Vocabulary Unit #1 ( Sadlier-Oxford Vocabulary Workshop Level G )

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Vocabulary Unit #1 ( Sadlier-Oxford Vocabulary Workshop Level G )

1 0e160bebcf8e775b9d15db1624bb26ed.docx English 202 | Pellauer Vocabulary Unit #1 (Sadlier-Oxford Vocabulary Workshop – Level G)

P.O.S. Definition Synonyms Sample Sentence

Able to get and retain ideas or Greedy, Acquisitive Adj information; concerned with avaricious acquiring wealth or property

Expropriate, Arrogate V To claim or take without right usurp

Stale, Banal Adj Hackneyed, trite, commonplace insipid

To work on excessively; to thrash Belabor V Overwork soundly

Tending to find fault, especially in a Carping Adj petty, nasty, or hairsplitting way; Nit-picking (as a noun: petty criticism)

Holding or sticking together; Connected, Coherent Adj making a logical whole; unified comprehensible, meaningful Congeal V To change from liquid to solid, Coagulate, 2

P.O.S. Definition Synonyms Sample Sentence

thicken; to make inflexible solidify

To imitate with the intent of Emulate V Copy, mimic equaling or surpassing the model

Eulogy, A formal expression of praise, a Encomium N commendati lavish tribute on

Abstain Eschew V To avoid, shun from, forgo

Germane Adj Relevant, appropriate, fitting Pertinent

Unquencha So great or demanding as not to Insatiable Adj ble, be satisfied ravenous

Intransigent Adj Refusing to compromise, Uncomprom 3 0e160bebcf8e775b9d15db1624bb26ed.docx P.O.S. Definition Synonyms Sample Sentence

ising, irreconcilable unyielding

Offensive, hateful; tending to Malicious, Invidious Adj cause resentment spiteful

Munificence, Largesse N Generosity in giving bounty

Any kind of preliminary inspection Scouting Reconnaissance N or examination expedition

Verify, Substantiate V To establish by evidence, prove validate

Uncommuni Habitually silent or quiet, inclined Taciturn Adj cative, to talk little laconic

Temporize V To stall or act evasively in order to Hedge, 4

P.O.S. Definition Synonyms Sample Sentence

procrastinat gain time; compromise e

Defensible, Tenable Adj Capable of being held or defended maintainabl e

Exercise #1: Choosing the Right Word Directions: Circle the boldface word that more satisfactorily completes each sentence.

1. Aristotle had such a(n) tenable, acquisitive mind that his writings are a veritable gold mine of odd and interesting information. 2. The mood of easy cordiality with which we began the meeting soon congealed, temporized into icy politeness. 3. “ That word has such invidious, germane connotations in modern American parlance,” I said, “that I would hesitate to use it, even in jest.” 4. In that moment of grief, the conventional expressions of sympathy I had always considered tenable, banal were surprisingly comforting. 5. The speech was so filled with encomiums, reconnaissance that I found it hard to believe that the subject of all this acclaim as plain old me. 6. When the evidence of his misconduct became irrefutable, he saw that his position was not banal, tenable and resigned. 7. I am proud to have it said of me that I am stubborn and invidious, intransigent when genuine moral issues are involved. 8. His figure bears witness to his acquisitive, insatiable appetite for the pleasures of the table. 9. Ethelred the Unready was so reluctant to face the Vikings who invaded his kingdom that in effect he arrogated, temporized himself off the throne. 5 0e160bebcf8e775b9d15db1624bb26ed.docx 10. After I mowed the lawn for an hour, he gave me a whole dollar with the air of a feudal lord bestowing largesse, intransigence on a grateful serf. 11. The poor woman was in such a state of shock after the accident that she couldn’t give a coherent, taciturn account of what had happened. 12. Your critical comments about my “lack of social background” may be true, but they are not coherent, germane to my qualifications for office. 13. Aerial reconnaissance, encomium of the enemy’s positions provided the general with the information he needed to plan his attack. 14. What evidence can you offer to substantiate, eschew the assertion that capital punishment does not deter potential murderers? 15. In our attempt to improve the quality of life in America, we should not be too quick to eschew, cohere old ideas simply because they are old. 16. The new batting champion in our softball league is a(n) insatiable, taciturn young man who prefers o let his bat to do his talking for him. 17. Suddenly a band of ruffians set upon us and began to congeal, belabor us with blows and curses. 18. After the editor read the story, he returned it to the author with only a few carping, coherent criticisms of minor faults penciled in the margin. 19. Even an imperfect human being may sometimes have virtues of mind or character that are worthy of carping, emulation. 20. The Constitution is uniquely designed to provide protection against those who might seek to substantiate, arrogate undue power to themselves.

Exercise #2: Antonyms Directions: Choose the word that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the boldface word or expression in the given phrase. Write the word on the line provided.

1. made a very complimentary remark ______2. questioned the garrulous witness ______3. the novel lyrics to that song ______4. a disjointed essay on foreign policy ______5. adopted the use of technology ______6

Exercise #3: Write Your Own Sentences Directions: Choose 10 of the vocabulary words from our list. Write sentences about Things Fall Apart that demonstrate your understanding of the word’s definition.











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