Undergraduate Curriculum Council

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Undergraduate Curriculum Council

Undergraduate Curriculum Council October 17, 2013 -- 3:00-5:00 p.m. in Rendezvous 301 Volume XXX, Meeting 17 (15-17) Minutes – Approved by Curriculum Council on 31 October 2013; Accepted by Deans and Provost on 22 November 2013

A. PRELIMINARIES 1a. Attendance: Members: David Blakeman (Chair), Mike Hansen, Beverly Hewett, Jeff Hill, Mary Hofle, Spencer Jardine, Greg Murphy, Tara Young Ex-Officio: Chris Hunt, Margaret Johnson, Corey Zink Absent: Keane Shuler (ASISU), Emily White Admin. Asst: Catherine Read 1b. Pre-notified absences for this meeting: Jim Bigelow, Wendy Ruchti, Yolonda Youngs; JoAnn Hertz 1c. Known Guests: none

2. Council approved the minutes from its meeting October 10, 2013.

3. Report from the Executive Committee: Met Tues, reviewed proposals and decided to expedite 9. Bigelow updated Blakeman on what UCC did during their October 3rd meeting.

4. Current Committee Activities: Council accepted the BAS/BAT Committee minutes for April 26, 2013

5. Information from Academic Affairs: The Provost has accepted this Council’s minutes for September 26, 2013. Deans previewed a preliminary web input process that chairs and deans will use to submit their narratives on Program Prioritization. They will probably start working on those beginning in November. Blakeman informed members that UCC’s minutes are being sent to Faculty Senate as an information item only for communication purposes. In response to Blakeman’s question, Murphy explained that Deans’ Council and Faculty Senate were each asked to rank the prioritization criteria, and their resulting rankings were remarkably similar. Johnson reminded that this is a State-mandated process. Academic Affairs sees this as an opportunity to identify programs that are underfunded, that need support, or are problematic, so the university can make informed decisions in figuring out the best way to proceed. Murphy said this is also a way to identify inactive programs that are still on the books and can be eliminated. The College of Technology evaluates its programs annually and makes whatever changes are warranted.

6. Information from the Chair: Nothing to report.

7. Information from the Faculty Senate: did not meet, no further information.

8. Other related information or questions: Murphy said College of Business wished to withdraw Proposal 1, Marketing,

October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 1of 95 B. EXPEDITABLE

1. Council voted to withdraw Proposal 1 from Marketing, as requested by the College of Business, since it has been superceded by Proposals 80 and 83.

2. Council unanimously approved the corrected Proposal 22 from Biological Sciences (Appendix 1) as submitted by Jeff Hill and Rosemary Smith: “This is mainly a housekeeping course rotation proposal to clean up the catalog and a couple of things were missed.” a. BIOL 4406 and 4406L should be OF (not EF). b. BIOL 4442 Plant Animal Interactions was inadvertently omitted and should be EF (not ES). c. BIOL 4471 Fundamentals of Biol Imaging was inadvertently omitted and should be EF (not AS).

3. Proposal 64 from Technical General Education to update TGE 0100M (Math) to require TGE 0100S (Study Skills) as a co-requisite. Still missing ITS/ETS response. Correction to add missing “0”s in Course Changes – TGE 0100M, TEG 0100S Tabled for ITS impact response.

a. Discussion ensued about what to do if Impacts responses are missing from proposals. Blakeman will follow up with the Library and ITS/ETS to ask them whether they still want all proposals sent to them for review.

4. Council unanimously approved Proposal 65 from Technical General Education (Appendix 2) to update TGE 0100W (Writing) to require TGE 0100S (Study Skills) as a co-requisite. Impact responses received.

5. Council unanimously approved Proposal 67 from Cosmetology (Appendix 3) to change the credential earned in the Cosmetology program from a Technical Certificate to an Advanced Technical Certificate. Impact responses received. Contingent upon approval by State Board.

6. Council unanimously approved Proposal 70 from Geomatics Technology (Appendix 4) for changes in course descriptions and prerequisites for GEMT 3317, 4411 and 4413. Impact responses received. Contingent upon approval by State Board.

7. Proposal 71 from the Robotics and Communication Systems Engineering Technology program to make a substantive change to the courses required for their Technical Certificate: Laser/Electro-Optics Technology option, and to change the Technical Certificate to an Advanced Technical Certificate. RCET 0331/0332 will continue to only be offered in the summer. Impact responses received. Set aside for further review in sequence. Contingent upon approval by State Board.

8. Proposal 72 from the Computer Aided Design Drafting Technology program to add a new Technical Certificate option in Mechanical Drafting. Impact responses received. Tabled because the curriculum changes were missing from the online master proposal list. (That oversight has since been corrected.) Contingent upon approval of the State Proposal submitted.

9. Proposal 76 from the Physical Therapy Assistant program for prerequisite changes for PTA 0105 and PTA 0214. Remains tabled pending receipt of impact responses.

October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 2of 95 10. Proposal 79 from Emergency Management program to add a minor in Emergency Management. Contingent upon approval of State Proposal. Tabled pending receipt of impact responses from ITS and the Library, clarification of the number of credits required for upper and lower division courses, and the proposed curriculum explicitly listed in the proposal.

11. Council unanimously approved Proposal 84 from Pharmacy (Appendix 5) to correct an error in the catalog for the Nontraditional Doctor of Pharmacy Program (NTPD) advanced practical experience course PDNT 9981.


Council unanimously approved the following GERC-approved Gen Ed proposals (Appendix A) : 1. GERC Proposal 33 ECON 2202 – Objective 6: Behavioral and Social Science 2. GERC Proposal 47 DANC 2205 – Objective 4: Fine Arts 3. GERC Proposal 51 HIST 1101 – Objective 6: Behavioral and Social Science 4. GERC Proposal 52 HIST 1102 – Objective 6: Behavioral and Social Science 5. GERC Proposal 53 HIST 1111 – Objective 6: Behavioral and Social Science 6. GERC Proposal 54 HIST 1112 – Objective 6: Behavioral and Social Science 7. GERC Proposal 56 HIST 2249 – Objective 9: Cultural Diversity 8. GERC Proposal 57 HIST 2251 – Objective 9: Cultural Diversity 9. GERC Proposal 58 HIST 2252 – Objective 9: Cultural Diversity 10. GERC Proposal 59 HIST 2254 – Objective 9: Cultural Diversity 11. GERC Proposal 60 HIST 2255 – Objective 9: Cultural Diversity 12. GERC Proposal 34 GEOL 1100 – Objective 5: Natural Science 13. GERC Proposal 35 GEOL 1100L – Objective 5: Natural Science 14. GERC Proposal 36 GEOL 1101 – Objective 5: Natural Science 15. GERC Proposal 37 GEOL 1101L – Objective 5: Natural Science 16. GERC Proposal 38 GEOL 1110 – Objective 5: Natural Science 17. GERC Proposal 43 BIOL 1100, 1100L – Objective 5: Natural Science 18. GERC Proposal 44 BIOL 1101, 1101L – Objective 5: Natural Science 19. GERC Proposal 62 PHYS 1100 – Objective 5: Natural Science 20. GERC Proposal 63 PHYS 1101 – Objective 5: Natural Science 21. GERC Proposal 64 PHYS 1101L – Objective 5: Natural Science 22. GERC Proposal 69 PHYS 1152 – Objective 5: Natural Science 23. GERC Proposal 70 PHYS 1153 – Objective 5: Natural Science

Curriculum Proposals:

1. Proposal 11 from Geosciences to add GEOL 4403/5503 as prerequisites for GEOL 4407/5507 and GEOL 4409/5509. History and Geosciences departments have worked together, still need to coordinate with Geomatics. Geosciences chair said two faculty members are working on it, no further word from them. Hill has not heard anything further and requested the proposal be withdrawn.

2. Council unanimously approved the revised Proposal 24 from Biological Sciences (Appendix 6) to replace BIOL 4415/5515 Human Neurobiology with a new course BIOL 4453/5553 Foundations in Neuroscience. BIOL 4415L will continue to be taught, with no change, as it is a

October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 3of 95 stand-alone 1-credit lab class. Enrollment is with permission of instructor. If approved, this affects Proposal 37 Biochemistry as well; correction has already been made in Proposal 37.

3. Council approved the corrections to the revised Proposal 37 from Biochemistry (Appendix 7) to match Proposal 24 from Biological Sciences, as requested by Caryn Evilia and Jim Groome, the respective proposal authors. The correction made replaced BIOL 4415 Human Neurology with BIOL 4453 Foundations of Neuroscience. The lab course BIOL 4415L was not changed, and will still be required. Corrections contingent upon approval of Proposal 24.

4. Council unanimously approved the re-revised Proposal 45 from Communication, Media, and Persuasion (Appendix 8) for the new CMP program. Hunt said SBOE replied they would prefer the course prefix not be changed for COMM 1101, at least for this year, because it is a Common Core course. CMP 4457 lists 4455L as co-req – should that be 4457L? This proposal is requesting cross-listed ART 4418 course change its title and course description. The Art Department agrees with the proposed course number change. Contingent upon approval of State Proposal – SBOE has approved the name change, but not the merger.

5. Council unanimously approved Proposal 47 from Languages and Literatures (Appendix 9) for SPAN course and catalog changes The SPAN 4494 and 4495 are the same course, but are early-8 week and late-8 week courses. Banner ensures students cannot register for both. This proposal applies to Graduate level courses as well. Blakeman will inform Graduate Council when this passes. The department confirmed it was eliminating the Co-reqs for SPAN 2200.

6. Proposal 52 from Emergency Medical Services to add a new Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Concentration to the curriculum of an existing degree, the Bachelor of Science (BS) in Health Science. This is a new course that is equivalent to FSA 3335 so it should have the same prereqs. Hewett said they are different programs. Hunt said Mike McKittish wants to take out the Prereqs. Tabled pending receipt of another proposal. Contingent upon SBOE approval.

7. Council unanimously approved Proposal 55 as amended from Chemistry (Appendix 10) for CHEM 3366 scheduling change. The amendments were: for CHEM 3365, delete COREQ CHEM 3366. For CHEM 3366, change to PREREQ or COREQ: CHEM 3365.

8. Council unanimously approved Proposal 68 from Business Technology (Appendix 11) for course and prerequisite changes. Approval contingent upon Hunt verifying the need for the OT 0116 course in the catalog.


1. Proposal 85 from Pharmacy to adjust credit hours of PHAR 9922 and remove the associated recitation component PHAR 9922R.

2. Proposal 86 from Pharmacy to combine PHAR 9906 Case Studies in Pharmacy I with PHAR 9951 Pharmacotherapy Lab I.

3. Proposal 87 from Pharmacy to change the course name, description and credit hours for PHAR 9971 Capstone Pharmacotherapeutics.

4. Proposal 88 from English and Philosophy to update requirements for the Minor in Linguistics.

October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 4of 95 5. Proposal 89 from Engineering to eliminate the “School of Engineering” in the catalog.

6. Proposal 90 from Nuclear Engineering and Health Physics to update course and credit requirements.

7. Proposal 91 from Nuclear Engineering and Health Physics to create a new course HPHY 4460 Special Problems in Health Physics which has been previously offered as an experimental course.

8. Proposal 92 from School Psychology, Literacy, and Special Education to update course offerings for Special Education.

9. Proposal 93 from Health Care Administration to update program requirements.

10. Proposal 94 from Health Information Technology to update core curriculum requirements in accordance with accreditation requirements.


1. Revised Proposal 12 from Educational Foundations to add EDUC 1110 as a new Gen Ed course. Remains tabled until GERC finishes its review.

2. Proposal 23 from Technical General Education to change the course description and number of credits for TGE 0257. GERC had remanded it back to College for resolution of the larger Gen Ed question about course level designation. To receive academic credit, the State Board requires a course have a 1000 or 2000 number. GERC has now referred this to Academic Affairs because it is part of a much larger issue that needs resolving. Remains tabled.

3. Proposal 25 from Philosophy to add PHIL 2250 Contemporary Moral Problems as a new course to fulfill Gen Ed Objective 9. GERC remanded back for department to consider different Objective. Remains tabled.

4. Proposal 30 from the English and Philosophy to change Objective 9 General Education course from AMST 2200 to ENGL 2210. Remains tabled until department releases it for GERC to review and makes a recommendation.

5. Proposal 48 from History for course updates and a new HIST 1120 Gen Ed course. Tabled for GERC’s recommendation.

6. Proposal 50 from International Studies for new Gen Ed courses IS 2202 and IS 2203. Tabled for GERC’s recommendation.

7. Proposal 51from Geosciences for substantial revisions and updates to the Earth and Environmental Systems Program to combine three B.A. tracks into a single track and revise two existing B.S. tracks. Other proposals under consideration linked to this one are Proposal 27 from Biological Sciences (approved by UCC on Oct. 3, 2013), Proposal 38 from Philosophy (approved in this meeting Oct. 10), and Proposal 48 from History, plus GERC’s Proposal #77 for HIST 1120, a proposed new Gen Ed course. Since the new GEOL 4490 course in Proposal 27 has been approved, Geosciences is adding it back into the curriculum. Tabled pending receipt of the revised proposal and to let the other pieces fall into place. Contingent upon SBOE approval. October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 5of 95 8. Proposal 62 from Technical General Education for a new course TGE 0159 Internship Strategies. Tabled pending receipt of impact responses.

9. Proposal 60 from Energy Systems Technology and Education Center for ESTEC curriculum changes. Pending approval of proposed new course TGE 0159. Tabled pending receipt of impact responses from ITS and the Library.

10. Proposal 61 from Energy Systems Technology and Education Center for a new Instrumentation Engineering Technology (IET) consolidated program. Contingent upon approval of State Proposal. Tabled pending receipt of impact responses.

11. Proposal 63 from Technical General Education to change the General Education requirements for an A.A.S. degree and add TGE 0257 Applied Ethics in Technology as a new Gen Ed course. Tabled pending receipt of impact responses and recommendation from GERC.

12. Proposal 66 from Automotive Technology for program changes and to change the credential earned from an Advanced Technical Certificate to a Technical Certificate. Tabled pending receipt of impact responses.

13. Proposal 69 from Paralegal Studies for course and curriculum changes. Tabled pending receipt of impact responses.

14. Proposal 73 from Civil Engineering Technology to a curriculum change to drop CET 0220 and substitute CET 0228 in its stead. Tabled pending receipt of impact responses.

15. Proposal 74 from Information Technology Systems for course and prerequisite changes. Tabled pending receipt of impact responses

16. Proposal 75 from Energy Systems Technology and Education Center, the Technical Department, and the Trade and Industrial Department to create one new Technical Certificate in Advanced Manufacturing and one new Associate of Applied Science degree in Advanced Manufacturing with areas of specialized training (options). Contingent upon approval of State Proposal. Tabled pending receipt of impact responses.

17. Proposal 77 from the Massage Therapy program for course and curriculum changes. Tabled pending receipt of impact responses from other affected departments.

18. Proposal 78 from Early Childhood Care and Education for course changes, including reinstating BIOL 1100 & 1100L or BIOL 1101 & 1101L as requirements. Need response from Biology – none received as yet.

19. Proposal 80 from the College of Business for program requirements changes. Tabled pending receipt of impact responses.

20. Proposal 81 from Accounting to redesign its degree requirements. Tabled pending receipt of impact responses from ITS and the Library.

21. Proposal 82 from Finance for ‘housekeeping’ catalog and course changes. Tabled pending receipt of impact responses from ITS and the Library.

October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 6of 95 22. Proposal 83 from Marketing for curriculum and course changes. Tabled pending receipt of impact responses.


A. GERC-approved Gen Ed proposals: 1. GERC Proposal 33 ECON 2202 – Objective 6: Behavioral and Social Science 2. GERC Proposal 47 DANC 2205 – Objective 4: Fine Arts 3. GERC Proposal 51 HIST 1101 – Objective 6: Behavioral and Social Science 4. GERC Proposal 52 HIST 1102 – Objective 6: Behavioral and Social Science 5. GERC Proposal 53 HIST 1111 – Objective 6: Behavioral and Social Science 6. GERC Proposal 54 HIST 1112 – Objective 6: Behavioral and Social Science 7. GERC Proposal 56 HIST 2249 – Objective 9: Cultural Diversity 8. GERC Proposal 57 HIST 2251 – Objective 9: Cultural Diversity 9. GERC Proposal 58 HIST 2252 – Objective 9: Cultural Diversity 10. GERC Proposal 59 HIST 2254 – Objective 9: Cultural Diversity 11. GERC Proposal 60 HIST 2255 – Objective 9: Cultural Diversity 12. GERC Proposal 34 GEOL 1100 – Objective 5: Natural Science 13. GERC Proposal 35 GEOL 1100L – Objective 5: Natural Science 14. GERC Proposal 36 GEOL 1101 – Objective 5: Natural Science 15. GERC Proposal 37 GEOL 1101L – Objective 5: Natural Science 16. GERC Proposal 38 GEOL 1110 – Objective 5: Natural Science 17. GERC Proposal 43 BIOL 1100, 1100L – Objective 5: Natural Science 18. GERC Proposal 44 BIOL 1101, 1101L – Objective 5: Natural Science 19. GERC Proposal 62 PHYS 1100 – Objective 5: Natural Science 20. GERC Proposal 63 PHYS 1101 – Objective 5: Natural Science 21. GERC Proposal 64 PHYS 1101L – Objective 5: Natural Science 22. GERC Proposal 69 PHYS 1152 – Objective 5: Natural Science 23. GERC Proposal 70 PHYS 1153 – Objective 5: Natural Science

1. Proposal 22. Biological Sciences: various ‘housekeeping’ changes – corrected 10/17/13

Contact: Dr. Rosemary J. Smith, Assoc. Chair, Biological Sciences. [email protected] 282-3481

This proposal replaces the original proposal approved by Curriculum Council on 12 September 2013, correcting a few errors in the original.

Proposal Summary: Housekeeping changes to ready the catalog copy/Banner for implementation of DegreeWorks. Primarily semester designations, co- and pre-requisite clarification, repeatability, and dropped courses.

Faculty Vote: 25 YES, 0 NO. Ballots counted May 3, 2013

October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 7of 95 Impacts:

Other College(s) , department(s), facilities, funding, etc.:

ITS / ETS: All of the changes are to existing courses, only housekeeping details are being proposed. The only impacts on IT are using IT in both semesters for some classes, instead of only Fall or Spring (which has already happened). Randy Gaines- No impact on IT. 4/15/2013

Registrar: We have worked closely with the Registrar’s office to make these changes (several were suggested by Chris Hunt to improve integration of Banner).

Library: No impacts on the library are anticipated. Shropshire email: No effects on the library. 4/12/13

Advising: These changes will improve advising and prepare the Department to use DegreeWorks. These updates will provide students with current information on course offerings (by semester), course pre and co-requisites, and course repeatability. Many of these changes will also improve integration with Banner.

“No advising concerns.” JoAnn Hertz. Sept. 4, 2013

REVIEWED BY SPECIFIC COLLEGE UCC REPRESENTATIVE – [ X ] yes [ ] no UCC rep. name ______Dr. Jeff Hill______

Other affected units, if any:

Although the changes to course scheduling may affect other Departments, most of them are either expanding offerings, or changing Alternate to Odd/Even. This should not affect other programs. For pre-requisite or co-requisite courses, no substantive changes that affect other programs. The changes reflect current practices and will ease the use of Banner.

Comments/Review by:

Division of Health Professions: Linda Rankin, Professor and Assistant Dean “I have reviewed your UCC proposal and am certainly supportive on behalf of the Division of Health Sciences of all the changes, particularly adding the BIOL 1101 and 1101L pre-requisite requirements. 4/20/2013.”


UCC Proposal from Biological Sciences PART I.

Change an Existing Course --provide Subject Code, Number, and title here:

Various (34) courses in BIOL XXXX (see table below)

October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 8of 95 Action(s):

_X__Change Semester

Describe the change: We are changing the semesters the courses are offered to reflect current rotations.

Reason for change (if not described on the Cover Letter form): Be sure to include whether or not this is driven by accreditation standards.

The changes represent the rotation schedule as currently adopted by the Department. The Even/Odd designations will provide further information to students that will be useful for degree plans. We recognize that these designations are not coded by Banner or Degree Works, but they provide a more informative catalog description.

Subject Course Title Current Change Code # to

BIOL 1100 Concepts Biology F, S F, S, Su BIOL 1101 Biology I F, S F, S, Su BIOL 2206 Cell Biology S F, S BIOL 2207 Cell Biology Laboratory S F, S BIOL 2209 General Ecology F F, S BIOL 2209L General Ecology Lab F F, S BIOL 3305 Introduction to Pathobiology F F, S BIOL 3316 Biometry Laboratory F, AS F, S BIOL 4404 Plant Physiology AS OF BIOL 4404L Plant Physiology Lab AS OF BIOL 4405 Plant Form and Function AF EF BIOL 4405L Plant Form and Function Lab AF EF BIOL 4406 Plant Diversity and Evolution AF OF BIOL 4406L Plant Diversity and Evolution Lab AF OF BIOL 4420 Musculo-Skeletal Anatomy AS ES BIOL 4426 Herpetology AS, W ES BIOL 4426L Herpetology Lab AS ES BIOL 4427 Ichthyology AF EF BIOL 4427L Ichthyology Lab AF EF BIOL 4428 Medical Parasitology and Entomology AF EF, D BIOL 4428L Medical Parasitology and Entomology Lab AF EF, D BIOL 4431 General Entomology AF OF BIOL 4431L General Entomology Lab AF OF BIOL 4443 Endocrinology AS ES BIOL 4448 Advance Experimental Biochemistry S F, S BIOL 4459 Fish Ecology AF OF

October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 9of 95 BIOL 4459L Fish Ecology Laboratory AF OF BIOL 4462 Freshwater Ecology AF EF BIOL 4462L Freshwater Ecology Lab AF EF BIOL 4473 Applied and Environmental Microbiology AS ES BIOL 4473L Applied and Environmental Microbiology AS ES Lab BIOL 4479 Survey of Electron Microscopy F F, D BIOL 4495 Animal Behavior AF EF BIOL 4442 Plant Animal Interactions ES EF BIOL 4471 Fundamentals of Biological Imaging AS EF

Biological Sciences Proposal: Part II.

A. Change an Existing Course --provide Subject Code, Number, and title here:

Action(s): __X Change Prereq(s) __X Change Coreq(s)

Describe the change: We are changing or adding pre-requisites and/or co-requisites to courses.

Reason for change (if not described on the Cover Letter form): Be sure to include whether or not this is driven by accreditation standards.

Four of these changes better reflect the prior learning that faculty expect from students in the course (BIOL 3324, BIOL 4408, BIOL 4434). The pre-requisites are similar to those for other 3xxx and 4xxx courses in the Department.

Four of the changes involve fixing the laboratory-lecture PRE and CO-requisites (BIOL 2207, 2221, 2235, BIOL 3316, BIOL 4444). Changing to PREREQ or COREQ will allow students to re-take a course or a laboratory without having to request a faculty override to take the lecture or lab without the other (when appropriate).

For BIOL 3305, the addition of the Pre-requisite of BIOL 1101 and 1101L meets the expectations of the faculty for students who have already completed BIOL 3301 and 3302 (since at ISU, BIOL 1101 is a PREREQ for BIOL 3301 and 3302). However, many transfer students do not have BIOL 1101/1101L as a pre-requisite to their transferred equivalents to BIOL 3301/3302 and are therefore underprepared. Adding the pre-requisite will ensure that they are equally prepared to take BIOL 3305.

Course # Course Title current catalog new catalog 2207 Cell Biology PREREQ: BIOL 1101 and 1102; PRE or COREQ: BIOL 2206. Laboratory one year college chemistry or permission of instructor. PRE or CO-REQ BIOL 2206.

