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Outcome and resource use in critical care (electronic supplementary material)
Variability in outcome and resource use in intensive care units
Hans U. Rothen, Kay Stricker, Johanna Einfalt, Peter Bauer, Philip G.H. Metnitz,
Rui P. Moreno, Jukka Takala
Electronic supplementary material
--- 1 --- Outcome and resource use in critical care (electronic supplementary material)
Table 2E (electronic material): Key variables for structure and process
The total number of intensive care units included is 275; the total number of patients is 16,560.
Table 2E-a: Structure and staffing
mean ± SD median (25th – 75th percentile)
Number of staffed beds 10.94 ± 6.97 9.00 (7.00 - 12.00)
Physicians per bed 0.93 ± 0.77 0.81 (0.50 - 1.13)
Intensive care medicine specialists per bed 0.53 ± 0.67 0.37 (0.18 - 0.74)
Number of medical specialties in hospital 11.53 ± 4.11 13.00 (10.00 - 15.00)
Nurses per bed 3.44 ± 2.75 3.00 (2.33 - 3.88)
Physicians per nurse 0.33 ± 0.30 0.28 (0.17 - 0.39)
Data are mean ± SD and median (25th –75th percentile).
Table 2E-b: Hospital characteristics and clinical processes in the ICU
yes no yes no
n n % %
University hospital 122 141 46 54
Presence of emergency department in hospital 239 24 91 9
Multidisciplinary meetings in the ICU 121 136 47 53
Clinical rounds (physicians + nursing staff) in the ICU 158 99 61 39
Availability of physicians (weekdays) in the ICU 210 51 80 20
Availability of physicians (nights/weekends) in the ICU 204 57 78 22
Note: Due to missing data, the numbers do not sum up to n = 275.
--- 2 --- Outcome and resource use in critical care (electronic supplementary material)
Table 4E (electronic material): Estimated efficiency: Univariate logistic regression analysis of
explanatory variables. Stratification of groups by tertiles.
Variable OR 95% CI P
Number of staffed beds 1.05 0.97 – 1.13 0.231
Physicians per bed 0.36 0.15 – 0.88 0.026
Number of intensive care medicine specialists 0.95 0.84 – 1.06 0.362
Intensive care medicine specialists per bed 0.28 0.08 – 0.98 0.047
Number of medical specialties in hospital 1.01 0.92 – 1.11 0.852
Nurses per bed 2.02 1.30 – 3.15 0.002
Physicians per nurse 0.01 0.00 – 0.14 0.001
Type of hospital 1.13 0.46 – 2.78 0.783
Emergency department in hospital 7.16 0.59 – 86.62 0.122
Multidisciplinary meetings 1.24 0.49 – 3.17 0.648
Clinical rounds 4.07 1.54 – 10.75 0.005
Physicians (weekdays) 0.22 0.06 – 0.80 0.022
Physicians (nights/weekends) 0.34 0.10 – 1.23 0.101
1 1.94 0.11 – 34.92 0.655
2 0.02 0.00 – 0.12 <0.001
3 1.00
4 0.11 0.01 – 1.43 0.09
5 0.01 0.02 – 0.33 < 0.001
Stratification of groups by tertiles. “Most efficient” units are units with both SMR and SRU in the lowest
tertile. These are compared to “least efficient” units (both SMR and SRU in the highest tertile). See
also figure 1 and table 2.
--- 3 --- Outcome and resource use in critical care (electronic supplementary material)
Type of hospital: Y = university hospital; N = non-university hospital
Emergency department (ED): Y = hospital has an ED; N = hospital has no ED.
Clinical rounds: Y = clinical rounds (physicians and nursing staff together) in the ICU; N = no common
clinical rounds in ICU.
Physicians (weekdays): Y = physicians are available in ICU on weekdays; N = physicians are not
Physicians (nights/weekends): Y = physicians are available in ICU during the night and/or on
weekends; N = physicians are not available.
Region: see legend to table 3.
OR: Odds Ratio for being in the lowest SMR and lowest SRU tertile as compared to the highest SMR and highest SRU tertile.
For region: OR is calculated as compared to region 3 (= reference group).
--- 4 --- Outcome and resource use in critical care (electronic supplementary material)
Table 5E (electronic material): Estimated efficiency: Multiple regression analysis of explanatory
variables. Stratification of groups by tertiles.
Variable OR 95% CI P
Physicians per bed na
Intensive care medicine specialists per bed na
Nurses per bed na
Physicians per nurse na
Clinical rounds na
Physicians (weekdays) na
1 1.88 0.10 – 35.45 0.673
2 0.03 0.00 – 0.20 < 0.001
3 1.00
4 0.01 0.00 – 2.06 0.093
5 0.11 0.03 – 0.46 0.002
Stratification of groups by tertiles. “Most efficient” units are units with both SMR and SRU in the lowest
tertile. These are compared to “least efficient” units (both SMR and SRU in the highest tertile). See
also figure 1 and table 2.
Stepwise logistic regression analysis. Initially, all significant variables of univariate analysis are
entered into the model. For region, OR is calculated as compared to region 3 (= reference group)
R2 = 0.28 (Cox and Snell), R2 = 0.40 (Nagelkerke), area under the receiver operating
characteristics (ROC) curve = 0.72 na: variable did not enter the model.
For region: OR is calculated as compared to region 3 (= reference group).
For further legends see table 4.
--- 5 --- Outcome and resource use in critical care (electronic supplementary material)
Figure 2E (electronic material): SMR and SRU vs. geographical region
SMR vs. geographical region
0 1 3 4 5 2 on n on on on gi gio gi gi gi re re re re re
SRU vs. geographical region
10 U R S
1 3 4 5 2 on on on on on gi gi gi gi gi re re re re re
Geographical regions (x-axis) are ordered according to median SRU.
Region: see legend to table 3
--- 6 --- Outcome and resource use in critical care (electronic supplementary material)
Figure 3E (electronic material): SMR and SRU vs. structural properties of the ICU
SMR vs. type of hospital, presence of emergency department, and presence of clinical rounds
2 R M S 1
0 l nt ita e ds sp rtm un ho pa ro y e al sit d ic er cy in iv n cl n ge u er em
Top panel: SMR vs. type of hospital, presence of emergency department, and presence of common clinical rounds (physicians and nurses). Yes = open boxes, no = striped boxes
SRU vs. type of hospital, presence of emergency department, and presence of clinical rounds
10 U R S
l nt ita e ds sp rtm un ho a ro y ep l it d ica rs y in ve nc cl ni ge u er em
Bottom panel: SRU vs. type of hospital, presence of emergency department, and presence of common clinical rounds (physicians and nurses).
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