Applicant S Surname and Name

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Applicant S Surname and Name

Swimming Center water baby club Business address: Banšelova 4 HSL, s.r.o. 821 04 BRATISLAVA Púchovská 8 tel.: +421 (911) 860 688 831 06 BRATISLAVA e-mail: [email protected]

project year Course Course Order number no. type B I N D I N G A P P L I C A T I O N

Applicant’s surname and name......

ID number ......

Street...... Post code...... City...... Phone no. home...... e-mail...... Phone no. home ......

Mobile phone no...... This is a binding application for my child:

Surname ...... Name...... Date of birth...... to the "swimming" course organized by HSL, s.r.o. Swimming center: water baby club, Banšelova 4, Bratislava, and with my signature I agree to the following conditions: Article I - PRICE The course participant is obliged to pay the course fee according to the current price list of the courses valid for the given period, otherwise one will not be included in the course. The course price includes 8 training lessons or the number of lessons in the given course. Payment can be made by cash payment, account transfer or direct deposit account. The course fee (including the fee for rescheduling the course) must be paid no later than 7 business days before the course starts, otherwise the organizer has the right to release the negotiated participation in the course to another candidate meeting the conditions for attendance at the course. The term "start of the course" means the starting day of the whole course, meaning the first Monday in the course (hereafter "the beginning of the course").

Article II – FEES FOR RESCHEDULING AND CANCELLING THE COURSE In case the applicant requests the organizer in person, by telephone or in writing for the rescheduling of the course: 1. 1-5 business days before the beginning of the course, one is obliged to pay an administrative fee in the amount of 5 € 2. in the day of the beginning of the course and during the course, one is obliged to pay an administrative fee in the amount of 10 € In case the administrative fee will not be paid, the agreed number of lessons will be shortened by one lesson.

If the applicant requests from the organizer to cancel the course, one is obliged to pay the cancellation fee: 1. in the amount of 35 € if one’s written application is delivered to the organizer 1-5 business days prior to the beginning of the course 2. in the amount of 60 € if one’s written application is delivered to the organizer on the day of the beginning of the course, or after 1, 2 or 3 lessons of the course 3. the right for refund for the course is invalid for cancelling the course after 4 lessons Fees for rescheduling and cancelling the course are valid for all types of courses.

Article III- REPLACEMENT FOR A SKIPPED LESSON If the participant cannot attend any of the lessons due to serious reasons, one is obliged to notify the organizer at least 1 day before the lesson, but no later than 8:00 am on the day of the scheduled lesson morning: online via the replacement system. In exceptional case (in the case of a malfunction of the online system) it is possible to report your absence through text message to phone no. 0911/860 688. In the event that the participant notifies the organizer soon enough about not being able to attend the lesson, one has the option of replacing 3 missed lessons from one 8 lessons course (the number of in time notified lessons to be redeemed is adjusted according to the number of lessons at the given course) within 3 months after the end of the course. After this date, replacements are discarded. We do not reimburse money for missed lessons. We do not provide compensation for a replacement lesson.

Article IV – BEHAVIOUR DURING THE COURSE, DOCTOR’S CONFIRMATION During the course the participant is obliged to follow the instructions of the instructor and the rules stated in the Rules of Operation, to follow the safety and hygienic measures. Special caution is needed in the premises of the center, especially on wet floor. During the course, the parent is responsible for the child or the authorized person over 18 years old. If the course participant seriously breaches one‘s obligations, in particular hygiene principles, one may be excluded from the course after prior written notice without refund for the course. This does not influence one’s liability for damage. Before the beginning of the course, the participant is required to submit a confirmation from the doctor about the suitable medical health condition of the child to complete the course. The participant will also submit it for each major change in the child's health. The confirmation must not be older than 10 business days. Article V - INFORMATION To keep personal items safe during swimming, the participant of the course has lockable lockers available. The organizer is not responsible for loss of these items. The organizer undertakes to inform parents in writing about the child’s participation in the course. The parent can be informed from Monday to Friday at 8: 30-12: 00 and 13: 30-15: 30. personally, by phone at 0911/860 688 or by e-mail.

Article VI – FINAL PROVISIONS In the event that the organizer does not arrange the course or part thereof, the participant is entitled to a refund of the proportion of the course fee. The organizer reserves the right to change the time and place of the course. By signing this, the applicant grants the consent and exclusive right to HSL, s.r.o., Swimming center: the water baby club, to process one‘s personal data, as well as other personal data provided in this document, in order to maintain the database of course participants in the sense of Law. no. 428/2002 Coll. On the protection of personal data.

------applicant’s signature A F F I D A V I T

I, the undersigned, hereby designate the following persons to accompany my children:

Surname...... Name...... relation to child......

Surname...... Name...... relation to child......

I declare that: 1. I am aware of the legal responsibility for my child (children) who will be attending the course “swimming” for children; 2. I was acquaint with the principles of hygiene, organizational and safety measures related to the course operation; 3. I am not aware of any obstacles in terms of the health of the child, which would hinder one’s participation in the course, or individual lessons of the course; 4. I will sign up my child to another course if the persons accompanying the child (children) or the child (children) attending the course will be in contact with an infectious disease 14 days prior to the beginning of the course.

In Bratislava on (day) ...... ------Signature of one of the parents

COURSE RECORDS PAYMENT: cash ; account deposit OTHER: invitation ; doctor’s confirmation ; info about the behavior Cours Cours from - to day beginning amount note Applicant’s Processed by /date e no. e type signature

Time: Other records - (date / noted by / processed to computer by)

PAYMENT: cash ; account deposit OTHER: invitation ; doctor’s confirmation ; info about the behavior Cours Cours from - to day beginning amount note Applicant’s Processed by /date e no. e type signature

Time: Other records - (date / noted by / processed to computer by)

PAYMENT: cash ; account deposit OTHER: invitation ; doctor’s confirmation ; info about the behavior Cours Cours from - to day beginning amount note Applicant’s Processed by /date e no. e type signature

Time: Other records - (date / noted by / processed to computer by)

PAYMENT: cash ; account deposit OTHER: invitation ; doctor’s confirmation ; info about the behavior Cours Cours from - to day beginning amount note Applicant’s Processed by /date e no. e type signature

Time: Other records - (date / noted by / processed to computer by)

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