October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 10of 95 2221 Introductory PREREQ: CHEM 1101, or PREREQ: CHEM 1101, or Microbiology CHEM 1111 AND CHEM 1111L; CHEM 1111 and CHEM 1111L; BIOL 1101. COREQ: BIOL BIOL 1101. PREREQ or 2221L. COREQ: BIOL 2221L. 2235 General PREREQ: BIOL 1101 and CHEM PREREQ: BIOL 1101 and CHEM Microbiology 1112. 1112, PREREQ or COREQ: BIOL 2235L. 2235L General PRE or COREQ: BIOL 2235. Microbiology Lab 3305 Introduction to PREREQ: BIOL 3301 and BIOL PREREQ: BIOL 1101 and BIOL Pathobiology 3302. 1101L, BIOL 3301 and BIOL 3302. 3316 Biometry COREQ: MATH 3350 PREREQ or COREQ: MATH Laboratory 3350 3324 Developmental PREREQ: BIOL 1101 and BIOL PREREQ: BIOL 1101 and BIOL Biology 1102. COREQ BIOL 3324L. 1102 and BIOL 2206. COREQ: BIOL 3324L. 4408 Plant Ecology PREREQ: BIOL 1101 and BIOL PREREQ: BIOL 1101 and BIOL 1102. 1102 and BIOL 2209.

4434 Microbial Diversity PREREQ: BIOL 2235, BIOL PREREQ: BIOL 2235, BIOL 2235L, and completion of 90 2235L. PRE or COREQ: BIOL credits. PRE or COREQ: BIOL 4434L. 4434L. 4438 Ornithology PREREQ: BIOL 1101 and BIOL PREREQ: BIOL 1101 and BIOL 1102. 1102 and BIOL 2209.

4444L Cell and Molecular COREQ: BIOL 4444. PREREQ or COREQ: BIOL 4444. Biology Lab

Biological Sciences Proposal: Part III. A. Change an Existing Course --provide Subject Code, Number, and title here:

(Please see table below) Action(s): _X__Change Repeatability

Describe the change: We are adding a statement about Repeatability.

Reason for Subject Course Title ADD text: change (if Code #

BIOL 4481 Independent Problems May be repeated for up to 4 credits. BIOL 4482 Independent Problems May be repeated for up to 4 credits. BIOL 4491 Seminar May be repeated for up to 2 credits. BIOLOctober 17, 20134492 -- MinutesSeminar for 17th meeting of UndergraduateMay be Curriculum repeated forCouncil up to for 2 AY14-15credits. catalog Pag BIOLe 11of 95 4493 Senior Thesis May be repeated for up to 4 credits. BIOL 4496 Ecology Senior Seminar May be repeated for up to 2 credits. BIOL 4498 Seminar in May be repeated for up to 2 credits. Biochemistry not described on the Cover Letter form): Be sure to include whether or not this is driven by accreditation standards. This change updates the course repeatability to reflect Department practices and to coexist more peacefully with Banner.

Biological Sciences Proposal- Part IV.

Change an Existing Course --provide Subject Code, Number, and title here:

Action(s): _X__Drop this course

Describe the change:

We are dropping two courses (lecture/lab) that were inadvertently left in after previous proposals were approved to drop them. These courses are no longer being taught and have replacement courses in place.

Reason for change (if not described on the Cover Letter form): Be sure to include whether or not this is driven by accreditation standards.

Improve accuracy of the catalog.

Proposed courses to be dropped from catalog: Course Title Previously course title: # approved:

3315, Introduction to Biometry, Lab Replaced by combo BIOL 3316 Biometry Laboratory 3315L of BIOL 3316 and MATH 3350.

2. Proposal 65. Technical General Education, TGE 0100W co-req change

Contact: Clayn Lambert; [email protected]; 282-3257

Proposal Summary:

The catalog description for TGE 0100W (Writing) is being updated to include a concurrent requirement for enrollment in TGE 0100S (Study Skills).

Increasingly, students being admitted into programs within the College of Technology lack the academic literacy skills necessary to succeed in their certificate and degree programs. This is problematic as academic literacy, defined as the understanding of how to operate as a student in a higher education learning environment, is a prerequisite skill in every program. This change is being proposed to help underprepared students develop the academic awareness necessary for their successful entry into their degree programs and future employment.

Since the students involved in these courses already demonstrate a need for prerequisite courses, it is felt that establishing a concurrent requirement for enrollment in an academic literacy course will increase the likelihood that these students will be able to persist in their enrollments and enter into full degree enrollment in a reasonable timeframe and with an enhanced likelihood of persistence toward degree completion.

October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 12of 95 Faculty Vote:

A faculty vote regarding this proposal was held on Thursday, September 12. All department faculty were present and voted in favor of the proposal. Faculty attending the meeting: Allen, Allen, Barclay, Clarke, Frandsen, Lambert, Taylor-Edwards, Wilson.

Impacts:  Other College(s) , department(s), facilities, funding, etc.: o Students enrolling in TGE 0100W are not currently allowed to enroll in degree or certificate programs. As a result, this change to the concurrent enrollment requirement of TGE 0100S will not affect enrollment or participation in other departments or Colleges. o TGE 0100S is already being offered to all students enrolling in TGE 0100W. However, since this course is not a required one, many students are opting to not enroll. It is our feeling that these students have already demonstrated a need for the content in the course, as evidenced by the scores they have received on entrance and assessment tests. This alteration to the course description would help to solidify the relationship between these courses in the minds of students, as well as helping them to acquire the needed skills to perform in their chosen degree programs in the future.

 ITS / ETS: These courses are already being offered on a regular basis. There would be no additional changes to instructional technology requirements to either course. “No Impact on ITS/ETS” Randy Gaines

 Library: The program does not anticipate any changes to requirements in Library services or holdings. Again, both courses are currently offered; the only alteration is the change to required concurrent enrollment. “The nature of the changes proposed would not have an effect on the Library” Sandra Shropshire

 Advising: The program expects that the concurrent enrollment requirement will result in better prepared students, who will perform better when enrolled in their degree or certification programs. “No advising concerns” JoAnn Hertz 10/14/13 “No CoT advising concerns with this proposal.” Corey Zink

 Registrar: “I see no student information system issues with this proposal.” Chris Hunt

 REVIEWED BY SPECIFIC COLLEGE UCC REPRESENTATIVE – [ x ] yes [ ] no UCC rep. name ___David Blakeman______

 Other affected units, if any:


 COURSE CHANGES Change an Existing Course – TGE 100W Writing Action: Change PRE-or-COREQ: TGE 100S can be taken as a PRERE Q or a COREQ October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 13of 95 Please note, this is not a two-way concurrent requirement. Students enrolled in TGE 100S are not required to enroll in TGE 0100W, which uses COMPASS testing results to determine placement.


New curriculum format in catalog:

TGE 0100W Writing: 3 semester hours. Clear writing in standard, edited American English. Equivalent to ENGL 0090. Not eligible for academic credit. PRE-or-COREQ: TGE 0100S. D

3. Proposal 67. Cosmetology Program, Cosmetology Certificate change

Contingent upon approval by State Board

Contact: Jeri Spinner, Department Chair, x3073

Proposal Summary:

Change the credential earned in the Cosmetology program from a Technical Certificate to an Advanced Technical Certificate.

According to the Idaho State Board of Education Governing Policies and Procedures, Section III, E, 1, a, 5 and 6, a technical certificate is a credential awarded for the completion of requirements entailing at least 27 semester credit hours and less than one year of full-time work and includes mastery of specific competencies drawn from requirements of business/industry. An advanced technical certificate is a credential awarded for completion of technical and technical support requirements entailing more than one academic year, a minimum of 52 semester credit hours and mastery of specific competencies drawn from requirements of business/industry.

The current requirements for a cosmetology certificate include three full semesters plus one summer session. A total of 56 credit hours of technical course work are required. Therefore, the current curriculum qualifies students for an advanced technical certificate, rather than a technical certificate.

Consistent with Board Policy III.G.4.c., Non-substantive changes, credits, descriptions of individual courses, or other routine catalog changes do not require notification or approval. Institutions must provide prior notification of a name or title change for programs, degrees, departments, divisions, colleges, or centers via a letter to the Office of the State Board of Education. A letter from the Provost will be sent to the Idaho State Board of Education (see attached email from the Idaho Division of Professional Technical Education).

Faculty Vote: The department chair polled each faculty member (Bobbi Fitch, Rick Fuger, Sandy Jackson, and Leta Wilde) on September 3, 2013, and all were in favor of this proposal.

Impacts:  Other College(s) , department(s), facilities, funding, etc.:

October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 14of 95  ITS / ETS: No concerns from ITS – Randy Gaines

 Library: I don’t anticipate there being an affect on the Library from this proposal. – Sandy Shropshire

 Advising: No advising concerns – JoAnn Hertz I do not see any CoT advising issues with this proposal. Corey Zink

 Registrar: I don't see any student information system issues with this proposal. Chris Hunt

 REVIEWED BY SPECIFIC COLLEGE UCC REPRESENTATIVE – [ x ] yes [ ] no UCC rep. name ____David Blakeman______

 Other affected units, if any: No other units will be affected by this change.


No course changes are necessary. This proposal changes only the type of credential the students earn upon successful completion of the current curriculum.


No changes in curriculum are necessary. This proposal changes only the type of credential the students earn upon successful completion of the current curriculum.

New curriculum format in catalog:

Old: Technical Certificate: Cosmetology

New: Advanced Technical Certificate: Cosmetology

(NOTE: Post-Secondary Technical Certificate: Nail Technology shall remain unchanged.)

4. Proposal 70. Geomatics Technology, course changes

Contingent upon approval by State Board.

Contacts: Michael Wheelock / Dr. Rajendra Bajracharya

Proposal Summary:

The Geomatics Technology program would like to make the following changes to course descriptions in the Undergraduate Catalog and in the Banner system:

October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 15of 95 1. GEMT 3317 – allow GEMT 3313 to be taken at the same time as GEMT 3317 (COREQ). Currently GEMT 3313 is listed as a PREREQ. This should change to “PRE-or-COREQ.” We would also like to implicitly list GEMT 2226 as a PREREQ. 2. GEMT 4411 – add GEMT 3311 as a PREREQ. Remove the words “Senior standing or.” Revised wording should read “PREREQ: GEMT 3311 or permission of instructor.” 3. GEMT 4413 – Change semesters offered to “D.” Rationale for changes:

1. GEMT 3317 – This change will allow students to take GEMT 3313 at the same time as GEMT 3317 instead of waiting to complete GEMT 3313. Dr. Bajracharya has pointed out that the material presented in the first half of GEMT 3313 is needed for the second half of GEMT 3317, so there is no reason that the two could not be taken concurrently. To implicitly state that GEMT 2226 is a PREREQ will avoid confusion for students wishing to take GEMT 3317 out of sequence.

2. GEMT 4411 – Dr. Bajracharya has found that students who have taken GEMT 4411 without first taking GEMT 3311 have not been successful. He points out that knowledge gained from GEMT 3311 will be needed for success in GEMT 4411.

3. GEMT 4413 – This course has not been offered each spring as the catalog states, but only as needed. This will help avoid small groups of students (too small to run course) getting upset that it is not offered when stated in the catalog. There are other courses that will fulfill graduation requirements in lieu of this course.

Faculty Vote:

Dr. Rajendra Bajracharya Yes _X_ No ___ Robert Liimakka Yes _X_ No ___

The faculty vote was unanimously in favor of this proposal on 09/17/13.

Impacts:  Other College(s) , department(s), facilities, funding, etc.:

 ITS / ETS: "No impact on ITS/ETS.” Randy Gaines

 Library: “The nature of the changes proposed would not have an effect on the Library.” Sandra Shropshire

 Advising: “No advising concerns” JoAnn Hertz -- sent 9/23/13 to Jessica Cooper “No CoT advising concerns with this proposal.” Corey Zink

 Registrar: I don't see any student information systems issues with this proposal. Chris Hunt

 REVIEWED BY SPECIFIC COLLEGE UCC REPRESENTATIVE – [ x ] yes [ ] no UCC rep. name _____David Blakeman______

 Other affected units, if any:

October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 16of 95  COURSE CHANGES

Change an Existing Course -- GEMT 3317 – Subdivision Planning and Platting:


___Drop this course ___Change Repeatability ___Change Grading ___Change Title ___Change Equivalent ___Change or Add Goal ___Change Credits _X_Change Prereq(s) Applicability statement ___Change Content _X_Change Coreq(s) ___Change Semester

Change PREREQ and COREQ to: PREREQ: GEMT 2226. PRE-or-COREQ: GEMT 3313

Change an Existing Course -- GEMT 4411 – Subdivision Planning and Platting:


___Drop this course ___Change Repeatability ___Change Grading ___Change Title ___Change Equivalent ___Change or Add Goal ___Change Credits _X_Change Prereq(s) Applicability statement ___Change Content ___Change Coreq(s) ___Change Semester

Change PREREQ to: PREREQ: GEMT 3311 or permission of instructor

Change an Existing Course -- GEMT 4413 – Subdivision Planning and Platting:


___Drop this course ___Change Repeatability ___Change Grading ___Change Title ___Change Equivalent ___Change or Add Goal ___Change Credits ___Change Prereq(s) Applicability statement ___Change Content ___Change Coreq(s) _X_Change Semester

Change semester to: D


None of the proposed changes will affect curriculum.

New curriculum format in catalog:

GEMT 3317 Subdivision Planning and Platting 3 credits. Land use planning; governmental regulations and permits as applied to subdivisions; subdivision planning, computations and preparation of subdivision plats. PREREQ: GEMT 2226. PRE-or-COREQ: GEMT 3313. F

October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 17of 95 GEMT 4411 Geodesy 3 credits. Introduces geometry of ellipsoid, reference coordinate systems, local geodetic coordinate system, reduction of observation to other geodetic values, precise leveling and orthometric height, direct and inverse geodetic position computation and gravity field of earth. PREREQ: GEMT 3311 or permission of instructor. S

GEMT 4413 Land Information System 3 credits. Model of land information system, reference systems, data capture, structure, quality, and implementation of land information system. Student works on a case study and writes a final report. PREREQ: GEMT 2224 and MATH 1147 or permission of instructor. D

5. Proposal 84. College of Pharmacy, Nontraditional Doctor of Pharmacy Program, PDNT 9981

Contact: Vaughn Culbertson, PharmD; Director, Nontraditional Doctor of Pharmacy Program (208) 373-1883 The purpose of this proposal is to: Correct an error in the catalog for the Nontraditional Doctor of Pharmacy Program (NTPD) advanced practical experience course. (Note: the College of Pharmacy offers 2 Doctor of Pharmacy programs, a traditional program for on-campus students and a nontraditional, self-paced, off-campus program for pharmacists with a Bachelor’s degree in pharmacy.)

Proposal Summary: This proposal is a purely administrative change to correct the number of credit hours required for the NTPD Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience course. Both the traditional and nontraditional programs require completion of advanced pharmacy practice experiences. Until now, both programs have been using PHAR 9981 Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience to complete these requirements (courses with a PHAR prefix are required courses in the traditional Doctor of Pharmacy Program). An unintentional error occurred in fall of 2012 when the traditional Pharm. D program requested approval to combine PHAR 9981 (6 credits) and PHAR 9980 Case Studies in Pharmacy Practice (1 credit) into a single PHAR 9981 course for 7 credits, making the 6 credit course no longer available. The NTPD, because of its slightly different scope, requires the 6 credit course. To correct the problem we are proposing the addition of a separate experiential course for the NTPD program for 6 credits.

What is being changed:

Add course: PDNT 9981 Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience 6 credits to the Non-traditional PharmD program. (Note: PHAR 9981, 7 semester hours will continue for the traditional PharmD curriculum.)

How will this improve how the University and the Program fulfill their mission? This proposal will have no impact on University and Program missions other than to correct an inadvertent error in the University’s Undergraduate Catalog.

Faculty Vote: Yes, Approve ______; No Disapprove ______; Abstain ______As this is solely an unintentional administrative error, no faculty vote was initiated.

Impacts: It is the responsibility of the submitting college to send the proposal to the various infrastructure support services and other potentially affected departments who use the course in their curricula or would be impacted by the proposed changes for their assessment. Ambiguous characterization or omission of perceived

October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 18of 95 impacts can significantly delay proposal evaluation, so proposals should document confirmations (specific approval wording) received from other units on campus prior to submission.

What, if any, adjustments will need to be made within the program, department, and/or college to accommodate this change?

No changes required. Program requirements for the NTPD continue to be the same.

Information Technology Services: No change from current course/curriculum requirements. 282-2499 or 282-2873 (Chief Information Officer Information Technology Services): Randy Gaines

Wed 9/18/2013 12:01 PM: “No concerns from ITS. Randy”

Library: No change from current course/curriculum requirements. University Librarian (Dean) 282-2671: Sandra Shropshire for Karl Bridges

Wed 9/18/2013 4:40 PM: “I have reviewed the proposals for PDNT 9981, PHAR 9951, PHAR 9922 and PHAR 9971 and find that the nature of the changes therein present no concerns for the Library.

Sandi Shropshire”

ETS: No change from current course/curriculum requirements. 282-2499 or 282-2873 (Chief Information Officer Information Technology Services): Randy Gaines

Wed 9/18/2013 12:34 PM: “No concerns from ETS either. Randy”

Advising: No change from current course/curriculum requirements. NTPD students are all advised by College of Pharmacy faculty who are aware of the curriculum

Director Central Academic Advising 282-4601: JoAnn Hertz

Wed 9/18/2013 3:49 PM: “No advising concerns. JoAnn”

Registrar’s Office: Temporary course number NTPD 9999 that has been requested for the 6 credit course in the interim can be deleted with the acceptance and implementation of requested change.

Assistant Registrar 282-4946: Chris Hunt

Fri 9/20/2013 11:26 AM: “I don't see any student information systems issues with the PDNT 9981 proposal. You probably want to talk to Sarah Mead regarding adding PHAR 9981 as a course substitution for students that have taken PHAR 9981 and move to this catalog year. You also may need to submit specific substitutions for students that have taken PDNT 9999 to have their degree audit accurately reflect the completion of the APPE requirements. October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 19of 95 Best Regards Chris Hunt”

Vaughn Culbertson (Director, Nontraditional Doctor of Pharmacy Program) and his staff met have met with Sarah Mead and worked out the necessary details.

Teddie Gould

Chair, Curricular Affairs Committee

College of Pharmacy


Other affected units, if any: None. No other departments or programs use PHAR 9981 or the newly proposed NTPD 9981. These are required courses within the Pharm. D program, and are not open to students outside of the program.

REVIEWED BY SPECIFIC COLLEGE UCC REPRESENTATIVE – [XX] yes [ ] no UCC rep. name: Jim Bigelow, Ph. D Date

Course changes: For each course being changed, information on 19 Banner screens must be updated. Please follow the order of the list of course attributes provided on the course change form even if you choose not to include the actual form.

A. Add New Course:

For EVERY course not already in Banner, we need ALL this information, in this order:

Subject: PDNT Number: 9981 30-Character Title: Adv Pharm Practice Exp Full Title and Catalog Description:

PDNT 9981 Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience 6 credits. Students are assigned to pharmacy practice sites including ambulatory care, medicine, and clinical settings for experiential training. Requires reflection and presentation of cases for discussion. May be repeated up to 3 times. PREREQ: Fourth professional year status. F, S, Su

May the course be repeated for additional credits? 3 times. How many total credits may be accumulated? 18 credits Normal Grading Mode: Letter Amenable to being audited? (student pays full fees and attends; no participation allowed; must attend full course to obtain AU “grade”) No Coreq course(s) [simultaneous registration required]: None Equivalent Courses, including old pre-Banner numbers: None Prereq course(s): Fourth professional year status October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 20of 95 Grade required in Prereq(s): D Can Prereq be taken concurrently? Yes Registration Restrictions: Non-traditional Doctor of Pharmacy student in good standing

Curriculum changes: You will need to provide a brief explanation of what is being changed with your program curriculum (use some of the wording from your summary above).

Add PDNT 9981 to take the place of previously listed PHAR 9981. This substitution will bring the total curriculum semester hours in line with the catalog stated requirements.

OLD curriculum list in catalog: NEW curriculum list:

OLD NEW PDNT 9905 Intro Clinical Problem Solv 1 PDNT 9905 Intro Clinical Problem Solv 1 PDNT 9918 Drug Lit Evaluation and Stats 2 PDNT 9918 Drug Lit Evaluation and Stats 2 PDNT 9938 Drug and Medical Informatics 1 PDNT 9938 Drug and Medical Informatics 1 PDNT 9961 Pharmacotherapy I 3 PDNT 9961 Pharmacotherapy I 3 PDNT 9962 Pharmacotherapy II 3 PDNT 9962 Pharmacotherapy II 3 PDNT 9963 Pharmacotherapy III 2 PDNT 9963 Pharmacotherapy III 2 PDNT 9964 Pharmacotherapy IV 4 PDNT 9964 Pharmacotherapy IV 4 PDNT 9965 Pharmacotherapy V 4 PDNT 9965 Pharmacotherapy V 4 PDNT 9966 Pharmacotherapy VI 3 PDNT 9966 Pharmacotherapy VI 3 PDNT 9967 Pharmacotherapy VII 2 PDNT 9967 Pharmacotherapy VII 2 PDNT 9968 Pharmacotherapy VIII 3 PDNT 9968 Pharmacotherapy VIII 3 PDNT 9969 Pharmacotherapy IX 4 PDNT 9969 Pharmacotherapy IX 4 PDNT 9970 Pharmacotherapy X 3 PDNT 9970 Pharmacotherapy X 3 Pharmacotherapy XI Pharmacotherapy XI (Capstone PDNT 9971 2 PDNT 9971 2 (Capstone w/recitation) w/recitation) Total Hours 37 Total Hours 37

In addition to these didactic courses, students In addition to these didactic courses, students will be required to complete 18 weeks of will be required to complete 18 weeks of advanced practical experiences ( PHAR 9981). advanced practical experiences <( PDNT 9981).> These include: These include: Ambulatory Care 6 weeks Ambulatory Care 6 weeks Medicine 6 weeks Medicine 6 weeks Pharmaceutical Care 1 6 weeks Pharmaceutical Care 1 6 weeks OR OR Elective 6 weeks Elective 6 weeks TOTAL 18 weeks TOTAL 18 weeks

1 The student may choose one 6-week experience or Pharmaceutical Care in a specialty area such as (but not limited to) Pediatrics, Geriatrics, Mental Health, Drug Information, Infectious Disease, and Transplant October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 21of 95 Therapeutics. While most advanced practice experiences constitute established pharmacy specialties, the Pharmaceutical Care option offers the student the unique opportunity to implement an aspect of pharmaceutical care at their site of employment. Thus, both the employer and the student benefit directly from this educational experience.

The College permits waivers of one Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience (APPE) based upon experience. If a student has extensive experience in one area, then a portfolio of patient write-ups may be submitted. If approved, this portfolio may replace one 6-week APPE.

6. Proposal 24. Biological Sciences: BIOL 4415/5515 4453/5553 new course (revised Oct. 10, 2013)

If approved, this affects Proposal 37 as well, which has already been corrected to match

Contact: Dr. James Groome, Dr. Curt Anderson, Department of Biological Sciences

Proposal Summary: We propose a new course to replace the existing Biol 4415 / (and "sister course" 5515, handled as a separate graduate course proposal) Human Neurobiology offering. The new course name is "Foundations in Neuroscience" to be taught from a broad neurosciences perspective. This change is needed since there is not a student population for which the course content of Biol 4415 is appropriate, and we wish to offer a course for the undergraduate and graduate students at ISU that are not already enrolled in a health professional program, thus promoting a greater participation in the neurosciences course offerings at ISU. Presently Biol 4415 / 5515 is taught concurrently with clinical neuroscience courses that target the graduate health professional programs, and this change will allow the introduction of a neuroscience course to the Biology curriculum that is appropriate for students who wish to pursue a variety of post graduate career opportunities. To avoid confusion with the separate laboratory course 4415L Human Neurobiology Lab, we also propose the course number 4453 for the Foundations in Neuroscience course offering, and to eliminate course listing of Biol 4415 as electives for Bachelors of Science (Biochemistry, Biology).

