Summary of Chief Executive Letter of 18 January 2012

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Summary of Chief Executive Letter of 18 January 2012

Aberdeen City Local Tobacco Alliance Draft Tobacco Control Plan 2015 – 2018

1 Introduction

“Tobacco damages not only the whole person but also the whole planet” (The Tobacco Atlas, Fifth Edition, 2015, the American Cancer Society, Inc.)

The harm caused by tobacco use isn’t limited to lung cancer, heart disease and emphysema. Tobacco use exacerbates the other non- communicable diseases, mental illnesses and substance abuse problems as well as damages the environment and undermines human development. (The Tobacco Atlas, Fifth Edition, 2015, the American Cancer Society, Inc.)

Strategic drivers for Tobacco Control  WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control 2005  Creating a Tobacco Free Generation – a tobacco control strategy for Scotland (2013)  Smoking health and social care (Scotland Act 2005)  NHS Grampian Tobacco Control Strategy and Action Plan

A multi-agency Aberdeen City Tobacco Alliance was established in April 2010, to work towards reducing the associated harms from tobacco use, particularly to our younger and more vulnerable populations. More recently the Alliance has reviewed its purpose, outcomes and action plan to reflect current issues and priorities to achieving a tobacco free Aberdeen in line with the Scottish Government’s national 5 year tobacco control strategy which was launched in 2013.

Vision for Aberdeen: A Tobacco Free Future for our city by creating a tobacco free generation by 2034

Aim: To reduce smoking and the harmful effects of tobacco on the population of Aberdeen.


Master LTA Action Plan – updated 8th September 2015 2 Tobacco Control - Key Information for Aberdeen City

2.1 Smoking in Pregnancy (*Scotpho tobacco profile, 2015) The percentage of women smoking during pregnancy in 2010-12 is significantly lower (better) than the Scottish average (18.1% compared to 20.9%).  SIMD 5 - 4.5% - least deprived  SIMD 1 – 30.4% - most deprived The proportion of women making a quit attempt with NHS smoking cessation services in pregnancy is, however, significantly lower (worse) than the Scottish average (ScotPHO, 2013, Tobacco Profiles)

2.2 Local Areas (2012) - Local area statistics on % and numbers of people who smoke (NHS Grampian draft report, 2012 data (; ) Multi-member ward % who smoke Number who smoke Tillydrone†/Seaton†/Old Aberdeen 38% 4892 Northfield*† 37% 4897 George St/Harbour 33% 4326 Hilton/Stockethill† 32% 4227 Torry*†/Ferryhill 31% 5276 Kingswells/Sheddocksley† 27% 3036 Kincorth/Loirston 26% 3401 Dyce/Bucksburn/Danestone 25% 3554 Midstocket/Rosemount 24% 3029 Airyhall/Broomhill/Garthdee 21% 2815 Bridge of Don 20% 3090 Hazlehead/Ashley/Queens Cross 17% 2773 Lower Deeside 14% 1601

The overall number of people who smoke in Aberdeen using these figures amounts to 46,917, compared to 40,926 in Aberdeenshire and 15,966 in Moray.

2.3 Hospital Admissions (ScotPHO Tobacco Profile) During 2010-12, there were 5,849 smoking attributable hospital admissions. 2 2.4 Smoking Cessation (ScotPHO Tobacco Profile) Of 4,380 quit attempts, 1970 were successful quits at 4 weeks. Of the 1970 quits at 4 weeks:  732 from SIMD1  495 from SIMD2  359 from SIMD3  215 from SIMD4  169 from SIMD5

Of the 1970 quit attempts at 1 month:  1,007 stayed stopped at 3 months and  253 at 12 months

2.5 Around 15,000 young people between the ages of 13 to 24 in Scotland start to smoke each year (13% at 15 year olds and 24% among 16-24 year olds) - National Tobacco Control Strategy.

