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Chrysler Canada Inc./C.A.W. Local-1285
Adjustment Committee
Final Report-Phase I
January 2008-January 2009
Prepared By:
Kenneth J. F. Johnson, M.Ed. Chairperson
1 Table of Contents
1- Executive Summary………………………………………………………..Pg.3
2- History of Chrysler Canada Inc. Leading to an Adjustment Committee…..Pg.5
3- Outline of Activities Undertaken and Results achieved……………………Pg.6
4- Chairperson’s Remarks……………………………………………………..Pg.8
1- Chairperson’s Appointment Letter…………………………………..Pg.9
2- Minutes of Meetings…………………………………………………Pg.15
3- Financial Report……………………………………………………...Pg.37
4- Status of the Workforce………………………………………………Pg.39
5- Newsletters of the Committee………………………………………..Pg.40
6- Adjustment Agreement………………………………………………Pg.47
2 Executive Summary
A market downturn in 2007 resulted in the lay off of 1104 employees in the fall of 2007. Chrysler Canada Inc. and C.A.W. Local 1285 approached the Ministry of Training Colleges and Universities to establish an Industrial Adjustment Committee to assist the affected employees to find alternative work, access additional skills training or consider what further options might be available for them to return to the workforce.
A Grant Agreement establishing an Adjustment Committee for the employees affected at Chrysler Canada Inc., Brampton Plant was established the 31st day of January 2008 with a contribution of $375,000 from the Ministry of Training Colleges and Universities and $250,000 from Chrysler Canada Inc.
The Committee operated and established an Action Centre for the employees at 650 Rutherford Rd. S. Plaza 1, Mississauga. The committee staffed the Action Centre with 6 Peer Helpers from the affected workforce and issued 5 Newsletters during the period to keep employees informed of the available support programs. The Action Centre had 3,497 visits to the end of January 2009. Counselling appointments were provided to 219 employees; 137 employees attended Career Exploration workshops; 87 employees attended Resume Writing workshops; 320 Employer Outreach calls were made; the Centre handled 7,875 calls; and 306 employees attended Special Event activities at the Action Centre. Special Information sessions were held for the Sheridan College bulk purchase of 60 seats in HR Management/Welding Certification/Building on Jan. 28/09.
302 employees have been recalled by Chrysler. 14 Employees have transferred prior to the year end with an additional 6 transferring to Red Deer Alberta in January 2009. 40 employees have accepted employment with other firms, for a total employed of 362 employees. 82 employees are in training full time.
The Adjustment Committee had participation from Wally Skrzydlewski, Shawn Fujioka, and David Norris as company representatives; and Leon Rideout, Terry Browne, Cammie Peirce, and Laurel Ritchie(with Jaspal Brar, Jen Wells as alternates) as C.A.W. 1285 representatives. Ken Johnson was selected as the independent committee Chairperson. The Ministry of Training Colleges and Universities was represented by Nancy McDonough, Labour Adjustment Program consultant.
Chrysler Canada Inc. and C.A.W. Local 1285 have demonstrated a significant commitment to co-operation in order to support the Adjustment Committee’s activities and the Action Centre throughout the difficult downturn in the Automotive Industry in North America. Chrysler Canada Inc. experienced increased levels of financial and operational pressures throughout the first full year of the Adjustment Committee’s operation. The joint consultative approach and receptiveness of the C.A.W. Local 1285 members of the Adjustment Committee and the Chrysler Canada Inc. management representatives on the committee resulted in a very constructive and supportive approach to supporting the ongoing financing of the committees operation. This occurred throughout the year as business and political pressures increased the uncertainty of the company’s future until restructuring would be completed.
3 This collaborative approach clearly worked to the best interests and support of the third shift employees who were on lay off. The Training sub-committee representatives of the Adjustment Committee were able to develop and negotiate three new courses for effected employees with Sheridan Institute of Technology & Advanced Learning. The courses were The Building Environmental Systems Program; The Human Resource Management Program; and the Welding Techniques Program. These courses will include opportunities for up to 60 laid off Chrysler employees and will include a cooperative placement at the end of the program to increase the practical experience of the candidates and the potential for future hiring in a new career direction.
Throughout the adjustment process the Action Centre Peer helpers under the very effective direction of Cammie Peirce as Co-ordinator and Jennifer Wells as assistant co-ordinator offered a resource which was used effectively by the laid off employees. The Action Centre provided the focus for assistance, communicating program availability through the Ministry of Training Colleges and Universities; establishing an effective bridge to community resources such as Vocational Pathways Inc. for Return to Work Action Plan and Counselling support services; and a most important social support network location for the affected employees. The Action Centre established a routine of monthly contact with all affected employees by phone, e-mail and visits to the Action Centre, which was a critical part of the effective support network established to assist employees in moving on to future employment, retraining and economic stability for the workers.
Given the increasing economic and political pressures for Chrysler Canada Inc. to restructure as part of the North American Automotive economic stimulus package development, it was determined that the Adjustment Committee would complete the initial Adjustment Agreement and enter into a new agreement with the Ministry of Training Colleges and Universities. This would establish the ongoing commitment of the Province of Ontario to support Chrysler Canada and the C.A.W.’s efforts to provide ongoing support to effected employees throughout the restructuring process. This adjustment committee activity clearly demonstrates all parties commitment to supporting Chrysler employees through these most uncertain times.
4 History Brampton Assembly: 1986-92 Eagle Premier and Dodge Monaco (Monaco started 1990) June 1992-2004: LH models, all of them: Intrepid, Concorde, LHS, New Yorker, 300M January 2004-??: LX models, all of them: 300, Magnum, Charger (and, starting soon, Challenger) Built by American Motors; the 2.95 million square-foot facility and the Brampton Satellite Stamping Plant occupy 269 acres and employed around 3,800 workers in 2006. Production at the satellite stamping facility started in December 1991. The plant has built from 18,133 to 338,921 vehicles per year, with 1999 (second-generation LH series) being the peak year, followed by 2005 and 2006 (LX series).
July, 2007-$1.2 Billion (U.S.) total program investment for next generation of Chrysler Group full size vehicles-$500 Million (U.S.) manufacturing investment to prepare for European-market (BUX) "LX" platform product loading-One millionth LX model rolls off the final assembly line Auburn Hills, Mich., July 19/07 /CNW/ -- Chrysler Group officials today announced that the company will invest $1.2 billion (U.S.) in its Brampton (Ont.) Assembly Plant for the next generation of the Chrysler 300 series, Dodge Magnum and Dodge Charger. The Brampton Assembly Plant today also celebrated the one millionth LX rear-wheel drive vehicle platform will roll-off the line with employees and CAW officials.
"Because of Brampton's ability to meet safety, quality, delivery, cost and morale metrics, we're pleased to announce that Brampton will be the future home of Chrysler Group's full-size car platform," said Frank Ewasyshyn. "We appreciate the support of the CAW and employees in assisting the Company in moving forward with investment decisions."
The Brampton Assembly Plant will also gain plant product loading volumes, adding production responsibility for all international (BUX) LX-based vehicles in calendar year 2010. The total plant program investment for the additional product is $500 million. The international LX vehicles are currently produced at Magna Steyr's facility in Graz, Austria. The Magna Steyr facility also produces the Jeep(R) Grand Cherokee, Jeep Commander and Chrysler minivan vehicles for markets outside of North America.
The one millionth LX was an award-winning Chrysler 300, rolling-off the line as part of today's employee celebration. The Chrysler 300 was launched in January 2004, followed by the Dodge Magnum two months later. The AWD models began production in mid-2004. In April of 2005, the Dodge Charger was added to the Brampton Assembly manufacturing portfolio.
"We are very pleased that our commitment has allowed Brampton Assembly to gain not only an additional product, but also a significant production commitment moving forward," said Alberto Gonzalez, Plant Manager – Brampton Assembly Plant. "We are also extremely proud to be celebrating the one millionth LX, as this represents the significant market success of this product."
5 The Brampton Assembly Plant was built in 1968 and acquired by Chrysler Corporation with the purchase of American Motors Corporation in 1987. The facility produces the Chrysler 300, Dodge Magnum, and Dodge Charger, and will produce the Dodge Challenger on a three-shift operation and employs approximately 4,000 hourly workers.
The development of the Brampton facility could not foresee the downturn of the automotive market in North America as it headed into 2008. The additional impact resulted in the decision to eliminate the third shift and notify 1200 employees of their impending lay off.
The Ministry of Training Colleges and Universities Adjustment Consultant met with Chrysler Canada officials and the representatives of the Canadian Autoworkers Local 1285 to discuss the establishment of an Adjustment Committee to provide support and assistance to the affected employees.
An Agreement was signed January 31st, 2008 with a commitment of $625,000 for Adjustment activities with costs shared by Chrysler Canada and MTCU; with the Province of Ontario’s share not to exceed $375,000.
Outline of Activities:
Adjustment Committee Members: Wally Skrzydlewski, HR Manager Dave Norris, Controller Shawn Fujioka, HR Generalist Leon Rideout, President CAW Terry Browne, Chairman CAW 1285 Jaspal Brar, Employee Rep (alternate) Cammie Peirce, Action Ctre. Co-ord., CAW Jerry Harvey, CAW, (alternate) Laurel Ritchie, C.A.W. Nat’l Rep. Nancy McDonough, MTCU Consultant (ex-officio) Jackie, MTCU Consultant (ex-officio) Ken Johnson, Chairperson
Committee Goal:
To assist the 1,200 displaced employees of Chrysler Canada Inc., Brampton Assembly Plant, to deal with the effects of losing their jobs and help them review their options and plan their next steps.
The Recipients shall establish an Adjustment Committee ( the “Committee”)
6 1. To research, assess and recommend courses of action necessary to assist the employees affected. 2. To recommend to the employees private courses of action it considers essential to the development of an effective adjustment program. 3. To provide skills and information needed to find re-employment.
Committee Activities:
The Adjustment Committee undertook the completion of an Employee Needs Survey following an employee information session held December, 2007 to establish the priorities of the affected workers. The result of the questionnaire indicated that
The Ministry of Training Colleges and Universities provided a one day Adjustment Committee training by Nancy McDonough, Labour Adjustment Consultant. A two day Peer Helper training session was provided by Nancy McDonough, MTCU Labour Adjustment Consultant, to fourteen affected employees in preparation for the staffing of an Action Centre. The training occurred in March 2008. Subsequent Peer Helper training sessions were held by Ken Johnson in March ’08 for 12 employees; and in July ’08 for 8 employees; and in January ’09 for 10 employees. The committee selected Ken Johnson as their Chairperson starting March 31, 2008. An additional Employer Services training workshop was provided to six Peer Helpers to prepare them for more sustained responsibility in offering the Action Centre services as a selection, referral and placement resource for Chrysler employees.
