2. Would Your Sectional Recommend Any Next Steps?

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2. Would Your Sectional Recommend Any Next Steps?

Sheet Sectional Summary Summary Sectional


1. Given the report on the survey results: are there any areas needing clarification for your sectional? Did anything surprise you in the results?

Sec. # Response 1 2 We appreciate our Associates and want them to be part of us. We think they should be encouraged to participate in sectionals and assemblies but not required to do so. We think that governance needs to be taken out of the sectional and presented at CSJ assemblies where only CSJ discuss issues that affect the vowed members only. The associates have their own assembly. 3 4 Needing clarification: No premise regarding boundaries to be set up between Sisters and Associates Response expected but never received on both provincial and congregational levels regarding questions asked by sections. Talking about minsters from other religions was a surprise. What purpose? 5 Why the section on retreats and assembly Mass/Alternate Ritual on this Survey? Surprising: did not expect it to be so positive 6 Communication and explanation of the role, purpose and procedures to the assoc. Also of Assembly, Chapter, etc. 7 Clarify: p. 4 “rotate our rituals”—what does this mean? Surprising: the number of topics for Carondelet retreats! Who would attend? The percentage wanting associates to have equal voice in governance. 8 We did not find anything needing clarification nor did we feel the results were surprising. We found the summary valuable. 9 10 Confusion about questions concerning Mass and ritual. 11 12 QUESTION: should there be a guideline that clarifies the expectation for ongoing committed associates regarding attendance at Sectionals? What accountability is expected? Can there be flexibility?

Page 1, RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SISTERS-ASSOCIATES, 2014 Fall Sectionals Sec. # Response QUESTION: is it time to clarify different types of Association, i.e., prayer partners, partners in ministry, ongoing committee associates, other partners with us, i.e., benefactors? (Some associates have already stated their preferences in previous surveys) the subject of “agregees” has also surfaced. We understand some Associates feel their commitment does not include sectionals, assemblies, chapters. However, they are faithful to attendance at their monthly community gatherings. Many are looking for sessions that include “food for thought” both in regard to their faith journey and to our mutual Mission. Other lectures and gatherings in KC are of greater interest. For example, during the year we have celebrations in the fall, at Christmas time, an Annual Retreat, Linger Over Breakfast, Benefactors Mass and Reception and opportunities provided by Avila and St. Teresa’s Academy. There are opportunities for attending lectures and reflection/retreat days and picnics sponsored by various KC organizations. Invitations go out to all sisters and associates. Both sisters and associates appreciated having such topics as suggested at this sectional. Many mentioned that these topics opened us to deeper conversations and mentioned the hope that future meetings would attract more associates.

13 Total number of sisters in each age group, i.e., age group 30-65, 7 respondent of-in that age group. Breakdown of responses to each question by age; why people chose not to answer some questions. 14 Clarify: no, we are happy with Sisters Only and our size Surprising: survey was inconclusive. 67.8% response!!!! Sectional 14 stated that parts of the survey seemed flawed. The results within the sections Province Assemblies, Chapter meetings and Mass/alternative ritual appear contradictory. Further clarification or rank ordering may give better results.

Do you need more than this? Let me know. (Jeanene Yackey) 15 A couple of people were confused by the meaning of the “population circle”—briefly, its meaning was clarified. Surprises: Overall, the largest number or responses to a question was 202. Response numbers to all other questions did not—202 which means in some places as many as 51 did not answer the question. Some of us were wondering WHY this was the case. Responses Requested: We received the copy of the response to the Sisters survey. We questioned WHY we did not receive the copy of the Associate survey. It would have been helpful to have a good sense of what the Associates think about things.

