SHOW RACISM THE RED CARD DVD and education pack £25 (inc p&p)

The DVD is a fast moving and engaging 22 minutes exploration of racism, its origins, causes and practical ways to combat it. The film includes personal experiences of both young people and top footballers, such as , , and Didier Drogba. The education pack is filled with activities and discussion points complete with learning outcomes, age group suitability and curriculum links. SPECIAL OFFER: Buy ‘SHOW RACISM THE RED CARD’ with ‘ISLAMOPHOBIA/ A SAFE PLACE’ for a special price of £45 including p&p. For more information or to place an order email ANNUAL REVIEW 2010 FOREWORD CONTENTS Shaka Hislop, Honorary President Foreword by Shaka Hislop 1 What a year it has been for Show Racism the Red Card. Football crowds and club revenues continue to rise steadily Introduction by Ged Grebby 3 despite much of the world still gripped by the recession. Many people believe, and will say out loud, that football has Sponsorship 4 its own world. As the growing crowds also show an increase in the number of minority groups regularly attending games every weekend, a few ask ‘why the need Website 5 for an organisation such as Show Racism The Red Card?’ The stats speak for themselves. This has been a record year Leroy Rosenior 6 in terms of revenues raised and staff growth at well over 15%. The website also continues to show amazing growth Hall of Fame 7 and popularity and even on Facebook the fan numbers are very pleasing indeed. Resources 8 But there's a reason for the numbers. More and more people understand our long held belief that communities The Campaign in England 11 respond best together in times of adversity. The BNP continues to have good showing in local elections and the Events Map 12-13 people are having their say against it. So our work continues. The communities are our target and School Competition 14 our voice. Be it the through our website, Facebook group or our Teacher Training 15 dedicated staff, all of our voices will be heard. Maybe one day there won't be the need for an organisation such as Teacher Training Events 16 ours, that day we'll all smile together. Until then, we'll all shout out loud in our belief of right over wrong. Community Education Work 21

South East Work 27

Stand Up Against Racism 31

SRtRC Wales 32

SRtRC Scotland 42

Management Committee 50

Staff Team 50

Press 51

Honorary Patrons 52


MAIN PICTURE: Pupils at the launch of our partnership with Bedford Borough Council. INSETS: Coaches, Dean Gordon and ; Sir Michael Eavis and Billy Bragg show their support for the campaign as SRtRC visit Glastonbury Festival 2010.

Photo by Peter Dunwell


INTRODUCTION MOVING FORWARD We are now one year into our by Ged Grebby, Chief Executive most recent Business Plan Welcome to our Annual Review in conducted an external evaluation of April 2009 to March 2012 (see what is the 14th year for our charity. our North East Community Education website for a copy) and we are It has been another record year for work. This evaluation sampled 36 on track to meet most of the our campaign with growth in both our partner agencies and 32 schools and targets. As well as new income and expenditure and another the overwhelming response was very developing new educational large increase in our staff team. positive. The report is available to resources to combat racism we Selecting the highlights from a year’s download from our website. It is are about to launch a new film, work is becoming an increasingly always useful to have external Show Bigotry the Red Card. difficult task as our anti-racist evaluations to see the organisations We have also received funding campaigning continues to develop. strengths and weaknesses through for a new film to combat Among the highlights must be the other people’s eyes. Homophobia in football. These resources will be important award our organisation in Wales Whilst we are constantly looking to additions to our work but the received from the Welsh Council for improve on the work we undertake central theme of our campaign Voluntary Action for “Most Admired as an organisation. This does not will remain anti-racist Organisation”. Our Islamophobia film mean that we need to change what education. also won “Film of the Year” at the we do dramatically, our most recent Scottish Muslim awards. external evaluation concluded that The current economic However, overall my highlight of the “Show Racism the Red Card as an recession has led to a marked year has to be the development of organisation has a very strong brand increase in unemployment and our staff team and consequently the and identity. The linkage of football short-time working. This, improvements we have made in all to racism and its use as an together with the current round areas of our work. Since August educational tool is a simple but of public sector cuts and the 2009, the staff team has increased powerful concept seen as effective threat of even more from 23 to 38 staff members. and easy to understand.” Updating redundancies, has produced and developing our anti-racist fertile territory for the As an organisation we are not afraid educational resources remains key development of racist attitudes. of new challenges and we have to the success of our campaign. The recession has led to an developed a brand new strand to our increase in racist scapegoating Finally, this year has seen us work in Scotland with the Show by the media, with the issue of significantly increase the Bigotry the Red Card Campaign. We immigration again coming to geographical impact of our work. have also started to develop our the fore. Anti-racists must The opening of our Bedford office in adult education work with some therefore redouble our efforts September 2009 resulted in a highly successful Teacher Training to combat the growth of far significant increase in our Days being organised in England and right parties and mainstream partnerships in the South East of Wales. To combat the racism of the racism. England but we have also increased British National Party (BNP) in the the work we undertake elsewhere in The aim of this Annual Review General Election 2010 we also the UK. This is down to our is to showcase our work and launched Stand Up Against Racism excellent staff team and I would like hopefully increase the number to harness the high profile of to pay particular tribute to those who of partners working with us to professional comedians to challenge have made a brilliant impact on our fight racism. We have recently the racist policies of this repugnant work but sadly left us to pastures redeveloped our website and political party. new: Tommy Breslin, Laura Fleck, our aim is to use this as our Following on from last year’s major Atta Yaqub and Conrad Franks have main resource for the next few external evaluation of our schools all made a huge contribution to our years. competition in Scotland, this year we work over the last year.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS My thanks go to all the staff, Management Committee, Scottish and Welsh Advisory Committee, volunteers, players, managers and supporters who have been the driving force to make this our most successful year on record. Finally, a big thank you to all our sponsors who have made the actions that we have taken possible. 3 SHOW RACISM THE RED CARD

SPONSORSHIP Paul Kearns, UK Office Manager

The last year was another highly England, Scotland and Wales. managed to secure a new agreement successful year for the campaign We managed to secure improved with another Council. We secured team. It was the first year we had to funding from Unison and renew our brand new poster sponsorship approach new and previous sponsors funding agreements with Unite the agreements with Victim Support since the recession began. In light of Union, USDAW and Prospect. We Merseyside, Oldham Council, very difficult and in the also received further funding from Stoke-on-Trent Council, Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council and midst of the harshest economic UIA Insurance, which helped to Barnsley Metropolitan Borough climate in many years it has been an establish our new South East Office Council. amazing year for the organisation. based in Bedford. In the 2010 General Election, the BNP One of our major strengths is that we We built upon our excellent had some of their best results in both have always managed to source our relationships and managed to secure Stoke and Rotherham, it is important funding from a variety of different an amazing mascot package from that we continue to progress our sponsors and over the course of the Liverpool FC, which we were able to work in these areas where the BNP last year we have increased and auction for £2,000 via our long- will target their message over the further diversified our range of standing partnership with the Hilton next few years. We have applied to funders. We secured funding from in the Community Foundation. the Department for Communities and Stand Up Speak Up to continue our Local Government Tackling Racial We put into place a new partnership work in these areas over the next Inequalities Fund (TRIF). The working partnership with the two seasons and are hopeful our agreement, which runs until March construction company Balfour Beatty funding application will be 2011, has enabled us to employ 3 in the North West, working with successful. Bolton Wanderers and Blackburn new members of staff. We are now The next 12 months will be critical to Rovers we hope to further strengthen able to deliver a teaching training the future of Show Racism the Red this agreement over the coming year. conference in every region of Card, our increased funding has England and work directly in schools Again, we received a fantastic enabled the campaign to considerably in the South East. response to our request for poster increase our staff numbers. sponsorship this season and this The other big successful funding Our increased responsibility for more application was granted by the funding enabled us to print over half numbers of staff means we will have Equality and Humans Rights a million team posters throughout the to work harder than ever before to Commission (EHRC). This funding UK. secure funding to sustain our current allows us to employ Co-ordinators to Although we lost a few Council activities and maintain our staffing oversee educational programmes of agreements due to the recession, for levels in the year of our 15th work in schools in North East every Council partnership we lost we Anniversary.


Show Racism the Red Card Visitor numbers peaked during Our followers have steadily grown recognise the importance of a strong October 2009 and May 2010 with since April 2009 and we now receive web presence in order to be fewer visits over the summer on average 16 new fans each day. accessible to supporters. months. We typically receive 57 page views per day (22 unique visitors) and the Our website is The number of visits – inclusive of photos are viewed on average 13 now finalised and new features have those that return to the site several times per day. This peaks hugely been implemented over the last 12 times over a month – is shown in the when new photos are added (for months, the online shop, interactive chart above. Over the period August example 215 people viewed the game, brand new gallery, films and 2009 – July 2010, there has been an STAR festival photos on the day they press coverage sections are all now average of 10,520 visits to the site. were uploaded to the site). live on the new site. This suggests that almost 50% of the ‘unique’ visitors return to the website Generally, 6.6 people “interact” with Since the relaunch, staff have more than once per month. our Facebook pages per day, i.e. worked hard to ensure the site is writing on the wall; ‘liking’ something; updated regularly with a variety of The “News and Events” section is posting content or commenting on relevant and informative news items; consistently the most-viewed area of posts. The average number of educational resources are available the website, followed by the home people responding to each new item as PDF downloads or to purchase page, poster downloads and the we post on Facebook is 21.3. through the online shop and online shop. The campaign is also active on e-newsletters are sent out regularly SRtRC now has our own Facebook and has our own Youtube to subscribers to the site. page, which has an amazing 12,792 channel to promote our films and Over the period August 2009 – July fans: promotional videos: 2010, the website has seen an average of 5862 unique visitors per month. The web stats clearly show significantly higher visitor numbers for 2010 compared to the same time in the previous year. SRTRC_England

Number of Site Visits, 2009-10 showracismtheredcard standupagainstracism All our social network links are embedded within the new website and the campaign is increasingly using these new media to engage and promote our anti racist message to young people. 5 SHOW RACISM THE RED CARD


What an amazing year it has been for me and the organisation. When I joined the organisation over 3 years ago I wasn’t aware of the effect it would have on not only the people we come into contact with but on people who have only heard about the organisation. The work in schools has had a massive impact on the young people and, having been back to the same schools that I went to 3 years ago, it is obvious that anti racism is seen as vital to the school’s development. I’ve always thought it would be the teachers who would take forward our work in the schools but it has also been the school children. I’ve seen these young people take it into adulthood and into their respective work places; it’s absolutely amazing. The group of people that have come together at Show Racism the Red Card are as diverse as ever and have one goal, and that is to get our message across as powerfully as possible, and I think that these goals are being achieved day in, day out. I’ve been involved now with teacher training which has again opened my eyes. When we see a teacher who’s upset after one of our events because she wasn’t aware that some of her practices were not anti-racist, and considers the impact they’ve been having on the children, it only cements my attitude more, and the attitude of the organisation, that we are only touching the surface but are on the point of something that will have a long lasting effect on society in general. I don’t believe there are many organisations that can say that. When I speak to other charities the message I get is not only do they believe that they’re touching the surface but also that this will never change. This is certainly not the case with Show Racism the Red Card. So in closing I’d like to say well done to everyone involved in the organisation, thank you for the support that I’ve had since I started working here and I really look forward to even more success in the future.


