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Spring 2012 Instructor: Will O’Brien Office hours: Call anytime Email: [email protected] Class times: (tbd) Cell: 978-793-1635 Office: Carlson Hall #313b NOTES AT END



The importance of energy conservation and management has increased consistent with the increase in energy costs as illustrated below.

INCREASING ENERGY COSTS Commercial, average electricity prices in cents per kilowatt hour from 1970 - 2007.

Course Description:

This course covers a broad spectrum of energy management topics important to future business managers and leaders including: energy strategies for business, governmental regulations, incentives and resources, European Union energy policies and programs including carbon tax credits and energy commodities. We will study energy efficiency practices as they relate to the U.S.Green Building Council (USGBC), Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design (LEED), high performance buildings, data centers, renewable energy sources and smart grid. Special focus will be on energy management for financial and Corporate Social Responsibility benefits from the perspective of CEOs, CFOs and COOs. .

Page 1 of 16 Target Audience: MBA and graduate ES&P students

Learning Objectives:

Upon completion of this subject, students should be able to:

 Integrate theories and conceptual frameworks learned re: Energy Management to real business problems  Formulate practical solutions for companies through comprehensive analysis of an organisation  Presentation skills; i.e., present to the clients findings and recommendations in a way that is easy to understand and absorb  Change management; i.e., provide the client with the appropriate strategies and processes to achieve the required changes in support of the project objectives  Environmental sustainability trends, challenges and best practices.


 Association of Energy Engineers  Energy Star  Schneider Electric Energy University – link and details are provided below  U.S. federal agencies engaged in Energy Management – see addendum A.

Optional Textbook:

Barney Capehart, Wayne Turner, William Kennedy;“Guide to Energy Management”; Fairmont Press; 6 edition (April 23, 2008); ISBN-10: 9781420084894 ISBN-13: 978- 1420084894. $126.12 via Amazon.

Course Structure:

The learning objectives will be met through four methods:

1. Discussion of assigned articles and cases. 2. Exposure to guest speakers who are subject matter experts. 3. Completion of assigned courses provided by Schneider Electric Energy University

Class lectures and case analyses are also designed to familiarize students with the many dimensions of consulting and project management. In most classes, time will be devoted to lecturing on and discussion of topics listed above and relevant cases.

Course Schedule

Please refer to addendum B.

Page 2 of 16 Case Analyses:

We will study, analyze and discuss the cases listed below.

#1 Six Sources of Limitless Energy #2 Organic Waste Recovery with Energy Recovery #3 Suzlon Energy, Inc. #4 Investing in Cleantech #5 First Solar, Inc. in 2010

Unless otherwise indicated in the case, you should refer to this document on Cicada for guidelines as you analyze the cases. After writing your analysis of the case, upload to Cicada to the appropriate folder per the course schedule; i.e., addendum B.

Latona, J.C., and Nathan, J., “How to Analyze, Prepare and Present a Case,” from Cases and Readings in Production and Operations Management, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ (1994).

Schneider Electric Energy University:

Addendum B provides a detailed listing of available course provided free-of charge by Energy University. university/

Students are responsible for completion of the courses listed below as indicated in the course schedule; i.e., addendum B:

#1 How to use the Energy Management site. #2 Comprehensive Energy Management Program #3 Data Centers #4 Proven Strategies for Energy Efficiency in Your Business #5 CEOs, CFOs and COOs - Approaches to EE for financial benefit and CSR #6

Grading Criteria:

The following is a breakdown of the factors that will be used to determine student grades. All members of the consulting team will normally be given the same grade. However, if a peer group evaluation indicates that a student contributed substantially more or less than other team members an appropriate grade adjustment will be made.

Contribution to Class Learning 20% Cases (5 points each) 25% Energy University Courses (10 points each #2-6) 50% Reflections & Peer Evaluation 5%

Page 3 of 16 Late Policy:

Students are encouraged to contact the instructor in advance by email if it appears that student will be late or unable to attend a class session.