The Adjustment Committee undertook the establishment of an Action Centre with Cammie Peirce agreeing to the position of Action Centre Coordinator. The search for a facility resulted in Chrysler employees Action Centre at 350 Rutherford Rd. S., Plaza One, Suite #6, Brampton, Ontario. The facility provided an accessible site, centrally located with ample space for peer helpers, meeting space, office and computer access, and a coffee lounge and Job Board area for visiting employees. The Action Centre was set up with a combination of Chrysler Canada Inc. computers, fax and copier and purchased desks and chairs.
Action Centre operations were open from 9:00-4:00 Monday to Friday beginning the first week of April 2008. Jen Wells was selected as a co-cordinator for the Action Centre in September of 2008. Chrysler Canada Inc., The C.A.W. 1285 worked with Cammie Peirce to furnish the Action Centre and establish it with effective computers, fax and files to deliver the service to the employees.
A sub-committee was established to administer the Training Fund dollars of $1.2 million available to assist the affected employees. Vocational Pathways Inc. provided on site counselling and assessment services to facilitate the development of Return to Work Action Plans for employees interested in accessing training.
7 Chairperson’s Remarks
I would like to thank all individuals participating in the Adjustment Committee during this downturn at Chrysler Canada Inc. Everyone pursued their responsibilities with commitment and enthusiasm. The ability to work together to achieve consensus facilitated the overall communication to the affected employees resulting in the maximizing of the use of existing training and employment related resources that were available.
Particular thanks go to Cammie Peirce, Action Centre co-ordinator for her endless dedication to the establishment of the Action Centre and its on-going operation. The special effort required to find the location and get the Centre up and running reflected the energy and commitment to her fellow employees. Jen Wells provided the ongoing operational support of the Action Centre as the Co-co-ordinator and activity co- ordinator.
The committee experienced some difficulties as a result of the ongoing recall of affected employees during the adjustment process. However the difficulties clearly are offset by the positive reality of employees being able to return to employment with their original employer. A full time pay cheque and work represent a strong motivator for us all. The result was somewhat less than enthusiastic uptake of training opportunities through the Adjustment Committee’s first year by those not immediately recalled as they anticipated their return to work.
Nancy McDonough, Labour Adjustment Consultant provided strong support and expertise in the establishment of the Adjustment Committee and its ongoing deliberations.
The ongoing operation of the Chrysler Canada Inc./C.A.W. 1285 Adjustment Committee is a critical support to the over 700 employees still on lay off and represents a beacon of hope to all the Chrysler employees as the company moves through its restructuring activity. The level of uptake on re-employment, other employment, training initiatives and the attendance at the wide variety of workshops offered at the Action Centre are an indication of the ongoing need for the Centre at this time.
This report is respectfully submitted on behalf of the Chrysler Canada Inc./C.A.W. 1285 Adjustment Committee.
Kenneth J.F. Johnson, M.Ed.
8 Appendices 2-Chairperson’s Appointment Letter
Mr. Johnson
This will confirm our request that you act as Chairperson/Co-ordinator of the Joint Adjustment Committee established under the authority of the Adjustment Advisory Program of the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities.
Your duties in this part-time appointment will be to plan, call and chair all meetings of the Committee and to guide, direct and render professional assistance to the parties in working out a private program of adjustment for the workers, act as a signing officer for all business transactions of the Committee and to write a report of Committee activities as set forth in the Adjustment Advisory Program Service Agreement. In addition, you will prepare a separate report, which shall be a synopsis of the full committee report, for use by the Industrial-Adjustment Advisory Service.
It is understood that this position is one of trust and confidentiality. No release of information obtained by reason of the appointment can be sanctioned without the express written permission of the parties and the Industrial Adjustment Service. The chairperson-co-ordinator also recognizes their privileged position in accepting this appointment and will exclude themselves and any affiliated organizations from consulting assignments or agreements covered under this Adjustment Advisory Service agreement while retained as committee chairperson.
The remuneration for the assignment will be 6OO.00 ' per diem billed in days and half days, plus necessary expenses. Your final account should be presented to the Committee at the completion of the assignment. In addition, interim accounts will be submitted at least every three months.
Subject to the on-going approval of the Committee, who by unanimous agreement can terminate this appointment on thirty (30) days notice, this assignment shall terminate at the conclusion of the work of the Committee, as determined by the terms and conditions of the Adjustment Advisory Program Service Agreement. Conversely, should you desire to relinquish the assignment it is understood that the Committee would be given thirty (30) days' notice of your intention.
We are pleased that you have been able to accept this assignment and look forward to a mutually rewarding association.
Yours sincerely, I hereby signify my understanding and acceptance of the above terms and conditions
9 3. C.A.W. Appointment Letter: Nancy McDonough Ministry of Training, Colleges & Universities The Emerald Centre 10 Kingsbridge Garden Circle, Suite 404 Mississauga, Ontario L5R 3K6
Dear Ms McDonough:
The following Members from CAW Local 1285 will sit on the Adjustment Committee for the laid-off workers for Chrysler Brampton Assembly.
Terry Browne, Plant Chairperson (BAP) Jaspal Brar, 'A' Shift District Rep (Alternate for Chairperson) Leon Rideout, President of CAW Local 1285 Gerry Harvey, 2nd Vice President of CAW Local 1285 (Alternate for President)
Thank you,
_ Sincerely,
Leon Rideout, President. LR/vbcope343 CC: L. Ritchie, CAW National W. Skrzydlewski, Chrysler Assembly
10 4. Open House Invitation Letter:
Ken Lewenza , President CAW Council Canadian Auto Workers May 06/08
Dear Mr. Lewenza,
On behalf of the C.A.W. Local 1285/ Chrysler Action Centre Adjustment Committee, I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to our Official Opening of the Action Centre, Wednesday, May 21, 2008, from 11:00-3:00 p.m., at 350 Rutherford Rd. S., Plaza One, Suite #6, Brampton Ontario. The location is at the rear of the first building on the north-east corner of Steeles Ave. and Rutherford Rd.S.
Workers and guests will gather at the Centre for the ceremonies, open house, and refreshments. The Action Centre is providing the main source of support and contact for the 1,200 employees affected by the termination of the third shift at Chrysler Canada in Brampton . The centre is operated and staffed by affected employees with the support of the C.A.W., Chrysler Canada, and The Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities of Ontario.
Your attendance and support are an important contribution to the success of the Action Centre in facilitating the successful transition of the affected employees.
Could you please RSVP to [email protected] by Monday, May 12/08 indicating your intent. Thank you in advance.
An attachment outlines the Action Centre Official Opening activities for your reference. Formal ceremonies and speeches will be held from 12:00-12:45 p.m..
Kenneth J. F. Johnson, M.Ed.
Chairperson C.A.W. Local #1285/Chrysler Action Centre Adjustment Committee 350 Rutherford Rd. S. Plaza One, Suite 6 Brampton, Ontario 11 e-mail: [email protected] Action Centre Phone: 905-456-1285
You and Your Family are Cordially Invited to Attend
C.A.W..Local 1285 /Chrysler Action Centre Official Opening Ceremonies The Action Centre
350 Rutherford Rd. S. Plaza 1, Suite 6 (at the rear of the first building on the north-east corner of Steeles Ave. and Rutherford Rd.S.) Brampton, Ontario Wednesday, May 21/08, 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Ceremonies: 1 2: 00-1 2: 45 p. m. Refreshments
12 Media Release
CAW and Chrysler Canada Launch New Action Centre For Laid-Off Workers
TORONTO, May 21, 2008 - The Canadian Auto Workers and Chrysler Canada Inc. are hosting the official launch of a new Action Centre dedicated to the needs of more than 1200 workers who were laid off when the third shift closed at the Brampton Assembly Plant. Workers and others will gather at the Centre for the ceremonies, open house and refreshments on Wednesday, May 21, 2008.
The Centre is the project of a joint Adjustment Committee with financial and other supports from the Ministry of Training Colleges and Universities of Ontario.. CAW President Buzz Hargrove emphasized that "workers have a right to wide- ranging supports when they lose their jobs. This Action Centre is an example of the supports that can be put in place but often aren't. When employers and governments come to the table with proper financial and other supports, there's a lot that can be done to help with the adjustment to retraining and new jobs."
Speakers include: • Buzz Hargrove, President, CAW-Canada • ______, Manager of Labour Relations, Chrysler Canada • Susan Fennell, Mayor of Brampton • Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges & Universities representative
There will be photo/film opportunities with the ribbon-cutting and BBQ, as well as opportunities to interview speakers, invited local businesses, service providers and workers gathered for the event.
Contacts: Cammie Peirce (CAW) tel. (905)456-1285 Wally Skrzydlewski (Chrysler) tel. (905) 458-2535
Official Opening, Speeches, Refreshments
Wednesday, May 21, 2008 12:00 to 12:45 PM (The Family Refreshments is open to all, from 11 am to 3 pm)
the Action Centre 350 Rutherford Rd.S., Plaza One, Suite #6, Brampton, Ontario (Located at the rear of the first building on the north-east corner of Steeles Ave. & Rutherford Rd.S.)
