Borough of Bound Brook

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Borough of Bound Brook


Mayor Pilato called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM with a reading of the Open Public Meetings Law Statement, Opening Prayer read by the Borough Clerk and Pledge of Allegiance.

ROLL CALL Mayor Pilato present Council Thompson present Council President Vasquez present Council Auletta present Council Pranzatelli present Council Dietrich present Council Petti present In attendance: Randy Bahr, Borough Administrator, Donna Marie Godleski, Borough Clerk; Louis Rainone, Borough Attorney Attendees: Deputy Chief Jannone

Approval of Minutes- June 9, 2009 Agenda/Workshop; June 23 Regular Meeting Motion moved by C. Vasquez; second by C. Dietrich; all in favor-ayes.

Mayor Pilato announcements- Mayor stated that he has not heard from the State yet on the aid figures. Mayor provided an update on the dirt pile matter at 100 West Main Street. We want the Judge to appoint a receiver to take control of the site for the purpose of hiring dump trucks. The process has begun. We are monitoring this on a daily basis.

Mayor gave a brief overview of the meeting agenda.

Approval of Minutes- June 9, 2009 Agenda/Workshop; June 23 Regular Meeting Motion moved by C. Vasquez; second by C. Dietrich; all in favor-ayes.

Greetings of the Public and Invitation for Discussion Jean Mangino-338 West Maple- She complained about two properties on Route 28. Mayor stated that violations have gone out on both properties. Page Two July 28, 2009 Meeting Minutes

Anthony Cimino-520 Dalay Place- He asked what amount of aid we applied for. Have we made any efforts to go to Trenton on this. Mayor stated that at the present time the state commissioner has resigned. We do not know who the new commissioner will be. The amount of aid we applied for was $1,700,000.

Jane Papa-14 John Street She stated that she lives in a flood zone. She asked for an update on the dirt pile on Main Street. Mayor responded. Jane stated her taxes went up 50%. Is this accurate? Mayor stated that she should speak with the tax assessor on this. The tax assessor will explain all the different components with regards to your assessment/taxes.

Debbie Cozza-73 Talmage Avenue She stated she was glad to see that the townhouses (Old Brass Rail Property) on Talmage Avenue are coming down. It would have been nice if residents were notified. She expressed her concerns about the asbestos. What is being done to abate this? Mayor stated that this is a private contractor doing the demolition. Had the borough done the demolition we would have done all that is being suggested? Regarding asbestos, the DEP is visiting Bound Brook on a regular basis. Mr. Bahr reported that there has been asbestos abatement and we have an approved DEP record. There is no asbestos on the outside; inside only. Mayor stated more likely dust than asbestos. You have a right to look at certifications we have on file.

Ed Hoffman, Superintendent of Schools He asked the borough if they would reconsider reinstating the School Resource Officer back into the schools. This will be a loss to the community. As recently as five years ago the high school was a much different less inviting place. With the placement of a SRO in the schools it has increased the relationship between the borough, police department and the district. The SRO in the schools has a direct face to face contact with students. He advised that he will be composing a letter regarding this to make a formal request of the Council to reconsider. He commended the police department for the School Resource Officer. Page Three July 28, 2009 Meeting Minutes

Linda Brnicevic-20 Talmage Avenue Regarding the demolition on Talmage Avenue, she suggested hosing it down to keep dust at a minimum. Also, do you need county workers to come in to clean the town? What does our summer help do? We have two entrances to the town. There is litter, weeds. C. Thompson asked if it is possible for summer help to do this; need to look at this. Linda stated these issues were here prior to the public works cuts. There is a disconnect. It should not be up to a resident to be downtown weeding. Comments by C. Thompson; Mayor Pilato.

Short-169 Cherry Ms. Short stated she was weeding downtown for about 2 hours. It was very hot. Complained about the grass in the road. She blames the residents. When you cut your grass clean it up from the curbside. Comments on the businesses on Union Avenue and will there be any improvements to the tunnel? Ms. Short stated that she will be downtown every other Saturday planting and weeding.

Debbie Cozza- 73 Talmage Avenue She asked if we have determined how much money we have saved with the layoffs from public works. She stated that are working on Saturdays. Mr. Bahr stated they are working on lien issues and property maintenance issues. Mr. Bahr stated the savings was $300,000.00.

Mr. Bahr reported that he spoke with the Construction Official Michael Wright and he stated that he will have a water truck at the Talmage Commons demolition site. He also reported that there is no asbestos on the shingles.

