Fighting for Sierra Leone

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Fighting for Sierra Leone

TABLE OF CONTENTS HEADERS PAGE Declaration ...... Front Cover 1. JEL’S Worldwide Support Committee...... 3 (a) List of Founding Committee Members...... 3 (b) Founding Members Statement...... 3 2. Party History...... 4 3. Personal Profile...... 4 4. Education...... 4 5. Profession...... 5 6. Honors...... 5

7. Hobbies...... 6 8. Personality...... 6 9. JEL’S Political Base...... 6 10. Reasons for JEL’S Aspiration … … … … … … … . 6 11. Why JEL Will Defeat The APC… … … … … … … . 7 JEL’S Contributions To: 12. The SLPP...... 8 13. The Sierra Leone Government... … … … … … … … . 12 14. Sierra Leoneans Before Politics … … … … … … … … . 14 15. The Future of SLPP … … … … … … . … ...... 15 Quote:

“I will unite with anyone to do whatever is right for SLPP and Sierra Leone and with no one to do wrong.” <<<<<<<<<<< pledged Aspirant John Ernest Leigh (borrowing from Frederick Douglas, a champion of Freedom, Human Rights and Social Progress.

1. THE WORLDWIDE COMMITTEE TO ELECT JOHN ERNEST LEIGH PRESIDENT OF SIERRA LEONE (a) List of Founding Members Former Ambassador Dr. Kemoh Salia-Bao, Chairman <> Mr. Francis Bundu, Organizing Secretary <> Mr. Osman Kabba (US Navy Rtd.) <> Mr. Deenie Noah <> Mr. Patrick Walsh Mrs. Erica Adams <>Mr. Ali Bundu <> Mr. Gibrilla Bundu <> Mr. Francis Conneh <> Mr. P.K. Bundu <> Mr. Sam Caulker <> Dr. Joseph Kposowa <> Mrs. Yei Bona <> Ms. Jeneh Kposowa Ngombi <> Mr. Andrew I. Kaikai <> Teacher Francis Thomas <> Mr. Mohamed Jalloh <> Mr. Daniel Comber <> Ms. Sau Brown <> Dr. Edwin Tucker <> Mr. Edward Bannister <> Dr. Allieu Massaquoi <> Mr. Mike George <> Mr. Martin Massaquoi <> Mr. Daniel Kunneh <> Mr. Charles Vanjah <> Mr. John Wuyah <> Mr. Moinina Sawi <> Mr. Ernest Pettiquoi <> Mr. Gbonda Sei <> Mr. Mustapha Mansaray <> Mr. Victor P. Alimamy <> Mr. Mohamed Kamara <> Mr. Oluwale Johnson <> Mr. Ahmed Sillah <> Mr. Thomas S. M. Losie <> Ms. Saudatu Dahniya <> Usman Kondo <> Mr. Mohamed Kanneh. (b) Founding Members Statement We, the above-listed individuals at home and abroad, have constituted ourselves into a committee to support Mr. John Ernest Leigh to be our Party’s 2012 Flag Bearer because he has the best chance to bring the Presidency home to SLPP as well as the Aspirant, once elected, that is most likely to institutionalize Good Governance nationally. We all know that without Good Governance, our country won’t go forward and might even continue to stay in last place on a wide variety of United Nations statistics. Mr. John Leigh is well known to us over many years as a genuine SLPP stake holder of proven ability, hard work and generosity and who has always been with us in good as well as in difficult times without ever leaving the Party. We know Mr. Leigh as someone who tirelessly strives for whatever is best for our Party and our Country regardless of the difficulties or the obstacles put in his way. We witnessed Mr. Leigh in action all over America, day and night, successfully striving by diplomatic means to reinstate the exiled Government of President Ahmad Tejan Kabbah and the SLPP controlled Parliament. And even after Makeni, we saw him in action campaigning for SLPP in 2006/2007. We believe in him because he has been tested and has proved himself worthy of our complete respect. To us, Mr. John Leigh is like President Barrack Obama, a minority in a Whiteman’s country who is well educated; does not have any blemish, stain or baggage; and who has done many things to help his party and country go forward. So when Barrak Obama asked for support for his candidacy, White Americans thought about it carefully, then put aside their prejudices and sentiments and elected him. Obama defeated both a White woman, Hilary Clinton, for the Flagbearership and a Whiteman, Senator McCain of the Republican Party, for the presidency. Likewise Mr. John Leigh is a part Creole and part Southeasterner with a paternal grandmother from MaSoila, Kaffu Bullon, Port Loko District. Mr. Leigh is well educated in Economics, Finance, Banking and Law. He does not have any blemish, stain or baggage and he has worked hard and generously for our Party and Country. We have put aside all sentiments to support JEL as best for our Party and Country. We ask all Party officers, Convention Delegates and stake holders to do likewise. 2. JEL’S HISTORY OF PARTY MEMBERSHIP Ambassador John Ernest Leigh [JEL] has been involved with the SLPP since childhood. His father, the late Evelyn Leslie Leigh, and the late Sir Milton Margai were classmates at the Albert Academy and enjoyed a lifetime of friendship. Mr. Evelyn Leigh was also among the first Western Area individuals recruited by Sir Milton after SLPP was first organized in Bonthe in 1950-51. As such, JEL has been around powerful SLPP personalities, and much interested in SLPP at an early age. JEL became a full-fledged SLPP member in America in the late sixties and an activist during the seventies when SLPP was proscribed in Sierra Leone by the One-Party regime created by the APC.In 1994, JEL began to help revive the SLPP branch in New England as well as make donations to ready the Party for the return to multi-party democracy. Since that time, JEL have been active in Party affairs. As ambassador in Washington under President Kabbah, JEL labored with others in expanding SLPPNA membership in North America and strengthening its finances. Also as Sierra Leone’s Ambassador to the USA, JEL diligently worked to re-instate in power in Freetown the exiled SLPP Administration of Ahmed Tejan Kabbah. JEL is presently an active member of SLPP North America Branch, New England Chapter. Previously, he took out Party memberships in Bo and in Freetown.