13 14 5- Meeting Minutes:
CAW Local 1285/Chrysler Action Centre Minutes Wednesday March 12, 2008
In Attendance: CAW Chrysler Ontario Government Leon Rideout Wally Skrzydlewski Nancy Mcdonough Terry Browne Shawn Fujioka Cammie Peirce Absent: Laurell Ritchie
Outstanding Issues:
Contract: It is now with the Chrysler legal department and the Ontario Government has made considerable changes and is unlikely to be agreeable to any further changes. Location: Still has not been determined but an offer has been submitted and we are waiting for a response (270 Orenda Rd Brampton). Equipment: Cammie has already forwarded a preliminary list to Wally and Leon Wally reported that he is looking into what can be provided (free of charge) from the plant. He expects to be able to at least provide the 8 computers. Chairperson: Nancy presented one possible candidate: o Ken Johnson (retired) . Resume provided . Currently has a consulting business . Worked with GM in St Catherine’s Nancy will try to arrange for an interview Tuesday March 18th at 9 a.m. *Expected fee for a chairperson - $600.00 for an 8 hour day plus expenses **No other names were submitted. Needs Assessments : Nancy has arranged for the services of counselors through the Ministry (no charge) and proposed 4 counselors everyday for three weeks commencing March 25th. The staff would
15 use our assessment and formulate a summary report. This information is important to determine training and a “plan of action”. Peer helpers would be required to telephone laid off workers and schedule appointments. Location for doing the assessments posed a problem. Terry suggested doing the assessments in a group setting (similar to Ajax) o ed Day 1 of the Training o Next available day for Day 2 is the week of April 7th. o We would prefer something sooner Nancy to report back on the possibility of a colleague providing Day 2 of the training sooner. New issues: Budget: . After discussion related to a 2nd coordinator, wages and peer helper compensation it was decided that a preliminary budget should be prepared Terry to provide a projected budget. Finance Procedure: Wally to make arrangements through the Chrysler Finance Department.
Telephone, Fax & Internet: . Require 3 Phone Lines (include a 1-800…number), Fax line, Internet (include wireless) Cammie to report back
Scott’s Directory: Nancy to check into obtaining the directory
Next Meeting: Wednesday March 19, 2007 Brampton Assembly Plant
16 CAW Local 1285/Chrysler Action Centre Minutes Wednesday March 19, 2008
In Attendance: CAW Chrysler Ontario Government Leon Rideout Wally Skrzydlewski Nancy Mcdonough Terry Browne Shawn Fujioka Cammie Peirce Laurell Ritchie Jaspal Brar
Ongoing Issues: Location: If necessary we will broaden our search to include Mississauga (along the Brampton border)
Equipment: Cammie has already forwarded a preliminary list to Wally and Leon Wally to follow up on the best method of providing equipment.
Needs Assessments : Location for doing the assessments still poses a problem. Date for interviews still to be determined. Decided to do individual interviews.
Peer Helpers: 14 Peer Helpers received Day 1 of the Training Nancy to see if Ken Johnson is available to provide the Day 2 training. Budget: Terry provided a preliminary budget – modification will be required as arrangements are made Concerns were expressed about the amount of funding and if there was enough to meet our needs Finance Procedure: Wally to make arrangements through the Chrysler Finance Department.
Telephone, Fax & Internet: Cammie submitted the estimate Decided to utilize Bell because Chrysler already has an account 17 Require 3 Phone Lines (include a 1-800…number), Fax line, Internet (include wireless)
Scott’s Directory: Nancy to check into obtaining the directory
New Issues:
WEB Site Cammie to get quotes
Resolved Issues:
Contract: Contract signed Wednesday March 19, 2008
Chairperson: Ken Johnson selected
Next Meeting: Monday March 31, 2008 2:00 pm Brampton Assembly Plant
18 CAW Local 1285/Chrysler Action Centre Minutes Wednesday March 31, 2008
In Attendance: CAW Chrysler Ontario Government Chairperson Leon Rideout Wally Skrzydlewski Nancy Mcdonough Ken Johnson Terry Browne Shawn Fujioka Cammie Peirce Jaspal Brar
Absent: Laurell Ritchie, Dave Norris
Ongoing Issues:
Equipment: Cammie has already forwarded a preliminary list to Wally and Leon Cammie, Wally and Leon to work together to furnish centre.
Needs Assessments : Peer Helpers to begin scheduling interviews Monday April 7 2008. (phone calls to be made from the plant) Interviews to commence April 14, 2008 at the Action Centre 5 Counselors per day – 5 days per week – 6 (1 hour) appointments per day
Peer Helpers: Peer Helpers Training Day 2 scheduled for April 3, 2008 Additional Training to be provided Day 1 April 10, 2008 & Day 2 April 15th 2008 Budget: Budget to be monitored monthly
Telephone, Fax & Internet: Cammie to arrange for Phone lines Require 4 Phone Lines (include a 1-800…number), Fax line, Internet (include wireless) and cell phone
Scott’s Directory: Nancy to check into obtaining the directory
19 New Issues:
Training Funding Need to determine means to administer training funds (suggestion: a sub-committee)
WEB Site Cammie to move forward with
Grand Opening To be scheduled in May
Resolved Issues:
Location: Lease signed and the address is: 350 Rutherford Rd. S, Plaza One, Suite 6 Brampton, Ont.
Finance Procedure: Local to facilitate payments and bill Chrysler accordingly Local to provide petty cash – all expenditures must have a receipt
Second Coordinator: Committee agreed that a second Coordinator is required
Next Meeting: Thursday, April 17, 2008, 2:00pm, Brampton Assembly Plant
20 C.A.W. Local 1285/Chrysler Action Centre
Minutes Thursday April 17, 2008
In Attendance: Chairperson CAW Chrysler Ontario Government Ken Johnson Leon Rideout Wally Skrzydlewski Nancy Mcdonough Previous minutes adopted Terry Browne Shawn Fujioka Cammie Peirce Dave Norris On going issues Laurell Ritchie Second Coordinator Terry sent out notice to In-plant Committee for candidates Any previous applications no longer applicable and interested candidates must re-apply Wally requested that the name for the selected candidate be submitted to the committee at the next meeting
Budget Information to be provided at the next meeting as per Chrysler
Scott’s Directory Nancy recommends purchasing a directory on disk We need to see if we can update the old program
Equipment Require a copier – Terry & Wally to see what they can do Filing Cabinets – everyone to see if they can locate any Laurell to email within CAW hoping to locate some Bulletin Boards, recycling & garbage cans – waiting for Harry Sumera’s response
Training Fund Nancy, Leon and Laurell to meet to determine a procedure and criteria for allocation of the training funds before the next meeting o We need to have the information from VPI o We need to be aware of employment opportunities o we need to know if there are any needs specific to our workforce
21 Assessments Assessments in process Appointments still being booked
Resolved issues
Telephone, fax etc Other than the equipment named above the centre is in good shape
New Issues
Celebration Date May 21st 2008 Time 11:00 to 3:00 Speeches to commence at 12 noon Information to be included in the mail out to the laid off employees Everyone to send Cammie names of invitees
Magnets Laurell suggested we cost out magnets with the centre’s information
Meeting adjourned
Next Meeting Thursday May 1, 2008 – 2 pm At the Plant
22 C.A.W. Local 1285/Chrysler Action Centre
Minutes Thursday May 22, 2008
In Attendance: Chairperson CAW Chrysler Ontario Government Ken Johnson Wally Skrzydlewski Nancy Mcdonough Previous minutes adopted Terry Browne Shawn Fujioka as corrected Cammie Peirce On going issues Regrets Laurell Ritchie Dave Norris Leon Rideout 1-Second Coordinator Terry spoke to Jennifer Wells as the potential candidate Discussion re 2nd Co-ordinator as PT/position on as needs basis and to meet expectations having advertised the position. Wally requested that the position be a Full time to facilitate support and practical operational needs Jennifer will be notified of her acceptance for the 2nd Co-ord. Position with a release by June 02.08.
2-Budget Information to be provided at the next meeting as per Chrysler
3-Scott’s Directory Cammie Peirce given go ahead to purchase a new version of the Directory for the Action Centre
4-Equipment Approval for the purchase of a Xerox Copier based on reasonable cost and service- C. Peirce to purchase
5-Training Fund Nancy, Leon and Laurell met with 5 Peer Helpers to identify Group Purchase “themes” o A process for identification of eligible candidates was discussed and set for the Peer Helpers o The training sub-committee will provide operational updates to the Adjustment Committee regarding selection, referral and placement in training of Laid off employees on a monthly basis
23 o Nancy Mcdonough provided an overview of the process to access the $1.2 million training dollars- an Assessment/ Resume/&Application are required- a) training costing under $2,000 the Peer Helper will process the applications b) training costing over $2,000 V.P.I. will provide On-site personnel to complete the Return to Work Action Plan appication process . 2nd Career Training –will be managed through the Action Centre and Peer Helpers, the process will be normal streaming for training access
Workshops: -Workshops to be set-up on an ongoing basis to meet needs identified in the VPI Assessments and to run through June and July -Possible Workshops include: Job Search/Interview Skills Stress & Job Loss Resume Development Intro. to Starting a Small Business Train the Trainer(Priscilla-July 13 & 14) (A 3 day session for Peer Helpers) Budget & Financial Planning(Nancy will ID possible Service Providers and Act. Ctre. Will decide on the deliverer. -Cammie Peirce will put out a calendar including all Workshop dates -a Newsletter will go out providing all of the above information to affected employees in the next month -Nancy, Laurell and Leon will provide a 1 hr. training session regarding the access process for training.
Recalls to Date: -An additional 47 employees are on temporary recall status with a total recalled to date of 110 according to W. Skryzedlewski -It is anticipated that there could be an additional 100 employees recalled during the summer.
Action Centre: -Cammie Peirce has brought in additional Peer Helpers from her trained group and is now using 23 -an additional Traing of Peer Helpers will be considered if the list is depleted -Walk in traffic averages 20 employees per day -VPI assessments will continue 0ne(1) day per week scheduling -an Employer contact log will be maintained by the Action Centre to capture all employer contacts -Nancy Mcdonough will e-mail the required Provincial Statistical Spread Sheet to capture ongoing activity information.
Finance: Dave Norris will report on expenditures to date at the meeting of June 26.
