Business Law I Course Syllabus
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I. COURSE NAME AND TITLE BUL 2241 Business Law I, Sec.#426 - Internet
II. PROFESSOR Name: Dr. Sean D. K. Scott, J.D. Room #: SS 175 – Clearwater Campus Phone#: 791-2483 E-mail: [email protected] (May also be used in addition to contacting me through ANGEL)
WELCOME! I’M SO GLAD YOU ARE HERE! Please be sure to read Section VIII below entitled “How to be Successful in this Class.”
Contacting and Meeting With the Professor Outside of Angel The instructor's office hours will be posted the first week of classes. If you can't meet me in the office, telephone conferences are acceptable during my office hours. (Note: If you have any questions, and cannot reach me by the above number, leave a message on the phone or by email, DO NOT PANIC and call everyone in the College. As long as I know you attempted to contact me, there is no problem).
III. MATERIAL REQUIRED Textbook: Ebook or hard copy version of Business Law And The Legal Environment, 6th Ed. (West Legal Studies In Business) by Beatty and Samuelson. Ebook ISBN#: 0324665172; Hard Copy ISBN# 9780324663525
ANGEL: Access to a computer; Internet browsing skills; Adobe Acrobat Reader or MS Word.
Chapter Outlines: Each student must access ANGEL to obtain the Professor’s Chapter Outlines and access assignments for this course. The majority of each of the exams will test the materials from both the textbook and the Professor’s outlines. To access this course in ANGEL enter the following web address in the address bar of your computer’s internet browser:
Once there, it will prompt you for your Username and Password. Your username and password is the same as when you log on to MySPC in your other courses. If you need help logging in, contact the HelpDesk at (727) 341-4357. Once you have logged in, you will see the Business Law I course listed on the page. Click on it and the course will come up. Click on the “Lessons” tab to find the Chapter folders and the Chapter Outlines and quizzes for each Chapter covered in the syllabus.
1 If you need help in using ANGEL, you can find tutorials once you click on the “Lessons” tab, then click on the “Start Here” folder for tutorials and an orientation to ANGEL.
Quizzes & Discussion Board: Quizzes and discussion board postings and their due dates are listed on ANGEL which you will find within the “Lessons” tab. All quizzes and discussion posts must be taken on ANGEL within the content section. There is a quiz for each chapter we are covering. All quizzes must be taken by their due dates, there are no make-ups for missed quizzes or discussion posts – NO EXCEPTIONS. (Do not wait until the last date the quizzes are due to complete them.) I have given ample time for each student to complete the material.
Class Contract: Each student must read the Class Contract provided under the “Lessons” tab in Angel. Upon reading the Class Contract, each student must copy & paste it into an email message portion and, USING ANGEL EMAIL, email it to the Professor before they will be considered to be a part of this class.
IV. COURSE DESCRIPTION This course is designed to give the student a general understanding of the various areas of statutory and common laws and their impact upon the business community. This will be accomplished by including such topics as the structure of the American legal system, alternate dispute resolution, constitutional law, contracts, UCC sales, business organizations, negligence and intentional torts, and the law of agency.
V. ATTENDANCE As this course is designed to teach you critical thought processes as well as substantive knowledge of the impact of law on business, class participation is necessary. Each student must log in and complete either a quiz, exam, or discussion board item for that particular week to be counted as attending for that week and spend enough time to contribute meaningfully and to obtain enough material to successfully complete the course. When you exceed two weeks of unexcused or otherwise undocumented absence, you will either be administratively withdrawn by the professor if this occurs before the 60 percent point in the term, or be given a grade of WF if it occurs later in the term. (Attention Veterans: The Veteran's Administration has special attendance regulations which may exceed the policy in this syllabus. Please see me if you have any questions.)
Grading will be done on a point system. Passage of this course will require completion of the following: 1. Discussion Board Participation; 2. Chapter Quizzes; and 3. Three Exams.
