The Caswell County Board of Education Met in Regular Session on Monday, June 12, 2006 s3

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The Caswell County Board of Education Met in Regular Session on Monday, June 12, 2006 s3


The Caswell County Board of Education met in regular session on Monday, October 22 nd, 2012, at 6:30 p.m. in the Whitley Administration Building. Members present: Chairman June Dailey, Vice Chairman Gladys Garland, Sylvia Johnson, Betty Sartin, Ross Gwynn, Mel Battle, and David Byrd. Others present include: Kelly Pointer Personnel Director, Dr. Sammy Shields, Assistant Superintendent, and Gerri Hunt representing the Caswell Messenger. Connie Kimrey recorded the minutes.


The meeting was called to order and a moment of silence was observed.


Sylvia Johnson moved, seconded by Gladys Garland to approve the minutes of the October 8th, 2012 meeting and work session meeting. The motion carried unanimously.


Ross Gwynn moved, seconded by Sylvia Johnson to approve the agenda with changes to Item # 3 to read “Repairs,” addition of Item #4 – Surplus Vehicles, Items # 5 – Appointment of Calendar Committee member, and addition of Auditors Report under Reports. The motion carried unanimously with these additions.


Dr. Barker welcomed newly hired employees to the board meeting and invited individuals to introduce themselves as well as where they are employed. Those in attendance included:

Lucy Bennette, N.L. Dillard Middle School Cary Lee Cumbo, Oakwood Elementary Mary Beth Hale, South Elementary Beth Brown, Oakwood Elementary Kristen Williams, Oakwood Elementary Yvette Worsham, South Elementary Jolandria Graves, Bartlett Yancey High School Cherie Lea, Bartlett Yancey High School Todd Davis, N.L. Dillard Middle School Kristie McDowell, N.L. Dillard Middle School Erin Tate, N.L. Dillard Middle School Teu Pointer, N.L. Dillard Middle School Kim Meadows, N.L. Dillard Middle School Rachel Francis, Bartlett Yancey High School David Scott, Bartlett Yancey High School Laura Wannamaker, South & Stoney Creek Mary Beth Hale, South Elementary

Also in attendance: Dr. Precilla Stone, Principal at Bartlett Yancey High School

Chairman June Dailey, on behalf of the Board, welcomed everyone to Caswell County Schools and stated that the Board is here to support any needs and concerns you may have.


None at this time.


Fundraising Request Dr, Barker reviewed the fundraiser request that was tabled at previous meeting and stated that upon further investigation it appears that the original “Buc” card inquiries went to corporate business offices rather than the local business and did not receive good results. Local businesses have indicated they would like to participate and this resulted in the second discount card. The Athletic Director is working on having all businesses listed on both cards if all are in agreement and reprinting the cards so that all sports will be selling the same card. More information will be forthcoming once all contacts have been made. If in agreement, the second card will be traded out to individuals who have previously purchased the “Buc” card.


1. Consent Agenda a. Budget Amendment # 1 & # 2 b. Fundraiser Request

Mel Battle moved, seconded by Betty Sartin to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. The motion carried unanimously. a. Budget Amendments # 1 & # 2

CASWELL CO UN TY SCHO O LS BUD G ET AMEN DMEN T # 1 At a meeting on the 22nd day of October 2012, the Caswell County Board of Education made the following resolution:

Be it resolved that the following amendments be made to the Budget Resolution for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2012.

# Account Code Description Increase Decrease 1 1 5110 003 162 000 000 00 SUB PAY-REGULAR ABSENCE $607.52 1 5110 003 211 000 000 00 EMPLOYER SOCIAL SECURITY 46.48 ` 2 1 5110 085 462 000 000 00 NONCAP COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 6,000.00 ` 6,654.00 0.00

Justification(s): 1 Substitute pay reimbursements from NCDPI for August & September per NCDPI Allotment Revision. 2 Computer device allotment for mClass Reading 3D project as part of the reading emphasis related to the Excellent Schools Act passed by the General Assembly.

Funding Source: Capital Outlay Funding Source: State

Total appropriation in current budget: $ 19,260,904 Amount of increase/ decrease of amendment: $ 6,654 Total appropriation in amended budget: $ 19,267,558


CASWELL COUNTY SCHOOLS BUDGET AMENDMENT # 2 At a meeting on the 22nd day of O ctober 2012, the C aswell C ounty Board of Education made the following resolution:

Be it resolved that the following amendments be made to the Budget R esolution for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2012.

