FORM EXCERT: Application for Full Exemption from the Probationary Requirements for Learning and Teaching on the basis of an equivalent qualification.

To be completed by the probationer

Last Name: First name:

Position: Staff number:


Email: Tel:

Probation start date: Probation End date:

I have read the guidance at : and confirm I have supplied evidence as specified in Part One of this form and have completed the mapping to demonstrate equivalence with the CiLT Module 1 & 2 Learning Outcomes (part two). I understand that I may be required to attend a Viva examination after the preliminary assessment of my application to provide sufficient evidence of equivalency.




Date received:

Programme Director approved rejected (reason)

PDT Assessor approved rejected (reason)

Outcome notified to applicant (copied to HoD and Faculty HR)

PART ONE: Details of your qualification

Name of certificated qualification:

Awarding institution: Start date of study: End date of study: All applications should include the following and be supported by items of evidence (e.g. transcript, syllabus, awarding body email, course materials etc)

Requirements Item of evidence provided

1. Description of the programme of certificated learning.

2. Learning outcomes from certificated learning (all modules)

3. Learning activities undertaken.

4. Assessment activities undertaken.

5. Proof of completion from the awarding body. PART TWO: MAPPING TO CILT MODULE 1 and 2 LEARNING OUTCOMES Use this section to demonstrate how the Learning Outcomes for your qualification map to the CiLT Module 1 & 2 Learning Outcomes.

CiLT Module 1 Identify, evaluate and deploy teaching methods/strategies to design, plan and manage learning experiences Learning Outcome 1.1 appropriate to the given subject and academic level and assess their impact on students’ learning experiences.

Equivalent Learning outcome from your credit bearing learning

Supporting commentary (optional)

CiLT Module 1 Identify, evaluate and deploy teaching theories, models, methods/strategies to create and manage learning Learning Outcome 1.2 environments that engage students in the learning process and support the development of academic and transferable skills.

Equivalent Learning outcome from your credit bearing learning

Supporting commentary (optional)

CiLT Module 1 Identify and take account of learner diversity to facilitate equality of learning opportunity for their learners and the Learning Outcome 1.3 given learning community.

Equivalent Learning outcome from your credit bearing learning

Supporting commentary (optional)

CiLT Module 1 Take a systematic approach to analysing and evaluating their performance and experiences as teachers to inform and Learning Outcome 1.4 develop their own practices to support learners and learning.

Equivalent Learning outcome from your credit bearing learning

Supporting commentary (optional)

CiLT Module 1 Confidently articulate, discuss and share their knowledge of theories and models associated with learning and Learning Outcome 1.5 teaching in Higher Education (HE) in relation to their personal teaching philosophy and practices. Equivalent Learning outcome from your credit bearing learning

Supporting commentary (optional)

CiLT Module 2 Identify, evaluate and deploy methods of assessment, feedback and evaluation appropriate to the given subject, Learning Outcome 2.1 academic level and needs of learners and the given learning community.

Equivalent Learning outcome from your credit bearing learning

Supporting commentary (optional)

CiLT Module 2 Identify, evaluate and deploy methods of assessment, feedback and evaluation appropriate to the given subject, Learning Outcome 2.2 academic level and needs of learners and the given learning community.

Equivalent Learning outcome from your credit bearing learning

Supporting commentary (optional)

CiLT Module 2 Systematically analyse and evaluate their performance and experiences as teachers as routine practice to inform and Learning Outcome 2.3 develop their own practices, those of their team and department to support learners and learning.

Equivalent Learning outcome from your credit bearing learning

Supporting commentary (optional)

CiLT Module 2 Confidently articulate, discuss and share their knowledge of theories and models associated with learning and Learning Outcome 2.4 teaching in Higher Education in relation to their personal teaching philosophy and practices and those of their team, department and wider university.

Equivalent Learning outcome from your credit bearing learning

Supporting commentary (optional) CiLT Module 2 Discuss and share relevant strategic/policy issues associated with learning and teaching in the Higher Education Learning Outcome 2.5 landscape and their implementation within their department.

Equivalent Learning outcome from your credit bearing learning

Supporting commentary (optional)