2 There are 1000 points possible to be awarded to any student. Discussion board participation; chapter quizzes; and the 3 exams shall each have the following number of possible maximum points:
Discussion Board Participation 27 @10pts & 2@15pts = 300 Chapter Quizzes (15) = 250 Exams 3 X 150 each = 450 Total: 1000
The grading scale is based on the total number of points received by the student during the course and will based on the following scale:
Points received Letter grade
900 - 1000 A 800 - 899 B 700 - 799 C 600 - 699 D below 600 F
The instructor reserves the right to increase the grade for any student, any individual project, examination, or for the course as a whole and, further, to increase the grades of the entire class to effectuate grading on a "curve."
VII. MISSED QUIZZES, EXAMS & DISCUSSION BOARD ASSIGNMENTS All quizzes, exams, and discussion board assignments have a due date in which you are given ample time as an adult student to complete. I have set ANGEL to not allow you to submit a quiz, exam, or discussion board assignment after the due date. You have been forewarned. Therefore, be prepared and do not wait until the final hours, or day for that matter, to complete them. There are plenty of computers around this world, such that if you are having a problem with yours, I expect you to try another computer. There are NO Make-ups for missed assignments. NO EXCEPTIONS.
VIII. HOW TO BE SUCCESSFUL IN THIS CLASS 1. READ THIS SYLLABUS, it is a “roadmap” as well as a contract for this course. 2. Take the time to READ THE INSTRUCTIONS in the quizzes, discussion board, and exam folders. They are there for YOUR benefit. 3. WORK AHEAD!! There is no such thing as “Law-Lite,” the students who have the most success (“A” Students) complete their readings, quizzes, exams, and discussion board assignments a week ahead. It is easy to fall behind if you plan to only complete items the day they are due. 4. View the video tutorials at the top of the Discussion Board Forum. The tutorials show you how to use the reply feature and show you what I’m looking for in your replies to other student’s posts. You must reply to another student’s post, it is worth 50% of your discussion board grade. 5. Take advantage of the two (2) attempts allowed for each quiz.
3 6. If you are not receiving the grade you anticipated – don’t panic. I institute a curve at the end of the course. 7. If, after following the above advice, you still have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me at the phone number above or by email.
Week Date Topics Covered Text Chapter 1 05/13/13 –05/19/13 Items below are due by Sunday, 05/19/13, by 11:55p.m. Introduction, Course Policies, and Overview of Course Intro to Law & Jurisprudence Chapter 1 Introduction Posts Due by 11:55p.m. Class Contract Due Dudley & Stephens Posts Due by 11:55p.m. ~ Jurisprudence Quiz 1 Due by 11:55 p.m. ~ Jurisprudence
2 05/20/13 – 05/26/13 Items below are due by Sunday, 05/26/13, by 11:55p.m. Dispute Resolution and the Courts Chapter 3 Jones v. Clinton Posts Due by 11:55p.m. ~ Dispute Resolution (p. 59) Quiz 2 Due by 11:55 p.m. ~ Dispute Resolution Intentional Torts & Business Torts Chapter 6 Carvel v. Noonan Posts Due by 11:55p.m. ~ Int. Tort (p. 147) Quiz 3 Due by 11:55 p.m. ~ Int. Tort
