Minutes from the North Kent Patient Consultative Committee Meeting (NKPCC)

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Minutes from the North Kent Patient Consultative Committee Meeting (NKPCC)

Minutes from the North Kent Patient Consultative Committee Meeting (NKPCC) Wednesday, 6th July 2016, 11:00AM –1:00PM Meeting Room, Canada House, Gillingham

Members: Nick Dent (ND) Patient Experience Team Manager (chair) Helen Greatorex (HG) Chief Executive Sarah Rodgers-Smith (SRS) Director of Acute Services, Swale CMHT Jane Adams (JA) Service Manager, Medway CMHT Chloe Newlon (CN) Pohwer Advocacy Christina Stamp (CS) Carers First David Hough (DH) Swale User Representation Forum (SURF) Tony Trett (TT) Service User Representative – Megan CIC Jo Smith-Kearney (JSK) Volunteer, Independent, Survivors Network Colin Matthews (CM) Buddy Scheme Louis Coelho (LC) Carers First Keith Probert (KP) Megan CIC/ 147 Michael Caselli (MC) Megan CIC Brian Clark (BC) Carer Rita Daisy (RD) Megan

Administration: Kamila Lobuzinska (KL) Patient, Public and Community Involvement Administrator (notes)

Apologies: Sharon Dosanjh (SD) Head of Mental Health Commissioning Sue Excell (SE) Assistant Director Acute & Continuing Care Older People Marilyn Murray (MM) Expert by Experience group Geoff Ellott (GE) Expert by Experience group Bobbie Taiano (BT) Carers Support & Assessment Worker Madeleine Lestrange (ML) Expert by Experience group Jean Judge (JJ) Medway 5 Carers Ruth Boyes (RB) Medway 5 CarersMedway5carers James Martin (JM) Megan CIC

Reference: Agenda item:

NKPCC 16/17-13 Welcome and introduction

13.1 A welcome was given by ND

NKPCC 16/17-14 Apologies for absence

14.1 Apologies noted as above

NKPCC 16/17-15 Executive team representative: Helen Greatorex, Chief Executive

15.1 HG joined the Trust in June 2016. She was Executive Director of Nursing and Quality at Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust from 2002. Her previous role was Executive Director of Nursing for West Sussex Health and Social Care NHS Trust. She started her career as a staff nurse at the Royal Free Hospital and has acquired significant experience of delivering high quality services over the years.

1 15.2 HG was recently interviewed by the BBC, it focussed on KMPT patients being placed out of area, in private beds. Since June 2016, 76 patients were in private beds, that number has reduced to 55 and the Trust is working to a target of having no more than fifteen patients in private beds by 1 November 2016.

15.3 HG, plans to open a new Ward - Pinewood, 16 beds will be available at the old ward in Littlebrook Hospital in Dartford

15.4 BC, read an article about the young girl who died at The Priory Hospital Ticehurst; does KMPT undertake a risk assessment before sending people out of area? HG, if people are placed privately all the checks are in place

15.5 Discussion around the beds capacity. HG, the Trust is focused on the system, people could be more supported in the community; focus on pathways; people will go to the hospital when it is necessary

15.6 DH, lack of services for discharged people, day services available are more educational, closure of crisis cafes; BC, Together are reducing members of staff in Swale. JKS idea of creating a working group where people will share their experience; HG will discuss all the issues during a meeting with SD

15.7 ND mentioned the last meeting when John Rea talked about the Personality Disorder care pathways; the funds for the day house were withdrawn, the group would like to discuss it with SD

15.8 JA, Medway, 2 workers from the PD Crisis Care are funded by the KMPT to run a life skills group – 2 days a week for 12 weeks

15.9 BC, 24hr Liaison service, Angela McNab promised that the service will be available by 2020. HG wants to have 24hr liaison services running in a year’s time

NKPCC 16/17-16 Medway Clinical Commissioning Group: Sharon Dosanjh, Head of Mental Health Commissioning

16.1 SD, unable to attend due to other commitments, she will be attending the next meeting in September

NKPCC 16/17-17 Minutes of Last NKPCC Meeting

17.1 Minutes from the previous meeting were approved with one amendment – 9.5 Megan CIC granted £134,000 not £100,000 spread over 5 years

17.2 Actions were completed; TT clarified the HRMC fund is not applicable for KMPT

2 NKPCC 16/17-18 Matters Arising and Outstanding Actions from the Last Meeting

18.1 Point 6.3.2 (BC, asked how many people from the PD Unit ended up in the hospital; discussion around a good business plan; JR is doing an audit to see how people are managing since the closure and he will share the data with the group) ACTION ND to follow it up with John Rea

18.2 CN, a new senior commissioner Rachel Horner was appointed, ACTION CN, ask if RH will be able to attend the next meeting

NKPCC 16/17-19 Statutory reports

19.1 JA, Medway 19.1.1 pressure on Medway, high level of referrals, lots of staff leaving – recruitment in place; TT asked why are the staff leaving; JA, life balance, increased workload; discussion around the support for staff; ND asked about the groups available he mentioned the core groups in East Kent – JA: OT runs a variety of programmes, STEPPS groups etc.; JA, it should be added that Medway hasn’t got the Live Well service provided to the rest of Kent

19.2 SRS, Swale 19.2.1 SRS, full establishment for social care staff, positive recruitment, referrals have gone up, the primary care nurses under the KMPT

19.3 HG, mentioned the exercise done by Phil Cave, Executive Director of Finance and Resources which has helped to identify that the Trust does more activities then it’s funded to do, the Trust will receive an additional £2m from the CCG

NKPCC 16/17-20 Members’ reports

20.1 CM, Buddy scheme set up with support from the KMPT to train the staff, they have interviewed different services in London

20.2 DH, attended Trust Wide Patient Experience Group and made staff aware of the lack of day services, he is also on the Smoke Free Panel; Smoke Free is a national directive

20.3 BC, Triage meeting, emergency readmission within 29 days could be reduced

20.4 RD, Megan CIC a new person will be attending this meeting and the update will be provided

20.5 TT, Smoke Free Policy, he talked of his experience, he would like to know if the incidents have increased since going to Smoke Free

20.6 MC, Café in Sunlight Centre is still operating;

3 20.7 CN, mentioned Medway Minority Ethnic Forum, the next meeting will be on 20th July ACTION CN, to share information with KL; CN asked about the safeguarding policies for patients in crisis – not a clear course of action at the moment; HG, suggested discussion outside the group, JA will contact CN with regards to this issue

NKPCC 16/17-21 Report to Trust Wide Patient Experience Group (TWPEG)

21.1 Smoke Free policy – understanding that level of incidents going up or down

NKPCC 16/17-22 AOB

22.1 BC, new 16 beds – how many will be available for the Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit. HG it needs to be reviewed

22.2 ND, Trust runs a carer survey; Peer support week; Staff awards – encouragement to nominate an outstanding member of staff

NKPCC 16/17-23 Dates of next meetings 2016

Wednesday, 7th September 2016 11:00AM – 1:00PM Arndale House, 18-20 Spital Street, Dartford DA1 2DL

Executive Team Representative: Phil Cave, Executive Director of Finance and Resources


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