Morris, Max From: Morris, Max Sent: Wednesday, May 5, 2021 9:30 PM To: Morris, Max Subject: 05/05/2021 Coronavirus Daily Recap This email is provided for informational, non-commercial purposes only. Use or reliance on the information contained in this email is at your sole risk. This email is not provided by or affiliated in any way with Ally Financial Inc. These updates are being shared to multiple organizations, individuals and lists who/which are bcc’d. Best effort we are sending Daily updates during the business week, typically in the evening, a Weekend Recap on Monday mornings, and any significant breaking news events provided anytime. Please note some numbers included in the Statistics and news stories come from various sources and so can vary as they are constantly changing and not reported at the same time. All communications are TLP GREEN and can be shared freely. Know someone who might want to be added to our Updates? Of course ask them first, and then have them send us an email to
[email protected]. Live the message, share the message: Be safe – Stay home and limit travel as much as possible, self-quarantine if you or any members of your family are or may be sick, if you go out wear your mask – the right way, ensure safe social distancing, and practice good hygiene – wash your hands, avoid touching your face, and sanitize used items and surfaces. And be sure to get fully vaccinated to not only protect yourself but others. Need to find a vaccine? Here are a few good sites and resources we have come across that may help: White House Vaccine Resource - Website to make it easier for people to find information,, and people can also text their zip code to 438829 to find out information about vaccination sites.