Band Handbook

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Band Handbook

TONGANOXIE 6th Grade Band Handbook


Table of Contents

Introduction 3 Calendar of Events 4 TMS Band Expectations 4 Materials Needed for Class 4 Daily Procedure 5 Attendance 5-6 Grading Policy 6 What is a Practice Log? 6 Instrument Needs 7 Usage of School-Owned Instruments 7 Items Needed for Performances 7 Other Future Band Opportunities at TMS 8 Music Program Agreement 9

Introduction 2 Dear Band Parents and Students,

I am very excited about this upcoming school year and look forward to the valuable opportunities and experiences this year will bring. In this handbook, you will find policies, procedures, and other important information regarding the 5th & 6th grade band program. Please take the time to read this material, as the success of our program depends upon each individual working toward the same goals. Please also fill-out, sign, and return page 9.

I believe that one of the important aspects of a well-rounded music education experience is the development of the ability to achieve short and long term goals. Another is to develop social skills, self-discipline, self-esteem, teamwork, and responsibility. All of this can be achieved through patience, persistence, practice, concentration, focus, excellence, and hard work.

I firmly believe that students should develop good work and study habits in order to achieve success in life. Once this combination of values functions together, many fun and exciting educational results can be achieved.

As your child's teacher, I am dedicated to the success of your student and will strive to foster a spirit of learning through a quality music education. I will assist them through their educational growth and make myself available for extra help. However, there is only so much I can do and you as the parent can make a difference by supporting the efforts of the school staff, not only as far as music is concerned, but in all academic areas as well. Here’s how you can help your son or daughter achieve success in band:

1. Have your student to all performances on time. 2. Encourage daily practice from your child 3. Attend all your student’s performances 4. Re-Emphasize the qualities of team work, responsibility, and discipline 5. Feel free to call me with any concerns.

I am thoroughly excited about the upcoming year I hope that you and your student will be too. Parents, please feel free to attend daily band rehearsals. I am dedicated to the success of your students and I hope to create a long standing Band tradition for the Tonganoxie School District.

Thank you,

Charles L. Van Middlesworth, II

Calendar of Events

3 December 8 5th and 6th Grade Band Concert 6:00pm TMS Gym

May 2 5th and 6th Grade Band Concert 6:00pm TMS Gym

TMS Band Expectations 1. Treat yourself, others, and all band room equipment with respect. 2. Always clean up after yourself. (Instruments and music in designated spots, trash in trash cans, etc.) 3. At all times, act in ways that do not hurt the good reputation of Tonganoxie Schools. 4. Bring needed materials to class every day. 5. No eating, drinking (other than water), or gum chewing anywhere in the band classroom. 6. Restroom or drink breaks should be taken care of before class starts or after class ends. You will need your planner in order to be allowed to use the restroom after the bell has rung. Only emergency situations will be permitted to use the restroom while class is in session.

Materials Needed for Class The following items are needed for each and every class period: 1. Your instrument and all its needed accessories to make it work. (mouthpieces, drum sticks, reeds, etc.) 2. Music book, sheet music, and music folder. (All sheet music and music books must be returned and undamaged. Any missing or damaged music from your folder will result in a current market value charge per piece of music which will be used to replace the missing/damaged music.) 3. Pencil, planner, and conduct card.

Daily Procedure Beginning of class: 1. First read any directions written on the board or projector. 2. Set up chair, music stand, music folder, and instrument. (In this order, please!)

4 3. Be ready to start class when the teacher steps onto the podium. Please look for the start time on the board or projector screen. During rehearsal: 1. Follow this guide for correct rehearsal etiquette: a. Use your EARS for listening. b. Use your EYES for watching. c. Use your MOUTH for talking at appropriate times. d. Use your HANDS for playing at appropriate times. e. Use your BRAIN for focusing. **If an adult is addressing the class, it is NOT an appropriate time to talk or play your instrument.** 2. Maintain a positive, helpful, attentive, and respectful attitude. End of class: 1. You will be released with a sufficient amount of time to put up your instrument. 2. Put instruments, music, percussion equipment, chairs, stands, and trash away in their designated spots. (In this order, please!) 3. Please have a seat on the floor in your assigned seat and you will be dismissed by an adult after the bell rings.

Attendance Performances: Attendance at all performances is required. Please keep in mind that performances are a culmination of many hours of hard work requiring participation and attendance by each and every member of the Band. The only way the band program will be successful is if we work together as a team. Team work is the key to success and it is your job to strive for that success.

Every student in the band will begin the year with an “A” grade. From the beginning of the year forward, YOU will determine your grade. If for any reason you miss one of the required concerts, your grade will be dropped by one letter. For example, if your grade is an “A” it will become an immediate “B”.