16 No clarifications needed Unfortunately, we were not surprised with the results 17 Clarify: p. 3 “Other”—difficult to answer some questions—interrupted

Page 2, RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SISTERS-ASSOCIATES, 2014 Fall Sectionals Sec. # Response one question asked with CSJ reflection/emphasis; with associates reflection/emphasis; “contradictions”/confused on interruption. Surprising: p. 2—results on Province Assembly “separate # of responses: Other, separate but come together high #--surprise. Retreat questions?? Diversity of opinions Written survey “best tool” 18 19 Clarification: How many sisters who do not wish associates to even come to Prov/Cong. Chapters have actually worked with associates, experienced the depth of holiness as they live out the “unifying love” charism, or been in attendance at Province and Congregational Chapters that have brought associates/sisters together in common hope-planning for the future? Do members of the St. Louis Province really want to act in a less hospitable manner than the Congregational Leadership Team has put into motion in the past 12 years?? There was no big deal at Congregational Chapter to have ACOF members as part of the discerning discussions around elections. Surprising: there was no interpretation of the survey. Some of the numbers. The diversity was no surprise. Some of the statistics around issues of “voice but not vote” for associates was somewhat of a surprise. However, until issues raised above are addressed, the data does not convey how people came to their perspectives—out of experience or out of hearsay”? 20 No 21 Clarify: Why did the one Michigan person who responded to survey not get acknowledge on page 1 graph? Surprise: that some sisters want associates to have voice in discernment and elections and finances. 22 The survey appears flawed—looked at statistics vs relationship Surprising: questions subject to interpretation! 23 Sisters who do not ever attend the assemblies and chapter filled in the questionnaire and may have greatly influenced some of the data. Also on some questions, such as those on liturgy another choice, such as “not all the time” was not presented. 24 25 Do we have a common understanding of GOVERNANCE? Are we talking selection of leaders of vowed members OR setting directions for the province? Surprising: Not surprised but PLEASED with possibilities for bonding between sisters and associates. Pleased with generally positive responses. 26 The survey appears flawed and perhaps done too hastily.  e.g., only two choices (yes/no) rather than a range 1-5.  This is looking for statistics when the emphasis should be

Page 3, RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SISTERS-ASSOCIATES, 2014 Fall Sectionals Sec. # Response relationships.

The survey questions are often confusing and subject to interpretation.  e.g., 74% enjoy or want to attend Sectional gatherings with Associates. Only 54% prefer Sisters and Associates together for all the Assembly and 62% prefer time together and apart.  e.g., Other, pg. 3—do you believe Sisters/Associates …as we discussed this in our sectional, we realized that some read the question as stating the reality; others read the question as including “should.”  “Equal voice” is not the right question. We do have something to say about each other’s lives and finances are a part of that.

The survey for St. Louis Province sisters appears to ignore Congregational experience.  e.g., associates were present throughout the entire Congregational Chapter. While not having voice, they were present for the discernment/election.

The data does not give a proper context for answers:  e.g., how many of the responding sisters have the experience of being at sectionals/province assemblies, province chapters/congregational chapters with associates. Do their answers come out of their lived experience? 27 Clarify: our age 65 and filled out surveys—that age group is not shown on the graph! Did not other sisters 30-65 fill out the survey? Why? Surprise; some were surprised at the large number of sisters who DO want associates to have presence and voice at Assemblies. For the future, clarify if “No Voice” means at tables and microphone or just at the microphone. 28 “Community of St. Joseph” some still don’t get it. It’s a descriptive phrase of knowing my identity and belonging. It needs to be formalized.

Surprising: Survey only a snapshot in time. Fears expressed: associates will take over—my life has no meaning—age of entitlement. Expectations from former members is different from non-CSJ associates. Association is not a ministry of CSJs.

2. Would your sectional recommend any next steps?

Sec. # Response 1 2 Keep sectional numbers down—perhaps no more than 10-12 in a group

Page 4, RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SISTERS-ASSOCIATES, 2014 Fall Sectionals Sec. # Response —to allow for meaningful sharing of the heart and discussion. 3 Encourage leadership among associates and help them find out how they live the charism and how it informs their lives. How they would see their future; have their leadership.