To further explain the rationale for this change: undergraduate students who plan on applying to the health professional programs for which clinical neuroscience is requisite will be given this added opportunity to engage in a neuroscience course without redundancy to their graduate studies, but which will be helpful. The existing neuroscience courses for those health professional programs will not be impacted. The course has been taught successfully as the experimental course Biol 4499 "Foundations in Neuroscience" in spring semester 2013 with students from Biological Sciences, Exercise Science, Mathematics, and Psychology majors, including graduate students. The details of course time, location and technical support have been successfully implemented, and this proposal request comprises a new course proposal that incorporates the change in course content, name, catalog description and credit to replace Biol 4415 / (and 5515 in the separate proposal). Biol 4453 is proposed to take the place of Biol 4415 and follow the implementation of the experimental course offering Biol 4499.

Faculty Vote: 27 Yes, 0 No, 0 Abstain.

Impacts: Other College(s) , department(s), facilities, funding, etc.: Expected, positive impact for several departments to expand the curriculum in neurosciences. Foundations in Neuroscience is targeted as an elective course in Biological Sciences and Exercise Science to replace Human Neurobiology as an elective course in these departments. It is a goal of this proposal that a more broadly based undergraduate course in neuroscience will be viewed as a more appropriate elective course in other departments as well, compared to the current course Human Neurobiology.

October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 22of 95  ITS / ETS: “No impact on ITS” Randy.

 Library: “Hi Spencer: I had received the graduate version, but not the undergraduate version.Even so, I have since reviewed the undergraduate version and anticipate there being no effect on the Library.


Sandi Shropshire

 Advising: “Hi Jim, No advising concerns.” JoAnn  Registrar: “I don't see any student information systems issues with this proposal. Regarding the title change for BIOL 4415, please be aware that changing the title of a course has impacts on repeat processing in Banner. If a student has earned an unsatisfactory grade in a course under one title, and then takes the same course under a new title, Banner will not automatically exclude the previous unsatisfactory grade. A petition will be required to make this change to the student's academic history. If you would like this change to also be made at the graduate level, you will need to submit it to the Graduate Council. Best Regards, Chris Hunt

UCC question: “I only had one question. Is course BIOL 4415 and 4415L still going to be taught?” David Blakeman.


 The short, mechanical version of this proposal is to drop BIOL 4415 and add BIOL 4453.  The lab is outside the purview of the request. Thus, BIOL 4415L, will continue to be taught with no change.

As the proposal indicates, the existing 4-credit lecture course (BIOL 4415) is being eliminated and a new 3-credit lecture course with a new course number (BIOL 4453), new content emphases, and a new course title is being created. The new course better meets the curricular needs of the program.

Groome says the lab is essentially a stand-alone entity so students can actually enroll in it as such. The current catalog lab enrollment for the 1-credit lab is by permission of instructor, so he knows in advance who is coming in. I can try to answer any lingering questions at the Council meeting.



October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 23of 95 UCC rep. name _____Jeff Hill______

 Other affected units, if any:


Biol 4415 (Human Neurobiology) is being changed for course content, catalog description, name of course, and credit.

Current name of Biol 4415: Human Neurobiology Proposed course name of Biol 4453: Foundations in Neuroscience

Current catalog description: Cellular-to-organismal structure and function of the human central nervous system (CNS), and CNS pathologies. PREREQ: permission of instructor. S.

Proposed catalog description: Organizing principles in neuroscience including biological signaling of excitable cells, neuroanatomy and regional brain functions, and sensorimotor integration of behavior. PREREQ: permission of instructor. S.

Current credit hours: 4. Proposed credit hours: 3.

This course change will allow a greater participation of students interested in taking courses in a neuroscience field. At present 4415 is taught from a purely clinical perspective, and with a 4 credit hour load. Unfortunately, undergraduate students seeking permission to take 4415 are primarily those who are applying for admission to graduate programs in the health sciences, with the majority of these planning on pursuing graduate degrees in physical or occupational therapy, or exercise science. These students are required to take a graduate level clinical neuroscience course, at least at Idaho State University, redundant with much of the course material presently offered in 4415. We have developed an experimental course offering Biol 4499 "Foundations in Neuroscience" that we propose as the basis for Biol 4453 under the same name. This course will allow a more broadly based introduction to the neurosciences for

1. undergraduate students seeking careers in the health profession, and that is not redundant to but will enhance the existing graduate level course experience (PT/OT 5502) in clinical neuroscience taken in their first year of their graduate program.

2. undergraduate students in Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Mathematics or Psychology majors as an introduction to neuroscience with a focus on general organizing concepts based on a biological and functional perspective who plan on applying to basic science programs at the graduate level, for which neuroscience is an option.

3. undergraduate students with some background in the life sciences, mathematics and physical sciences (such that they are prepared for an introductory level course in neuroscience) but whose goal is to have a general understanding of the human brain, behavior, and learning, as they pursue careers in a non-science field.

The key changes to this course will be two-fold.

October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 24of 95 First, by altering the content of the course to a more general introduction to neuroscience, the material presented will be appropriate for an upper division biology course for which suggested "pre-requisites for success" are applicable to a population of students not restricted to the subset of students currently engaged in the BS in Biology / Biomedical Concentration, but to other students in biology, and to students in other programs including Exercise Science, Psychology, Chemistry, and Mathematics. Students will retain the additional opportunity to take the more clinically directed Biol 4460 Neuroscience course if they so choose.

Second, by changing the credit hours from 4 to 3, the course will be more appropriate for undergraduate students wishing to have an introduction to the organizing concepts in neuroscience as pertaining to the animal kingdom, and to the human brain, as they pursue other career paths, in which such curriculum will not be available at the undergraduate level.

This course change will allow a much greater diversity of students to engage in the scholarly pursuit of knowledge in the area of neuroscience than is currently possible with the restrictions placed on students taking Human Neurobiology (Biol 4415) in its present form. By providing a more general, and more importantly a more broadly based introduction to a foundation of topical material, students who are not already enrolled in a health professional program will be able to explore the current knowledge and theories on brain function and the role of cells in the nervous system to control behavior.

Further, the mission of the University to provide cutting-edge instruction and education in the health professional fields will be enhanced by this change, since this will provide an additional neuroscience course to the undergraduate population that is not redundant with the present graduate level neuroscience curricula available. For the Department of Biological Sciences, this course change reflects the standing need to offer an undergraduate course in the neurosciences that is complementary to the curriculum taken by these students and that is most appropriately matched to the BS degree programs for Biochemistry, and Biology (concentration in biomedical sciences). In addition, this course will provide a graduate neuroscience course that is not specifically clinical and tailored to health professional degree programs.


Brief explanation of what is being changed with curriculum:

The course listings for Biol 4415 Human Neurobiology (and lab if noted) as electives in concentrations for Bachelors of Science in a) Biochemistry and b) Biology are to be changed by replacing with the course listing for Biol 4453 Foundations in Neuroscience.

New curriculum format in catalog:

Page 219 of the 2013-2014 ISU undergraduate curriculum:

For the Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry, Concentration 3: Physiological Biochemistry, under elective courses / courses in Biological Sciences, the course listing Biol 4415 / 4415L Human Neurobiology (5 credits) and lab is to be replaced with Biol 4453 Foundations in Neuroscience (3 credits).

Page 220 of the 2103-2014 ISU undergraduate curriculum:

For the Bachelor of Science in Biology, Concentration in Biomedical Sciences, upper division BMS electives, the course listing Biol 4415 Human Neurobiology (4 credits) is to be replaced with Biol 4453 Foundations in Neuroscience (3 credits).

October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 25of 95 7. Revised and corrected Proposal 37. Biochemistry, BIOL/CHEM 4445, BIOL 4437/CHEM 4438 (revised Sept. 26, 2013) as amended on Oct. 3 and corrected below on Oct. 17, 2013

Highlighted corrections contingent upon approval of Proposal 24 BIOL 4453 Foundations in Neuroscience

Contact: Caryn Evilia (Chemistry, x4006), Peter Sheridan (Biological Sciences, x5368) and Todd Davis (Chemistry, x2668)

Note: This proposal removes program concentrations that did not go through SBOE approval in the first place; does SBOE need to be informed of their removal?

Proposal Summary: The purpose of this proposal is to:

Make substantive changes to 2 courses and the Biochemistry curriculum

What is being changed?

We are requesting 2 course catalog changes and a change to the undergraduate Biochemistry curriculum. Course changes: We request that BIOL 4445/CHEM 4445 prerequisites be changed from BIOL 1101 and CHEM 3301 (Organic Chemistry 1) to BIOL 1101 and CHEM 3302 (Organic Chemistry 2). We also request that BIOL 4437/ CHEM 4438 be changed from a fall only course to a Fall and Spring course, and the prerequisite for course be set to BIOL 4432 or BIOL/CHEM 4445.

Biochemistry Curriculum: We are requesting to change the Biochemistry undergraduate program of study from designated advising “Concentrations” to a more simple system of electives from the Biological Sciences, Chemistry and Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences departments.

Why is this change proposed?

Course changes: The prerequisite change for BIOL 4445/CHEM 4445 (Biochemistry1) is requested because students coming into the course with only CHEM 3301 (Organic Chemistry 1) were at a significant disadvantage over students with both Organic Chemistry 1 and 2 (CHEM 3302). Since a majority of the students (95%+) entering this course already have both CHEM 3301 and 3302, which are required courses as part of the Biochemistry major, this change should only affect 1 or 2 students per year. This does not change the number of credits for the Biochemistry major. There should little effect on the other majors that take this class. While this course is required for Biochemistry majors, it is an elective class for Chemistry and Microbiology majors. Even within these majors, it will not affect them as they require CHEM 3301 and 3302 as part of their degree program too.

The change in BIOL 4437/ CHEM 4438, Experimental Biochemistry laboratory, will bring the catalog in line with the demand for the biochemistry lab. This course was changed from a Fall course to a Fall and Spring course because the biochemistry major is growing. Due to equipment limitations, we have capped enrollment per section at 12 students and can, at most, offer 2 sections per semester. By offering it in Fall as well as Spring, we can offer enough sections to accommodate students who are unable to take it in the other semesters.

October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 26of 95 We are also asking that the prerequisite for this class be set to BIOL 4432 or BIOL/CHEM 4445. By requiring that students have had 1 semester of any biochemistry course, they will be much better prepared for the lab. This increases student experiment time and minimizes lecture time. This change also does not change the number of credits in the major or change the ability of students (Biochemistry, Chemistry or Microbiology) to schedule the class, since we are offering it both Fall and Spring. Biochemistry students are required to take BIOL 4445 as part of their degree. Microbiology and Chemistry students have the option to take either BIOL/CHEM 4445 or BIOL 4432. Once they do so, some of them opt to take this lab course.

Biochemistry Curriculum We are requesting that the advising “Concentrations” in the biochemistry program be removed and replaced with a simpler system of electives due to student confusion and scheduling conflicts. This is an advising change, not a program change. The only degree we offer is a Biochemistry degree, with no designation. Because the “Concentrations” were an advising tool to help focus students into subdivisions of Biochemistry, this change does not require State Board approval for removal. We want to make this change because it has been difficult for students to stick to a designated track, take additional electives and graduate in a timely manner. This is a particular problem since most biochemistry majors do not declare their major until their second or third year. While the advising tracks were a good idea initially, they were difficult to implement. This change will also allow students, in conjunction with their individual advisor, to design a curriculum that will better achieve future goals. Since a large portion of Biochemistry majors are pre-health (Medicine, Veterinary, Physician Assistant, Pharmacy, etc.) this will direct students to courses that will fit their individual needs.

How will this improve how the University and the Department or Program fulfill their mission?

The Biochemistry program’s mission is to prepare our graduates for advanced work in biochemistry and biochemistry related fields, such as graduate school, professional schools (such as Medical, Dental or other health related professional schools) and biomedical or biotechnology jobs. By rearranging our program to remove the (advising) Concentrations and go to an elective system, it will make the program more flexible for our majors while leaving the rigor intact. It will allow our majors to customize their degree to a greater extent and still graduate in four years, which will make Biochemistry an even more attractive major to students. The Biochemistry major enhances the University’s mission to advance medical and healthcare education. By increasing the flexibility of the major, we can grow the biochemistry program and increase the quality of students entering graduate and professional programs. This will, in turn, give ISU a better reputation and visibility in the community and academic communities.

Faculty Vote: Because this is an interdepartment major, we have taken votes in three departments:

Biological Science: 25 For, 0 Against, 1 Abstain

Chemistry: 7 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstain

Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences: 7 For, 0 Against, 1 Abstain


Other College(s) , department(s), facilities, funding, etc.:

October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 27of 95  Since we are only asking for changes that are already in effect (students are advised accordingly) and a rearrangement and simplification of the Biochemistry curriculum, this request does not affect any other colleges, departments, facilities, funding or majors. A search of the academic catalog revealed no other courses or departments that would be affected by the course changes.

ITS / ETS: “No concerns from ITS.” R. Gaines, 9/14/13

Registrar: Comments from Chris Hunt, 9/25/13: "This proposal removes the current three concentrations that are currently listed in the catalog. I am unsure if this removal requires State Board of Education notification or approval. I have raised this issue with the Provost's office and hope to receive direction and clarification."

C. Evilia's response to Chris Hunt, 9/25/13: "The "concentrations" in the Biochemistry curriculum were for advising purposes only. The only degree Biochemistry majors get is a Biochemistry BS (no official concentrations are listed on the degree). Because they were for advising and not official SBOE approved concentrations, we don't need their approval to remove them."

Library: “Where this proposal pertains either to changes in curriculum or to perquisites for existing courses, I do not anticipate there being an effect on the Library.” Sandi Shropshire 9/16/13

Advising: “JoAnn Hertz is away and so Jacqueline Baergen and I reviewed your curriculum proposal on her behalf. It looks good to us.” Susanne Forrest, 9/20/13

 REVIEWED BY SPECIFIC COLLEGE UCC REPRESENTATIVE – [X] yes [ ] no UCC rep. name ____Jeff Hill______

 Other affected units, if any:  Since we are only asking for changes that are already in effect (students are advised accordingly) and a rearrangement and simplification of the Biochemistry curriculum, this request does not affect any other units.


I spoke with Dr. Evila after talking with you on the phone a few minutes ago, prior to the UCC meeting this afternoon. I'm sending to Jeff Hill also so that you have copy of the discussion to help in that meeting.

Caryn Evilia is also sending you an email with the information on the Biochemistry proposal, in which elective courses include that which we are proposing changes for the neuroscience undergraduate course.

The first iteration of my proposal was to change BIOL 4415 Human Neurobiology (4 cr) to BIOL 4415 Foundations in Neuroscience (3 cr).

That change was put into the Biochemistry proposal with an elective as BIOL 4415 Foundations in Neuroscience and Lab (4 cr).

Now, in response to UCC request we have put in the proposal (neuro) as a new course BIOL 4463 Foundations in Neuroscience (3 cr).

So there are two entities here to consider, to make sure that changes are not implemented if both proposals are accepted, that might result in the catalog being incorrect.

October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 28of 95 First, as discussed with Jeff Hill yesterday, the lab (BIOL 4415L Human Neurobiology lab, 1 credit) was a separate course from BIOL 4415 (Human Neurobiology), not a co-req. This lab course is to remain, and the number change in our proposal for the new course BIOL 4453 (Foundations in Neuroscience) is to decrease any confusion about the (lack of) co-requisite lab with the lecture course.

Now, since the Biochem proposal has listed BIOL 4415 (Foundations in Neuroscience and lab, 4cr), this needs to be changed as:

BIOL 4453 (Foundations in Neuroscience 3 cr) BIOL 4415 L (Human Neurobiology lab, 1 cr).

Dr Evila will confirm to you (Catherine) that they wish this change, and that both courses (not linked by co- requiste) are to be listed as electives in their proposal, and this will make the changes to catalog consistent.

On my end, I confirm that these courses can be taken independently without co-requisite by students in the Biochemistry program for that concentration, and that as listed they are permission of instructor.

We are doing this now to avoid putting into place a conflict in the catalog if both proposals are implemented. Thanks so much for your work on this.

Jim Groome The changes made in Proposal 24 to replace BIOL 4415 Human Neurobiology with BIOL 4453 Foundations in Neuroscience were incorporated into this revised and corrected proposal (see highlighting below). Note that BIOL 4415L will continue to be taught, with no changes to it.

 COURSE CHANGES Change an Existing Course -- 10340 (BIOL) and 10863 (CHEM), 4445, Biochemistry 1


___Drop this course ___Change Repeatability ___Change Grading ___Change Title ___Change Equivalent ___Change or Add Goal ___Change Credits _X_Change Prereq(s) Applicability statement ___Change Content ___Change Coreq(s) ___Change Semester

Describe the specific change that will be accomplished with this proposal:

We are requesting that BIOL 4445/CHEM 4445 prerequisites be changed from BIOL 1101 and CHEM 3301 (Organic Chemistry 1) to BIOL 1101 and CHEM 3302 (Organic Chemistry 2).

Reason for change The prerequisite change for BIOL 4445/CHEM 4445 (Biochemistry1) is requested because students coming into the course with only CHEM 3301 (Organic Chemistry 1) were at a significant disadvantage over students with both Organic Chemistry 1 and 2 (CHEM 3302). Since a majority of the students entering this course already have both CHEM 3301 and 3302, this change should only affect 1 or 2 students per year. This change is not driven by accreditation standards.

October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 29of 95 Change an Existing Course -- 14860 (BIOL) and 23867 (CHEM), BIOL 4437 and CHEM 4438, Experimental Biochemistry Laboratory


___Drop this course ___Change Repeatability ___Change Grading ___Change Title ___Change Equivalent ___Change or Add Goal ___Change Credits _X_Change Prereq(s) Applicability statement ___Change Content ___Change Coreq(s) _X_Change Semester

Describe the specific change that will be accomplished with this proposal: We also request that BIOL 4437/ CHEM 4438 be changed from a Fall only course to a Fall and Spring course, and the prerequisite for course be set to BIOL 4432 or BIOL/CHEM 4445.

Reason for change The change in BIOL 4437/ CHEM 4438, Experimental Biochemistry laboratory, will bring the catalog in line with the demand for the biochemistry lab. This course should change from a Fall course to a Fall and Spring course because the biochemistry program is growing in number of majors. Due to equipment limitations, we have capped enrollment per section at 12 students and can, at most, offer 2 sections per semester. By offering it in Fall as well as Spring, we can accommodate all students who wish to take the class.

We are also asking that the prerequisite for this class be set to BIOL 4432 or BIOL/CHEM 4445. By requiring that students have had 1 semester of any biochemistry course, they will be much better prepared for the lab. This also increases student experiment time and minimizes lecture time. These changes are not driven by accreditation standards.


Brief explanation of what is being changed with curriculum: We are requesting that the “Concentrations” in the biochemistry program be removed and replaced with a simpler system of core plus electives due to student confusion and scheduling conflicts. It has been difficult for students to stick to a designated concentration and get additional electives, so they should graduate in a timely manner. While the concentrations were a good idea initially, they were difficult to implement. This change will also allow students, in conjunction with their individual advisor, to design a course schedule that will better achieve future goals. Since a large portion of Biochemistry majors are pre-health (Medicine, Veterinary, Physician Assistant, Pharmacy , etc.) this will direct students to courses that will fit their individual needs.

New curriculum format in catalog: Core Requirements* Students pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree must satisfy all of the General Education Objectives (a minimum of 24 credits, objectives 3 and 5 are satisfied in the core). Students must also satisfy the core requirements listed below and at least 20 credits of elective courses in Biological Sciences, Chemistry and Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences. In order to make timely progress toward the degree, it is imperative that the student work closely with a major advisor. All graduates of this program will earn a B.S. in Biochemistry.

BIOL 1101, 1101L Biology I, and Lab 4 cr BIOL 1102, 1102L Biology II, and Lab 4 cr October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 30of 95 BIOL 2235, 235L** General Microbiology 4 cr BIOL 3358 Genetics 3 cr BIOL 4437/CHEM 4438 Experimental Biochemistry 1 cr BIOL 4444,4444L Cell and Molecular Biology, and Lab 5 cr BIOL/CHEM 4445 Biochemistry I 3 cr BIOL/CHEM 4447 Biochemistry II 3 cr BIOL/CHEM 4498 Seminar in Biochemistry 1 cr

CHEM 1111, 1111L General Chemistry I, and Lab 5 cr CHEM 1112, 1112L General Chemistry II, and Lab 4 cr CHEM 2232, 2234 Quantitative Analysis, and Lab 4 cr CHEM 3301, 3303 Organic Chemistry I, and Lab 4 cr CHEM 3302, 3304 Organic Chemistry II, and Lab 4 cr CHEM 3341*** Topics in Physical Chemistry I 3 cr CHEM 3342*** Topics in Physical Chemistry II 3 cr

MATH 1170 Calculus I 4 cr MATH 1175 Calculus II 4 cr

PHYS 1111, 1113**** General Physics I, and Lab 4 cr PHYS 1112, 1114**** General Physics II, and Lab 4 cr Subtotal: 71 cr

Additional General Education Requirements 24 cr An additional 5 credits from any college or department 5 cr

TOTAL: 100 cr TOTAL: 95 cr *Students must pass core courses with a grade of C- or better. **May elect to take BIOL 2206 and 2207 instead of BIOL 2235 and 2235L. ***May elect to take CHEM 3351and 3352 instead of CHEM 3341 and 3342. **** PHYS 2211, 2212, 2213, 2214 may be taken to fulfill the Physics requirement in the core curriculum.

Electives Students must take a minimum of 20 elective credits from the list below, with at least 8 credits in Biological Sciences (BIOL), 8 credits in Chemistry (CHEM), and 4 additional credits in either Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Mathematics or Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Courses in Biological Sciences BIOL 3301,3301L Anatomy and Physiology, and Lab 4 cr BIOL 3302,3302L Anatomy and Physiology, and Lab 4 cr BIOL 3304,3304L Comparative Vertebrate Morphology and Physiology, and Lab 5 cr BIOL 3324,3324L Developmental Biology, and Lab 4 cr BIOL 4404,4404L Plant Physiology and lab 4 cr BIOL 4415L Human Neurobiology Lab 1 cr BIOL 4417 Organic Evolution 3 cr BIOL 4433,4433L Microbial Physiology, and Lab 4 cr BIOL 4434,4434L Microbial Diversity, and Lab 4 cr BIOL 4443 Endocrinology 3 cr BIOL 4449 Human Physiology I 4 cr BIOL 4451,4451L Immunology, and Lab 4 cr BIOL 4453 Foundations in Neuroscience 3 cr BIOL 4456 Human Physiology II 4 cr BIOL 4461 Advanced Genetics 3 cr October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 31of 95 BIOL 4473,4473L Applied and Environmental Microbiology, and Lab 4 cr BIOL 4475 General Virology 3 cr BIOL 4477 Bacterial Virology Lab 1 cr OR BIOL 4478 Animal Virology Lab 1 cr BIOL 4481,4482 Independent Problems (max) 2 cr BIOL 4494 Seminar in Microbiology 1 cr Courses in Chemistry CHEM 2211,2213 Inorganic Chemistry, and Lab 4 cr CHEM 3311,3312 Introduction to Research (max) 2 cr CHEM 3331,3334 Instrumental Analysis, and Lab 4 cr CHEM 3365,3366 Synthetic Methods, and Lab 4 cr CHEM 4407* Inorganic Chemistry II 2 cr CHEM 4433,4437 Environmental Chemistry, and Lab 3 cr CHEM 4453** Modern Experimental Physical Chemistry 3 cr CHEM 4481,4482 Independent Problems (max) 2 cr CHEM 4485 Senior Research (max) 1 cr CHEM 4491 Seminar 1 cr

Courses in Mathematics

MATH 2240 Linear Algebra 3 cr MATH 2275 Calculus III 4 cr MATH 3360 Differential Equations 3 cr

Courses in Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences PSCI 2205 Drugs in Society 2 cr PSCI 3301 Introduction to Pharmacology 3 cr PSCI 3308 Drug Discovery 3 cr PSCI 3353 Introduction to Methods in Pharmaceutical Sciences 2 cr PSCI 4407 Pharmacogenomics 2 cr PSCI 4408 Medicinal Chemistry 3 cr PSCI 4440 Fundamentals of Nanoscience 3 cr

*Prerequisites include CHEM 2211, CHEM 2213, CHEM 3351, and CHEM 3352. **Prerequisites include CHEM 3334, CHEM 3351, and CHEM 3352.