Jean Mangino-338 West Maple She complained that by not cleaning the streets it does clog the storm drains.

Committee Reports Public Safety- Police/Fire/Rescue-C. Dietrich Councilman read the June monthly report into the record of minutes. Police Calls- 1685 - Fire Calls-20 Office of Emergency Management Report was given by Jim Suk, OEM Coordinator 5 calls; response to 2 calls Page Four July 28, 2009 Meeting Minutes

The Parking Commission has recommended alternate side of the street parking for street sweeping and snow removal. Also, a mechanical collection box to be placed at the entrance to the tunnel.

Public Works- C. Thompson Councilman read June monthly report into record of minutes. ..\REPORTS\PublicWorks-June-09-Report.doc

Economic Development- C. Pranzatelli Councilman reported on – Train Station East Contract-is on the agenda this evening for approval Train Station West-Met this past Thursday. Conducted a walkthrough. Present was Mike Murphy from NJ Transit, liaison to SHIPO, Charles Scott Historical Preservation, Mr. Bahr and himself. Toured the interior dining room. On July 10, held a site visit with K. Hovnanian. They have an interest in the Transit Village and Bolmer Site Development. Received a response from Woodmont Properties. A proposal forthcoming in a few weeks. Received a call from Matzel & Mumford. They are interested in exploring the Bolmer Site for redevelopment. We will schedule a site visit with LCOR and Somerset Properties next week. Economic Advisory Committee met last nite. The Regional Plan Association gave a presentation on the progress for the downtown transit village area. They presented five cases. The Community Street Fair is scheduled for September 12. Brook Theatre Re-opening-Ribbon Cutting is scheduled for September 17. Mayor stated that he sent out “September 17-hold that date” to different parties. This event will also commemorate the 10th Anniversary of Hurricane Floyd with the Brook Theatre. The theatre has gone through a lot of work to reopen. There will be a lot of movement in terms of how they are going to operate once they open. This is a great community resource. It will also compliment all redevelopment activities we are engaging in. The recreation center will be discussed in executive session. The Watchung Road Contract is on the agenda for award this evening. We held many meetings on the Bound Brook Street Fair scheduled for September 12. Councilman passed out invitation cards to the public present and the governing body. The Bound Brook Beautification Committee is not an official name but we will give it a name. Page Five July 28, 2009 Meeting Minutes

The volunteers have been pruning and weeding at the rotary and north of the rotary. They have requested bags, gloves and weed killer. Mr. Bahr stated that he will take care of this request. He commended the committee members. The volunteers are doing a great job. We finally got the demolition to begin on the Brass Rail.

Mr. Suk, OEM Coordinator stated that he wanted all Special Event Permit Applications to be copied to him. It is very important that we know of all special events so that we can plan accordingly.

Finance- C. Auletta E:\REPORTS\09-Clerk-June-Report Councilman reported that committee met on the budget. Mr. Bahr, Chief Financial Officer presented viable options on the amount of aid received. We will review and submit recommendations. We discussed ongoing; effective spending; attempt other projects; maintenance on spending to seek reductions.

Zoning, Construction & Code Enforcement- C. Petti - Councilman read monthly report into record of minutes. ..\REPORTS\Monthly report.2009xls.xls

Personnel, Administration, Ordinances- C. Vasquez Councilman reported we have several ordinances on the agenda for adoption. Next date for public works negotiations is August 13. Working on revisions to the personnel policy.

Second Reading-Public Hearing -Adoption ORDINANCE -09-07 AN ORDINANCE DELETING CHAPTER XXI “LAND USE”, SECTION 21-10.5 “SIGNS” OF THE CODE OF THE BOROUGH OF BOUND BROOK IN ITS ENTIRETY AND REPLACING SAME WITH A NEW CHAPTER XXI “LAND USE”, SECTION 21-10.5 “SIGNS” OF THE CODE OF THE BOROUGH OF BOUND BROOK Motion moved by C. Dietrich; second by C. Vasquez to incorporate changes to the sign ordinance which were discussed at the last meeting- Roll Call: Unanimous Motion to Open Public Comment: C. Vasquez Second: C. Pranzatelli All in favor: Ayes Page Six July 28, 2009 Meeting Minutes

Public Comment: Linda Brnicevic-20 Talmage – She asked if billboards are permitted. Mayor stated near the IP Zone near Route 287. Linda stated that she did not see a benefit to the borough. She referred to a letter from Franklin Township. Further comments by the Mayor and borough attorney. Motion to Close Public Comment: C. Dietrich Second: C. Vasquez All in favor: Ayes Motion to Adopt: C. Pranzatelli Second: C. Thompson Roll Call: Unanimous