Sisters have the right and responsibility of governance of our congregation and province. This includes: leadership and council, agenda committee, sectionals, assembly and chapter.

Associates should have the right and responsibility of governance of the associates and their communities/sectional organization. 4 Task Force should be working on their assignment 5 No more surveys 6 Some follow up on statistics 7 No 8 Our sectional would like to move on and not make an issue of the relationship. The percentages of sisters having trouble with association is small. We are, however, recognizing that there may be some underlying fears or other “real issues” that don’t want to be faced by some of our members and are coming out in the survey results. Understanding boundary issues is needed by all. Our Constitution is clear about organizational boundaries. 9 10 11 12 13 Most sisters seem fine with presence of associates other than in areas of governance, finance. Some were surprised by the number of sisters who want associates at sectionals and assembly. We noted that only 36% have been mentors and wonder how many have been asked and how many have said no. one sister said she had been asked, but wasn’t entirely clear in terms of what the associate program was/is and didn’t want to say yes without that understanding. The movement of responses in relation to sectionals, assembly and chapter seemed to show a difference in how sisters view those meetings. From conversations had, the vast majority of associates do not want to be at all of our meetings and do not want to be part of our governance and finances. 14 15 A strong statement of a possible next step. We ask the Leadership rep to meet with those who resist the assoc. program in order to work out “something positive” now that the Assoc prog is financially stable as this seems to be a stumbling block for the resistors. Hopefully we all can move on. 16 Encourage ALLCSJs to attend some CSJ/A meetings to experience the

Page 5, RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SISTERS-ASSOCIATES, 2014 Fall Sectionals Sec. # Response richness of the presence of our Associates! 17 Be grateful for partners/associates who strongly “journey/partner with us” 18 19 No 20 Presence with voice at Chapters of Affairs, Discernment & Elections was low if we are trying to be inclusive. 21 Clarification on definition of associate. 22 Eliminate yes/no responses to include ranges 1-5

23 Only about one-third of our sisters have mentored an associate, how does this influence the results? Some statistics and comments were confusing. On the first chart the color boxes were so small it was difficult to read the graph. Next steps recommendation: Not all sisters had seen the associates’ assembly reports. If further discussion is needed, sending us these reports might be helpful. It seems like we have talked about the relationship between sisters and associates long enough. If you want some information about liturgies at assemblies and chapters, ask those who are present at the meeting and give other opinions besides yes and no, ex., sometimes. 24 25 Keep open—don’t close doors! Be comfortable in the gooey mess. Who knows where we’ll be when time for next Chapter/General Chapter. 26 Continue the process of evolving.  Associates and new forms/styles of relationship and membership are part of who we are. 27 Sisters and Associates each meet separately, then come together to set direction for the Community of St. Joseph 28 Continue delving into the questions of who we are, want to be and are called to be. Both sisters and associates need to come to who we are at this moment going into the future.

3. Does your sectional support the requirement for Associates to join a sectional and should they have the option to do so?

Sec. # Response 1 2 We do not support the requirement that Associates join a sectional.

