Civil Rights Timeline – Interviews With Those Who Witnessed…

The following is a list of important events and figures of the Civil Rights Movement….

1. Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) 2. Jackie Robinson 3. Thurgood Marshall 4. Brown vs Board of Education 5. Little Rock Nine 6. Montgomery Bus Boycott 7. Martin Luther King Jr. & SCLC 8. Rosa Parks 9. Origins of the Strategy of Nonviolence 10.James Farmer 11.Sit-In Movement 12.SNCC 13.Freedom Riders 14.James Meredith 15.Albany Movement 16.Birmingham Campaign 17.Children’s March (Birmingham) 18.Assassination-Medgar Evers 19.March on Washington of Aug 1963 20. Civil Rights Act of 1964 21.Voter Education Project 22.Twenty-Fourth Amend 23.Freedom Summer 24.Selma Campaign & March 25.Voting Rights Act of 1965 26.Stok.Carmichael & Black Pow. 27.Black Panther Party 28.Malcom X 29.Poor People’s Campaign 30.Civil Rights Act of 1968 31.John Lewis 32.Ella Baker 33.Adam Clayton Powell 34.Fannie Lou Hamer 35.Freddie Hampton 36.Betty Friedan 37.National Organization for Women 38.Roe v. Wade 39.Gloria Steinham 40.American Indian Movement 41.Russell Means 42.Chong Wa Benevolent Association 43.Chicano Movement 44.La Raza Unida Movement 45.Mario Savio & Free Speech Movement 46. Cesar Chavez 47. Japanese American Citizens League (JACL) 48. Bob Dylan & Folk Music

Objective: We will construct a timeline of major events and figures of the Civil Rights Movement that is both informative and interactive for its users. Our timeline will be found on (Link through my website!).

Requirements: With a partner, you will be assigned a specific event or person to research for this timeline. Then, do the following.

1) Log on to our new timeline “Civil Rights – Marching Through Time”. To do this…Send an e-mail to Mr. Moeller at [email protected] I will respond quickly with an invitation to join the timeline that’s been started. 2) A summary report of your assigned event/person will be done differently than our last project. TAKE NOTE! a. PHOTOS - At least three appropriate pictures of your event/person. If photos are used from outside sources, they must be cited in MLA format. b. SUMMARY - A brief, yet complete, description of your event/person is required. The standard research questions should be applied – Who? What? Where? When? Why is this event/person Important? Our textbook is ideal for this! Summaries should not be cut-and- pasted from sources! Quotes can be used, but credit should be given to the source. All sources (at least 3) to be cited in MLA format. Use of wikipedia as a source is discouraged! c. TWO SEPARATE QUESTIONS…. i. One factual-based question that relates to information presented in your summary. ii. A second question that requires HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills). It can be a question that requires: evaluation or synthesis. ( taxonomy.html) Namely, the question will require an in-depth response from the user. d. YOUR NAME(S) - Type your name(s) at bottom…”Brought to you by…..” 3) SUBMIT - Submit your story to our timeline at Make sure you are logged in and that you are adding to my “Civil Rights – Marching Through Time” when you do so. 4) PRESENT - Be prepared to present your summary report in class on WEDNESDAY, April 8th. (This summary report will be worth 25pts)

5) INTERVIEW - Next, each group will be required to conduct an interview with someone who has memories of the Civil Rights Movement of the ‘50’s or ‘60’s. The following questions are mandatory..

a. What can you tell us about the social climate of your community during

the period of the Civil Rights Movement (‘50’s to ‘60’s) (ie..race

relations, religion, women’s issues, rebuilding communities/suburban

sprawl, education, music, etc..)?

b. In what way(s) did notable leaders of this period impact you?

c. Can you describe your most significant personal experience that relates

to the Civil Rights movement?

d. What lessons are important to share with young people regarding the

Civil Rights movement?

e. What lessons are important to share with young people regarding US

History, in general?

f. Do you have any recollection of (your assigned topic)? Please explain.

g. In what ways are you a lifelong learner? h. In what way(s) has retelling your stories of this period impacted you?

i. (Your own question…)

j. (Your own question…) 6) RECORD - The responses to these questions shall be recorded on paper, with digital video camera, or digital audio recorder. If recorded on paper, the answers will be typed and posted with your summary report on the timeline. If recorded digitally, the interview can be uploaded to the story and shared with visitors. (This part of the assignment is worth 50pts and will be due FRIDAY, April 10th) Grading Criteria Expert - >90% - Work is exemplary, meets all requirements with great attention to detail. Skilled - >80% - Work is good, meets basic requirements, and shows attention to detail. Average >70% - Work is average, meets most requirements, show less detail. Deficient>60% - Work is below average, shows little serious effort.