Show Racism the Red Card present Hall of Fame awards to those who have HALL OF continually supported the campaign and attended numerous events. This season the following people have been inducted FAME in to the Hall of Fame:

LUTHER BLISSETT – former England international, and AC Milan PAUL CANOVILLE – former Chelsea player. player. Now sessional coach for Show Racism the Red Card in East & South East England. FRANK CLARK – former Nottingham Forest Manager and now Managing Director of the League Managers Association. PAUL ELLIOTT – former Aston Villa, Celtic and Chelsea defender. CYRILLE REGIS – ex-England international, West Brom, Coventry and Aston Villa player. – former Leeds and Bradford City player. FRASER WISHART – former Motherwell, Rangers, Hearts and Clydebank player and current Chief Executive of the Professional ZESH REHMAN – captain of Bradford City FC and . Footballers’ Association Scotland. 7 SHOW RACISM THE RED CARD

RESOURCES Laura Hagan, Administration & Support Worker Last year SRtRC produced a large number of new resources including an updated version of our main educational film, Show Racism the Red Card DVD and education pack, Islamophobia/A Safe Place DVDs and education packs and rebranded fringe resources. This season our focus has been to further promote these and encourage more traffic through our online shop Sales of Islamophobia/A Safe Place and accompanying education packs have increased from last season and earlier this year Islamophobia was heralded as ‘Film of the Year’ by the Scottish Muslim Awards 2010. This year has seen sales of badges, wristbands and newer products such as Supporter’s Packs rise and this can be accredited to new Resource Brochures that have been distributed to all schools in England and Wales via the major teaching unions NUT and NASUWT. After much demand we have now translated all our education packs in to Welsh and these, like all our publications, can be downloaded from our website The chart below shows sale percentages through the period July 2009 – July 2010. AWARD WINNING FILM*

KEY LESSONS • Mail-outs of Resource Brochures via the teaching unions have increased sales and we will aim to continue this practice next season. • Offering a wider range of additional resources such as badges, wristbands and Supporter’s Packs has boosted income as teachers often use these items as prizes or incentives for learning whilst using our educational materials. • The next editions of the Show Racism the Red Card DVD and the magazine will soon be due to be updated to ensure that young people receive our anti-racist message from the highest level and most relevant role models.


Resources available from

LATEST EDITION T SHIRTS OF SRTRC MAGAZINE T shirts available in red, white and black. £1 EACH Featuring interviews with Sizes S, M, L and XL. £8 inc p&p top footballers. Order 100 for only £30. POSTERS See for details BADGES BUTTON BADGES - 35mm, round, SRtRC badges SRTRC SUPPORTER’S PACK £12 with pin fastening available in packs of 100 £20 PIN BADGES - Square, metal pin badge available in packs of 100 £40 WRISTBANDS Single red SRtRC wristband £1

MUGS White SRtRC mug £5

INCLUDES: SRtRC T shirt, magazine, mini football, wristband, button badge and drawstring kit bag.

SPECIAL SPECIAL OFFER OFFER Islamophobia & Islamophobia & A Safe Place double A Safe Place double DVD box set + SRtRC DVD box set + SRtRC SCOTLAND Educational DVD Educational DVD £45 £40 9 POSTERS PRINTED 2009/10 ENGLAND Arsenal FC; Arsenal Ladies FC; Aston Villa FC; Barnsley FC; FC; Blackburn Rovers FC; FC; Bolton Wanderers FC; Bristol City FC; Burnley FC; Carlisle United FC; Chelsea FC; Cheltenham Town FC; Colchester United FC; Coventry City FC; Crystal Palace FC; Dagenham & Redbridge FC; Derby County FC; Doncaster Rovers FC; Everton FC; Forest Green Rovers FC; Fulham FC; Hartlepool United FC; Hull City FC; Town FC; Leeds United FC; Leicester City FC; Liverpool FC; Manchester City FC; Manchester United FC; Millwall FC; Mk Dons FC; Newcastle Eagles; Newcastle Falcons; Newcastle United FC; Nottingham Forest FC; Oldham Athletic FC; Peterborough United FC; Plymouth Argyle FC; Port Vale FC; Preston North End FC; Queens Park Rangers FC; Reading FC; Rotherham United FC; Scunthorpe United FC; United FC; Sheffield Wednesday FC; Southampton FC; Stoke City FC; Sunderland AFC; Tottenham Hotspur FC; Watford FC; West Bromwich Albion FC; West Ham United FC; Wigan Athletic FC; Wolverhampton Wanderers FC; Wycombe Wanderers FC ; England 2010

WALES Cardiff Blues RFC; Llanelli Scarlets RFC; Swansea Ospreys RFC; Newport Gwent Dragons RFC; Llanelli AFC; The New Saints FC ; Rhyl FC; Bangor FC; Wrexham FC; Swansea City FC; Cardiff City FC; Newport County AFC; Wales Rugby Squad

SCOTLAND Celtic FC; Rangers FC; Dundee United FC; Falkirk FC; Hibernian FC; St Johnstone FC; Motherwell FC; Hamilton Academical FC; Heart of Midlothian FC; Kilmarnock FC; Partick Thistle FC; Aberdeen FC; Scotland



EDUCATIONAL TEACHER FEEDBACK “Our children had a fantastic day! The EVENTS activities, resources and organisers were brilliant. Gavin Sutherland, Campaign Worker (England) Hope to attend the event EDUCATIONAL EVENTS Eight of our events this season next year! Many thanks.” followed the all-day format. A. Fitzpatrick, Heasandford A major facet of the SRtRC campaign The reaction of both teachers and Primary School in England is the series of high pupils to the extended formats of the profile educational events with educational events has been very “Having the football clubs. These events allow positive. At SRtRC we are fortunate young people from schools Blackpool FC manager to be able to employ former there to talk about his throughout the Country to take part professional footballers such as John in a unique educational experience Anderson, Gary Bennett, Olivier experiences really helped by directly interacting with Bernard, Luther Blissett, Dean the children to professional footballers and provide Gordon, Curtis Fleming, Paul understand what racism the campaign with useful press Mortimer, Leroy Rosenior and was and how it effects coverage at a local level. Christian Roberts and who have people.” In the 2009/10 season, SRtRC made a helped deliver the activities and 2 hour format the standard model for participate in the Q&A panels. This the educational events. This model season, Leroy has been instrumental in delivering some excellent activities sees an hour of educational YOUNG PEOPLE activities run by SRtRC staff, before at the majority of the football club moving on to a screening of the events in England, in the opening • Over 78% of young people, from a SRtRC film and Q&A session with hour and workshops at the full-day sample group of 187 attending 6 current and former professional events. This further use of role- different SRtRC events felt that footballers in the second hour. SRtRC models is an immediately engaging they knew more about racism also run “all-day” events with factor for the participants. Full than before attending the event football clubs which see pupils from reports on all of this season’s events • 98.42% of the same sample of local schools take part in a carousel are available at young people agreed that racism of workshops on anti-racism themes Please see the events map on pages and the effects of racism could be in the morning, before the film 12 to 13 for full details and statistics very serious following attendance screening and Q&A in the afternoon. about this season’s events. at a SRtRC event


These past 9 months working for SRtRC have been very rewarding. I’ve been given the opportunity to visit numerous football grounds and assist in the running of anti-racism workshops. Although the bulk of my work is office based, being able to view first-hand the amazing impact the work has on young people is immensely inspiring. I am genuinely proud to be able to work within such a hard working and committed team. Working for SRtRC has, naturally, given me the opportunity to further explore my knowledge of the subject of racism, as well as allowed me to play an active role of which I have found a great source of motivation in tackling racism in its many forms. 11 12


SCOTLAND Dundee United FC, Hibernian FC, St Johnstone FC, Elgin City, Partick Thistle FC, Dundee United FC, Falkirk FC, Dunfermline Athletic FC, Heart of Midlothian FC, St Johnstone FC, Creative Comp Prize Giving, Dundee FC, Motherwell FC, Spartans FC, Raith Rovers FC, Celtic FC

ENGLAND Arsenal FC, Aston Villa FC, Barnsley FC, Blackpool FC, Bolton Wanderers FC (x2), Bristol City FC, Burnley FC, Colchester United FC, Coventry City FC, Dagenham & Redbridge FC, Darlington FC, Derby County FC, Doncaster Rovers FC, Hartlepool United FC, Leeds United AFC, Liverpool FC, Manchester City FC, Middlesbrough FC, Milton Keynes Dons FC, Newcastle United FC (x2), Norwich City FC, Nottingham Forest FC, Oldham Athletic FC, Peterborough United FC, Plymouth Argyle FC, Preston North End FC, Rotherham United FC, Scunthorpe United FC, Sheffield Wednesday FC, Southampton FC, Stoke City FC, Sunderland AFC, Tottenham Hotspur FC, Tranmere Rovers FC, West Ham United FC, Wycombe Wanderers FC (x2)

In addition, five further educational events were organised in this period that were not held at football clubs

Education Events were supported by: • 78 Professional footballers • 42 former Professional footballers (excluding appearances by John Anderson, Gary Bennett, Olivier Bernard, Luther Blissett, Dean Gordon, Curtis Fleming, Paul Mortimer, Christian Roberts and Leroy Rosenior, who work for the campaign) • 3 Managers of football clubs • 2 Members of Parliament • 2 Professional Rugby players • 7 Professional Women’s team footballers • 3 Actors • 25 Football in the Community, Playing for Success and Education Departments at football clubs • A combined audience of 4,971 school pupils

The 2009-10 Events were hosted across the league structure: • • 10 Clubs • 14 Championship Clubs • 9 League 1 clubs • 3 League 2 Clubs Bolton Wanderers FC (Premier), Newcastle United (Championship) and Wycombe Wanderers (League 1) hosted two events each.

WALES Cardiff City FC, Wrexham AFC, Newport County AFC, Swansea City FC, The New Saints FC, Llanelli AFC, Newport Gwent Dragons, Bangor City FC, Blues Rugby Club, Ospreys Rugby Club, Rhyl FC 13 SHOW RACISM THE RED CARD

SRtRC SCHOOL COMPETITION 2010 Tens of thousands of young people again took part in the The full report and evaluation of the competition is annual SRtRC Anti-Racist School Competition, from 492 available on the publications section of registered schools across England. The competition was promoted throughout England by the campaign, sponsors SRtRC would like to thank the competition sponsors The such as the NUT and UNISON, local education authorities National Union of Teachers, UNISON, The Professional and partnership councils and the response was brilliant. Footballers Association, Unite, England 2018 bid team, The The quality of anti-racist artwork, creative writing, films Football Association, Football Foundation, Hilton in the and music produced by young people of all ages and Community Foundation, Metropolitan Police, One North abilities continues to be extremely high and inspirational. East, Street League; for hosting the The independent panel of judges had a very hard job event, football clubs and other organisations who donated picking their favourite entries. However 21 winning entries prizes, partnership councils and local education were selected in eight main categories, produced by 69 authorities that promoted the competition, participating pupils. All of the winners, their families and teachers were schools, teachers and school pupils. invited to the Awards Ceremony on April 22nd, which was • Over 92% of teachers surveyed about the competition held at The Great Hall, Wembley Stadium. At the Awards said that they strongly agreed or agreed that it was Ceremony they were entertained by football freestyler easy to engage the interest of pupils in the competition Ashley Randall, South African a cappella singers ‘Amandla Esandla’ and an interactive football game • 100% of surveyed teachers strongly agreed or agreed courtesy of ‘Automation 4’, they also received their prizes that they would consider registering their school’s in from current and former professional footballers and future SRtRC competitions other special guests.

