U.S. Amateur Team West 5 TACTICS ) Where Web- IBAR INVITATIONAL
R ank & File MAY-JUNE 2005 VOLUME XXVIII, NO. 3 $3.00 22nd Annual Charles Van Buskirk U.S. Tim Hanks Amateur Team West Let’s Mate Those Fockers Ron Hermansen Rory Valle Membership, Public and Professional Endorsements Service Joel Channing, currently a director of the US Chess Trust, will bring to the USCF Executive Board Director US Chess Trust. Mensa. Miami a wealth of business experience know-how. We Beach Planning Commission, 1970 to 1973. State strongly recommend that you vote for Joel Channing! of Florida Condominium Advisory Board, 1979 to 1983. Community Associations Institute, National Dale F. Frey, Treasurer, General Electric (ret.); Speakers Bureau, 1980 to 1984. Florida Home Chairman, General Electric Investments Inc. (ret.) Builders Association Legislative Committee, 1979 to 1982, North Palm Beach Chamber of World Champion Susan Polgar Vote for Joel Channing for the USCF Commerce, Governmental Committee 1988 to Erik Anderson, President AF4C Executive Board 1990. Best in America Living Award Judge, 1993. GM Yasser Seirawan I know how to make a business succeed, I know City of Palm Beach Gardens Planning and Zoning Bill Goichberg, Former USCF Exec Director " Board, member 1996, Vice Chairman 1997, Don Schultz, Former President USCF how to work harmoniously with others and I've Chairman 1998 to 2000. Florida, Advisory Council made enough money to give chess the amount of to the Commission on Human Relations, 1999. GM Arthur Bisguier time it deserves." Recent Chess Experience Harvey Lerman, floridaCHESS Editor Joel Channing I love chess, especially what it does for IM John Donaldson children. God must love lower rated players -- he Dan Lucas, Editor Georgia Chess Business Experience: made so many of us.
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