24 Celebration -Discussion regarding the Official Opening Ceremonies -Linda Jeffrey, MPP was impressed and mingled well with workers -Provincial reps were strongly supportive -the cities greetings from Economic Development were supportive -Cammie Peirce was commended on the coordination and preparation -CAW emphasized the importance and need for greater Federal support -Approximately 100+ employees attended the ceremonies
Meeting adjourned
Next Meeting Thursday June 26, 2008 – 2 pm At the Action Centre
25 C.A.W. Local 1285/Chrysler Action Centre
Minutes Thursday June 26, 2008
In Attendance: Chairperson CAW Chrysler Ontario Government Ken Johnson Leon Rideout, Cammie Peirce Shawn Fujioka Nancy Mcdonough Terry Browne, Jaspal Brar Jen Wells
Absent: Laurell Ritchie Wally Skrzydlewski Dave Norris
Previous minutes adopted as corrected
On going issues:
Finance Information to be provided at the next meeting as per Chrysler Wally or Shawn to ensure that Dave Norris is given the format and criteria required Chrysler responsible for submitting funding claim t the government Chrysler responsible for reimbursing Local 1285 as per requisitions Local to provide petty cash float to Cammie Cammie to e-mail copy of her expense report to the committee
Scott’s Directory Cammie ordered and is awaiting delivery
Training VPI not longer required on a weekly basis but on an as needed on call basis Minutes from 3:30 “training” meeting to be forwarded to this committee Lots of interest in heavy equipment training (6 week course app. $15000.00 We should have a presentation from OETIO
26 Workshops Personal Finance Seminars were well received In Charge Debt (non-profit and has no affiliation with any financial institutions) Future workshops/seminars to include o Resume o Interview skills o Job search skills o First aid o Apprenticeship Information
Action Centre Nancy to e-mail Cammie the Ontario government stats spread sheet
New Business:
Contact & Communication Every laid off worker to be telephoned every 6 weeks (case load to be divided up among the peer helpers) Newsletter does not count as contact but we will mail out a newsletter that includes a calendar next month. (Terry to assist with the mail out program) WEB – Jen to identify community links that should be added to the WEB site WEB – see if we can track the hits including their geographical origin
Peer Helpers Recalls have resulted in a serious reduction in the number of available trained peer helpers Cammie and Ken to arrange for another training session Priscilla to provide an in depth 3-day resume writing training opportunity for all peer helpers during the shut down period (opportunity to pay without impacting E.I. benefits)
Career Consultants Career consultant to be on-site 2 days per week Request for a 3rd day – granted
Staff Training Request for approval for Jen to take the 1 day upgrade to update her certificate – Approved Cammie to be provided the opportunity to take the initial course One day adjustment training to be provided to those (on the committee) who have not had the training
News Papers Request for Newspaper subscriptions (Toronto Star, Toronto Sun, Globe & Mail and Brampton Guardian) – Approved
Washrooms Request for contracting out for washroom cleaning ($20.00 per) – Approved weekly cleaning
27 Next Meeting August 7, 2008 at 2:00 pm
C.A.W. Local 1285/Chrysler Action Centre
Minutes Thursday August 7, 2008
In Attendance: Chairperson CAW Chrysler Ontario Government Ken Johnson Cammie Peirce Wally Skrzydlewski Nancy Mcdonough Jen Wells Shawn Fujioka Terry Browne Previous minutes adopted Jaspal Brar as correct Leon Rideout On going issues
Regrets Laurell Ritchie Dave Norris 2-Budget 139-140k used to date
Dave working on claim and will call Ken when done
Holiday pay for coordinators should not be included in budget
Office Needs Scotts directory has arrived Computers not working properly, need someone to fix
Contact and Communication Mail out was done Report in 1285 News Website update Another news letter to be sent out at end before next meeting
Training Career exploration classes to start next week as a trial 28 Career counselling will be for those that know what direction they want to go and need funding and EI approval
Letters of acceptance is causing delays in the process, Nancy to contact Nadira
May need to approach schools re: setting up/creating specific courses
Interest from people for apprenticeships and general trades info /waiting on Laurel - Action centre to set something up
Report needed from VPI for tracking purposes – need to know how many members are registered with VPI without using the Action Centre
Action Centre WEB site had 36000 hits as of prior week - to be added to stats report
Cammie to change how stats are reported
Nancy feels a script should be used during peer phone calls so everyone gets the same info
Workshops 6 scheduled as of date
Centre to book workshops without prior approval of full committee
Computer skills workshop required - Terry suggested calling MLEC
Priscilla hosted a “Peer Helper Resume” workshop, great job and great feedback
Nancy willing to provide laptops for follow up resume workshop
Peer Helper Training - went well New Business Windsor jobs, everyone was called, all resumes were sent in by Fri.
Peer helpers did great job with getting everything done during this initiative
Meeting adjourned
Next Meeting Thursday September 18, 2008 – 2 pm At the Action Centre
29 C.A.W. Local 1285/Chrysler Action Centre
Minutes Thursday September 18, 2008
In Attendance: Chairperson CAW Chrysler Ontario Government Ken Johnson Cammie Peirce Wally Skrzydlewski Nancy Mcdonough Jen Wells Shawn Fujioka Terry Browne Previous minutes adopted Jaspal Brar as correct Leon Rideout On going issues
Regrets Laurell Ritchie Dave Norris 2-Budget All expenses paid in full as of end of Aug.
Office Needs Computers still not working properly, Wally will send someone from IT to centre the next day
Contact and Communication Terry asked for a web link from in plant to Action Centre - Wally to make arrangements
Monthly newsletters to continue to be mailed out
Report in 1285 News
job boards, news papers are being utilized by members
self-addressed stamped envelope with short survey ie. Working, in school etc.
Training Career Exploration 7 per week
More can be added if needed
30 Career Counselling 6 – 8 per week
Apprenticeship & General Trades info session Oct. 1st 2008
Terry asked about Union Counsellor Course – completed by Jen
Members are registering with VPI without using the Action Centre is not an issue
50 in or going through the process
2 members withdrew request
Increased the internal cap from $2000 to $10,000
Action Centre Career Exploration 7 people per week
More can be added if needed
Career Counselling 6 – 8 people per week
Apprenticeship & General Trades info session Oct. 1st 2008
Workshops scheduled on an ongoing basis
Approx. 400 members through in one month
50 in or going through the process
2 members withdrew request
Increased the internal cap from $2000 to $10,000
This should expedite funding and create more interest New Business Block Purchases Need to look into programs we can purchase in Blocks
Marketplace needs Need to research (bio tech, technology)
Need to market courses to give members ideas
Nancy wants employer out reach business person at $400 day who will look into labour pool, increase contacts – jobs, employees, employers/agencies – Nancy to arrange for a trained company contact person to come to the centre and work with selected Peer Helpers in improve the centres ability to connect with potential employers
Other Possible incentive funding for business – on the job training subsidy paid by the centre training funds
government money to fast tract small business start up – Nancy to update
incubator program at York (someone to look into) 31 Can training fund money be used for self employment ?
Ken suggested off hour phone calling to get a better answer response – agreed to try mail survey
Nancy expects to spend $200,000 - $300,000 for group training
Meeting adjourned
Next Meeting – October 16th, 2008 – Note re-scheduled to October 21st, 2008
At the Action Centre C.A.W. Local 1285/Chrysler Action Centre
Minutes October 23, 2008
In Attendance: Chairperson CAW Chrysler Ontario Government Ken Johnson Cammie Peirce Wally Skrzydlewski Nancy Mcdonough Jen Wells Shawn Fujioka Previous minutes adopted as correct Regrets Leon Rideout On going issues Terry Browne Jaspal Brar Dave Norris 2-Budget Laurell Ritchie All expenses paid in full as of end of Aug.
Office Needs 1 Computer to be fixed
Contact and Communication Web link from in plant to Action Centre WEB site now in plant
Monthly newsletters to continue to be mailed out
Next newsletter – notify members that they must start working towards Jan starts now
Mailouts to be approved by Nancy
Mailouts to have Ministry Logo & Chrysler Logo
Surveys being returned – Spread/sheet summary to be provided at next meeting
Halloween Pot luck information mailed out
Training Employer services training for peer helpers not started
32 to be set up by Nancy & Ken
o 1 day intro by Ken
o 2 days practical to be done by Stephanie McKenzie (Nancy to arrange)
Action Centre Career Exploration 7 per week – booked up to November
Apprenticeship & General Trades info session Oct. 1st 2008
Nancy to work on:
o Incentives for employers / TWS targeted wage subsidy
o Need to develop bridging
o Work with employers to develop training program
o SEB / small business startup
Discussions with Sheridan & Humber on Block Purchases -
Website usage decreased with increase of mailouts
New Business MTCU needs breakdown of expenses/allocation/CAW expenses Meeting adjourned
Next Meeting – November 20, 2008 – 2:30 pm At the Action Centre
33 C.A.W. Local 1285/Chrysler Action Centre
Minutes November 20, 2008
In Attendance: Chairperson CAW Chrysler Ontario Government Ken Johnson Cammie Peirce Wally Skrzydlewski Leon Rideout Shawn Fujioka Terry Browne Previous minutes adopted Jaspal Brar as correct On going issues Regrets Laurell Ritchie Dave Norris Nancy Mcdonough Jen Wells Budget/Training fund Discrepancy of approx $200.00 between billing and payment should be resolved and the local reimbursed Company supplied financial review as per MTCU’s request – minor changes to be made then report to be e-mailed to Nancy
Contact and Communication Surveys being returned – Spread/sheet summary to be provided at next meeting
o 835 surveys mailed out – 77 returned (9.3%)
o No common area of interest identified
Christmas newsletter to be mailed
Information letter listing courses that members currently taking to mailed
Training Employer services training for peer helpers in process
Additional Peer Helper training required
Action Centre
Career Exploration 7 per week demand falling – will continue to end of December 34 o Keeping in touch with Nancy on status
Nancy to work on:
o Incentives for employers / TWS targeted wage subsidy
o Need to develop bridging
o Work with employers to develop training program
o SEB / small business start-up
Discussions with Sheridan & Humber on Block Purchases – ongoing -
New Business Action Centre Lease status – Committee approves extending the lease (90 days notice required) o Approx 1/3 of the funding spent so far o Wally to check company protocol o Wally to contact Nancy o Committee agrees to proceed immediately and not to wait until the next meeting o BAP is working on a week to week basis Recalls status 15 people as of November 24/08, 799 people on layoff More recalls expected December/January Packages – 136 taken (112 Retirements and 26 VTEPs) Cammie requested an updated seniority list for the WEB site (after the packages) Meeting adjourned
Next Meeting – January 15, 2009 – 2:00 pm – at the Action Centre
35 36 Financial Claims
Ministry of Training, Ministère de la Formation et des
Colleges and Universities Collèges et Universités
Between the Minister of Human Resources Development, Pursuant to the Adjustment Agreement dated the Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities and Conformement a l’accord d’adaptation en date du Conclu entre le ministre de Development des ressources humaines, le ministre de la Formation, des Collèges et Universités et
January 31, 2008 Chrysler Canada Inc./C.A.W. #1285
As authorized by the terms and conditions En Vertu des modalites d’application
For expenses incurred during period of Genre de demande x Pour les depenses engageesPour les depenses engagees Final 1 dd/mm/yy dd/mm/yy Finale and/et January 31/08 October 31/08
Government share this claim Total to date Expenses incurred Total this claim Part du grouvernement à la Part gouvernemente Frais occasionnés Previously claimed to Government Total pour la presente demande Reclamations precedente du Gouvernment presente demande totale a ce jour Chairperson's/Coordinator's expenses Dépenses du $6,195.96 $3,717.58 $3,717.58 Président/Coordonnateur Committee members Remuneration Rémunération des membres $93,443.07 $56,065.84 $56,065.84 du comité Professional fees and expenses Dépenses d'honoraires professionnels
Other (see ledger sheet) Autre (voir le registre) $133,263.57 $79,958.14 $79,958.14
Sub-totals Sous-total $232,902.60 $139,741.56 $139,741.56
Deduct adavance $187,500.00 Moins l'avance de fonds Totals $47,258.44 Totaux
Total government funds committed Total des dépenses engagées par le gouvernement $375,000.00
I the undersigned hereby certify that the amount of - Je sousigne, atteste par les presentes que le montant de dollars and cents dollars et
Is due and payable to - Est payable à Chrysler Canada Inc.