8. Proposal 45. Revised and corrected Communication, Media, and Persuasion, new CMP program

(revised Sept. 26, 2013, and again on Oct. 4, 2013 and Oct. 10, 2013)

Contingent upon SBOE approval. SBOE prefers the prefix for COMM 1101 not be changed, at least for now, because it is a Common Core course.

Contacts: John Gribas, 208-282-2695, [email protected] or Jim DiSanza, 208-282-3695, [email protected]

Proposal Summary: The faculty lines and programs that make up the Department of Communication & Rhetorical Studies (COMM) have been moved into the newly renamed (SBOE approved) James E. Rogers October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 32of 95 Department of Communication, Media, and Persuasion (CMP), formerly known as the James E. Rogers Department of Mass Communication (MC). This shift has been made to take advantage of various instructional cross-overs and synergies and requires curricular changes necessitating ISU Curriculum Council approval. Ultimately, this departmental integration will oblige changes that will require Curriculum Council approval as well as approval from the State Board of Education (e.g., emphasis elimination, integration of a BA degree and a BA/BS option degree into a single BA degree program), though those changes will be requested in other proposals.

An earlier proposal dealing with these changes was reviewed by the ISU Curriculum Council. That earlier proposal submitted these changes as part of a move to establish a School of Communication, Media, and Persuasion. The Curriculum Council approved that proposal, pending approval of a separate but related SBOE proposal, but later a decision was made to forego the SBOE request for the creation of a new school-level unit. Instead, the plan is for these merged units to remain, as they are now, a single department within the College of Arts & Letters. This proposal is, therefore, a necessary follow up to a previously approved ISU Curriculum Council submission.

This proposal, which does not require SBOE action, focuses only on improving the curriculum of four current CMP major emphases (Organizational Communication, Rhetorical Studies, Visual Communication, and Journalism), three current CMP minors (Organizational Communication, Rhetorical Studies, and Mass Communication), and one minor that is administratively housed in CMP (Leadership). The remaining four major emphases in CMP (Advertising, Media Studies, Public Relations, and Television) will continue to be listed pending SBOE approval of their elimination, though the content of these to-be-eliminated emphases is subsumed into the other newly designed emphases. Therefore, though listed, Advertising, Media Studies, Public Relations, and Television will be identified only as emphases targeted for elimination. Students who are currently working in these programs targeted for elimination will be serviced through the new curricular offerings and, when needed, through approved substitutions.

The curricular changes will be beneficial in numerous ways. One of those ways relates to creating greater curricular efficiencies.

 The new curriculum will result in some streamlining and reduce curricular glut. By taking advantage of the offerings and expertise of faculty with origins in both original departments (COMM and MC), this proposal will allow us to develop four highly integrated emphases, leaving the remaining four emphases redundant (and thus targeted for elimination). This also will allow us to offer more courses across emphasis areas and, therefore, drop some courses from the curriculum because they are no longer needed. To take just two examples, COMM 4441 Interpersonal Communication and COMM 4408 Communication Theory have been dropped because they no longer fit the planned Leadership Track in the newly designed Organizational Communication emphasis. COMM 2254 Organizational Communication has been dropped because material in this course will be covered by an existing course, CMP 3320 Foundations of Leadership.

 The content of some courses have been combined to provide for a more efficient use of resources. Taking the most prominent example, MC 2260 Photo and Graphic Workshop and MC 3306 Non-linear Editing are combined into a new course, CMP 2232 Photo Graphic and Video Editing.

 Although several new courses have been added and applied across the four emphases and minors, the overall effect of the new curriculum is to slim down offerings, improve the depth and breadth of the education students receive, and do so while more efficiently utilizing available resources.

October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 33of 95 The merger of the Communication & Rhetorical Studies Department and the Department of Mass Communication is part of Dean Kandi Turley-Ames’ Areas of Excellence initiative, to identify and enhance areas within the college that can yield strong returns, resource efficiency, instructional quality, and research productivity. This request clearly fits within ISU’s mission statement.

 ISU’s mission statement includes the following: “Achieve academic excellence in undergraduate, professional, and technical education.” This new curriculum will improve undergraduate education by improving program excellence and serving the needs of students as they adapt to changing career and citizenship needs.

 ISU’s mission statement also promotes “the efficient and effective use of resources.” The new curriculum reduces inefficiency by combining and eliminating classes, cutting overlapping emphases/majors, and better utilizing current and future faculty resource.

 ISU’s mission statement also promotes increasing the “University’s research profile.” This curriculum reduces the number of annual faculty course preparations (especially for faculty associated with the former Department of Mass Communication), clearing more time for research and creative activity.

Faculty Vote: The curriculum was agreed to by consensus of the faculty at a meeting on April 13, 2012. Associate Dean Randy Earles of the College of Arts & Letters also attended this meeting.


 Other College(s), department(s), facilities, funding, etc.: Obviously, the new curriculum requires some changes in what the Communication, Media, and Persuasion faculty teaches. Several courses have been dropped and several new courses have been added. As the vote above suggests, the faculty are entirely committed to making these changes.

Currently, the CMP department offers several sections each semester of COMM 1101 and COMM 2201 (which will become CMP 1101 and CMP 2201) in Idaho Falls. This proposal will not have any effect on the number of sections taught in Idaho Falls. Thus, there will be no changes to room scheduling, technology services, or library resources needed. In addition, CMP offers sections of a number of courses online. Because of student demand, the number of these courses is increasing, but this proposal is not anticipated to affect the rate of growth of online offerings.

Since COMM 1101 is a General Education requirement, it is referenced in many programs across the University; however, the only impact from this proposal related to this course will be the changing of the course prefix (from COMM to CMP). There are units that have other CMP course offerings integrated into their programs through electives, cross-listings, etc. (e.g., Education, Marketing, English/Technical Writing option, American Studies, Economics/Law and Economics option, International Studies, Women Studies Minor, Physical Education/Outdoor Education and Sports Management options, Earth and Environmental Systems/Environmental Policy and Management option.

As noted above, an earlier version of this proposal was submitted one year ago and was approved by the Curriculum Council, though it was ultimately determined void because a related proposal was pulled from consideration by the SBOE. This current proposal results in the same changes to other programs as the earlier proposal did and, for that earlier proposal, all impacted units were contacted and provided notice and approval of these CMP curricular changes. In particular, implications of these changes to College of Education teacher preparation programs were thoroughly discussed and settled in a meeting between John Gribas, David Mercaldo, and Paula Mandeville.

October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 34of 95 In the vast majority of cases, the only changes that impact other academic units are simple changes in catalog listings related to new course prefixes and/or names. Written acknowledgement and support was not solicited from units facing change-in-name-only impacts. Any other more significant impacts (deletion or substitution of required or elective courses, etc.) were discussed and resolved with impacted units as part of the proposal submitted and approved by Curriculum Council last year. Even so, these units were re-contacted for this current proposal, and written acknowledgment and support solicited.

 ITS / ETS: These curriculum changes this will cause no particular changes in ITS/ETS support needs; the courses exist and already are supported. However, we have made the following considerations: o There may be additional online sections of some courses offered as access options, but no additional distance learning resources will be required. o Currently, the curriculum does require instructional support from a variety of computer lab technologies (digital photo, web and graphic design, video editing, etc.), and the program currently has and uses a number of dedicated labs which have necessary software. These labs are paid for and supported by the department. The merger will result in larger numbers of students needing computer lab access, necessitating additional lab space for instruction. Plans have been made and work is underway to retrofit a newly upgraded classroom in Frazier Hall and turn it into a 28 station graphics, web, and video editing lab. Software consistent with the current department dedicated labs will be installed in the new lab. Construction of and future maintenance for this new lab is fully funded with currently available monies. o All necessary classroom tools and technological tools are currently available. The merger will not create any additional classroom support needs. o All necessary ITS hardware needs are currently met with existing resources. The merger will not create any additional ITS hardware needs. o The CMP department retains its own computer technician who serves the program, overseeing such issues as server development and management, hardware and software installation and maintenance, etc. This computer tech position will remain a supported part of the program and will continue to serve these technology support needs.

 Library: Textbook purchases in some areas, such as interpersonal communication and communication theory, may diminish. As noted above, courses in these areas are being dropped in favor of new more integrated and program relevant courses. There are no anticipated changes in how students will be using library resources. The library was contacted for this current proposal, and written acknowledgment and support solicited.

“Below is an email from the Library that I just received related to our current CMP curriculum proposal. I am submitting this as written acknowledgement and support of our proposed changes from this impacted unit. Please add this to our proposal materials.” John Gribas, email Sept. 23, 2013

“Hello John: I have reviewed the attached proposal and would expect there to be no effect on the Library from the changes described therein. I would note that the comment about textbooks purchases currently in the proposal is irrelevant, as the Library does not purchase textbooks for its collection. Sincerely,” Sandi Shrosphire (email dated Sept. 23, 2013)

October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 35of 95  Advising: No impacts for advising are anticipated. If there is any impact, the more integrated and simplified program structure (moving from eight to four emphasis areas) should make student advising smoother and easier overall. Central Academic Advising was contacted for this current proposal, and written acknowledgment and support solicited.

JoAnn Hertz also recommended some credit number clarifications to our CMP curriculum proposal. These would be changes in the “New curriculum format in catalog” section. In particular, they are changes to the three lists of “Track Electives” within the Emphasis in Organizational Communication which begins on page 18 of the proposal:  For the Leadership Track, please change to the following: “Track Electives: Complete 15 credits from the following list of electives”  For the Public Relations Track, please change to the following: “Track Electives: Complete 9 credits from the following list of electives”  For the Advertising Track, please change to the following: “Track Electives: Complete 6 credits from the following list of electives” Thank you. John Gribas, email Sept. 24, 2013

[NOTE: These requested changes have been incorporated below in the “New curriculum format in catalog” section.]

"No advising concerns. JoAnn Hertz" (email Sept. 24, 2013)

 Registrar: Once proposed changes are made and reflected in Banner, DegreeWorks, etc., there will be no more demand on Registrar services than there is currently.

Correction emailed by John Gribas Oct. 21, 2013:

“… I found one more error. It is not a change, but there is a course listed twice in one emphasis program.

In the Corporate Communication emphasis, in the Public Relations Track (Required Track Courses), CMP 2231 Introduction to Graphic Design should not be listed since it is already listed in the Core Courses for all Corporate Communication tracks above. So please delete the reference to CMP 2231 in the Public Relations Track (Required Track Courses) list. Then you would need to change the number of Required Track Courses credits for this track from 18 to 15, and finally for the Track Electives in the Public Relations Track, it should read “Track Electives: Complete 12 credits from the following list of electives” (rather than 9 credits as it now states) to be correct.”

“In the Minor in Mass Communication program listing, CMP 3330 should be changed to CMP 3339.”

John Corrections made Oct. 22, 2013

October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 36of 95 Re: required SBOE Approval :

On Oct 21, 2013, at 8:29 AM, John Gribas wrote [to Margaret Johnson, Academic Affairs]:


You may know that the Curriculum Council has recently approved the latest version of the proposal for curricular change that is needed for COMM and MC to move forward as the Department of Communication, Media, and Persuasion. So all that is left, I believe, for everything to be in place is formal approval/acknowledgement from the State Board for shifting all the faculty lines and programs from COMM to MC (actually from Communication and Rhetorical Studies to Communication, Media, and Persuasion since the SBOE already approved the change in name for Mass Comm).

You may have already taken the needed steps for this process. My understanding is that this just requires a “non-substantive change request” letter from you to the SBOE. If you have already submitted that, I thank you. If so, could you let me know that it is in process and, if possible, let me know when you estimate to hear back officially. If that request has not yet been sent, I am hoping (actually begging) you to draft and submit such a letter. This is a process I have been managing for well over two years now. We have been in a difficult state of transition for too long, and we simply cannot afford to miss another year’s opportunity to finalize this and get it reflected in the upcoming catalog. If there is anything I can or need to do to make this happen, just let me know.


Reply from Margaret Johnson on Oct. 21, 2013, 12:40 pm:


Thanks for checking in on this process. The letter is in process and we expect we'll have the SBOE response before the catalog deadline in January. I would expect we'll hear by December, possibly even sooner. I know how important this is to the College, and I want to see this process finish out smoothly. October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 37of 95



 Other affected units, if any:

Email Exchange with Art Department Oct 11 and Oct 14, 2013:

From John Gribas Oct. 14, 2013

Please see the exchange below with Tony Martin. In this, he and his department acknowledge and support the changes in our curriculum that impact them. However, he has suggested that the best option would be to also change the cross-listed/equivalent course to the same number as what we are planning. So I suggest amending the language in our proposal to the following:

ART 4418 Art of the Book is an equivalent of CMP 4435. Due to changes in course number, description, prerequisites, etc. for CMP 4435, the listing for ART 4418 should be changed to read as follows: ART 4435 Narrative and Print 3 credits. Exploration and reconsideration of conventional concepts of what makes a book, both in terms of narrative structure and physical form. Focus on examination of familiar forms in new ways to help students learn to approach all multi-page projects from fresh and new angles. Equivalent to CMP 4435. PREREQ: CMP 2231 or permission of instructor. S

If changing the course number for the ART version of the class is not possible without Art submitting a CC proposal, then I would suggest just sticking with my original proposal language, noting that Art supports the change and impact, and then we could notify Art and let them propose the number change themselves.



This change has been made in the proposal below, as requested here.

Tony, October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 38of 95

John Gribas here. Our department is merging/has merged with Mass Communication. That has resulted in a major overhaul of the curriculum. One change affects the Art department because of a course equivalent listing, and we need your okay on this for Curriculum Council to proceed.

You probably know that Paula Jull for years has taught MC 4418: Art of the Book, and that has also been listed in Art as ART 4418: Art of the Book as an equivalent with the same course description, etc. That class will change to meet our new curricular needs. It will become CMP 4435: Narrative and Print. So the title and prefix will change, but so will the course description to some degree.

We have reasons to change the course number, but there would be no need for Art to do likewise. However, to keep the Art listing an equivalent and to avoid confusion for students who might sign up, the Art listing will need to reflect the new name and course description. So here is what we are proposing to Curriculum Council:

ART 4418 Art of the Book is an equivalent of CMP 4435. Due to changes in course description, prerequisites, etc. for CMP 4435, the listing for ART 4418 should be changed to read as follows: ART 4418 Narrative and Print 3 credits. Exploration and reconsideration of conventional concepts of what makes a book, both in terms of narrative structure and physical form. Focus on examination of familiar forms in new ways to help students learn to approach all multi-page projects from fresh and new angles. Equivalent to CMP 4435. PREREQ: CMP 2231 or permission of instructor. S

Initial Curriculum Council feedback suggested that we need the okay from you on this, but also suggested that this change might require a CC change proposal on your part. I don’t think that should be necessary since, based on my understanding, that course is not actually an ART course. It is only ever taught by Paula Jull, never by an Art faculty member. It was simply listed with an ART prefix to allow Art students the opportunity to take it and have the prefix reflect their department. Given that, I just don’t understand why the Art department would have CC proposal responsibility for this. At the same time, if Art decides to leave the listing as it has been in terms of title and description, the difficulty will be that the description of the class will not be what Paula actually does.

So please consider our proposal, and email me if you agree to the plan to change title and description for ART 4418. And hopefully CC will see fit not to require a proposal from Art for the change.

October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 39of 95 Sorry to bother you, but we have been working on this merger and curricular change for over two years, and we really need to move on this now.


John Gribas (email Oct. 11, 2013)


Thank you for your e-mail regarding the changes noted. I will send my faculty a copy of your e-mail to see how everyone feels and get back to you asap.

Tony Martin (email Oct 11, 2013)

Hello John-

My faculty are ok with the change although we should change our course # to match yours.


Tony Martin (email Oct. 14, 2013)

Other units’ impact responses:

“Below is the email from Marketing associated with our last round with the CMP curriculum proposal. The changes in the recent proposal are the same as they were last year, and so I am submitting this as written acknowledgement and support of our proposed changes from this impacted unit. Please add this to our proposal materials.” John Gribas, email Sept. 23, 2013

“My response would be that there's no issue at all with the proposal or with dropping the marketing cross- listed equivalents of the MC courses being dropped, i.e. MKTG3355 and MKTG4495. As John noted, there's plenty of alternative electives and we would never be teaching these ourselves; we had them cross-listed so that our students could take advantage of courses already being offered through mass comm.” Sandra Speck (in email dated Oct. 8, 2012)

October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 40of 95 “Below is the email from English associated with our last round with the CMP curriculum proposal. The changes in the recent proposal are the same as they were last year, and so I am submitting this as written acknowledgement and support of our proposed changes from this impacted unit. Please add this to our proposal materials.” John Gribas, email Sept. 23, 2013

“John, I have reviewed your curriculum proposal and generally can say that it has no negative effects upon our Professional Writing option within the English major. We have a revision of the Professional Writing option also before the Curriculum Council this semester. In it, we had already dropped MC3341, MC/MKTG3355, and MC4445. Our major is, then, only affected by the deletion of MC3325, Editing for Print Media, and MC3327, Magazine Article Writing. Because there are many courses for our majors to choose among in the block of electives available within the "writing, communications, and media" block of the Professional Writing option, dropping these two courses will not have much affect on our students. I assume that Ruth Moorhead will make the appropriate changes in course prefixes and numbers in our curriculum if your proposal is accepted. I will have our curricular committee look at the possibility of adding CMP4486 to the Professional Writing major. Sincerely, Jennifer Attebery “ (in email dated October 12, 2012)

Questions from UCC 10/10/2013 for John Gribas:

 CMP 4457 lists 4455L as co-req – should that be 4457L?  This proposal is requesting the cross-listed ART 4418 course change its title and course description, but no response received from the Art Department Response from Art Department is included above under Impacts. They are fine with this change, and agree their course number and title be changed to match CMP 4457).

Reply from John Gribas 10/10/13:

Yes, it should be CMP 4457L as the corequisite. My bad. We saw that the SBOE wants COMM 1101 to remain with that prefix for now. That will be fine.


Drop all current COMM courses, all MC courses, and all LEAD courses.

COMM 1101 *leave as-is COMM 2208 COMM 3313 COMM 1115 COMM 2254 COMM 3315 COMM 1116 COMM 3305 COMM 3316 COMM 2201 COMM 3308 COMM 3355 October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 41of 95 COMM 4408 COMM 4441 COMM 4452 COMM 4436 COMM 4442 COMM 4454 COMM 4437 COMM 4447 COMM 4491 COMM 4440 COMM 4451

MC 1119 MC 3315 MC 4415 MC 1120 MC 3321 MC 4418 MC 1120L MC 3321L MC 4425 MC 1121 MC 3325 MC 4426 MC 2200 MC 3325L MC 4435 MC 2201 MC 3327 MC 4440 MC 2210 MC 3327L MC 4441 MC 2215 MC 3343 F MC 4445 MC 2230 MC 3350 MC 4450 MC 2230L MC 3355 MC 4451 MC 2241 MC 3360 MC 4452 MC 2260 MC 3367 MC 4455 MC 2270 MC 3375 MC 4460 MC 2290 MC 4405 MC 4470 MC 3300 MC 4405L MC 4480 MC 3305 MC 4410 MC 4491 MC 3305L MC 4410L MC 4494 MC 3306 MC 4412 MC 4495

LEAD 2201 LEAD 3360 LEAD 4480

Add CMP 1101 Note: SBOE prefers this course remain COMM 1101 Principles of Speech CMP 1101 Principles of Speech 3 credits. Basic course in oral communication that emphasizes the theory and practice of informative speaking, logical argumentation, persuasion, small group discussion, and interpersonal communication. Designed to explain the humanistic nature of human communication and to improve a student's ability to express ideas orally. Satisfies Goal 2 Objective 2 of the General Education Requirements. F, S, Su Level: UG Not repeatable for additional credit Grading mode: Letter, auditable Scheduled as: CL Equivalent to the former COMM 1101 Fee: $25

October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 42of 95 Add CMP 1110 Intro Converg News and Report CMP 1110 Introductory Convergent Newswriting and Reporting 3 credits. Production of news stories across different platforms and in various formats. Course will focus on a range of core themes, including identifying story ideas, research techniques, interviewing, and writing, all interwoven within a range of ethical and legal concepts that underpin newswriting and reporting. PREREQ: ENGL 1101, placement into ENGL 1102, or permission of instructor. F, S Level: UG Not repeatable for additional credit Grading mode: Letter, auditable Scheduled as: LB Prereq: ENGL 1101, placement into ENGL 1102, or permission of instructor Fee: $80

Add CMP 2201 Business Professional Comm CMP 2201 Business and Professional Communication 3 credits. Advanced speech course emphasizes practical speaking needs of business and professional people. PREREQ: CMP 1101. F, S, Su Level: UG Not repeatable for additional credit Grading mode: Letter, auditable Scheduled as: CL Equivalent to the former COMM 2201 Prereq: CMP 1101 Fee: $25

Add CMP 2202 Photo Graphic and Video Edit CMP 2202 Photo, Graphic, and Video Editing 3 credits. An introduction to photographic, graphic design, and non- linear video editing skills. The course is designed to prepare students for more advanced courses in any of these specific areas. Students will learn how to apply multimedia production applications including professional industry standard photo, graphic, and video editing software. F, S Level: UG Not repeatable for additional credit Grading mode: Letter; may NOT be audited Scheduled as: LB Registration restrictions: none Fee: $80

Add CMP 2205 Argumentation CMP 2205 Argumentation 3 credits. Study of argument, analysis, evidence, reasoning, fallacies, briefing, and delivery. S Level: UG Not repeatable for additional credit Grading mode: Letter, auditable Scheduled as: CL Equivalent to the former COMM 3305

October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 43of 95 Add CMP 2209 Persuasion CMP 2209 Persuasion 3 credits. Advanced theory and performance course emphasizing principles of message composition and methods affecting attitude change in public communication. F, S Level: UG Not repeatable for additional credit Grading mode: Letter, auditable Scheduled as: CL Equivalent to the former COMM 3308

Add CMP 2231 Introduction to Graphic Design CMP 2231 Introduction to Graphic Design 3 credits. Introduction to concepts and procedures of graphic design. Lectures, studio, and computer exercises will explore issues in design for graphic media, typography, and design for the page. F, S Level: UG Not repeatable for additional credit Grading mode: Letter; may NOT be audited Scheduled as: LB Equivalent to the former MC 2215 Fee: $80

Add CMP 2241 Intro Public Relations CMP 2241 Introduction to Public Relations 3 credits. Provides background in the history, scope, ethics, and functions of the public relations field. Particular attention given to understanding of publics and ways of gaining public support for an activity, cause, movement, or institution. S F [Changed as per email from John Gribas 11/01/13, and okayed by UCC chair] Level: UG Not repeatable for additional credit Grading mode: Letter, auditable Scheduled as: CL

Add CMP 2250 History Appreciation Photo CMP 2250 History and Appreciation of Photography 3 credits. Discovery of the photographic process and its evolution to present. Analysis of many recognized masters of photography. Equivalent to ART 2210. Satisfies Goal 6 Partially satisfies Objective 4¨Fine Arts of the General Education Requirements. F, S Level: UG Not repeatable for additional credit Grading mode: Letter, auditable Scheduled as: CL Equivalent to ART 2210 and the former MC 2210

October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 44of 95 Add CMP 2251 Introduction to Photography CMP 2251 Introduction to Photography 3 credits. Introduction to the fundamentals of digital camera use, and important techniques such as lighting, and composition. The use of photography as an artistic and expressive medium is explored through assignments. Class consists of lectures, demonstrations, and group critiques. Students must have own camera and paper. Laboratory required. COREQ: CMP 2251L. F, S Level: UG Not repeatable for additional credit Grading mode: Letter; may NOT be audited Scheduled as: CL Equivalent to the former MC 2230 Coreq: CMP 2251L

