lose sight of the workers the electorate and must have primaries must serve as a wakeup Zimbabwe who presided over the headed and choose, unlike the struggles, aspirations and given a few lessons to our call for them and those who demise of many local authorities, character of many in their party, interests, for it is these same political leaders, many of whom thought they could just go in resulting in cholera outbreaks to get things done the right way, interests that we will elect them have become so arrogant and there to warm the benches and that saw thousands of lives being are eliminated by their own. to go and protect in parliament, at drunk with power, and have demand allowances! lost across the country. All this There are many before him local authority level and at the forgotten that the strength of the The third lesson is that because people had made wrong that have been killed for simply provincial councils. fish is in the water. political parties, no matter how choices in the beginning. And differing with the system; and Let those who have ears hear! The first lesson is that much support they claim to have, now, the people have learnt their that should also serve as a lesson politicians must never take should not, and should never; lessons! to the people of Zimbabwe, who go to the polls soon. The only Proton workers demand Workers get machinery as collateral security overdue salary arrears BY DICKSON CHAERUKA

By Christopher Mahove total of 26 workers at Road Tar included 2 concrete mixtures, 1 water pump, 2 Services recently struck an plastic water browsers and a bulldozer. roton Bakers workers have not been paid their salary arrears and transport Aagreement with management to The company's management forwarded allowances for the period 2011 to 2012 despite an arbitration award possess some of the company's property as that they were not able to pay workers Pcompelling their employer to pay. collateral security for an accumulated wages gazetted minimums because they had made a Proton Bakers is among the largest employers in Marondera, with more than 800 workers. shortfalls debt. mistake for under-budgeting the project. Employees who spoke to The Worker during a shop-stewards training workshop at the Road Tar Services is one of the construction When contacted for a comment, the company premises in Marondera last month said the employers were reluctant to pay them companies sub-contracted under the Group Zimbabwe Construction and Allied Trades and threatening workers with disciplinary action if they continued to demand their dues. Five- a South African based company which Workers Union (ZCATWU) Eastern “The Human Resources manager is in the habit of threatening workers with dismissal if won a tender to maintain the Harare-Mutare Regional Officer, Jackson Mutisi confirmed they demand their dues. He is so arrogant and does not listen to anyone,” said one of the high way stretching to Manica Zimbabwe- the development. employees, who spoke on condition of anonymity. Mozambique border post. ''It's true workers and the company's The company owes the workers more than US$60 000 in transport allowances and an It has been reported that the workers were management entered into an agreement to unspecified amount in salary arrears after the employer failed to honour a Collective being underpaid for a period of seven months forfeit some of the company's property of Bargaining Agreement awarding the workers a salary increment dating back to June 2011. during which they were awarded a monthly equal value once they failed to settle the debt The employer was also accused of casualisation of labour and unfair labour practices, salary of $100 instead of $280 gazetted by their within the agreed timeframe. The employer with many of them having continuously renewed their contracts for more than 15 years National Employment Council for the was breaching SI 244 of 1999 as amended in The workers complained that agreements reached at works council meetings were not Construction Industry (NECCI). SI 45 of 2013 which stipulated that when a being honoured, adding that some issues were put on the agenda but were never They were owed a total of $72 000 in salary minimum wage is agreed upon, no employer discussed. arrears and unpaid pension fund as well as trade without exemption from the exemption board Federation of Food and Allied Workers Union of Zimbabwe (FFAWUZ), National union dues. shall award or pay less than the minimum Organiser, Gift Mawoneka, advised the workers to seek assistance through the National It has been established that the employer wages,'' he said. Employment