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A CARIBBEAN CHESS HOLIDAY! ( See P A CARIBBEAN CHESS HOLIDAY! ( See P. 104 ) Volume xx Number S May, 19&5 EDITOR: J. F . Reinhard t CONTENTS CHESS FEDERATION PRESIDENT Mrs. Gresser Wins Championship .......................................................... 9S Lt. Col. E. B. Edmondson VICE·PRESIDENT David Hoffmann The Bible: 10th Edition, by Lany Evons ................................................ 96 REGIONAL VICE·PRESIDENTS NEW ENGLAND Stanley KIng Spassky, Geller Win in Candidates ............. .. ...... .... .. .. ............. .............. 98 Harold Dondls Robert Goodspeed EASTERN Donald Sehultz Lewis E. Wood A Robot Chess Player, by Mikhail Botvinnik ... ........ ... ....................... ..... 99 MID·ATLANTIC George Thomas Earl Clary Edwar d D. Strehle SOUTHERN Dr . Robert Froemke Mar del Plata Revisited, by Pal Benko .................................................. 100 Jerry Sullivan Carroll M. Crull GREAT LAKES Nor bert Matthews Donald W. Hildlng From the Student T eom, by Bernard Zuckerman .................................. 102 James &,:hroeder NORTH CENTRAL Frank Skort J obn Osne" Ken Rykken The 1965 U. S. Open .............. ....................................... .... ................... 104 SOUTHWESTERN John Beltl1ng Kenneth Smith Par k Bishop PACIFIC Richard Vandenbur g t'l4ew Stars Among the Women, by V. Panov ... .. ....... ................... .. .... .. .. 106 Gordon Barrett Col. Paul L . Webb SECRETARY Gomes by USCF Members, by John W. Collins .... .. ....... ..... .................... 108 Marshall Rohland NATIONAL CHAIRMEN and OFFICERS Chess Life Here & There ............................ .... .... .................................. 11 0 ARMED FORCES C HESS 'M.~ ...... _.. Roberl Karch BUSINESS MANAGER••. •.• ~ ••.•_. _J. F. Reinhardt Tournament Life .................................................................................... 113 COLLEGE CHESS .~ ••.~.". __ ._. __ ._~ ... Paul C. Joas INDUSTRIAL CHESS._._. .. _.stanley W. D. Kinc INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS .. ......lsa ac Kashdan Women" Intern.Uona}. ... ....... ...Kathryn Sla~er JUNIOR CHIESS .. .............. Mordecal D. Tr eblow MASTERS AFFAIRS... ....................... RObert Byrne MEMBERSHIP ........................ .... .. .. Donald Schultz MEMBERSHIP SIECRETARy .............. Greta FuchS JOIN THE UNITED STATES CHESS FEDERATION NATIONAL OPEN ............ ............ Herman Estrada NOMINATIONS ............•. Dr. Alex Janushkowsky USC" I•• non·profit democratic ori.n1z.tion. the official governiu& booy .nd FIDE unit for PRESIDENTIAL ASSISTANT .... .... .. l"red Cramer chess In th e USA. Anyone Interested In aovsndn& American chell! Is eit&lble lor melllbenhtp. RATINGS &. PAIRINGS._ .............A rpad E. Elo RATING STATISTICIAN... __ .... Wm. GolchberC Membership, including CHESS LIFE IJUbaerlptiOll, eligibility lor USCF-ralln&. and aU TAX DEDUCTIBILITY .. _• .. __ •__ . ....Harold Dondb prtvUeces:: I yr.: 5.00; 2 yn..: $9.50; 3 yn.: $13.50; Sustainlng: $10.00 (becomln& )lIe Membenhtp TOURNAMENT ADM._..