# Account C ode D escription Increase D ecrease 1 2 6910 801 418 000 000 00 C O M P U TER SO F TW AR E 5,000.00 2 6910 801 462 000 000 00 N O N C AP C O M P U TER EQ U IP M EN T 10,000.00 2 5210 801 461 000 000 00 EC -N O N C AP EQ U IP M EN T 46,702.00 ` 61,702.00 0.00

1 Allocate funds received from a M edicaid desk audit that revealed C aswell C ounty Schools had additional reimbursemable M edicaid expenditures. According to M r. Showalter the funds can be used for any purpose. $15,000 has been allocated to the Board for the paperless initiative for the purchase of laptops and any special software or licenses needed. Any funds not used by June 30th will revert to F und Balance.

F unding Source: C apital O utlay F unding Source: Local

Total appropriation in current budget: $ 3,135,340 Amount of increase/ decrease of amendment: $ 61,702 Total appropriation in amended budget: $ 3,197,042

b. Fundraising Request Wrestling Clothing Sale (Pre-sale items) October 23rd – November 21st, 2012

2. Voting Delegates Item on the North Carolina School Board 2013-14 Legislative Agenda was reviewed for voting delegates to know how to vote at upcoming annual conference.

Option 1 references grandfathering teachers who currently have career status. Option 2 references eliminating career status for all teachers

Upon discussion Betty Sartin moved, seconded by Mel Battle to approve Option 1 as the recommendation from the Board. The motion failed 5-2 with Dailey, Johnson, Garland, Byrd and Gwynn voting “No.”

Concerns were voiced in regards to the pros and cons for both options and attention was directed to Option 2 which references Option 2 would create a system where excellence is rewarded instead of longevity.

Sylvia Johnson moved, seconded by David Byrd to approve Option 2 as the recommendation from the Board. The motion failed 4-3 with Dailey, Sartin, Battle and Gwynn voting “No.” (Garland voted “Yes.”)

Chairman Dailey stated the Board will refrain from voting on this particular item at the annual conference. Betty Sartin recommended a work session to review other items listed; however, it was the general consensus of the board that the other items are not up for debate at this time.

3 CASWELL COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION MINUTES October 22nd, 2012 3. Repairs / Bleachers @ Civic Center

Dr. Barker stated he recently met with Mr. Fowlkes and discussed the condition of the bleachers noting that the bleachers are 25+ years old and are in bad shape and need to be put back into workable condition for the present time. Dr. Barker stated that at some point and time money will need to be requested from the County Commissioners to assist in replacing the bleachers.

Dr. Barker reviewed a quote that would repair the bleachers that are in need of repair at this time and needed input from the Board as to how to proceed.

Upon considerable discussion, David Byrd stated he would like to see Mr. Fowlkes present a plan on how the Art’s Council can assist in funding. Mr. Battle expressed the same sentiments.

Dr. Barker reminded the Board the Art’s Council leases the facility.

Mel Battle moved, seconded by Ross Gwynn to use available Local contingency line item funds to make the necessary repairs needed to the bleachers at the Civic Center at a cost of $11,578.26.

Mr. Battle expressed he did not feel like the Board will receive any support at this time from the County Commissioners as it was not included on the original budget request.

Gladys Garland stated she felt that we should request assistance from the County Commissioners for half of the cost and Chairman Dailey expressed the same sentiments.

Mel Battle amended his motion to include the Superintendent will seek assistance for shared costs from the County Commissioners to attribute to funds for repair of bleachers. Betty Sartin seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.

Upon the original motion made by Mel Battle and seconded by Ross Gwynn to use available Local contingency line item funds to make the necessary repairs needed to the bleachers at the Civic Center at a cost of $11,578.26 was approved 6-1 with Byrd voting “No.”

Chairman Dailey requested more information regarding how many bleachers will need to be repaired, etc.

Mel Battle moved, seconded by Betty Sartin for the Caswell County Board of Education to review the current fee schedule for renting the Civic Center and for school facilities at an upcoming work session. The motion carried unanimously.

4. Surplus Vehicles

Dr. Barker reviewed vehicles to be declared surplus and suggested selling by sealed bids at a minimum of $500 for each vehicle, noting that we will not have another surplus auction until the fall of 2013. Dr. Barker suggested running an ad in the local paper and if the minimum is not met the vehicles will be held until the next auction. 4 CASWELL COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION MINUTES October 22nd, 2012

Upon discussion it was stated that two vehicles were purchased with FFA funds and the Board felt the profits of these vehicles should go back into the funds for FFA use.

Gladys Garland moved, seconded by David Byrd to declare vehicles as surplus. The motion carried unanimously.