Council Designated Agent. promised to settle the workers' outstanding Mutisi said the company, which stalled the “If a matter appears on the Works Council agenda for three times and is not resolved, it dues after a period of one month and agreed to project whilst constructing the road at the goes for arbitration through the NEC-DA,” he said. list some of the company's property as collateral renowned Christmas pass in Mutare, was one He also advised the workers to ensure that for every agreement reached at works council security for the debt. of the companies slowing the road level, a memorandum bearing the signatures of all concerned parties should be posted on The agreement was entered before the maintenance after under-budgeting for the the company notice board and also circulated to all the workers at the plant level. NECCI Designate Agent (DA) for Manicaland massive project to win tenders resulting in More than 500 workers at the plant have been recruited by Baking Industry Workers where the company's management and workers prolonged unnecessary delays of motorists on Union, an affiliate of FFAWUZ, with the union expecting to recruit more members after with the help of their trade union appended the high way. the training of shop-stewards at the plant last month. signatures to the agreement. Some of the property listed in the agreement 2013 JULY The Worker Page 13 Child labour on the rise one are the days when Zimbabwe said the economic cases of child labour were meltdown of yesteryear had crippled Gconfined to the farming families and the government from and mining communities in this providing enough to combat child country, due to widespread l a b o u r . poverty, lack of adequate social “The main issue fuelling child services and poor enforcement of labour is high and parents are forced legislation, the bug has hit the to make their children work. To the towns. few who are employed they do not It is now a common sight and have disposable income enough to has become normal to see children and the resort o child labour to of school going age loitering in the mitigate their income challenges. streets, not as street kids, but The pressure is on the families engaged in running battles with the which cannot provide for the municipal police vending to fend for children,” said Chitambara. their families. He said that economic growth The situation is now was the key to weeding out child concentrated in the urban areas labour in the country but current where children are forced to sell trends are not pointing o any various items ranging from juice- meaningful growth. cards, sweets to fruits and “The country's economy vegetables. suffered major losses in the decade A study of child labour in from 1997 to 2008 and the results are Zimbabwe conducted by the now manifesting themselves in the MOST RURAL CHILDREN DO PRODUCTIVE WORK BEFORE GOING TO SCHOOL Ministry of Labour together with form of child labour among others. international and local partners Economically we cannot say our including ILO and UNICEF, economy is growing but we can talk where children are made to work in way forward and a research was released in June 2011, concluded of recovery and the recovery is very educators from these affiliates who the morning and later go to school. done and the report that “the prevalence of the worst weak because there is no meaningful in-turn will spread the anti child This practice is not in any way better recommendations were adopted. forms of child labour is on the rise production underway,” he said. labour message in the affected because the children would not give ILO partly funded the programme and cause for concern." The report He said the country could be industries,” she said. their full concentration at school. but government failed its bit and the identified poverty as the main driver plagued with child labour for the The ZCTU works directly The companies should employ the five year programme lapsed without of children being employed, along foreseeable future if drastic with the General Agriculture and parents or guardians of those any meaningful outcome,” she said. with “the breakdown of the family measures are not implemented to Plantation Workers Union of children and afford the children “Government let us down. Under our unit due to HIV and AIDS, as well as revive the economy. Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe Teachers enough time for schooling and tripartite arrangement, it was the inadequacy of the social services “Child labour is tied to the Association, Sugar Milling and development,” she said. supposed to source funds for the delivery system.” fortunes of the economy which are Allied Workers Union of Magaya appealed to anti-child labour programme, but it According to UNICEF, of also influenced by political realities Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe Education government to take the issue of child did nothing, forcing us and the Zimbabwe's 1.3 million orphans, on the ground. Economic recovery is Scientific Social and Cultural labour seriously and desist from Employers' Confederation of some 100,000 are living on their now uncertain because of the Workers Union and the Sugar making promises which it cannot Zimbabwe to do our own campaigns own in child-headed households. elections and their outcome. It is Milling and Allied Workers Union fulfil. with support from the ILO,” she said. Many such children are forced to only after the elections that we can of Zimbabwe. “We travelled around the Magaya said the ZCTU had come up leave school and find work as street see the direction,” he said. She said the ZCTU was also country meeting the affected with a manual and posters on child vendors or labourers on tobacco The government, the working with the informal economy children and made promises to them labour which will be distributed to farms, tea and sugar plantations, and Zimbabwe Congress of Trade where child labour was rampant by but nothing was done. When you workers and employers in sectors in mines in order to support younger Unions (ZCTU) and the Employers' educating and creating awareness to promise a child anything they do not where child labour is prevalent, as s i b l i n g s . Confederation of Zimbabwe its membership. forget and if the well as to civil society organizations. Conditions for children working on (EMCOZ) are part of a national “We have realised that Child government fails to address it The manual describes the worst farms were "particularly difficult", steering committee on child labour Labour is more rampant in the the children will never have forms of child labour, national according to the report, as children which is responsible for informal sector than the formal confidence in the government even legislation, ILO, UN and Southern were often exposed to bad weather, implementing a national action plan. sector so we have roped in the in their adulthood,” she said. Africa Development Community dangerous chemicals and the use of The ministry of labour and social Zimbabwe Chamber of Informal conventions and the role of trade heavy machinery. services has always maintained that Economies Association (ZCIEA) in unions in fighting the problem. The report added that the incidence government had put in place our anti child labour programmes. “We are also working together of child labour would continue to interventions to address the Their representatives now sit in our with our structures and affiliate increase “should the socio- problem, including programmes meetings on child labour. We also unions which are directly linked to economic situation in the country such as the Basic Education have child labour in the agricultural Child Labour issues. We are training remain challenging for the majority Assistance Module (BEAM), which plantations and mining industry of the people”, and recommended aims to keep children in school by that the Ministry of Labour and assisting poor families with school Social Services establish a child and examination fees. labour unit and include child rights However, ZCTU's Fiona Magaya, topics in school curriculums. who heads the child labour and According to a 2010 UN gender portfolio, said the labour Children's Fund (UNICEF) report, pool was swelling while no jobs are 13 percent of Zimbabwean children being created to absorb the are engaged in child labour. The thousands of job seekers which International Labour Organization results in child labour as families (ILO) defines child labour as work pool up efforts to survive. that is mentally, physically, socially She said deaths due to HIV or morally harmful to children and and AIDS were also contributing to that which interferes with their Child Labour as child headed schooling. According to Pascal families were increasing. Masocha, the national coordinator “Most children are forced into of the Coalition against Child doing adult jobs to fend for their Labour in Zimbabwe, the capital, siblings following the death of their Harare, the figure is closer to 20 parents or guardians. Some go for p e r c e n t .vending but the unfortunate ones Zimbabwe's Labour Act prohibits without anyone to assist end up as employers from hiring a person prostitutes and the girl child