3. PERSONAL PROFILE JEL was born in Bo, the youngest of three children of Haja Mamie Kanneh of KoMende Station, Nongowa Chiefdom, Kenema District, Eastern Region and Mr. Evelyn Leslie Foy Leigh, late of 14 Wilberfirce Street, Ward 1, Freetown Central, Western Area. Young Ernest Leigh grew up in his father’s house, mostly in Freetown, Cline Town and Kissy Brook but also at Bo, Mano and Sumbuya. JEL has both Creole and Mende siblings and other blood relatives in Freetown, Bo, Bumpe-Tabe, KoMende Station and Kaffu Chiefdom, Port Loko District. 4. EDUCATION At the university level, Mr. Leigh was educated in the United States of America and possesses three university degrees. They are: (i). Bachelor of Science Degree (Economics and Finance); (ii). Master of Business Administration Degree (Finance & Banking) both earned at New York University and a Juris Doctor Degree (Law), Suffolk University Law School, Boston, Massachusetts. Prior to his university education, JEL obtained in Freetown, 3 G.C.E. “A” Levels – Economics, Economic History and British Constitution while employed as a Customs Officer; and 7 G.C.E. “O” Levels, - each level obtained at a single seating after graduating from the Albert Academy.

JEL attended the Zion Church Kindergarten School at Wilberforce Street, Freetown Central, Cline Town Primary School & Holy Trinity Elementary Boys Schools Freetown East, the E.U.B. Mission Primary School, Yonibana, Yoni Chiefdom, Tonkolili District, Northern Province and the Albert Academy in Freetown. 5. PROFESSION (a) LAWYER. JELis an attorney-at-law in Massachusetts and in Good Standing in all jurisdictions that he has ever practiced law, both Federal and State. (b) PUBLIC SECTOR. JEL has held three public sector positions in the public services of Sierra Leone. The positions in chronological sequence are as follows: (i) 3rd. Class Customs Officer, Cline Town (ii) Senior Research Officer, Bank of Sierra Leone and (iii) Ambassador to the United States of America and High Commissioner to Canada. (c) PRIVATE SECTOR. In between public sector jobs, JEL held stong positions in the private sector of Sierra Leone, Nigeria and the United States. In Freetown, JEL worked at Peat, Marwick, Casselton Elliot & Co., Chartered Accountants as a trainee chartered accountant. In Nigeria, JEL served as Chairman and Managing Director, African Universities Press, Lagos. In the United States, JEL worked at Xerox Corporation as a Senior Financial Analyst before going to Nigeria. On his return from Nigeria, JEL became Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer, Advertising Corporation of America, Holyoke, MA.

JEL qualified as an American-trained lawyer before serving as ambassador. 6. HONORS As Sierra Leone’s Ambassador to the United States during the AFRC coup, the entire AFRC/RUF Junta period and the expansion of ECOMOG, Suffolk University Law School in Boston honored Ambassador John Leigh with its Distinguished Alumni Achievement Award at a Banquet in Boston attended by hundreds of alumni from across the US and all over the world for JEL‘s excellent performance as Ambassador in helping to promote democracy by working tirelessly to restore constitutionality to Sierra Leone, removing the junta and restoring to power the SLPP elected Government of Tejan Kabbah. Upon graduation from New York University’s Graduate School of Business Administration, the Council For International Progress in Management, Inc. – a US Government-funded Think Tank in New York - awarded JEL a 12-month International Enterprise Fellowship at the Chase Manhattan Bank, New York for training in banking, in recognition of JEL’s student leadership roles.