First Reading-Introduction -


ORDINANCE NO. 09-10- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND SUPPLEMENTING CHAPTER VII “TRAFFIC”, SECTION 7-38 “TAXI STANDS” TO ADD A STREET, LOCATION, AND HOURS Motion: C. Thompson Second: C. Pranzatelli Mayor gave a brief purpose of the ordinance. Roll Call: Unanimous

ORDINANCE NO. 09-11- AMENDMENT TO SALARY RANGE ORDINANCE- OTHER PERSONNEL Mr. Bahr stated the purpose of the amendment is to revise per meeting to per hour for the secretary to boards/commissions. Motion: C. Thompson Second: C. Vasquez Roll Call: Unanimous

ORDINANCE NO. 09-12- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND SUPPLEMENTING OF THE CODE OF THE BOROUGH OF BOUND BROOK CONCERNING THE USE AND PERMITTING OF ALARM SYSTEMS Mr. Bahr recommended the removal of section entitled “Inspection” of Premises- Page 3 Consensus of council agreed. Second Reading- August 11 Agenda/Workshop Meeting Motion: C. Dietrich Second: C. Thompson Roll Call: Unanimous Page Seven July 28, 2009 Meeting Minutes


No. 09-110- Approve Liquor License 2009-2010 Renewal for the Bound Brook Hotel-#1804-33-021- 002 Motion: C. Pranzatelli Second: C. Vasquez All in favor: Ayes

Motion to merge 111&112 moved by C. Pranzatelli; second by C. Vasquez; all in favor- ayes No. 09-111- Authorize Tax Collector to issue tax overpayment refunds occurred at June 25 Tax Sale 09-112- Authorize Tax Collector to issue tax overpayment on Block 19, Lot 27

09-113- Authorize Chief Financial Officer to release Street Opening Bond-505 Helfin Street Motion: C. Pranzatelli Second: C. Auletta All in favor: Ayes

09-114- Authorize Change Order No. 1-Highland Place Road Reconstruction-Phase II Motion: C. Thompson Second: C. Pranzatelli All in favor: Ayes

09-115- Authorize Negotiations with 4 low bidders- For Second Street, High Street, Fairview Avenue Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Motion: C. Vasquez Second: C. Pranzatelli All in favor: Ayes

09-116- Authorize Award of Contract to DeFino Contracting Company-Watchung Road Improvement Motion: C. Pranzatelli Second: C. Thompson All in favor: Ayes

09-117- Authorize Award of Contract to Precision Builders- Train Station Waiting Room Area Mr. Bahr Motion: C. Pranzatelli Second:Petti All in favor: Ayes

09-118 Authorize 2009 Somerset County Youth Athletic and Recreation Grant Program Application Page Eight July 28, 2009 Meeting Minutes

Mayor Pilato recommended the resolution be amended to include “Other Recreation Facilities” Motion: C. Thompson Second: C. Vasquez All in favor: Ayes

09-119- Authorize Approval of Vouchers Motion: C. Thompson Second: C. Pranzatelli All in favor: Ayes 09-120 Authorize Executive Session- Negotiations; Litigation; Personnel Motion: C. Pranzatelli Second:C. Vasquez All in favor: Ayes


Raffle License- RL-994-HSA Holy Family Academy – Calendar Raffle-2010 Motion: C. Vasquez Second: C. Petti All in favor: Ayes

Special Event Permit-Fundraiser-Cure DMD-5K Run Run/Codrington Park- September 26, 2009 Motion: C. Thompson Second: C. Vasquez All in favor: Ayes

Special Event Permit-Office of Emergency Management Picnic-Codrington Park- August 23-2009 Motion: C. Dietrich Second: C. Vasquez All in favor: Ayes

New Business None Open to Public on Agendized Matters Only Short-169 Cherry- She asked about the Highland Place Change Order. Jim Suk-OEM Coordinator- Mr. Suk stated he sent members to Somerset County on the “Register Ready” program . This program is for special needs persons to register in a data base. In case of a disaster and you need assistance we will be able to help out if we have this information available to us. The website is not in operation yet. When it is we will let the citizens know on the OEM website and will forward to the Borough Clerk for the borough website.

Meeting adjourned to Executive Session at 8:40 p.m. Regular meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by- Donna Marie Godleski, Borough Clerk

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