40540-014: SASEC Road Connectivity Project
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Semiannual Social Monitoring Report Project No. 40540-014 June 2019 SASEC Road Connectivity Project Improvement of Joydevpur-Chandra-Tangail-Elenga Road (N-4), Construction of RHD Headquarters Building at Tejgaon Dhaka Improvement of Benapole and Burimari Land Port This Semiannual Social Monitoring Report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. 2949-BAN (SF): SASEC Road Connectivity Project Improvement of Joydevpur-Chandra-Tangail-Elenga Road (N-4), Construction of RHD Headquarters Building at Tejgaon Dhaka Improvement of Benapole and Burimari Land Port SOCIAL MONITORING REPORT Project Number: 40540-014 Semi-Annual Social Monitoring Report July 2019 Project Implementation Consultants: Kunhwa Engineering & Consulting Co. Ltd. (South Korea) in Joint Venture With Korea Consultants International Co. Ltd. (South Korea) Intercontinental Consultants and Technocrats Pvt. Ltd. (India) in association With Development Design Consultants Ltd. (Bangladesh) 2949-BAN (SF): SASEC Road Connectivity Project Improvement of Joydevpur-Chandra-Tangail-Elenga Road (N-4), Construction of RHD Headquarters Building at Tejgaon Dhaka Improvement of Benapole and Burimari Land Port Seventh Semi-Annual Social Monitoring Report SASEC Road Connectivity Project: January to June 2019 Project Implementation Consultants: Kunhwa Engineering & Consulting Co. Ltd. (South Korea) in Joint Venture With Korea Consultants International Co. Ltd. (South Korea) Intercontinental Consultants and Technocrats Pvt. Ltd. (India) in association With Development Design Consultants Ltd. (Bangladesh) ABBREVIATIONS ADB Asian Development Bank ADFD Abu Dhabi Fund for Development AH Affected Household AP Affected Person BLPA Bangladesh Land Port Authority CCDB Christian Commission for Development in Bangladesh CCL Cash Compensation under Law CLS Core Labor Standards CPR Common Property Resources DC Deputy Commissioner DLAC District Land Acquisition Committee DMF Design Monitoring Framework EA Executing Agency EC Entitlement Card EMP Environmental Management Plan EP Entitled Person GAP Gender Acton Plan GoB Government of Bangladesh GRM Grievance Redress Mechanism HIV/AIDS Human Immunodeficiency Virus/ Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome INGO Implementing Non-Government Organization IR Involuntary Resettlement JCTE Joydevpur-Chandra-Tangail-Elenga km kilometer LA Land Acquisition LAP Land Acquisition Plan LAR Land Acquisition and Resettlement M&E Monitoring and Evaluation MRTB Ministry of Road Transport & Bridges NTH Non-Title Holder PAP Project Affected Persons PAVC Property Assessment and Valuation Committee PIB Public Information Brochure PIC Project Implementation Consultants PIU Project Implementation Unit RAC Resettlement Advisory Committee RDPP Revised Development Project Proposal RP Resettlement Plan ROW Right-of-Way RHD Roads and Highways Department SASEC South Asia Subregional Economic Cooperation SGE Some Gender Elements SMVT Slow Moving Vehicular Traffic SRP Supplementary Resettlement Plan TH Title Holder TOR Terms of Reference WP Work Package This semi-annual social monitoring report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB’s Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. TABLE OF CONTENTS ABBREVIATIONS i EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1-2 1. PROJECT OVERVIEW 3-15 1.1 Background of the Project 3-4 1.2 Project Impact, Outcome, and Outputs , and Work Prorgress 3-4 1.3 Objectives of the Progress Report 5-5 1.4 Progress or Status of Implementation of RPs by Work Package and Type of 5-12 Affected Households 1.4.1 Improvement of JCTE Road. Construction of RHD Building & Land 6-8 Ports 1.4.2 Project Scope of Impacts (JCTE road, Ne RHD Hq Building) 8-11 1.4.3 Summary of Progress of RPs Implementation 11-12 1.5 Changes in Project Scope (THs and NTHs by Work Package) 13-13 1.5.1 Efforts Done to Minimize LAR Impacts 13-14 1.5.2 Changes in Project Scope and Scope of Impacts (JCTE Road) 14-15 2. CONSULTATION AND GRIEVANCE REDRESS MECHANISM 16-17 2.1 Consultation and Information Disclosure 16-16 2.2 Grievance Redress Mechanism 16-17 3. MONITORING OF CASH COMPENSATION UNDER LAW (CCL) 18-37 3.1 Status of Land Acquisition Plan (LAP) 18-24 3.2 Status of Inter-ministerial Transfer of Land 25-25 3.3 Status of Utility Shifting and Tree Removal in Affected Area 25-26 3.4 Status of CCL Payment to Affected Persons 26-28 3.6 Status of Common Property Resources (CPRs) Affected and Payment 28-37 4. MONITORING OF OTHER RESETTLEMENT BENEFITS 38-40 4.1 Resettlement Benefits for Title Holders EPs 38-38 4.2 Resettlement Benefits for Non Title Holders EPs 38-39 4.3 Status of Financial Progress of Disbursement of Compensation (TH/ NTH) 39-39 4.4 Livelihood Skills Training for Vulnerable TH/ NTHs EPs 39-40 5. OTHER INFORMATION ON STATUS OF RP IMPLEMENTATION 41-41 6. OVERALL ACHIEVEMENT OR STATUS OF RP IMPLEMENTATION 42-43 7. MAJOR CHALLENGES/ ISSUES RELEVANT TO RP IMPLEMENTATION 44-44 8. