Moorfield Primary School-Yearly Curriculum Overview:Year 4

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Moorfield Primary School-Yearly Curriculum Overview:Year 4


Year 4 Curriculum Overview Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term

How can you help your child this term? Please check the VLE Please check the VLE on a regular basis for Please check the VLE on a regular basis for on a regular basis for homework opportunities and learning resources. homework opportunities. Visit Bramall Hall, homework Read and support your child with Year 3 / 4 Little Moreton Hall or Tatton Park to find out opportunities and Spelling List. about the Tudors in our local area. learning resources. Discuss and look at maps with your children to Please help your child to practice telling the Encourage them to use discover places in Europe and the World. time. Abacus online for Visits to Art galleries. Maths games. Use books or the internet to research the Anglo Saxons and Vikings. Visits to museums. English In writing we will be In writing we will be developing the following In writing we will be developing the following developing the skills: skills: following skills: Spelling: prefixes mis-; year 3 and 4 statutory Spelling: ‘sure’ and ‘ture’ words; revision of year Spelling: Past tense spellings; words with ‘ch’ sound; suffixes-able/ 3 / 4 words; revision and consolidation of verbs adding –ed and -ible; -ation; -gue/-que endings;words with ‘ei’; suffixes, prefixes, verb endings. adding -ing; Grammar: pronouns and nouns; punctuation and Grammar: Revision and consolidation of Autumn homophones; words using semi colons; clauses; verbs; adjectival and Spring topics; paragraphs; imperative with double phrases; apostrophes. verbs; verb tenses. consonants; suffixes – Creative Writing, speaking and Listening: Creating Creative Writing, speaking and Listening : ly, -ous. ‘ou’ sound; ‘i’ imaginary worlds; persuasive writing; advert Writing stories with issues and dilemmas linked sound spelt ‘y’; prefixes making; role play; visualization; talk for writing to the texts, ‘Bill’s New Frock’ and The Fib’ ; role un-, dis-; words with In reading we will be developing the following play, drama, hotseating, freeze framing; talk for apostrophes; skills: using dictionaries and thesauruses; writing; Writing explanations-linked to Science. Grammar: Using inferring meanings from the text; predicting what Diary writing linked to History Tudors. punctuation including might happen ; identifying some text type In reading we will be developing the following speech; powerful organisational features in persuasive writing; skills: : using dictionaries and thesauruses; verbs; adverbs and We will also celebrate World Book Day. inferring meanings from the text; predicting fronted adverbials; what might happen ; identifying some text type adjectives; similes and organisational features, for example, narrative, metaphors;apostrophes explanation . Creative Writing, speaking and Listening: Linked to the book,’ The Adventures of The Dish and Spoon’; newpaper reports linked to Anglo Saxons and Vikings; poetry linked to Remembrance; role play; hotseating; talk for writing. In reading we will be developing the following skills: using dictionaries and thesauruses ;explaining the meaning of words in context; asking questions to improve understanding of a texts; retrieving and recording information from non-fiction texts. Mathematics In mathematics we will In mathematics we will be developing our number In mathematics we will be developing our be developing our fluency through: mental calculations (addition, number fluency through: further developing our number fluency subtraction, multiplication and division), using understanding of fractions and decimals and through: : recognising formal written methods to add, subtract and solving problems related to fractions, measure place value in a four- multiply where appropriate, solving problems and and money. We will continue to practise digit number, regular practice of multiplication and division multiplication and division facts. We will further comparing and facts. We will further develop our understanding develop our skills with mental and written rounding numbers, of place value and estimating/approximating. calculations (addition, subtraction, multiplication counting forwards and In geometry and measures we will be developing and division). backwards in multiples our skills in: presenting data using graphs and In geometry and measures we will be of a given number, solving problems using information presented in developing our skills in: estimating and identifying Roman graphs. measuring time, length, perimeter, area, weight, numerals, developing capacity and converting between different units our understanding of of measure (e.g. km to m). fractions and decimals and regular practice of multiplication and division facts. In geometry and measures we will be developing our skills in: classifying geometric shapes, identifying acute and obtuse angles, recognising symmetry and plotting coordinates on a 2D grid.

