Life Processes 1 Humans 1.6 The skeleton

Sc2: Life Processes 1 Humans 1.6 The Skeleton

P.O.S. Key Stage 1 Sc2 1b Key Stage 2 Sc2 2e Life Processes 1 Humans 1.6 The skeleton

LEARNING OBJECTIVES  To be able to feel bones.  To know that there are bones inside their own body.  To know that the skeleton supports the body and protects parts of the body.  To develop the skill of discussing and questioning.

ICT LINKS VOCABULARY  Use videos to show skeleton PE - movement Bones, skeleton & bone names e.g. skull, ribcage,  Use CD-ROMs on ‘The Body’ to look hips spine shoulder; strong, hard, X-ray. at skeletons and movement ACTIVITIES RESOURCES POINTS TO NOTE  Handle real or replica bones.  Real or replica  Be sensitive to possible  Handle rag doll; try to make it stand up. Then insert “bones” to make it bones. invasive procedures e.g. rigid.  Rag doll moving limbs etc with non-  Feel bones inside own arms, legs and hands.  Lolly sticks or mobile pupils – may be  Use own limbs to stand, push, etc. (feel rigidity). similar to make appropriate to set up  Experience using the body to move in different ways e.g. crawling, rolling. rigid. separate, more private  Make own arms, legs, fingers, body floppy, then strong.  Video sessions for them (possibly  Show pupils skeleton model.  X-ray pictures involve physio staff).  Relate to own body; name some of the bones. Sing “Dem bones, dem  Paper skeleton,  Pupils do not need to know bones”. paper clips. the names of joint types e.g. hinge, ball & socket  Make skeleton model bend and straighten. Pupils bend and stretch – find  Plastic model nor do they need to know places where they can bend i.e. joints match to skeletons joints. skeleton the names of all bones or  Names some joints e.g. knee, elbow. Latin names  Watch body video. VISITS  Look at x-ray pictures – recognise and link to body parts.  Museum - zoology  Match bones to body outline.  Assemble paper skeleton parts, with paper-fasteners.  Read Funny-bones. Try a simple activity with the hand e.g. pick up objects, and then repeat with lolly-sticks taped to fingers to prevent bending. Compare how easy it was to do this.  Discuss what a skeleton is used for. Life Processes 1 Humans 1.6 The skeleton


POSSIBLE INVESTIGATIONS  Find out what happens when chicken bones are left to soak in various liquids.  Find out which is the strongest finger e.g. by picking up weights, pushing onto bathroom scales or into playdough and measuring the depth of the imprint. Life Processes 1 Humans 1.6 The skeleton

Name: Date Record Began: Outcomes: ‘P’ Level 1 NC Level 1

P1 (i)  Experiences physio – bend and stretch arms and legs/hands e.g. illustrating “Dem bones” song. May show resistance  Is helped to feel specimen bones but may have passive response. P1 (ii)  Co-operates intermittently with different movements. P2 (i)  Begins to attend during physio movements.

 Accepts active exploration e.g. feels bone with fingers after adult places hand on bone. P2 (ii)  Shows more consistent attention to activities e.g. focuses on skeleton model when shown.  Shows more active participation e.g. shows random movements to ‘Bone’ songs. P3 (i)  Observes results of own actions with interest e.g. watches own limbs bending.  Participates in exploring model skeleton with support e.g. looks for places that bend. P3 (ii)  Starts to show anticipation e.g. at the same part of the song. P4  Imitates movement actions e.g. makes body floppy, makes fingers stiff. P5  Joins in with a simple experiment e.g. allows lolly sticks to be taped to fingers and then tries to pick up objects.  Responds to a simple question about the activity e.g. can you pick up an object with lolly sticks on your fingers? P6  Matches action to song e.g. by shaking or pointing to appropriate bone in song.  Begins to make connections between skeleton and bones in everyday contexts e.g. dog bone, chicken/chop bones; spare ribs; butchers shops. P7  Assembles parts of skeleton body with support.  Asks one or two questions when doing an activity. P8  Points to some main skeleton parts when named

 Matches main skeleton parts e.g. skull, ribcage, to body outline.  Asks more than one or two questions during an activity. Not all have the same question stem e.g. how, what, why? N.C.  Is able to demonstrate floppy/strong using their own body. Level 1  Knows that bones support the body.

 Knows that bones protect some body parts e.g. heart, lungs, brain.  Names some of main skeleton parts  Asks a wider range of questions and take turns in discussion Life Processes 1 Humans 1.6 The skeleton

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