3 Local Tobacco Alliance (LTA)

3.1 Role and remit of the Alliance is to coordinate and monitor activities that contribute to: 1. Prevention: creating an environment where young people choose not to smoke 2. Protection: protecting people from second hand smoke (through education, enforcement ) 3. Cessation: helping people to quit smoking- reshaping smoking cessation opportunities to meet local need

3.2 Aberdeen City LTA Objectives 1. Build capacity for tobacco control with multiple partners 2. Ensure regulation and compliance with the law 3. Prevent the uptake of smoking by children and young people 4. Motivate and support people to stop smoking 5. Protect people from the risks associated with second hand smoke and encouraging smoke free homes 6. Reduce the availability of smuggled and counterfeit tobacco products


Master LTA Action Plan – updated 8th September 2015 3.3 Reach  Whole population – key messages, improving access to advice and support  Children and young people – to encourage and enable them to not start smoking through prevention and education  Organisations – policies, staff training on raising the issue  Areas where there are higher levels of smoking prevalence which is contributing to health inequalities

4 Identified priority actions areas iinclude: 1. Deliver staff training on smoke free homes/cars and raising the issue 2. Policy Development - Maintenance of smoke free policy in NHS sites and support to groups/communities 3. Development of the Local Tobacco Alliance 4. Extension of smoking cessation pathway in community midwifery to health visiting to increase quit rates 5. Work with young people and communities to build their capacity to take ownership of and playing a part in creating a tobacco free generation by 2034 6. Build on learning from pilot work with Bucksburn ASG to undertake a phased roll out over 3 years across city ASGs in partnership with Education and to include wider community.

4 Aberdeen City Multi-agency Local Tobacco Alliance Action Plan April 2015 – March 2018

Aberdeen City LTA is a multi agency group which aims to reduce smoking and the negative effects of tobacco on the population of Aberdeen. The role and remit of the group is to coordinate and monitor actions that bring together the various strands of tobacco control in terms of:

1. Building capacity for tobacco control with multi agency partners 2. Regulation & compliance with the law 3. Preventing the uptake of smoking by young people 4. Supporting people to stop smoking 5. Protecting people from the risks associated with second hand smoke and smoking in the home 6. Reducing the availability of smuggled and counterfeit tobacco products

1. Building capacity for tobacco control with multi agency partners throughout the city

Objective Action Performance measures Timesc Lead agencies/ Progress Links to action /outcomes ale person points in national strategy *1 i. Agree a city alliance Agree and produce a three Tobacco Action plan updated Septem Chair/ Action plan in place 3 tobacco action plan year action plan to 2018 in first ber 2015 All LTA members with reporting with all partner instance with endorsement by Reporting through Health & arrangements to be agencies which reflects partners. Wellbeing Thematic Group, agreed local and national NHS Tobacco Control strategies & with formal Strategy Group & Community reporting structures in Planning Partnership place ii. Promote the Communication Plan to be Promotional info on the role Septem All members Review of advocacy role of the produced and work of the Alliance ber 2015 role/purpose of LTA alliance and the (end April 2015) to be understanding of key Establish system(s) of Key messages for Creating finalised and stakeholders locally, communicating & publishing a Tobacco Free Aberdeen approved by LTA ensuring leadership for LTA successes and new developed and shared with tobacco issues within messages partners the city Articles for community and city wide newsletters produces and disseminated regularly


Master LTA Action Plan – updated 8th September 2015 1. Building capacity for tobacco control with multi agency partners throughout the city (cont.) Objective Action Performance Timescale Lead agencies/ Progress Links to action measures person points in national /outcomes strategy *1 Continue to encourage  New members Ongoing Reviewed at April key players and with influence 2015 meeting of LTA stakeholders to join across the CPP & alliance and/or CHP (HMRC, advocate for Tobacco Environmental Control within their Health, Local own organisations to Authority Housing include service user etc) involvement.

Identify key local and  Campaign NNSD – March 2016 national campaigns to supported support as an alliance.