Snow Days:

On days for which “dangerous driving conditions” are predicted, the class will probably be conducted remotely using . You will receive an email from me the night prior to class if we are going to use Elluminate.

Academic Integrity:

The Graduate School of Management (GSOM) at Clark University maintains standards of academic conduct that have preserved integrity and excellence in institutions of higher learning over the centuries. Under these standards of conduct, all work submitted to fulfill course requirements is presumed to be the student’s own, unless credit is given for the work of others in a manner prescribed by the course instructor. Cheating, plagiarizing, and falsifying data constitute academic misconduct, as does submitting the same paper in different courses without prior approval of the instructor to do so. It is the student’s responsibility to consult the faculty when in doubt whether a particular act constitutes academic misconduct.

If a student is found guilty of cheating, plagiarizing and/or falsifying data in a course, the first offense will result in the student failing that course; if a student is found guilty of a second offense involving cheating, plagiarizing, and/or falsifying data, that student will be dismissed/expelled from GSOM.

Snow Days:

On days for which “dangerous driving conditions” are predicted, the class will probably be conducted remotely. You will receive an email from me the night prior to class if we are going to use Webex

Reflection & Peer Evaluation:

As described above, the project work; i.e., the development of an Energy Management Plan, is a substantial component of the learning experience in the course. To enhance and measure achievement of the learning objectives and skill development, reflection by the students at appropriate points during the semester is essential. Reflection allows students to synthesize the experiences from project activities and connect the new knowledge with the formal knowledge obtained from classroom activities and materials. To reflect means to think critically about and analyze emotional responses to activities in the context of course content and the learning objectives. Reflection can promote; interpersonal communication, problem solving skills, self-awareness, a sense of professional responsibility, and a sense of belonging. The process and questions for reflection are provided in addendum C. As part of the third reflection, you will be asked to rate the contribution of each team member. The schedule for reflections is integrated into the course schedule.

Page 4 of 16 Instructor Information:


Add:  Energy Efficiency – use document on Cicada  Six Major Resources: o Coal o Oil o Natural Gas o Nuclear o Hydroelectric  Renewable and Clean Energy Sources: o Biofuel o Wind o Hydro o Solar o Geothermal o Biomass

 Guest Speakers: o Mark Luckes of Schneider Electric o Cameron Carey, Sustainable Energy Solutions 508-330-6544 o Mike Ortolano, Absolute Green Energy, Inc.

Page 5 of 16 Addendum A – Federal Government Agencies: For a listing and links to federal government agencies involved in Energy Management..

DOE Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Initiative DOE Distributed Energy Resources (DER) Taskforce DOE Distributed Power (DP) Program DOE Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Network (EREN) DOE Energy Information Administration DOE Industries of the Future (IOF) DOE Inventions & Innovation Program (I&I) DOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) DOE Office of Industrial Technologies DOE Office of Power Technologies (OPT) EPA Climate Protection Division (CPD) EPA Office of Air & Radiation EPA Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards EPA-DOE Energy Star Program Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) Federal Laboratory Consortium for Technology Transfer Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) US Department of Energy (DOE) US Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA

Page 6 of 16 Addendum B - Course Schedule

# Date Focus Assignments Session Leader 1 Jan. 22nd Capstone Goals, Course Overview, O’Brien Schedule; Teams, Projects, Expectations, Reflections including Peer Evaluations 2 Jan. 27th Review of Project Management Basics O’Brien