14 ANNUAL REVIEW 2010 TEACHER TRAINING In addition to the direct work in schools our funding from racism and promoting equality and to produce guidance the Department of Communities and Local Government for Teacher Training Institutions. has enabled us to deliver a multi-faceted programme of Our programme of teacher education has the following work to enable teachers to better Tackle Racism and aims: Promote equality. • to raise awareness of issues of racism and the impacts Research unveiled that the majority of teachers have on young people received very little, if any, training in recognising and tackling racism and promoting race equality. Head • to examine how race equality can be promoted through teachers and teachers are often aware of the legal the curriculum obligation imposed by the Race Relations (Amendment) • to empower delegates to challenge racism and Act 2000 and Education and Inspections Act 2006, but respond to racist incidents many are unaware of how this relates to their particular • to equip delegates with knowledge and resources to situation and are ill-equipped to take the issue forward in educate young people against racism a positive and meaningful way. Many teachers are uncomfortable with even considering these issues, preferring to adopt a "colour-blind" approach, playing down racial and cultural difference in an effort to treat all “All day events not only had an impact children the same. Some may feel that promoting race but I feel empowered the young equality and tackling racism is not an issue for them as they have little contact with young people from Black, people and teachers. I feel we need to Asian and other minority ethnic backgrounds. look to build the partnerships where Our funding from the DCLG has enabled us to deliver we can deliver all day events.” regional training events for current teachers throughout Leroy Rosenior England; deliver workshops to trainee teachers; conduct research into the barriers faced by teachers in tackling GUIDANCE FOR INITIAL TEACHER TRAINERS Show Racism the Red Card’s NEW education pack, which is aimed at trainee teachers and ITT course providers, helps users understand and comply with equality legislation and to meet their QTS standards in relation to equality and diversity. The pack is free to download from our website 15 SHOW RACISM THE RED CARD TEACHER TRAINING EVENTS Report by Jo Wallis The funding enables the delivery of 13 regional training In addition, the events feature expert guest speakers. events for school leaders, teachers and governors across SRtRC are delighted that Christine Blower, General each of the 9 Government Regions. By holding these Secretary of NUT; Berenice Miles, Race Equality events throughout England, each attended by 40-80 Consultant; Robin Richardson, Insted Consultancy; Dr Lez teachers, delegates are empowered to recognise their own Henry, Nu-Beyond Educational Consultancy and Doreen prejudices; understand that tackling racism and promoting Lawrence OBE (pictured), have spoken at the events so far, equality is an issue for everyone; take steps to ensure that in addition to local race equality practitioners. Theatre their teaching is inclusive and empower them to recognise performances by Actorshop and workshops by Global Link and tackle racism. All delegates are given resources and have also added variety and impact to these training days. tools to take back to their schools and are encouraged to The events have received exceptionally positive feedback share their learning with their colleagues. This vital work 1 from delegates: will help our schools to reduce inequalities and provide a safe and affirming experience for all young people.

Events have taken place at the following venues:

Region Venue Date North East Middlesbrough Football Club 22/11/09 East Midlands Derbyshire County Cricket Club 22/02/10 North West Everton Football Club 10/03/10 South East Doubletree by Hilton Milton 30/04/10 Keynes, Stadium MK South West Yeovil Town Football Club 28/06/10 South East Brighton Hilton Metropole 07/07/10 Yorkshire and Huddersfield Town Football Club 13/07/10 Mrs Doreen Lawrence OBE with Campaign worker Jo Wallis, the Humber Milton Keynes, April 2010 Upcoming Events Following these events, SRtRC have sent out follow up questionnaires to assess the longer term and wider North East Newcastle United Football Club 01/10/10 impact of the training days. 100% of respondents said (visit the SRtRC website to that the events had increased their understanding of the download a booking form) issues and that the training caused them to reflect upon East Of Peterborough United Football 16/11/10 their practice. England Club (visit the SRtRC website 67% of respondents have since used the SRtRC resources to download a booking form) in the classroom and the others planned to. What is most encouraging is the finding that all respondents reported to SRtRC would like to extend thanks to each of the venues have shared their new knowledge with colleagues: for their support with these events. Four additional teacher training events will be held between November “The event was so good I wanted the whole staff to have 2010 and March 2011 in the following regions: North West, the experience so we asked SRTRC to come to school to East Midlands, West Midland and . Visit the News deliver similar workshops for our whole staff. They all and Events section of our website for further information. found it really useful. Since then there have been opportunities planned into our curriculum for Y4 upwards to Each regional event aims to establish local input either follow your education packs, beginning with the SRTRC through contributions within the event agenda and/or pack. Staff feel more confident in challenging racist views.” representation as stallholders. The core content of these Headteacher, Middlesbrough Delegate events includes a presentation on recognising the importance of breaking down barriers to race equality, as 1 Data is taken from feedback forms collected at Middlesbrough [Nov well as workshops on “Embedding Race Equality” and 09]; Derby [Feb 10]; Everton [Mar 10]; Milton Keynes [Apr 10]; Yeovil “Reporting and Responding to Racist Incidents”. [Jun 10]; Brighton [Jul 10]; Huddersfield [Jul 10].


“Following the course, I fed back to the Pastoral Group at WORK WITH TRAINEE TEACHERS the next meeting. This group is made up of SLT members, Heads of House, Assistant Heads of House, SENCO, and We have visited 5 teacher training institutions from Head of 6th form. I have recommended that I lead a Northumbria to the Isle of Wight over the last year to session to the whole school at the earliest opportunity.” deliver training for students. The students engage with a range of activities designed to help them reflect on their Teacher, Derby Delegate assumptions and prejudices, understand the need to engage with issues of racism and promoting equality and “Two of my colleagues attended [your training day] and providing tools to help students to tackle racism and they have come back brimming with confidence and new promote equality once they are working in schools. ideas which they will share with the staff on an inclusion INSET day in November.” SAMPLE COMMENTS: Head teacher, following Yeovil event “I was really inspired by the session, more so because I thought it was going to be really dull! I have scribbled This was one of the most useful courses that I have been down loads of ideas to be used within the classroom so a result a very comprehensive range of staff THANK YOU! I shall definitely be passing on the training was undertaken. This has come to the attention information to the school!” of other schools who have asked for advice. I have also “Thank you very much! You have made things very much checked our school policies and explained them to all clearer for me and now I feel more able to deal with any staff. The course gave me the confidence to challenge racial issues that may occur in class.” attitudes of parents and carers in a very upfront way; displays along the corridor challenge perceptions of all “The activities were really eye-opening – I would use visitors and clarify our very high expectations. The work them with my own classes.” also made us aware of other strands that could be “I found out about the pre-conceptions that we all have improved and we are currently planning anti-racist links through the various activities and it was useful to find out into our new four year curriculum and all curriculum how to deal with racist incidents.” areas.” “The use of different materials has helped in giving me Teacher, Everton Delegate ideas to teach.” 17 SHOW RACISM THE RED CARD

GUIDANCE FOR TEACHER TRAINING RESEARCH INTO THE BARRIERS FACED BY INSTITUTIONS TEACHERS IN TACKLING RACISM AND PROMOTING EQUALITY We have recently finished a guide for Initial Teacher Trainers which has been endorsed by both the NUT and Over the last year we have been conducting research into NASUWT. the barriers faced by teachers in tackling racism and "Initial teacher trainers will find this guidance of promoting equality. We took questionnaires to the annual teaching conferences for the National Union of Teachers enormous use." (NUT), National Association of School Masters and Christine Blower, General Secretary, NUT Women Teachers (NASUWT), Association of Teachers “We hope that initial teacher trainers will use and Lecturers (ATL) and the National Association of Head this pack to educate and transmit positive values Teachers (NAHT) we also had questionnaires returned by teachers throughout the North East. In total we have to children.” received 168 responses. Chris Keates, General Secretary, NASUWT We have combined the data collated from these The resource has been designed to be an accessible questionnaires together with data collected at our own guide, packed with advice and activities that will help Teacher training events, semi-structured interviews with institutions to prepare student teachers to tackle racism 10 teachers and ethnographic data collected during our and promote equality in the classroom. work in schools and are currently in the process of analysing this data and writing up our research report. We hope to publish this research in late 2010.

If you would like any further information about our work This is a really worthwhile and with Teachers please contact Jo Wallis accessible set of guidelines. It is [email protected] aimed at ITT providers and should give support to anyone who doesn’t consider themselves an expert. Regard this as a present that those committed people at Show Racism the Red Card have got together for us, collating some of the most accessible existing materials and stimuli to help us help students. The solution to better work in schools about race equality – and hence a more just society – does not solely lie in teacher training, but it’s a necessary element in educational change.


A PDF copy of the guide can be downloaded from the Show Racism the Red Card website here:


FRIDAY 1ST OCTOBER, NORTH EAST: St James’s Park, Newcastle United Football Club TUESDAY 16TH NOVEMBER, EAST OF ENGLAND: London Road Stadium, Peterborough United Football Club These events run from 9:30am to 3:30pm; registration is from 9:00am. The events are free to attend and lunch will be provided. All delegates leave with a goody bag containing the full range of Show Racism the Red Card's educational resources for use in their school. AIMS To register your attendance, please visit The training will: and complete a booking form. • raise awareness of issues of racism and the impacts on Places are limited, so return the form promptly to ensure young people your place. Once you have submitted your booking form you will receive an email confirmation of your place and a copy • empower delegates to challenge racism and respond to of the event agenda. racist incidents • equip delegates with knowledge and resources to educate Between November 2010 and March 2011 events will also be young people against racism taking place in the following regions: North West, East Midlands, West Midland and London. Visit the News and • examine how race equality can be promoted through the Events section of our website or contact [email protected] curriculum for further information. • give delegates the opportunity to raise their concerns and have these addressed. OUTCOMES TESTIMONY FROM PREVIOUS DELEGATES The training will enable delegates to: MARCH AND APRIL 2010 • develop programmes of Citizenship education by providing “A thoroughly informative day. Excellent discussions, knowledge and accessible resources explanations and ideas. Thank you.” • meet legal obligations under the Race Relations “A superb day – the most informative and useful (Amendment) Act 2000 and the Education and Inspections course I’ve been on for a long time” Act (2006) “A wonderful day with great ideas to take back to • promote equality and tackle discrimination in line with the school – thank you.” new Ofsted framework. “This training has developed my own awareness and Throughout the day there will be a carousel of workshops has inspired me to deliver this message to others” which will explore different aspects of the issue and “Absolutely brilliant day, insightful and inspiring!!” presentations from expert key speakers. Workshop topics include: 'Embedding Race Equality: a Whole School “I found it an excellent day. A very important topic Approach' and 'Responding to Racist Incidents'. The which needs to be imbedded in education and training day is aimed at educators across all key stages and everyday life. Thank you.” as such you will be allocated to a workshop that is relevant to your key stage level. 19 SHOW RACISM THE RED CARD

Delegates taking part in the LGF ‘Faith and Sexual Orientation’ workshop EDUCATING FOR EQUALITY who are specialists in this area. Orientation”. Delegates also enjoyed a drama performance Show Racism the Red Card’s North In March 2010 Show Racism the Red “Outloud”, performed by Hope East Education Team regularly deliver Card organised two events on the Theatre Company. theme of “Educating for Equality”, workshops to young people about aimed at teachers in North East tackling the growing phenomenon of The event was a departure from our England. These were held in Islamophobia, using a number of core main message, but it is an event that successive weeks at the National activities and our award winning we can be proud of and will Glass Centre in Sunderland and Islamophobia DVD. This event was hopefully make a big difference in were each attended by over 60 an opportunity to share good practice enabling North East schools to deal delegates: with people in the North East who with homophobia more effectively. work with young people. The partnership work has also been • Tackling Homophobia and very beneficial for the SRtRC staff Promoting Equality Delegates took part in the workshop team – many staff who were not • Tackling Islamophobia and “Educating Against Islamophobia” involved in the delivery of the event Promoting Equality and had the opportunity to learn attended as delegates. The team’s more about Islam in “Islam and the overall awareness of homophobia SRtRC were initially approached by Muslims”, a workshop led by the Northern Rock Foundation, and the action to take when they Newcastle Islamic Diversity Centre. encounter it in schools has greatly requesting that we organise and GW Theatre Company performed a deliver a conference aimed at increased. We have also increased thought provoking production called our relationships with organisations empowering teachers in North East “One Extreme to the Other” looking England to tackle homophobia and such as Stonewall and have at both Islamic and right wing benefitted from sharing best promote equality. As an extremism. organisation, whilst we have a practice. wealth of experience in organising At the Tackling Homophobia event, For both events, the feedback was events, our expertise lies with race Stonewall gave a keynote address overwhelmingly positive and all of equality teaching. To run the event and led a workshop session entitled, the delegates felt as if they had successfully therefore, SRtRC linked “Oh No! Not the Gay Thing!” The learned something that they could up with the organisations Stonewall Lesbian and Gay Foundation ran a take away and develop with young and the Lesbian and Gay Foundation workshop about “Faith and Sexual people across the region.

