Chemistry 312 - Midterm Review #1 Name ______

1. One of the two values below represent the weight of a man at sea level, the other represents the weight of the same man at the top of the Empire State Building. Which value represents the latter?

180 lbs. or 186 lbs.

What accounts for the difference in the two values?

Weight is not only the amount of matter in an object, but the effect of Earth’s gravitational pull on that matter. At high altitudes, the gravitational force is decreased and so is weight. Mass remains the same.

2. Provide quantitative and qualitative examples for the following measurements.

Measurement Qualitative Quantitative Temperature Cold 0 degrees celcius Length Short 0.002 cm Weight Heavy 3000 kg

3. Put the following steps of the scientific method in order

Hypothesis, Observation, Hypothesis, Experiment, Theory

4. Explain the difference between a theory and a scientific law

A scientific law states what occurs in nature without providing an explanation. A theory is an explanation supported by many experiments.

5. Name the SI units for length, mass, volume and density

Length – meter Volume – cubic meters density – kilogram/cubic meter

6. Perform the following conversion

A. 680 centimeters to miles (1mi=5280ft , 1 in = 2.54 cm, 1ft = 12 in)

 1in  1ft  1mi  680mi 680cm      0.004mi  2.54cm 12in  5280 ft  160934.4

B. 2.4l lbs/gal to g/L (1.04qt = 1L, 1000g = 1kg, 1gal = 4qts, 2.2lbs = 1kg)

2.41lbs  1kg 1000g 1gal 1.04qt  2506.4g        285g / L gal  2.2lbs  1kg  4qt  1L  8.8L 4. Classify the following matter as either an element, a compound, or a mixture. If you choose mixture, state whether it is a homogeneous or heterogeneous mixture.

Salt Water ______homogeneous mixture______

Carbon Dioxide (CO2) ______Compound ______

Granite ______heterogeneous mixture______

Oxygen Gas (O2) ______Element______

5. Perform the following conversions.

4.5cL to hL = 0.00045hL 0.006dag to mg = 60mg 10.05km to dm = 100500dm

6. Perform the following conversions using the factor label method.

a. 5.2mL to gallons (4qt = 1gal, 1000ml = 1L, 1.06qt = 1L)

 1L 1.06qt 1gal  5.512gal 5.2mL      0.001gal 1000mL  1L  4qt  4000

b. 1.2 mi/hr to m/s (1000m = 1km, 1.6km = 1mi) 1.2mi 1.6km 1000m  1hr 1min  1920m        0.53m / s hr  1mi  1km  60min  60s  3600s

7. What is the mass of a sample of lead that has a density of 11.34g/ml and a volume of 0.03L? D=11.34g/mL D=M/V M = x x 11.34g / mL  x = 0.378g V = 0.03L = 30mL 30mL

8. Perform the following calculation of numbers in scientific notation (show all work) and report the answer with the correct number of significant figures.

(3.2 x 1015)(6.7 x 10-8) 4.8 x 106 + 8 x 10 2 2.1 x 108 5 x 106 9. 8 Determine the slope of the line below.

6 y y  y 5  2 3 slope   2 1   4 x x2  x1 8  0 8

2 2 4 6 8 10. Which of the following are physical properties/changes? Magnetism Rusting Freezing Color Solubility

Burning Texture Rotting Bending Melting

11. 2.4 grams of water is produced when 1.7 grams of oxygen reacts with hydrogen. How many grams of hydrogen were used in the reaction?

Oxygen  Hydrogen  water x = Hydrogen=0.7g 1.7g  x  2.4

12. Name the technique that would be used to separate a the following mixtures

Mixture Technique A mixture of liquids with different boiling points Distillation A mixture of particles with different sizes Filtration A mixture of substances that can be drawn across a surface Chromatography A mixture of dissolved solids Crystallization

13. What is the mass of the following compound? What percent of the compound does oxygen comprise? C6H12O11

%composition = mass of compound in element/total mass of compound x 100

mass of oxygen= 11 x 16g = 176g 176g x100  68% 260g Mass of compound = (6 x 12g)+(12 x 1g)+(11x16g)=260g

14. Write the decay reaction for the formation of uranium-238 from plutonium-242.

242 238 4 94 Pu 92 U  2 He

Chem 312 - Midterm Review #2

Fill in the following table

Element Protons Electrons Neutrons Mass Number Calcium 20 20 1 21 Silver 47 47 63 110 Phosphorus 15 15 16 31

What is the wavelength of a wave that has a frequency of 1 x 1014Hz? 3x10 8 c  v 3x108  1x1014   1x1014   3x106 m 1x1014

What is the energy a wave that has a wavelength of 3x 102m?

c  v 3x108 E=hv 3x108  3x102 v  v  1x106 Hz E  6.626x1034 1x106  6.626x1028 J 3x102

Which process would stabilize light weight atoms, fission or fusion?


Write the electron configuration and draw orbital diagrams for the following atoms. (You can use noble gas notation for the electron configurations)

Bromine (Br)


Hassium (Hs)

[Rn] 7s2 5f146d6

Draw the lewis dot structures for the following elements

Phosphorus Barium

P Ba

Fill in the following table

Element Group Period Chemical Family Silver (Ag) 11 4 Transition metal Iodine (I) 17 5 Halogen Boron (B) 13 2 Metalloid Radium (Ra) 2 7 Alkaline earth metal

Which of the following elements has the greatest electronegativity?

Bromine (Br) Sulfur (S) Chromium (Cr) Which of following elements has the lowest ionization energy?

Molybdenum (Mo) Hafnium (Hf) Niobium (Nb)