While a student in America, JEL served at various times as General Secretary and President of Sierra Leone Students Union – USA, based in Washington, DC and later as Secretary-General of the Pan-African Students Union in New York.


JEL is an avoricious reader. Reading: especially the study of wealth creation in democratic developing sicieties, together with the History of Sierra Leone, United Kingdom and the United States. Gardening & Sports Debating national issues and seeking reforms in the Sierra Leone Peoples Party. 8. PERSONALITY JEL is a complete comfirmed nationalist. He has full respect for females and yjr Youths of Sierra Leone. He supports Equal Rights and Equal Opportunity for all. JEL fully respect both the Muslim and Christian religions. And whatever he does in his public live he does so in the absolute public interest. 9. JEL’S POLITICAL BASE (i). JEL’S political base is the Western Area, though he could also claim bases in two provinces. (ii). JEL’S District is Western Area, West District though he could claim Kenema and Bo Districts as well. (iii). JEL’S Constituency is Freetown Central, home of his Western Area ancestors. 10. JEL’S REASONS FOR ASPIRING FOR THE FLAGBEARSHIP JEL aspires to the position of SLPP Presidential Candidate because (i) I need the nomination in order for me to bring the Presidency home to SLPP. I want to be President of Sierra Leone because I want to re-introduce Good Governance to our country so I can turn Sierra Leone into a land of happiness based on prosperity, peace, national security, democracy, development and justice for all our people and (ii) because of my love for my Party and Country and (iii) a sense of service to our nation. (iv). As President, I will work to help SLPP become financially self-sufficient and thus empowered to help its members. Sierra Leone has so much potential to be the model of democracy and economic success on the continent because of its rich and proud history, its abundance of natural resources and the desire of the population to put an end to their daily sufferings and struggles and start to live modern lives free from poverty, diseases and shortages, etc. Right now, I am deeply concerned by the poverty of our Party, the degrading state of our country and the harsh and deteriorating living conditions of our people. I therefore have the desire to become President so I may bring good governance and put things on the road to recovery. I believe that being President is the most appropriate avenue to do the most good for the largest numbers of people in the shortest possible time to make Sierra Leone a much better place for all of us.

11. WHY WE BELIEVE JEL’S CANDIDACY WILL ENSURE VICTORY IN 2012. We believe JEL has the best chance to ensure victory for the SLPP in 2012 because JEL has the qualities the vast majority of oue people are looking for in their President. In addition, geography and character issues are very favorable to JEL. FIRST, to win in 2012, the aspirant’s credentials must be superior to President Koroma’s. If his credentials are inferior, he is unlikely to win. We are convinced that JEL’S credentials are excellent and second to none. SECOND, APC has absolutely nothing on JEL. And if APC tries to manufacture lies about his record, such lies will backfire on them. THIRD, JEL has demonstrated great leadership qualities at every opportunity based on his education, professional training, multi-national corporate experiences, international exposure and his meticulous home training his very good parents. FOURTH, JEL has the experience, the knowledge, the international expertise, the proven ability and a totally clean record as a Party loyalist, a public servant and an individual who can solve tough problems or face adversity without bitterness or losing his cool. He also has no stain, blemish, nor carry any baggage of any sort. FIFTH, JEL is well known inside the SLPP as a most reliable, stainless, loyalist stakeholder with a clean heart, a generous spirit, great patience, the willingness and ability to tackle every problematic situation that comes my way with complete objectivity. JEL’S candidacy will thus excite our SLPP voting base thus generate the necessary enthusiasm for an all out SLPP victory, sharp 12, 2012! SIXTH, JEL’S candidacy will provide the geographic, ideological and ethnic balance that SLPP strongly needs to win in 2012. To win, SLPP must succeed electorally in the (a) Western Area, (b) attract PMDC swing voters, improve its (c) Northern electoral performance as well as be known and acceptable to the Southeast, JEL’S Motherland. Southeasterners know that JEL has tarried among them for years and well known for loyally and generously supporting the SLPP since 1994 regardless of adversity. (a). WEST. It is high time SLPP re-integrates Western Area sophisticates into our Party as was the case in our early days under Sir Milton Margai. JEL’S candidacy presents a perfect opportunity for this to happen for no one knows when the next viable Western Area Presidential Candidate will emerge. Besides, we need West Area support to win. Western Area voters know JEL as culturally and biologically the genuine Western Area aspirant descended from a well-respected ancient family JEL’S ancestors built Zion Methodist Church, Wilberforce Street, Freetown in 1792 during the reign of Governor John Clarkson. (b). PMDC. We believe that PMDC members and swing voters are looking for a well- known, stainless, baggage-less SLPP candidate with good governance credentials to be their President. Large numbers of PMDC members know JEL is that individual.