Distressed Projects 3 Feb. 5th Review Project Proposals; Agile Project Upload Project Teams Management; Program Management Proposals to Cicada; O’Brien Office (PMO) Reflection #1 4 Feb. 10th Managing Yourself and Growing Your Case #1: Team #1; Leadership Style Vandelay O’Brien Industries, Inc. 5 Feb. 19th Consulting Skills; Review of Team #2; Experiences and Issues O’Brien 6 Feb. 24th Project Cost Management Case #2: Team #3; Integron, Inc. O’Brien 7 Mar. 5th Human Resource Management; O’Brien Review of Experiences and Issues 8 Mar.17th Time Management: Case #3: Team #4; Balancing & Achieving Priorities; i.e., Deloitte-Touche O’Brien “how to do it all and do it well” Consulting Group Review of Experiences and Issues Consulting Project: Progress Updates Teams 9 Mar. 26th Quantitative Analytical Skills; Reflection #2 Mike Ruff Review of Experiences and Issues 10 Mar. 31st Change Management; Case #4: Team #5; Review of Experiences and Issues Bain & Company O’Brien International Expansion 11 Apr. 9th Sustainability Trends, Challenges & Article: Sustainability O’Brien Best Practices – the Embracers Seize the Advantage 12 Apr.14th Team Working Time (no class) Case #5: Datavision (A,B & C) Karen Presentation Skills (recorded lecture) Flanagan 13 Apr.23rd Presentations to Class & Client Teams 14 April 30th Presentations to Class & Client Reflection #3 & Teams Peer Evaluation

Page 7 of 16 Addendum C: Energy University Course Offerings

Alternative Power Generation Technologies This course will review fuel cells and microturbines as possible alternatives for data center and network room power generations The benefits and drawbacks of multiple power generation approaches will be highlighted. Active Energy Efficiency Using Speed Control The focus of this course is to explore the different ways we can control motor speed efficiently and with minimal physical stress on equipment. In addition, we'll discuss other advantages such as controlled starting and regulated torque. Building Envelope The building envelope is a critical component of any facility since it protects the building occupants and plays a major role in regulating the indoor environment. Consisting of the building's foundation, walls, roof, windows, and doors, the envelope controls the flow of energy between the interior and exterior of the building. A well designed envelope allows the building to provide comfort for the occupants and respond efficiently to heating, cooling, ventilating, and natural lighting needs. Combined Heat and Power (Cogeneration) Cogeneration today is widely used throughout the world for efficient production of heat and power. Cogeneration is the simultaneous production of heat and power in a single thermodynamic process. The purpose of this course is to review the different approaches for applying technologies to the function of cogeneration. We’ll also explore the various issues and considerations for deployment of the two main types of cogeneration concepts: "Topping Cycle" plants (including “Combined Cycle” plants), and "Bottoming Cycle" plants.

Commissioning For Energy Efficiency Commissioning is a process to ensure building performance problems are understood and corrected. Deficiencies such as design flaws, construction defects, malfunctioning equipment, and deferred maintenance have a multitude of consequences, ranging from equipment failure, to poor indoor air quality and comfort, to unnecessarily high energy use or under- performance of energy efficiency strategies. Fortunately, an emerging form of quality assurance, known as building commissioning, can identify and cure most deficiencies. This course will explain the purpose of a commissioning process, and discuss the impact of the commissioning process on energy efficiency.

Data Center Efficiency: Reducing Electrical Power Consumption The course will explain how to quantify the electricity savings and provide examples of methods that can greatly reduce electrical power consumption. Demand Response and the Smart Grid This course will review how Demand Response works, why it is beneficial and what the Smart Grid is.

Page 8 of 16 Distributed Generation Due recent electricity market liberalization and on-going concerns regarding the cost of electricity as well as efforts towards environmentalism; distributed generation is experiencing a renewed interest throughout the world. Distributed generation, is generally defined as small-scale electricity generation and is used to provide an alternative to or an enhancement of the traditional electric power system. The purpose of this course is to discuss the various small-scale generation technologies that exist today and then move on with a discussion of the major benefits and issues of distributed generation.