Science We will be covering the We will be covering the following areas to We will be covering the following areas to following areas to develop our scientific skills in Physical Processes- develop our scientific skills in Life and Living develop our scientific Physics: Sound: Identifying how sounds are Processes- Biology: Animals including Humans: skills in Physical made; recognising that vibrations from sounds identifying and describing the functions of the Processes-Physics: travel through a medium to the ear; recognising human digestive system; Electricity: Identifying that sounds get fainter as the distance from the identifying the different types of human teeth common appliances sound source increases. and their functions. that run on electricity; We will be covering the following areas to We will be covering the following areas to constructing a simple develop our scientific skills in Materials-Chemistry: develop our scientific skills in Life and Living electrical circuit, States of Matter: Comparing and grouping Processes- Biology: Living Things and Their identifying and naming materials together, according to whether they are Habitats : constructing and interpreting a variety its basic parts, solids, liquids or gases; observing that some of food chains, identifying producers, predators including cells, wires, materials change state when they are heated or and prey; recognising that living things can be bulbs, switches and cooled. grouped in a variety of ways. buzzers; recognising some common conductors and insulators.

RE We will be studying the We will be studying the following We will be studying the following following faiths/religions/festivals: faiths/religions/festivals: faiths/religions/festivals Judaism (The story of Moses/Passover) Religious Buildings : The Synagogue, Christianity (The Church) Islam (The Prophet Muhammad) Christianity (The early life of Jesus) Computing In computing we will In computing we will be developing the In computing we will be developing the be developing the following skills: Information Technology-making following skills: Information Technology: following skills: videos-ipad Green Screen; making digital music. Using spreadsheets. Computer Science: Computer Science- Raspberry Pi Project(programming): Creating a Understanding Computer Networks. Programming: Using band project. Ongoing skills: Digital Literacy, Internet and E Espresso coding, Ongoing skills: Digital Literacy, Internet and E safety: using technology safely, respectfully and responsibly; Scratch software and safety: using technology safely, respectfully Kodu; designing, and responsibly. writing and debugging Safer Internet Day programs. Ongoing skills:Digital Literacy, Internet and E safety: using technology safely, respectfully and responsibly; History and Geography We will be developing We will be developing the following skills in We will be developing the following skills in the following skills in Geography: Using maps to focus on Europe History: developing a chronologically secure History: developing a (including the location of Russia); using maps, knowledge and understanding of British, local atlases, globes and digital/computer mapping to chronologically secure locate countries to build their knowledge. Focus and world history. knowledge and on Italy and the city of Bologna. The time in history that we will be studying is: understanding of Map skills including grid references, Ordnance A local History Study-The Tudors. Survey symbols and compass directions. British, local and world We will visit Tatton Old Hall in July. history. The time in history that we will be studying is: Britain’s settlement by The Anglo Saxons and the Viking Invasion. We will hold a Viking Day in November/December. Art, design and technology We will be developing We will be developing the following skills: We will be developing the following skills: the following skills: (Art) Drawing, painting Drawing and painting skills. Developing the use Collage, drawing and (D+T) Food Technology-Biscuits of pattern. observational skills. We will be learning about the work of: We will be learning about the work of: Tudor We will be learning European Artists Artists, Escher. about the work of: The Anglo Saxons and Vikings including the Lindisfarne Monks. Gymnastics dance and We will be developing We will be developing the following skills in We will be developing the following skills in games. the following skills in gymnastics: summer games: running, jumping and throwing, dance: fluency, body tension, dynamic, performance and catching, hitting and planning strategies to do Individual work, paired extension in jumping, rolling and balancing. well as an individual and as part of a team. work, group work, 4KW – Circuit training, 4KB – Swimming. 4KB – Athletics and circuit training. 4KW – making sequences to Swimming. create a dance linked to science topic of electricity or the History topic of Invaders. Music Developing our skills Developing our skills and performance both in Developing our skills and performance both in and performance both singing and in playing instruments singing and in playing instruments in singing and in playing instruments MFL We will be; building up We will be; building up our vocabulary in French We will be; building up our vocabulary in French our vocabulary in through stories, songs and rhymes. To be able to through stories, songs and rhymes. To be able French through stories, read and write simple sentences to read and write simple sentences songs and rhymes. To be able to read and write simple sentences. PSHE and SRE We will be developing We will be developing the following skills: We will be developing the following skills: the following skills: Identifying techniques for getting on with Identifying changes that take place as we grow Developing our others/friendship skills. The importance of making up and people who can help us. Setting future individual strengths healthy and responsible choices. targets and goals. and exploring our feelings. Understanding the importance of rules in school and society.

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