Add CMP 2251L Intro Photography Lab CMP 2251L Introduction to Photography Laboratory (0 credits). Assignments to apply principles from CMP 2251. F, S Level: UG Not repeatable for additional credit Grading mode: Letter; may NOT be audited Scheduled as: LB Equivalent to the former MC 2230L Fee: $100

Add CMP 2261 Intro Advertising CMP 2261 Introduction to Advertising 3 credits. In-depth study of the various aspects of advertising including agencies, media, clients, suppliers, creativity in advertising, consumers, ethics and law, strategy, and culture. F Level: UG Not repeatable for additional credit Grading mode: Letter, auditable Scheduled as: CL Equivalent to the former MC 2206 2200 [Corrected as per email from John Gribas 10/25/13]

Add CMP 2271 Intro TV Production CMP 2271 Introduction to Television Production 3 credits. Emphasis on studio and remote television production, with exercises in basic camera operation, electronic editing, studio directing and field reporting. PREREQ: CMP 1110 and CMP 2202. F Level: UG Not repeatable for additional credit Grading mode: Letter, auditable Scheduled as: Lecture/Lab Equivalent to the former MC 3300 Prereq: CMP 1110 and CMP 2202 Fee: $80

October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 45of 95 Add CMP 2286 Visual Rhetoric CMP 2286 Visual Rhetoric 3 credits. Introduction to visual media. Students will be introduced to theories explaining the persuasive function of images and apply these approaches in a variety of contexts such as images in political cartoons, film, television, and print. S Level: UG Not repeatable for additional credit Grading mode: Letter, auditable Scheduled as: CL

Add CMP 3302 Image Management CMP 3302 Image Management 3 credits. Explores the management of public images of individuals (politicians, athletes, celebrities cr, teams, and corporations, during times of crisis and success. This course examines and evaluates the rhetorical strategies used in many contemporary situations of crisis and success. F S [Changed as per email from John Gribas 11/01/13, and okayed by UCC chair] Level: UG Not repeatable for additional credit Grading mode: Letter, auditable Scheduled as: CL

Add CMP 3305 Intercollegiate Debate CMP 3305 Intercollegiate Debate 1-3 credits. Students prepare for regional- and national-level intercollegiate debate tournament competition. May be repeated for up to 8 credits. PREREQ: Debate team member. F, S Level: UG May be repeated for up to 8 credits Grading mode: Letter; may NOT be audited Scheduled as: Other Equivalent to the former COMM 1115, COMM 116, COMM 3315, and COMM 3316

Add CMP 3308 Groups and Communication CMP 3308 Groups and Communication 3 credits. Examines the process of human communication among members of organized groups. Topics studied include leadership development, norms, roles, cohesion, problem-solving techniques, and conflict. S F [Changed as per email from John Gribas 11/01/13, and okayed by UCC chair] Level: UG Not repeatable for additional credit Grading mode: Letter, auditable Scheduled as: CL Equivalent to the former COMM 2208

Add CMP 3310 Multiplatform Storytelling CMP 3310 Multiplatform Storytelling 3 credits. Exploration of narrative reporting and storytelling in an online environment through different styles and various technologies. PREREQ: CMP 1110. F S [Changed as per email from John Gribas 11/01/13, and okayed by UCC chair] Level: UG Not repeatable for additional credit October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 46of 95 Grading mode: Letter, auditable Scheduled as: LB Prereq: CMP 1110 Fee: $80

Add CMP 3311 Pub Affairs Invest Report CMP 3311 Public Affairs and Investigative Reporting 3 credits. Examination the processes of government at all levels from an investigative journalist’s perspective. Students will employ advanced reporting and journalism skills in the production of in-depth stories in various formats. PREREQ: CMP 1110. F Level: UG Not repeatable for additional credit Grading mode: Letter, auditable Scheduled as: LB Prereq: CMP 1110 Fee: $80

Add CMP 3320 Foundations of Leadership CMP 3320 Foundations of Leadership 3 credits. Introductory exploration of the modern dimensions of leadership. Students will link current theory and practices to personal self-assessment and behavioral applications. F Level: UG Not repeatable for additional credit Grading mode: Letter, auditable Scheduled as: CL Equivalent to the former LEAD 2201

Add CMP 3335 Typography and Layout CMP 3335 Typography and Layout 3 credits. The history, development, and design of typefaces and their use in layout with other elements with attention to perceptual, emotional, and stylistic issues. Development and creation of content as well as grid structures to organize complex information. Critique and individual discussion focused on developing typographic refinement and attention to detail. PREREQ: CMP 2231. S Level: UG Not repeatable for additional credit Grading mode: Letter; may NOT be audited Scheduled as: Lecture/Lab Eqivalent to the former MC 3315 Prereq: CMP 2231 Fee: $80

Add CMP 3337 Illustration CMP 3337 Illustration 3 credits. Examination of the effectiveness and power of illustration through images found in book and magazine illustration, advertising, and web design. From the sketch process to the development of finished images, students are exposed to a variety of working methods. Production of work such as editorial images, packaging, and poster design with an emphasis on concept, creativity, communication, technical achievement, and presentation. PREREQ: CMP 2231. F Level: UG Not repeatable for additional credit Grading mode: Letter; may NOT be audited October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 47of 95 Scheduled as: Lecture/Lab Prereq: CMP 2231 Fee: $80

Add CMP 3339 Web Design CMP 3339 Web Design 3 credits. A communicative approach to strategies and tools for web publishing with a focus on both practical and aesthetic contexts. Exploration of ethics, current practices, purposes, styles, genres, and directions in authoring for the World Wide Web. PREREQ: CMP 2202 or permission of instructor. F, S Level: UG Not repeatable for additional credit Grading mode: Letter, auditable Scheduled as: LB Equivalent to former MC 4470 Prereq: CMP 2202 or permission of instructor Fee: $80

Add CMP 3346 Public Relations Writing CMP 3346 Public Relations Writing 3 credits. Development of professional writing disciplines and skills expected of PR practitioners through exploration of various forms of public relations writing such as press releases, statements, public service announcements, media correspondence, media advisories, newsletter articles, fact sheets, and talking points. PREREQ: CMP 1110 and CMP 2241. F Level: UG Not repeatable for additional credit Grading mode: Letter, auditable Scheduled as: CL Prereq: CMP 1110 and CMP 2241

Add CMP 3352 Photo Communication CMP 3352 Photo Communication 3 credits. Laboratory required. Application of still photographic methods to newspaper, magazine and advertising/public relations needs. Introduction to computer manipulation of images. PREREQ: CMP 2202 and CMP 2251, or permission of instructor. F Level: UG Not repeatable for additional credit Grading mode: Letter; may NOT be audited Scheduled as: CL Equivalent to the former MC 3305 Coreq: CMP 3352L Prereq: CMP 2202 and CMP 2251/2251L, or permission of instructor Fee: none

Add CMP 3352L Photo Communication Lab CMP 3352 Photo Communication Laboratory 0 credits. Assignments to apply principles from CMP 3352. F Level: UG Max times repeatable: n/a Max credits earned: n/a Grading mode: Letter Scheduled as: LB October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 48of 95 Equivalent: none Prereq: none Registration restrictions: none Fee: $100

Add CMP 3365 Ad Strategy Copywriting CMP 3365 Advertising Strategy and Copywriting 3 credits. Overview of basic creative skills, with emphasis on how to write and develop strategic creative advertising messages for print, radio, television, and the Internet. Students begin to develop a marketing communication portfolio. Equivalent to MKTG 3355. PREREQ: (CMP 1110, CMP 2261, and CMP 2231) or MKTG 3325 2225 F [MKTG 3325 was reportedly changed last year to MKTG 2225.] Level: UG Not repeatable for additional credit Grading mode: Letter, auditable Scheduled as: Lecture/Lab Equivalent to MKTG 3355 and the former MC 3355 Prereq: (CMP 1110, CMP 2261, and CMP 2231) or MKTG 3325 2225 Fee: $80

Add CMP 3367 Ad Media Planning CMP 3367 Advertising Media Planning 3 credits. Selecting and evaluating media for marketing communication campaigns. Media characteristics, media markets and comparisons, audience and product usage. Elements of a strategic media plan. Trends in mass communication media. Equivalent to MKTG 3368. PREREQ: CMP 2261/MKTG 2200 or MKTG 3325 2225 . S [MKTG 3325 was reportedly changed last year to MKTG 2225.] Level: UG Not repeatable for additional credit Grading mode: Letter, auditable Scheduled as: Lecture/Lab Equivalent to MKTG 3368 and the former MC 3367 Prereq: CMP 2261/MKTG 2200 or MKTG 3325 2225 Fee: $80

Add CMP 3371 Video Editing Compositing CMP 3371 Video Editing and Compositing 3 credits. Application of visual storytelling techniques, styles, and devices used in digital video production including theory and aesthetic expression to increase student understanding of visual syntax and timing. In-depth exploration and usage of professional video editing and motion graphics software. PREREQ: CMP 2202 and CMP 2271, or permission of instructor with demonstrated professional experience. S Level: UG Not repeatable for additional credit Grading mode: Letter, auditable Scheduled as: Lecture/Lab Prereq: CMP 2202 and CMP 2271, or permission of instructor with demonstrated professional experience Fee: $80

Add CMP 4403 Mass Comm and Society CMP 4403 Mass Communication and Society 3 credits. Introduces students to mass media theories scholars use to October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 49of 95 study the effects of media messages. Students will also read and discuss research illustrating the media's impact on individuals, society, and cultures. Topics include the media's relationship to stereotyping, images of sexuality, violence, values, politics, and globalization. PREREQ: CMP 1110. S Level: UG Not repeatable for additional credit Grading mode: Letter, auditable Scheduled as: CL Prereq: CMP 1110

Add CMP 4404 Gender and Communication CMP 4404 Gender and Communication 3 credits. Course examines communication arenas from a perspective that focuses on gender and includes study of similarities and differences in female/male patterns. Topics include nonverbal, organizational, language, family and friendship. F Level: UG Not repeatable for additional credit Grading mode: Letter, auditable Scheduled as: CL Equivalent to the former COMM 4460

Add CMP 4409 Communication Inquiry CMP 4409 Communication Inquiry 3 credits. Introduces tools and strategies communication professionals use to answer questions and solve problems through systematic investigation. The course will focus on developing an understanding of applied communication research, including design, sampling, data collection, and data analysis. F Level: UG Not repeatable for additional credit Grading mode: Letter, auditable Scheduled as: CL

Add CMP 4410 Mass Media History Law Ethics CMP 4410 Mass Media History, Law, and Ethics 3 credits. A comprehensive exploration of mass communication law and the history of mass media. The course examines media rights of free expression and First Amendment including libel privacy, access to information, free-press, and other related topics and themes. S F [Changed as per email from John Gribas 11/01/13, and okayed by UCC chair] Level: UG Not repeatable for additional credit Grading mode: Letter, auditable Scheduled as: CL

October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 50of 95 Add CMP 4415 Television News CMP 4415 Television News 3 credits. Writing, reporting and producing the television newscast. Emphasis on proper technique as well as ethical and social issues. PREREQ: CMP 1110, CMP 2271, and CMP 3310 or CMP 3311. F Level: UG Not repeatable for additional credit Grading mode: Letter, auditable Scheduled as: Lecture/Lab Equivalent to former MC 4435 Prereq: CMP 1110, CMP 2271, and CMP 3310 or CMP 3311 Fee: $80

Add CMP 4418 Advanced Reporting CMP 4418 Advanced Reporting 3 credits. In-depth writing and reporting of important topics of feature-length, investigative journalism on various platforms and different formats. PREREQ: CMP 1110, CMP 3310, and CMP 3311; or permission of instructor. S Level: UG Not repeatable for additional credit Grading mode: Letter, auditable Scheduled as: LB Prereq: CMP 1110, CMP 3310, and CMP 3311; or permission of instructor

Add CMP 4420 Advanced Leader Communication CMP 4420 Advanced Leader Communication 3 credits. Advanced exploration of the vital relationship between communication and leader effectiveness with a focus on particular communication tools and strategies. PREREQ: CMP 3320. S Level: UG Not repeatable for additional credit Grading mode: Letter, auditable Scheduled as: CL Prereq: CMP 3320

Add CMP 4422 Conflict Management CMP 4422 Conflict Management 3 credits. Examines the dynamics of everyday conflicts across a variety of settings, from personal to organizational. Principles of conflict, similar across all communicative contexts, are emphasized. Theory and its application are given equal importance. F Level: UG Not repeatable for additional credit Grading mode: Letter, auditable Scheduled as: CL Equivalent to the former COMM 4452

October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 51of 95 Add CMP 4424 Management Communication CMP 4424 Management Communication 3 credits. Examines the communication goals and functions unique to organizational managers and leaders. Topics studied include socialization and training, leader-member relationships, incentive-based systems of motivation, employee identification and commitment, and organizational development. S Level: UG Not repeatable for additional credit Grading mode: Letter, auditable Scheduled as: CL Equivalent to the former COMM 4454

Add CMP 4435 Narrative and Print CMP 4435 Narrative and Print 3 credits. Exploration and reconsideration of conventional concepts of what makes a book, both in terms of narrative structure and physical form. Focus on examination of familiar forms in new ways to help students learn to approach all multi-page projects from fresh and new angles. Equivalent to ART 4418. PREREQ: CMP 2231 or permission of instructor. S Level: UG Not repeatable for additional credit Grading mode: Letter; may NOT be audited Scheduled as: Lecture/Lab Prereq: CMP 2231 Fee: $80

Add CMP 4436 Advanced Issues in Design CMP 4436 Advanced Issues in Design 3 credits. Focuses on complex design challenges, professional-level assignments, and design projects with multiple components. Application of research and entrepreneurial skills to seek innovative solutions for appropriate economic constituencies, users, and audiences. Professional presentations of ideas and design solutions for critique and discussion are central to this course. PREREQ: CMP 2231, and CMP 3335 or CMP 3337. F Level: UG Not repeatable for additional credit Grading mode: Letter; may NOT be audited Scheduled as: Lecture/Lab Prereq: CMP 2231, and CMP 3335 or CMP 3337 Fee: $80

Add CMP 4437 This course deleted, per the Department Oct. 4 – it is not part of the new program. Senior Portfolio CMP 4437 Senior Portfolio 1 credit. Create a professional portfolio. Work for this portfolio must be generated in this class. Covers all uses of photography. Course may be offered as independent project. PREREQ: CMP 2251, CMP 2202, and CMP 4457; or permission of instructor with demonstrated professional experience. S Level: UG Not repeatable for additional credit Grading mode: Letter; may NOT be audited Scheduled as: CL Equivalent to former MC 4426 Prereq: CMP 2251/2251L, CMP 2202, and CMP 4457; or permission of instructor with demonstrated professional experience

October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 52of 95 Add CMP 4446 Public Relations Programs CMP 4446 Public Relations Programs 3 credits. Tactics and strategies for planning public relations programs for public and private organizations. PREREQ: CMP 3346. S Level: UG Not repeatable for additional credit Grading mode: Letter, auditable Scheduled as: CL Equivalent to former MC 4480 Prereq: CMP 3346

Add CMP 4455 Photo Media CMP 4455 Photo Media 3 credits. Focuses on the art of visually communicating news or feature stories with still pictures and/or video. Emphasis on photographer adaptation to situations to cover stories as they unfold without becoming part of the story and application of multimedia formats expected within current social and mass media environments. CMP 3352/3352L strongly recommended. COREQ: CMP 4455L. PREREQ: CMP 2251, or permission of instructor. F Level: UG Not repeatable for additional credit Grading mode: Letter; may NOT be audited Scheduled as: CL Equivalent to the former MC 4405 Coreq: CMP 4455L Prereq: CMP 2251/2251L, or permission of instructor

Add CMP 4455L Photo Media Lab CMP 4455L Photo Media Laboratory (0 credits). Assignments apply principles from CMP 4455. F Level: UG Not repeatable for additional credit Grading mode: Letter; may NOT be audited Scheduled as: LB Equivalent to the former MC 4405L Fee: $100

Add CMP 4457 Advanced Photo Media CMP 4457 Advanced Photo Media 3 credits. Explores the notion of visual storytelling for multi-media/multi- platform productions. Investigation into photographer intent as it relates to crafting color or black and white images into a visual story, elements and decisions required for storytelling, and concept research techniques. Students create a body of cohesive images suitable for various forms of professional multi-platform distribution. COREQ: CMP 4455L. 4457L. PREREQ: CMP 2251 or permission of instructor. S (Correction per Dept. 10/10/13) Level: UG Not repeatable for additional credit Grading mode: Letter; may NOT be audited Scheduled as: CL Equivalent to the former MC 4410 Coreq: CMP 4455L Prereq: CMP 2251/2251L

October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 53of 95 Add CMP 4457L Advanced Photo Media Lab CMP 4457L Advanced Photo Media Laboratory (0 credits). Assignments apply principles from CMP 4457. S Level: UG Not repeatable for additional credit Grading mode: Letter; may NOT be audited Scheduled as: LB Equivalent to the former MC 4410L Fee: $100

Add CMP 4460 Special Projects Advertising CMP 4460 Special Projects in Advertising 3 credits. Students work as a team to apply persuasive mass communication principles to solving a real-world marketing communication problem such as the annual AAF/NSAC client case. May be repeated for up to 9 credits. Equivalent to MKTG 3375. PREREQ: Permission of instructor. S [Changed as per email from John Gribas 11/01/13, and okayed by UCC chair] Level: UG May be repeated for up to 9 credits Grading mode: Letter; may NOT be audited Scheduled as: Lecture/Lab Coreq: none Equivalent: MKTG 3375 and the former MC 3375 Prereq: Permission of instructor Fee: $80

Add CMP 4465 Advertising Campaigns CMP 4465 Advertising Campaigns 3 credits. Capstone course; the development of an advertising campaign; includes situation analysis, research, strategy, and creation of the advertising. PREREQ: CMP 3365/MKTG 3355. S Level: UG Not repeatable for additional credit Grading mode: Letter, auditable Scheduled as: Lecture/Lab Equivalent to the former MC 3355 Prereq: CMP3365/MKTG 3355

Add CMP 4471 Advanced TV Production CMP 4471 Advanced Television Production 3 credits. Theory and practical experience producing and presenting information on-air television broadcast programs with attention to role of broadcast television in society, nature of audiences, production techniques, and TV news management. Will include both on-camera and production experience reflecting a professional environment. Students will create material for professional portfolios. May be repeated for up to 6 credits. PREREQ: CMP 1110, CMP 2271, and CMP 3310 or CMP 3311 or permission of the instructor. S Level: UG May be repeated for up to 6 credits Grading mode: Letter, auditable Scheduled as: LB Equivalent to former MC 4450 Prereq: CMP 1110, CMP 2271, and CMP 3310 or CMP 3311 or permission of the instructor October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 54of 95 Fee: $80

Add CMP 4475 Corporate Video Production CMP 4475 Corporate Video Production 3 credits. Producing for corporate, educational, home video, documentary and other nonfiction markets. Advanced production techniques. Major project required. PREREQ: CMP 2202, and CMP 2271 or permission of instructor. S F [Changed as per email from John Gribas 11/01/13, and okayed by UCC chair] Level: UG Not repeatable for additional credit Grading mode: Letter, auditable Scheduled as: CL Equivalent to the former MC 4460 Prereq: CMP 2202, and CMP 2271 or permission of instructor Fee: $80

Add CMP 4481 Rhetoric of Hitler Churchill CMP 4481 Rhetoric of Hitler and Churchill 3 credits. Rhetorical theory and practice of these influential leaders and the impact of their persuasion. Topics include Hitler's oratory, Nazi propaganda, and Churchill's World War II speeches. F Level: UG Not repeatable for additional credit Grading mode: Letter, auditable Scheduled as: CL Equivalent to the former COMM 4447

Add CMP 4482 American Public Address CMP 4482 American Public Address 3 credits. Has a dual purpose: to study the impact of rhetoric (oral and written persuasion cr on major events in American history; to examine great speakers and rhetorical documents in their historical context. S Level: UG Not repeatable for additional credit Grading mode: Letter, auditable Scheduled as: CL Equivalent to the former COMM 4442

Add CMP 4483 Rhetoric of Popular Culture CMP 4483 Rhetoric of Popular Culture 3 credits. Explores the functions of rhetoric in popular culture mass media including news, television, film, fiction, advertising, music, and the internet. Emphasizes understanding how rhetoric in these mediums reflects, influences, and interacts with the culture. S F [Changed as per email from John Gribas 11/01/13, and okayed by UCC chair] Level: UG Not repeatable for additional credit Grading mode: Letter, auditable Scheduled as: CL

October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 55of 95 Add CMP 4484 Recent Rhetorical Issues CMP 4484 Recent Rhetorical Issues 3 credits. Study of the rhetoric of contemporary issues such as the Vietnam War, the Black Revolution, and other current political and social topics, including the rhetoric of ongoing election campaigns. F Level: UG Not repeatable for additional credit Grading mode: Letter, auditable Scheduled as: CL Equivalent to the former COMM 4451

Add CMP 4485 Classical Rhetorical Theory CMP 4485 Classical Rhetorical Theory 3 credits. Principle western rhetorical theories discussed from a historical perspective, beginning with the ancient Greeks, Romans, Second Sophistic, and ending with the Middle Ages. Some of the works stressed include writings by Plato, Aristotle, Cicero, Longinus, and St. Augustine. F Level: UG Not repeatable for additional credit Grading mode: Letter, auditable Scheduled as: CL

Add CMP 4486 Contemporary Rhetorical Theory CMP 4486 Contemporary Rhetorical Theory 3 credits. This course examines rhetorical theories as a cultural phenomenon including modern, contemporary, and postmodern approaches. S Level: UG Not repeatable for additional credit Grading mode: Letter, auditable Scheduled as: CL

Add CMP 4488 Rhetorical Criticism CMP 4488 Rhetorical Criticism 3 credits. Study and application of various theories and methods of rhetorical criticism including Aristotelian and Burkeian principles. PREREQ: CMP 4485. S Level: UG Not repeatable for additional credit Grading mode: Letter, auditable Scheduled as: CL Equivalent to the former COMM 4436 Prereq: CMP 4485

Add CMP 4491 Independent Projects CMP 4491 Independent Projects (1-3 credits). Under the supervision of professors in the various areas of communication, students will prepare reports and carry out projects designed to promote professional growth. May be repeated for up to 6 credits. PREREQ: Permission of instructor and department. F, S Level: UG Max credits earned: May be repeated for up to 6 credits Grading mode: Letter; may NOT be audited Scheduled as: Other Equivalent to former COMM 4491 and MC 4491 October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 56of 95 Prereq: Permission of instructor and department

Add CMP 4494 Internship CMP 4494 Internship (1-3 credits). Department approval required. Directed field experience with an approved agency. Learning contract required. May be repeated for up to 6 credits. PREREQ: Permission of instructor and department. F, S Level: UG May be repeated for up to 6 credits Grading mode: Letter or P/N Scheduled as: Other Equivalent to former COMM 3313 and MC 4494 Prereq: Permission of instructor and department

Add CMP 4495 Senior Capstone Experience CMP 4495 Senior Capstone Experience 3 credits. Experience in different professional media outlets. Students will demonstrate professionalism and proficiency in areas such as research, writing, technical abilities, meeting deadlines, positive attitude, commitment, ethics, and sensitivity to diversity. Students will complete a professional portfolio suitable for applications to potential employers. S Level: UG Not repeatable for additional credit Grading mode: Letter; may NOT be audited Scheduled as: CL


Brief explanation of what is being changed with curriculum: As noted above, the changes are designed to reflect an already approved name change for the Department of Mass Communication (to Communication, Media, and Persuasion), an approved shifting of Communication and Rhetorical Studies faculty lines and programs to the new Department of Communication, Media, and Persuasion, and a submitted curricular reconfiguration to move from eight rather independent emphases to four more integrated, updated, and relevant emphases as well as similar reconfiguration of the four existing minors.

