The Impact of Automated Transport on the Role, Operations and Costs of Road Operators and Authorities in Finland

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The Impact of Automated Transport on the Role, Operations and Costs of Road Operators and Authorities in Finland The impact of automated transport on the role, operations and costs of road operators and authorities in Finland EU-EIP Activity 4.2 Facilitating automated driving Risto Kulmala, Juhani Jääskeläinen, Seppo Pakarinen Traficomin tutkimuksia ja selvityksiä Traficoms forskningsrapporter och utredningar Traficom Research Reports 6/2019 Traficom Research Reports 6/2019 Julkaisun päivämäärä 12.3.2019 Julkaisun nimi The impact of automated transport on the role, operations and costs of road operators and authorities in Finland (Automaattiajoneuvojen vaikutukset tienpitäjien ja viranomaisten rooliin, toimintaan ja kustannuksiin Suomessa) Tekijät Risto Kulmala, Juhani Jääskeläinen, Seppo Pakarinen Toimeksiantaja ja asettamispäivämäärä Liikennevirasto ja Trafi 22.3.2018 Julkaisusarjan nimi ja numero ISSN verkkojulkaisu) 2342-0294 Traficomin tutkimuksia ja selvityksiä ISBN (verkkojulkaisu) 978-952-311-306-0 6/2019 Asiasanat Automaattiajaminen, tieliikenne, automaattiauto, vaikutus, tienpitäjä. viranomainen, rooli, kustannukset, toiminta, Suomi Tiivistelmä Tämä kansallinen tutkimus tehtiin osana työpakettia ”Facilitating automated driving” EU:n CEF- ohjelman hankkeessa EU EIP keskittyen viiteen korkean tason automaattiajamisen sovellukseen: moottoritieautopilotti, automaattikuorma-autot niille osoitetuilla väylillä, automaattibussit sekaliikenteessä, robottitaksit sekä automaattiset kunnossapito- ja tietyöajoneuvot. Raportti kuvaa automaattiajamiseen liittyvät säädöspuitteet ja viranomaisstrategiat eri puolilla maailmaa ja etenkin Euroopassa. Tutkimus arvioi tarkasteltujen sovellusten osuudet uusista autoista, koko autokannasta sekä ajetuista liikennesuoritteista Suomessa vuoteen 2040. Tutkimus tuotti ehdotuksen automaattiajamisen suunniteltujen toimintaympäristöjen (Operational Design Domain, ODD) ominaisuuksien luokitukseksi ja sovelsi sitä valittuihin sovelluksiin. Tutkimus arvioi myös toimintaympäristöjen toteutuksen, ylläpidon ja käytön aiheuttamat kustannukset vuoteen 2040 mennessä. Lisäksi tarkasteltiin korkean tason automaattiajamisen vaikutuksia autonomistukseen, liikkumiseen, tieverkkoon, tien ominaisuuksiin ja tiensuunnitteluun, liikenteenhallintaan, liikenteen turvallisuuteen, sujuvuuteen ja ympäristövaikutuksiin sekä talouteen ja työllisyyteen. Lopuksi raportti käsittelee vaikutuksia tienpitäjien ja viranomaisten rooliin ja vastuisiin. Tutkimus perustui kirjallisuuteen, kirjoituspöytäanalyyseihin, asiantuntijahaastatteluihin ja kahteen asiantuntijatyöpajaan, vuoden 2018 aikana pidettyjen alan kongressien ja tapahtumien sekä käynnissä olevien tutkimusten tuloksiin. Yhteyshenkilö Raportin kieli Luottamuksellisuus Kokonaissivumäärä Alina Koskela/Eetu Pilli-Sihvola Englanti Julkinen 137 Jakaja Kustantaja Liikenne- ja viestintävirasto Traficom, EU EIP Liikenne- ja viestintävirasto Traficom Traficom Research Reports 6/2019 Date of publication 12.3.2019 Title of publication The impact of automated transport on the role, operations and costs of road operators and authorities in Finland Author(s) Risto Kulmala, Juhani Jääskeläinen, Seppo Pakarinen Commissioned by, date Finnish Transport Agency and Finnish Transport Safety Agency 22 March 2018 Publication series and number ISSN (online) 2342-0294 ISBN (online) 978-952-311-306-0 Traficom Research Reports 6/2019 Keywords Automated driving, road vehicle, automation, impact, road operator, authority, role, cost, operation, Finland Abstract This national study was a part of the subactivity ”Facilitating automated driving” of the EU EIP project funded by the CEF programme of the EU, and focused on five use cases of highly automated driving: Highway autopilot, highly automated freight vehicles on dedicated roads, automated public rapid transit/shuttles in mixed traffic, robot taxis, and driverless maintenance and road works vehicles. The report describes the automated driving related legal frameworks and the strategies of regulatory authorities globally, and especially in Europe. The study provides a forecast for the penetration of the chosen functionalities and use cases of automated driving in new vehicles, vehicle fleets, and vehicle kilometres driven in Finland up to 2040. A systematic classification for the features of operational design domains (ODDs) is proposed, and then used for the chosen functionalities of automated driving. The report also estimates the costs associated with the implementation, maintenance and operation of the chosen ODDs up to 2040. In addition, it discusses the impacts of highly automated driving on vehicle ownership, mobility, road network, road properties and planning, traffic management, road safety, efficiency, environment, economy and employment. Finally