Wickham Skeith
1. Parish: Wickham Meaning: Dwelling place/manor with a racecourse (Ekwall) 2. Hundred: Hartismere Deanery: Hartismere (-1897), Hartismere (South)(1897-1931), S. Hartismere (1931-1972), Stowmarket (1972-) Union: Hartismere RDC/UDC: (E. Suffolk) Hartismere R.D. (-1974), Mid Suffolk D.C. (1974-) Other administrative details: Civil boundary change (1883) Hartismere Petty Sessional Division Eye County Court District 3. Area: 1,783 acres (Fertile and well wooded)(1912) 4. Soils: Fine loam over clay with slowly permeable subsoil. Subject to seasonal waterlogging 5. Types of farming: 1086 Wood for 44 pigs, 14 pigs, cattle, 33 sheep 1500–1640 Thirsk: Wood-pasture region, mainly pasture, meadow, engaged in rearing and dairying with some pig-keeping, horse breeding and poultry. Crops mainly barley with some wheat, rye, oats, peas, vetches, hops and occasionally hemp 1818 Marshall: Course of crops varies usually including summer fallow as preparation for corn products 1937 Main crops: Wheat, barley, beans, sugar beet 1969 Trist: More intensive cereal growing and sugar beet 6. Enclosure: 7. Settlement: 1958 Four main centres of occupation: a) Church and Wickham Hall, b) Wickham Green, c) Wickham Street) and d) Daisy Green Scattered farms 1 Inhabited houses: 1674 – 37, 1801 – 60, 1851 – 121, 1871 – 125, 1901 – 95, 1951 – 103, 1981 – 94 8. Communications: Road: Roads to Mendlesham, Finningham and Thornham Magna Rail: 1891 3 miles Finningham station: Ipswich – Norwich line, opened (1849), station closed (1966) 9. Population: 1086 — 60 ½ recorded 1327 — 37 taxpayers paid £2. 2s. 5d 1524 — 31 taxpayers paid £3. 9s. 8d. 1603 — 150 adults 1674 — 52 households 1676 — 180 adults 1801 — 442 inhabitants 1831 — 556 inhabitants 1851 — 613 inhabitants 1871 — 555 inhabitants 1901 — 413 inhabitants 1931 — 373 inhabitants 1951 — 298 inhabitants 1971 — 266 inhabitants 1981 — 289 inhabitants 10.
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