Increased awareness Training, Briefings and  Number of Ongoing Plan in place about tobacco control, inductions undertaken training events, September 2015 health/social impact, for new members of briefings and health harms and the the LTA and for wider inductions role of the LTA among decision decision makers and makers/stakeholders those working with people at increased Training and briefing risk from tobacco use plan in place in Aberdeen

Increased skills and  Professionals 2015-16 confidence among trained in “Raising services working with, the Issue “ (RTI) or are affected by, people who smoke

6 1. Building capacity for tobacco control with multi agency partners throughout the city (cont.) Objective Action Performance measures Timesc Lead agencies/ Progress Links to action /outcomes ale person points in national strategy *1 iii. Quality local data & Establish system for  Updated multi agency All partners Need to review the various intelligence systems to gathering, recording and tobacco profile and potential sources of feed into LTA & local sharing relevant multi- data/information that can planning process agency data etc inform collective planning and prioritising of collaborative action for the LTA Use data eg ScotPHO  Population specific work tobacco profile to inform identified & initiated Ongoing local understanding and  identify gaps in data / services to populate future LTA actions (universal & targeted). iv. Monitor the Produce quarterly?  Reports collated Quarter Chair Need to review implementation of the monitoring reports for: ly action plan and review  CPA Health performance against and Wellbeing agreed outcomes Thematic Group  NHS Grampian Tobacco Control Steering Group

Produce an annual  Annual Report Annual Chair summary on progress to date for partners to see impact of their work.


Master LTA Action Plan – updated 8th September 2015 2. Regulation & compliance with the law Objective Action Performance measures Timescale Lead Progress Links to action /outcomes agencies/ points in person national strategy *1 i. To continue to achieve Ensure compliance &  Follow up issues raised Ongoing ACC 19 high levels of compliance monitoring visits are during food and health & Environmental 21 with smoke free carried out to all licensed / safety inspections Health 43 legislation across the city commercial premises & maintain accurate records  Investigate complaints of action on compliance received regarding smoking and enforcement. in enclosed public spaces & report Provision of support & Ongoing advice to existing & new businesses to ensure compliance.

ii. To enforce legislation Provide City businesses  Visit at least 20% of City Annually ACC Data available for test 19 relating to tobacco and advice on complying with based tobacco sellers to TS purchase and business 21 tobacco products, in the 2002 & 2010 Acts provide advice & report advice visits particular the Tobacco Advertising & Promotion Act 2002 and the Tobacco and Primary Medical Services (Scotland) Act 2010 Carry out programmes of  Test 10% of tobacco Annually ACC To receive reports from test purchasing by 16 year- retailers in the City to TS trading Standards old volunteers to assess ensure they do not sell compliance with the age tobacco products to people restriction under 18 years of age & report

8 2. Regulation & compliance with the law (cont.)

Objective Action Performance measures Timescale Lead Progress Links to /outcomes agencies/ action points person in national strategy *1 Investigate complaints and  Number of intelligence and Ongoing ACC Data available for test intelligence received complaints received TS purchase and business relating to the sale and advice visits supply of tobacco  Number of investigations commenced as a result iii. LTA to become the Implementation &  NHSG smoke free sites Ongoing All NHS grounds now 11 lead vehicle for the enforcement of NHSG policy implemented fully smoke free from April 2015 33 development of smoke free policy 34 consistent, throughout all NHS/CHP All local authorities to fully comprehensive & sites. implement smoke free sustained tobacco policies policies across their within all partner properties and surrounding organisations across the grounds by 2015 city

Development,  Policies Ongoing All partners Health Improvement dissemination and developed and Officer working with implementation of implemented within schools to develop smoke guidance for educational schools. free policies establishments


Master LTA Action Plan – updated 8th September 2015 2. Regulation & compliance with the law (cont) Objective Action Performance measures Timescale Lead Progress Links to action /outcomes agencies/ points in national person strategy *1 Targeting of third  Awareness of staff increased & Ongoing Foyer / To be reviewed? sector evidenced< ACVO? organisations for development & implementation of tobacco policies

Disseminate HWL policy template on Tobacco to third sector – check the current status of this?

Targeted work  All LAC to have access to Ongoing Natalija Clark To be reviewed with LAC (Looked appropriate smoking cessation with support Children’s homes after children) in This needs more focused work – from CD/ KL within Aberdeen context of Local nothing progressed in this area for (review) have been audited Authority approx 2 years to establish corporate numbers of parenting duty smokers amongst young people and staff.

