In Armenia, After the Collapse of the Soviet Union Celebrations of IWD Were Abandoned
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Assignment Brief
Module Title Information Technology Skills Level 4 B10135
Unit 3: Introduction to Word Processing Technique Practical Weighting 40 marks (20% of total marks for module) Time: 30 minutes Format The candidate will: -
Enter text Edit text Format text Enhance text Spell check document and correct Proof read document and correct
Hand in:
2 printed documents and signed brief Memory key - including 2 new documents.
Assessment Criteria: Marks
Load document 2 Key in text 5 Edit text 8 Format text 7 Enhance 5 Edit block of text 3 Spelling checked and corrected 3 Document proof read and corrected 3 Document saved 2 Document printed 2 ___
40 (or 20%) Student’s Name: ______
I confirm that this is my own original work:
Signed: ______Date: ______
1 M O’Brien Assignment Unit 3 Word
Note to tutor: This page only needs to be put in a folder ‘IT Skills Unit 3 Word’ on the desktop for the students to amend and each student needs a memory key.
Please amend this text below as asked in the assignment sheet. - You need a memory key. - You should finish with 2 printouts.
In Armenia, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, celebrations of IWD were abandoned. Instead, April 7 was introduced as state holiday of ‘Beauty and Motherhood’. Yellow mimosas and chocolate are also one of the most common March 8 presents in Russia and Albania.
In many countries, such as in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Hungary, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia and Slovenia, the custom of giving women flowers still prevails. Women sometimes get gifts from their employers too. Schoolchildren often bring gifts for their teachers as well. In countries like Portugal groups of women usually celebrate on the night of 8 March in "women-only" dinners and parties.
In Pakistan working women in formal and informal sectors celebrate International Women's Day every year to commemorate their ongoing struggle for due rights, despite facing many cultural and religious restrictions. Some women working for change in society use IWM to help the movement for women's rights. In Poland, for instance, every IWD includes large feminist demonstrations in major cities.
Today, many events are held by women's groups around the world and many governments and organisations around the world support IWD.
The 2005 Congress (conference) of the British Trades Union Congress overwhelmingly approved a resolution calling for IWD to be designated a public holiday in the United Kingdom.
2 M O’Brien Assignment Unit 3 Word
Q Instructions Max Candidate’s Mark Mark
Load Document 1 . Find the folder ‘IT Skills Unit 3 Word’ on 2 your desktop. . Copy the folder to your memory key. . Open up the document on your memory key called ‘Women’s Day’ within the folder, Unit 3 Word
Key in Text 2 Key in the following text at the top of the 5 document, so that it is becomes the first paragraph:
On this day it is usual for men to give the women in their lives - mothers, wives, girlfriends, daughters, colleagues, etc - flowers and small gifts. In some countries (such as Romania) it is observed like Mother's Day, where children also give small presents to their mothers and grandmothers.
[1 mark deducted per error, to a max of 5].
Edit Text 3 Insert title at the top of the piece 1
International Women’s Day 4 In paragraph 2 beginning ‘In Armenia …’ insert 1 following words after IWD in the first line:
(International Women’s Day) 5 In paragraph 2, beginning, ‘In Armenia …’, 1 insert the following sentence before, ‘Yellow …
In Italy, to celebrate the day, men give yellow mimosas to women. 6 Insert a new paragraph 4, (before paragraph 1 beginning “In Pakistan …”)
In India, IWD holds a lot of significance. Many celebrations are held during the day.
3 M O’Brien Q Instructions Max Candidate’s Mark Mark
7 At the end of paragraph 2 delete characters: 1
‘and Albania’. 8 In paragraph 3, delete words the following 1 words in the 1st sentence …
In Bosnia and Herzegovina, 9 In paragraph 5, beginning ‘In Pakistan …’, 1 delete last sentence:
In Poland, for instance, every IWD includes large feminist demonstrations in major cities.
10 Delete last paragraph: 1
The 2005 Congress (conference) of the British Trades Union Congress overwhelmingly approved a resolution calling for IWD to be designated a public holiday in the United Kingdom.
Format text 11 Join paragraph 4 (beginning, ‘In India ….’) and 1 5 (beginning, ‘In Pakistan …’) so they become 1 paragraph.
12 Split the new paragraph 4 (beginning, ‘In India 1 … ‘,) in two,
so that the 5th paragraph now begins with, ‘Some women …’
13 In paragraph 1, set line spacing to be 1.5 1
14 In paragraph 2, beginning, ‘In Armenia …’ 1
indent first line only.
15 Fully justify text of the whole document. 1
16 Type your name at the end of the document 1 and right align the text.
17 Centre title 1 Enhance text 18 Put title in bold 1
4 M O’Brien Q Instructions Max Candidate’s Mark Mark 19 Underline the title 1 20 Italicise the title 1
21 Change the font of the title to Arial 1
22 Increase the font size of the title to 14. 1
Edit block of text: 23 Move paragraph 3, beginning ‘In many 1 countries …’ to after paragraph 4, beginning, ‘In India …’
24 Copy your name (at the end of document) and 1 paste to the top of the document so that it is the first piece of text of the document.
25 In the paragraph beginning, ‘In many countries 1 …’
delete the word ‘Poland’.
26 Check your name is typed on the document, 1 save it to your memory key, and name it Your name 1
27 Print it 1 28 Check the spellings and correct. Make sure your name is typed at the end of 3 the document.
29 Proof read document and correct it ensuring 3 all text is uniform (3 corrections at least to be found) - ie black, Times New Roman, well spaced - ie 1 blank line between paragraph.
30 Save document to your memory key and 1 name it Your name 2
31 Print the 2nd document, checking your name is 1 on it.
Total marks 40
(40 marks = 20%) %
5 M O’Brien Q Instructions Max Candidate’s Mark Mark
Check list for Student:
Check if you have attempted all questions
- go through the question sheet and tick the above questions if completed
Staple the 3 documents together and hand in:
1 Signed brief 2 Printout 1 3 Printout 2
Check your memory key - there should be:
1 Unit 3 Word folder, and 2 At least your 2 documents inside it called:
1 Your name 1 and 2 Your name 2.
Well done.
6 M O’Brien