Unit 1: the Americas

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Unit 1: the Americas

Name: Date: Period: UNIT 1: THE AMERICAS Directions: Define all terms! Mesoamerica




Montezuma II




Terraced farming

Hernan Cortes

Francisco Pizarro

Directions: Answer each of the following questions in 1-2 complete sentences. You MUST provide specific examples and terminology! 1. What were some of the common cultural characteristics of the Maya, Aztec, and Inca empires? ______2. What were the adaptations the Maya, Aztec and Inca made to their environment? ______3. How did the political organization of the Maya differ from that of the Aztecs and the Inca? ______4. What did the Aztecs, Maya, and Inca have in common politically? ______Name: Date: Period: 5. Explain the gender complementary roles of Maya/Aztec men and women: ______6. What was the purpose of tribute paid to Maya, Aztec, and Inca kings? ______7. What were some of the challenges the Inca faced politically? ______

8. What was the purpose of the mita system and how did it help unify the Inca empire? ______9. Why did the Europeans, such as Cortes and Pizarro, come to the Americas in the first place? (Hint: remember our studies of European exploration & colonialism!) ______10.Besides having more advanced weaponry, why were the European conquistadors able to so easily conquer the Maya, Aztecs, and Inca? ______

UNIT 2: EAST ASIAN EMPIRES IN THE MIDDLE AGES Directions: Define all terms! Philosophy




Cultural Diffusion

Shi Huangdi


Mandate of Heaven Name: Date: Period: Dynastic Cycle

Silk Road

Civil Service Exam

Genghis Khan

Pax Mongolia

Japanese feudalism





Directions: Answer each of the following questions in 1-2 complete sentences. You MUST provide specific examples and terminology! 1. Why was the Great Wall of China constructed? ______2. Why were the philosophies of Daoism, Confucianism and Legalism created? ______3. How did Shi Huangdi restore order to China? ______4. What are the key principles or values of Confucianism? ______5. In what ways did the Han dynasty implement Confucianism? ______6. Which inventions helped contribute to a significant rise in literacy in China under the Han dynasty? ______Name: Date: Period: 7. What were the defining technological advancements of the Tang and Song dynasties, known as China’s Golden Age? ______8. Explain the cultural diffusion caused by the Silk Road. ______9. How were the Mongols able to create such an enormous empire? ______10.What made the Mongols such effective leaders? ______11.Why did feudalism emerge in Japan? ______12.Explain the Japanese system of feudalism—be sure to use specific terms: emperors, shogun, daimyo, samurais, merchants, peasants.m ______13.What was the role of the samurais in the system of feudalism? ______14.Why were the Mongols unable to conquer Japan? ______

UNIT 3: THE SPREAD OF ISLAM Directions: Define all terms! Monotheistic

Five Pillars of Faith



Umayyad Dynasty

Abbasid Dynasty Name: Date: Period: Caliphate




Directions: Answer each of the following questions in 1-2 complete sentences. You MUST provide specific examples and terminology! 1. What was life like in the Arabian Peninsula prior to the creation of Islam? ______2. Where and why did Islam begin? ______3. What are the Five Pillars of Faith, and what do they mean? ______4. What is the Qur’an and how did it come into being? ______5. What caused the Sunni/Shi’ah split? ______6. What challenges did Muhammad face while trying to spread the Islamic empire? ______7. How and why did Islam spread so quickly throughout the Middle East and create a caliphate? ______8. What were some of the key advancements of the Islamic Golden Age during the Abbasid dynasty? ______Name: Date: Period:

UNIT 3 (Part 2): WEST AFRICAN EMPIRES Directions: Define all terms! Gold-Salt Trade


Mansa Musa

Directions: Answer each of the following questions in 1-2 complete sentences. You MUST provide specific examples and terminology! 1. Why were the ancient African kingdoms primarily trading nations? ______2. Why was salt such an important resource in ancient Africa? ______3. How did religion affect the development of ancient African kingdoms such as Mali and Songhai? ______4. Who was Mansa Musa? ______5. What challenges did Muhammad face while trying to spread the Islamic empire? ______