And that the expenses charged are fair and accurate and in accordance with the terms and conditions of the above cited agreement, Et que les frais réclamés sont raisonables et exacts et conformes aux termes de l’accord and that all applicable credits have been taken into account. mentionné plus haut et qu’il a tenu compte de tous les credits applicables
Copies of all vouchers are required to support expenses A NOTER: Copies de toutes les pièces justificatives sont requises à l’appui
Autorized Claimant - Requerent Autorise Payment certified in according with the contribution arrangement Recommended for approval - Approbation recommendee Paiement certifiee conforme a l'accord concernant les contributions
Ministry of Training, Ministère de la Formation et des
Colleges and Universities Collèges et Universités
Between the Minister of Human Resources Development, Pursuant to the Adjustment Agreement dated the Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities and Conformement a l’accord d’adaptation en date du Conclu entre le ministre de Development des ressources humaines, le ministre de la Formation, des Collèges et Universités et
January 31, 2009 Chrysler Canada Inc./C.A.W.#1285
As authorized by the terms and conditions En Vertu des modalites d’application
For expenses incurred during period of Genre de demande x Pour les depenses engageesPour les depenses engagees Final 2 X dd/mm/yy dd/mm/yy Finale and/et October 31/08 January 31/09
Total this claim Government share this claim Total to date Expenses incurred Total pour la presente Part du grouvernement à la Part gouvernemente Frais occasionnés Previously claimed to Government Reclamations precedente du Gouvernment demande presente demande totale a ce jour Chairperson's/Coordinator's expenses Dépenses du $3,717.58 $3,756.78 $2,254.07 $5,971.64 Président/Coordonnateur Committee members Remuneration Rémunération des membres du $56,065.84 $15,202.56 $9,121.54 $65,187.38 comité Professional fees and expenses Dépenses d'honoraires professionnels
Other (see ledger sheet) Autre (voir le registre) $79,958.14 $62,593.92 $37,556.35 $117,514.49
Sub-totals Sous-total $139,741.56 $81,553.26 $48,931.96 $188,673.52
Deduct adavance $187,500.00 Moins l'avance de fonds Totals $1,173.52 Totaux
Total government funds committed Total des dépenses engagées par le gouvernement $375,000.00
I the undersigned hereby certify that the amount of - Je sousigne, atteste par les presentes que le montant de dollars and cents dollars et
Is due and payable to - Est payable à Chrysler Canada Inc.
And that the expenses charged are fair and accurate and in accordance with the terms and conditions of the above cited agreement, and Et que les frais réclamés sont raisonables et exacts et conformes aux termes de l’accord that all applicable credits have been taken into account. mentionné plus haut et qu’il a tenu compte de tous les credits applicables
Copies of all vouchers are required to support expenses being claimed. A NOTER: Copies de toutes les pièces justificatives sont requises à l’appui des dépenses pour lesquelles la demande de remboursement est présentée.
Autorized Claimant - Requerent Autorise Payment certified in according with the contribution arrangement Recommended for approval - Approbation recommendee Paiement certifiee conforme a l'accord concernant les contributions
38 Status of the Workforce
Name of Committee: Chrysler Canada Inc./C.A.W. #1285 Adjustment Committee Date: February 19, 2009 Location: Brampton, Ontario Total Comments
1-Number of Workers in the Firm 3,500
2-Number of workers affected 1,104
3-Number of workers not requiring 1 or wanting assistance
4-Number of workers assisted by the committee 1,103
Outcomes of Assistance:
a) Employment within Firm: 302
i) Number of jobs created
ii) Number of jobs maintained 45
iii) Transferred within the company 20
b) Employment outside the Firm 40
i) Employed full-time 40
ii) Employed part-time
iii) Temporary Employment
iv) Self Employment
c) Retired
d) Training 82
i) Full time ( + 25 hrs/week) 82
ii) Part time ( -25 hrs/week)
5-Number of workers still requiring assistance 799 (may include some of those in a to d above)
39 Newsletters: CAW Local 1285/Chrysler Action Centre Update April 24, 2008
I am pleased to be able to report the Action Centre not only has an address but has begun conducting business. The centre is located at 350 Rutherford Rd. S Plaza 1 Unit 6 Brampton, Ontario (North/east corner of Rutherford Rd. and Steeles) 905-456-1285 – Main Phone Number 1-877-456-1285 – Toll Free Phone Number www.1285actioncentre.ca – Our WEB Site Drop in for a visit! We are open Monday to Friday 9 AM to 4 PM An Employment Assessment Agency is conducting individual interviews (by appointment). Laid off members who have not scheduled an appointment should call the centre to make arrangements for an interview. Just a reminder that a requirement for collecting E.I. benefits is to be actively looking for work. The action centre will assist you with your search. Elections for the CAW Local Executive Board and CAW Council Delegates will be held Monday April 28, 2008, (from 8:00 a.m. to 11:45 a.m.and from 1:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.) Advance Poll Friday April 25, 2008, (from 5:30 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. and from 9:15 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. and from 1:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.) Polling Station will be held in the Union Hall, 23 Regan Rd., Brampton. Please note that Chrysler is purging lockers and all lockers must be vacated by ??????? In Solidarity, Cammie Peirce Action Centre Coordinator
40 CAW Local 1285/Chrysler Action Centre 350 Rutherford Rd. S Plaza 1 Unit 6 Brampton, Ontario 905-456-1285 or 1-877-456-1285 www.1285actioncentre.ca May 25, 2008
Our “Ribbon Cutting Opening Ceremony” was a success! On May 21st the Action Centre held an open house in celebration of the opening of the CAW Local 1285/Chrysler Action Centre. Speakers included a Regional Councillor John Sanderson, MPP Linda Jeffrey, Barbara Simmons from the M.T.C.U., Alberto Gonzalez Brampton Assembly Plant Manager, and Jerry Dias Assisstant to CAW President Buzz Hargrove. Adjustment Committee Chairperson Ken Johnson did a wonderful job as Master of Ceremonies. After the speeches were over and the ribbon was cut, visitors were invited to have something to eat and spend the rest of the day socializing. The left over food was donated to the Knight’s Table. Both the Globe and Mail and the CBC did an excellent report focusing on the loss of jobs due to the manfacturing crisis and the growing need for training for career changes. There are almost 600 members registered. There have been 111 laid off members recalled. There are still 982 members on indefinate layoff status. The new contract is good news for some of our laid off members. Many will be relieved to know that SUB credits will continue to be honoured one for one. The “productivity bonus” will be paid to employees who were active and worked between January 2, 2008 and May 18, 2008 including laid off employees. Employees, active on May 19, 2008 will be paid on June 5th. Inactive employees will be paid upon returning to work. Qualifying laid off employees who are still inactive by year end will be paid by year end. Remember “bonuses” are taxed at a higher rate. An Employment Assessment Agency is still conducting individual interviews at the centre on Wednesdays (by appointment). Laid off members who have not scheduled an appointment should call the centre to make arrangements for their interview. We will be offering seminars shortly so watch the WEB site for information and sign up opportunities. Check the calendar for up coming social activies. Vacation pay and PAA information can be found under the Benefits tab. Just a reminder that a requirement for collecting E.I. benefits is to be actively looking for work. The Action Centre will assist you with your search. Drop in! We are open Monday to Friday - 9 AM to 4 PM
In Solidarity,
Cammie Peirce Action Centre Coordinator
41 CAW Local 1285/Chrysler Action Centre 350 Rutherford Rd. S Plaza 1 Unit 6 Brampton, Ontario 905-456-1285 or 1-877-456-1285 www.1285actioncentre.ca August 4, 2008
We will be mailing out information letters periodically but the best way to get up to date information is to visit our WEB Site (www.1285actioncentre.ca). On the web site you will find; news bulletins, seminar and workshop schedules, E.I. and Benefit information, links to job search, government and labour market information web sites. We are not using forums such as “facebook” or “my space” as a means of communication and we encourage people to contact the centre directly for accurate information. We have had a good response to the seminars and workshops that have been held at the centre (personal finances, resume writing and job search skills). Please note that the Small Business Seminar has been rescheduled to August 13, 2008. If you are intersted in attending contact the centre and register. Now that the “Manufacturing Crisis” has become an undeniable reality, laid off workers are being encouraged to consider other career options. To assist people in finding employment in an alternative direction the Ontario Government is willing to providing funding towards retraining. If you are interested in retraining or in other career options (even if you don’t know what career path to take) you should give us a call or drop in and find out what oportunities are available. Summer recalls have ended and layoffs have begun. Thirty people were laid off effective August 4th 2008 and there will be more to come. If you want to know your status check the “Seniority” tab under the “Benefits” heading – we are doing our best to keep the seniority list updated. Labour day parade registration and jacket order forms are available at the “Action Centre”. Participation gives you free admittance to the Canadian National Exibition. Come and join the fun!! Please let the Action Centre know if your address, phone number or e-mail address changes. Thank you! Thank you to Lisa Contini and Paula Racicot for the Employment Insurance Filing Procedures – Auguat 2008 Information on the reverse side of this letter. If you have any questions or concerns you can contact HRDC directly at 1-800-206-7218 or call the Benefits Office (905-458-2874) or Action Centre (905-456-1285). Just a reminder that a requirement for collecting E.I. benefits is to be actively looking for work. The Action Centre will assist you with your search. Drop in for a visit and a coffee! We are open Monday to Friday - 9 AM to 4 PM
42 CAW Local 1285/Chrysler Action Centre 350 Rutherford Rd. S Plaza 1 Unit 6 Brampton, Ontario 905-456-1285 or 1-877-456-1285 www.1285actioncentre.ca September 2008 We are open Monday to Friday - 9 AM to 4 PM I am really enjoying working at the “Action Centre” It is really a pleasure to work with a group of people who work together and who are focused on helping people.