Efficient Motor Control with Power Drive Systems In buildings, nearly three quarters of the electricity consumed is used to turn motors. For a typical motor, the lifetime energy bill is equivalent to 100 times the cost of the motor itself. The money invested in motors, is merely 1% of their total cost. And installing and maintaining those motors accounts for only 2% of overall motor costs. 97% of costs associated with motors are spent on the energy required to operate them. This course will provide an overview of power drive systems and motors along with insight on efficiency. This course will also cover, gears - types, efficiency and maintenance.

Energy Audits This course will review the different types of audits, the overall auditing process as well as the auditing methodology which will help prepare you to successfully participate in the energy audit process. Energy Audits Instrumentation I This course will review electrical, lighting, temperature and humidity measurement instruments that are used in energy audits. Energy Audits Instrumentation II As a continuation of Energy Audits Instrumentation I, the purpose of this course is to review the measurement instruments used in energy audits in order to select and employ the appropriate instrument for your auditing needs. Energy Efficiency Fundamentals This course is extremely important in understanding building energy use and energy efficiency measures that customers can implement to save energy and money in their facilities.

Energy Efficiency Units and Concepts This course explores the fundamentals of energy units and electricity. With energy demand rising and greenhouse gas emissions in sharp focus around the world, the time has come for everyone to take action to economize on energy use by the intelligent application of technology to bring about energy efficiency. Understanding these units and concepts is the foundation to managing and controlling energy – and the key to reducing both consumption and emissions.

Energy Efficiency with Building Automation Systems Part 1 In this course we will focus on what a building automation system (BAS) is as well as some of the commonly used terminology. We will also look at some of the HVAC strategies used in building automation systems.

Page 9 of 16 Energy Efficiency with Building Automation Systems Part 2 In this course, we will focus on the energy conservation measures that can be used with building automation systems.

Energy Procurement I The procurement of energy (electricity, natural gas, fuel oil, etc.) is becoming a major part of the energy manager’s job. Cost effective energy procurement requires understanding of the market, regulatory limitations and opportunities, and contingency planning. The purpose of this course is to raise awareness of the available options for energy procurement.

Energy Procurement II An on-going Energy Risk Management program can provide for more predictable budgeting and insulate future earnings from the unpredictable effects of volatile energy prices. The purpose of this course is to address the hedging process. We will also cover the spot and forward markets as well as fixed and index linked contracts. Energy Procurement III- Balanced Hedging Strategies - Managing energy costs is the key to a successful profit margin and bottom line for many industrial companies. In order to successfully manage costs in this market, it is helpful to apply a balanced hedging strategy. A balanced hedging approach will quantify exposure to adverse events and mitigate the impact of those events on financial results. The purpose of this course is to describe a variety of hedging strategies, and identify the main drivers of energy prices. We will also cover how the commodity market functions to support energy trading Energy Rate Structures Part I: Concepts and Unit Pricing Understanding the forms of energy used at a facility, and the rate structure for each, is key to understanding energy costs and implementing an energy efficiency program. By understanding what you are paying for energy, and how the rate structure controls your bill, you can adopt different strategies for reducing your energy costs. You may even be able to move to a different rate structure that is more cost effective for you. In this course, we will focus primarily on gas and electricity concepts and unit pricing.

Energy Rate Structures Part II: Understanding and Reducing your Bill Understanding the forms of energy used at a facility, and the rate structure for each, is key to understanding energy costs and implementing an energy efficiency program. By understanding what you are paying for energy, and how the rate structure controls your bill, you can adopt different strategies for reducing your energy costs. You may even be able to move to a different rate structure that is more cost effective for you. In this course, we will focus primarily on gas and electricity concepts and unit pricing.

Establishing Benchmarks for Data Center Efficiency Measurements This course will review the results documented from the creation and operation of the Data Center Observatory of the Parallel Data Lab housed at Carnegie Mellon University. Financing and Performance Contracting for Energy Efficient Projects Everywhere, the economy is tight and banks becoming more and more cautious with regards to lending. However, this doesn’t mean that there is no alternative business funding options for you. The purpose of this course is to discuss general financing alternatives, the aspects of performance contracting, along with ways to measure and verify energy savings.