• _.Georee KollaoowMkI alter 10 payments); LUe: $100.00. F.mlly ~mbersh l p (tWl) or more family members a t same TOURNAMENT RULES._. __ .... __ James Sherwio TREASURER .•_ •.•• __ ........ __ .•__ ........ Mllton Ruskin address, only one CHESS LIFE suweripUon): rales aa above (or first t.mlly member. plus U. S. CHAMP10NSHIP.. .............. Maurice Kasper tollowlnc lor each addition al mem~ r : 1 yr.: $2.50; 2 yrs.: $4..75; 3 Yt$.: $6.75, U.S. OPEH .............................. H • •• • • • •••• ••W. B. Akin WOMEN' S CHESS...................... ...... ... .Eva Aronson CHESS LIFE 15 published monthly by USCF and entered as secono-elasa matter at East Du buque, lllinol.... Non.member I-yr. sublcrlption: $4 .00 ($5.00 outside USA), sln&le copy: 4.1)j! (SOt WORLD CHESS FEDERATION outlloe USA). Cha nge of addru J: Allow four weeks notice; please give us both the new adoress (F.I.D.E.) sno the 010 aoorns, Ind udln& the numbers and datu on the top line of your stenCil. Fred Cramer Vice·President, Zone 5 (U.SA) Add.rel s aU conununlc.Uons, and. mike all checks payable to: -------- UNITED STATES CHESS FEDI!RATlaN, eo Ent 11th St ....t . NEW YOR K 3, N. Y. CHESS LIFE MRS. GRESSER WINS lor 1962 as well as the new Lucille Ke ll­ QUEEN'S PAWN OPENING CHAMPIONSHIP ner i\Iemorial Trophy, J . PIATIGORSKY M. KARFF 1. P-Q4 H·KSl 23. "·KS Q.K2 • • • 2. P-QB4 P-K3 24 . It-R3 R.B, Gisela K. Gresser won the United The tournament was again financed 3. N· KB3 B. NSch 25. R-OB3 II·Kl States Women's Championship for the by contr ibutions from the Piatigorsky 4. 8-Q2 Q-K2 26. R/ '-BI Q.gB2 5, N·B3 P·B4 27. Q·Q2 R.B3 sixth time by scoring 8·2 in a fi eld of Chess Foundation, l\I .·s. Gresser, and the 6. P·K3 0 ·0 28. P_B6 P-QN3 eleven of the top-rated wo men in the Amel'ican Chess f"oundation. Additional 7. Q-B2 N·8 3 29, R-KR3 Q.K1 8, B·K2 P-Q4 30. R/l-Bl R-QB2 nation. contributions wcre r eceived this year from Mrs. Mary Selensky and Mr. Louis t . 0-0 BPxP 31. B-K2 'I-'ll 10. KPxp R-Q'I 32. R-R4 A.KB, The round robin event, this year des­ Kellner. 11 . P·QR3 IbN 33. R/l-KR] P-N4 12. a)<a N·KS 34. A·R6 Q.Kl ignated the Lucille Kellner J\1emorial SICILIAN DEFENSE 13. KR·Kl P.B4 35. RxRP QxR Tournament, was played at the Henry G. GRESSER M. SELENSKY 14. B-Q3 Q-B3 36, RxO RxR 1. P·K4 P·QB4 21. KR·Ql R·KBI 15. P·BS N)(a 31. QxPch R_Nl Hudson Hotel in New York City from 2. N·KB3 P.Q3 22. Q· NS Q·KB2 16. axN P·QR3 38. g -Bl R-QB1 April 24 through May 8. 3. P·Q4 U. Q·N3 QR.QI 17. P·QN4 B-Q2 39. '1_11.6 R-K2 4. NxP 24. RxP ItxR 18. P·QR4 N·A2 40. Q· 81 R-OBl 19, Q. N3 N-B3 41. B·B3 •. .