Page 6, RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SISTERS-ASSOCIATES, 2014 Fall Sectionals Sec. # Response 3 No, we think the associates should discuss whether they want to have associate sectionals and what requirements should be about that. 4 No, no requirement to be in sectional. Sisters are not required to do so, why would Associates? Yes, they should have option to be present if they are prepared for discussion. Agenda should not have to be made for Associates; they should have their own agenda and meeting—surfaced several times. General feeling that first part of agenda was made so as to have topics for Associates. 5 Sisters are not required, why should Associates be required? 6 It is part of community business and the associate in our group feel it is fair to be required to join a sectional but they would like a choice. 7 Associates should have the option to join a sectional. It should NOT be a requirement. 8 Our sectional would like each associate to have the option to join a sectional. 9 10 Have option to do so 11 12 13 We unanimously agreed that it should be optional. 14 no 15 Some of us resist the word “requirement” (to attend sectionals) as we, in practice, do not have that for the vowed members. In Colorado, through the years, a number of individuals who lived outside the metro area have consistently chosen not to come to sectionals though they had been invited. Recognizing what the experience of presence at sectionals gives us, e.g., sharing of life, prayer, insight, understanding, compassion, connection, challenge, friendship, etc., we come, without “requirement”. Our associates do the same. They will come because they want to come. Like the sisters, they have the option. 16 We support the requirement of CSJs to attend sectionals! We do not support the requirement of Associates to attend—our experience is that our four associates come every time!! 17 No requirements, but all are welcomed to join a sectional 18 19 Optional 20 Yes 21 yes and yes 22 Sisters and associates should be able to indicate preferences as is the custom for chapters. That is, the “mode” for participation: 1) prayer for insight for attendees; 2) active participation either by presence or by sending in any ideas that will contribute to the discussion if presence is not possible. 23 A number of our sisters do not attend sectionals, how can we expect associates to do so. We feel it should be an option.

Page 7, RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SISTERS-ASSOCIATES, 2014 Fall Sectionals Sec. # Response 24 25 What is the current practice? We didn’t know. We need more info/discussion on this. Why is it even being asked? We think we support optional but w/o more info, this is hard to answer. 26 The “requirement” for associates should be the same as sisters. There are different involvements of association as there are different involvements of sisters. The individual’s decision should be respected. 27 We support the requirement for to join a sectional 28 No, if they choose to—fine but not necessary. Give option! All agenda items do not lead into conversation due to no background.

4. Is there anything from your discussion you want Province Leadership to know? Do you want a response?

Sec. # Response 1 2 WE DON’T WANT ANOTHER SURVEY AND WE ARE TIRED OF DISCUSSING OUR RELATIONSHIP. Our sectional appreciates associates; it was interesting that only 34% of our sisters have regular contact with Associates. 3 Having sisters and associates presence for everything changes the conversation. Sometimes we want associates present because we want to be totally inclusive. But it also prevents us from having the tough conversations among the sisters. Note: the agendas are specifically province oriented. 4 5 Why a yes/no survey? It is an inaccurate report. Can a survey measure religious relationships accurately? 6 No, just wanted to say our responses reflect the diversity of the group. 7 No 8 If there is a change in our formation plan, can that information be shared with us before it is effective? The “Come and See” for both vowed members and associates caused some questioning. Sisters might wish to ask for the formation program for associates. 9 10 11 12 Question: should there be a guideline that clarifies the expectation for ongoing committed associates regarding attendance at Sectionals? What accountability is expected? Can there be flexibility? Question: is it time to clarify different types of Association, i.e., prayer partners, partners in ministry, ongoing committed associates, other partners with us, i.e., benefactors? (Some Associates have already stated their preferences in previous surveys.) The subject of “agregees”

