Federal Register / Vol. 48, No. 126 / Wednesday, June 29, 1983 / Proposed Rules 29882 at a Depth of About 13,000 Feet
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29882 Federal Register / Vol. 48, No. 126 / Wednesday, June 29, 1983 / Proposed Rules 29882 at a depth of about 13,000 feet. Total On October 2, 1979, ATF published (b) Willamette Valley is named as one thickness is approximately 4,000 feet. Treasury Decision ATF-60 44 FR 56692) of ten climatic regions in the State. added a new Part 9 to 27 CFR for (c) The petitioner claims it is the [FR Doc. 83-17519 Filed 8-28--83; 8:45 am) which approved viticultural areas. name used in all historical, BILLING CODE 6717-01-M listing of standard Sections 4.25a(e)(1) and 9.11, Title 27, geographical, geological, climatological CFR define an American viticultural and agricultural texts to refer to this DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY area as a delimited grape-growing plain and adjacent foothills. region distinguishable by geographical Historical and current evidence that Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and features. Section 4.25a(e)(2) outlines the the boundaries of the "Willamette Firearms procedures for proposing an American Valley" are as specified in the petition: viticultural area. Any interested person US. 27 CFR Part 9 (a) Throughout this 1841 report, may petition ATF to establish a grape- Exploring Expedition, Charles Wilkes [Notice No. 473] growing region as a viticultural area. makes reference to "Willamette," and The petition should include: his usage, the petitioner claims, became Willamette Valley Viticultural Area (a) Evidence that the name of the the standard. proposed viticultural area is locally AGENCY: Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco known as referring to (b) Free land given to settlers by the and Firearms, Treasury. and/or nationally Oregon Provisional and the U.S. the area specified in the petition; ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking. resulted in most evidence that Government up to 1855 (b) Historical or current of the valuable (cultivable) land being SUMMARY: The Bureau of Alcohol, the boundaries of the viticultural area A map of, these claims in the petition; claimed. Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) is are as specified in the "Atlas of Oregon" is remarkably close considering the establishment of a (c) Evidence relating to the to the boundaries of the proposed viticultural area in the State of Oregon geographical characteristics (climate, viticultural area. soil, elevation, physical features, etc.), to be known as "Willamette Valley." (c) The "Atlas of Oregon" mentions This proposal is the result of a petition which distinguish the viticultural features of the proposed area from Willamette Valley as one of nine submitted by Mr. David B. Adelsheim, physiographic regions in the State and Chairman, Appellation Committee, surrounding areas; (d) a description of the specific describes it as a "broad alluvial plain, Oregon Winegrowers Association, and 160 miles long and up to 65 miles owner of Adelsheim Vineyards. The boundaries of the viticultural area, based on features which can be found broad," which approximates the size of establishment of viticultural areas and the proposed area. the subsequent use of viticultural area on United States Geological Survey names in wine labeling and advertising (U.S.G.S.) maps of the largest applicable The petitioner claims that the will enable industry to label wines more scale; and proposed viticultural area has precisely, and will help consumers (e) A copy of the appropriate U.S.G.S, geographical characteristics which better identify wines they purchase. maps with the boundaries prominently distinguish it from the surrounding marked. areas. The petitioner bases this claim on DATE: Written comments must be the following: received by August 15, 1983. Petition (a) The mountains surrounding the ADDRESS: Send written comments to: ATF has received a petition to Willamette Valley on three sides Beer Branch, Chief, FAA, Wine and establish a viticultural area in northwest provide it with a unique and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Oregon to be know as "Willamette has DC homogeneous climate. The valley Firearms, P.O. Box 385, Washington, Valley." The petition was submitted by temperatures that are mild, averaging Attn: Notice No. 473. 20044-0385, Mr. David B. Adelsheim on behalf of the 40'F in the winter, 68°F in summer. Copies of the petition, the proposed Oregon Winegrowers Association. The Eastern Oregon temperatures range from regulations, the appropriate maps, and proposed area is enclosed by natural for 28"F in winter to 75"F in summer. In the written comments will be available boundaries-the Columbia River to the of the Calapooya public inspection during normal Umpqua Valley, south north, the Coast Range Mountains on Mountains, the winterq are colder, and business hours at: ATF Reading Room, the west, the Calapooya Mountains on than in the 4405, Federal Building, 12th & the summers are warmer, Room the south, and the Cascade Mountains Willamette Valley. Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, to the east. This proposed area is DC. (b) Willamette Valley has an average located on the valley floor of the rainfall of 40 inches. Annual rainfall to FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Willamette Valley and generally and Beer the west, on the other side of the Coast James P. Ficaretta, FAA, Wine extends no higher than the 1,000 foot inches. To the of Alcohol, Tobacco and Range Mountains, is 100 Branch, Bureau level of the surrounding mountain on the other side of the Cascade Washington, DC (202-566- in east, Firearms, ranges, the limit of viticulture stated annual rainfall is less than 7626). area consists Mountains, the petition. The petitioned 10 inches. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: of approximately 5,200 square miles, (3.3 million acres). Scattered throughout the (c) There are two basic types of soil in Background area are 2,000 acres of grapes, and 27' the Willamette Valley, silty loam and wineries. clay loam, unlike the mountain soils to On August 23, 1978, ATF published the south, east, and west which result Treasury Decision ATF-53 (43 FR 37672, Evidence that the proposed area is locally, and/or from steeper slopes, dense coniferous 54624) revising regulations in 27 CFR viticultural heavier winter for the nationally known is supported by the vegetation and Part 4. These regulations allow precipitation. establishment of definite viticultural following: areas. The regulations also allow the (a] In a 1969 book, "Le Grand Livre du The boundaries of the proposed name of an approved viticultural area to Vin," Edits Lausanne makes reference Willamette Valley viticultural area may be used as an appellation of origin on to certain vinifera grapes being grown in be found on three U.S.G.S. maps wine labels and in wine advertisements. the-Willamette Valley south of Portland. (Vancouver, Salem, and Roseburg). Federal Register / Vol. 48, No. 126 / Wednesday, June 29, 1983 / Proposed Rules 29883 The-boundaries, as proposed by the date and too late for consideration will (2) "Salem," Location Diagram NL 10- petitioner, are described in proposed be treated as possible suggestions for 11, 1960 (revised 1977). § 9.90. future ATF action. (3) "Roseburg," Location Diagram NL ATF will not recognize any material in 10-2, 1958 (revised 1970). Regulatory Flexibility Act comments as confidential. Comments (c) Boundaries.The proposed The provisions of the Regulatory may be disclosed to the public. Willamette Valley viticultural area is Flexibility Act relating to initial and Any material which the commenter located in the northwestern part of final regulatory flexibility analyses (5 considers to be confidential or Oregon, and is bordered on the north by U.S.C. 603, 604)]are not applicable to this inappropriate for disclosure to the the Columbia River, on the west by the notice of proposed rulenmaking because public should not be included in the Coast Range Mountains, on the south by the proposal is not expected (1) to have comment. The name of the person the Calapooya Mountains, and on the significant secondary or incidental submitting a comment is not exempt east by the Cascade Mountains, effects on a substantial number of small from disclosure. encompassing approximately 5,200 entities; nor (2) to impose, nor otherwise Any interested person who desires an square miles (3.3 million acres). The cause, a significant increase in the opportunity to comment orally at a exact boundaries of the proposed area, reporting, recordkeeping, or other public hearing on these proposed based on landmarks and points of compliance burdens on a substantial regulations should submit his or her reference found on the approved maps, number of small entities. request, in writing, to the Director within are as follows: from the beginning point Accordingly, it is hereby certified the 45-day comment period. The ' at the intersection of the Columbia/ under the provisions of Section 3 of the Director, however, reserves the right to Multnomah County line and the Oregon/ Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. determine, in light of all circumstances, Washington State line; 605(b)) that the notice of proposed rule- whether a public hearing will be held. (1) West along the Columbia/ making, if promulgated as a final rule, Multnomah County line 8.5 miles to its will not have a significant economic List of Subjects in 27 CFR Part 9 intersection with the Washington/ impact nor compliance burden on a Administrative practices and Multnomah County line; substantial number of small entities. procedure, Viticultural areas, Consumer (2) South along the Washington Compliance with Executive Order 12291 protection, and Wine. County line 5 miles to its intersection 1,000 foot contour line; Drafting Information with the It has been determined that this notice (3) Northwest (15 miles due of proposed rulemaking is not classified The principal author of this document northwest) along the 1,000 foot contour as a "major rule" within the meaning of is James P. Ficaretta, FAA, Wine and line to its intersection with State Executive Order 12291, 46 FR 13193 Beer Branch, Bureau of Alcohol, Highway 4.7, .5 mile north of "Tophill"; (1981), because it will not have an Tobi'cco and Firearms.