is the under 18 to perform hazardous work most affected,” she said. and the Children's Act makes it an She said efforts by the offence to exploit children through International Labour Organisation employment. Efforts to eradicate (ILO) to curb Child Labour in child labour in Zimbabwe had been Zimbabwe had failed because the bearing fruit but the collapse of the government was not committed to economy exacerbated the situation funding the programme and labour to scaring levels from 1997 to 2008. and business eventually adopted Prosper Chitambara, a senior their own measures. economist with Labour and “The ILO set up meetings with the Economic Research Institute of Tripartite Negotiating Forum on the It has become common to see young children selling foodstuffs at bus termini Page 14 The Worker, JULY 2013 APPEALS TO THE LABOUR COURT

he Labour Court entertains decision of an arbitrator and such meant by the phrase "question of terms of section 92E. The appeal in determine matters that would have appeals in respect of an appeal should be on a point of law. law". The Supreme Court in Muzuva v terms of this section does not been referred to it by the Minister in Tdecisions made in terms of The Labour Act provides in section United Bottlers (Pvt) Ltd (1) ZLR 217 necessarily have to be on a point of law terms of the Labour Act. the Labour Act or the Public Service 98(10) that: (S) at 220D-F had occasion to consider as the section states that the appeal may The Labour Court has now been Act. The labour Act governs the "An appeal on a question of law what are question of law is. It held that: address the merits of the matter. empowered to hear and determine conduct of all employees other than shall lie to the Labour Court from any "The twin concepts, questions of In terms of Rule 15 of the Labour applications for review by virtue of public servants. decision of an arbitrator appointed in law and questions of fact, were Court Rules, 2006 all appeals to the section 89(1)(d1) of the Labour Act One of the appeals that the Labour terms of this section" considered in depth by E.M. Labour Court have to be in a prescribed which provides that the Labour Court Court can entertain is that from the One must understand what is GROSSKOPF JA in Media Workers' form and the application should be shall exercise the same powers of Association of South Africa served upon the other party to the review as would be exercisable by the and Ors v Press Corporation matter. The Respondent should also High Court in respect of labour of South Africa Ltd (Perskor) file a response by completing a matters. An application for review 1992 (4) SA 791 (A). prescribed form. should be in a prescribed form and Zimbabwe Congress Of Trade Unions Approving the discussion of An appeal against arbitral award should be served upon the Respondent the topic in Salmond on does not suspend the decision being who can also file his response which Jurisprudence 12 ed at 65-75, appealed against. In this regard, the should be in a prescribed form. The the learned JUDGE OF decision of the High Court in application for review should be filed APPEAL pointed out at 795 Kingdom Bank Workers Committee within twenty one days from the date D-G that the term 'question of v Kingdom Bank Finacial Holdings when the proceedings are concluded. law' is used in three distinct HB 302-2011 is pertinent to note. The By exercising the same powers of though related senses. First, court stated that: review as are exercisable by the High it means 'a Court, the Labour Court can question which the now review proceedings on law itself has the basis of the grounds set (ZCTU) authoritatively out in the High Court Act. answered to the The High Court Act provides AFFILIATE UNIONS exclusion of the that: right of the court to answer the "(1) Subject to this Act UNION CONTACT DETAILS question as it and any other law, the thinks fit in grounds on which any accordance with proceedings or decision may CEMENT, LIME &ALLIED WORKERS UNION OF ZIM (CLAWUZ) TEL: 09-884709/884710 what it considered be brought on review before to be the truth and the High Court shall be— COMMERCIAL WORKERS UNION OF ZIM 0712584067 /0774170442 justice of the "In the premises, I am (a) absence of matter'. Second, it means 'a satisfied that an appeal against an jurisdiction on the part of the court, FEDERATION OF FOOD & ALLIED WORKERS UNIONS OF ZIM TELEFAX 748482 question as to what the law is. award under section 98(10) is an tribunal or authority concerned; Thus, an appeal on a question appeal in terms of the Act within the (b) interest in the cause, bias, of law means an appeal