3 05/27/13 – 06/02/13 Items below are due by Sunday, 06/02/13, by 11:55p.m. 05/27/13 Memorial Day – College Closed Negligence and Strict Liability Chapter 7 Disney Posts Due by 11:55p.m. ~ Negligence Fleuridor Posts Due by 11:55p.m. ~ Negligence Quiz 4 Due by 11:55 p.m. ~ Negligence Exam I due by 11:55 p.m. Exam I (Covers Chapters 1, 3, 6, 7)
4 06/03/13 –06/09/13 Items below are due by Sunday, 06/09/13, by 11:55p.m. Intro to Contracts Chapter 10(CL) Norton v. Hoyt Posts Due by 11:55p.m. ~ Quasi-K’s (p. 239) Quiz 5 Due by 11:55 p.m. ~ Intro to K’s Agreement Chapter 11(CL) Baer v. Chase Posts Due by 11:55p.m. ~ Agreement (p. 257) Soldau v. Organon, Inc. Posts Due by 11:55p.m. ~ Agreement (p. 268) Quiz 6 Due by 11:55 p.m. ~ Agreement
5 06/10/13 – 06/16/13 Items below are due by Sunday, 06/16/13, by 11:55p.m. Consideration Chapter 12(CL)
4 Estate of Tallas Posts Due by 11:55p.m. ~ Consideration Henches v. Taylor Posts Due by 11:55p.m. ~ Debt Settlement (p. 286) Quiz 7 Due by 11:55 p.m. ~ Consideration Legality Chapter 13(CL) Ransburg v. Richards Posts Due by 11:55p.m. ~ Legality (p. 305) Quiz 8 Due by 11:55 p.m. ~ Legality
6 06/17/13 – 06/23/13 Items below are due by Sunday, 06/23/13, by 11:55p.m. Capacity & Consent/Assent Chapter 14(CL) Star Chevrolet v. Green Posts Due by 11:55p.m. ~ Capacity Donovan v. RRL Corp. Posts Due by 11:55p.m. ~ Consent (p. 328) Quiz 9 Due by 11:55 p.m. ~ Capacity & Consent/Assent Written Contracts Chapter 15(CL) Baker v. Daves Posts Due by 11:55p.m. ~ Written K’s Mayo v. NCSU Posts Due by 11:55p.m. ~ Parol Evidence (p. 354) Quiz 10 Due by 11:55 p.m. ~ Written K’s
7 06/24/13 –06/30/13 Items below are due by Sunday, 06/30/13, by 11:55p.m. Third Parties Chapter 16(CL) Rosenberg Posts Due by 11:55p.m. ~ Third Parties (p. 374) Quiz 11 Due by 11:55 p.m. ~ Third Parties Performance & Discharge Chapter 17(CL) Brunswick v. Route 18 Posts Due by 11:55p.m. ~ Performance (p. 390) Quiz 12 Due by 11:55 p.m. ~ Performance Exam II due by 11:55 p.m. Exam II (covers Chapters 10-17)
8 07/01/13 – 07/07/13 Items below are due by Sunday, 07/07/13, by 11:55p.m. 07/04/13 Independence Day – College Closed Introduction to Sales Chapter 20(UCC) General Tools Posts Due by 11:55p.m. Haliburton Posts Due by 11:55p.m. Jannusch v. Naffziger Posts Due by 11:55p.m. ~ Sales (p. 459) Superior v. Sanders Posts Due by 11:55p.m. ~ Sales (p. 465) Quiz 13 Due by 11:55 p.m. ~ Sales
9 07/08/13 – 07/14/13 Items below are due by Sunday, 07/14/13, by 11:55p.m. Ownership (Title) and Risk Chapter 21(UCC) Circuit City Posts Due by 11:55p.m. ~ Title (p. 485) Valley Forge Posts Due by 11:55p.m. ~ Title (p. 487) People v. Simmons Posts Due by 11:55p.m. ~ Title Harmon v. Dunn Posts Due by 11:55p.m. ~ Risk of Loss (p. 498) Quiz 14 Due by 11:55 p.m. ~ Title & Risk of Loss
5 10 07 /15/ 13 – 07/16/13 Items below are due by TUESDAY, 07/16/13, by 11:55p.m. Agency Law Chapter 28 Elson v. Koehr Posts Due by 11:55p.m. ~ Agency Van Damme v. Gerber Posts Due by 11:55p.m. ~ Agency Liability McDonald’s Posts Due by 11:55p.m. ~ Agency Liability Quiz 15 Due by 11:55 p.m. ~ Agency Final Exam due by 11:55 p.m. Final Exam (only includes those topics covered since Exam II)
In the event that topics listed in this addendum also appear in your syllabus, please note that you should rely on the addendum information as this information is the most current.