(c) NORTH. JEL is a Freetonian of part Northern lineage. He genuinely believes in the SLPP creed of ‘One Country – One People’. Northerners know that he will be non- discriminatory in all his official dealings. In 2004, JEL donated Le4,500,000 to the Northern Region Executive to renovate the regional office and to set up a DS-TV arrangement to generate revenues for party workers. SEVENTH, JEL is also very knowledgeble about the Old APC’S very bad governance record and will explain it creditably to the public while conveying his excellent plans for the future prosperity of a modern developing Sierra Leone. EIGHT, JEL believes in equal rights and equal protection of the laws for all and he has a genuine respect for the rights of women and children and our customs and traditions. JEL is non-tribalistic and a complete national outlook. JEL loves our Party, our People and our Country. NINTH, SLPP has not won elections for the Mayoralty of Freetown since 1966. If a genuine Western Area member is elected President of Sierra Leone, SLPP’S chances to elect its own Mayor of Freetown will be greatly enhanced. JEL willl fight for an SLPP Mayor and SLPP majority City Council in our Capital City, his fatherland. 12. JEL’S CONTRIBUTIONS TO SLPP 1.(a) As a rank-and-file Party Member and later as Ambassador to the United States of America JEL, on three separate and distinct occasions, has worked with others to give power to the SLPP and Tejan Kabbah. His first such effort was during the 1995-96 general Elections. The second time was in February/March 1998 when President Kabbah returned from Conakry and during the May 2002 General Election. 1. (b). Also, JEL worked with others to repel the AFRC/RUF invasion of Freetown in January 1999 and to hold Foday Sankoh and ex-President Charles Taylor of Liberia accountable for war crimes, crimes against humanity, the abuse of women and children and the brutal plunder of Sierra Leone’s diamonds. JEL waged a highly creative, non- stop and successful diplomatic and international propaganda campaign to finally rid Sierra Leone of the violent AFRC junta. In the process, Peace was attained with massive international support and accompanied with substantial humanitarian aid. 2(a). In 1995, JEL was amongst the first and most generous CASH donors to the SLPP during the 1995/96 Campaign to insure that our Party is returned to office after 30 years out of power. JEL’S bold and generous donations encouraged others to help finance our Party’s victory in 1996. 2(b). In late 1995, JEL wrote a booklet entitled MEET OUR LEADER to introduce Candidate Tejan Kabbah to the Electorate for the 1996 Presidential Election; financed its publishing in America and delivery in Freetown in very early 1996.

2(c). In 1995, JEL edited and re-wrote portions of the 1996 SLPP MANIFESTO; financed its publication in America and then arranged for its delivery in Freetown in 1996. JEL then came to Sierra Leone from his job in America to join Rev. Paul Dumber, Presidential Candidate Tejan Kabbah, Dr. Joe Demby and Party Elders and Stakeholders to innaugurate SLPP”s maiden General Election Rally in 30 years in Kenema on December 15, 1995. 3(a). Upon the illegal overthrow of the SLPP Government and Parliament on May 25, 1997 (after only fourteen months in power) by the former batomen of the NPRC Junta and styling themselves as AFRC and led by Johnny Paul Koroma, JEL immediately initiated, and with many others waged an unprecedented and ultimately successful campaign to remove the AFRC/RUF Junta and re-instate to full power in Freetown, the duly-elected SLPP Government of President Tejan Kabbah and the Parliament of Sierra Leone. 3(b). As part of the 1997 & 1998 diplomatic and international propaganda campaign to re-instate the first SLPP Government and Partiament in 30 years and with no funds for the upkeep of the embassy coming from Freetown or Conakry, JEL advanced approximately $150,000 out of his pocket to keep the Sierra Leone Embassy in Washington, DC functioning full time, seven days a week from morning to night, to insure success. Following his recall from office as ambassador on October 1, 2002, the SLPP Government repeatedly refused to pay him the balance owed him or pay him the termination benefits due him upon the end of his service as ambassador. 3(c). Throughout JEL’S strenous efforts to evict the AFRC Junta and get Tejan Kabbah out of Conakry and into power in Freetown, all the ex-NPRC Junta members then in America as college students opposed JEL’S diplomatic and propaganda efforts. Those fellows were in favor of the AFRC staying in power and keeping Tejan Kabbah out of office. With the Grace of God’s, SLPP regained its elected office. 4. For the 2002 General Elections, JEL helped raise funds in Washington to aid the SLPP. Then in Freetown upon instructions, he spent nearly $12,000 to purchase rice, cooking oil & bicycle for each and every one of the 14 SLPP District offices plus a $1,000 contribution for the final rally at the Brookfield Stadium on the Thursday before balloting. 5. During the 2007 General Election, JEL published twice weekly in Freetown a newspaper named Sierraleone Peoplespress (SP) to aid the Party’s elections efforts. Among numerous articles were those that correctly explained the true facts about the Libyan Rice Saga that APC unscrupulously exploited, as well as publicized the notorious record of the APC’S One Party State in creating mass unemployment by constructively expelling tax-paying and large employment-generating European firms such as P.Z., U.A.C., C.F.A.O., S.C.O.A., Bata Shoe Co., Freetown Cold Storage Co., S.L.S.T., Delco, ABC Textiles, Rawlinson & Co., Staveleys, Kingsway, G.B. Olivant, Royal Exhange Insurance Co., British Petroleum, Texaco, AGIP, Brewo Works, etc. and Government-owned entities such as the S.L.P.M.B. and DIMINCO. APC also up-rooted the Sierra Leone Government Railway and sold it as scrap iron.

