Sam Kushner, “Long Road to Delano”
Long Road To Delano Sam Kushner INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHERS New York © 1975 International Publishers Co., Inc. First Edition Printed in the United States of America Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Kushner, Sam, 1914 Long road to Delano 1. Trade-unions—Agricultural laborers—California— History. 2. United Farm Workers—History 3. Agricultural laborers—California—History I. Title HD6515.A292U58 331.88’13’09794 74-30123 ISBN 0-7178-0423-2 ISBN 0-7178-0424-0pbk. Contents Foreword v Preface xi 1. A Century of Strife and Servitude Begins 3 2. The Racist Ingredient 23 3. First Major Radical Challenge 39 4. Communist Organizing 55 5. Past as Prelude 81 6. The Bracero Era 95 7. Setting for Delano 115 8. Delano 127 9. Labor Faces a Challenge and a Dilemma 147 10. El Triunfo 171 11. Diversions and Deaths 197 Epilogue 222 Acknowledgements American Melodrama: The Presidential Campaign of 1968 by Lewis Chester et al, 1969, Viking Pres, Delano by John Gregory Dunne, 1971, Farrar, Straus & Giroux, Inc; Factories in the Field: the story of the Migratory Farm Labor in California by Carey McWilliams, new edition 1971, Peregrine Smith, Inc; Forty Acres by Mark Day, 1971, Praeger Publishers; Merchants of Labor: The Mexican Bracero Story by Ernesto Galarza, 1966, by permission of McNally & Loftin, Publishers; Sol Si Puedes by Peter Mathiessen, 1970, Random House; So Shall Ye Reap by Joan London and Henry Anderson, © 1971, with permission o fThoomas Y. Crowell Company, Inc., Publishers; Spiders in the House and Workers in the Field by Ernesto Galarza, 1970, University of Notre Dame Press; Time of Our Lives: the Story of My Father and Myself by Orrick Jones, 1973, Octagon Books, Farrar, Straus & Gitroux, Inc.
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