1995 Mercury Gran Marquis 4.6 Liter Engine 159858 mileage 1987 Ford Van B800 Diesel Engine 76219 + 200000 mileage 1991 Chevrolet Panel Van 30 Diesel Engine 63920 + 100000 mileage 1984 GMC Suburban 4WD Gasoline Engine 26451 + 100000 mileage 1990 Chevrolet Bus Diesel Engine 28093 + 100000 mileage (Missing back glass) 1990 Chevrolet Bus Diesel Engine 10990 + 100000 mileage (Top dented, all rear glass missing)

David Byrd moved, seconded by Mel Battle to declare vehicles surplus and proceeds to the 1987 Ford Van and 1984 GMC Suburban be forwarded to the FFA Chapter. The motion carried unanimously. Dr. Barker noted he will set a date for the deadline and inquire on the costs of running an advertisement in the local paper. The information will also be provided on the school systems website.

5. Appointment of Calendar Committee Member

Chairman June Dailey volunteered to serve on the committee. Betty Sartin stated she would like to serve the following year.

IV. REPORTS  Quarterly Financial Reports were reviewed  Auditors Report – Victor Blackburn, Bernard Robinson & Company, L.L.P. gave an update on the results and findings from the financial and compliance report for the year ending June 30th, 2012. Results included comments and suggestions to strengthen internal controls and operating efficiency. Overall the school system received an unqualified audit which is the cleanest that one can receive.


David Byrd made a motion to go into closed session for the purpose of considering a personnel action that involves an officer or employee of this Board (NC General Statute 143-318.11(a)(6); and for the purpose of discussing information that is privileged, confidential or not a public record (NC General Statute 143- 318.11(a)(1) after a ten-minute break. Gladys Garland seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.


Sylvia Johnson made a motion to return to open session. Gladys Garland seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.


Dr. Barker recommended approval of the personnel listing as outlined below. Mel Battle moved, seconded by Ross Gwynn. The motion carried unanimously.

Employment N.L. Dillard Middle School Katherine Pinkleton (Effective 11/21/12) – 7th Grade Science/Math Resignations South Elementary Aimee Pettigrew – Effective 10-19-12 Bartlett Yancey High School Emily Buchanan – Effective 11-16-12

Substitute Teacher Addition Charlotte Davis – Effective 10/23/12 Crystal Hughes – Effective 10/23/12 Jennie Hodnett – Effective 10/23/12 Child Nutrition Positions N.L. Dillard Middle School Susan Walker – Effective 10/23/12 (Replaces Karen Davies) Portia Williamson – Effective 10/23/12 (Replaces Gladys Lipscomb) Romanda Graves – Effective 10/23/12 (Replaces Sylvia Fuller Tiffany Russell – Effective 10/23/12 (Replaces Sandy Carver) Eva Neal – Effective 10/23/12 (Temporary Position to Permanent)

Bartlett Yancey High School Melody Henderson – Effective 10/23/12 (Replaces Martha Jeffries) Anna Stone – Effective 10/23/12 (Replaces Wendy Adams) Nicole Royal – Effective 10/23/12 (Temp. Position to Permanent) Latia Graves – Effective 10/23/12 (Temp. Position to Permanent)

North Elementary David Chumley – Effective 10/23/12 (Replaces Cindy Hamlett)


Dr. Barker recommended reclassification of position at Stoney Creek Elementary for Office Support/Teacher Assistant and recommended transfer of Vickie Poteat, at her request, to this position. Betty Sartin moved, seconded by Gladys Garland. The motion carried 6-1 with Byrd voting “No.”

Dr. Barker noted this is a 10-month position.

Stoney Creek Elementary Vickie Poteat = Office Support/Teacher Assistant


 Dr. Barker reviewed information regarding a portable bathroom that may solve the problem at the middle school for athletic events. The cost of this quote was approximately $32,000. Upon discussion board members felt this may be a possibility to look into further. Dr. Barker will obtain more information from other companies for the board to review.  Christmas card designs from N.L. Dillard Middle School were reviewed. Dr. Barker stated he would like to award the students with some type of monetary award and this was not included in the budget. A budget amendment will need approval to make the necessary adjustments.  Representative from the NCSBA will be at the next meeting to give an overview of policy customization.  Representative from the Caswell Family Medical Center will be at the next meeting to give a brief presentation on diabetes.  Copy of Teacher Advisory schedule was given out.  Dr. Barker reported that paving at Oakwood and North Elementary is complete. Roofing and Bartlett Yancey High School should be finished this week as well as the new scoreboard.


 Mel Battle stated that the track at the high school is cracking and in need of repair. Dr. Barker stated he was aware of this.  Dr. Barker stated that the Department of Transportation was working with our transportation department in regards to the blind spot in the road as mentioned by Mr. Battle at previous meeting.  Chairman Dailey stated the law conference that several members attended was very informative and they would share information with the others at a later date.


Ross Gwynn made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:25 p.m. Gladys Garland seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. The next regular meeting of the Board of Education will be held on Monday, November 5th, at 6:30 p.m. in the Whitley Administration Building.


______June B. Dailey Douglas N. Barker Chairman Superintendent


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