6(a). As an Attorney-at-Law in America, JEL used his time and money to help organize the SLPP New England branch in Boston as early as 1994 upon the official resumption of multi-party democracy. JEL is still a member of that branch which is strong, united and fully behind his 2012 candidacy. 6(b). Thus JEL is one of the most generous members of the SLPP and one of its most active at the intellectual level. For over 15 years, JEL has been financially supportive of the SLPP, SLPP staff, SLPP defendants charged to court and SLPP members at large. 7(a). In September 2003, after the arrest and detention of CDF Chief Sam Hinga Norman and Messrs Kondowa and Fofana, JEL rallied SLPP members in the USA to raise funds for the support of their families and for a cash crop agricultural project in Mokassi, Bo District as a form of employment for demobilized Kamajors. The Mokassi project was under the leadership of Mr. Andrew Harding, former CDF Personnel Director. 7(b). JEL then traveled to Mogheri, Baomahun, Bo and Kenema to deliver messages to ex-Kamajors, supporters and sympathizers and to sensitize them all about the UN Special Court and his situation. JEL also went to see the families of Messrs. Kondowa (Bumpeh Chiefdom) and Fofana (in Bo) to equitably distribute the funds JEL raised in America. 7(c). JEL regularly visited Chief Norman and Messrs Kondowa and Fofana at the Special Court Detention Center and Chief Norman’s family at their home on Spur Road, Freetown where he frequently met VP Dr. Joe Demby, Hon. John Moriba, and the Gamangas of Boajibu. 8. In 2004/5, JEL sponsored in Massam Kpaka, Pujehun District, a group of SLPP female refugees returning from Liberia with investment funds and technical advice to start self-help business projects to be owned by them. JEL also instituted similar projects in Moforki Chiefdom, Port Loko District and in Kailahun for SLPP women and YGs who bitterly complained about their neglect by SLPP’S leadership. 9. During the bye-elections since September 2007, both Parliamentary and Local Government, JEL contributed at least $1,000.00 to support the Party’s candidates. 10. Last year, JEL paid for the brand new re-roofing and repairs of the Court Barray at KoMende Station, Nongowa Chiefdom, Kenema District deep inside the SLPP heartland as well as his own Motherland. 11. In 1998/99, JEL donated to the SLPP Young Generation and the Women’s Wing of the Eastern Province, the sum of Le15,000,000 to initiate a micro-credit scheme in the region for those two SLPP groups. 12. JEL has repeatedly made sundry purchases and donations to benefit Party offices, Party branches and Party personnel across Sierra Leone and the USA for years – elections or no elections. These include the purchase of chairs and the repainting of the Bo regional office building in 2004 under the late A.J. Kamara, the staging of fund-raisers, etc. 13. JEL has visited police stations and courthouses in Freetown and Kenema, negotiated with LUCs detaining SLPP personnel and made sundry donations for the upkeep and comfort of SLPP personnel unfairly arrested, detained and charged to court by the police.