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 44-46 9. IMPLEMENTATION OF SOCIAL AND GENDER ACTIVITIES 47-50 9.1 Consultation Meetings/ FGDs Conducted for Project Implementers 47-48 including Contractors, RHD, INGO and PIC (Cumulative) 9.2 Awareness Raising on HIV/AIDS and human trafficking prevention for the 48-50 Contractors and Labor Force (separate for male and female) by Contract Package (Cumulative) 9.3 Women Participation in Civil Works (Cumulative) and relevant information 50-50 9.4 Update on the Gender-Friendly Design Features included in the New RHD 50-50 Headquarters Building LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Overall physical work progress, JCTE, New RHD HQ Bldg. & Land Ports 6 Table 2: Project contract package-wise progress as of 30 June 2019 7 Table 3: Summary of project impacts (RP 2014) 10 Table 4: Progress of RP Main Activities implementation, at a glance 12 Table 5: Summary of updated project impacts in additional scope of works (SRP) 15 Table 6: Status of Information Campaign/ Disclosure 16 Table 7: Status of community level grievances recorded and action taken 17 Table 8: Summary of observations assessment during reconnaisance visit 18 Table 9: Status of LA for JCTE road improvement as of 30 June 2019 20 Table 10: Tentative schedule 1st phase of LARP (revised) 21 Table 11: Status of compensation fund placed to DCs f LA (Phase 1) 23 Table 12: Status of LA 2nd phase as of 30 June 2019 24 Table 13: Details of Inter-ministerial land transfer (RP 2014) 25 Table 14: Status of Utility shifting 25 Table 15: Status of tree removal 26 Table 16: Status of compensation disbursements to affected persons 26 Table 17: Financial progress of disbursement compensation to APs 27 Table 18: Status of physical progress of disbursements of compensation (TH/ NTH) 27 Table 19: Status and updates of CPRs affected 34 Table 20: Status of payment of CPRs 37 Table 21: Status of physical progress of disbursements of compensation to THs 38 Table 22: Status of physical progress of disbursements of compensation to THs 39 Table 23: Status of financial progress disbursements of compensation/res. Benefits 39 To TH and NTH EPs Table 24: Total number of vulnerable EPs (TH and NTH) 39 Table 25: Skills Training provided to vulnerable EPs (THs and NTHs) 40 Table 26: Preparation of EP Files and Entitlement Cards (ECs) 41 Table 27: Summary of RP Implementation 42 Table 28: Target activities for the next 6 months 45 Table 29: LAR and chainage-wise engineering Work Package 46 Table 30: Date, Venue and Number of Participants in Consultation Meetings 47 Table 31: Number of Participants in HIV/AIDS and human trafficking awareness 48 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Project Location Map, SASEC Road Connectivity Project-1 4-4 Figure 2: Some pictures of the new RHD HQ Building 7-7 Figure 3: Some pictures of Burimari and Benapole Land Ports 10-10 LIST OF ANNEXURES 51-77 Annex 1: Implementation Arrangements for RP Implementation 51-54 Annex 2: Selected pictures of affected persons/ HHs receiving compensation 54-55 Annex 3: Field Notes During Site Visits in March and June 2019 56-57 Annex 4: Pictures taken during the HIV/AIDS and human trafficking awareness 58-59 Annex 5: Pictures of female in civil works in WPs 60-60 Annex 6: Registry of Participants during consultations/ awareness raising 61-77 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1. The project’s semi-annual social monitoring report (SMR) is required by the Asian Development Bank ADB) from the client, the Roads and Highways Department (RHD) on a semi- annual basis. This report includes information on the status or progress of implementation of the land acquisition and resettlement (LAR) based on the original resettlement plan (RP) 2014 and supplementary RP (SRP) prepared by the RHD during the third quarter of 2018. Both RPs have been approved by the Government of Bangladesh (GoB) and ADB, and were uploaded in the RHD and ADB websites. In addition to LAR plans, the seventh SMR also includes updates on social and gender related activities covering the period, January to end of June 2019. 2. TheSASEC Road Connectivity Project is being implemented by the RHD financed by ADB as the lead development partner for this Project with loan used for road improvements, Project Implementation Consultancy Services, construction of RHD headquarters building and procurement of RHD equipment.