A guide to Caltex products Lubricants, fuels and more Caltex Oil Shop Network Premium quality oil available nationwide Caltex Product Information Guide FUELS 2 PETROL ENGINE OILS 4 DIESEL ENGINE OILS 12 MARINE ENGINE OILS 18 TRANSMISSION FLUIDS - Automatic 19 TRANSMISSION FLUIDS – Manual & Powershift 22 TRANSMISSION FLUIDS – Tractors 25 AUTOMOTIVE GEAR LUBRICANTS 27 ENGINE COOLANTS / ANTI-FREEZE 30 BRAKE FLUIDS 33 INDUSTRIAL OILS 34 GREASES - Automotive and Industrial 42 CHAIN BAR LUBRICANTS 47 ROTARY VACUUM PUMP OILS 48 SPECIALTY PRODUCTS - Solvents and Degreasing Fluid 49 METALWORKING FLUID 50 OIL SAMPLE ANALYSIS 51 CLASSIFICATION, COMPATIBILITY AND GLOSSARY 52-67 PRODUCT INDEX 67-69 Note: This document is a guide only and was prepared in good faith from the best information available at the time of issue. While the values and characteristics are considered representative, some variation, not affecting performance, can be expected. It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the products are used in the applications for which they are intended. Please refer to the manufacturers recommendations to confirm. Individual Product Data Sheets can be accessed by going on-line https://caltex.co.nz/resources/lubricants-product-data-sheets/ For further information contact Caltex Lubricants Technical Department on 0800 733 835 and choose option 3. 1 For PRODUCT or APPLICATION information, visit website http://www.datateck.com.au/lube/caltx_nz/ or email
[email protected] or contact Caltex Technical on 0800 733 835 and choose option 3 FUELS Caltex Premium with Techron A highly refined, premium grade unleaded petrol designed for use in all petrol-fuelled spark-ignition engines in mobile, portable and stationary applications.