Receipts and Payments Account for the year to 31 March 2015

2014/15 £ 2013/14 £ Balances at bank at 1st April 19,440 5,114

Maintenance fees 48,202 48,202 Drainage fees 50,765 15,382 Drainage grants 7,230 Interest earned 46 14 Other receipts 40 Total Receipts 106,243 63,638

Road works 9,411 5,721 Drainage works 5,723 14,004 General maintenance 17,877 20,482 Street lamps power 554 544 Street lamp maintenance 3,497 2,570 Gateman and security 4,085 4,089 Insurance 1,094 1,073 Printing, stationery, postage 475 269 AGM and expenses 150 406 Dog bin emptying 154 154 Social activities Total Payments 43,020 49,312

Surplus / (deficit) for the year 63,223 14,326

Balances at bank at 31st March 82,663 19,440

Treasurer’s report

SPERA’s activities are primarily focused on maintaining the roads, islands and twittens. Only the costs of the gateman and social activities can be considered outside this remit.

All normal Maintenance fees of £140 per household have been paid in full. 6 residents (out of 348) withheld the additional drainage sum of £150 and are currently being pursued through Money Claim Online. The Court Hearing is currently set for 2nd July 2015. The £150 Drainage fees collected have been ring-fenced and are shown above separately.

After allowing for the surplus of £52,272 on the Drainage fund, the year end balance is well on track for accruing the necessary funds to meet the anticipated road works over the next 2-3 years. In particular, the road surface between the entrance and Crossbush Road roundabout is in poor repair and now that the south side development is complete, it needs to be replaned and resurfaced.

The Maintenance fees set again at £140 will be proposed for next year.

June Purley, Treasurer 26 May 2015

Prepared by June Purley, Treasurer 26.5.2015 Confirmed by Steve Goss ACIB, Auditor 26.5.2015