Battersea Park Womens Recovery Topics

1. Honest & Direct Communication 2. Healthy Boundaries & Containment 3. Learning to Trust 4. Meeting my own Needs 5. Working with What Is - dealing with life on lifes terms 6. Letting Go - what does it mean to me? 7. Acceptance is the Key 8. Relationships - with myself, my world and other people 9. Processing & Feeling Emotions 10.Commitment & Loving Self Discipline 11.Forgiveness - what does it mean to me? 12.Higher Power & Self Will 13.Learning to Co-create with Life & my Higher Power 14.Self Knowledge, Self Love & Self Acceptance 15.Healing the Inner Child & Wounds of the Past 16.Recovery - an ongoing Journey 17.Control- the root of Co-dependency - how does it manifest in my life? 18.Acting Out - Addictive Behaviours are the symptoms of co-dependency 19.Willingness to change & to see my Part 20.Love - what does it mean to me? 21.Honesty 22.Humility - accepting my humanity 23.Being the Victim - am I continuing to victimise myself? 24.Coping Behaviours - when are they self defeating? 25.Negative Beliefs - how do they inform my view of life? 26.Growing Up - maturing mentally, emotionally and spiritually 27.Healthy Detachment 28.Recognising my Co-Dependent Triggers 29.Fear - what is the pay off? 30.Owning my own Power - letting go of what others think of me 31.Allowing other people to have their own Feelings 32.Being Authentic 33.Ego - does self centred fear affect my perception of life? 34.Making Choices - learning to say yes and no and changing my mind 35.Breaking the Cycle - learning to live a new way 36.Healthy & Unhealthy Anger 37.Courage & Action 38.Hope 39.Self Respect & Integrity 40.Spiritual Awareness - Connecting to my Inner Voice 41.Compassion 42.Passing on the Message 43.Observing & not Judging Myself and Others 44.Self Defeating Behaviours: such as Perfectionism & Avoidance 45.Learning Patience 46.Restraint of Pen and Tongue - sitting with uncomfortable emotions 47.Learning New Behaviours 48.Responding rather than Reacting 49.Family Relationships & Patterns 50.Flexibility: There is no Right & Wrong 51.Toxic Shame