Page 10 of 16 Going Green with Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design This course defines green buildings, explains the mission of the US Green Building Council and the requirements of the LEED rating system. Schneider Electric solutions for meeting the LEED requirements will also be explained.

Going Green: Energy Efficiency in the Data Center This course will review the benefits of greening up your buildings and review some new approaches to save money and energy while keeping an acceptable level of reliability in your data center. HVAC and Characteristics of Air This course discusses how an HVAC system manipulates the properties of the air in the conditioned space to regulate a desirable rate of heat transfer. Calculations for Sensible Heat Transfer and Total Heat Transfer are also explained.

HVAC and Psychometric Charts Psychrometrics is the study of the thermodynamic properties of moist air and its effect on materials and human comfort. Psychrometrics applies the well understood relationships between humidity and temperature in the air to practical problems. HVAC system designers use these factors to model the HVAC requirements depending on the location of the building and the needs of the occupants or processes within it. This course explores how those factors are used to ensure an effective HVAC system, while discussing how Psychrometric Charts are utilized to drive HVAC sizing and evaluation.

HVAC and Psychometric Charts- SI Version Psychrometrics is the study of the thermodynamic properties of moist air and its effect on materials and human comfort. Psychrometrics applies the well understood relationships between humidity and temperature in the air to practical problems. HVAC system designers use these factors to model the HVAC requirements depending on the location of the building and the needs of the occupants or processes within it. This course explores how those factors are used to ensure an effective HVAC system, while discussing how Psychrometric Charts are utilized to drive HVAC sizing and evaluation.

Increasing Data Center Efficiency through High Density Power Distribution This course will review alternative methods for power distribution in the data center as well as provide case example to illustrate the benefits involved with these alternative methods. Industrial Insulation I Most engineers, architects, and end users are familiar with the use of insulation to reduce heating and cooling loads and control noise in building envelopes. Insulations used for pipes, ducts, tanks, and equipment are not as familiar. The installed cost of these materials is usually a small part of the total cost of a project. As a result, mechanical insulation is often overlooked, undervalued, or improperly specified and maintained in commercial and industrial construction projects. The purpose of this course is to review the different types of industrial insulation applications for a given application. Industrial Insulation II: Design Data Calculations The pipes and installations in industrial plants often carry materials that need to be kept at a certain temperature for an optimal production process. Unless the pipes and installations are properly insulated, the proper temperature may not be maintained. And while placing the actual insulation onto the mechanics—such as a pipe, tank or vessel—is fairly easy;

Page 11 of 16 determining what type of insulation to use and how much—is not so easy. The focus of Industrial Insulation II will be on the process of performing calculations in order to determine the requirements/impact of industrial insulation. Industrial Insulation III Insulation systems, like all mechanical systems, require a schedule of regular inspection and maintenance. Despite the well known fact that inspection and maintenance are the responsibility of the owner, the reality is that most insulation systems are frequently ignored. Over time, insulation systems can also become damaged due to a variety of reasons—and if not repaired or replaced—can be rendered useless. The purpose of this course is to discuss the proper process of inspection and maintenance for industrial insulation.

Introduction to Lighting Basics This course will provide an overview of the basics of lighting which will present ways for you to reduce costs and increase efficiency with lighting. Lighting Basics I for Energy Efficient Applications This course is a continuation of the Introduction to Lighting Basics course and will provide you with an overview of the different lighting applications available.

Lighting Basics II for Energy Efficient Applications The purpose of this course is to continue the assessment of the various lighting applications and determine their appropriate usage(s) in order to maximize their energy efficiency.

Maintenance Best Practices for Energy Efficient Facilities Good maintenance saves energy costs! Properly maintained facilities and equipment produce quality products, reduce downtime and have lower energy costs. This adds up to real money! This course will address the importance of maintenance in facilities, discuss the savings proper maintenance can contribute, and identify techniques that can lead to the energy efficient maintenance of facilities.

