Art. 1. VASILE ION identified with identity card series RT, no 012345 issued by D.G.P.M.B. on the date of 1st of January 2000, PIN 1700101123456 and VASILE ELENA identified with identity card series RT, no 123456 issued by D.G.P.M.B. on the date of 1st of January 2000, PIN 1700102234567, spouses, with residence in Bucharest, 100Lucretiu Patrascanu Boulevard , bl X10, entrance A, floor 3, flat 13, sector 3, as owners (according to the Sale-Purchase Agreement no. 3323/5 of 29th of July 1994) of the flat no. 10, situated in Bucharest, 6 Izvorul Rece street, bl. B10, entrance B floor 6, sector 4, in capacity of LENDER IN COMMODATE and Art. 2. S.C. BEST ROMANIAN CONSULTING SRL, with reservation of name no. 284103/ 21.06.2006, issue by the Trade Register related to the Bucharest court of law, represented by POPESCU GEORGE, in capacity of Associate and Administrator, identified with identity card series RD, no. 409898, PIN 1751230445566, in capacity of BORROWER IN COMMODATE

PURPOSE OF THE CONTRACT Art. 3. The purpose of the contract is constituted by the use as registered office by the borrower in commodate of the flat no. 12, situated in Bucharest, 6 Izvorul Rece street, no. 6, bl. B10, entrance B floor 6, sector 4, under the property of the spouses Vasile Ion and Vasile Elena, which the borrower in commodate undertakes to use according to its destination.

TERM Art. 4 . Lender in commodate grants to the borrower in commodate the right to use the above-mentioned flat, as of the date of signing the contract for a period of 10 (ten) years.

OBLIGATIONS OF THE PARTIES Art. 5 Lender in commodate undertakes: - to give to the borrower in commodate for use the flat that makes the purpose of this contract; - to reimburse to the borrower in commodate the expenses incurred for the maintenance of the flat. Art. 6. Borrower in commodate undertakes: - to use and maintain the flat, as a good owner; - to use the flat, according to the destination established by this contract; - to return on the date of termination the contract, the asset under loan.

LIABILITY Art. 7. The Borrower in commodate is liable for the deterioration or loss – totally or partially – of the asset, should it not be proved that the deterioration or disappearance was caused by chance or that the deterioration is a consequence of use according to the destination and without being guilty.

COMMINATORY DAMAGES Art. 8. Should the borrower in commodate does not return the flat, at the end of the contract, he is bound to pay to the lender in commodate, comminatory damages amounting to 100 RON for each day of delay.

FORCE MAJEURE Art. 9. The force majeure exonerates from liability the party that claims it. The contracting party that claims the force majeure, can invoke it in front of the other party provided that the latter was informed on the appearance of the force majeure event within 5 days at the most from its occurrence, adding a confirmation of a competent authority that should certify the accuracy and existence of the cause.

TERMINATION OF THE CONTRACT Art.10. The contractual reports ceases by returning the asset in proper state at the term provided for in the contract. Art. 11. In case of non-compliance with the obligations by the borrower in commodate, the lender in commodate may claim the termination of the contract.

LITIGATIONS Art. 12. The litigations between the contracting parties, in case that they cannot be settled by the competent legal courts.

This contract ws concluded today, on the 1st of September 2006 in 2 original counterparts, from which one remains with the lender in commodate and one with the borrower in commodate.