Poldens & Bridgwater Riding Club Constitution Page 1

Poldens & Bridgwater Riding Club Constitution

The Club shall be known as the Poldens and Bridgwater Riding Club (PABRC).

Section 1 – Objectives

The objectives of the club shall be:

a) To encourage riding as a sport and recreation, to promote good fellowship amongst riders and to improve and maintain the standard of riding and horsemanship.

b) To organise instructional meetings, lectures and competitive events and other activities to further the objectives.

c) To support and co-operate with recognised organisations interested in the breeding and use of all breeds and types of horses and ponies.

d) To investigate the subject of bridle tracks and rights of way with a view to opposing those that have been closed, aswell as maintaining and more clearly defining, those that are in existence.

e) To concern itself with any objective which will benefit the horse and horse users in the district.

Section 2 – Membership

This will consist of persons who have attained the age of 16 years, and have paid the due subscription for the current period. Honorary membership may be conferred by the Committee upon any person deemed by them to have rendered notable service to the club.

The annual membership shall be £25 for single adult membership, £10 for non- riding members, family membership (residing at same address) - £25 for the first person and £20 for each additional member, or such other sum or sums as shall

Last revised 21st December 2012 Poldens & Bridgwater Riding Club Constitution Page 2 from time to time be determined by the Committee and payable on the 1st January in each year. Any member joining on or after 1st August, shall be entitled to a 20% discount. Any member joining the Club on or after 1st December shall be deemed to have paid his or her subscription for the ensuing year.

The Committee may expel from membership of the Club, any member who has breached any of the rules of the Club, or who has, in the opinion of the Committee, been guilty of any conduct derogatory to the character or prejudicial to the interest of the Club. This is providing that before expelling him/her the Committee shall call upon him/her for an explanation of his / her conduct, and provide a proper opportunity of answering the allegations against him/her.

Section 3 - Administration

All powers of management shall be vested in the Committee.

The Committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting or any Extraordinary General Meeting. The committee shall include a Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary and a number of other committee members, number depending on the size of the membership. A quorum will be the majority of the committee.

The Committee shall be the sole authority for the interpretation of the Rules and for anything relating to the Club not provided therein and their decision shall be final and binding to the members.

The decision of the Committee shall be final unless over-ruled at a General Meeting.

The Committee may formulate by-laws for the detailed running of the Club and elect sub-committees for any special activities of the Club which the Committee may authorise.

The Committee shall have the power to fill any casual vacancy arising amongst members of the Committee but any person so co-opted shall retain office only until the next following Annual General Meeting and then shall be eligible for re- election.

The Annual General Meeting shall be held in January / February of each year to transact the following business:

a) To receive and if approved to adopt a Statement of the Club’s Accounts to the end of the preceding year and to appoint an auditor. b) To elect a Committee

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c) To deal with any special matter which the Committee may desire to bring to the members and to receive suggestions from the members for consideration by the Committee. Notice convening the General Meeting shall be sent to the members no less than 21 days before the meeting and shall specify the matters to be dealt with.

A Special General Meeting may be called by the Committee, or by a request signed by not less than 5 members specifying the business to be discussed. The secretary shall give all members 10 days notice of the date of such a meeting and shall specify in such notice matters to be dealt with at the meeting.

The accounts of the Club shall be audited each year by the person appointed at the previous Annual General Meeting. The person should be experienced in accounting matters and not be a member of the club.

These rules may be added, repeated or amended at any Annual or Extraordinary General Meeting provided that no such resolution shall be deemed to have been passed unless carried by a majority of at least 2/3’s of the members present and voted thereon, and provided that prior notice has been sent to all members stating the proposed amendment.

PABRC will operate a child protection policy working with the guidelines issued by the British Equestrian Federation. The Committee will reserve the right to refuse admission to children under the age of 18 (who are non-members) to any PABRC event.

In the case of dissolution of the Club, any monies or assets will be distributed to such appropriate charity or charities as the membership at the time, shall choose by vote.

Section 4 - Health & Safety Policy

The Committee of the PABRC aims to ensure that club events are organised, as far as is reasonably practical, in accordance with appropriate Health and Safety legislation.

Officials – All stewards, judges and officials are briefed prior to events to ensure they maintain control of their areas an ensure that: - Access and egress at the event is safe and kept clear. - Everything reasonable is done to ensure health, safety and welfare of those attending the event. - They conduct themselves so that they do not put themselves or anyone else at risk. Risk assessments will be carried out before all Club events as appropriate.

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Spectators – All reasonable and practical steps will be taken to ensure the health, safety and welfare of those attending club events. Spectators, so far as is reasonably practical are: - Required to keep within the designated pedestrian areas and to observe the instructions of the stewards, judges and members of the organising Committee. - Requested to take extra care when moving around in areas shared with horses.

Competitors – Competitors are required to conduct themselves and retain control of their horses so that they do not put themselves or anyone else at risk. Competitors moving between parking and competition areas must do so at a walk. Horses may be only be exercised in designated warm-up and practise areas and lunging is not permitted.

Contractors – Contractors are required to observe best working practises, complying with all Health and Safety legislation relevant to their business and take all reasonable and practical steps to safeguard the health and safety of their employees and any other person in the area they are working on when in the club event venue.

Trade Stands – Exhibitors are responsible for the safety of their own stands and the risk that they may pose to their employees and any other persons within the allocated space or immediate surrounding areas.

