Making Sustainable Living Commonplace
MAKING SUSTAINABLE LIVING COMMONPLACE ANNUAL REPORT 2018-19 BASIS OF PREPARATION AND PRESENTATION Summary Cautionary Statement The terms ‘HUL’, ‘the Company’, ‘your Company’, ‘we’, ‘our’ and Statements in this Integrated Annual Report, particularly ‘us’ refer to Hindustan Unilever Limited. Our Integrated Annual those that relate to Management Discussion and Analysis, Report encompasses the Strategic Reports, pages 2 to 80 and describing the Company’s objectives, projections, estimates the Financial Statements, pages 81 to 201. The Strategic Report and expectations, may constitute ‘forward-looking statements’ contains information about us, how we create value for our within the meaning of applicable laws and regulations. Although stakeholders and how we run our business. It also includes our the expectations are based on reasonable assumptions, the strategy, business model, market outlook and key performance actual results might differ. indicators. The Report of Board of Directors and Management Discussion and Analysis includes details of our performance Assurance by Independent Auditor under each of the strategic pillars as well as our approach to The enclosed standalone and consolidated Financial Statements sustainability and risk management. Our Corporate Governance of your Company have been audited by Independent Auditors Report, which forms a part of the Board of Directors Report, B S R & Co. LLP Chartered Accountants. pages 55 to 80, contains an analysis of steps taken in the area of Corporate Governance including information as required Your Company’s USLP performance is a subset of the Unilever under the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), (Listing PLC’s reported USLP performance. Independent assurance has Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 been provided by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP over the Unilever (Listing Regulations).
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