Beach Park Block 5 Fact and Opinion Assessment Name Question #7: Is this statement fact or opinion? Circle the correct answer. It is silly to be afraid of snakes. A. fact Question #1: B. opinion Is this statement fact or opinion? Some snakes are blind. Question #8: A. fact Is this statement fact or opinion? B. opinion Sometimes snakes are mistaken for worms. A. opinion Question #2: B. fact Is this statement fact or opinion? It is very unpleasant to touch a snake. Question #9: A. opinion Is this statement fact or opinion? B. fact An anaconda can be as long as two large cars. A. opinion Question #3: B. fact Is this statement fact or opinion? Snakes are really neat. Question #10: A. opinion Is this statement fact or opinion? B. fact Compared to some other animals, snakes are not very smart. Question #4: A. fact Is this statement fact or opinion? B. opinion The anaconda and python are large snakes. A. fact Question #11: B. opinion Is this statement fact or opinion? Snakes are beautiful. Question #5: A. fact Is this statement fact or opinion? B. opinion Snakes are bad. A. opinion Question #12: B. fact Is this statement fact or opinion? Little snakes that live underground are cute. Question #6: A. fact Is this statement fact or opinion? B. opinion Snakes have many enemies. A. fact Question #13: B. opinion Is this statement fact or opinion? Snakes sway to music because they like it. A. fact B. opinion Beach Park Block 5 Fact and Opinion Assessment Name Question #20: Circle the correct answer. Is this statement fact or opinion? Brushing your teeth prevents cavities. Question #14: A. fact Is this statement fact or opinion? B. opinion All people hate snakes. A. fact Question #21: B. opinion Is this statement fact or opinion? George Washington was the best president ever. Question #15: A. fact Is this statement fact or opinion? B. opinion Some snakes have good eyesight. A. fact Question #22: B. opinion Is this statement fact or opinion? George Washington was the first president of the Question #16: United States. Is this statement fact or opinion? A. opinion The Thanksgiving holiday is in November. B. fact A. fact B. opinion Question #23: Is this statement fact or opinion? Question #17: Venice has 177 canals that act as streets. Is this statement fact or opinion? A. fact There should be no school dress code. B. opinion A. opinion B. fact Question #24: Question #18: Is this statement fact or opinion? Is this statement fact or opinion? Venice is located in the country of Italy. Apples grow on trees. A. fact A. fact B. opinion B. opinion Question #25: Question #19: Is this statement fact or opinion? Is this statement fact or opinion? Venice is the most beautiful city in the world. Apples taste better then pears. A. opinion A. opinion B. fact B. fact Beach Park Block 5 Fact and Opinion Assessment Answer Key

1. A -fact 2. A -opinion 3. A -opinion 4. A -fact 5. A -opinion 6. A -fact 7. B -opinion 8. B -fact 9. B -fact 10. B -opinion 11. B -opinion 12. B -opinion 13. B -opinion 14. B -opinion 15. A -fact 16. A -fact 17. A -opinion 18. A -fact 19. A -opinion 20. A -fact 21. B -opinion 22. B -fact 23. A -fact 24. A -fact 25. A -opinion