MANY THANKS TO: The Northern Rock Foundation, The National Glass Centre Sunderland, Newcastle Islamic Diversity Centre, GW Theatre Company, Mike Tull from Marsden Heights Community College, Stonewall, The Lesbian & Gay Foundation, Hope Theatre, Sunderland City Council, Newcastle City Council, The TUC, North East LGB Diversity Network and MESMAC.


and say every day which may have the potential for harm. The ‘light bulb NORTH EAST moments’ are something I am especially proud to be a part of. On a personal level I am extremely EDUCATION TEAM fortunate to be part of such a magnificent team; never before Craig Bankhead, North East Education Manager have I worked in such a supportive, creative and enthusiastic INTRODUCTION Pidcock – The North East Education environment where encouragement Team’s latest addition. Laura joined to develop professionally is 2009/2010 has been another fantastic the team in time for the new endless.” year for the North East Community academic year and has worked very While current football stars have a Education Team, with a number of closely with Lizz Bennett and Conrad great impact at one off events, it is landmark achievements taking Franks in taking the delivery of Show Racism the Red Card’s team of place. We have delivered workshops workshops to new levels. to a record number of young people ex-professionals that make an in the region, increased the staff Laura says: impact on a day to day basis in team that delivers workshops in “I have always been passionate schools. With an already strong schools, increased the number of about challenging racism. However, team of Gary Bennett, John events that have taken place in the working for Show Racism the Red Anderson and Dean Gordon, we region over the year, developed a Card over the last year has enabled have ‘strengthened at the back’ with new adult education programme and me to explore, in a much greater the addition of Republic of Ireland launched a brand new education depth, the subtleties and and Middlesbrough star Curtis pack. ramifications of racism. Fleming and former Newcastle full back Olivier Bernard to the team. STAFF The most enjoyable part of the job is Having supported the campaign for a exploring these issues with young number of years already, our new An increase in demand for the people in and out of the educational signings now regularly work with workshops, coupled with a part-time setting. It can be extremely Lizz, Conrad and Laura in the region’s Education Worker leaving the rewarding to be a part of a process schools. organisation, left a large hole in the where the young people have the team. A hole which was more than opportunity to critically reflect, in a OUT OF SITE EDUCATION filled by the many talents of Laura safe environment, on things they do PACK To add to the Show Racism the Red Card’s three existing education packs, the team has developed a fourth education pack which is aimed at tackling racism directed toward Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities. In some areas in the North East, such as County Durham, GRT groups are the largest ethnic minority and racist incidents are not uncommon. The pack, written in conjunction with County Durham’s EMTAS team and Show Racism the Red Card’s Lizz Bennett, aims to familiarise young people with a range of information and skills that will enable them to challenge negative stereotypes and racism towards Gypsies, Roma people and Travellers, as well as increasing young people’s understanding of diversity and identity. 21 SHOW RACISM THE RED CARD

The pack was launched in the Team. A successful launch event at the 2009/2010 period, are: Council Chamber at County Hall in Gisborough Hall marked the • Northumberland Durham’s City Centre on 30th formation of strong links with Redcar • Newcastle November 2009. Noted academics, & Cleveland while Northumberland • North Tyneside such as Dr. Pauline Padfield from the County Council ensured that every • Sunderland Scottish Traveller Education school in the county received copies • South Tyneside Programme, Patricia Knight from the of all of Show Racism the Red Card’s • Gateshead organisation that runs GRT History educational resources. • Durham Month and Dr. Colin Clark from the The local Authorities funding • Middlesbrough University of Strathclyde, addressed workshops in their schools, during • Redcar & Cleveland the assembled audience of local authority and community group Here is an example of some of the feedback we have received from teachers representatives. Young people from over the year (the data is based on feedback from 40 teachers from across the Fyndoune Community and Business region): College in Durham presented some of the work they had done based on activities within the pack and amazed the audience with their knowledge of the subject.


A number of new workshop activities have been developed by the team, including delivery of workshops based on the Out of Site mentioned above and new activities on the subject of Islamophobia and racism aimed at asylum seekers and refugees. Not only has the range of activities that can be delivered increased, but also the range of beneficiaries. Working with young people outside of a formal education setting at Barnardo’s, The Princes Trust, Hassockfield Secure Training Centre and a number of E2E centres throughout the region, the team has developed a more subtle approach to tackling racism with these harder to engage young people. Between April 2009 and March 2010, the North East Education team has delivered workshops to 10,820 young people in the region; an increase of more than 9% on the previous year. Possibly the biggest contributing factor to this increase is the development of new partnerships with local authorities. Both Redcar & Cleveland Council and Northumberland County Council have become funding partners with the North East Community Education


CLUB EVENTS In 2009/2010 we have also been working more closely with the region’s major football clubs. Competitions were held in conjunction with Sunderland AFC and Newcastle United FC, in which entrants from schools had to think of questions about racism they would like to ask current players at the clubs. The winning entrants went to each club’s training ground and asked top players their opinions on racism and how it could be eradicated - both in football and in wider society. At Newcastle United’s training ground the youngsters from Heaton Manor School were given the opportunity to put their questions to CASE STUDY: Mike Williamson and Fitz Hall. Whilst, at Sunderland’s Academy of Light, local schoolchildren SAFC EVENT interviewed England Striker and team skipper Lorik Cana. 2009/2010 Both events were fantastic opportunities for the young people to Show Racism the Red Card hosted a full day event for local school meet the players and hear their pupils at the . They took part in a series of opinions on an important subject. It educational workshops led by SRtRC staff and the Sunderland AFC also gave the opportunity for Show Foundation, as well as being treated to a tour of the stadium. Racism the Red Card to receive extensive press coverage. In the afternoon session the group watched a screening of the Show Racism the Red Card DVD and were then asked to think of questions to pose to a panel. The pupils were thrilled to see current stars Kieran Richardson and Craig Gordon, as well as Sunderland legends Dick Malone and Jimmy Montgomery. Completing the panel was Show Racism the Red Card coaches Dean Gordon, John Anderson and Olivier Bernard as well as our very own Sunderland legend Gary Bennett, who all revealed their personal experiences with racism. The young people asked some really searching questions and were rewarded for their efforts. All of the young people who attended were able to take away signed copies of Show Racism the Red Card’s 2009/2010 season SAFC poster and a goody bag of resources. Goalkeeper Craig Gordon has been an active supporter of the campaign for a number of years. He commented that the “The events at football clubs campaign is, “a great thing to get involved in… education is the have now developed to a most important part of tackling racism. It's got better and there level where we can be proud. has been much more emphasis on the education side of things. It In a very short space of time doesn't take much. If we can help in any small way then it's a we can have a real impact.” small price to pay." Leroy Rosenior 23 SHOW RACISM THE RED CARD

EXTERNAL EVALUATION “We’d struggle to do the same kind of thing. The people who delivered it had a real presence and the event stuck In the summer of 2009, The North East Community in the children’s minds.” Education Team commissioned an external evaluation report to be written about our work in the region. An “It would be more difficult for the school. Show Racism objective perspective on what we do gives us the the Red Card has a strong identifiable theme of anti- necessary insight to improve and develop what we racism. Discussing this issue without Show Racism the deliver. The report took into account the team’s existing Red Card can be tricky. I think if left to themselves, robust monitoring and evaluation systems and sought the schools would go for a softer multi-cultural approach opinions of Show Racism the Red Card’s key stakeholders. rather than and overt anti-racist stance.” Partner organisations said: Naturally, the report also highlighted areas for “The whole team is good and has masses of improvement within the education team. Some enthusiasm.” stakeholders expressed concerns that the gender balance of role models was weighted in the favour of “It’s people – well trained – good communicators, well males too much, and that there was a perception that the organised, committed.” North East Community Education Team is sometimes “The trainers who run the workshops appear highly overstretched. knowledgeable and there is no doubting their commitment and enthusiasm, something that clearly rubs TEACHER TRAINING off on their audience.” A number of our funding partners have highlighted that The opinions of the schools in which the team delivers the the teachers who work within their Local Education bulk of its work are also important. A few quotes from the Authorities would benefit from training on a number of Evaluation Report indicate that schools are pleased with issues around anti-racism. As a team, we have delivered the work we do: several of these sessions within the region. The pilot in “The presentation skills of the staff were excellent. Their North Tyneside provided a platform for other local rapport with the children, the timing and the content of authorities to launch their own teacher training events. the sessions – it was all really good.” Below is some of the feedback from a recent teacher “Organisation was great – very impressed with it.” training event in Alnwick in Northumberland. “The children had some really good discussions with the Comments included: staff. The staff were also very good at answering all of “The time flew and it was very well structured – thanks.” the questions, no matter how trivial they seemed.” “Thank you for a very informative and thought provoking When asked if a loss of input from Show Racism the Red day.” Card would have a negative effect, schools commented:


“[I enjoyed] The initial activities about how racism can become embedded as to be honest, it's not something I've really considered before. I'm now much more aware of this and will reflect on my own practices and how I can contribute to not reinforcing stereotypical views etc.” The team has a number of further teacher training events planned throughout the region in the forthcoming year.

ADULT EDUCATION Increasing demand for anti-racism education aimed at adults who aren’t teachers has led the team to develop a pilot programme which was initially delivered to staff and elected members of Redcar & Cleveland Council. The feedback was overwhelmingly positive as we sought to achieve the following learning outcomes:

By the end of the session, attendees will be able to: • Discuss with more confidence issues of racism, discrimination and the correct use of terminology • Recognise stereotypes and how they can influence behaviour and be encouraged to critically reflect on their thought processes • Acknowledge their own responsibility in challenging racism and all discriminatory treatment • Feel more confident recognising racism and be able to respond more appropriately to racist incidents Some of the feedback from Redcar & Cleveland Council “Everybody has worked hard to push staff training events: the events further at a terrific rate but Comments included: we must not lose sight of the fact that “The overall session was effective with positive impact.” we can always improve.” “Very well facilitated and engaging.” Leroy Rosenior “Excellent training, should be compulsory to all RCBC staff.” 25 SHOW RACISM THE RED CARD

COMMUNITY FESTIVALS There were 3 Community Festivals in 2009: Walker is United, Ferryhill is United and Sunderland Together Against Racism. Each of these events was well attended and provided opportunities for Show Racism the Red Card to really engage with communities. Not only this, but multicultural family fun days also allow all members of communities to engage with one another and to not only celebrate difference but to celebrate similarities.

CASE STUDY: COMMUNITY FESTIVAL The STAR Festival was a big hit again this year with hundreds of people from Sunderland and beyond coming along to enjoy a lovely sunny day at The Centre in Hendon. Many organisations assisted with funding and planning of the event including; Sunderland City Council; SAFC Foundation; Unison; Football Foundation; Sunderland Partnership; The Raich Carter Centre; Etec; NASUWT; Sunderland NHS; TUC; Northumbria Police Authority; Young Asian Voices; Youth Integration Project; North of England Refugee Service and Durham County FA. The event was opened by Sunderland’s Deputy Mayor and proceedings got underway with the rhythmic sounds of the Drumdin Community Samba Band. Other activities and attractions included face painting, henna tattooing, a banner workshop, a fashion show, a sari workshop, the Highfield rock band, a breakdancing, dance and bollywood workshop, football skills stations, Indian head massaging, health checks, a scavenger hunt and lots more. Young footballers came from around the region to take part in two football tournaments. Ex-professional footballers Gary Bennett, John Anderson, Curtis Fleming and Leroy Rosenior were on hand for a Q&A session; they invited youngsters to ask questions about racism and the best question won a signed Sunderland shirt worn by against Portsmouth last season. Year 10 pupil Christelle Yembe, of Southmoor Community School, said “I liked the anti-racism questions with the footballers; it helped people understand how the victims of racism feel.” Christelle’s friend, Helen Greenshields added “The face painter was brilliant.”


