Georgia Regents University Lesson Plan Template

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Georgia Regents University Lesson Plan Template

Georgia Regents University Lesson Plan Template Name: Kay Pounds Grade: 6-8

Lesson Health Unit: Body Composition Survivor Date: Monday Title: November 27, 2014 CCGPS or GPS Standard(s): NASPE S3.M NASPE S4.M NASHE S1

Individual Education Plan Goal(s) and Benchmarks specific to this lesson:

Learning - Focus Strategies Essential Question(s) Why is healthy body composition important?

Central Focus/Lesson Psychomotor: Objective(s) Students will participate in a variety of physical activities while learning about body composition. Cognitive: Students will be able to describe benefits of healthy body composition, risks associated with high percentage body fat, and many other facts related to body composition. Affective: Student will have to work as a team to complete the challenges and puzzles.

Academic Language Body Composition: percentage of body fat and lean body mass (muscle, bone, etc) Atherosclerosis: disease of the arteries characterized by plaque deposits of fatty material Cardiovascular disease: range of conditions that affect the heart Diabetes: metabolic disease which the body’s inability to produce any/enough insulin causes elevated levels of glucose in the blood Osteoporosis: medical condition which bone become brittle and fragile due to loss of tissue or calcium/vitamin D deficiency Calorie: measurement of energy

Materials Laminated BCS Challenges Sheet Baggies: 3 sets of puzzle pieces Balls Buckets Hula Hoops Tarps/sheets Balloons Floor Tape

Management Plan Introduction: Students will dress out and sit on assigned spots while roll is called.

Body of the Lesson: Students will get in groups of 5 and sit spread out across the gym. Conclusion: Students will stay seated for a quick wrap-up.

Introduction to Today we will learn about why healthy body composition is important during the Body Lesson/ Composition Survivor Game. Activating Thinking Body of Lesson/ Task 1: Body Composition Survivor Teaching Strategies Students will get in groups of 5. Handout the Body Composition Survivor Challenges Sheet. Students will need to read the sheet for directions. Wrap-Up: Award winning group with prize. Why is it important to have a healthy body composition? (fight disease, What two ways can you do this? (nutrition and physical activity) Two thumbs up if you enjoyed that activity.

Modification(s) and/or Accommodations

Assessment/ Informal: Check the 3 completed puzzles. Evaluation

Reflection/Analyzing Teaching Effectiveness

Sources/Credits: “6.2 Body Composition Survivor.” Physical Best Activity Guide: Middle and High School Levels. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, 2005. 112-115. Print.

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