in malice or corruption on the part of the GAPWUZ TEL: 04-762897 / 734141 meaning of section 92E and as which the question for such it does not have the effect of person presiding over the court or NATIONAL ENGINEERING WORKERS UNION argument and determination suspending the award in question" tribunal concerned or on the part of the TEL759597-8 0773599228 is what the true rule of law is authority concerned, as the case may A person who seeks an interim on a certain matter'. And be; NATIONAL UNION OF THE CLOTHING INDUSTRY Fax:752064/ Tel:09-64432 third, any question which is relief may make an application for (c) gross irregularity in the within the province of the such relief pending the determination proceedings or the decision." RAILWAY ARTISANS UNION (RAU) Telefax: 0964952 judge instead of the jury is (2) Nothing in subsection (1) shall of the main matter. The application for called a question of law. affect any other law relating to the RAILWAY ASSOCIATION OF ENGINEMEN Telefax: 09-67447 This division of judicial interim relief will be made in terms of review of proceedings or decisions of function arises in this country inferior courts, tribunals or 09-70041/786001 section 92E(3) of the Labour Act. in a criminal trial presided authorities." Zim AMALGAMATED RAIWAY WOURKERS UNION (ZARU) 09-609948 over by a judge and A litigant who approaches the court The Labour Court thus has assessors." authority to determine appeals against Zim BANKS & ALLIED W/U TEL: 04-703744 / 707779 without complying with an order The Labour Court does whose effect is not suspended will be decisions made in terms of the Labour barred. The court will not entertain a Act or the Public Service Act. The ZIM CATERING& HOTEL W/U not have the jurisdiction to Tel 04-758903 Fax:758902 litigant with dirty hands. An order appeals have to be in prescribed form entertain an appeal from the given by the Labour Court in the case and should also be made within the Zim CHEMICALS,PLASTICS &ALLIED W/U Tel:2901010 / 0773371708 decision of an arbitrator of Imperial refrigeration v stipulated time period. In the event that Chamunorwa Tsoka LC/H/72/10 is one has failed to appeal within the Tel:773953 / 750158-9 appointed in terms of the ZIM CONSTRUCTION & ALLIED TRADES W/U (ZCATWU) Fax: 773967 pertinent to note at this juncture. The stipulated time period, an application Arbitration Act [7:15]. An court ordered that: for condonation will have to be made. Zim DOMESTICS & ALLIED W/U Telefax: 775813/7 award issued by such an "The appellant having approached Basil Makururu is a registered arbitrator is only appealable legal Practitioner, Notary Public, ZESSCWU Tel 700902/ Fax:704747 this Court with dirty hands (i.e not to the High Court in terms of Conveyancer and Arbitrator who complying with G.E.C decision) it is ZFTATU the grounds set out in article writes in his personal capacity. Tel: 736649/ Fax: 737686 hereby barred from being heard until it 34 of the Arbitration Act. has purged its contempt" Zim PULP & PAPER W/U Tel: 062-2331-9 An appeal can also be made to the Labour Court in The court can also hear and Zim TEXTILE W/U Tel: 770907/Fax:758233

Zim TOBACCO INDUSTRIAL W/U CELL: 0773459343 SECURITY INDUSTRY GETS INCREMENT N industrial strike has been averted in still very adrift of the PDL ," he said. Zim UNION OF JOURNALISTS Tel:795609 / 0772 859 485 the security industry following a wage He added that that allowances were Aincrement after protracted also marginally increased adding that the MOTOR VEHICLE MANUFACTURING W/U 0733737423 negotiations. increments are next to nothing and their 0773012210 / 0773869590 Parties to the national employment members were very angry. Zim METAL ENERGY & ALLIED W/U 0713029199 council for the security industry finally agreed on He said the union did not want to go for a seven percent salary increment after 10 arbitration because the process would RAILWAY YARD OPERATING STAFF Tel: 09-62852 meetings. The increment will see the lowest paid indefinitely stall the increment since employers security guard earning $214.00 per month were in the habit of appealing against arbitral NATIONAL MINE WORKERS UNION OF ZIM 0775038150 excluding allowances from June 2013 to May awards. 