“Congratulations” and “Good Luck” to everyone who has returned to school and is improving their skills or is pursuing a totally different career. The “Action Centre” is a link to funding for retraining. Phil Richards and Mathew Romphf are changing their careers from “Auto Worker” to “World Class Chef”. Some of the other areas people are pursuing are; SAP Training, Sustainable Energy and Building Technology, Dental Assistant, Law Clerk, Heavy Equipment Operator, Journalism, Tool and Die Maker, CNC Tool Operator, Quality Engineering and even Human Resources. Earning a living is the priority but it is wonderful to see people take advantage of the opportunity to find a career that they will enjoy. Phil Matt The Action Centre offers a variety of resources including the opportunity to participate in a “Career Exploration” seminar. During the half day seminar the participants are given a series of tests (part of a computerized program) that help identify potential compatible career choices. In an individual, one hour follow up session they review their results with a Career Consultant. At the Centre we have scheduled a number of workshops and seminars including: First Aid & CPR certification, Resume Writing, Interview Skills, Job Search Skills, Small Business Information, Apprenticeship and Skilled Trades Information, Personal Finance and Basic Computer Skills. We even have free Yoga classes! Our “Peer Helpers” enjoy socializing over a cup of tea or coffee and are also available to assist with resume writing, job searches, community service information. They are doing a wonderful job.
The members who were recalled over the summer and who are still working in the plant (due to Smart Manufacturing Training) are likely to be needed until the end of the year. Visitors are always welcome so if you are in the area, please drop in!
43 In Solidarity, CammiePeirce
CAW Local 1285/Chrysler Action Centre 350 Rutherford Rd. S Plaza 1 Unit 6 Brampton, Ontario 905-456-1285 or 1-877-456-1285 www.1285actioncentre.ca November 12, 2008
Fantastic Food + Incredible Company = A Wonderful Time! The Halloween Pot Luck was a success. We had the most adorable super heroes, angels, fairies and spooky creatures bobbing for apples, colouring halloween pictures and making gummy spider, sour bat and marshmallow kabobs. Congratulations to the costume contest winners! Thank you to Ardis Snow for providing the spooky decorations. Many of our members are reaching their eighth month of layoff. In order to receive full SUB when your E.I. benefits come to an end, you must reapply for E.I and receive a letter stating that you no longer qualify for E.I. benefits (due to a shortage of insurable earnings). This letter must be forwarded to the benefits department. Lisa or Paula will follow up and arrange for “full SUB”. Benefits information is posted on the WEB site under the benefits tab (see benefits newsletter). The Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities has done a wonderful job helping laid off Chrysler workers access government funding for retraining. If you have not made any preparations for the future you should consider taking advantage of the available training funds. The “Action Centre” is hosting an open house information session about training opportunities and available funding on Friday November 21st from 12 noon to 3:00 pm. Representatives from some colleges will be here to provide information and answer questions. It would be advantagious for you to bring your acdemic documentation with you. If you are interested in starting a training course in January you should be prepared to submit your application for funding (including your letter of acceptance from the school) by the beginning of December. That means you need to start to make arrangements now. Attending school without government approval may be interpreted as “not available for work” and jepoardize your E.I. benefits. If you need help with your resume – don’t wait until the New Year – call the “Action Centre” and book an appointment with Priscilla. When we have a confirmed information about the “Christmas Bonus” and/or the “Productivity Bonus” it will be posted on the WEB site. Watch the WEB site for up coming workshops and seminars. We really do need your feedback so please return the “Action Centre” survey as soon as possible. Just a reminder that a requirement for collecting E.I. benefits, is to be actively looking for work. The Action Centre will assist you with your search. Don’t wait until your E.I. and/or SUB benefits run out before coming to the centre. We are open Monday to Friday - 9 AM to 4 PM
44 In Solidarity, CammiePeirce, JenWells and Peer Helpers
CAW Local 1285/Chrysler Action Centre 350 Rutherford Rd. S Plaza 1 Unit 6 Brampton, Ontario 905-456-1285 or 1-877-456-1285 www.1285actioncentre.ca December 2008 We are open Monday to Friday - 9 AM to 4 PM
The global economic crisis, the manufacturing job loss epidemic and the sad state of the North American auto industry are dominating new reports, radio talk shows and common conversations. I find it difficult to understand why there is a debate about using “tax dollars to subsidize the auto industry” and the “auto workers must be part of the solution” ideology. I believe that those elected to government positions become guardians of our country, provinces, cities and communities. These people have accepted responsibility for our natural resources, our economic conditions, our infrastructure, our safety and of course our future. We have trusted them two key tools to be able to do their jobs – power and tax dollars. There seems to be a consensus that the demise of the auto industry will result in the loss of hundreds of thousands of jobs, the loss of billions of dollars of tax income, charities will suffer, house prices will fall – all Canadians will be affected. I cannot understand why our politicians are not reacting. I cannot understand why every auto worker, parts supplier employee, steel worker, dentist, store owner, restaurant owner, waitress, dealership employee …. isn’t calling their Member of Parliament and insisting that the federal government not only offer financial assistance but take steps to protect the industry and the Canadian economy. To identify and find contact information for your Federal Member of Parliament use the WEB site http://canada.gc.ca/directories-repertoires/direct-eng.html. If the economic crisis continues so will the job loss. This is the time to prepare for tomorrow. We know there will be a significant increase in number of people living in poverty - homeless and hungry. Families, women, and children will suffer. Just as the need for shelters and food banks are on the increase the government is reducing its financial support. Ironic isn’t it?
What options do laid off workers have? Finding another job is getting more and more difficult especially with the impact of the economic crisis. In manufacturing – it is extremely unlikely, especially one that is economically
45 comparable to working at Chrysler. Tragically, the government has not unveiled any job creation initiatives. Retraining is another option. The Ontario Government has allocated funding for retraining. This funding is designed to assist with tuition, books, living expenses and other related expenses. The “Action Centre” helps members access these funds. Laid off Chrysler workers are attending public colleges and registered private colleges and studying the following:
Quality Engineering Pre-Apprenticeship Payroll Administrator Cardio Technologist Software Tester Welding Teacher’s College Electronics Engineering Physiotherapy Assistant AZ License Technician Tourism & Hospitality Culinary Arts ERP Information Specialist Administration Law Clerk Diploma Civil Engineering Personal Service Worker Automotive Technician Technology Human Resources Events Planner CNC Tool Operator Construction Management Paramedic Environmental Technician Journalism Early Childhood Education Natural Nutrition Diploma Private Investigator Heavy Equipment Operator Pastry Chef Management SAP Training Computer Systems Registered Massage CDM Technology Therapist Dental Assistant
The “Action Centre” has hosted many seminars and workshops including; resume writing, interview skills, job search skills, personal finances, first aid/CPR, small business information, skilled trades/apprenticeship information and basic computer skills. Watch the WEB site to see what seminars are scheduled in the New Year. We also offer assistance with job searches, resumes and cover letters, the use of computers, fax machine, copier, career counselling and access to community services. You don’t need a reason to visit the centre. Just drop in – have a coffee, tea or hot chocolate – sit down and talk (Chrysler, sports, life, kids) or read the paper (Toronto Star, Sun, Globe) or even watch a video.
On behalf of everyone at the “Action Centre”, Jen and I would like to wish everyone a “Wonderful Holiday” and “Health, Happiness and Success in the New Year”.
In Solidarity,
Cammie Peirce
CAW Local 1285-Chrysler Action Centre 350 Rutherford Rd. S Plaza 1 Unit 6 Brampton, Ontario 905-456-1285 or 1-877-456-1285 www.1285actioncentre.ca January 25, 2009
We wish everyone all the best – health, happiness and prosperity – in 2009. Good luck to the five members who have transferred to the Chrysler Parts distribution centre in Red Deer Alberta. We really appreciate the extra effort and time put forth by the peer helpers in an attempt to contact everyone. The CAW Local 1285 – Chrysler Action Centre with the support of the Ontario Government and the CAW and in partnership with Sheridan College is able to offer some retraining courses to our eligible members. Information sessions will be held at the Action Centre. There will be a Representative from Sheridan College with course information and a Representative acting on behalf of MTCU to explain government financial (income) supports available. Members interested in this opportunity should contact the centre and register for the information sessions. Human Resources Management – 10:00 am. On Wednesday January 28th, 2009 Building Environmental Systems Operator Class 1 & 2 – 1:00 pm. on Wednesday January 28th, 2009 Welding – 10:00 am. on Thursday January 29th, 2009 When your E.I. claim is exhausted – you must apply for a new claim and get a letter of denial due to not enough hours worked - forward the letter to the Action Centre or to the Benefits Office to receive full SUB benefits. **Note – There will be delay while EI processes your application **
Watch the WEB site for information about up coming workshops and seminars. We really do need your feedback so please give us a call if we can be of assistance or if you have a suggestion about how we can improve our service. We also need to keep our information accurate so if you have found other employment, moved or changed your phone number please let us know. "Employment gives health, sobriety, and morals. 47 Constant employment and well-paid labour produces general prosperity, content, and cheerfulness." Daniel Webster In Solidarity, CammiePeirce, JenWells and Peer Helpers
THIS AGREEMENT made in duplicate as of the 31st day of January 2008.
BETWEEN: Her Majesty the Queen in right of Ontario, as represented by the Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities the "Ministry"
AND Chrysler Canada Inc. - Brampton Assembly Plant
AND Canadian Auto Workers Local 1285
The "Recipients"
This Agreement defines the terms and conditions of a financial contribution to be used by the Recipients to establish an Adjustment Committee to assist 1,025 laid-off employees from the Chrysler Canada Brampton Plant more particularly described and defined in this Agreement and in the attached Schedule A ("Project").
The Ministry and the Recipients agree that this financial contribution is subject to the following terms and conditions:
1.0 Term of Agreement
1.1 The Agreement will be in effect from the 31st day of January,2008 up to and including the 3oth day of January, 2009.
2.0 Project
2.1 The Recipients will complete the Project described in Schedule A in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in this Agreement including the attached Schedules that form part of this Agreement.