Children’s homes have been sent information as part of the ACC corporate parenting strategy and offered a visit to provide tobacco awareness / stop smoking 10 information to staff and YP response poor so far!


Master LTA Action Plan – updated 8th September 2015 3. Preventing young people from taking up smoking Objective Action Performance measures Timescale Lead Progress Links to action /outcomes agencies/ points in national person strategy *1 i. Implementation of key LTA to support a  Smoke free policies developed, CD 11 elements of “Scotland’s comprehensive, implemented, monitored and HIO Schools 15 Future is Smoke Free”: sustained enforced within local authority ACC 43 (Smoking Prevention approach that education settings, further and Action Plan 2008) addresses school higher education settings and & community services for looked after accommodated children and young people

 An Associated School CD Pilot in Bucksburn Share information with key Implement policy Group actively working on policy HIO schools School Community strategic groups and guidance and development / tobacco awareness ACC undertaken, and partners that work with encourage schools issues (exemplary smoking policies planning to have a children and young people to develop in public sector) phased rollout of through eg - Integrated organisation wide this model. Childrens’ Services smoke free policy (Healthy and Active (as above) Outcomes Group)

Ensure schools /  Increased evidence of CD ? who doing this - educational tobacco being covered within the HIO schools is it possible establishments curriculum for excellence ACC deliver evidence (requirement for baseline based smoking information ) prevention  Increased use of the interventions Substance Misuse Pack for Grampian within schools

12 3. Preventing young people from taking up smoking (cont.) Objective Action Performance measures Timescale Lead agencies/ Progress Links to action /outcomes person points in national strategy *1 Engage young people in Young people’s  Engagement with children and developing action that will conference to be young people contribute to creating a held?  tobacco free generation Conference for young people by young people Implement  Youth tobacco control forum tobacco policy in  schools/communi Number of Tobacco policies in place ties across city in line with phased roll out Learn from and programme build on Pilot in one school – phased approach over 3 years? Gather local  Establishment of baseline intelligence on numbers of smokers smoking and tobacco use among children and young people Sharing of data  Database of professionals Foyer ? from Foyer training working with YP trained/untrained officer to target professionals working with young people (Learning Day, Play your cards right)

Increase delivery  Number of Courses delivered CD ? training provided to of raising the HIO Schools date issue training 13

Master LTA Action Plan – updated 8th September 2015 (RTI) to relevant  Nos. brief interventions professionals delivered per professional working with young people in school

Actively involve  Frequency and number CD ? training provided to YP & support of peer groups Foyer date workers in joint, intensive peer approaches to prevention and cessation

Intervention with  No of sessions held Foyer voluntary  No / breadth of staff ACVO organisations staff engaged who work face to  No / breadth of staff face with hard to trained etc reach YP  Staff as positive role models LAC pilot (as at 2  All LAC have access to CD ??? iii above) smoking cessation

 LAC as smoking cessation advocate / mentor

4. Supporting people to stop smoking /inequalities Objective Action Performance measures Timescale Lead agencies/ Progress Links to action /outcomes person points in national strategy *1

14 i. To continue to improve LTA partners to  Effective multi sector ongoing SAS co-ordinator Information to be 11 and increase the uptake of disseminate access to smoking cessation SFRS made available to 35 smoking cessation support information support PHCs partners relating to universally and to those  Increase in accessibility and smoking awareness of services available populations most in need cessation  Development of referral pathways LDP standard 2015 services /  12 week quits in 40% community most deprived zone (NHSG pharmacy within their standard is– 995 quits) organisations (Currently in Grampian 90% quits are from To increase pharmacy services) understanding throughout partner organisations relating to performance target by routine reporting to alliance members

4. Supporting people to stop smoking /inequalities (Cont’d)

Implement a  Increased numbers /reach of staff Grampian programme of trained in brief advice. Gaps here to Tobacco Control awareness raising be trained Coordinator / RTI training sessions for partner organisation staff who come into contact with smokers. Wording of this will need to change to take account of new LDP standards (not HEAT targets) 15