English Defence League have shown how football can be misused to incite EAST AND SOUTH hatred. Show Racism the Red Card's campaign promotes the true spirit of football, which is one of respect, EAST ENGLAND multiculturalism and diversity.” Thanks to a grant from the Tackling Our new office for East and South these, Bradford City captain Zesh Race Inequalities Fund from the East England was established in Rehman and ex-Newcastle and Department for Communities and Bedford in September 2009. The Nottingham Forest legend Frank Local Government we have been office is based within Bedford Race Clark received awards and were able to create partnerships with five Equality Council who have provided inducted into the Show Racism the local authorities in the region: valuable support as we have begun Red Card Hall of Fame for the , Buckinghamshire, our work across the region. support that they have provided to Central Bedfordshire, Bedford Borough and Cambridge Education The work got off to the best possible the organisation. The audience start with a launch event on the 4th heard presentations from the Show @Islington and roll out programmes November 2009 in London’s Living Racism the Red Card team and it of anti-racism education to schools Room at City Hall, with its breath- was a powerful platform to engage in each area. We recruited an taking views of Tower Bridge and the potential partners and let people outstanding education worker, Kate surrounding area. The launch took know about the work that we Hollinshead, and have been the form of an evening reception planned in the region. extremely lucky that she has been hosted by Murad Qureshi, assembly joined by two ex-professional Leroy Rosenior and Murad Qureshi member for London, and was footballers, Luther Blissett (ex- attended by a specially invited present Zesh Rehman with his Hall Watford and England) and Paul audience, including ex-professional of Fame award. Mortimer (ex-Charlton), to deliver the and current footballers. Two of Murad stated: "Recent protests by the work in the region.

Pupils from Murray's Road Junior School, Isle of Man receive a workshop from Leroy Rosenior, Olivier Bernard and Christian Roberts thanks to sponsorship from Barclays Wealth. 27 SHOW RACISM THE RED CARD

At primary level we work with class groups to deliver a young people for our visit and we leave resources with day of anti-racism workshops accompanied by fun the schools to allow them to continue the work after we football fitness sessions to pupils in Years 4, 5 and 6. At leave. secondary level we work with targeted year groups Finally we liaise with each local authority to ensure that throughout the school. our visit is followed up with advice on embedding race We have held high-profile launch events for each equality and developing race equality action plans. partnership, attended by young people, local dignitaries BELOW: Luther Blissett and Leroy Rosenior at our first and partner agencies. Booking forms have been workshop in Central Beds. Photo courtesy Tracey Goodacre, distributed to all schools in each partnership area. The The Biggleswade Chronicle INSET: The Show Racism the Red Card resulting interest has been overwhelming and between Team: Leroy Rosenior, Paul Mortimer and Luther Blissett January and July 2010 we engaged with over 4000 young alongside Simone Pound from the PFA with pupils at Montem people in over 60 schools across our local authority Primary. partnership areas. We have also developed smaller partnerships and delivered one-off workshops in other areas such as Sutton and Lambeth. We tailor the workshops to the meet the needs of the school and the area; as well as heightening awareness of the damage of racism we explore more in-depth issues such as Islamophobia and racism towards Travellers and Asylum Seekers and Refugees through carousels of workshops delivered in class groups. The workshops provide the opportunity for young people to share their experiences and raise their concerns; provide teachers and youth leaders with a better understanding of their situation; and inform the development of further education on these issues. We send our DVD and information to schools before the day to allow the teachers to prepare the


PAUL MORTIMER: COMMUNITY EDUCATION WORKER I have worked within the organisation for the last 7 months and have thoroughly enjoyed all that I have experienced. I feel that I’m part of a really good group of people from whom I have learned a lot and hope to continue learning and improving in the months to come. I was first employed to do the football fitness which was a lot of fun. We work on team bonding and through team games the children learn to get the best out of each other in order to win the games. The response you get from the children is really good, they really enjoy themselves and encourage each other and I cannot really remember a time when the teachers have had to discipline any kids which I think KATE HOLLINSHEAD, shows that they really want to take part and do the best they can. COMMUNITY EDUCATION I was always interested in working with the young people in the WORKER classroom on issues of racism. The chance came and I really enjoyed the chance to engage with the kids. I have found that delivering the Since starting my job in November workshops is something I really like and want to do. I look forward to 2009 as a Community Education going in the classes and sharing my own experiences with the kids, Worker for SRtRC, I have been the response is always positive. constantly inspired by the commitment and passion shown by There are plenty of challenges along the way and some tough sessions SRtRC’s team and of the amazing where I find things difficult at times but the work is always rewarding. work the organisation does The best part of the job is listening to the feedback from the kids, some throughout the UK. of it is really encouraging regarding the understanding that they have gained throughout the session and their willingness to reject and fight I feel proud to have been a member against racism and inequality, but also some is a little scary as young of the South East team from its people’s environment plays a huge part in their opinions. inception and have felt a real sense of achievement in being part of “The one thing I do know is that we have a lot of work ahead as making a small office grow into there is a huge lack of understanding and education regarding such a success. all forms of racism”. My work has involved delivering workshops to young people in schools across the South East and We have collated feedback from 271 young people so far. 100% said to teachers all over England – that they enjoyed the day. Over 99% said that the day had helped them something I never thought I would to learn about racism and understand why it is wrong. 94% said that if be capable of! It has been very hard they saw someone being racist they would now feel able to do work and extremely challenging at something about it. times but with incredible support We have also had feedback from teachers in 16 schools and the from the team, I have really begun to results are shown in the graph below: find my feet in the post. I enjoy interacting with young people on a daily basis and helping to create new activities to aid their understanding of issues surrounding racism. There is nothing more rewarding than walking out of a classroom knowing that you have helped to educate young people about racism and how important it is for everyone to be treated equally. I can honestly say I have never been so motivated in my work and I look forward to getting back into schools in September! 29 SHOW RACISM THE RED CARD

“I really liked the fact that In all but 2 of the schools that we Our work in the East and South East the activities were have visited the teachers have has received a very positive response worked with the young people before from football clubs, schools, teachers interactive. It had a striking the workshop to show them the Show and young people. Over the coming impact.” Racism the Red Card DVD. Many year we hope to increase the areas in have also worked with the pupils which we are working, strengthen Laurence, Haines Primary after the workshop in producing our ties with football clubs and School, Hertfordshire. letters, posters, action plans and increase the profile of the campaign school displays which demonstrates across the region. “The opportunity to define increased capacity to work with the and discuss racism was young people on the issue. Our local If you would like any further information about the work in the very valuable, the people authority partners have also noticed an increased willingness amongst East and South East please contact involved and the quality of their teachers to engage with issues Sarah Soyei on 01234 219 481 or provision was very high.” of racism and race equality. [email protected]

Bierton C of E school, “I believe that this initiative is supporting our commitment to equality as well Buckinghamshire as helping to combat racism in schools and the wider community. As a result of our partnership with Show Racism the Red Card we have an ever growing “A valuable message and a number of teachers across the county who are increasing their knowledge and teaching skills in equality work and developing a culturally inclusive very good workshop.” curriculum. We are following up this work by giving teachers the opportunity Winton Primary School, to share good practice by participating in local focus groups.” Islington Angela Walford, Hertfordshire County Council

LEFT: Luther Blissett and Paul Mortimer with young prize-winners at the launch of our partnerships with Hertfordshire County Council. RIGHT: England players show racism the red card.

“Cambridge Education @ Islington is delighted to be working in partnership with Show Racism the Red Card to promote anti-racism in Islington's schools. Islington is an exciting borough, with over 70% of school children and young people from Black and Minority Ethnic backgrounds. This work will help to bring young people together in a positive way to promote tolerance and understanding.” Sara Mclaughlin, Deputy Head of Service


STAND UP AGAINST RACISM Welcome to a new strand of the Show Racism the Red Card campaign: Stand Up Against Racism.

At Show Racism the Red Card we have always used as many different role models as possible to convey an anti-racist message. We have utilised musicians, actors and other sporting stars as well as our widely recognised work with professional footballers. The idea to use comedians came about when Stephen K Amos attended one of our educational events at Arsenal FC and went down a storm with the young people present. With the high-profile status that comics have and the power of humour, we can help to combat racist attitudes and highlight the absurdity of the views and policies of the far-right.

The motivation for the Stand Up Against Racism campaign was the worrying success of the British National Party (BNP) in recent local elections. We wanted to counter some of the of the BNP, and similar organisations, views in a way that hadn’t been used before. Three Stand Up Against Racism shows were organised for an adult audience in the run-up to the General Election in Newcastle, London and Glasgow. Footage from the Newcastle and London gigs has been made available on our YouTube channel:

Comedians who performed for us include: Jeremy Hardy, Shappi Khorsandi, Patrick Monahan, Shazia Mirza, Kevin Day, Ava Vidal, Jeff Innocent, Gavin Webster, Kai Humphries, Paul Sinha, Des Clarke, Raj Chauhdry, Phillip Differ and Susan Morrison.

All three events were extremely successful with 460 people attending and 14 comedians performing. This will be a long term campaign and we hope to announce more dates throughout the UK. 31 SHOW RACISM THE RED CARD SHOW RACISM THE RED CARD WALES "Neath Port Talbot are delighted to have a rigorous and highly beneficial partnership with Show Racism the Red Card. Teachers feedback has shown that the former professional footballers are able to engage young pupils and are able to deliver interactive, anti-racism workshops to the highest standards. We have received real qualitative feedback of their work which shows the real benefits that areas that SRtRC have visited have gained; I feel that this has great benefit to community cohesion". Karl Napieralla, Director of Education, NPT Council

32 ANNUAL REVIEW 2010 INTRODUCTION Sunil Patel, Wales Campaign Manager

Since the last Annual review, our PARTNERSHIP COUNCILS team has doubled in size and this has been reflected in the amount of The key to our success has been activities that have taken place partnership work and in particular throughout Wales. A record number working with Local Authority of schools were visited with Councils throughout Wales. The workshops delivered to thousands of various departments such as young people, the club events have equalities, education and sport have seen the continued presence of high helped promote our resources and profile players on our panels and our activities. schools competition once again Over the past year, we have had proved as popular as ever. funding agreements with the Vale of Glamorgan, Cardiff, Neath Port At the end of 2009, Network Wales Talbot and Gwent Education Multi- awarded us the accolade of the Ethnic Service (GEMS) via Newport ‘Most admired’ organisation and FINAL City Council. Evaluations from pupils THOUGHTS ‘highly commended’ for its work. This and teachers have continued to has been a great achievement, show the positive impact of the We are excited by our new especially as we have a small team workshops and we are pleased to programme of teacher training and covering Wales and I feel this confirm partnerships have been the expansion of the social inclusion Annual Review endorses that renewed with the majority of the work in the months ahead, as well as accolade as outlined below. Councils in the past few weeks. having all of our education packs translated into Welsh, which will OUR TEAM OUR FUNDERS give nearly 500 Welsh medium schools the opportunity to use our In April we were joined by Clare The main funding over the past year resources in their classrooms. Skidmore and Simon Richards to has been from the Big Lottery Wales The aim of the Annual Review is to bolster Team Wales and the and we have had contributions from showcase our work and hopefully acquisition of ex-Cardiff City of Wales, increase the number of partners we footballer Christian Roberts late in Unison and the Equalities and have to help fight racism. My thanks 2009 has really helped push the Human Rights Commission. campaign forward in recent months. go to all the staff and committee Recent weeks have seen the members along with our sponsors, I would like to take this opportunity Football Association of Wales renew partnership organisations, players, to thank the Welsh Advisory their partnership and the NUT Wales teachers, clubs and all the Committee for their continued confirming funding for us to deliver communities across Wales towards support and in particular the Chair, upcoming Teacher Training days our continued efforts towards Sanjiv Vedi. with Trainee Teachers. eradicating racism.