2014. Nhema said the industry needs a TEL: 09-282482 Despite the increment the Zimbabwe regulatory body which regulates tariffs to avoid ZIM UNIVERSITIES W/U 0712917487 / 0772747387 Security Guards Union (ZISEGU) has expressed cases of employers who resist paying gazetted disappointment over the increment. wages because they will be charging less than Tel: 04-795931 / Fax: 791042 ZIM TEACHERS ASSOCIATION Union general secretary Phillimon the gazetted tariffs to customers. Nhema said the employers were not willing to "The tariffs are currently being regulated TRANSPORT & GENERAL W/U Tel: 04-702121 / 793477 award an increment of more than three percent. by the ministry of home affairs but the industry "We reached a deadlock and went for needs its own body comprising of parties to the ZIM SECURITY GUARDS UNION (ZISEGU) TEL:710161 / 0773475196 conciliation at the ministry of labour but before we NEC which would timeously check on went for the conciliation we met as parties to the employers. The current minimum tariff is at PUBLIC SERVICE ASSOCIATION (PSA) Tel: 04-704941 NEC and agreed on the seven percent though $738.00 for a 12 hour shift per month but its with fierce resistance from the indigenous surprising that some companies are negotiating Zim URBAN COUNCILS W/U (ZUCWU) 04-737943 / 0773691786 section of employers. We are not happy with the far much less than that and these are the same increment because we had initially proposed the employers who are giving us problems at the TEL:04-792138/43 Poverty Datum Line (PDL) and then climbed negotiating table. We need to set up minimum NATIONAL ENERGY WORKERS UNION OF ZIM 0772684118 down to a 40 percent increment. Our standards and those who will fail to meet them PROUD TO BE ZCTU membership is also not happy because we are should be deregistered," he said. 2013 JULY The Worker Page 15 WORKERS CROSSWORD BY MELULEKI NCUBE


4.Receded(5) 1.Hasten(5,2) 7.Moslem tutors(5) 2.Trouble(7) 9.Disciplinary court(7) 3.Pakistani city(7) 10.Additional(5) 5.African country(7) 11.Skilled worker(9) 6.Zimbabwean music 12.Most companies genre(7) close on this!(6,7) 8.Company owner(11) 18.Disorganised(9) 13.Directed to a 19.Metalworker's seat(7) block(5) 14.Tree-fellers(7) 20.Donation(slang)(7) 15.Buying …………- 21.Stationery item(5) made goods saves 22.Drug measures(5) jobs!(7) 16.Motorists(7) 17.Surrendered(7)


ACROSS: 1.Scam, 6.Aerosols, 9.Precast, 11.Due, 12.Raise, 13.Eta, 14.Kamandama, 15.Run, 16.Ranch, 17.Yes, 18.Islamic, 20.Straight, 21.Yeti

DOWN: 2.Caretakers, 3.Management, 4.Box, 5.Japhet Moyo, 7.Retrenching, 8.Mechanical, 10.Disability, 11.Department, 19.Ark.

UNEMOTIONAL SEX can women manage that? imes are changing, and so interacted with confirmed that they keeping in touch was a no for others are the needs of every are very much capable of handling woman and their because it builds emotions, they T such unemotional sexual said unemotional sexual priorities in life, including the relationships because they have relationship is a 'bootycall' where kind of relationships they would learnt from the best. An interesting like to have. those involved only call or text each revelation from one woman; she other to give time and location for Many a times women have said she is capable of having an complained that men come into the activity. Keeping in touch or unemotional sexual relationship maintaining communication was their lives, lie to them, use them and with a man whose traits go against leave them heart broken. Men also said to weaken the women. all she dreams of in a man. She gave Most women have or had high do come across heartbreaks once in an example of past relationships she a while, but we shall focus on what expectations from relationships had with some our Zimbabwean which resulted in most our fellow womenfolk to say about celebrities, but only stayed in the this issue. disappointments, however dating relationships because of their fame, married men was said to have taught According to most single women good looks and of cause their that Inomira has been recently them to let go and not fall in too deep 'anacondas'. because expectations will only interacting with, they had serious Some of the women said if a guy issues with men who come into their result in heartbreaks and is outgoing and loaded with cash it disappointments. lives for the sexual pleasure only is easy to have such kind of a and leave when they are done. These However a few shared that they relationship because they can only just cannot have an unemotional men come into women's lives be together to either spend his promising to love them, care for sexual relationship with a man, or money or fulfilling their sexual they just do not want because if them and settle down d e s i r e s into the future, and there is no commitment or some w i t h n o emotional attachment then the they would rather have someone women and respect them? many women have commitme who will tell them straight that they The time has passed when fallen for this over relationship