Isolation of Phytochemicals
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Prasoon Kumar Saxena
Department of Pharmacognosy
1. Name of the candidate and Prasoon kumar saxena Address The Oxford College of Pharmacy, J.P. Nagar, Ist Phase, Bangalore-560078.
PERMANENT ADDRESS: S/o Shri Naresh kumar saxena, Shiv puram Lane no-4, Dist- Budaun, U.P. Pincode-243601.
2. Name of the Institution The Oxford College of Pharmacy, J.P.Nagar, Ist Phase, Bangalore-560078.
3. Course of study and subject M.Pharma, Pharmacognosy
4. Date of Admission 11th May 2007
5. Title of the Topic ISOLATION OF PHYTOCHEMICALS AND BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITY STUDIES ON The Bark of Thespesia populnea Linn. 6. Brief resume of the intended work:
6.1- Need for the study:
Thespesia populnea is also called as Portia tree, belonging to family
Malvaceae. It is widely distributed in India and Burma.
The plant contains glycosides such as quercetin, gossypol, and β-sitosterol1.
sesquiterpene ie. Thespesenone and dehydrooxoperezinone-6-methyl ether were isolated
from the red hard wood of Thespesia populnea2. Alanine, arginine, methionine and
tryptophan were isolated from seed of thespesia populnea3. Thespesia populnea also contain
lupenone, lupeol4.
The ethanolic extract of Thespesia populnea bark reported for anti-
inflammatory and analgesic activity5. Aqueous and methanolic extract of the Thespesia
populnea showed antioxidant activity against carbon tetrachloride induced liver injury in
rats6. Thespesia populnea also recommended for anti-fertility activity7, wound healing8,
dermatitis9, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal10, and hepatoprotective11 activity.
The more emphasis has been given to the pharmacological aspects of the
plant but a very less work has been done on the phytochemical investigation.
The aim of the present study is to carry out the isolation of
phytoconstituents and biological activity of the extract / isolated compounds. 6.2 – Review of Literature:
1. Glycoside was reported from the Thespesia populnea flower1.
2. Sesquiterpene was isolated from the red hard wood of Thespesia populnea2.
3. Amino acids were isolated from the Thespesia populnea seed3.
4. Lupenone and lupeol were isolated from the plant4.
5. The ethanolic extract of Thespesia populnea bark showed anti-inflammatory and
analgesic activity5.
6. Antioxident activity was reported from the aqueous and methanolic extract of
Thespesia populnea bark6.
7. The antifertility activity of gossypol, a phytocostituent was isolated from Thespesia
populnea bark7.
8. The aqueous extract of Thespesia populnea fruit showed wound healing activity8.
9. The plant extract was reported as dermatitis9.
10. Antibacterial and antifungal activity was reported in alcoholic and chloroform extract of
Thespesia populnea10.
11 .Methanolic and aqueous extract of Thespesia populnea bark showed hepatoprotective
activity11. 6.3 - Objective of the Study:
Collection of the authenticated plant material (i.e. bark of Thespesia populnea) from Dr. Harish Botanist. Alva’s education foundation ( R ). Alva’s Health centre complex Moodbidri – 574227. D.K.
Preparation of the extract of the drug by maceration / soxhlet method.
Isolation of chemical constituents from the extract by column chromatography / separation method.
Identification of isolated constituents by UV, IR, C13 and NMR spectroscopy.
Biological activity of the isolated compounds / extract by agar diffusion method and anthelmintic activity is studied by assay method using earth
Materials and Methods: 7. 7.1 a) Source of Data:
Search on Medline and other Journals from The Oxford College of Pharmacy, Govt. College of Pharmacy, RGUHS-Digital library.
b) Place of work: The Oxford College of Pharmacy, Bangalore. 7.2 Method of Collection of Data:
o Collection - Collection of the authenticated plant material (i.e. bark of Thespesia populnea) from Dr. Harish Botanist. Alva’s education foundation (R). Alva’s Health centre complex Moodbidri 574227. D.K. o Extraction - Extracts of the drug will be prepared using different solvents by maceration / soxhlet. o Isolation – Isolation of extracted phyto-constituents will be done using column chromatography \ Separation method. o Identification and characterization - The isolated compounds will be identified using analytical methods like UV, IR, C13 and NMR spectroscopy. o Biological activity - The isolated compounds/extract will be studied for antimicrobial activity by agar diffusion method and anthelmintic activity is studied by assay method using earth worm.
7.3 - Does the study require any investigations or inventions to be conducted on patients or other humans or animals? If so, please describe briefly.
- Not applicable -
7.4 - Has ethical clearance been obtained from your institution in case of 7.3? - Not applicable -
8. Bibliography: 1. Khare CP. Indian Medicinal plant 1st ed. Ny:Springer Internatinol Publication; 2007. 2. Puckhaber LS, Stipanovic RD. Thespesenone and dehydrooxoperezinone-6- methyl ether, new sesquterpene quinones from Thespesia populnea. J Nat Prod. 2004 Sep;67(9):1571-3. 3. Rastogi RP, Mehrotra BN. Compendium of Indian Medicinal Plants. Vol-4 New Delhi: National Institute of Science Communication; 1995. 4. Rastogi RP, Mehrotra BN. Compendium of Indian Medicinal Plants. Vol-5 New Delhi: National Institute of Science Communication; 1998. 5. Vasudevan M, Gunnam KK, Parle M. Antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory effect of Thespesia populnea bark extract. J Ethanopharmacol. 2007 Jan 19;109(2):264-70. 6. Havarasan R, Vasudevan M, Anbazhagan S, Venkataraman S. Antioxident activity of Thespesia populnea bark extract against carbon tetrachloride- induced liver injury in rats. J Ethanopharmacol. 2003 Aug;87(2l.-3):227-30. 7. Waller DP, Bunvapraphatsara N, Martin A, Vournazos CJ, Ahmed MS, Soejarto DD, Cordell GA, Fong HH, Russell LD, Malone JP. Effect of (+)- gossypol on fertility in male hamsters. Androl. 1983 Jul-Aug;4(4):276-9. 8. Nagappa AN, Cheriyan B. Wound healing activity of the aqueous extract of Thespesia populnea fruit. Fitoterapia. 2001 Jun;72(5):503-6. 9. Hausen BM, Knight TE, Milbrodt M. Thespesia populnea dermatitis. Am J Contact dermat. 1997 Dec;8(4):225-8. 10. Shastry CS, Aravind MB, Joshi SD, Ashok K, Bheemachari. Antibacterial and Antifungal activity of Thespesia populnea. Indian drug. 2005:42(2):81-83. 11. Havarasan R, vasuldevan M, Anbazhagan S, Venkataraman S, Sridhar SK. Hepatoprotective activity of Thespesia populnea bark extract against carbon tetrachloride-induced liver toxicity in rats. Natural product science. 2003 Jun;9(2):83-86.
9. Signature of Candidate
10. Remarks of the Guide Recommended
11. 11.1 Name and Designation of Guide S Kambhoja Professor Department of Pharmacognosy
11.2 Signature
11.3 Co-Guide _
11.4 Signature _
11.5 Head of the Department Dr. Padmaa M. Paarakh Professor and Head Department of Pharmacognosy
11.6 Signature
12. 12.1 Remarks of the Chairman and Principal Forwarded to the University for scrutiny
12.2 Signature
Dr. Padmaa M. Paarakh Principal The Oxford College of Pharmacy, J.P.Nagar, Ist Phase, Bangalore – 78.