Eucalyptus caesia

Family: Myrtaceae Distribution: Granite outcrops in a restricted area in south Western Australia.. Common Name: Gungurru (it is believed that this name may be more appropriate to E.woodwardii) Derivation of Eucalyptus...from Greek, eu, well and calyptos, covered Name: referring to the cap which covers the developing flowers. caesia...from Latin, caesius, light grey, referring to the greyish appearance of the buds, fruit and stems. Conservation Not currently listed as threatened under the EPBC Act*. Status: Regarded as rare as it occurs in small populations and classified as 3RCa under the ROTAP * system.

General Description:

Eucalyptus caesia is one of the best known eucalypts. There are two subspecies recognised; subsp. caesia and subsp. magna. The former is a small tree of about 6-9 metres in height while subsp. magna is a taller tree to about 15 metres with pendulous branches. This form is known in cultivation as "Silver Princess".

Pink and red forms of Eucalyptus caesia Photo: Brian Walters

Eucalyptus caesia has attractive deep brown bark which peals in narrow, curling strips to reveal a pale undersurface. This type of bark is known as 'minniritch' bark and is a feature shared by a small group of eucalypts, including E.orbifolia.

E caesia has deep green foliage with a whitish bloom. The flowers are large (up to 50 mm in diameter) and normally pink to red in colour but white flowered plants are known. Flowering is very conspicuous and occurs in

winter and spring. Flowers are followed by large, urn- shaped "gumnuts" about 30 mm in diameter.

As a species native to relatively dry areas, E.caesia is best suited to cultivation in climates which have a dry summer. It has been grown in humid districts but cannot be regarded as reliable in those areas. The species develops a lignotuber and should respond to hard pruning to near ground level if rejuvenation is required. The weight of the old fruits may cause the branches to bend excessively and removal of some may be warranted if breakage seems likely.

Propagation is from seed which germinates readily. Minniritch bark

Photo: Brian Walters * EPBC Act = Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999; ROTAP = Rare or Threatened Australian Plants (Briggs and Leigh, 1988) For further information refer the Australian Plants at Risk page.