14. JEL has provided sustenance (rice, sugar, cooking oil, etc.) at our Bo, Mile 91 and Freetown Party offices, as well as to certain groups in Bo, Kenema and Koidu, to show respect to Muslims faithfully fasting during the Holy Month of Ramadan. 15. At the 2002 Bo Convention, JEL unsuccessfully tried to explain the true situation within SLPP North America in the interest of genuine democracy and fairness, but he was shouted down from the Chair and was wrongfully told to “shut up, sit down and go back to America”. JEL quietly kept his own counsel but redoubled his efforts for SLPP. 16. After the loss to APC in 2007, JEL successfully worked with several others to persuade SLPPNA to reorganize and adopt genuine democratic governance ways. 17. In May 2006, JEL visited RUF war-damaged towns of Jokibu, Pujehun, Foindu in Kpejeh and Kpejeh Bongra Chiefdoms, Kailahun District with ex-Peace Corps Volunteer, Mr. Jeff Hall and a delegation from Minnesota, USA. JEL then wrote a fully illustrated report about the group’s diligent efforts to rebuild those war-ravaged communities. Mr. Hall’s group then used JEL’s report to successfully raise hundreds of thousands of dollars to continue the Minnesotan’s Kailahun Project. 18. JEL is probably the only current Flag Bearer Aspirant as well as the only prominent Western Area SLPP Member who stood side-by-side on the dais with Presidential Candidate Ahmad Tejan Kabbah and Party Elders in Kenema on December 15, 1995 when our Party launched SLPP’S first multi-party election campaign rally in 30 years for the Presidency and Parliament of Sierra Leone. JEL had traveled all the way from Boston, USA just to take part in that Historic Event upon invitation from Elders, including Rev. Paul Dunbar, SLPP Chairman. 19. In March 2009, after the SLPP Kenema Convention, JEL toured the Kenema Government Hospital in the company of Mayor Brima Kargbo and Consultant Surgeon, Dr. Rogers, then wrote an article for the internet in a bid to galvanize public support to help Kenema City Council renovate the hospital, subsidize salaries, obtain genuine drugs as well as improve the SLPP-controlled municipality. We say without hesitation that JEL’s involvement had a positive influence on the indigenes of Kenema and other Sierra Leone communities overseas in organizing activities to support their Districts’ development. 20. On his way to Freetown after the said visit to the Kenema Hospital, JEL was shocked to see the after-convention mess left on Holy Trinity Church’s compound by the participants and visitors at the 2009 SLPP Kenema Convention. JEL thereupon employed a group of Kenema Youg Generation members to properly clean up the Church’s compound to protect SLPP’S good name and do justice to Holy Trinity Church’s premises.

21. Over the years, JEL estimates that he has donated approximately $60,000.00 to SLPP and its various projects, personnel and causes. 13. JEL’S PUBLIC SERVICE CONTRIBUTIONS TO SIERRA LEONE

1. As Ambassador to the United States of America and as High Commissioner to Canada from September 16, 1996 to October 1, 2002 JEL immediately set out to successfully end all staff enmities within, as well re-orient embassy staff on the need to serve the public interests at all times rather than exploit and boss the public for private gain. 2. Made the once-disreputable Embassy in Washington fully respected by the US and Canadian Governments as well as a friendly, pleasant, efficient Government Office helpful to all Sierra Leoneans, American friends of Sierra Leone and would be investors. 3. JEL initiated and resolutely pressed forward innovative counter-coup strategies against the violent, nation-wrecking, illegal AFRC/RUF junta without any let-up - from the very first day of the May 25, 1997 coup and until the Peace was finally concluded. 4. Persuaded the US Secretary of State Albright not to recognize the AFRC junta but to retain recognition of the duly elected SLPP exile Government of President Tejan Kabbah as the legal government of Sierra Leone after it was overthrown by the AFRC. 5. Prevented the AFRC junta from buying weapons with Government money held in American banks. Thereafter, transferred signature authority over the $10 million balance held in the accounts to the exiled Government of Ahmad Tejan Kabbah in Conakry. 6. With no money coming to the Embassy from Conakry or Freetown after the AFRC coup, and determined to restore the Constitutional Order in Sierra Leone via the return to full power in Freetown of our duly elected Government and Parliament, JEL begged and borrowed funds from family & friends to help keep the embassy operational as necessary. 7. Shortly after President Kabbah’s overthrow, JEL persuaded Gen Sani Abacha’s officials to hold RUF Foday Sankoh incommunicado after his scary broadcast calling for the RUF to come out of the bush and join the AFRC to illegally govern Sierra Leone. Sankoh was held incommunicado in Abuja from June 1997 until the Lome Conference. 8. With the help of American Missionaries based in Kabala, JEL persuaded the US Congress to support the restoration of democracy in Sierra Leone, persuaded President Clinton to cease his pro-Liberian policies and to help end the RUF war, instead. 9. Engaged the international media, including BBC, CNN, VOA, ITV, Radio France, Radio Nigeria, South African Radio, etc. to get the governments and peoples of the world not to ignore the suffering of the people of Sierra Leone during the AFRC/RUF war but to lobby democratic Governments to intervene on the side of the duly elected SLPP Government. 10. Successfully redefined the RUF war for the International Community as a criminal enterprise plundering natural resources, especially diamonds, in opposition to the common view that the RUF violence as a civil war to end corruption and usher in genuine democracy in our country. 11. Persuasively explained to the US the logic behind the positive role the Nigerian Government and the Nigerian-dominated ECOMOG forces were playing in Sierra Leone and effectively establishing that Nigeria’s role as entirely consistent with US interests.