RACISM IN WALES The recent emergence of groups that wish to cause disharmony amongst communities highlights that we cannot be complacent nor ignore the real threat to social cohesion across Wales. A report by Cardiff Race Equality First (Race Hate Report 2009) highlighted that over a quarter of BME individuals felt that Islamophobia was the main reason of hostility towards them in Cardiff. Support from Football clubs and the FAW has been strong towards the anti-racism message as they continue to work with us in combating the emerging threats to our society. 33 SHOW RACISM THE RED CARD

“The Vale of Glamorgan Council is proud of its partnership with Show Racism the Red Card. Being the first council in Wales to support the charity, we know from the positive feedback received that young people in the Vale of Glamorgan have benefited greatly from their work to promote race equality, to eliminate race discrimination, and to develop good relations between people of different racial groups. Last year approximately 780 young people Pupils from yr 7&8 at Cilfynydd High School show off their Show Racism the Red in Vale of Glamorgan schools Card resources. and youth clubs attended their anti-racism workshops, and we look forward to continuing to EDUCATION work together with them in this vital area.” John Maitland Evans WORK Chief Executive, Simon Richards, Education Coordinator VOG Council

Having started with the campaign at the beginning of April I cannot take the plaudits for a superb, record breaking year for the Show Racism the Red TEACHER FEEDBACK: Card Education department. The coaches, Leroy Rosenior and Christian Roberts, deserve a huge pat on the back for working so hard and to such a “An extremely worthwhile consistently high level as shown by some of the incredible feedback we’ve initiative. Pupils enjoy the received from both teachers and pupils. task. Materials and In the last academic year Show Racism the Red Card has visited almost 150 resources produced by schools and delivered workshops to over 3000 pupils across Wales. We’ve SRtRC are of a high quality, worked in half of all council areas and have built strong and long lasting engaging the pupils and partnership with four councils and have been working hard on creating encouraging open and partnerships with 3 other councils. I hope to have good news on that front in honest discussion about the October. issue of racism and the need This year saw the launch of two new partnerships with both Neath Port for human tolerance and Talbot council and Newport GEMS service, both have been incredibly respect in today’s world. successful and led to an increase in funding for the next academic year. Using football as the mechanism to drive forward A recent piece of Teacher Needs research we carried out showed that only 25% of Welsh teachers have ever received training on dealing with racist this important message is incidents and this had a serious effect on their confidence to deliver anti- genius…the sport cuts racism work in the class room, with over 90% of respondents admitting that across all language barriers” they wouldn't feel confident dealing with the issue of Islamophobia with Amanda Hodsan, their pupils. Cwmtawe Community We were startled by these findings and have therefore set about creating a School, wide ranging teacher training programme that will look at empowering Neath-Port-Talbot education providers with the necessary skills to confidently challenge racist views in their school.


PUPIL FEEDBACK: ‘The worst kind of racism is the kind you can’t always see’. ‘I learnt that you don’t believe what people tell ‘People have lost their lives because of hate’. you and to go out and find out for yourself’. ‘Respect who the person is’ ‘I learnt about other people’s cultures and religions’. ‘You should know stuff about people before you call them names’. ‘Never judge a book by its cover’ ‘Because someone is darker than me doesn’t ‘Racism leads to violence’ mean they’re different’. ‘Don’t judge people’ ‘You should always respect others’.

EDUCATION WORK: TEACHERS FEEDBACK: SCHOOL WORKSHOPS Would you now feel comfortable teaching an anti-racist What did you think of the classroom activities? workshop?

Do you know more about racism than you did before the Do you think the day improved pupils understanding of workshop? racism?

Agree Not sure Disagree

Strongly agree Strongly disagree What did you think of the DVD? Did you enjoy the workshop overall? 35 SHOW RACISM THE RED CARD

EDUCATION WORK: TRAINING TEACHERS On the 10th February, Show Racism the Red Card held a Teaching Conference in Cardiff. Twenty teachers attended the conference and the feedback was hugely positive. We then held a special teacher training day especially for educational staff from Newport with over 70 Teachers and Classroom assistants in attendance.

Teacher Conference feedback: “The conference was excellent; I can’t think how it could be improved” “I feel better about recording racist incidents now” “A great day, keep up the good work” ”Have been dealing with racist issues for some time but nice to know I’m still on the right track” “I now have a better understanding of dealing with racist issues in school particularly the importance of reporting” ”Thank you to the team – your dedication and enthusiasm are contagious” Ex Cardiff City and Wales striker Christian Roberts taking part in a fun sports session with young people Trainee Teacher Conference 2011 In partnership with NUT Cymru TEACHER FEEDBACK: The facts: ‘Pupils went on to win a Fair Play Cricket • Four conferences at Wales’ four main ITT providers. tournament the following week and we feel • Over 500 delegates to attend that Leroy’s talk in school had a direct impact • Key Speakers including ESTYN (Wales’ inspectorate) on their attitude and behaviour throughout the confirmed tournament’ • Wales’ First Minister to open ‘Excellent Facilitator – really connected with • Our resources given to every delegate pupils involved and instilled confidence in • Drama and P4C groups to attend and run workshops pupils’ Rhiwfawr Primary NEW PARTNERSHIPS Show Racism the Red Card is delighted to announce an ‘A thought provoking workshop that really exciting new partnership with the NUT Cymru. helped children explore this issue – Thank You.’ Britain’s leading Teaching Union have agreed to fund four Tonmawwr Primary Trainee Teacher Conferences at the principalities’ 4 main ‘We loved the workshop and discussion and Teacher Training Colleges. are really interested in being involved again!’ We hope to educate the teachers of tomorrow today through a wide variety of hands on workshops and key Maesmarchog Primary speeches. So far our guests include a Forum Theatre ‘Very good interactive workshop which company and a P4C Specialist. encouraged pupils to think carefully and focus We are very excited as well that ESTYN have agreed to on racism. This workshop also coincided with talk at our conferences and see this as another positive our R.E topic of ‘Racism & Diversity’ so proved step towards building a mutually beneficial relationship very meaningful to the pupils.’ with Wales’ Educational Inspectorate. We will also be running a teachers conference in both Glyncorrwg Primary Newport and Neath Port Talbot with around 100 delegates coming to both.

36 ANNUAL REVIEW 2010 ANTI-RACIST ACTIVITIES Jason Webber, Campaign Worker PRE EVENT WORKSHOP Our all day events included a workshop prior to the main event. The workshops at the ground were delivered by the Campaign Education team that includes Simon Richards and ex-footballers Christian Roberts and Leroy Rosenior. The youngsters participated in activities exploring racism and stereotypes in a fun and interactive way. The feedback from teachers and pupils highlighted the benefits of the additional pre event workshop to our club events and the added impact towards the young pupils understanding of racism. 85% of pupils stated that they knew more about racism than before the event.

• Llanelli AFC CLUB EVENTS TEACHERS’ • Newport Gwent Dragons Events at sporting clubs during the Rugby Club THOUGHTS ON season were attended by around 1,483 pupils from 39 schools and 90% • Bangor City FC EVENTS: • Ospreys Rugby Club were all day events. “A very good • Blues Rugby Club Clubs that held these events were: • Rhyl FC afternoon which • Cardiff City FC highlights an • Wrexham AFC The number of players that took part extremely important • Newport County AFC in the events on the Q&A panel was • Swansea City AFC 25, which was an increase from the issue” • TNS FC previous year. St.Thomas CPS, Swansea City Event. “The best part was the question and answer session, the children enjoyed having the players to answer their questions” Millbrook Primary school, Newport County event. 37 SHOW RACISM THE RED CARD

FORTNIGHT OF ACTION Summary This year’s action once again formed part of SRtRC’s Football against Racism in Europe (FARE) Fortnight of Action, October 16th-31st 2009, featuring action in 35 European countries. In addition to increasing the awareness of SRtRC’s work in Wales, the ‘day of action’ also helped clubs underline and draw attention to the work that they are already doing in this area, and any progress that has been made since the SRtRC Fortnight of Action last October 2008. The main thrust of the message of the day took Children at TNS match,with mascot place prior to kick off. The players of both teams in each game gathered in front of the main stand ACTIONS IN THE COMMUNITY each holding a large red card in the air. TNS FC took their action a little further and invited school This was supported by a simultaneous public children from local schools as part of the clubs new address announcement condemning racism. Schools' Initiative. The visitors enjoyed an organised Players at the Cardiff City and Newport County football coaching session with one of the academy matches also warmed up in SRtRC t-shirts and coaches, as well as having a tour of the dressing rooms. the t-shirts were signed by players before being The young children were involved in the club’s stance on given to young children at the games. racism prior to the game, lining themselves alongside the Welsh music group Goldie Looking Chain tunnel and holding up the red cards as well as having (pictured below) pledged their support at the photos taken with the players and around the ground. Newport County AFC match during half time holding up a JUNIOR LEAGUE giant red card. The Junior Leagues in Wales were involved with the FOA as SRtRC and the Welsh Football Trust co-ordinated anti- racist activities with clubs from Cardiff and Merthyr Tydfil sending out the message at the grassroots level of the game.

SOCIAL INCLUSION Show Racism the Red Card has an important role to play in Football Inclusion in Wales, we aim to encourage BME communities to become actively involved in football at all levels. Our overall aim is to stop racism in society by using football as a tool to ensure we have inclusive communities in Wales irrespective of race, gender, nationality, culture or religion. This will be achieved by increasing the number of roles models at all levels of the game specifically with playing, coaching and refereeing. These role models will become SRtRC Ambassadors within the community. In Wales we have developed projects in conjunction with the Welsh Football Trust (WFT) and their Inclusion officer Hafizur (Mizan) Rahman to help increase the number of BME participants in playing, coaching and refereeing within Football at all levels from Grassroots to senior.


INCREASING NUMBER OF BME PLAYERS Newport County AFC manager Dean IN FOOTBALL Holdsworth with Our role last season in working towards increasing the Campaign worker number of players was mainly achieved through Jason Webber during supporting the WFT Festivals. pre game ‘Hall of fame’ presentation During all our school workshops we delivered football coaching sessions and Pupils who were interested in HONORARY joining clubs were provided with the information and PATRONS linked to the WFT. The following have become honorary patrons of SRtRC in Wales: • Christian Roberts – Ex Cardiff City / SRtRC Education Worker • Derek Brazil – Ex Man Utd / Haverfordwest County Manager • – Ex Bolton Wanderers / Newport County Manager • Andy Legg – Ex Cardiff City / Llanelli AFC manager • Scott Young – Ex Cardiff City / Cardiff City FITC

We are looking to further increase the number of patrons Increasing Number of BME Coaches - Football Coaching over the next season. Workshop WORKSHOPS – CARDIFF & NEWPORT YOUTH FORUM (PEER LED SUPPORT GROUP) Our first ever football coaching workshop was held in SRtRC are launching a youth forum in Cardiff to provide Cardiff at the Wales International Athletics Stadium the opportunity for young people from the community to attended by 20 people from the local communities, express their views about preventing and challenging followed by one held in Newport. racism through the use of football and increasing the number of players, coaches and referees from BME The ethnicity of candidates (identified themselves) was communities. 56% Black / Black British, 22% Asian/Asian British, 11% Mixed Race and 11% White. Ages of the candidates was 67% 26-49, 17% 19-15 and 17% 16-18. AMBASSADOR SCHEME Around 45% had no coaching experience at all and similarly Our Ambassador scheme encourages people within the only 45% had played at either amateur or semi pro level. community to be active role models in supporting SRtRC From the people that attended the courses, all stated that and its projects. they felt more confident attending the level 1 course and 50 We are launching the scheme next season which will % of the candidates went on to attend and pass their level conclude with an end of season awards evening to 1 course since the workshops, some have also progressed honour those who have been active in supporting and onto the Level 2 course following our work with them. promoting the Campaign in Wales throughout the season.