will not work, what n tattracts them to the men is far more are interested in a sexual women will only be used and not and over again. whatsoever relationship than lie to them, but take action, the modern women are Looking at it from than just physical. “wandisina . chekuita naye ndotosema hangu” funny though because if a man was taking charge of their lives and will this angle, these men to come straight and told them they not stop until men have a taste of are human beings just one of them said in disgust. In a one As women we were brought up would take him straight to hell and their own medicine. like women and they night stand back; Inomira urges men to have are not any superior to love, care and respect men yet situation it some men do not have a clue of how It's amazing the different views respect for women, care and love beings hence there is is possible that women have on the subject, but them genuinely and not lie just so just no need to treat to respect and give love back. Back b u t t h e in the day, men would seek the the bottom line being that they are you can get into their panties. To all them as such. Some m o m e n t all tired of being used and would women I say let not another human women have grown tired of these services of prostitutes if they needed you do it again it means somehow extra sexual fulfilling apart from wish there was something that can being use chew you like gum and games and wish to give men the you build some form of attachment be done to stop this. spit u out, take charge of your live taste of their own medicine get into what they got at home, and they to the man either through talking, would be discreet about it. Men who If men come into women's lives and guard jealously that which their lives, make all the promises, texting or whatsapping, so emotions and take what they want and leave makes you a woman. Well If u can get all the sexual pleasure they can are brought up in this day have no build but what can be done is respect for women whatsoever and never looking back, why can't take the challenge and would like to get and further into their deepest suppressing those feelings and stop women do the same? Why waste revenge, go for it but do not get hurt pockets and leave. Fair game!!! treat them like chewing gum which them developing into much more. can be spat out when it loses 'taste'. emotions on some species that will in the process of trying to hurt these But the idea of communicating or not appreciate the goodness of alien species that use you. Some of the women that Inomira There are some women who said High time coaches and players form a Union Page 16 The Worker, JULY 2013 All set for COSAFA By Sports Reporter Pagels' squad for Zambia The Warrior are set to redeem includes rookie strikers Lot Left: Goalkeeper lost pride at the Cosafa Castle Cup Chiwunga and Chicken Inn's Tendai Tafadzwa Dube tournament to be held in Zambia this Ndoro, who currently leads the in action, is month following a string of poor Castle Lager Premier Soccer goal- expected to be the results in their recent encounters . scoring charts with ten goals. first choice for Highlanders forward Masimba The tournament returns after a the Warriors Mambare is likely to captain the three-year absence and Zimbabwe, in Zambia. troops as the Warriors travel for the who arrive in Zambia as defending tournament set to kick off on July 6. champions after winning the 2009 Mambare captained the squad edition they hosted- begin their when Zimbabwe battled to a 1-1 campaign at the quarter final stage with a date against the Flames of Right: Warriors draw against Malawi in an coach Klaus international friendly match last Malawi on July 13. Dieter Pagels month with Harare City goalkeeper Malawi has named a squad with tasked to revive Maxwell Nyamupanedengu a mixture of youth and experience. the fortunes of deputising him. The Flames' coach Eddingtone the national Zambia, South Africa, Angola, Ng'onamo has included the likes of squad Z i m b a b w e , veterans Fisher Mozambique and Kondowe and Malawi all Davie Banda and received a bye to some young rising While and Tanzania, both member squad to do duty in Zambia Zambia 3-1 at Rufaro Stadium in the knockout stars in the Malawi members of the Council for East and with Ndoro, Dube and Black Rhinos 2009. stage and will top flight. Central Africa Football Associations striker Lot Chiunga among the Warriors Squad start at the New faces (CECAFA) were invited. notable new faces. quarter final include Silver On 17 May 2013, Tanzania Pagels however, kept faith in the Goalkeepers: M a x w e l l stage. The Strikers captain