UNIT 4: EUROPE IN THE MIDDLE AGES Directions: Define all terms! Serfs


Fief Name: Date: Period: Feudalism







Bubonic Plague



Directions: Answer each of the following questions in 1-2 complete sentences. You MUST provide specific examples and terminology! 1. What were the effects of the fall of the Roman Empire? ______2. What groups of people had power in the middle ages? ______3. How did feudalism establish order? ______4. In the system of feudalism, what goods or services were exchanged? ______5. Describe daily life economically and religiously on a manor for each of the social classes. ______6. Most people in Western Europe followed Roman Catholicism, while most people in Eastern Europe followed the Eastern Orthodox Church. These are both branches of which faith? ______7. Describe the relationship between the Catholic Church and the state (government) during the medieval times. Name: Date: Period: ______8. How did the Magna Carta change the power structure of medieval society? ______9. Who fought in the Crusades and what were they fought over? ______10.How did the Crusades contribute to the fall of feudalism? ______11.How did the Bubonic Plague affect Europe, besides decreasing the population? ______12.How did the Crusades lead to the rise of the Renaissance? ______


Martin Luther

95 Theses


Counter Reformation




Scientific Revolution Name: Date: Period: Inquiry

Isaac Newton

Galileo Galilei

1. What were humanism & secularism, and how did they influence European society? ______2. How did humanism influence European society? Do not say “appreciation of human body”!!! ______3. How did the ideas of the Renaissance spread throughout Europe? ______4. What was Martin Luther seeking to change with his 95 Theses? ______5. How did the Reformation affect the power of the Catholic Church? ______6. How did Martin Luther’s ideas spread so rapidly across Europe? ______7. How was the Scientific Revolution a logical extension of the Renaissance? ______8. What were the main achievements of the Scientific Revolution? ______9. How did the Scientific Revolution affect the power of the Catholic Church? ______

UNIT 6: AGE OF EXPLORATION & COLONIALISM Directions: Define all terms! Name: Date: Period: Mercantilism


Columbian Exchange

Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade


Triangular Trade

Salutary Neglect


Hernan Cortes

Francisco Pizarro

Prince Henry the Navigator

Christopher Columbus

Ferdinand Magellan

New World

Cultural Syncretism

1. Why did Europeans engage in global maritime trade in the 1400s? Be sure to list economic, cultural, and political reasons. ______Name: Date: Period:

2. What technological changes allowed Europeans to begin maritime exploration? ______3. Why did colonialism develop? ______4. How did mercantilism benefit the mother countries? ______5. How did Europeans interact with indigenous peoples in the Americas? ______6. Why did Europeans initiate the Triangle Trade in the late 1400s? ______7. In the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, where were slaves captured from and taken to? Which colonies had the majority of the slave population? ______8. How did the Columbian Exchange permanently change global diets? List specific ingredients that were exchanged from the New World to the Old World and vice versa. ______9. What were the long-term consequences of colonialism? Think about the political, social, cultural, and economic effects. ______Name: Date: Period: UNIT 8: THE ENLIGHTENMENT & AGE OF REVOLUTIONS Directions: Define all terms! Absolutism

Social Contract


Separation of Powers

Natural rights



John Locke

Jean-Jacques Rousseau Voltaire

Charles de Montesquieu Mary Wollstonecraft

1. According to the enlightenment thinkers, what is effective government? ______2. How did the enlightenment differ from the reality of many colonies and European countries at the time? ______3. How did the Enlightenment affect the power of the Catholic Church? ______4. How did the Enlightenment give rise to revolutionary ideas in the United States, France, Haiti, and Latin America? Name: Date: Period: ______5. How did the enlightenment impact the structure of government in the United States, France, Haiti, and Latin America? ______




King Louis XVI


Maximillian Robespierre Tennis Court Oath

National Assembly



Reign of Terror

Napoleonic Codes

1. What were the long-term causes of the French Revolution? ______Name: Date: Period: 2. What were the short-term causes of the French Revolution? ______3. Describe the relationship between King Louis XVI & Marie Antoinette and the majority of the people of France. ______4. Why did the Reign of Terror occur? ______5. How did Napoleon gain power? ______6. How did Napoleon’s rule benefit France? Be sure to mention political, economic, social, and cultural benefits in your response. ______7. What was the ultimate outcome of the first French Revolution? ______

MAPS Note: The maps are going to be used in context with questions. Please label and color all items so that you are able to locate the events, civilizations, and connections from Units 1-8. Name: Date: Period: Name: Date: Period: Name: Date: Period: Name: ______Date: ______Handout #:______

Africa: Map Name: ______Date: ______Handout #:______

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