New curriculum format in catalog: Below is the new catalog content to be reflected in the section associated with the department within the College of Arts and Letters section. Following this departmental information is explanation of all other needed catalog changes resulting from this proposal.

James E. Rogers Department of Communication, Media, and Persuasion

Chair and Professor: DiSanza Professors: Gribas, Jull, Legge, Loebs, Partlow-Lefevre Associate Professors: Beachboard Assistant Professors: Ownby Lecturers: Czerepinski, Dixon, Eckert, Robinson, Sowell, Underwood Emeriti: Frazier, House, Mauch, Trinklein

The James E. Rogers Department of Communication, Media, and Persuasion administers a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in Communication and Rhetorical Studies, with emphases in Organizational Communication or Rhetorical Studies; a Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communication, with emphases in Visual Communication or

October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 57of 95 Journalism; and minors in Organizational Communication, Rhetorical Studies, Mass Communication, and Leadership Studies.

The primary objectives related to the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science programs in Communication and Rhetorical Studies and the Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communication are to assist all students in developing the following:

1. The ability to engage in critical thinking. 2. The ability to communicate effectively in writing. 3. The ability to communicate effectively through oral presentation. 4. The ability to engage in effective applied problem-solving for personal and professional goals. 5. The ability to construct and evaluate strategic verbal and visual messages. 6. The ability to use effective information research strategies. 7. An understanding of the role of communication in interpersonal, group/team, corporate, political, cultural, mediated, and historical contexts. 8. Knowledge and skill useful to graduates’ professional success. 9. Knowledge and skill applicable to graduates’ personal lives.

Effective communication is vital to successful social interaction and depends upon an adequate breadth of knowledge. The Communication, Media, and Persuasion curriculum program offerings emphasize the importance of a strong liberal arts education as well as relevant technical skill development in preparing students for communication careers and for participation as members of a diverse global society.

Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in Communication and Rhetorical Studies

Select one of the following emphases:

Emphasis in Organizational Communication

Core courses (18 credits)

CMP 2201 Business and Professional Communication (3) CMP 2202 Photo, Graphic, and Video Editing (3) CMP 2209 Persuasion (3) CMP 2231 Introduction to Graphic Design (3) CMP 3308 Groups and Communication (3) CMP 4409 Communication Inquiry (3)

Choose one of the following tracks

Leadership Track Required Track Courses (12 credits)

CMP 3320 Foundations of Leadership (3) CMP 4420 Advanced Leader Communication (3) CMP 4422 Conflict Management (3) CMP 4424 Management Communication (3)

October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 58of 95 Track Electives: Choose from the following for a total of 45 major credits , Complete 15 credits from the following list of electives (as per comments by John Gribas and JoAnn Hertz in Impact Review section.)

CMP 2205 Argumentation (3) CMP 2241 Introduction to Public Relations (3) CMP 2261 Introduction to Advertising (3) CMP 2286 Visual Rhetoric (3) CMP 3302 Image Management (3) CMP 3346 Public Relations Writing (3) CMP 3367 Advertising Media Planning (3) CMP 4404 Gender and Communication (3) CMP 4446 Public Relations Programs (3) CMP 4475 Corporate Video Production (3) CMP 4481 Rhetoric of Hitler and Churchill (3) CMP 4485 Classical Rhetorical Theory (3) CMP 4486 Contemporary Rhetorical Theory (3) CMP 4488 Rhetorical Criticism (3) CMP 4494 Internship (1-3)

Public Relations Track

Required Track Courses (18 15 credits)

CMP 1110 Introductory Convergent Newswriting and Reporting (3) CMP 2231 Introduction to Graphic Design (3) CMP 2241 Introduction to Public Relations (3) CMP 3335 Typography and Layout (3) CMP 3346 Public Relations Writing (3) CMP 4446 Public Relations Programs (3)

Track Electives: Choose from the following for a total of 45 major credits Complete 9 12 credits from the following list of electives (as per comments by John Gribas and JoAnn Hertz in Impact Review section.)

CMP 2205 Argumentation (3) CMP 2261 Introduction to Advertising (3) CMP 2271 Introduction to Television Production (3) CMP 2286 Visual Rhetoric (3) CMP 3302 Image Management (3) CMP 3320 Foundations of Leadership (3) CMP 3339 Web Design (3) CMP 3367 Advertising Media Planning (3) CMP 4404 Gender and Communication (3) CMP 4410 Mass Media History, Law, and Ethics (3) CMP 4420 Advanced Leader Communication (3) CMP 4422 Conflict Management (3) CMP 4424 Management Communication (3) CMP 4475 Corporate Video Production (3) CMP 4485 Classical Rhetorical Theory (3)

October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 59of 95 CMP 4486 Contemporary Rhetorical Theory (3) CMP 4488 Rhetorical Criticism (3) CMP 4494 Internship (1-3)

Advertising Track

Required Track Courses (18 credits)

CMP 2251/2251L Introduction to Photography (3) CMP 2261 Introduction to Advertising (3) CMP 3335 Typography and Layout (3) CMP 3365 Advertising Strategy and Copywriting (3) CMP 3367 Advertising Media Planning (3) CMP 4465 Advertising Campaigns (3)

Choose one of the following (3 credits)

CMP 3339 Web Design (3) CMP 4475 Corporate Video Production (3)

Track Electives: Choose from the following for a total of 45 major credits Complete 6 credits from the following list of electives (as per comments by John Gribas and JoAnn Hertz in Impact Review section.)

CIS 1101 Introduction to Computer Systems (3) CIS 3301 Information Systems and Problem Solving (3) CMP 1110 Introductory Convergent Newswriting and Reporting (3) CMP 2205 Argumentation (3) CMP 2241 Introduction to Public Relations (3) CMP 2286 Visual Rhetoric (3) CMP 3302 Image Management (3) CMP 3320 Foundations of Leadership (3) CMP 3346 Public Relations Writing (3) CMP 4410 Mass Media History, Law, and Ethics (3) CMP 4424 Management Communication (3) CMP 4446 Public Relations Programs (3) CMP 4460 Special Projects in Advertising (3) CMP 4475 Corporate Video Production (3) CMP 4485 Classical Rhetorical Theory (3) CMP 4486 Contemporary Rhetorical Theory (3) CMP 4488 Rhetorical Criticism (3) CMP 4494 Internship (1-3) MKTG 3325 2225 Basic Marketing Management (3) [MKTG 3325 was reportedly changed last year to MKTG 2225.]

Total major credits 45

Emphasis in Rhetorical Studies

Core courses (30 credits)

October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 60of 95 CMP 2209 Persuasion (3) CMP 2205 Argumentation (3) CMP 4488 Rhetorical Criticism (3) CMP 4485 Classical Rhetorical Theory (3) CMP 4486 Contemporary Rhetorical Theory (3) CMP 4483 Rhetoric of Popular Culture (3) CMP 2286 Visual Rhetoric (3) CMP 4482 American Public Address (3) CMP 4481 Rhetoric of Hitler and Churchill (3) CMP 4484 Recent Rhetorical Issues (3)

Choose one of the following option areas, and take any two courses from that area (6 credits)

Design Option

CMP 2202 Photo, Graphic, and Video Editing (3) CMP 2231 Introduction to Graphic Design (3) CMP 3339 Web Design (3)

Advertising Option

CMP 2231 Introduction to Graphic Design (3) CMP 2261 Introduction to Advertising (3) CMP 3365 Advertising Strategy and Copywriting (3)

Public Relations Option

CMP 2241 Introduction to Public Relations (3) CMP 3346 Public Relations Writing (3) CMP 4446 Public Relations Programs (3)

Electives: Choose three of the following courses (9 credits)

CMP 2201 Business and Professional Communication (3) CMP 3302 Image Management (3) CMP 3308 Groups and Communication (3) CMP 4404 Gender and Communication (3) CMP 4422 Conflict Management (3) CMP 4424 Management Communication (3) CMP 4499 Special Topics (3)

Total major credits: 45

October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 61of 95 Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communication

Select one of the following emphases:

Emphasis in Visual Communication

Core courses (16 15 credits)

CMP 1110 Introductory Convergent Newswriting and Reporting (3) CPM 2202 Photo, Graphic, and Video Editing (3) CPM 3339 Web Design (3) CPM 4403 Mass Communication and Society (3) CPM 4410 Mass Media History, Law, and Ethics (3) CPM 4437 Senior Portfolio (1)

Choose one of the following options (15 credits)

Photo Media Option

CMP 2250 History and Appreciation of Photography (3) CMP 2251/2251L Introduction to Photography (3) CMP 3352/3352L Photo Communication (3) CMP 4455/4455L Photo Media (3) CMP 4457/4457L Advanced Photo Media (3)

Design Option

CMP 2231 Introduction to Graphic Design (3) CMP 3335 Typography and Layout (3) CMP 3337 Illustration (3) CMP 4435 Narrative and Print (3) CMP 4436 Advanced Issues in Design (3)

Video Option

CMP 2271 Introduction to Television Production (3) CMP 3310 Multiplatform Storytelling (3) CMP 3371 Video Editing and Compositing (3) CMP 4471 Advanced Television Production (3) CMP 4475 Corporate Video Production (3)


Choose any two additional courses from the option lists above (6 credits)

Choose any three of the following (9 credits)

CMP 2201 Business and Professional Communication (3) CMP 2209 Persuasion (3) CMP 2241 Introduction to Public Relations (3) CMP 2261 Introduction to Advertising (3) October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 62of 95 CMP 2286 Visual Rhetoric (3) CMP 4404 Gender and Communication (3) CMP 4422 Conflict Management (3) CMP 4424 Management Communication (3) CMP 4483 Rhetoric of Popular Culture (3)

Total major credits: 46 45

Emphasis in Journalism

CMP 1110 Introductory Convergent Newswriting and Reporting (3) CMP 2202 Photo, Graphic, and Video Editing (3) CMP 2209 Persuasion (3) CMP 2271 Introduction to Television Production (3) CMP 3302 Image Management (3) CMP 3310 Multiplatform Storytelling (3) CMP 3311 Public Affairs and Investigative Reporting (3) CMP 3339 Web Design (3) CMP 4403 Mass Communication and Society (3) CMP 4409 Communication Inquiry (3) CMP 4410 Mass Media History, Law, and Ethics (3) CMP 4415 Television News (3) CMP 4418 Advanced Reporting (3) CMP 4471 Advanced Television Production (3) CMP 4495 Senior Capstone Experience (3)

Total major credits: 45

Note: The course requirements for the following emphases are available in earlier versions of the ISU Catalog. These emphases are targeted for future elimination. Students who are working from older catalogs and who are pursuing these emphases will be able to complete their programs by taking the newer versions of CMP courses and should meet with an advisor to check for course equivalents and approve any needed course substitutions.

Emphasis in Advertising Emphasis in Media Studies Emphasis in Public Relations Emphasis in Television

Minor in Organizational Communication

Required Minor Courses (12 credits)

CMP 1110 Introductory Convergent Newswriting and Reporting (3) CMP 2241 Introduction to Public Relations (3) CMP 2261 Introduction to Advertising (3) CMP 3346 Public Relations Writing (3)

Choose one of the following options (6 credits)

Option A: Take both of the following courses

October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 63of 95 CMP 2231 Introduction to Graphic Design (3) CMP 3365 Advertising Strategy and Copywriting (3)

Option B: Take any two of the following courses

CMP 2202 Photo, Graphic, and Video Editing (3) CMP 2209 Persuasion (3) CMP 2231 Introduction to Graphic Design (3) CMP 2251/2251L Introduction to Photography (3) CMP 4410 Mass Media History, Law, and Ethics (3) CMP 4446 Public Relations Programs (3) CMP 4475 Corporate Video Production (3)

Total minor credits: 18

Minor in Rhetorical Studies

Required Minor Courses (12 credits)

CMP 2209 Persuasion (3) CMP 2205 Argumentation (3) CMP 4485 Classical Rhetorical Theory (3) CMP 4488 Rhetorical Criticism (3)

Choose one of the following courses (3 credits)

CMP 2286: Visual Rhetoric (3) CMP 4483: Rhetoric of Popular Culture (3) CMP 4486: Contemporary Rhetorical Theory (3)

Choose one of the following courses (3 credits)

CMP 4481: Rhetoric of Hitler and Churchill (3) CMP 4482: American Public Address (3) CMP 4484 Recent Rhetorical Issues (3)

Total minor credits: 18

Minor in Mass Communication

Required Minor Courses (12 credits)

CMP 1110 Introductory Convergent Newswriting and Reporting (3) CMP 2202 Photo, Graphic, and Video Editing (3) CMP 3339 Web Design (3) CMP 4403 Mass Communication and Society (3)

Choose one of the following minor options (6 credits)

Photo Media Option

October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 64of 95 CMP 2251/2251L Introduction to Photography (3)

And one of the following courses:

CMP 3352/3352L Photo Communication (3) CMP 4455/4455L Photo Media (3) CMP 4457/4457L Advanced Photo Media (3)

Design Option

CMP 2231 Introduction to Graphic Design (3)

And one of the following courses:

CMP 3335 Typography and Layout (3) CMP 3337 Illustration (3) CMP 4435 Narrative and Print (3)

Video Option

CMP 2271 Introduction to Television Production (3)

And one of the following courses:

CMP 3310 Multiplatform Storytelling (3) CMP 3371 Video Editing and Compositing (3) CMP 4471 Advanced Television Production (3)

Total minor credits: 18

Minor in Leadership Studies

Required Minor Courses (15 credits)

CMP 2201 Business and Professional Communication (3) CMP 3308 Groups and Communication (3) CMP 4424 Management Communication (3) CMP 3320 Foundations of Leadership (3) CMP 4420 Advanced Leader Communication (3)

Choose one of the following courses (3 credits)

CMP 2209 Persuasion (3) CMP 4409 Communication Inquiry (3) CMP 4422 Conflict Management (3) CMP 4481 Rhetoric of Hitler and Churchill (3) CMP 2205 Argumentation (3) CMP 4482 American Public Address (3) CMP 4484 Recent Rhetorical Issues (3)

Total minor credits: 18 October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 65of 95 Other needed catalog changes: The following are specific ISU undergraduate catalog (referencing 2013-2014) changes that result from proposed changes to the curriculum in the James E. Rogers Department of Communication, Media, and Persuasion.

In the list of Subject Abbreviations in the catalog, references to and listings of the following subjects need to be struck: COMM, LEAD, MC. Instead, the following subject should be included:

CMP – James E. Rogers Department of Communication, Media, and Persuasion; College of Arts and Letters

In the Services for Students section of the catalog, the Leadership Development Program subsection should be eliminated. The proposed CMP curriculum will still include a Leadership minor; however, this new Leadership minor is no longer configured as an interdisciplinary program and is not the result of collaboration with Student Affairs (it has not been for a number of years). Instead, the newly designed Leadership Studies minor is directly associated with the proposed James E. Rogers Department of Communication, Media, and Persuasion and should be listed as such.

In the Objective 2, Spoken English section of the General Education program, reference to COMM 1101 should be removed and replaced by CMP 1101.

In the Objective 4, Humanities, Fine Arts and Foreign Language section of the General Education program, references to MC 2210 should be removed and replaced by CMP 2250.

In the Graduation from the University Honors Program section, all references to COMM 1101 should be removed and replaced by CMP 1101.

At the beginning of the College of Arts and Letters section, in the Pre-Law Advising subsection, identification of "Dr. Bruce Loebs, Communication and Rhetorical Studies" should be changed to "Dr. Bruce Loebs, Communication, Media, and Persuasion."

In the Art Courses listings section, the following changes should be made:

In the listing for ART 2210 History and Appreciation of Photography, MC 2210 should become CMP 2250.

ART 4418 Art of the Book is a cross-listing of CMP 4435. Due to changes in course description, prerequisites, etc. for CMP 4435, the listing for ART 4418 should be changed to read as follows: ART 4418 Narrative and Print 3 credits. Exploration and reconsideration of conventional concepts of what makes a book, both in terms of narrative structure and physical form. Focus on examination of familiar forms in new ways to help students learn to approach all multi-page projects from fresh and new angles. Equivalent to CMP 4435. PREREQ: CMP 2231 or permission of instructor. S

ART 4418 Art of the Book is an equivalent of CMP 4435. Due to changes in course number, description, prerequisites, etc. for CMP 4435, the listing for ART 4418 should be changed to read as follows: ART 4435 Narrative and Print 3 credits. Exploration and reconsideration of conventional concepts of what makes a book, both in terms of narrative structure and physical form. Focus on examination of familiar forms in new ways to help students learn to approach all multi-page projects from fresh and new angles. Equivalent to CMP 4435. PREREQ: CMP 2231 or permission of instructor. S

October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 66of 95 (If changing the course number for the ART version of the class is not possible without Art submitting a CC proposal, then I would suggest just sticking with my original proposal language, noting that Art supports the change and impact, and then we could notify Art and let them propose the number change themselves.)

In the Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in Economics section, Option 3-Law and Economics subsection, the following changes should be made:

MC 4440 Media Law and Ethics should become CMP 4410 Mass Media History, Law, and Ethics.

In the Bachelor of Arts in International Studies section:

In subsection C. The United Stated and World Affairs, reference to "Communication and Rhetorical Studies" should be changed to "Communication, Media, and Persuasion" and reference to COMM 4452 should be changed to CMP 4422.

In subsection 3. Electives, reference to "Communication and Rhetorical Studies" should be changed to "Communication, Media, and Persuasion" and reference to COMM 4447 should be changed to CMP 4481.

The entire Leadership Studies Program section should be eliminated. As discussed above, this section references a single minor that has, for some time, not been available as listed. It is a minor that is administratively housed in Communication, Media, and Persuasion, and the curriculum for the Leadership Studies minor will be reflected there as shown above.

As part of the elimination of the current information outlining the James E. Rogers Department of Mass Communication, the entire section outlining the Bachelor of Arts in Theatre, Film, and Video will be eliminated. However, this program has been administratively moved to the Theatre program. The changes necessitated by this proposal are reflected in another proposal by Theatre for inclusion of the Bachelor of Arts in Theatre, Film, and Video into their program.

In the Bachelor of Music section, Basin Non-Music Requirements subsection, COMM 1101 should be replaced by CMP 1101.

In the Minor in Women Studies section, reference to COMM 4440 should be changed to CMP 4404.

In the introduction to the College of Business section, Minimum Criteria for Admission to Business Major Status subsection, reference to COMM 1101 should be changed to CMP 1101.

In the College of Business section, Bachelor of Business Administration subsection, Specific College of Business Graduation Requirements sub-subsection, reference to COMM 2201 should be changed to CMP 2201.

In the introduction to the College of Business section, Marketing Major subsection, the following changes should be made:

MKTG/MC 2200 should be changed to MKTG 2200/CMP 2261. MKTG/MC 3355 should be changed to MKTG 3355/CMP 3365. MKTG 3368/MC 3367 should be changed to MKTG 3368/CMP 3367. MKTG/MC 3375 should be changed to MKTG 3375/CMP 4460. MKTG/MC 4495 should be eliminated.

In the introduction to the College of Business section, Minor in Marketing (for Non-Business Majors only) subsection, the following changes should be made: October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 67of 95 MKTG/MC 2200 should be changed to MKTG 2200/CMP 2261. MKTG/MC 3355 should be changed to MKTG 3355/CMP 3365. MKTG 3368/MC 3367 should be changed to MKTG 3368/CMP 3367. MKTG/MC 3375 should be changed to MKTG 3375/CMP 4460. MC 4495 should be eliminated. MC 2241 should be changed to CMP 2241. COMM 3355 should be eliminated.

In the College of Business section, Idaho Falls Programs subsection, EITS/Idaho State University Program sub- subsection, reference to COMM 1101 should be changed to CMP 1101.

In the section Marketing Courses listings section, the following changes should be made:

In the listing for MKTG 2200 Introduction to Advertising, reference to MC 2200 should be changed to CMP 2261.

In the listing for MKTG 3350 Personal Selling prerequisites, reference to COMM 2201 should be changed to CMP 2201.

MKTG 3355 Advertising Copywriting is a cross-listing of CMP 3365. Due to changes in course description, prerequisites, etc. for CMP 3365, the listing for MKTG 3355 should be changed to read as follows: MKTG 3355 Advertising Strategy and Copywriting 3 credits. Overview of basic creative skills, with emphasis on how to write and develop strategic creative advertising messages for print, radio, television, and the Internet. Students begin to develop a marketing communication portfolio. Equivalent to CMP 3365. PREREQ: CMP 1110, CMP 2261, and CMP 2231 or MKTG 3325. F

In the listing for MKTG 3368 Advertising Media Planning, the list of prerequisites should be changed to CMP 2261/MKTG 2200 or MKTG 3325 2225. (This is needed to make MKTG 3368 equivalent to CMP 3367.) Also, reference to MC 3367 should be changed to CMP 3367.

MKTG 3375 Special Projects in Advertising is a cross-listing of CMP 4460. Due to changes in course description, prerequisites, etc. for CMP 4460, the listing for MKTG 3375 should be changed to read as follows: MKTG 3375 Special Projects in Advertising 3 credits. Students work as a team to apply persuasive mass communication principles to solving a real-world marketing communication problem such as the annual AAF/NSAC client case. May be repeated for up to 9 credits. Equivalent to CMP 4460. PREREQ: Permission of instructor.

MKTG 4495 Applied Research Methods is a cross-listing of MC 4495. Since MC 4495 will no longer be offered, the listing for MKTG 4495 should be eliminated.

In the Bachelor of Arts in English section, Option 2-Professional Writing subsection, the following changes should be made:

MC 2215 Graphic Design should become CMP 2231 Introduction to Graphic Design. MC 4415 Advanced Graphic Design should become CMP 4436 Advanced Issues in Design. MC 2230 should become CMP 2251. MC 4410 should become CMP 4457 Advanced Photo Media. MC 3325 Editing for Print Media should become CMP 3310 Multiplatform Storytelling. MC 3327 Magazine Article Writing should be eliminated. MC 3341 should be eliminated. October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 68of 95 MC/MKTG 3355 Advertising Copywriting should be eliminated. MC 4445 Editorial Writing should be eliminated. COMM 4437 Rhetorical Theory should become CMP 4485 Classical Rhetorical Theory.

In the Teacher Education section, Admission to Teacher Education subsection, reference to COMM 1101 should be changed to CMP 1101.

In the Secondary Education Teaching Majors and Minors section, the following changes should be made in the Communication and Rhetorical Studies Major, Communication and Rhetorical Studies Minor, and Theatre Major subsections:

MC 1119 Introduction to Mass Media should be replaced with CMP 2202 Photo, Graphic, and Video Editing. COMM 2208 Group Communication should become CMP 3308 Groups and Communication. COMM 3305 Argumentation and Debate should become CMP 2205 Argumentation. COMM 3355 Nonverbal Communication should be replaced with CMP 2286 Visual Rhetoric. COMM 4436 should become CMP 4488. COMM 4437 Rhetorical Theory should become CMP 4485 Classical Rhetorical Theory. COMM 4441 Interpersonal Communication should be replaced with CMP 4404 Gender and Communication.

Note: The same changes listed above need to be made in the Communication and Rhetorical Studies and in the Theatre subsections of the Single Subject Teaching Majors section.

In the Secondary Education Teaching Majors and Minors section, the following changes should be made in the Mass Communication Minor subsection:

MC 1119 Introduction to Mass Media should be replaced with CMP 2202 Photo, Graphic, and Video Editing. MC 1121 Reporting and Newswriting should become CMP 1110 Introductory Convergent Newswriting and Reporting. MC 2230, 2230L should become MC 2251, 2251L. MC 3325 Editing for Print Media should be replaced with CMP 3310 Multiplatform Storytelling. MC 2270 Journalism History should be replaced with CMP 3311 Public Affairs and Investigative Reporting. MC 2290 American Broadcasting should be replaced with CMP 2271 Introduction to Television Production. MC 3350 Cable Television and New Media Technology should be replaced with CMP 3339 Web Design. MC 4440 Media Law and Ethics should become CPM 4410 Mass Media History, Law, and Ethics. MC 4452 should become CMP 4403

In the Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in Physical Education section, Outdoor Education Emphasis subsection, the following changes should be made in the Electives list:

COMM 2201 should become CMP 2201. COMM 2208 Group Communication should become CMP 3308 Groups and Communication. MC 2230, 2230L should become CMP 2251, 2251L. MC 2241 should become CMP 2241. MC 2260 Photo and Graphic Design should become CMP 2202 Photo, Graphic, and Video Editing. MC 3327, 3327L Magazine Article Writing and Lab should be eliminated. MC 4470 Communication through Web Design should become CMP 3339 Web Design.