12. Obtained US Immigration Protection (TPS) for Sierra Leone refugees in the US and Canada. This Immigration Protection enabled all undocumented residents from Sierra Leone in the USA and Canada and arriving refugees, the legal right to reside and hold employment in their respective country of domicile and thus avoid deportation. 13. Succeeded in 2000 in persuading US President Bill Clinton to reverse its pro- Liberian policies and to adopt pro-Sierra Leonean policies to alleviate war suffering - the very first time such reversal has occurred in the 200 years of SL-US-Liberia relations. 14. Obtained $100 million in US military aid to re-arm and re-equip ECOMOG and to re-train 7 ECOMOG Battalions as airborne paratroopers to flush the RUF out of their crime-infested barfas in the North of the country. But for the Lome Accords, ECOMOG was ready and able to flush out the RUF and the AFRC. 15. Rendered the Liberian Embassy in Washington and its American lobbyists totally ineffectual in defending President Charles Taylor against allegations of unjust war mongering, the abuse of children as soldiers and the plundering of Blood Diamonds. 16. Developed American and Canadian friendships helpful to Sierra Leone such as the Amistad Committee in New Haven, Connecticut, the Gullah Groups in South Carolina and Georgia, US Congress and Canadian Friends of Sierra Leone in Ottawa. 17. Persuaded the US and Canadian Governments to hold President Taylor of Liberia accountable for the RUF occupation of large parts of Sierra Leone; the plunder of our natural resources as well as for War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity. 18. Persuaded the US and Canadian Governments to support the United Nations to send a large peacekeeping force to enforce the peace in Sierra Leone. In all, the United Nations spent at least $2.8 billion for peace-making in Sierra Leone by the end of 2007. 19. Obtained vast Humanitarian Aid for the people of Sierra Leone from the US and Canada. JEL also worked with an American NGO to ship containers of rice to orphanages in Sierra Leone and assisted SL NGOs to obtain aid for war victims. 20. As soon as JEL received proof from the American Government in early 2000 that rebels and foreign interlopers had illegally exported 6,000, 000 (six million) carats of Sierra Leone Blood Diamonds in 1999, JEL obtained support from the American Government and permission from President Kabbah to make arrangements to obtain compensation from all those foreign leaders and governments behind the rebel war. 21. JEL then successfully negotiated an agreement with a law firm in Washington, DC to pursue for the benefit of Sierra Leonean war victims, their survivors and our government, compensation estimated at not less than $10 billion for war damage against all the foreign interlopers that aided the AFRC and the RUF or traded in Blood Diamonds. 22. Wrote a truthful, professional-style 10-page memorandum in absolute good faith to President Kabbah in the Oil Exploration matter to sensitize our Government as to how best to frame Natural Resources agreements so as to insure the protection and safety of people in war zones as well as send a message to donor nations that Sierra Leone is ready to properly manage her natural resources and thus ready for development assistance, not mere humanitarian aid, helpful though such aid is to our people. 23. Participated in numerous activities of the Ahmadiyya Mission in America, many of whose leaders had served as teachers and school administrators in Sierra Leone. 24. Contributed permanently to the advancement of international diplomacy by initiating the now-diplomatic practice of identifying rogue Heads of State by name. 25. Donated thousands of dollars to numerous Sierra Leone organizations in America during my tenure as Ambassador. 26. JEL departed from Washington with Sierra Leone-USA and Sierra Leone-Canadian relations at their highest level of friendship and cooperation in 40 years and with Sierra Leoneans in North America most proud of their Ambassador & their Embassy. 26. Early in my tenure, I obtained supplies and skilled labor to refurbish the embassy building to make it more modern and pleasing to the visiting public. 27. Established a school at the Bank of Sierra Leone to prepare staff for the Chartered Institute of Bankers Certificate Examinations. 14. JEL’S CONTRIBUTIONS TO SIERRA LEONE BEFORE POLITICS 1. In 1977 JEL invested $100,000 in a school book publishing venture in Freetown with offices located at Trelawney Street. He supplied books to FBC Bookshop, SL Diocesan Bookshop, Ahmadiyya Bookshop and others. Ahmadiyya Bookshop paid but the others defaulted.