48 2.2 The Recipients will not make any changes to the Project without the prior written approval of the Ministry.
3.0 Financial Contribution
3.1 The Ministry will provide funding in an amount not to exceed $375,000 for the purposes of the Project which are set out in Schedule A. Payments will be made on the terms and in the amounts set out in Schedule B. The Recipients agree that any unused portion of the financial contribution will remain the property of the Ministry and will repay any such amount to the Ministry, upon request.
3.2 If all amounts from the contribution are spent and there remain debts and liabilities related to the Project, the Recipients are solely responsible for their payment unless those debts and liabilities were incurred with the Ministry's prior written approval.
3.3 The Recipients will apply for all rebates to which the Recipients are entitled under provincial or federal taxation statutes, including but not limited to the Goods and Services Tax. The Recipients acknowledge that goods and services obtained by the Ministry for its use are exempt from the GST. All financial reports and information related to this financial contribution will be made to the Ministry net of GST rebates. Where it is not possible for the Lead Recipient to apply for a rebate, GST that must be paid by the Lead Recipient but cannot be claimed back from the Federal Government is an eligible Project cost.
3.4 The Recipients will use a fair and transparent process and will ensure value for money for all products or services acquired with the financial contribution funds.
3.5 The Recipients agree that Chrysler Canada Inc. - Brampton Assembly Plant will be the financial lead (Lead Recipient) for the purposes of this Agreement. This section survives the termination or expiry of this Agreement.
4.0 Project Material
4.1 Subject to paragraph 7.6, the Recipients will own all materials, if any, created or developed with funding under the Agreement ("the Project materials"). The Recipients grant to the Ministry a perpetual and irrevocable licence to use any of the Project materials for any purpose except commercial gain.
4.2 The Recipients warrant and represent that neither the Project materials nor any of its elements will in any way infringe or violate any patent, copyright, trademark, industrial design, know- how or trade secret or any other right of any third party, nor shall it offend any law, statute or regulation of any level of government.
4.3 This section 4.0 shall survive the expiry or early termination of this Agreement.
5.0 Reporting Requirements
49 5.1 The Recipients will submit reports to the Designated Ministry Representative as set out in Schedule A. A Final Written Report, in accordance with the applicable Ministry specifications, as described in Schedule A, will be submitted within 30 days of the completion of the Project.
5.2 The Recipients will provide the Designated Ministry Representative with a detailed financial statement as described in Schedule A within 60 days of the completion of the Project.
6.0 Financial Records
6.1 The Recipients will keep and maintain proper financial records and books of account relating to the Project both during the term of the Agreement and for a period of seven years after Project completion. The Recipients will furnish forthwith all information which may be required by the Ministry at any time with respect to expenditures related to the Project.
6.2 The Recipients will give the Ministry and its agents or auditors access to:
a) any and all records related to the Project including, but not limited to, the information set out in paragraph 6.1 and personal information within the meaning of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Acf\; and b) premises where the Project is being delivered,
in such manner and at such times as the Ministry deems appropriate, to permit the Ministry or its agents or auditors to review, inspect, monitor and audit the delivery of the Project and the performance of the Recipients' obligations under this Agreement. Upon request, the Recipients will make available to the Ministry and its agents and auditors proper facilities to carry out its review, inspection, monitoring and audit and will provide copies of any and all records for these purposes.
7.0 Termination by Ministry
7.1 In the event that the Recipients fail to proceed diligently with the Project, or if the Project is abandoned in whole or in part by the Recipients, or if the Recipients are otherwise in default in carrying out any of the terms, conditions or obligations of this Agreement, or in the event that the Recipients are prevented from carrying out their obligations arising as a result of the insolvency, bankruptcy or liquidation of the Recipients, the Ministry may, by giving notice in writing to the Recipients, exercise any or all of the following remedies: a) terminate the Agreement including the obligation, if any, on the part of the Ministry to pay any further monies;
b) require the Recipients to reimburse the Ministry for any sums advanced by the Ministry.
In the event of such termination, the Ministry may, in its sole discretion, pay to the Recipients the actual costs of the Project completed satisfactorily to the date of termination and any payments owing to third parties for services or products provided to the Recipients in carrying out the Project.
50 7.2 If the Ministry, in its sole discretion, considers the nature of the breach to be such that it can be remedied and that it is appropriate to allow the Recipients the opportunity to remedy the breach, the Ministry may give the Recipients written notice of:
a) the particulars of the breach; and
b) the period of time within which the Recipients is required to remedy the breach.
7.3 If the Ministry has provided the Recipients with an opportunity to remedy the breach, and:
a) the Recipients do not remedy the breach within the time specified in the notice;
b) in the sole opinion of the Ministry the Recipients cannot completely remedy the breach within the time specified in the notice or such further period of time as the Ministry considers reasonable; or
c) the Recipients are not proceeding to remedy the breach in a way that is satisfactory to the Ministry;
the Ministry may immediately terminate this Agreement in accordance with paragraph 7.1.
7.4 The Ministry reserves the right to terminate this Agreement without cause prior to its expiration, upon such conditions as the Ministry may determine, with a minimum of 30 days written notice to the Recipients. If the Ministry terminates the Agreement pursuant to this paragraph, the Ministry will only be responsible for the payment of the actual costs of the Project completed satisfactorily to the date of termination and any payments owing to third parties for services or products provided to the Recipients in carrying out the Project. 7.5 The Ministry will not by termination waive any rights or remedies it may have in law or equity at the date of termination. Termination will not relieve the Recipients from its warranties and other responsibilities related to services performed, materials provided and money paid up to and including the date of termination.
7.6 On termination, the Recipients will give the Ministry all Project materials produced by the Recipients, excluding personal information, in attempting to carry out the Agreement. Any payments to be made by the Ministry to the Recipients pursuant to section 7.0 are subject to the Recipients' compliance with this paragraph.
8.0 Indemnification and Insurance
8.1 Notwithstanding anything else in the Agreement, any express or implied reference to the Ministry providing an indemnity or any other form of indebtedness or contingent liability that would directly or indirectly increase the indebtedness or contingent liabilities of the Province of Ontario, whether at the time of execution of the Agreement or at any time during the Term, shall be void and of no legal effect.
8.2 The Recipients hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless Her Majesty the Queen in right of Ontario, her Ministers, directors, officers, agents, appointees and employees ("Indemnified Parties") from and against all liability, loss, costs, damages and expenses (including legal, expert and consultant fees), causes of action, actions, claims, demands, lawsuits or other proceedings (collectively, "Claims"), by whomever made, sustained, incurred, brought or 51 prosecuted, including for third party bodily injury (including death), personal injury and property damage, arising out of, or in any way connected with anything done or omitted to be done by the Recipients. The obligations contained in this paragraph will survive the expiry or termination of this Agreement.
8.3 The Recipients hereby agree to put in effect and maintain insurance for the Term of this Agreement, at their own cost and expense, the necessary and appropriate insurance that a prudent organization/person in the business of the Recipients would maintain including, but not limited to, the following:
• commercial general liability insurance on an occurrence basis for third party bodily injury, personal injury and property damage, to an inclusive limit of not less than $2,000,000 per occurrence. The policy is to include the following:
• Indemnified Parties as additional insured to the extent Recipients are required to indemnify with respect to liability arising in the course of performance of the Recipients' obligations under, or otherwise in connection with the Agreement; • contractual liability coverage; • separation of insured's coverage where the actions of one insured do not adversely impact coverage for another insured; • 30 day written notice of cancellation, termination or material change.
8.4 Each Recipient will provide the Ministry on or before the commencement of this Agreement, with valid Certificates of Insurance (and a renewal replacement as may be necessary), referencing this Agreement, confirming the above insurance requirements.
8.5 The Recipients are not an agent, employee or servant of the Ministry or of each other. This Agreement does not constitute a joint venture, nor are the Canadian Auto Workers or Chrysler Canada Inc. in legal partnership, association, syndication, organization, or in any other form of united body with the Ministry. The Recipients are not in any way authorized to make a promise, agreement or contract on behalf of the Ministry.
9.0 Conflict of Interest
9.1 The Recipients, any of the subcontractors and any of their respective advisors, directors, officers, employees, agents and volunteers will ensure that the Project is carried out in all aspects without a conflict of interest (actual, potential or perceived) in the sole opinion of the Ministry by any person associated with the Project in whatever capacity.
9.2 For these purposes, a conflict of interest includes using confidential information of the Crown where the Ministry has not specifically authorized such use and a situation in which a person associated with the Project or any member of his or her family is able to benefit financially from his or her involvement in the Project.
9.3 The Recipients will disclose to the Ministry without delay any situation that may be reasonably interpreted as either an actual, perceived or potential conflict of interest.
9.4 A breach of this section by the Recipients will entitle the Ministry to terminate the contract, in addition to any other remedies that the Ministry has in the contract, in law or in equity. 10.0 Communications
52 10.1 Any report, announcement, advertisement, brochure, audiovisual material, design or other public communications ("communication materials") relating to this Agreement or the Project will be approved by the Ministry prior to being issued or publicized and will reflect the participation of the Ministry in the Project.
10.2 Any communication materials relating to this Agreement or the Project will acknowledge the financial contribution made by the Ministry in the following manner: This Chrysler Canada Inc. - Brampton Assembly Plant CAW Local 1285 Adjustment Committee was made possible by a grant from the Government of Ontario. All Action Centres funded by the Ministry must display the Employment Ontario Brand.
10.3 The Recipients will advise the Designated Ministry Representative in writing, in advance, of any public communications, interviews, media events, reports, presentations, newspaper or newsletter reports or publications that are expected to refer to the Project and provide the opportunity for the Designated Ministry Representative to be present where appropriate.
11.0 Governing Law
11.1 This Agreement will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Province of Ontario and applicable laws of Canada.
12.0 Privacy
12.1 The Recipients acknowledge that the Ministry is subject to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
12.2 The Recipients represent and warrant that if they are, or become subject to any private sector privacy legislation during the term of this Agreement they will be solely responsible for compliance with such legislation. Without limitation, the Recipients represent and warrant that if they are or will become subject to the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act, S.C 2000, c.5, including any further amendments thereto ("PIPEDA"):
a) they will ensure the PIPEDA compliance of all PIPEDA Protected Information they collect from individuals, use or disclose in the course of performing their obligations under this Agreement; and
b) without limitation, they will ensure the PIPEDA compliance of all PIPEDA Protected Information they transfer or disclose to the Ministry. For the purpose of this Agreement "PIPEDA Protected Information" means any "Personal Information" or "Personal Health Information" as defined under PIPEDA.