withdrew, citing conflicting majority of the players who featured Nyamupangedengu (Harare City), warriors will Lucky Malata, schedules with African Nations in the friendly matches against Munyaradzi Diya (Highlanders), square up with midfielders Championship qualifiers and the Zambia and Malawi two months Tafadzwa Dube (CAPS United) Malawi in their Patrick Gunde Kagame Interclub Cup The back. Defenders: Hardlife Zvirekwi first encounter on (Civo United) and Tanzanian and Ugandan Federations The regional tournament which (CAPS United), Felix Chindungwe 13 July. Junior Chimodzi were unable to agree on a new date features players plying their trade in (Chicken Inn), Ocean Mushure W a r r i o r s (Silver Stars). for the African Nations their domestic leagues kicks off on (Dynamos), Eric Chipeta (Hwange), coach Klaus The Flames' best Championship qualifying game due July and team manager Sharif Mussa Nicholas Guyo (Monomotapa), Dieter Pagels, who is expected back finish in the competition is the to a conflict with the FUFA elections. said the Warriors would go into camp Prosper Matizanadzo (Buffaloes) home from Germany next weekend runner-up places they secured in Tanzania were replaced with on July 8 before travelling to Lusaka, ahead of the trip to Zambia, is set to 2002 and 2003, losing to South Equatorial Guinea, a member of the Midfielders: M a s i m b a on the 11th. retain the duo as the leaders of the Africa and Zimbabwe respectively in Central African Football Mambare (Highlanders), Devon team. the finals. Federations' Union (UNIFFAC), but The two teams drew 1-1 in an Chafa (Dynamos), Charles Sibanda Zimbabwe has appeared in six The 2013 COSAFA Castle Cup, they withdrew from the competition international friendly match in (FC Platinum), Silas Songani finals and won four titles since the will be the 14th edition of the on 24 June. Malawi last month with assistant (Harare City), Ronald Chitiyo inauguration of the tournament in COSAFA Cup, competition Caps United veteran goalkeeper coach Lloyd Mutasa and Under-23 (Monomotapa), Nicholas Alifandika 1997. Now under Pagels, Zimbabwe consisting of national teams of Tafadzwa Dubehas also been called coach Peter Ndlovu taking charge as (Black Mambas) would be out to claim a fifth Cosafa member nations of the Council of up following his good vein of form Pagels was away in his native Strikers: Tendai Ndoro crown and successfully defend the Southern Africa Football for the Green Machine since joining Germany attending to family issues. (Chicken Inn), Lot Chiwunga (Black crown they won on home soil in Associations. them at the beginning of the season. Zimbabwe will be looking to Rhinos), Simba Sithole (How Mine), 2009. Comoros and Madagascar did The Warriors coach named a 20- defend a title they won after beating Last Chibwiro (Black Mambas). not enter for unknown reasons. Pakistan picks weak side for Zim tour

Hasan (spine) are back in SPORTS REPORTER Zaka Ashraf, has ordered Jamshed were also asked to half-centuries, while the contention, along with Umar selection strictly on merit to undertake fitness tests. other senior batsmen he Pakistan Cricket produce immediate results. The report further said that performed poorly. Board (PCB) has top-order batsmen Sohaib reportedly decided According to a report Zimbabwe will engage India T Maqsood, Sharjeel Khan, left- to extend the selection pool published in a local newspaper, in five ODIs in Harare and arm spinners Zulfiqar Babar and of players and shift focus the selectors have been given a from July 18-20 Abdur Rehman, and leg-spinner towards youngsters while free hand to replace the older ahead of the Pakistan visit. players with youngsters and Usman Qadir have also featured picking a squad for the Pakistan, who tour West may think beyond the likes of in a three-hour fitness test. upcoming tours of West Indies from July 11-24 have Imran Farhat, Shoaib Malik and Indies and Zimbabwe. Pakistan suffered three confirmed they will arrive in Kamran Akmal, who fared straight defeats in the ICC Following Pakistan's early Akmal and Ahmad Shahzad, the Zimbabwe on August 19 for a poorly in the ICC Champions Champions Trophy 2013 with exit from the ICC Champions report said that Akmal may be tour that will include two Tests, Trophy 2013. their batting being their major Trophy, the new interim PCB selected as the wicketkeeper in three ODIs and two Stating that injured cricketers woe and the report said that only chairman Najam Sethi, the squad, adding that Twenty20s. Haris Sohail (ankle) and Raza captain Misbah-ul Haq hit two following the suspension of Mohammad Irfan and Nasir