Page 8, RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SISTERS-ASSOCIATES, 2014 Fall Sectionals Sec. # Response has also surfaced. We understand some Associates feel their commitment does not include Sectionals, Assemblies, Chapters. However, they are faithful to attendance at their monthly community gatherings. Many are looking for sessions that include “food for thought” both in regard to their faith journey and to our mutual Mission. Other lectures and gatherings in KC are of greater interest. For example, during the year we have celebrations in the fall, at Christmas time, an Annual Retreat, Linger Over Breakfast, Benefactors Mass and Reception and opportunities provided by Avila and St Teresa’s Academy. There are opportunities for attending lectures and reflection/retreat days and picnics sponsored by various KC organizations. Invitations go out to all Sisters and Associates. Both Sisters and Associates appreciated having such topics as suggested at this Sectional. Many mentioned that these topics opened us to deeper conversations and mentioned the hope that future meetings would attract more Associates. 13 Let’s make a decision early about the presence/absence of associates at our next provincial chapter. Let’s not wait until the assembly before. 14 No 15 Would like responses: We noticed that the Agenda Committee for sectional discussion points includes the whole of the leadership where in the past only one or two of Leadership group were on the agenda. Why do all the leadership people need to be on the committee? It seems overloaded. What is the reason for this? It is our hope that all members of the Leadership Team support the Associate program and that no one there is resisting it or in the “resistor” group. 16 17 Don’t waste any more psychic energy on this issue; if a group wants a sisters-only, go for it! No response needed! 18 19 To have different levels of association and to clarify these. 20 No, but thank you. 21 We would prefer to not have a “sisters only” part to the sectional. 22 We feel sectional attendance for associates should be an option. If associates are interested in spirituality, we think that we need to continue to offer talks, presentations, and extend the invitation to associates as well as sisters as we have been doing. Sisters in this sectional would like to see continued interaction with associates at Nazareth since many are not always able to attend activities at other places. Please pass on to Peggy Maguire to share with Associate Groups. 23 We feel sectional attendance for associates should be an option. If associates are interested in spirituality, we think that we need to continue to offer talks, presentations, and extend the invitation to associates as well as sisters as we have been doing.

Page 9, RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SISTERS-ASSOCIATES, 2014 Fall Sectionals Sec. # Response Sisters in this sectional would like to see continued interaction with associates at Nazareth since many are not always able to attend activities at other places. Please pass on to Peggy Maguire to share with Associate groups. 24 25 No. we are bonded together in a sisterhood between vowed members and associates that is ongoing. Keep in the gooey mess. 26  Thank you for giving attention to this issue (sister/associate relationship) and attempting to settle this concern.  The survey is a flawed tool. Hence, responses from sectionals based on a flawed tool cannot be viewed as proving accurate information and should not be a basis for making decisions for the future.  We advocate “no violent responses to problems” (In keeping with Michael Morwood’s Dream of Jesus). Violent attitudes/speech are dividing us.  We will not separate sisters/associates in our sectional 27 Our sectional chooses to meet together, sisters and associates for ALL business. 28 Suggestion: form a task force with new energy to help us form questions and timeline. Include understanding of common life, transformation, what am I willing to let go of? Following, what are we inviting young women to? YES, we would like a response.

5. After reading Nancy Schreck’s LCWR Keynote Address, “However Long the Night,” what touched your heart as you read her talk? How do you find hope in her article?

Sec. # Response 1 2 After discussing Nancy Schreck’s LCWR keynote address, we do find hope I her article. We know that we don’t need to blend into the mainstream. We realize that much of what we knew/know of religious life is gone and what is coming is not all that clear but . . . God is with us! 3 When we believe in God, we can trust the outcomes. 4 Too frustrated and weary to discuss; will take topic up at next meeting because we think it is important. 5 Walking by faith—Radical Dream of Jesus Changes are coming—Joseph was a dreamer Vast change that has been going on We are “in-betweeners” Church needs mature love, lots of hope and ”dawn will break” 6 J. Metz “religious life is an institutionalized form of a dangerous memory for a church over adapted to the world” The ideas of “middle space”; being on the fringe; the remnant, “however