2. Donated over $10,000 worth of school books to the Albert Academy during the principalship of Mrs. Ada Bailor.

3. JEL opened his residence in Ibadan, Nigeria to Sierra Leone students, lecturers and visitors to the University and to West African Examination Council examiners.

4. Earlier in America, JEL arranged to have a few struggling Sierra Leoneans reside in his home while they attended school or college. JEL even brought a neighbor’s son from Lumbley Village for further studies in the United States.

5. In 1978, JEL arranged and paid for his mother, Haja Mamie Kanneh Moigula, to do the Holy Pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina. [Mr. Leigh’s late father was a Christian].

6. JEL served as General-Secretary and later as President of the Sierra Leone Students Union, USA,Inc. JEL also served as Secretary-General of the Pan-Africa Students Union in New York.


Our Party is inexorably heading for clearly defined cross-roads at the March 2011 Nominating Convention. Whether we go forward or suffer setbacks depends ultimately on leadership conduct.

In the hands of SLPP stake holders and delegates, therefore, lay the future of our Party. I pray that the said Convention will be transparently conducted on a level playing field of integrity and seriousness so that it becomes the honorable Deliberating Chamber it ought to be. If done this way like genuine SLPP delegates used to do in the early days of our Party, the right Presidential Candidate will be selected on merits, not sentiments, and thus a bright future for our Party is assured. A convention conducted less than honorably may likely produce disunity, loss of public esteem and depleted public support for our Party. In deciding how best to insure the brightest future for our Party and Country, I implore every SLPP stake holder at the Ward, Zonal, Constituency, District, Regional and National levels; our elders, patrons and my fellow Presidential aspirants to do their home work and carefully study the background and the public service record of each aspirant. Such factors as the true character, maturity, ability to solve problems, generosity, Party loyalty, nationalism, public presentability, public speaking ability, fair-mindedness, international expertise, committment to democratic principles and the willingness to put the Party’s and the Country’s interests first and above his/her own personal interests - and those of friends and relatives - are the controlling factors to consider and act upon. I deeply believe that if we do the Nominating Convention right and thus select a flag bearer possessing the above characteristics, voters will choose SLPP over all the opposition every time. Today, the country is divided with the North mostly behind the APC and the Southeast mostly behind the SLPP. This leaves the Western Area, Kono, PMDC supporters and intellectuals all over the country looking for a savior to rescue Sierra Leone from the unending hardships suffered every single day by the masses. I, John Ernest Leigh, by the Grace of God, very much want to be your chosen Presidential Candidate because I have the strength of character and the demonstrated ability to democratically and peacefully take away the presidency and parliament from the control of APC and bring Good Governance home to the SLPP. I humbly ask to be the democratically chosen President of our Country because I would like to finally bring Good Governance to Sierra Leone to help our people live a satisfying life free from unfulfilled needs; to modernize our country and to earn international respect for the Country and People of Sierra Leone. When our government is genuinely respected by other nations, peace will reign in our land, opportunities for individual betterment will flow to the people and national advancement will take place. Without Good Governance our hardships will continue; foreigners will continue to mercilesslly exploit us; our minerals will disappear into theit pockets at cheap prices; our fisheries will be depleted; daily difficulties will surround us wherever we go and last but not least, there will be very little progress in our land and much suffering.

I am asking you all to give me the opportunity to finally take charge of our country because of my love for my Party and Country and a proven sense of service to our nation. As President, I will not forget our Party. SLPP is 60 years old but unable to empower neither its stake holders or its workers, nor its grassroots. I will work to help SLPP become financially self-sufficient. And with your cooperation, I will make SLPP permanently wealthy via the ownership of income-producing investments so we are able to regularly empower our entire membership, delegates, officers and workers. I will modernize the whole country through Good Governance via mass employment, a wider circulation of more money across the land, lower taxes, more food and cash crop production, youth and gender advancement programs; re-equip hospitals, schools; pay salaries on time, re-develop provincial towns, clean-up Water Quay, control counterfeit drugs, insure peacefulness & adjust government fees, etc.

I will accomplish all these by harnessing revenues from minerals & fisheries, the elimination of budgetary inefficiencies and the type of governance likely to qualify Sierra Leone for development aid and foreign investments.

I will devise policies, plans, programs as well as administrative structures to fully re- integrate interested Diasporans into Sierra Leone society at home. Thank you.

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