October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 69of 95 In the Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in Physical Education section, Sports Management Emphasis subsection, the following changes should be made in the list of courses for Objective #2: To develop leadership and management skills:

COMM 2201 should become CMP 2201. COMM 2208 Group Communication should become CMP 3308 Groups and Communication. COMM 2254 Organizational Communication should be replaced with CMP 3320 Foundations of Leadership. COMM 3355 Nonverbal Communication should be replaced with CMP 2286 Visual Rhetoric. COMM 4408 Communication Theory should be replaced with CMP 4420 Advanced Leader Communication. COMM 4452 should become CMP 4422Conflict Management. COMM 4454 should become CMP 4424.

In the Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in Physical Education section, Sports Management Emphasis subsection, the following changes should be made in the list of courses for Objective #3: To understand and interpret the business setting:

MC 2241 should become CMP 2241.

In the Division of Health Sciences and the College of Science and Engineering sections, there are numerous references to COMM 1101. In all the following instances, COMM 1101 should be changes to CMP 1101.

In the Doctor of Pharmacy section, General Education Requirements subsection.

In the Bachelor of Science in Dietetics section, Pre-Dietetics Required Courses subsection.

In the Bachelor of Science in Health Care Administration section, Admission subsection.

In the Bachelor of Arts of Bachelor of Science in Health Education section, Admission and Program Graduation Requirements subsection.

In the Major in Health Education section, Summary of Requirements for a Bachelor of Arts or a Bachelor of Science Degree in Health Education subsection.

In the Associate of Science Degree: Paramedic Science section, Pre-professional Requirements subsection.

In the Bachelor of Science in Nursing section, Traditional Curriculum Pattern subsection, Freshman (spring semester) sub-subsection.

In the Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene section, Prerequisite Core Courses (Pre-Dental Hygiene) subsection.

In the Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene section, Program Degree Completion for Transfer Students with Entry-level Associates Degree subsection, General Education Requirements sub-subsection.

In the introductory information in the Bachelor of Arts in Chemistry section.

In the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science section, Key Courses subsection, General Education and Mathematics Requirements sub-subsection.

October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 70of 95 In the School of Engineering section, General Education Requirements (38 or 43 cr) subsection.

In the Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering section, Recommended Schedule subsection, Fall Semester Sophomore Year sub-subsection.

In the Bachelor of Science in Nuclear Engineering section, First Year subsection, Spring Semester sub- subsection.

In the Associate of Science in Physics (Health Physics Emphasis) section, Curriculum subsection, Spring 1st Year sub-subsection.

In the Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts in Earth and Environmental Systems section, Environmental Policy and Management Track (B.A.) subsection, Electives sub-subsection, the following changes should be made:

COMM 4452 should become CMP 4422. SPCH 2208 Group Communication should become CMP 3308 Groups and Communication.

In the College of Technology sections, there are numerous references to COMM 1101. In all the following instances, COMM 1101 should be changes to CMP 1101.

In the beginning of the college section, General Education Requirements subsection.

In the Associate of Applied Science Degree: Airframe and Powerplant section, Required Courses subsection.

In the Associate Degree Registered Nurse Program, b. Completion of the following prerequisite courses… subsection.

In the Associate of Science Degree: Nursing section, General Education and Prerequisite Courses subsection.

In the Associate of Science Degree: Nursing section, Suggested Course Sequence subsection, Semester 1 (Fall) sub-subsection.

In the Associate of Applied Science Degree: Automotive Collision Repair and Refinishing section, Required Courses subsection.

In the Associate of Applied Science Degree: Automotive Technology section, Required Courses subsection.

In the Associate of Applied Science Degree: Building Construction section, Required Courses subsection.

In the Associate of Applied Science Degree: Administrative Management Technology section, Required Courses subsection.

In the Associate of Applied Science Degree: Legal Office Technology section, Required Courses subsection.

In the Advanced Technical Certificate: Civil Engineering Technician section, General Education Requirement subsection.

In the Associate of Applied Science Degree: Civil Engineering Technology section, Required Courses subsection.

October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 71of 95 In the Advanced Technical Certificate: Computer Aided Design Drafting section, General Education Requirements subsection.

In the Associate of Applied Science Degree: Computer Aided Design Drafting Technology section, Required Courses subsection.

In the Applied Science: Computer Software Development/Internet Programmer section, Required Courses subsection.

In the Advanced Technical Certificate: CNC Operator section, Required Courses subsection.

In the Advanced Technical Certificate: Machining Technology section, General Education Requirements subsection.

In the Associate of Applied Science Degree: Computerized Machining Technology section, Required Courses subsection.

In the Associate of Applied Science Degree: Culinary Arts section, Required Courses subsection.

In the Advanced Technical Certificate: Diesel Technology section, General Education Requirements subsection.

In the Advanced Technical Certificate: On-Site Power Generation Technology section, General Education Requirements subsection.

In the Associate of Applied Science Degree: Diesel Technology section, Required Courses subsection.

In the Associate of Applied Science Degree: On-Site Power Generation Technology section, Required Courses subsection.

In the Associate of Applied Science Degree: Early Childhood Care and Education section, Required Courses subsection.

In the CHLD Courses section, in the list of prerequisites or corequisites for CHLD 0210, CHLD 0215, and CHLD 0220.

In the Associate of Science Degree: Emergency Management (65 credits) section, General Education Courses subsection.

In the Associate of Applied Science Degree: Energy Systems Electrical Engineering Technology section, Required Courses subsection.

In the Associate of Applied Science Degree: Energy Systems Instrumentation and Controls Engineering Technology section, Required Courses subsection.

In the Associate of Applied Science Degree: Nuclear Operations Technology section, Required Courses subsection.

In the Associate of Applied Science Degree: Energy Systems Wind Engineering Technology section, Required Courses subsection.

October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 72of 95 In the Associate of Science Degree: Fire Services Administration section, University General Education Requirements will be met… subsection.

In the Bachelor of Science Degree: Geomatics Technology section, General Education Requirements subsection.

In the Advanced Technical Certificate: Graphic Arts-Desktop Publishing/Print Media section, General Education Requirements subsection.

In the Associate of Applied Science Degree: Graphic Arts section, Required Courses subsection.

In the Associate of Applied Science Degree: Graphic Design in Print Media section, Required Courses subsection.

In the Associate of Applied Science Degree: Information Technology Systems section, Required Courses subsection.

In the Advanced Technical Certificate: Instrumentation and Automation Engineering Technology section, General Education Requirements subsection.

In the Associate of Applied Science Degree: Instrumentation and Automation Engineering Technology section, Required Courses subsection.

In the Associate of Applied Science Degree: Industrial Controls section, Required Courses subsection.

In the Associate of Applied Science Degree: Law Enforcement section, Required Courses subsection.

In the Associate of Applied Science Degree: Massage Therapy section, General Education subsection.

In the Associate of Applied Science Degree: Paralegal Studies section, Required Courses subsection.

In the Respiratory Therapy section, Admission to Program subsection, 5. The following prerequisites… sub- subsection.

In the Certificate: Robotics and Communication Systems Engineering Technology section, General Education Requirements subsection.

In the Associate of Applied Science Degree: Robotics and Communication Systems Engineering Technology section, Required Courses subsection.

In the Technical Certificate: Web Site Design and Multimedia section, Required Courses subsection.

In the Associate of Applied Science Degree: Web Site Design and Multimedia section, Required Courses subsection.

In the Associate of Applied Science Degree: Welder-Fitter section, Required Courses subsection.

In the list of TGE Core Courses section, in the first listing for the Principles of Speech course. 9. Proposal 47. Languages & Literatures, SPAN course & catalog changes

Contact: Cathleen Tarp, Associate Professor of Spanish, [email protected]. (282-3329) October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 73of 95 Proposal Summary: __X__ Make a substantive change to a course(s) or a curriculum

1 SPAN 4460/5560, SPAN 4460L/5560L remove separate lab, increase class credit from 3 to 4 credits 2 SPAN 2200; remove PREREQ statement from Catalog 3 ADD “and” permission of instructor to SPAN 4470 4 ADD “and” permission of instructor to SPAN 4480 5 ADD “or equivalent ” to the 2202 preq. statement for SPAN 3342 6 ADD “or equivalent” to the 1101-1102; 2201-2202 major and minor requirements 7 ADD new course SPAN 4494 to Spanish for Health Profession Curriculum Culture Core 8 ADD Dr. Anna Hiller to the faculty header in the PDF version of the Catalog; remove Yonk; “Director” from Park. 9 Change Language Laboratory statement in Catalog 10 DELETE “Practice in the Language Laboratory is required” from every course description 1101-2202.

____ Create a new prefix, course(s) or curriculum  SPAN 4494/5594 to resolve a BANNER/ delivery issue

X Make substantive changes to a course/s [COURSE CHANGES ]

Proposal Summary : SPAN 4460/5560, SPAN 4460L/5560L: SPAN 4460/5560. Interpretation and Translation I, II (3 credits) has an attached lab/ COREQ, SPAN 4460L/5560L Translation and Interpretation Laboratory, 1credit. We wish to eliminate the lab and change the credit value of SPAN 4460/5560, the class itself, to 4 total credits and delete the statement “instructor permission required”. Why is this change proposed? In the past we needed a language laboratory to complete lab activities. Students earned grades based upon completion of hours and quality of work completed in the lab. Text and materials technology are such that now students can complete these activities on their own home units. Also, lab courses require a lab fee, which is not now necessary for this course. This change reflects the change in delivery already in effect and is still indicative of the fact that the course still requires the same amount of work / hours. How will this improve how the University and the Department or Program fulfill their mission? This will streamline our statewide delivery of SPAN 4460/5560, Interpretation and Translation I, II. Currently, our practice has changed but the description has not. Students often think they cannot take the course because they are not on a campus near a language laboratory. 4460 is a requirement for the Spanish for the Health Professions major, an elective for the graduate certificate in Spanish for the Health Professions as well as an elective for the BA in Spanish and a requirement for the BA in Spanish for the Professions. It can be an elective for secondary EDUC majors.

Current Catalog copy: SPAN 4460 Spanish Translation and Interpretation 3 credits. Theory and principles of translation and/or interpretation and their application in the fields of literature, business, law, and medicine. Topics may vary. May be repeated 3 times with dif- ferent content. PREREQ: Permission of instructor. COREQ: SPAN 4460L D

Desired Catalog copy: SPAN 4460 Spanish Translation and Interpretation 4 credits. Theory and principles of translation and/or interpretation and their application in the fields of literature, business, law, and medicine. Topics may vary. May be repeated 3 times with

October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 74of 95 different content. May be repeated for a total of 12 credits. D (change made as per note from Department in Impacts Response section)

Proposal Summary: Remove preq. statement from SPAN 2200. Why is this change proposed? It was an error. The students who need the courses most cannot register for them. How will this improve how the University and the Department or Program fulfill their mission? Facilitate student enrollment and progress in the major and minor.

Current Catalog copy: SPAN 2200 Intermediate Enrichment 1-4 credits. Enhances intermediate students’ progress in listening, speaking, reading, writing as well as broadening cultural and historical understanding. May be repeated for a maximum of 4 credits. PREREQ: C- in SPAN 1102. COREQ: SPAN 2201 or SPAN 2202. F, S, Su

Desired Catalog copy: SPAN 2200 Intermediate Enrichment 1-4 credits. Enhances intermediate students’ progress in listening, speaking, reading, writing as well as broadening cultural and historical understanding. May be repeated for a maximum of 4 credits. F, S, Su (SPAN 2200: No pre or co-req – confirmed by Department. 10/11/13)

Proposal Summary: ADD “and” permission of instructor to SPAN 4470 Why is this change proposed? Current statement allows students to enroll without permission; these students may not have appropriate experience for this course. How will this improve how the University and the Department or Program fulfill their mission? Facilitate appropriate placement of students.

Current Catalog copy: SPAN 4470 Readings in Spanish 2 credits. Reading, discussion, and preparation of reports on selected topics in Spanish literature. May be repeated for up to 4 credits with different content. Conducted in Spanish. PREREQ: SPAN 3301 or SPAN 3302 or permission of instructor. D

Desired Catalog copy:

SPAN 4470 Readings in Spanish 2 credits. Reading, discussion, and preparation of reports on selected topics in Spanish literature. May be repeated for up to 4 credits with different content. Conducted in Spanish. PREREQ: SPAN 3301 or SPAN 3302 and permission of instructor. D

Proposal Summary: ADD “and” permission of instructor to SPAN 4480 Why is this change proposed? Current statement allows students to enroll without permission in a course which is a directed project designed for individual students. How will this improve how the University and the Department or Program fulfill their mission? Facilitate appropriate placement of students.

Current catalog copy SPAN 4480 Independent Studies in Spanish 3 credits. A directed project, under the guidance of an instructor, emphasizing individual study or research according to the needs of the student. PREREQ: SPAN 3301 or SPAN 3302 or permission of instructor. D October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 75of 95 Desired catalog copy

SPAN 4480 Independent Studies in Spanish 3 credits. A directed project, under the guidance of an instructor, emphasizing individual study or research according to the needs of the student. PREREQ: SPAN 3301 or SPAN 3302 and permission of instructor. D

Proposal Summary: ADD “or equivalent” to the 2202 preq. statement for SPAN 3342 Why is this change proposed? Needs to match SPAN 3341 statement. How will this improve how the University and the Department or Program fulfill their mission: Consistency and clarity facilitate timely student progress.

Current catalog copy SPAN 3342 Survey of Latin American Literature and Civilization 3 credits. Comprehensive overview of main currents of Latin American cultural history and literature. Conducted in Spanish. PREREQ: SPAN 2202. S

Desired catalog copy SPAN 3342 Survey of Latin American Literature and Civilization 3 credits. Comprehensive overview of main currents of Latin American cultural history and literature. Conducted in Spanish. PREREQ: SPAN 2202 or equivalent. S

Proposal Summary: ADD “or equivalent” to the SPAN 1101-1102; 2201-2202 major and minor requirements each and every time they appear in the Spanish BA, the BA in Spanish for Business and the Professions, and Spanish for the Health Professions. Why is this change proposed? Students need to be placed appropriately. How will this improve how the University and the Department or Program fulfill their mission: facilitate timely completion of major and minor graduation requirements.

Current catalog copy Degree Requirements for Bachelor of Arts in Spanish Language Component: SPAN 2201Intermediate Spanish I 4 cr SPAN 2202Intermediate Spanish II 4 cr SPAN 3301Spanish Conversation and Composition I 3 cr SPAN 3302Spanish Conversation and Composition II 3 cr SPAN 3341Survey of Spanish Literature and Civilization 3 cr SPAN 3342Survey of Latin American Literature and Civilization 3 cr

Desired catalog copy Degree Requirements for Bachelor of Arts in Spanish Language Component: SPAN 2201Intermediate Spanish I or equivalent 4 cr SPAN 2202Intermediate Spanish II or equivalent 4 cr SPAN 3301Spanish Conversation and Composition I 3 cr SPAN 3302Spanish Conversation and Composition II 3 cr SPAN 3341Survey of Spanish Literature and Civilization 3 cr SPAN 3342Survey of Latin American Literature and Civilization 3 cr

October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 76of 95 Current catalogue copy Bachelor of Arts in French, German or Spanish for Business and Professions Students take the following courses in their chosen language (French, German, or Spanish--FREN, GERM, or SPAN): 2201 and 2202Intermediate I and II 8 cr 3301 and 3302 Conversation and Composition I, II 6 cr 3341 or 3342 Survey of Literature and Civilization I or II 3 cr 3381 Current Affairs 3 cr Upper-division elective courses (recommendations listed below) (min) 6 c

Desired catalog copy Bachelor of Arts in French, German or Spanish for Business and Professions Students take the following courses in their chosen language (French, German, or Spanish--FREN, GERM, or SPAN): 2201 and 2202Intermediate I and II or equivalent 8 cr 3301 and 3302 Conversation and Composition I, II 6 cr 3341 or 3342 Survey of Literature and Civilization I or II 3 cr 3381 Current Affairs 3 cr Upper-division elective courses (recommendations listed below) (min) 6 c

Current catalog copy Bachelor of Arts in Spanish for the Health Professions (120 credits) Complete 8 credits from the following: SPAN 2201-2202 Intermediate Spanish I and II 8 cr OR SPAN 2265 Accelerated Intermediate Spanish 8 cr

Desired catalog copy Bachelor of Arts in Spanish for the Health Professions (120 credits) Complete 8 credits from the following: SPAN 2201-2202 Intermediate Spanish I and II or equivalent 8 cr OR SPAN 2265 Accelerated Intermediate Spanish or equivalent 8 cr

Current catalog copy Minor in Spanish SPAN 1101, 1102 Elementary Spanish I and II 8 cr SPAN 3301 or 3302 Spanish Conversation and Composition I or II 3 cr One elective upper-division course in Spanish 3 cr Either the following three courses (10 credits): SPAN 2200 Intermediate Enrichment* 2 cr SPAN 2201, 2202 Intermediate Spanish I and II 8 cr Or the following three courses (10 credits): SPAN 2200 Intermediate Enrichment* 4 cr SPAN 2210, 2211 Spanish for Health Care 6 cr October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 77of 95 Desired Catalog Copy Minor in Spanish SPAN 1101, 1102 Elementary Spanish I and II or equivalent 8 cr SPAN 3301 or 3302 Spanish Conversation and Composition I or II 3 cr One elective upper-division course in Spanish 3 cr Either the following three courses (10 credits): SPAN 2200 Intermediate Enrichment* 2 cr SPAN 2201, 2202 Intermediate Spanish I and II or equivalent 8 cr Or the following three courses (10 credits): SPAN 2200 Intermediate Enrichment* 4 cr SPAN 2210, 2211 Spanish for Health Care 6 cr

CURRICULUM CHANGES Proposal Summary: ADD new course SPAN 4494 to Spanish for Health Profession Curriculum Culture Core Why is this change proposed? SPAN 4494 is needed to resolve a BANNER / delivery issue. How will this improve how the University and the Department or Program fulfill their mission: Facilitate timely completion of major requirements. Current catalog copy C. Culture Core, 9 credits minimum Choose 9 credits minimum; 3 must be upper division ANTH 2239Latino Peoples and Cultures 3 cr ANTH 4407Anthropology of Global Health 3 cr ANTH 4430 Human Evolution 3 cr CMLT 2208 Cultures of Spanish-Speaking World 3 cr COUN 2200 Multicultural Development 1 cr COUN 3300 Interpersonal Skills in Health Professions 2 cr HIST 2251 Latin America 3 cr HIST 4479 Disease and U.S. Public Health 3 cr SOC 2248 Social Diversity 3 cr SPAN 3305 Study Abroad 1-3 cr SPAN 3341 Survey of Spanish Literature and Civilization 3 cr SPAN 3342 Survey of Latin American Literature and Civilization 3 cr SPAN 3381 Hispanic Current Affairs 3 cr SPAN 4493 Spanish Internship 1-3 cr SPAN 4495 Topics in Language and Culture for the Professions 1-3 cr Desired catalog copy C. Culture Core, 9 credits minimum Choose 9 credits minimum; 3 must be upper division ANTH 2239Latino Peoples and Cultures 3 cr ANTH 4407Anthropology of Global Health 3 cr ANTH 4430 Human Evolution 3 cr CMLT 2208 Cultures of Spanish-Speaking World 3 cr COUN 2200 Multicultural Development 1 cr COUN 3300 Interpersonal Skills in Health Professions 2 cr HIST 2251 Latin America 3 cr HIST 4479 Disease and U.S. Public Health 3 cr SOC 2248 Social Diversity 3 cr SPAN 3305 Study Abroad 1-3 cr SPAN 3341 Survey of Spanish Literature and Civilization 3 cr SPAN 3342 Survey of Latin American Literature and Civilization 3 cr SPAN 3381 Hispanic Current Affairs 3 cr SPAN 4493 Spanish Internship 1-3 cr October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 78of 95 SPAN 4494 Topics in Language and Culture for the Professions I 1-3 cr SPAN 4495 Topics in Language and Culture for the Professions II 1-3 cr

Proposal Summary: Change Laboratory Description Why is this change proposed? Statement needs to be accurate. How will this improve how the University and the Department or Program fulfill their mission: It just will.

Current Catalog Copy Language Laboratory The department maintains language laboratories on both the Pocatello and Idaho Falls campuses, which include tapes, CDs DVDs, record and film archives, computers and video equipment. Its facilities are available to all language students.

Desired Copy Language Laboratory and Testing Center The department maintains a language laboratory and Testing Center on the Pocatello campus, which includes tapes, CDs DVDs, records and film archives, computers and video equipment. Its facilities are available to all language students.

Proposal Summary: REMOVE Statement of laboratory practice requirement Why is this change proposed? No longer a requirement due to advances in technology and instructional materials How will this improve how the University and the Department or Program fulfill their mission: will provide students with accurate information Current Catalog Copy in all 1101-2202 courses, “Practice in the Language Laboratory is required.”

Desired Catalog Copy: delete it

Proposal Summary: Create a new course / Add New Course SPAN 4494/5594 Why is this change proposed? To resolve a BANNER issue. We offer these 8 week hybrid courses every 8 weeks. Currently we use the course name and number “SPAN 4495”. The problem is that even though these courses have different CRN numbers and titles—are different at the section level--, BANNER sees them as the same course and will not allow students to register for different sections treating different material in the same semester. So, we propose creating SPAN 4494 which would allow us to offer 4494 first 8 weeks and 4495 second 8 weeks. How will this improve how the University and the Department or Program fulfill their mission: These short, hybrid courses serve a large number of students. Facilitating student enrollment in the courses they need or want helps to promote timely completion of major and minor requirements.

Add New Course:  SubjectSPAN Number 4494/5594  Topics in Language and Culture for the Professions I  SPAN 4494 Topics in Language and Culture for the Professions I 1-3 credits. Enhance and supplement linguistic and cultural proficiency in a variety of professional contexts. May be repeated with different content for a maximum of 3 credits. Graded S/U, AU. D  Amenable to being audited? (student pays full fees and attends; no participation allowed; must attend full course to obtain AU “grade”) YES

October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 79of 95  Coreq course(s) [simultaneous registration required] NO  Equivalent Courses, including old pre-Banner numbers NO  Prereq course(s) NO Grade required in Prereq(s)N/A Can Prereq be taken concurrently? N/A  Registration Restrictions NONE

Desired catalog copy SPAN 4494 Topics in Language and Culture for the Professions I 1-3 credits. Enhance and supplement linguistic and cultural proficiency in a variety of professional contexts. May be repeated with different content for a total of 3 credits. Graded S/U. D

Proposal Summary: ADD Dr. Anna Hiller to Department Catalog header; REMOVE “Yonk and “director” from Park.

Current catalog copy Department of Languages and Literatures Director and Professor: Park Professor: Sieber Associate Professors: Hunt, Tarp Senior Lecturers: Heath Assistant Lecturers: Bassett, Dillon, Fukuoka, McCurry, Robredo Adjunct Faculty: Coffield, Stringfellow-Brookman, Tatarova, Yonk Emeriti: Dolsen, Nickisch

Desired catalog copy Professors: Park, Sieber Associate Professors: Hunt, Tarp Assistant Professor: Hiller Senior Lecturers: Heath Assistant Lecturers: Bassett, Dillon, Fukuoka, McCurry, Robredo Adjunct Faculty: Coffield, Stringfellow-Brookman, Tatarova Emeriti: Dolsen, Nickisch

Faculty Vote: 5 faculty and Chair Njoku asked to vote (6 votes total). 5 “YES”, 1 no reply

Impacts: (Proposal 47 Languages and Literatures)  Other College(s) , department(s), facilities, funding, etc.:

 ITS / ETS: Helen, “No concerns from ITS. Randy”

 Library: “Hi Cathleen: I have reviewed these changes and find that they present no concerns for the Library. Sincerely, Sandi Shropshire “ October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 80of 95  Advising: “No advising concerns.” JoAnn Hertz

 Registrar:


UCC’s concerns: Just a couple of questions of clarification for me.