13.0 Severabilitv of Provisions
13.1 All provisions in this Agreement will be severable. If any term or condition of this Agreement is to any extent declared invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of the Agreement will not be affected.
14.0 Waiver
14.1 The Ministry's failure to insist in one or more instances upon the performance by the Recipients of any of the terms or conditions of the Agreement, will not be interpreted as a 53 waiver of the Ministry's right to require future performance of any such terms or conditions, and the obligations of the Recipients with respect to such future performance will continue in full force and effect.
14.2 A waiver of any failure to comply with any term of this Agreement must be written and signed by the aggrieved party. Each waiver must refer to a specific failure to comply and will not have the effect of waiving any subsequent failures to comply.
15.0 Enurement and Assignment of Agreement
15.1 This Agreement will enure to the benefit of and will be binding upon the successors and assigns of the Ministry and the Recipients who are approved by the Ministry, pursuant to this section.
15.2 This Agreement will not be assigned, except by a document in writing, dated and signed on behalf of the Ministry and the Recipients.
16.0 Amendment of Agreement
16.1 At any time prior to its expiry, this Agreement may be amended by a document in writing, dated and signed on behalf of the Ministry and the Recipients. 17.0 Notices
17.1 The Designated Ministry Representative for this Agreement will be Nancy McDonough, 905-566-4427 or such other individual as the Ministry may appoint. The Designated Representative for the Recipients will be Wally Skrzydlewski (Chrysler Canada Inc.) 905-458-2809 and Leon Rideout, 905-451-8310 (CAW Local 1285). The Ministry and Recipients will notify each other in writing of any change to the Designated Representative.
17.2 Any notice to be given under this Agreement will be personally delivered or sent by prepaid registered mail addressed to the parties at their respective addresses or by facsimile transmission, as follows:
The Ministry Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities Adjustment Advisory Program 2525 Dixie Rd. Mississauga, Ontario L4Y-2A1 Attention: Nancy McDonough Fax: 905-566-4470
The Recipients
Chrysler Canada Inc. Brampton Assembly Plant 2000 Williams Parkway East Brampton, Ontario L6S-6B3 Attention: Wally Skrzydlewski - Senior HR Manager Fax: 905-458-2944 54 CAW Local 1285 23 Regan Rd. Suite 1 Brampton, Ontario L7A-1B2 Attention: Leon Rideout, First Vice-President Fax: 905-450-6877
The parties may designate a different address or FAX number to one another at any time. Notice will be deemed to have been received, in the case of mail, on the fourth working day after the notice was mailed and in the case of personal delivery or fax, on the date on which the notice was delivered or transmitted. 18.0 Signing Authority
18.1 The Recipients and the Ministry warrant that they have read this Agreement including the attached Schedules A and B, understand and agree to be bound by it. The persons signing this Agreement on behalf of the Recipients further warrant having full power and authority to enter and to have this Agreement performed by the Recipients.
19.0 Entire Agreement
19.1 This Agreement, including:
SCHEDULE A - Terms of Reference
SCHEDULE B - Terms of Payment and any amendments executed in accordance with the terms of this Agreement constitute the entire Agreement between the parties. There are no other agreements, understandings, representations or warranties, either collateral, oral or otherwise.
In witness whereof the Ministry and the Recipients have executed and delivered this Agreement on the dates set out below.
Date _ ^ . Per: -darftara Simmons, Director Central Region
Chrysler Canada Inc. - Brampton Assembly Plant
have authority to bind the Recipient Per: \ Date Title 55
10 Canadian Auto Workers Local 1285
March 31/08
Per: Date Title
I have authority to bind the Recipient
Terms of
Attached to and forming part of an Agreement between Her Majesty, the Queen in Right of Ontario, and represented by the Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities (the "Ministry") and Chrysler Canada Inc. - Brampton Assembly Plant and Canadian Auto Workers Local 1285 (the "Recipients") dated January 31st, 2008.
Project Description:
In November 2007, Chrysler Canada announced that they would be letting go of their 3rd shift at the Brampton Assembly Plant affecting 1025 employees.
The objective of the Project is to help employees being laid-off deal with the effects of losing their jobs, and help them review their options and plan their next steps.
The Recipients shall establish an Adjustment Committee (the "Committee"):
1. To research, assess and recommend courses of action necessary to assist the employees affected; 2. To recommend to the Employees private courses of action it considers essential to the development of an effective adjustment program; 3. To provide skills and information needed to find re-employment.
Project Deliverables: The Project will involve the establishment of an Adjustment Committee and an enhanced Action Centre Model to serve the laid-off employees of Chrysler Brampton Assembly Plant. Affected workers will be linked with Ontario Employment Benefits and Support Measures and will be provided with on-site counselling leading towards employment. Additional linkages will be made for affected workers residing outside of Peel. Workers who choose to explore training options through Skills Development will also be provided on-site support with Skills Development Counsellors and will be assisted through the process of determining training needs and subsequently identifying and purchasing appropriate training courses with the additional training dollar allocation. All other Government subsidized programs related to Employment will be included in the services rendered through the Action Centre.
The Committee will plan and implement any program and services the affected employees need, including: job-search assistance, vocational and educational counselling, information on training, personal support in dealing with the stress of job loss, financial counselling and information on starting a small business. Role of the Ministry:
57 1. The Ministry Representative will provide overall advice and counsel to the Committee in the implementation of this Agreement.
2. The Ministry will provide funds to support this project, in accordance with Schedule B.
Role and Operation of the Committee:
1. The Adjustment Committee will be composed of the following members: See Advisor Committee File. 2. Each member shall name an alternate to replace the regular member, in the event s/he has to resign or cannot attend, and shall advise, in writing, all other members. 3. The Committee, subject to the approval of the Ministry representative, will select a neutral Chairperson. A written description will specify her/his duties, any remuneration and tenure. The Chairperson will be excluded from consulting assignments or agreements covered by this Agreement. 4. Decisions and recommendations of the Committee shall be based on a consensus of those Committee members attending. 5. The Committee may establish Sub-Committees to further its objectives. 6. The Ministry representative shall be notified of all Committee meetings and shall attend the meetings to advise and assist the Committee. Should the Ministry representative be unavailable to attend, the Committee shall re-schedule to a mutually agreed upon time. 7. The Recipients will provide the Committee with any information it needs to meet its goals and objectives. 8. Representatives of the Committee shall not divulge personal or confidential information revealed to them by reason of their appointment to the Committee.
1. Within 30 days of the conclusion of this Agreement, the Recipients will provide a Final Written Report to the Ministry in an approved Ministry format. 2. The Recipients will provide monthly progress reports to the Ministry and an Interim Report as requested by the Ministry in keeping with approved Ministry format. 3. The Recipients will submit to the Ministry within 45 days of the start of the Agreement a Report that will include a determination of the needs of the affected workers, a plan of the services to be offered and a description of the organizational structure of the Committee. 4. The Recipients will submit to the Ministry a detailed expenditure plan within 30 days of the start of the Agreement. 5. The Recipients will submit to the Ministry an Interim and Final Report in the format requested by the Ministry. Performance measures to be reported on include the number of workers who: have been assisted, have found re-employment, are taking training, and those that have chosen retirement. The satisfaction of the workers served by the committee, including the number and percentage of participating workers reporting career and employment needs met, will also be measured and reported. The Lead Recipient will submit a financial statement with respect to the Project, by
58 May 31st 2009. The financial statement will itemize all revenues and costs of the Project, and must be signed by the Chief Financial Officer or other authorized official of the Lead Recipient. The Recipient will maintain and provide other reports to the Ministry as required including but not limited to monthly statistical reports. SCHEDULE B Terms of Payment
Attached to and forming part of an Agreement between Her Majesty, the Queen in Right of Ontario, as represented by the Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities (the "Ministry") and Chrysler Canada Inc. - Brampton Assembly Plant and Canadian Auto Workers Local 1285 (the "Recipients") dated January 31st, 2008.
PAYMENT Contributions to the Project:
The Ministry will provide a contribution to the Project in an amount not to exceed $375,000 for Adjustment Costs.
The Lead Recipient acknowledges and agrees that it will provide a contribution in an amount up to $250,000 for Adjustment Costs only.
Schedule of Payments:
Adjustment Costs: • The Ministry will pay $187,500 for Adjustment Costs following the signing of the Agreement • The Lead Recipient will pay 100% of shared expenses incurred for adjustment costs and submit claims to the Ministry for 60% of the allowable expenses incurred • The Ministry will pay additional adjustment costs as required, following receipt of claims from the Recipient • The Ministry will pay up to $375,000 in claims for Adjustment Costs
All claims must be accompanied by supporting documentation (Invoices and/or receipts for the expenditures incurred by the Lead Recipient) according to accounting procedures as specified by the Adjustment Advisory Program. All expenditures must be agreed upon in advance by the Adjustment Committee. The claims are to be submitted on a quarterly basis or as requested by the Ministry.
Financial Contacts:
Cheques for this Project will be made payable to the Lead Recipient as follows:
59 Name of payee on the cheque: Chrysler Canada Inc. - Brampton Assembly Plant Re: Chrysler Brampton Plant/CAW Local 1285 Adjustment Committee 2000 Williams Parkway East Brampton, Ontario L6S-6B3 Attn: Wally Skrzydlewski - Senior HR. Manager Brampton Assembly Plant
Financial Administration:
For the purposes of this Agreement, the Ministry and the Recipients agree that Wally Skrzydlewski or his/her successor shall act as Administrative Agent and/or Treasurer for the Committee.
The Administrative Agent and/or Treasurer shall: 1. Monitor and report regularly on Committee finances; 2. Act as a signing officer for all transactions authorized by the Committee; 3. Apply for advances or reimbursements to the Ministry as necessary.
The Committee will notify the Adjustment Advisory Program of the Ministry, in writing, of any changes to the Administrative Agent and/or Treasurer appointee.
The Adjustment Committee is required to comply with the Government policy of the best value for the least cost for the tendering for services valued at or above $25,000.00.
The Final Report will accompany the final claim.