Measuring and Benchmarking Energy Performance In this course, we’ll discuss energy accounting, and examine some of the concepts and methods involved in energy measurement and benchmarking. We’ll also explore the components of a utility bill, and provide benchmarking examples to verify charges.

Measuring Data Center Efficiency Data center electrical efficiency is rarely planned or managed. The unfortunate result is that most data centers waste substantial amounts of electricity. Today it is both possible and prudent to plan, measure, and improve data center efficiency. In addition to reducing electrical consumption, efficiency improvements can gain users higher IT power densities and the ability to install more IT equipment in a given installation. This course explains how data center efficiency can be measured, evaluated, and modeled; we’ll also explore a comparison of the benefits of periodic assessment vs. continuous monitoring. Measuring Data Center Electrical Efficiency This course explains how data center efficiency can be measured, evaluated, and modeled; we’ll also explore a comparison of the benefits of periodic assessment vs. continuous monitoring.

Page 12 of 16 Measurement and Verification Measurement and verification can be defined as the process of measurement to determine the actual savings created by an energy management program or energy conservation improvements. The purpose of this course is to explore the concept of measurement and verification, including the role of guidelines such as IPMVP.

Power Factor Correction and Harmonics Low power factor and harmonics are a frustration for electrical installations. They can cause power losses and reduced energy reliability. In the context of increasing concern about energy efficiency and energy management, power factor and harmonics are important issues to consider for the management of electrical installations. This course will explore power factor and harmonics and will explain how power factor correction and harmonic mitigation provide immediate benefit in terms of reduced power losses, reduced electricity bill, and the possibility to use the total system capacity.

Steam Systems I: Advantages and Basics of Steam Steam has come a long way from its traditional associations with locomotives and the Industrial Revolution. Today, it serves as an integral and essential part of modern technology. This course will introduce the benefits of utilizing steam in numerous processes and discuss t selecting the appropriate pressures for each of these different processes.

Steam Systems II: Impact of Boiler Sizing This course will introduce a measure of boiler efficiency and discuss the impact of correct boiler sizing as well as how working pressure affects efficiency. We will also look at choosing the correct steam velocity for a given system. Finally, we will talk about how air and non-condensable gases can impact a steam system. Steam Systems III: Distribution Control & Regulation of Steam Steam is one of the oldest and most widely used forms of energy in industry. Difficulties in energy management of steam arise from the fact that it is often a totally unmeasured service. The distribution, control and regulation of steam is crucial because inefficiency translates into additional operating costs. The savings potential is enormous: Not only from a fiscal standpoint, but also from an environmental standpoint. This course will review the basics of steam systems and list the benefits associated with measuring steam. We will discuss steam piping design, metering, and steam manifolds. Also addressed are two typical applications of tracing as well as the components involved when controlling and regulating steam. Steam Systems V: Condensate Removal - Maximizing Your Recovery This course will further explore condensate removal and show you how to maximize your recovery with considerations for choosing traps, proper testing and sizing of traps and options for how to lift the condensate. To ensure your steam system enjoys a long and full life cycle, we’ll summarize a preventative maintenance program. The downfalls of by-passes, and impact of waterlogging will also be discussed.

Strategies for Implementing Energy Efficient Data Centers Electricity usage costs have become an increasing fraction of the total cost of ownership (TCO) for data centers. It is possible to dramatically reduce the electrical consumption of typical data centers through appropriate design of the data center physical infrastructure and through the design of the IT architecture. This course explains how to quantify the electricity

Page 13 of 16 savings and provides examples of methods that can greatly reduce electrical power consumption. Strategies for Saving Energy in a Retail Environment - Globally retail companies spend billions of dollars and euros on energy each year. Those costs can account for 25 percent to 40 percent of ongoing building expenses. In many countries, energy costs continue to rise - for example in the US those costs rose 31 percent from 2003 to 2005, according to U.S. federal figures. There is no indication that these costs will fall in the future. In fact, the U.S. Department of Energy projects a 30 percent sustained increase in the cost of electricity. This course will identify ten strategies for saving energy and reducing cost in the retail environment, as well as describe the benefits provided by implementing energy efficient practices.