Page 2 Desired catalog copy for SPAN 4460, there is a statement “May be repeated 3 times with different content” . This is a 4 credit course, so can they get up to 12 credits? If so should it read 4 to 12 credits or is it for a total of 4 credits so it should read 1 to 4 credits?

Page 2 Span 2200, they did not mention removing the coreq but is does not appear in the desired catalog copy. Was this in error or their intent?

Page 2 Span 4470 should the desired catalog copy read 2 to 4 credits because it is mentioned in the course description.

Page 6 newly added class SPAN 4494 can you call this course the same name as 4495 or should one be I and the other II?

Here's the latest feedback from Helen Tarp via email concerning this SPAN proposal. "1. SPAN 2200: No pre or co-req -

2. SPAN 4460 [5560]: may be repeated for a total of 12 credits. There is a court interp/trans class,the two semesters of medical interpreting/trans, and the literature / theory trans option. All are different aspects of the discipline with similar different professional guidelines and practices but sometimes different theoretical orientations and always different content and research . This way we change the title so the Registrar knows what the content was/is but we don't have three different entries and it allows us to offer the particular content as needed. It also allows students who wish to pursue a MA or doctorate in Translation studies the ability to try all three modes before selecting a school or program. The change “may be repeated for a total of 12 credits” has been made above for this course.

3 SPAN 4470 is a two credit class on purpose " Readings in Spanish 2 Credits".

4 an excellent idea! Call 4494 "I" and 4495 "II" - that will make it clear - thank-you for the suggestion"

 Other affected units, if any: SPAN 5560 can be an elective for the MA in Interdisciplinary Studies, for the MA in EDUC Secondary EDUC; SPAN 4460 is an elective for Secondary EDUC majors/Foreign Language, a possible elective for the Minor in Latino Studies (ANTH). All other changes are internal issues dealing specifically with our majors and minors and student placement and registration within our programs.

October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 81of 95 Helen, Here is the "impact" statement from the college of Education [from email dated Sept. 23, 2013]

I don't see any mention of a requirement of a separate lab in the state board rule language (below). So, I don't see any potential impact on our secondary Spanish Major and/or Minor.

World Language (6-12 or K-12) Twenty (20) semester credit hours to include a minimum of twelve (12) upper division credits in a specific world language taken within the last ten (10) years leading to a proficiency level as defined by a state-approved exam (for example, a passing grade on the Praxis or an Advanced level as defined by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL)). Course work must include two (2) or more of the following areas: Grammar, Conversation, Composition, Culture, and Literature; and course work in Foreign Language Methods. To obtain an endorsement in a specific foreign language (K- 12),applicants holding a Secondary Certificate must complete an elementary methods course.

Dr. Wendy Ruchti Assistant Professor, Science Education Department of Educational Foundations College of Education

10. Proposal 55. Chemistry, CHEM 3366 scheduling change Contact(s): Rene Rodriguez, Department Chair, x2613

Proposal Summary: The department wishes to change in the catalog the scheduling of CHEM 3366 with the title Synthetic Methods Laboratory. This course is now taught concurrently with Chem 3365, Synthetic Methods, in the Fall. The catalog still lists this course as taught in the Spring. This change will reduce confusion and enhance the ability of students to plan their programs of study. The catalog also currently lists CHEM 3365 as a prerequisite. This should be changed to a corequisite. Chem 3366 should be added as a corequisite to Chem 3365.

Please make sure your proposal summary covers the following information;

The purpose of this proposal is to:

__x_ Make a substantive change to a course(s) or a curriculum

____ Create a new prefix, course(s) or curriculum

____ A state proposal has also been submitted for this requested change (new curriculum, new program, new name for degree or department, or discontinuance of any of these)

____ Request that a course be considered as fulfilling a General Education Requirement (in which case, add the General Education Course Approval Form) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

What is being changed?

The catalog listing of the semester coding will be changed from S (spring) to F (fall) for Chem 3366. October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 82of 95 The prerequisite of Chem 3365 will be changed to a corequisite of Chem 3365 for Chem 3366. A corequisite of Chem 3366 will be added to Chem 3365.

Why is this change proposed?

This change will reduce confusion and enhance the ability of students to plan their programs of study because it will make the catalog consistent with actual practice.

How will this improve how the University and the Department or Program fulfill their mission?

This change will reduce confusion and enhance the ability of students to plan their programs of study.

Faculty Vote:

What was your faculty’s vote on this matter?

The faculty vote was unanimous in favor of the proposal at the department faculty meeting of 11 September 2013.

Impacts: It is the responsibility of the submitting college to send the proposal to the various infrastructure support services and other potentially affected departments who use the course in their curricula or would be impacted by the proposed changes for their assessment. Ambiguous characterization or omission of perceived impacts can significantly delay proposal evaluation, so proposals should document confirmations (specific approval wording) received from other units on campus prior to submission.

What, if any, adjustments will need to be made within the program, department, and/or college to accommodate this change?

No adjustments will be required because this change will make the catalog consistent with actual practice.

I. Information Technology Services: a. 282-2499 or 282-2873 (Chief Information Officer Information Technology Services)

 Will your program or course be taught outside of Pocatello? _x_ No ___Yes – Then, what room scheduling, technology services, and/or library resource needs will your course or program have at that location?  Identify location(s), if applicable, and type of distance learning needed (video, online, Moodle, etc.): N/A  Will access to student computer labs be necessary? _No__ If so, will any specific software be needed? N/A  Identify specific classroom support needs (projector, computer, internet connectivity, etc.): N/A  Identify any other ITS hardware needs, and connectivity/bandwidth needs such as wireless and phones: N/A  Will ITS support be needed for server, installation, maintenance, backup, etc.? No

October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 83of 95 II. Educational Technology Services (Video Classroom Network, Web Conferencing, Moodle, etc.) a. 282-2499 or 282-2873 (Chief Information Officer Information Technology Services)  How many students are expected per semester? 15  What is your anticipated scheduling of courses using this technology? This technology is not needed for Chem 3366 except Moodle.  Will you be installing your own video conferencing systems to deliver this course? No

 Will you use Moodle to:

1. administer your course (syllabus, gradebook, etc.) Yes 2. reduce seat-time required in your course, or No 3. be fully online with no seat-time required No

 Will you use streaming video, audio enhanced PowerPoints, Podcasts, or other Rich Media, or Web 2.0 technologies--beyond text and web pages either in the LMS or outside of the LMS? No  Is Web conferencing required to deliver this course? No  Are there other technology needs related to instruction that will be required to deliver this course? No III. Library: a. University Librarian (Dean) 282-2671

(To be completed by department making proposal)

 Will students be required to use the Library’s existing electronic resources? Yes but no change from current practice.  Will students be required to use the Library’s existing print resources? Yes but no change from current practice.  Will students need to make use of library services in Pocatello? Yes but no change from current practice. Idaho Falls? No Meridian? No  Are there elements of writing, research or similar types of work expected in this class/program that would suggest the need for a one-, two-, or more, class period library instruction session by one of the library’s instructors? No Please provide details, if so. (Note: there are Library instructors in Pocatello, Idaho Falls and Meridian.) October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 84of 95  Are there changes of any type in Library collection or services that are recommended in conjunction with this proposal? No

(To be completed by the Library)

 Does the Library anticipate that its services and collection at present can support this change?

IV. Advising a. Director Central Academic Advising 282-4601 b. COT Director of Student Services 282-3087

V. Registrar’s office a. Assistant Registrar 282-4946

October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 85of 95 VI. REVIEWED BY SPECIFIC COLLEGE UCC REPRESENTATIVE – [ ] yes [ ] no UCC rep. name ______

“I had a phone conversation today with Chem Chair about co-req versus pre-req questions raised in the last UCC meeting. He will speak to instructors for clarification.” Jeff Hill 10/11/13

Response from Chemistry Chair:

"After polling the Organic faculty, it was decided that the students should be able to take the lecture part by itself, and the lab can be taken concurrently or at a later time by itself. Thus I believe we want the lab to have a PRE-or-CORREQ CHEM 3365 for the lab CHEM 3366."

I think this is different from what they actually requested in the proposal itself (which is confusing and would not accomplish what they now say they would like). It makes more sense to me this way. Jeff

What other departments or programs use this course?

None, according to the catalog.

Course changes: For each course being changed, information on 19 Banner screens must be updated. Please follow the order of the list of course attributes provided on the course change form even if you choose not to include the actual form.

B. Add New Course:

For EVERY course not already in Banner, we need ALL this information, in this order:

1. Subject Number 2. 30-Character Title (we can't use punctuation; spaces count as characters; we are trying to show as much understandable meaning on a transcript as we can in the 30 spaces. We have ONLY 30 spaces!) 3. Full Title and Catalog Description, including credits, content, coreqs, equivalent courses, prereqs, restrictions, and semesters offered, in that order. 4. May the course be repeated for additional credits? How many total credits may be accumulated?

October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 86of 95 5. Normal Grading Mode (S/U, Letter) 6. Amenable to being audited? (student pays full fees and attends; no participation allowed; must attend full course to obtain AU “grade”) 7. Coreq course(s) [simultaneous registration required] 8. Equivalent Courses, including old pre-Banner numbers 9. Prereq course(s) Grade required in Prereq(s) Can Prereq be taken concurrently? 10. Registration Restrictions

Any possible fee must be requested separately via Academic Affairs; it need not be reported here, as it will find its way into Banner by some other path.

Information about prerequisite and corequisites:

COREQ - If a course has a corequisite, the requisite course must be taken in the same semester, and a student must register for the corequisite course in the same registration transaction. PREREQ - If a course has a prerequisite, the requisite course must have been taken in a semester previous. PRE-or-COREQ – in this situation, the requisite course can either have taken in a previous semester, or in the same semester.

Semester Coding:

It is important to give students the most accurate information possible regarding which semesters courses will be offered. Please review the following choices for coding of this information in the catalog:

F - Fall Semester, every year S - Spring Semester, every year Se - Sequential; a series of courses is presented until all have been taught. Su - Summer Semester, every year EF, ES, ESu - Even-numbered years, Fall, Spring, or Summer Semester OF, OS, OSu - Odd-numbered years, Fall, Spring, or Summer Semester D - Students should contact the Department to ask when this course will be offered. R1 - Course is rotated every year, either Fall or Spring R2 - Course is rotated every two years, either Fall or Spring R3 - Course is rotated every three years, either Fall or Spring 1. What fee amount is associated with this course?

C. Change an Existing Course --provide Subject Code, Number, and title here:


___Drop this course ___Change Repeatability ___Change Grading ___Change Title ___Change Equivalent ___Change or Add Goal ___Change Credits __x_Change Prereq(s) Applicability statement ___Change Content __x_Change Coreq(s) __x_Change Semester

Note: We can no longer change a course number. You will need to drop the one you have and create a new course with a new number. We also cannot re-use old numbers. October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 87of 95 Describe the specific change that will be accomplished with this proposal:

The catalog listing of the semester coding will be changed from S (spring) to F (fall) for Chem 3366. The prerequisite of Chem 3365 will be changed to a corequisite of Chem 3365 for Chem 3366. A corequisite of Chem 3366 will be added to Chem 3365.

These changes should be reflected in the catalog descriptions as follows:

Old catalog descriptions:

CHEM 3365 Synthetic Methods: 2 semester hours.

Practical aspects of chemical synthesis: Preparation, purification, and spectral interpretation for organic and inorganic molecules. PREREQ: CHEM 2211, CHEM 3302, and CHEM 3304. F

CHEM 3366 Synthetic Methods Laboratory: 2 semester hours.

Advanced laboratory methods for preparation of organic and inorganic molecules: synthetic techniques, air-sensitive methods, purification techniques, and characterization methods. PREREQ: CHEM 3365. S

New catalog descriptions:

CHEM 3365 Synthetic Methods: 2 semester hours.

Practical aspects of chemical synthesis: Preparation, purification, and spectral interpretation for organic and inorganic molecules. PREREQ: CHEM 2211, CHEM 3302, and CHEM 3304. F

CHEM 3366 Synthetic Methods Laboratory: 2 semester hours.

Advanced laboratory methods for preparation of organic and inorganic molecules: synthetic techniques, air-sensitive methods, purification techniques, and characterization methods.

: CHEM 3365. 

(Changes delineated with < >)

Reason for change (if not described on the Cover Letter form): Be sure to include whether or not this is driven by accreditation standards.

October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 88of 95 This change will reduce confusion and enhance the ability of students to plan their programs of study.

Curriculum changes: You will need to provide a brief explanation of what is being changed with your program curriculum (use some of the wording from your summary above).

You will need to show any changes required in any curriculum list(s), should the proposal be approved. Not all course changes (prereqs, for example) will require this to be done, because they don’t “show” in a curriculum list. Curriculum council members will compare your proposed new curriculum to what is listed in the catalog so please make sure everything is complete and correct.

Other considerations

Do you Need to Send a Copy to the College of Education?

 If your electronic search through the PDF catalog online reveals that your course change will appear anywhere in the College of Education's section of the catalog, contact the administrative assistant in the Deans' Office of the College of Education, who will direct you to the College of Education Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Chair. You will then contact the chair, say where your change is, and ask whether this needs approval. Whatever the answer, request that it be e-mailed to you and please include that message in the last response on the cover page of the proposal. Your submission will be incomplete without it, and may be delayed until that response appears. In general, if a proposal causes changes* in the curricula of any of the following teacher-preparation programs, it needs to be sent to the College of Education at the same time as it is sent to the Curriculum Council.   B.A. in Early Childhood Education   B.A./B.S. in Elementary Education   B.A./B.S. in Human Exceptionality   B.A./B.S. in Physical Education Emphasis in Physical Education Teaching   B.A./B.S. in Secondary Education (with any major)   Bachelor of Music Education  The College of Education has some degree or minor programs that are not focused on preparing educators, despite the words that might be used; if the proposal affects ONLY courses that are listed in any of THESE programs, the course-change locations list needs to be included on the cover page of the proposal, but the proposal need not be sent to the College of Education.   B.A./B.S. in General Family and Consumer Sciences   Minor in Consumer Economics   Minor in Child and Family Studies   B.A./B.S. in Physical Education Emphasis in Exercise Science   B.A./B.S. in Physical Education Emphasis in Outdoor Education   B.A./B.S. in Physical Education Emphasis in Sport Management  *We're referring especially to changes in course prefix, number, title, or credits here, but we also need to remember that changes in content and prereqs ALSO affect the students in these curricula.

October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 89of 95 Department response:

According to the "Summary of Requirements for a Bachelor of Arts or a Bachelor of Science degree in Secondary Education" page, Chem 3366 does not appear in the Chemistry major or minor for Secondary Education students.

11. Proposal 68. Business Technology Program changes

Contact: Deb Larson, Business Technology Program, x 3166 Jeri Spinner, Business & Service Department, x 3073

Proposal Summary: The purpose of this proposal is twofold: to make changes to courses within the Business Technology program with regard to prerequisites, semesters offered, titles, descriptions, and other attributes; and to add a course in leadership development.

Add New Course

1. Add course BT 0116 Professional Leadership Development, 1 credit.

Change Existing Courses, Summary

1. Change repeatability of BT 0141 Keyboarding.

2. Change description of BT 0141 Keyboarding

3. Change the title of BT 0145 Advanced Document Production to BT 0145 Integrated Computer Applications.

4. Add prerequisites to BT 0145 Integrated Computer Applications: BT 0144 Document Processing, BT 0170 Introduction to Computers, BT 0173 Spreadsheets, and BT 0174 Records and Database Management.

5. Change the description of BT 0145 Integrated Computer Applications.

6. Change the semester BT 0145 is offered to Fall only.

7. Change the title of BT 0172 from Integration & Presentation to BT 0172 Digital Publishing.

8. Add prerequisites to BT 0172 Digital Publishing: BT 0170 Introduction to Computers and BT 0144 Document Processing.

9. Change the description of BT 0172 Digital Publishing.

10. Change the semester BT 0172 is offered to Fall only.

The mission of Idaho Division of Professional-Technical Education is to provide youth and adults with the technical skills, knowledge, and attitudes necessary for successful performance in a highly effective workplace. These changes will refine the Business Technology curriculum to ensure a clear understanding of course content and will help ensure students’ success in those courses. Last, these

October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 90of 95 changes will provide the skills necessary for students to perform competitively in a highly effective workplace.

Faculty Vote: Three faculty members in the Business Technology Program, Deb Larson, Marie Campbell, and Gene Warren, have discussed these changes at length during faculty meetings in the spring of 2013 and e-mailed their agreement to each other and the department chair during the summer of 2013. A fourth faculty member, Rick Paul was hired in August and also approves of these changes.

Impacts:  Other College(s) , department(s), facilities, funding, etc.: College of Ed – Brenda Jacobson____

 ITS / ETS: These courses are already set up for seated or online delivery. Classrooms are outfitted with sufficient computer hardware and software. No additional ITS resources are required.

No concerns from ITS – Randy Gaines

 Library: The changes to existing courses outlined in this proposal present no concerns to the Library. The new one credit course should not require the addition of new Library resources. Therefore, I am comfortable that the proposal will not have an effect on the Library. – Sandy Shropshire

 Advising: No Advising Concerns – JoAnn Hertz I do not see any CoT advising issues with this proposal. Corey Zink

 Registrar: Comments from Chris Hunt:

I have the following questions and comments regarding this proposal:

BT 0116

o Do you want to limit registration of this course to only College of Technology students? Most COT courses have this restriction.

Response from Business and Service Department: Yes, we would like to limit registration to the COT students.

o If the course is to be repeatable up to three times for credit, then this needs to be stated in the description of the course. Please also confirm that a student will be able to get credit for this course three times. Also please understand that any student retaking the course to replace an unsatisfactory grade will need to petition the replacement, as they will receive credit for it up to three times.

Response from Business and Service Department:Yes. We want it repeatable up to three times.

October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 91of 95 o Is this course to be included in any of the BT curricula?

Response from Business and Service Department: No. It is an elective.

BT 0141 - If the course is to be repeatable up to three times for credit, then this needs to be stated in the description of the course. Please also confirm that a student will be able to get credit for this course three times. Also please understand that any student retaking the course to replace an unsatisfactory grade will need to petition the replacement, as they will receive credit for it up to three times.

Response from Business and Service Department: Yes. It is repeatable up to 3 credits.

BT 0145 and BT 0172 - changing the title has implications to students retaking the course to replace an unsatisfactory grade. If a student received an unsatisfactory grade when taking the course under the old title, and then retakes the course with the new title, the exclusion of the unsatisfactory grade will not happen automatically. The student will need to petition to exclude the grade under the old title.

Response from Business and Service Department: We are aware of this implication.

UCC question: Since a new course BT 0116 is requested as part of this proposal where will it fit into the Business Technology curriculum; is it an elective? On page 4 it is stated no curricular changes are proposed.

Also on page 3 #8: an equivalent course would be OT 0116. I cannot find any OT courses in the catalog. Not sure if it matters at this point.

 REVIEWED BY SPECIFIC COLLEGE UCC REPRESENTATIVE – [ x ] yes [ ] no UCC rep. name ____David Blakeman______

 Other affected units, if any:


A: Add New Course

1. BT 0116 2. Prof Leadership Development

October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 92of 95 3. BT 0116 Professional Leadership Development, 1 credit. This course will provide leadership opportunities to students involved in their professional student organization. Emphasis is on developing leadership, professionalism, dependability, patriotism, and competency in many different skill areas. F, S 4. The course may be repeated for up to three credits. 5. Grading mode shall be S/U. 6. No, this class is not amenable to being audited. 7. No corequisite courses are required. 8. An equivalent course would be OT 116. 9. No prerequisite courses are required. 10. Restricted to College of Technology students.

B: Change Existing Courses

1. Change repeatability of BT 0141 Keyboarding. This one-credit course may currently be taken only one time. We would like it to be repeatable up to three times. Students must continually work to improve poor keyboarding habits and increase their keyboarding speed. Some students work on their skills throughout their time in the Business Technology program.

2. Change the description of BT 0141 Keyboarding to read as follows:

The course is designed to teach beginning keyboarding by touch to a minimum speed of 25 nwpm. The alphabetic, punctuation, numbers, and symbols keys are covered. Experienced typists benefit from the reinforcement of key locations and techniques to build speed and accuracy. Graded S/U. F, S, SU

3. Change the title of BT 0145 Advanced Document Production to BT 0145 Integrated Computer Applications. Integrated Computer Applications better describes the content of this course and is a more commonly used term used in textbooks and in other colleges’ curricula. The 30-character title shall be Integrated Comp Applications.

4. Add prerequisites to BT 0145 Integrated Computer Applications: BT 0144 Document Processing, BT 0170 Introduction to Computers, BT 0173 Spreadsheets, and BT 0174 Records and Database Management. The “integration” in this course title refers to integrating various commonly used software applications, and a good understanding of them is necessary in order for students to utilize them effectively.

5. Change the description of BT 0145 Integrated Computer Applications to read as follows:

This course emphasizes proficiency in word processing, spreadsheets, database, and presentation software. The project-based integrated content simulates a real-world work environment and focuses on productivity, work habits, and communication skills. PREREQ: BT 0144, BT 0170, BT 0173, BT 0174 F

6. Change the semester BT 0145 is offered to Fall only. Course sequencing and faculty workload dictate that this course should be taught in the Fall only.

7. Change the title of BT 0172 from Integration & Presentation to BT0172 Digital Publishing. Digital Publishing is a more commonly used term and better describes the content of the class.

October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 93of 95 This course was originally called Desktop Publishing, but that title went with a Web Design course when the Web Design program split from the Business Technology program a few years ago. We wish to emphasize the Digital Publishing content of this class once again.

8. Add a prerequisite to BT 0172 Digital Publishing: BT 0170 Introduction to Computers and BT 0144 Document Processing. Students need basic computer and document processing skills in order to successfully complete Digital Publishing.

9. Change the description of BT 0172 to read as follows:

This course introduces basic principles of design and utilizes a variety of computer application skills, e.g. Adobe, MS Office, Google Apps, and basic HTML5 to produce and present business information in digital and print formats. PREREQ: BT 0170, BT 0144. F

10. Change the semester BT 0172 is offered to Fall only. Course sequencing and faculty workload dictate that this course should be taught in the Fall only.

These changes are not driven by accreditation standards.


No curriculum changes are proposed.

New curriculum format in online catalog:

BT 0141 Keyboarding: 1 semester hour.

The course is designed to teach beginning keyboarding by touch to a minimum speed of 25 nwpm. The alphabetic, punctuation, numbers, and symbols keys are covered. Experienced typists benefit from the reinforcement of key locations and techniques to build speed and accuracy. May be repeated up to 3 credits. Graded S/U. F, S, SU

BT 0145 Integrated Computer Applications: 3 semester hours.

This course emphasizes proficiency in word processing, spreadsheets, database, and presentation software. The project-based integrated content simulates a real-world work environment and focuses on productivity, work habits, and communication skills. PREREQ: BT 0144, BT 0170, BT 0173, BT 0174 F

BT 0172 Digital Publishing: 3 semester hours.

Introduces basic principles of design and utilizes a variety of computer application skills, e.g. Adobe, MS Office, Google Apps, and basic HTML5 to produce and present business information in digital and print format. PREREQ: BT 0170, BT 0144. F

BT 0116 Professional Leadership Development: 1 semester hour.

October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 94of 95 This course will provide leadership opportunities to students involved in their professional student organization. Emphasis is on developing leadership, professionalism, dependability, patriotism, and competency in many different skill areas. F, S

October 17, 2013 -- Minutes for 17th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY14-15 catalog Pag e 95of 95

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