the report addresses the impacts on the role and responsibilities of the road operators and authorities. The study was carried out using literature and desktop analysis, expert interviews and two expert workshops, building on the results of various 2018 congresses and events in automated driving as well as ongoing research projects. Contact person Language Confidence status Pages, total Alina Koskela/Eetu Pilli-Sihvola English Public 137 Distributed by Published by Finnish Transport and Communications Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Agency Traficom, EU EIP Traficom Traficom Research Reports 6/2019 PREFACE This is a pathfinder study for the Finnish Transport Agency and Finnish Transport Safety Agency. The study will provide background national information from Finland for the use of the Sub-Activity 4.2 ”Facilitating automated driving” of the EU-EIP project funded by the CEF-programme of the EU, in particular its Task 2 ”Impacts and economic feasibility of automated driving” and Task 3 ”Roadmap and action plan”. The study was carried out using desktop analysis, expert interviews and two workshops (the first with the launch of the study focusing on regulatory framework, fleet penetration and operational design domain of automated vehicles, and the second for the validation of the results), and building on the results of various 2018 congresses and events in automated driving (such as the CAD Symposium in April 2018, AVS 2018 in July 2018 ITS World Congress in September 2018 and the SIP- ADUS in November 2018). The study was supervised by a national steering group including Asta Tuominen and Petri Antola from Finnish Transport agency, Alina Koskela, Anna Schirokoff, Eetu Pilli- Sihvola and Aki Tilli from Finnish Transport Safety Agency, Maria Rautavirta from the Ministry of Transport and Communications, Johanna Nyberg from the City of Espoo, Mika Kulmala from the Ciity of Tampere, Harri Santamala from Sensible4, and Timo Saarenketo from Roadscanners. The study was carried out by Risto Kulmala from Traficon, Juhani Jääskeläinen from MHR Consulting, and Seppo Pakarinen from Ramboll. Helsinki, 25 January 2019 Alina Koskela Special Adviser Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom Traficom Research Reports 6/2019 Table of contents Abbreviations .................................................................................................. 1 1 Introduction ............................................................................................. 4 2 Legal frameworks and strategies of regulatory authorities ..................... 6 2.1 General ........................................................................................... 6 2.1.1 Automation – the future of transport ........................................ 6 2.1.2 The need for coherent legal framework ..................................... 7 2.1.3 Connected automated driving (CAD) ........................................ 7 2.1.4 Regulatory aspects ................................................................ 8 2.1.5 Focus of this study ................................................................ 8 2.2 The EU legal frameworks and regulations ............................................. 8 2.2.1 General ................................................................................ 8 2.2.2 Vehicle approval regulation, vehicle certification and maintenance ......................................................................... 9 2.2.3 Vienna convention and its impact on the introduction of automated vehicles .............................................................. 12 2.2.4 Road safety, driver behavior and driving license....................... 13 2.2.5 Traffic rules and large-scale testing on open roads ................... 15 2.2.6 Liability, insurance and defects .............................................. 16 2.2.7 Infrastructure and requirements to road operators ................... 17 2.2.8 Connected vehicles, communication and data security .............. 20 2.2.9 Data ownership and privacy .................................................. 22 2.3 The global legal frameworks and regulations ....................................... 25 2.3.1 United States automated driving regulation ............................. 25 2.3.2 Japan ................................................................................ 29 2.3.3 China ................................................................................. 29 2.3.4 South Korea ....................................................................... 30 2.3.5 Singapore .......................................................................... 31 2.4 The legal frameworks and strategies of the Member States ................... 31 2.4.1 The EU and national regulatory frameworks ............................ 31 2.4.2 Driver in the vehicle – the key issue ......................................
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