FEEDBACK “I would advise friends to attend because it’s free, provides access to football coaching information, volunteering opportunities and benefits, socialise and fun. The workshop also promotes community cohesion, BME teams and raises awareness on racism in football and society. Since attending the workshop our new football team is now playing in the Newport Futsal football development league. “Thanks to a free, SRtRC Football workshop myself and my BME community benefited a lot from this workshop.” Rob Muza (Newport) 39 SHOW RACISM THE RED CARD

Do you feel that working with SRtRC resources has improved pupil understanding of Racism?

Do you feel participation in the competition encouraged discussion about racism? Increasing No of BME players in football.

SCHOOLS COMPETITION Our schools competition 2010 was an even bigger success than last year with 143 schools registering - a massive 50% increase. From our evaluation, we estimate that over 11,000 pupils took part in the competition from Primary and Secondary Schools all over Wales and they came from 15 of the 22 Local Authority areas in Wales. Prize winners were invited to the in Cardiff to receive their awards which included: Wales international and club rugby and football tickets; the opportunity to watch Wales’s international squads training; signed football/rugby balls and tops and lots more. The overall winner also won a laptop for their school, courtesy of the NUT . Overall winners - Rose Wilcox, Ffion Blunsdon and Lauren Players presenting the awards included; Colin Charvis Birch-Hurst from Evenlode Primary School. (Newport Gwent Dragons), Christian Roberts (Ex Cardiff City), Leroy Rosenior (ex West Ham), Jay Bothroyd (Cardiff PARENT FEEDBACK: City FC) and Ally McKenzie (Newport Gwent Dragons). Special guests from Local Authorities, organisations, “I wanted to thank you all for the wonderful patrons and supporters of the campaign also gave out occasion on Thursday at the Millennium awards during the event. Stadium. Kristan was delighted with the prizes, so were her twin sister and brother. I also We had some fantastic entertainment on the day from the very talented Bhangra Singer Bobby Singh and Dance enjoyed it very much too. You will be happy to Group ‘The Shorty Souljers’ from Corpus Christi High know Kristan has taken the competition win School in Cardiff. quite seriously”. The feedback we received from the schools reflects just Joanne Harries how successful our schools competition is and the impact it has on the young people involved:


“Thank you so much for a fab afternoon. The children and staff enjoyed it but more importantly, they enjoyed making the DVD and working together to get CLARE SKIDMORE, INFORMATION the finished result for the competition. Show Racism AND SUPPORT WORKER the Red Card is such a good organisation and we are “Since starting with Show Racism the Red happy to work with you and your colleagues to Card Wales in March the months have flown combat racism” by. Coming into post at the beginning of the Kitchener Primary School preparations for the schools competition was a (Runner-up Video/Media Category), Cardiff great time to start and a real eye opener at how important the campaign is to the young people in Wales. We have received some excellent feedback, which just goes to show the impact the campaign has on the schools and the community. Now the team has doubled in size we have an exciting year ahead and it gives us the opportunity to bring ideas the campaign has to a reality. It is truly inspirational to work for an organisation that is so genuinely passionate about the work they do and a key element in what makes Show Racism the Red Card so successful”

Young People: How did you find the Show Racism the Red card DVD?

RESOURCES oor Good P The Welsh campaign is pleased to announce that all of our Excellent Very good Not great Education Packs are now available in Welsh. This includes: A Safe Place; Out of Site; Islamophobia and our Show Racism the Red Card Education Pack. We hope they Teachers: How did you find the Show Racism the Red will encourage Welsh speaking schools to educate their card DVD? pupils against the issues of racism and will give them a good point of reference to any problems of racism that may arise in their schools. Through our feedback we received from schools, our Education Pack and DVD remain extremely popular with the young people and teachers. Taken from 2009 – 2010s academic year, over 70% from the 1070 young people that sent in feedback forms felt that the DVD was either Very Good or Excellent, with only 2% stating that it was either Not Great or Poor.Teachers who sent in feedback also showed us how highly they rated the DVD, with a massive Poor 96% stating that it was either Very Good or Excellent. Good Excellent Very good Not great 41 SHOW RACISM THE RED CARD SHOW RACISM THE RED CARD SCOTLAND


ANNUAL REVIEW 2010 INTRODUCTION Billy Singh, Scottish Campaign Manager Another hectic 12 months for the campaign in Scotland. Highlights have included the re-launch of our anti-racist creative competition in partnership with the Scottish Qualifications Authority, educational workshops throughout Scotland tackling Islamophobia, our annual challenge match between MSPs and a Red Card Select which kicked off our Fortnight of Action, our ‘Stand Up’ Against Racism gig and winning the Best Film Category for our Islamophobia film at The Scottish Muslim Awards. We have also recently launched Show Bigotry the Red Card, which aims to tackle sectarian behaviour and attitudes in football and wider society. Our staff team has changed over the last year so it was a fond farewell and a big thank you to Tommy Breslin, Atta Yaqub and advisory committee member Veronica Rankin. A warm welcome to our new Education Coordinator Kenny Faulds, Dee Kinning our new Education Worker, Amanda Peebles our new Campaign Worker and Project Manager for Show Bigotry the Red Card Elio Ajmone. As always there are too many people to thank but special mention to our Scottish Advisory Committee and our coaches Derek Ferguson, Jim Duffy, , Michael Weir and Brian Irvine. Finally, a massive thanks to all individuals, organisations, ‘the football family’ and football fans who have helped to spread the anti-racist message. But we cannot be complacent. The current recession increases resentment and division with the most vulnerable groups being used as scapegoats. It is important that the Scottish nation challenges all forms of racism and religious intolerance. The following pages highlight our key achievements for the year and our plans for the future. EDUCATION Dee Kinning, Education Worker ISLAMOPHOBIA The aims of the workshops were: • To familiarise young people with The campaign in Scotland was the causes, consequences and awarded two years funding from the forms of Islamophobia and equip Scottish Government to deliver a them with a range of skills that programme of anti-Islamophobia will enable them to challenge educational workshops throughout Islamophobia. Scotland. • To enable young people to develop • East Renfrewshire – 5 schools, Islamophobia is a contemporary and good relationships and respect the 31 workshops emerging form of prejudice. It can be differences between people, • Inverclyde – 2 schools, described as stereotypes, bias or regardless of a person’s race, 8 workshops acts of hostility towards individual ethnicity, nationality or religion. Total: 27 schools, 123 workshops Muslims, followers of Islam in • To help young people prepare to with over 3,500 pupils general or even those merely play an active role as citizens in a All our workshops were fully perceived to be followers. 10 to 15 growing multi-cultural society, and evaluated with pre and post per cent of people subject to to prepare them for life workshop questionnaires. Evaluation Islamophobia are not Muslim. experiences outwith Scotland. reports for each council area will be Islamophobia leads to viewing • To provide teachers with an easy- available on our website from late Muslims as a greater threat on an to-use teaching resource to enable September 2010. institutional, systemic and societal them to educate for the above. level and perceiving Muslim views to Some of the Glasgow pre-workshop be intrinsically problematic, violent Workshops were delivered in the comments towards Muslims or unethical. Events such as 9/11, 7/7 following council areas: included: Pakis, Terrorists, Taliban, and the failed attacks at Glasgow • Glasgow City – 17 schools, Bombers. Airport have led to a sharp increase 71 workshops Some of the Glasgow post-workshop in attacks on Muslims and those • Aberdeenshire – 3 schools, comments included: Not respected, perceived to be Muslim. 13 workshops The same as us, Not all Terrorists. 43


A multi-partnership programme of educational workshops were organised and rolled out. This project is known as A League For All and involved partner working with: • Glasgow Asylum Support Services, Glasgow City Council • Scottish Refugee Council • Partick Thistle FC • The Jags Trust • UNISON • Scottish Fair Trade Forum ‘A League For All’ ran in two clusters of Glasgow West schools – St Thomas Aquinas and Knightswood. Each primary school in these communities was given the opportunity to participate, 9 signed up from a potential of 12.

This project follows the format of: - • 15 Safe Place (asylum/refugee issues) educational workshops GENERAL ANTI-RACISM REFUGEE WEEK AND A delivered by SRtRC coaches Jim WORKSHOPS LEAGUE FOR ALL Duffy and Derek Ferguson. Partnership agreements with Perth During Refugee Week 2009, SRtRC • 15 fun football coaching session and Kinross and Inverclyde Councils ran information and awareness delivered by Partick Thistle FC enabled us to deliver 27 general anti- raising stalls at the Glasgow Mela, a community coaches. racist workshops to over 750 pupils Refugee Week event in Kings Park, • A Safe Place DVD and Education in primary schools in their regions. Glasgow and at the Tramway also in Pack for each participating school Glasgow. SRtRC staff also attended We are also into our second year of donated by UNISON. the launch of Refugee Week at a three-year contract with East Glasgow’s Tron Theatre and the • A Partick Thistle FC / SRtRC squad Ayrshire Council and Kilmarnock F.C Parliamentary reception at Holyrood. poster for each participant, to deliver 180 workshops across 45 sponsored by UNISON Glasgow schools. This unique partnership SRtRC work around Refugee Week Clyde NHS branch involves Kilmarnock FC community but this is not limited to the calendar coaches delivering the anti-racist period in which Refugee Week takes • 2 Fair Trade footballs for each workshops. place. school donated by the Scottish Fair Trade Forum • A 5-a-side football tournament at TEACHER FEEDBACK - GLASGOW the end of the programme of workshops at Petershill FC “The workshops had a positive impact and gave pupils the opportunity stadium, which was followed by a to discuss and think about the issues raised. I thought the issues were general anti-racist educational handled very well and would not make any changes that diluted that.” seminar. The Jags Trust sponsored this event and SRtRC “Excellent DVD’s and positive enthusiastic approach from facilitator.” coaches acted as referees. “A very positive experience for the pupils. It was very informative and gave them the opportunity to express their thoughts and feelings as Glasgow Asylum Support Services well.” undertook an impact study and evaluation. This will be available on our website from late September.


Adult Education and UNISON The campaign in Scotland was asked by UNISON NHS Lothian branch to deliver anti-racist workshops to staff working in hospitals. Racism towards migrant workers had been identified. Two successful pilot workshops were delivered and we are confident these will be rolled out throughout the area and this can act as a catalyst for other trade unions and public sector organisations to engage with the campaign with regards adult education. Watch this space! FORTNIGHT OF ACTION Amanda Peebles, Campaign Worker

The sixth Show Racism the Red Card Fortnight of Action (FoA) in Scotland took place from the 16th to 31st of October 2009. This forms part of a European wide initiative overseen by FARE (Football Against Racism in Europe) and UEFA through their Unite Against Racism campaign. This period of concerted activity involves all professional football clubs as well as junior/amateur/youth teams. More SFA affiliated clubs took part this year than in any previous year. The number of clubs has now reached approximately 250. Also involved are community groups, fans groups, schools, trade unions and youth groups who actively promote the anti racist message during the fortnight. The fortnight was launched with a high profile football match between a Show Racism the Red Card select and MSPs/MPs. Players included Ally McCoist, Tom Boyd, Andy Walker, Jose Quitongo, Jim Duffy, Chic Charnley, Ken McIntosh MSP, John Park MSP, Frank McAveety MSP and Jim Murphy MP. A small grants scheme is operated as part of the FoA. In 2009, 20 organisations were successful in receiving the bulk of the funding and many others accessed our free resources. The 2009 Fortnight of Action built on the success of previous years. Community based anti-racist initiatives are growing in terms of diversity and reach with approximately 60 groups involved in 2009. Approximately 700 ‘Red Card Actions’ took place with extensive media coverage throughout the fortnight. A full report is available on our website.