Master LTA Action Plan – updated 8th September 2015  Increased numbers /reach of staff AF/ Foyer/ trained in brief advice. Gaps here to PHC/ACVO/ be trained Denise Kazmierczak

16 4. Supporting people to stop smoking /inequalities (cont.) Objective Action Performance measures Timescale Lead Progress Links to action /outcomes agencies/ points in national person strategy *1 ii. Further develop Action research in Community action and performance Sept 2015 targeted population identified communities measures to be identified – March specific cessation where there are higher 2018 work rates of smoking prevalence in areas of high levels of smoking prevalence

Continue to develop  Increased numbers of YP & adults Foyer Foyer - Fresher 11 and support Foyer successfully accessing support ACVO Futures project funded 35 smoking cessation  Increased numbers of staff within NHS to end November 2015 pilot for disengaged pilot agencies trained to deliver a SAS YP 16-24 (phase 2) brief intervention (RTI) CIYPP Activity has included: and staff within  7 new voluntary sector organisations engaging with project Continue to support  Continued cessation work with engagement harder to reach adults with existing organisations working with young people  7 x RTI courses delivered  15 x 1:1 cessation support sessions  7 x Groups


Master LTA Action Plan – updated 8th September 2015 sessions  8 X awareness raising sessions  20 x staff, 5 volunteers and 16 young people attended

Support targeting of  Designated tobacco champions sectors of workforce within broader workforce linking to within H&SC. e.g. mainstream services and pharmacy  Woodend  Consistent & sustainable workplace Hospital smoke free policies within vol.  Brief sector/all sectors Interventions Champions  Training for Smoking Cessation Officers Build capacity in workforce Brief Intervention  training for champions

18 5. Protecting people from second hand and environmental tobacco smoke Objective Action Performance measures Timescale Lead Progress Links to action /outcomes agencies/ points in national person strategy *1 i. Engage & promote, Promote proactive  Increased compliance at smoke All partners 11 with partners, evidence use of smoke free free sites….. 26 based initiatives to reduce legislation & Soke 27 the exposure of children & Free Homes 28 families to SHS in homes / initiative by LTA 38 cars / environment partners

Promote &  Increased numbers of facilitate training professionals trained in RTI & course for multi confident to deliver a brief sector intervention professionals

Plan & implement Increased numbers of parents opting a series of not to smoke in home or car awareness raising sessions with community groups incorporating risk of house fires

Extend Ante natal  Amount of people who have been SFRS / IF pathway for given advice about second-hand smoking advice smoke from trainees (survey and support to monkey at 6 months post training) include post natal period through health Visiting Service


Master LTA Action Plan – updated 8th September 2015 6. Reducing the availability of counterfeit tobacco Objective Action Performance measures Time Lead agencies/ person Progress Links to action /outcomes scale points in national strategy *1 i. Collect intelligence via Establish a  Telephone no. 01224 522433 set up Ongoi ACC Information packs to multi-agency partners of method(s) to allowing public to report complaints ng TS every business selling LTA on availability and collect anonymously NHS, tobacco to maximise illegal supply of tobacco intelligence/data  Number of calls to the phone line DWP products, counterfeit or on illegal tobacco compliance with the genuine sources and Act target activity to (2010 Scottish hotspot areas, Relevant information Government Act) working with to be included in other law Raising the issue enforcement agencies training for staff

LTA to consider on  Reduced illegal /counterfeit tobacco ACC TS Intelligence performance measures and in circulation TS database established in progress for this objective NHS Scotland

 System in place for sharing of ACC intelligence TS NHS

20 Glossary

TC - tobacco control IF - Irene Fraser CPP - Community Planning Partnership KL - Kevin Leslie TS - Trading Standards CD – Carole-Ann Duff DWP - Department work and pensions AF – Averil Ferris CIYPP - Cash in your pocket partnership KG – Keith Grassick SFRS - Scottish Fire and Rescue Service MW – Marlene Westland SAS - Smoking Advice Service


Master LTA Action Plan – updated 8th September 2015

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