•.... 1\1rs. Gresser, the highest·rated player 5. N·QB3 25. RxR Q.K2 6. B.QB4 P' Kl 26. R.Ql K·Rl 20. Q·N2 P-QR4 Adjourned _ S hick in the event (pre·tournament rating: 1. B·N) B·K2 27. Q·K3 N·BS 11. P·NS N.NS rulgned w i thout 8. 0-0 P·K4 28. N· K2 N·N3 27, B·Bl QR-BI re,uming play. 2107) lost in a second·round upset to 9. N/ 4. K2 0·0 29. P'KN3 K·N2 10. N·N3 N·B3 30. P·KR4 Q. B3 Kate Sillars of Wilmette, Illinois and RUY LOPEZ yielded draws to Mona Karff and Ruth II. B'K NS N·KNS 32. RXP K· Rl 12. BxB .,. 32. RxP K·Rl K. SILLARS G. GRESSER Herstein. She wo n all her other games, 13. Q·Q2 Q·B2 33. K·N2. N·N3 1. P' K4 N.QB3 21. R/ 2·K2 B· KR4 14. QR·Ql R·Ql 34. K·Bl N·K2 2. N. KB3 P·K4 22. R·K7 R·Kl including a decisive encounter with Mrs. 15. N.RS N·KB3 3S. N·Nl N.N3 3. B·NS B. B4 23. BxP RxR Gregor Piatigorsky in round nine. Mrs. 16. NxNch P,. 36. N·R3 ........ 4. P·B3 KN·K2. 24. IhR R·Bl 11. Q· R6 B·K3 And Black over· S. 0·0 B·N3 2.5. Q·N1 BxB PiaUgorsky finished a strong second, 18. BxB ". s tepped the time 6. P.Q4 P.. 26. RxB R·Nl only haH a point behind the winner. 19. QxBP ... , limit• 7. PxP P". 21. Q·K4 B·N3 20. R.Ql N·N3 8. PxP ... 28. Q·K3 R·N8ch 9. R·Klch B·K3 29. N·Kl Q·QNl Mona Karfi, Ruth Herstein and Kate SICILIAN DEFENSE 10. N·B3 0.0 30. R·K1 R·N7 Sillars all scored 6-4 to tie for third. Dr. R. GUINAN K. SILlARS 11. B·NS Q·Q3 31 . p·QS RxRP Helen Wcissenstein, playing in her first 1. P· K4 P·QB4 24. PxP ... 12. R·QBl ., . 32. P.Q6 B·R4 women's championship fo r many years, 2. P'Q4 "p 25. Q·B2 R/l·Kl 13. P x N B·NS 33. Q.Q3 Q.N3 3. N.KB3 , 26. RxP Q.N5 14. Q·Q3 P·B3 34. Q·BS P·KR3 I .. , scored 5% ·4 h . She was undefeated­ 4. NxP N·KB3 21. R/ QB3·Q3 R·KS IS . B· KR4 KR·Kl 35. P'Q1 Q.Ql having compiled a string of seven draws 5. P·K B3 P·QR3 28 . P·B3 Q. lt6 16. B·N3 Q. R6 36. Q·BS R· Ra - until losing to Mrs. Gresser in the 6. N· B3 P· K3 29. B·Bl Q·B8 11. Q.B4ch K·RI And Black ovu, 1. B· K3 B· K2. 30. K·Nl Q.R3 18. BxN ,tepped the time fi nal round. 8. Q-Q2 0 -0 31. N·BS 19. QxP R/ Kl.QBI". limit. 9. B' K2 Q·B2 32. RxB B".·lts 20. R·B2 Q.Bl • • • 10. 0-0 QN·Q2 33. Q·B3 Q.B8 11 . QR·QI N·K4 34. R/hQP R'K BS Mrs. Gresser won the U. S. title for 12.. P·QN3 8 ·Q2 35. Q·QI R· B1ch Mr. Louis Kellner, brother of the late the first time in 1944. She was co·cham· 13. P·B4 N/ 4.NS 36. K·Nl Q.B5 pion thr ee times: in 1948, wi th !\lona 14. P.KR3 31. B·N2 P·N3 Lucille Kellner, in addition to contribut­ 15. QxN QR.".Bl 38. R·B3 ing two trophies for the tournament, Karff; in 1955, with the late Nancy 16. R.B3 ... KR· KI 19. R-Q8 Ro os; and in 1957, with the late Sonja 11. K·RI P.QN4 40. QxR/3 .,.... donated a $25 prize for the best·played Graf. She again won the title outright 18. R.Q2 P".
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