Page 10, RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SISTERS-ASSOCIATES, 2014 Fall Sectionals Sec. # Response long the night we will be faithful” idea of the middle ground. 7 Be okay with being in the “middle space”. This article could be used for more in-depth prayer and sharing, ex., material for a book club sharing 8 We need to live in the time and space between. History can give us hope. As we look at history, we see major shifts every 500 years. Can we be peaceful knowing we are in the midst of one of those shifts? We are a people in exile who must “stay the course.” 9 10 It gave us a lot of good insights—we live in the middle/dark but God is leading us. 11 12 13 However Long the Night…the dawn will come! 14 Our need to be people of hope as evidenced by Crow Nation’s Response (Radical Hope) 15 The images in Jean Meier, CSJ, poem “Even though swept under, I will emerge perhaps bruised and breathless to find grace afloat ready again to carry me safely home…” The idea of remaining in difficult places because “when you enter certain worlds, they do not let you go” and the image of Holy Saturday as a day we don’t want to live, with its “deep disillusionment, deep disappointment, deep disenchantment…endurance through suffering… struggle through darkness…and Why? Because it is about testifying and bearing witness—being those prophetic ones…it is the movement not the destination that constitutes a Holy Saturday people. Our sectional loved this reading—especially the notion of being in the middle of what is to come that God is creating something new—and what is happening is in His Mind and Hands—we are but here to live in this middle, standing as witnesses not to a truth easily or simply communicated but to indirect truths that bind us like the disciples to one another. What is the hope? That we are here, in this time and in the places where we show up conscious and aware of all that has gone before us in this evolution of God’s people who live and love the Mystery in this middle space where we are learning and listening to trust that we are with Him in it all and ready to do His Will. (Kate Springs) 16 Liked: “middle space”, reference to Indians, mature love. It was wonderful! It gave us great hope to just be okay with “however long the night”! 17 We can’t go back…we cannot NOT know what we know—The “one story” no longer holds weight. The dark(sp?) rite requires us to remain conscious. We sell our souls if we stay in mainstream… The article provided context, validity and assurance to this current time of unknowing in which we find ourselves. 18

Page 11, RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SISTERS-ASSOCIATES, 2014 Fall Sectionals Sec. # Response 19 Jesus is freedom. It takes courage to allow God time to do His work. We are no longer at home in our church, we are in exile. 20 We have been true to our charism in doing new ministries. We are experiencing, learning together about personal and community diminishment. We are truly going towards the reality of being a small group of persons spreading the great love of God. 21 Her affirmation of our implementing Vatican II and our coming to maturity as religious women. We are claiming who we are whether the Church honors that or not. 22 Her overall presentation was thought-provoking and associates as well as sisters can appreciate the dark night the church and world are experiencing. To move ahead without sure knowledge that this is a right path is part of acknowledging we see partially at any point in history. As long as forward movement is done with the best vision possible, and trust in God’s future powers, all will be well. 23 Third full paragraph, page 3: …we are more faithful, not less. We do not have jobs, but a vocation to witness to the gospel. This is opposite of so many world views. We are proud of what we have done with regard to deaf education and our other ministries, but we are humble about this. Or past and what we are doing now gives radical hope. The Church deserves our loving help. Pope Francis praises religious women for their role in the Church, past and present. Liked the quote about grandmothers, comparing them to ourselves We see ourselves as CSJs to respond to unmet needs Maya Angelou was always paying attention. The quote from Barbara Brown Taylor “…we are never more in danger of stumbling than when we think we know where we are going.” We need to exhibit our mature love by using the particular gifts given to women The Church needs both the gifts of men and women which are complimentary. We each need an authentic conversion to truly live the ministry of Jesus. 24 25 We’re in the long night—however long on this question. Let’s not get nervous about this. Remember, we are going thru all this not for ourselves alone, but for and with the church. 26 What are our values? Have we articulated them? Values and stories need to be taken forward. Are we willing to change so that new life can continue? We emphasized the gifts of “middle space” (chaos, fallow time). 27 We are not alone—we stand on the shoulders of those who have gone before us. Walking in the middle space/not knowing the answers but keeping on

Page 12, RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SISTERS-ASSOCIATES, 2014 Fall Sectionals Sec. # Response keeping on… “God puts out our lights to keep us safe. Aging gives us wisdom—therefore giving us much to offer—we must bear witness to what we know. Just being is prophetic Believing that something good will emerge from the chaos The first 50 year recap by Nancy Schreck was worthy of more reflection —very hopefilled. 28 No response given


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