Emergency – A designated emergency access route will be kept clear at all times so that emergency vehicles can, if necessary, access all parts of the event site.

Stallion Policy – Stallions are allowed at events and lessons by prior arrangement with the committee and must be bitted and competently handled / ridden by someone who is 16 years of age or over. If they misbehave, they may be asked to leave the lesson or event. Stallion discs on bridles and multi coloured ribbons in their tails are required.

A qualified First Aider will be present at all events as deemed appropriate by the Committee.

All accidents will be recorded in the PABRC accident book.

A list of local veterinary surgeons’ phone numbers will be available at all events.

Horses & Dogs – Horses can be easily frightened and can also be dangerous. All persons attending an event are requested to avoid behaviour that could alarm horses. Dogs must be kept on a lead and under control at all times.

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Vehicles – When attending club event venues vehicles should proceed in a manner so as not to put others at risk by their acts or omissions. They must only use designated areas and must comply with any instructions given by the organising Committee or their representatives.

Horse riding is a risk sport and competitors participate entirely at their own risk. It is recommended by the organisers that all competitors have adequate insurance cover. Club rules require hard hats of the approved standard to be worn when mounted. Body protectors are recommended for show jumping and are compulsory for all cross country competitions and clinics. No fixed peaks should be used for any cross country training or event.

Save for death or personal injury caused by negligence of the organiser or anyone for whom they are in law, responsible; neither the organiser of the events to which these rules apply, nor any agent, employee or representative of these bodies, accepts any liability for any accident, loss, damage injury or illness to horses, owners, riders, spectators, land, vehicles, contents and accessories or any other person or property whatsoever. The organisers have taken reasonable precautions to ensure the health and safety of everyone present. For those measures to be effective, everyone must in turn take all reasonable precautions to avoid and prevent accidents occurring and must obey the instructions of the organisers and their officials and stewards.

In all matters of health and safety the decision of the organising Committee is final.

Section 5 - Equal Opportunities

The Club is fully committed to the principles of equality and opportunity, and aims to ensure that no individual receives less favourable treatment on the grounds of age, gender, disability, race, ethnic origin, nationality, colour, parental or marital status, pregnancy, religious belief, class or social background, sexual orientation or political belief. This includes all those involved in whatever capacity. The Club will ensure wherever it is reasonable and within the Club’s direct control that there is open access to all those who wish to participate in all aspects of equestrian activity and that they are treated fairly.

Section 6 - Horse Welfare and Riders’ Codes of Conduct

Welfare of horse/pony:

a) In all equestrian sports the welfare of the horse / pony must be considered paramount.

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b) The well-being of the horse/pony shall be above the demands of riders, owners, coaches, clubs and officials. c) The highest standard of nutrition, health, sanitation and safety shall be encouraged and maintained at all times. d) Adequate provision must be made for ventilation, feeding, watering and maintaining a healthy environment during transportation. e) Emphasis should be placed on increasing education in training and education practices and promoting specific studies in equine health. f) All riding and training methods must take into account that the pony / horse is a living entity and must not endorse any technique considered by the PABRC, to be abusive. g) PABRC should establish adequate controls in order that all persons under their jurisdiction respect the welfare of the horse / pony. h) PABRC rules regarding the health and welfare of the horse / pony must be adhered to at competitions and training rallies. i) Every rider, coach, and club official must accept responsibility to uphold a high level of pony/horse welfare. j) Should any spectator, rider, coach, judge or PABRC member be concerned about or feel that they have witnessed rough or unfair riding or training they should report it immediately to the organiser of an PABRC event.

Examples of abuse:

a) Bits – the bit must never be used as a punishment b) Spurs – to use spurs excessively or persistently so as to injure the horse / pony. If a judge or official sees a spur that is likely to cause injury, they can ask the rider to remove them before continuing their riding. c) Whip – excessive or inappropriate use of the whip is not acceptable. d) Lameness – riding an unsound horse / pony. e) Tack – tack should be correctly fitted to avoid any suffering. f) Over-working – to ride or to compete an obviously exhausted, lame or injured horse / pony g) Distress – the obvious distress of a horse / pony whether caused by the rider or other external factors. h) Blood – any sign of blood on a horse / pony is a cause for concern.

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Section 7 - Conduct of PABRC members

No PABRC member shall:

a) Conduct themselves at any competition or lesson in a manner which is offensive to the public. b) Argue at any competition, lesson or event with the judge, official or other competitor or use abusive or threatening language or behave with incivility or contempt towards a judge, official or another rider. c) Ill-treat in any way, a horse / pony whether inside or outside the arena at a competition or lesson in any circumstance. d) Misuse or excessively use a whip or spur. e) Deliberately use the action of the bit as a means of punishment and/or misuse any item of saddlery in a manner likely to cause pain or discomfort to a horse / pony. f) Conduct themselves in a manner detrimental to the character and / or prejudicial to the interests of the PABRC. g) Make either orally or in writing, to an officer of the PABRC or a third party, a statement on a matter covered by the rules which they know to be untrue. h) Compete as an owner or a rider in a competition for which the horse / pony or rider is not fully eligible. i) Junior members must be accompanied by a parent, guardian or responsible adult at all PABRC events.

Section 8 - Complaints Procedure

Any formal complaints should be put in writing and sent to the Chair and will be discussed at the next Committee meeting, and a written response sent to the complainant.

Last revised 21st December 2012