IMPORTANT COLLEGE POLICY REGARDING COURSE DROP/ ADD PERIOD AND AUDIT INFORMATION Students CANNOT add a course following the 1st day the class meets prior to the second class meeting. Students CAN drop a course during the 1st week of classes and be eligible for a refund. Except by appeal to an associate provost, students may not change from credit to audit status after the end of the first week of classes. Online classes may be added through the standard drop/add period for that course.
GRADING AND REPEAT COURSE POLICIES State policy specifies that students may not repeat courses for which a grade of “C” or higher has been earned except by appeal to an associate provost. Students may repeat a course one time without penalty. On the third attempt, students will pay the full cost of instruction. The full cost of instruction rate for 2009- 2010 is $280.39 per credit hour. In addition, on the third attempt students may NOT receive a grade of “I,” “W,” or “X,” but must receive the letter grade earned. The grade on the final attempt with the exception of a “W” grade will be the grade that will be calculated into the overall grade point average. (Developmental courses do not average into the grade point average).
ATTENDANCE/ACTIVE PARTICIPATION/WITHDRAWAL POLICIES Faculty will publish their own participation/attendance policies in their syllabi. Instructors will verify that students are in attendance during the first two weeks of class. Students classified as “No Show” for both of the first two weeks will be administratively withdrawn from any class which they are not attending. The student’s financial aid will be adjusted based on their updated enrollment status.
Students who are not actively participating in class as defined in an instructor's syllabus will be reported to the Administration during the week following the last date to withdraw with a “W” (as posted in the academic calendar on the college’s web site).
Students will be able to withdraw themselves at any time during the term. However, requests submitted after the last date to withdraw with a “W” (see academic calendar) will result in a “WF.” Students and instructors will automatically receive an email notification through their SPC email address whenever a withdrawal occurs.
Withdrawing after the “Last Date to Withdraw with a Grade of ‘W’” can have serious consequences. If the student withdraws from a class after the deadline posted in the academic calendar, the student will receive a final grade of ‘WF,' which has the same impact on the student's GPA as a final grade of “F.” A “WF” grade also could impact the student's financial aid, requiring repayment of financial assistance.
6 Students should consult with an academic advisor or financial assistance counselor prior to withdrawing from a class.
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FEDERAL GUIDELINES RELATED TO FINANCIAL AID AND TOTAL WITHDRAWAL FROM THE COLLEGE The U.S. Department of Education requires students who completely withdraw prior to the 60% point of the term and who receive Federal financial aid i.e., Federal Pell Grant, Federal Academic Competitiveness Grant (ACG), Federal Stafford Loan, and/or Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant SEOG--to repay a portion of their financial aid.
Students considering a withdrawal from all classes before the published withdrawal date should consult a financial assistance counselor to understand their options and the consequences of the total withdrawal. For further information regarding this policy and other financial assistance policies we encourage you to visit our website at:
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During the 2009 legislative session, the Legislature repealed the Florida Statutes relating to the College- Level Academic Skills Test (CLAST) and eliminated funding for the test. As of July 1, 2009, students will no longer be required to take the CLAST. However, to earn an A.A. degree or transfer to a bachelor's program, you must still demonstrate college-level proficiency in English language skills, reading, writing/essay and computation skills.
If you have passed any of the CLAST subtests before July 1, 2009, you have met the requirements in those designated areas. If you have not previously passed the CLAST subtests see the following link for alternatives:
DUAL ENROLLMENT, EARLY ADMISSIONS, & EARLY COLLEGE STUDENTS A Dual Enrollment, Early Admissions, or Early College student may not withdraw from any college course without permission from the Early College/Dual Enrollment office. Withdrawal from a course may jeopardize the student's graduation from high school. The Dual Enrollment office can be reached at 727 712-5281 (TS), 727 791-5970 (CL) or 727 394-6000 (SE).