There are several ways that this can be avoided. If you have any kind of unexpected or unforeseen situation that occurs, such as a death in your family or you become hospitalized, a written excuse from a doctor or your parents will maintain your grade in band. If you are going to miss a performance, I must be notified as soon as possible . It is your responsibility to be at all performances. Without you there your part is not being played; therefore, you are not contributing to the success of the group.

Excused absences from performances include personal illness, injury, and other extenuating circumstances. Written or verbal communication from home is required. You will still be required to make up the missed performance. Make ups will need to be arranged individually with Mr. Van.

5 Un-excused absences from performances cannot be made up and will result in a drop of letter grade.

Classroom attendance: Unexcused absences from class result in lowered daily participation grades.

Tardies: A student is considered tardy if they are not in the room when the bell rings and/or if they are not ready to play when the teacher steps onto the podium. Sufficient time will be allowed to set up and put away instruments at the beginning and end of class.

Grading Policies Grades will be determined using the following categories:

Daily Procedure: The ability to follow the daily procedure guidelines outlined on page 5. Five points a day. It is entered as a weekly assignment in the grade book. Homework & Written Assignments: Practice Assignments and worksheets. -Practice Assignments are worth 20 points. Each practice assignment will have a due date listed on the assignment. Points for worksheets vary. Tests & Quizzes: Playing tests, written tests, and quizzes. -Playing tests are worth 50 points. Points for written tests and quizzes vary. Performances: Attendance at band performances. -Performances are worth 100 points. Un-excused absences cannot be made up.

What is a Practice Assignment? Taking your instrument home and practicing can make all the difference for students and their future success and enjoyment of band. Practice Assignments are worth 20 points and are assigned throughout each quarter. 30-45 minutes worth of practice is required for each practice Assignment. Please note that more than 30-45 minutes of practice per week is expected. Practice Assignments are required to be signed by a parent or guardian. An appointment can be set up with Mr. Van to practice after school in the band room and Mr. Van’s signature will substitute for a parent’s signature. (*This is a great option for students who are unable to take their instruments home every weekend!!*) Practice Assignments will be posted on our Band class website.

Instrument Needs Every student owning their own instrument or using a school owned instrument should own the following items: Brass Instruments: 1. Polishing cloth. 2. Flexible “snake” for cleaning the inside of the instrument. 3. Mouthpiece brush. 6 4. Valve, rotor, or slide oil. Woodwind Instruments: 1. Polishing cloth. 2. Swab (clarinets/saxes/oboes) 3. Cleaning rod (flute) 4. Cork grease (clarinet/saxes/oboes) 5. A supply of at least 4 working reeds (2 for oboe and bassoon) a. Please regularly check your need for reeds and purchase from a music store as needed. It is recommended that you buy reeds by the box (10 in a box) from a music store because they are cheaper in bulk, as opposed to buying a few at a time. Percussion Instruments: The required percussion kit includes a snare drum, drum sticks, snare stand, bells, bell mallets, bell stand, and practice pad. The school provides all other instruments used by percussionists.

Items Needed for Performances Concert Band Performances: In order for us to look uniform at our concerts, please be prepared to have the following items before December: Gentlemen: Nice dress slacks (Black preferred) and a nice collared shirt (white preferred). The darkest shoes you own.

Ladies: Ankle length Black dress slacks or black skirt reaching below the knees. White blouse. The darkest shoes you own.

Other Future Band Opportunities at TMS Warrior Jazz Ensemble This group is open to 7th and 8th grade band members. Jazz Band introduces students to swing, rock, and latin styles of music. Jazz Band will meet on Wednesday’s after school from 3:15pm- 4:15pm. Please have your ride pick you up promptly at 4:15pm. We perform several times throughout the year, such as on band concerts, and other special events.

Guitar Club 7 Guitar club is open to all 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students. Our club will focus on learning how to play guitar, reading written music notation, chord symbols, and tablature. Guitar club will meet on Friday’s from 3:15pm-4:00pm in the TMS Band Room. On High School Home Football and Basketball game days, guitar club will not meet.

Music Program Agreement


I, ______, as parent of ______, have read and understand the criteria presented in this band handbook given to my son/daughter at the beginning of the year. If I have any questions or concerns I may contact Mr. Van at school during normal school hours at (913) 416-1470 or by email at [email protected].

8 Student:

I, ______, as a band member of the Tonganoxie Middle School Band, agree to follow the criteria set forth in this handbook. My signature means that I will conduct myself appropriately during any performance, trip, or class period rehearsal and that I will follow all guidelines set by Mr. Van. I am aware of our performance dates and times and I am aware that most of our performances are outside of the school day. I have entered these dates into my calendar and I understand that my attendance at our performances is required.

Parent(s) Signature:______Date:______

Student Signature:______Date:______

Please return this form to:

Mr. Van


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