Works Cited (sample)

Appleby, Joyce, Ph.d. “The Jazz Age, 1921-1929.” The American Vision: Volume Two. New York: McGraw Hill. 2005. (your history book)

Coale, Samuel Chase. “F. Scott Fitzgerald.” The World Book Encyclopedia. 1999 Ed. (example of an encyclopedia with an author)

Fitzgerald, F. Scott. The Great Gatsby. New York: Scribner. 2003. (your Gatsby book)

“Fun Facts of the Jazz Age.” The Past is a DeFlore Enterprises. Retrieved 10/23/10. (example of a website without an author)

Ha, Yoohhee. “The Roaring Twenties.” Thinkquest. 2000. Retrieved 10/27/10. (example of a website with an author)

“Jazz.” The World Book Encyclopedia. 1982 Edition. (example of an encyclopedia without an author)

The Great Gatsby. Robert Markowitz, dir. DVD. New York: A & E Network and Granada Entertainment Production. (the Gatsby movie we watched in class)

Wilhelm, Jeffrey D., PhD. “Modern Fiction: F.Scott Fitzgerald.” Glencoe Literature The Reader’s Choice: American Literature 1900 to the Present. New York: McGraw Hill. 2009. (your literature book) I – Introduction (Jazz Age & Specific Role) Thesis Statement: Fashion played a key role in the 1920s.

II – Background Information – Jazz Age

III – Importance of your role in the 1920s

IV – Role info

V – Conclusion