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ACADEMIC HONESTY It is your responsibility to be familiar with St. Petersburg College’s Academic Honesty policies and the consequences of violations. There is no tolerance for any form of academic dishonesty. Discipline can range from a zero on a specific assignment to expulsion from the class with a grade of “F”. Note that copying/pasting published information without citing your sources, whether the information is from your textbook or the Internet is plagiarism and violates this policy. Even if you slightly change the words from an outside source, the ideas are someone else's so you still have to cite your sources. Cheating, plagiarism, bribery, misrepresentation, conspiracy, and fabrication are defined in Board Rule 6Hx23- 4.461. Student Affairs: Academic Honesty Guidelines, Classroom Behavior.
STUDENT EXPECTATIONS All electronic devices including computers, cell phones, beepers, pagers, and related devices are to be silenced and/or turned off unless they are required for academic purposes. Any use of these devices
7 (including texting) for non-academic purposes is a violation of College Policy and subject to disciplinary action.
Students may be required to have discussions of class assignments and share papers and other class materials with instructors and classmates via chat rooms and other mechanisms. Due to the potential piracy of students’ materials, the College is not responsible for student work posted on the Internet (outside of the college’s Learning Management System, currently ANGEL).
Each student's behavior in the classroom or online is expected to contribute to a positive learning/teaching environment, respecting the rights of others and their opportunity to learn. No student has the right to interfere with the teaching/learning process, including the posting of inappropriate materials on chat room or Web page sites.
The instructor has the authority to ask a disruptive student to leave a classroom or lab. The instructor may also delete posts or materials from an online or blended class and/or take disciplinary action if disruptive behavior continues.
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ONLINE STUDENT PARTICIPATION AND CONDUCT GUIDELINES The practices of courtesy and respect that apply in the on-campus classroom also apply online. Any discriminatory, derogatory, or inappropriate comments are unacceptable and subject to the same disciplinary action applied in courses offered on campus.
EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS In the event that a hurricane or other natural disaster causes significant damage to St. Petersburg College facilities, you may be provided the opportunity to complete your course work online. Following the event, please visit the college Web site for an announcement of the College's plan to resume operations.
Students should familiarize themselves with the emergency procedures and evacuation routes located in the buildings they use frequently.
Located in each classroom is an Emergency Response Guide (flip-chart) that contains information for proper actions in response to emergencies. Students should be prepared to assess situations quickly and use good judgment in determining a course of action. Students should evacuate to assembly areas in an orderly manner when an alarm sounds or when directed to do so by college faculty or staff or emergency services personnel. Students may access additional emergency information by going to . In face to face courses your instructor will review the specific campus plans for emergency events.
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CAMPUS SAFETY AND SECURIT Y For information on campus safety and security policies please contact 727-791-2560. If there are questions or concerns regarding personal safety, please contact the Provost, Associate Provost, Campus Security Officer, or Site Administrator on your campus.
SEXUAL PREDATOR INFORMATION Federal and State law requires a person designated as a “sexual predator or offender” to register with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE). The FDLE is then required to notify the local law enforcement agency where the registrant resides, attends, or is employed by an institution of higher learning. Information regarding sexual predators or offenders attending or employed by an institution of higher learning may be obtained from the local law enforcement agency with jurisdiction for the particular campus by calling the FDLE hotline (1-888-FL-PREDATOR) or (1-888-357-7332), or by visiting the FDLE website at
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SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS If you wish to request accommodations as a student with a documented disability please make an appointment with the Learning Specialist on campus. If you will need assistance during an emergency classroom evacuation, please contact your campus learning specialist immediately about arrangements for your safety. The Office of Services for Students with Disabilities can be reached at 791-2628 or 791- 2710 (CL and EPI), 341-4758 (SP/G), 394-6289 (SE), 712-5789 (TS), 341-3721 (HEC), 341-4532 (AC), or 341-7965 (DT).
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