COMPETITION Ruth McGeoch, Information and Support Worker An independent evaluation (available new categories for Special Needs The culmination of the competition on website) carried out in 2008/2009 and Further Education Colleges. A was a star-studded awards concluded that the schools competition website was developed ceremony at Hampden Park in competition was a successful ( March. Sports reporter Raman vehicle to tackle racism and containing comprehensive Bhardwaj of Scottish TV hosted the demonstrated relevance to the information for teachers/lecturers on event. The Scottish FA provided the Curriculum for Excellence. With this how to submit nominations. venue and all Scotland’s top clubs knowledge Show Racism the Red 175 centres entered the competition provided some fantastic prizes and Card re-launched the competition for with 952 entries submitted. As players for the event. Over 250 pupils 2009/2010 with key partners The always the quality and impact of all and teachers were in attendance Scottish Qualifications Authority entries was awe-inspiring and a and the overall winner was Ross (SQA) and other partners including credit to the young people of Duncan from ’s Telford Learning and Teaching Scotland, HM Scotland. A revised judging process College. Inspectorate of Education and The was introduced. A pre-sift of all To capitalise on the success of the Educational Institute of Scotland. entries on a category by category competition the SQA produced large The SQA agreed to become the main basis involving representation from posters from three winning entries development partner as part of its key partner organisation was held and sent these to all education corporate social responsibilities initially. From this process three centres, public bodies, football clubs activities – Giving Something Back. finalists were identified in each and MSPs in Scotland. SQA has The 2010 competition was launched category. A judging panel, headed by confirmed it will support the 2011 at The Scottish Learning Festival in Keith Brown, Minister for Skills and competition and an evaluation of the Glasgow with Motherwell manager Lifelong Learning was held and 2010 competition is available on our Craig Brown and other invited agreed 1st, 2nd and 3rd in each website. guests. It was expanded to include category and then an overall winner. SHOW RACISM THE RED CARD SCOTLAND DVD and education pack £20 (inc p&p) SPECIAL OFFER: Buy ‘SHOW RACISM THE RED CARD SCOTLAND’ with ‘ISLAMOPHOBIA/A SAFE PLACE’ for a special price of £40 inc p&p. For more information or to place an order email [email protected]

46 ANNUAL REVIEW 2010 TACKLING RELIGIOUS INTOLERANCE Elio Ajmone, Project Manager, Show Bigotry the Red Card

This year has seen Show Racism the Red Card Scotland successfully launch Show Bigotry the Red Card, a campaign to address sectarianism and religious bigotry in Scotland. Show Bigotry the Red Card is an active member of the Government-led working group on Unacceptable Behaviour. This group was formed by key partner organisations mainly based in Glasgow such as Sense Over Sectarianism, Nil By Mouth, the Iona Community and Youth Link Scotland. Consultation with the above is ongoing and underpinned by the willingness to devise strong and effective collaborative work in order to tackle this very sensitive issue. Scotland. These will be ‘open to all’ evening events as we An educational film titled ‘Rivals not Enemies’ has been aim to have as many representatives of locally based completed and an accompanying teaching pack will be football clubs as possible, together with representative available for use with supporters groups and in schools fans of the bigger clubs in Scotland. by Autumn 2010. A launch event attended by fifty invited The ultimate goal for this campaign is to stimulate debate young people took place at Fir Park, Motherwell. We also amongst fans and to ask people to help us promote the propose to deliver a series of regional events targeting crucial message that there is no place for sectarian or supporters from 4 distinct geographical areas throughout bigoted views within contemporary Scotland.

‘Rivals not Enemies’ launch event at Fir Park, Motherwell.


Chic Charnley, Derek Ferguson and Jim Duffy: Launch of ‘A Safe Place’ workshops in partnership with Glasgow City Council.

THE YEAR AHEAD KEY ACHIEVEMENTS IN The campaign has come a long way since it set up in Scotland in SCOTLAND 2003. But we are fully aware that we still have a long way to go to change attitudes and behaviour. Evidence suggests that racism • Securing 2 year funding to deliver increases when people are facing economic difficulties. Racism Islamophobia workshops to towards those of a different skin colour, asylum seekers and secondary schools throughout refugees, the English, the Irish, migrant workers and the Gypsy, Scotland. Roma Travelling communities is very much prevalent. We all have • Launch of Show Bigotry the Red Card a role to play to tackle racism and sectarianism in all its guises. In with ‘Rivals not Enemies’ film the coming year we will endeavour to: • Successful re-launch of anti-racism • Launch our ‘Out of Site’ education pack, which tackles racism creative competition in partnership towards Gypsy, Roma and Travellers and deliver educational with SQA. workshops utilising this resource. • Successful bid to Equality and • Develop our anti-sectarian campaign by holding regional events Humans Rights Commission to enable with football fans and deliver educational workshops to us to employ an Education grassroots football teams. Coordinator. • Develop our adult education work. • Highest number of ‘Red Card’ actions • Expand the number of council partnerships. during Fortnight of Action • Increase the number of entries for the anti-racism creative • Presenting Paul Elliot with Show competition. Racism Red Card Hall of Fame Award • Hold a Teachers Event in November 2010 to inform at PFA Player of The Year Awards educationalists of our work and encourage them to deliver the • Winner of Best Film for Islamophobia anti racist/sectarian message. at The Scottish Muslim Awards • Develop an ‘Education Legacy’ for the 2011 International Children’s Games and the 2014 Commonwealth Games.



2011 is the 15th Anniversary of Show Racism the Red Card and to celebrate this landmark year we are applying to become the Football Association Charity of the Year. We are very fortunate to have the support of Gordon Taylor and the Professional Footballers Association and have also received messages of support from respected figures within the professional game.

SUNDERLAND CHAIRMAN AND SRTRC PATRON NIALL QUINN: "The education that Show Racism the Red Card provide to children is valuable not only within sport but within any walk of life as we aim to put a stop to anti- social and anti-discriminatory behaviour... as the charity strives forward I am delighted to continue my support in your 15th year, building on your many successes."

NEWCASTLE UNITED MANAGER, : "Having worked closely with you over a number of years I am aware first hand of the superb work you do, particularly in educating young people and giving them a greater understanding of anti-racism issues.”

FORMER ENGLAND MANAGER, : "I can think of no other charity that has worked so hard and so successfully in showing racism the red card in football - and quite rightly so!”

BRENDON BATSON, FORMER PROFESSIONAL FOOTBALLER AND PATRON: "I have been involved with Show Racism the Red Card since 1997 when I appeared on their second film and have been impressed with their progress year on year since. Whilst they have remained true to their original mission statement to 'combat racism through using the high profile of professional footballers' they have as an organisation always been very proactive in developing new areas of work.”

PAUL ELLIOTT: “Show Racism the Red Card is an outstanding resource that “does exactly what it says on the tin and much more. It uses football, footballers as role models and its unique power to educate, empower & engage young people. It started as an acorn some 15 years ago and has now formed a tree. I'm honoured to have been inclusive in that remarkable journey.” 49 SHOW RACISM THE RED CARD

STAFF TEAM MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE HEAD OFFICE Kevin Miles Chair Ged Grebby Chief Executive Paul Kearns UK Office Manager Simone Doyle Vice Chair Craig Bankhead North East Education Manager Derek Gardner Treasurer Gavin Sutherland Campaign Worker David Foster Secretary Lizz Bennett Education Worker Martin Lightfoot Laura Hagan Administration & Support Worker David Kendrick Jo Wallis Campaign Worker Sue Abbott Laura Pidcock Education Worker Nadeem Ahmad Tony Waddle Administration Assistant Sumati Bala Anne-Marie Donnelly Administration & Support Pete Widlinski Worker Fiona Quinn Finance Officer Vicki MacPhail

BEDFORD WELSH ADVISORY Sarah Soyei Regional Manager for the South East & London Kate Hollinshead Education Worker COMMITTEE Oliver Paisley Administration & Support Worker Sanjiv Vedi Chair Andrew Howard Football Association of SCOTLAND Wales John Griffiths AM National Assembly for Billy Singh Scottish Campaign Manager Wales Elio Ajmone Project Manager: Religious Jon Beynon Welsh Assembly Intolerance in Scottish Football Government Ruth McGeoch Administration & Support Lynne Hackett Unison Worker Kenneth Faulds Education Coordinator Hazifur Rahman Welsh Football Trust Dee Kinning Education Worker Shireen Williams CEMVO Amanda Peebles Campaign Worker Steffan Ap Dafydd National Union of Teachers Wales Tom Overton Sport Council for Wales WALES Sunil Patel Welsh Campaign Manager Jason Webber Campaign Worker Simon Richards Education Coordinator SCOTTISH ADVISORY Clare Skidmore Administration & Support Worker COMMITTEE

COACHES Tony Higgins FIFPro Fraser Wishart PFA Scotland Gary Bennett, Leroy Rosenior, Dean Gordon, Eileen Dinning Unison John Anderson, Curtis Fleming, Derek Ferguson, Derek Kirkwood SFA Jim Duffy, Brian Irvine, Michael Weir, Gary MacKay, Paul Mortimer, Olivier Bernard, Luther Blissett, Veronica Rankin EIS Christian Roberts, Dan Gerrard. Kevin O’Neil Unison



John Aldridge, SamAllardyce, Darren Ambrose, Shola Ameobi, , , Earl Barrett, Warren Barton, , Brendon Batson, Gary Bennett, Dave Bennett, John Beresford, Marcus Bignot, Luther Blissett, Aidy Boothroyd, Graham Branch, Chris Brass, Craig Brown, , , , , Kenny Cunningham, Eugene Dadi, Paul Davis, Chris Day, Jason De Vos, Brian Deane, , Paul Elliott, , Rio Ferdinand, Curtis Fleming, Adrian Forbes, Danny Foster, Chris Freestone, Howard Gayle, Alain Goma, , John Hendrie, Colin Hendry, , Shaka Hislop, Ian Holloway, Gerard Houllier, , Chris Hughton, Andrew Impey, Alan Irvine, Chris Kamara, David Kelly, Jeff Kenna, Ledley King, , Lomana Lua Lua, Mick McCarthy, Brian McClair, Alex McLeish, , , David O'Leary, Sunday Oliseh, Martin O'Neill, Gary Pallister, , David Platt, , , , Niall Quinn, Peter Reid, Zesh Rehman, , Sir , Glenn Roeder, , Sam Saunders, , ,, Jim Smith, Efe Sodje, Graham Taylor, Stan Ternent, Anwar Uddin, Mark Walters, David Wetherall, Bobby Williamson, Danny Wilson, Calvin Zola.


ANNUAL REVIEW 2010 ISLAMOPHOBIA DVD and 32 page education pack Also includes DVD update of the film ‘A SAFE PLACE’ £30 (inc p&p) AVAILABLE FROM SHOW RACISM THE RED CARD For more information or to place an order email [email protected] OUT OF SITE Education Pack. FREE to download Developed in consultation with Traveller groups, this resource is designed to combat prejudice towards Gypsies, Roma and Travellers. “I think the 'Out of Site' pack is one of the best GRT packs I have seen in years. It has good exercises, true facts and good figures [and] is extremely informative and sharp: it is a pack to be proud of.” Sylvester Huczko, Roma Support Group For more information visit: SHOW RACISM THE RED CARD


SHOW RACISM THE RED CARD PO Box 141, Whitley Bay, Tyne & Wear NE26 3YH. Tel: 0191 257 8519. Fax: 0191 257 8541. email: [email protected]

SHOW RACISM THE RED CARD (SOUTH EAST & EAST) Bedford REC, 36 Mill Street, Bedford MK40 3HD. Tel: 01234 219 481. email: [email protected]

SHOW RACISM THE RED CARD SCOTLAND The Pentagon Centre, Suite 311, Washington Street, Glasgow G3 8AZ. Tel: 0141 332 8566. email: [email protected]

SHOW RACISM THE RED CARD WALES Room 22, 65 Penarth Road, Grangetown, Cardiff CF10 5DL. Tel: 02920 340 422. email: [email protected]