ACC Board Meeting Wednesday 20 September 2017
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ACC Board Meeting Wednesday 20 September 2017 Venue: ACC Head Office 29 Momus Boulevard Coventry CV2 5NA (Meeting commenced at 9.30am)
In attendance:, Tony Ruddle, Sue Monkton-Rickett , Chris Williams, Marlene Forsythe-Gidharry, Helen Vipan, Peter Barraclough, Angie Petrie, Fiona Sherburn, Richard Johnston, Phil Weare Kathy Spooner and David Sinclair.
Apologies: None
Title The meeting opened with thoughts for the day & prayer. Devotion Luke 18 9-14
All Board and Exec Members provided a brief introduction of themselves
KS made a presentation for the Board on ACC Strategy 2018-2020 DS made a presentation for the Board on PCUK Strategy 2018-2020 PW made a presentation for the Board on Operations Strategy 2018-2020 SMR made a presentation on the Budgetary Issues Key Points The general theme of “Reaching Wider, Going Deeper” underpins the strategy of ACC and PCUK for the next three years The strategy is intended o to grow ACC / PCUK in terms of membership( numbers and potential diversity), products and services offered o to improve the services that we offer and our efficiency in doing so o to raise awareness and profile of ACC / PCUK in the Christian and professional worlds o to target geographical areas where membership and awareness of ACC is limited o to increase financial stability and to ensure the continuity of the business and its operations Questions from the Presentations Should we consider encouraging training in couples counselling? KS: will be considered as part of the 2019 Conference Programme What is meant be “Non-evangelising spirituality”? KS: In counseling we should be providing the person with counselling without an agenda to bring into faith What is Biblical Counselling? KS: A form of counselling, where answers are sought much more through looking to scripture rather psychological solutions. Acknowledged that any inclusion of biblical counselling within ACC would need careful consideration around ethics and practice. Concerns with regard to delivering training through distance learning as there is little supervision and monitoring? KS: As people are asking for distance learning, perhaps we should we consider looking at developing it as a safe model. What could be potential ways for ACC /PCUK to attract people from a wider Christian world? DS: May be attracting people to events i.e. Mindfulness conference, which reach a wider group. Trying to define who we can interact with and for some people and organizations we can provide a sense of belonging Need to determine what is it that ACC can offer. ? Listen to membership – why do they belong. What are we going to do to engage with membership? KS and DS: Potential to engage with members more through surveys, attending events, meeting students etc.
1 TR provided some thoughts on Expectations of Board members Be true to yourself – contribute – we will not always agree, but that is fine Be prepared – read paper in advance. Come to each meeting with insight and questions Be present – either physically or Skype. If board members miss two meetings in a row we will need to discuss their position on the board Be available – not just contribute in a meeting. Please respond to e-mails to confirm if received even if not able to do so within 24 hours Be supportive – use networks to leverage and create partnerships and get ACC introductions Be a player as much as you can be
Minutes of the previous meeting and matters arising not covered on the agenda version on Livedrive. The minutes of the previous meeting in June were agreed.
Standing items Conflict of interest – SMR asked for all Board Members to provide updates with regard to any on- going conflicts of interest RAP - KS – provided details of the new RAP members and confirmed that the first meeting of the new panel will be on Friday 22nd September TR will continue to attend in this transition period. PW asked for photo of RAP to accompany an article in Accord explaining the role of RAP to our members. Risk Register for PSA – need to be reviewed Internal Risk Register – SMR has provided a draft, which will be reviewed by the Exec and presented again at a future board meeting .
Memorandum of Understanding CW described the purpose of the MoU Group and stated that KS now attending the Training & Curriculum group Both the original MoU document and the Draft version 2 are in the Board Induction Documents on SharePoint – all board members need to read them. Version 2 has still not been approved for launch, but a further meeting is being held within the next two weeks. Delay has been partly due to the desire for Government Ministers to launch the document, but Brexit has limited their availability. CW said that ACC are treated as valuable members of the MoU group and that our membership has proved to be very valuable to us. KS stated that training on sexuality and gender would be part of the 2019 Conference. FS said that she should be able to assist with contacts for transgender topics. It was suggested that ACC could develop a day for the regions to use on sexuality and gender.
Director of Finance report ACC management accounts to the end of August, continued to show that income is not growing at the budgeted level with all income streams being below budget. Expenditure is below budget for most categories. Executive travel costs are £2.5k above budget mainly due to an increased level of visits to training colleges, affiliates and other organisations to promote ACC and for the new Exec members to make contact with key organisations
Before taking into account the surplus made on the National Conference, ACC has a deficit of £5.7k at the end of August. After conference there is a surplus of £28.4k We must keep looking at how we promote ACC and PCUK and grow our income. so that we break- even on normal activities and that any surplus on Conference can be treated as additional funds to potentially be used for the development of the organisation ACC funds at the end of October are £77.3k, which is £29.3k above the contingency.
2 Board Roles The following potential roles and responsibilities were discussed: Helen Vipan – Network Representative Fiona Sherburn - Human Resources – Richard Johnston - Marketing & Communications Chris Williams – Education & Development Ethics / Theology – Peter Barraclough Individual Board Members will consider these roles and discuss further with Tony. Other Roles ACC International Link into ACC Europe, which was a role that David Depledge had held needs to have a Board member assigned Possibly a role taking responsibility for Research
FS offered to help us do some work in thinking about skills and how to use them TR said that in Spring 2019 he would be stepping down from his Executive role and he asked the Board to consider whether they would want him to step down as chair at the same time or have a transition period and also how the Executive role would be fulfilled in the future and plan for this TR will work with FS on developing a role profile
All board members agreed that they would take responsibility for telephoning 10 counsellor members, who are yet to join the register and that the office have been unable to contact during the day. PW to distribute the lists and also the information and messages that needed to be conveyed.
Director Reports Needing Formal Approval The Board approved the principles contained within the Strategic Presentations and that they should be developed by the Executive into a Business Plan for 2018-20, which will be presented to the Board in December.
Upcoming Events & Progress Key work to promote the Mindfulness Conferences in 2018 Key work on finalising the programme for 2019 ACC National Conference. The theme “Towards A Full Bodied Hope”. Initial information will be published in the Winter Accord and February Accord and full information and bookings from Spring Accord
Date of Next meeting: 6th December by Skype There was no AOB to be reported