The Economics of Energy Efficiency This course will review the various methods for evaluating the economics of energy efficiency projects in order to develop a business case or framework for implementation.

Thermal Energy Storage Storing thermal energy can save money in a number of different ways. High-cost peak-time power usage is avoided. Also, with stored cooling capacity, the cooling system doesn’t have to cope with the hottest part of the day in real-time. It may be possible to install a smaller compressor, pumps and pipes. This may help reduce the initial purchase cost and operating and maintenance costs. Some very broad conditions favor thermal energy storage, but it’s not advisable without competent staff to oversee operation. This course offers a description of the various forms thermal energy storage, describes strategies, provides advantages and drawbacks and provides realistic examples and calculations in US Customary and Metric units.

US Energy Codes and Standards Energy-efficient buildings and products offer economic and environmental benefits. They diminish energy expenditures and environmental pollutants caused by consuming fossil fuels. They also help highlight economic opportunities for business and industry by promoting new energy efficient technologies. This course will discuss the codes and standards that influence and mandate energy usage in the United States. This course seeks to define the difference between an energy code and an energy standard, and explores specific codes and standards for lighting, ventilation and other relevant areas, while identifying the laws and international codes that govern them.

Waste Heat Recovery Waste heat is present in almost all industries and processes. Opportunities exist to put this waste heat to use economically in order to reduce the energy consumption in the plant. The purpose of this course is to identify opportunities to recover waste heat, and the equipment used to recover waste heat. The process for calculating waste heat recovery will also be addressed, along with the factors that influence the feasibility of waste heat recovery.

Page 14 of 16 Addendum D - Reflections - Assignments, Process and Questions

To be effective, it is important that proper reflection occur at specific stages during the semester. Below are the questions which you are asked to reflect upon and answer per the course schedule. Please consider the questions, document your thoughts and upload the assignment to the appropriate folder on Cicada.

Assignment #1 - Reflection questions for the beginning of the semester:

 Describe your project.

 How is your client addressing that need?

 Why are you needed?

 What are some of your perceptions or beliefs about the client you will be serving?

 What concerns, if any, do you have about working with your team?

 What concerns, if any, do you have about working with the client?

 What do you hope to gain from this experience?

Assignment #2 - Reflection questions during the semester:

 How does your project experience relate to the learning objectives of the course?

 What did you do with your client since the last reflection discussion?

 What did you observe?

 What did you learn?

 What has worked? What hasn't?

 How is your project experience related to the readings, discussions, and lectures in class?

 What do you think is (will be) the most valuable service you can offer to your client?

 Is there something more you could do to contribute to the solution?

Assignment #3 - Reflection questions toward the end of the semester:

 What have you learned about yourself?

 What have you learned about your client?

 What have you contributed to the client?

 What values, opinions, beliefs have changed?

Page 15 of 16  What was the most important lesson learned?

 What new skills have you developed since the beginning of the project?

 How does the project experience connect to your long-term goals?

 How have you been challenged?

 What characteristics make a consultant successful in terms of helping a client?

 What impact did you have on the client organization?  Were there any member(s) of your team who made an extraordinary contribution to the project?

 If yes, identify the student(s) and describe his/her performance as a team member.

 Were there any member(s) of your team who made a minimal or no contribution to the project?

 If yes, identify the student(s) and describe his/her behavior and performance as a team member.

 What recommendations for improvement would you make to this individual(s) for future team projects?


Page 16 of 16

Recommended publications