Teacher: Adams Houston Independent School District Westside High School

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Teacher: Adams Houston Independent School District Westside High School

Teacher:Adams Houston Independent School District Westside High School Subject: English I-Prep Secondary Lesson Plan Sheet Week of: March 3-7, 2014

Day H.I.S.D. Objectives Student Objectives Teaching and Enrichment Activities List Resources and Hm Wk Materials SWBAT: Do First: Review “The Art of Chinese -Holt McDougal -finish questions Ⓡ ELA.9.Fig19B Make complex -Infer from text, Cooking” and “Home Cooking” Literature Book 5-11 inferences about text and use textual evidence to support understanding. synthesize information, Lesson of the Day: Synthesize and draw Ⓡ ELA.9.13B Structure ideas in a and draw conclusions conclusions from short stories sustained and persuasive (logical) way about short passages Activity 1: Reading comprehension from

(e.g., using outlines, note taking, McDougal text book y

a graphic

d Activity 2: Read selections and answer n organizers, lists) and develop drafts in o timed and open-ended situations that questions. Discuss answers. M include transitions and the rhetorical devices used to convey meaning.

SWBAT: Do First: Open book and read “The Education -McDougal -finish questions Ⓡ ELA.9.Fig19B Make complex - Identify author’s voice of Frank McCourt” Literature Book 5-11 inferences about text and use textual evidence to support understanding. and make inferences Review: -Short Response:

y Ⓢ about author’s purpose Lesson of the Day: Analyze author’s voice by Write an a ELA.9.5A Analyze and discuss the d s purpose of non-linear plot development in cultural, historical, identifying clues within the literature as you Argument – e

u (e.g., flashbacks, foreshadowing, T and contemporary read gerund phrases subplots, context Activity 1: Teacher reads literature book and parallel plot structures) and compare it to linear plot development. identifies historical and cultural references Ⓡ ELA.9.5B Analyze how authors that lead to author’s voice develop Activity 2: Guided practice over identifying Ⓡ ELA.9.8A Explain the controlling idea author’s voice in “The Education of Frank and specific purpose of an expository text and distinguish the most important McCourt” from the less important details that Activity 3: Independent practice answer support the author’s purpose. literary analysis questions from “Angela’s Ashes”. Day H.I.S.D. Objectives Student Objectives Teaching and Enrichment Activities List Resources and Hm Wk Materials SWBAT: Do First: Read Understand The TEKS on - Measuring Up None Ⓡ y ELA.9.13C Revise drafts to improve - Revise literary Revision projected on ELMO and copy Packet w/ prompts a

d style, word choice, figurative language, s narratives for grammar Lesson of the Day: STAAR Practice revision r

u sentence variety, and subtlety of

h mechanics and spelling and SAR

T meaning after rethinking how well /

y questions of purpose, audience, and -STAAR Practice Activity 1: Discuss revision assessment and a d

s genre have been addressed. expectations on STAAR e

n Ⓡ ELA.9.13D Edit drafts for grammar, d Activity 2: Answer guided questions from e mechanics, and spelling.

W “Julia’s Bike” in Measuring Up. Ⓡ ELA.9.15A.i Write an analytical essay of sufficient length that includes Activity 3: Guided practice rereading the unedited selection revising to make stronger by adding and changing details. Activity 4: Independent practice. Read the passage “A Memorable Ride” and answer multiple choice questions on revisions.

SWBAT: Do First: Read graded SAR from “Angela’s -SAR scoring rubric None Ⓡ ELA.9.Fig19B Make complex - Write a minimum Ashes” -McDougal text

y inferences about text and use textual a level 3 SAR according Lesson of the Day: Rewrite SAR to enhance book d

i evidence to support understanding. r

F Ⓡ ELA.9.13B Structure ideas in a to STAAR rubric argument for level 3 or 4 SAR -SAR prompt sustained and persuasive (logical) way Activity 1: Review criteria for level 4 SAR (e.g., using outlines, note taking, Activity 2: Read and discuss student graphic examples of level 4 SAR organizers, lists) and develop drafts in timed and open-ended situations that Activity 3: Independently write SAR from and include transitions and the rhetorical enhance to strengthen argument. devices used to convey meaning.

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