Southwestern Michigan College s11

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Southwestern Michigan College s11


COURSE TITLE: Technical Math I COURSE NO.: Math 111 Section : OP 3904

CREDITS/CONTACTS: Credit Hours:3 Lecture hours/weekly: 3 Laboratory hours/weekly: 0

INSTRUCTOR: Janice Stevens Office Hours: As posted Phone Number: (Work) 574-654-1318 ( Home) 269-683-2188 Email: [email protected]


COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course introduces the technical student to the basic principles of applied math. Emphasis is placed on the operation and use of the scientific calculator as a problem solving tool. Topics include basic concepts, fractions, the metric system, measurement, polynomials, ratio and proportion, and geometry

CORE CURRICULUM: Mathematics Competency At the conclusion of this course, the successful student will be able to demonstrate proficiency in the course objectives as listed later in this syllabus.

TEXTBOOK REQUIRED: Ewen/Nelson. Elementary Technical Mathematics. 8th Edition. Brooks/Cole Publishing, Division of ITP.


1) Scientific calculator: Texas Instr.TI-35, TI-36X or equivalent.

NOTICE: Information in this syllabus, was to the best knowledge of the instructor, considered correct and complete when distributed for use at the beginning of the semester. The instructor, however, reserves the right, acting within the policies and procedures of Southwestern Michigan College, to make changes in course content or instructional techniques.

HONESTY POLICY Cheating or plagiarizing will absolutely not be tolerated at Southwestern Michigan College. Any student found cheating or plagiarizing material in any manner may be assigned a failing semester/session grade in this course. A second such incident while at SMC could result in suspension or expulsion from the institution. A student found in violation of this section of the syllabus will not be allowed to drop this course. Additional detail regarding cheating and/or plagiarism may be found elsewhere in this syllabus. METHOD OF INSTRUCTION: Tech Math I will use lecture, discussion, demonstration and extensive student group in-class problem solving. Highly structured cooperative group work will be emphasized, as it is beneficial to students of all ability levels and learning styles. Individual accountability will be required of each student within the group, and groups will have the opportunity to earn bonuses based on their collaborative achievements. Using this cooperative learning format, everyone learns more, and the team skills developed are highly valued by most employers in industry.

EVALUATION: Upon completion of this course, the student will demonstrate achievement of the course objectives by obtaining a final minimum grade of “C”.

EVALUATION METHOD: The final grade for this course will be based on the following:

Homework 40% Quizzes 20% Midterm Exam 10% Final Exam 30% 100%

**NOTE-for Non-Aviation students: Each student’s final grade percentage will be reduced by 1% for each class hour absence exceeding three class hour absences for any reason. Conversely, each student with less than three class hour absences will earn an attendance bonus of 1% for each hour attended that constitutes less than 3 absences. Maximum bonus for perfect attendance is +3%.

GRADING SCALE: The following grading scale will be in effect for this course:

93 – 100% = A 90 – 92% = A- 87 – 89% = B+ 83 – 86% = B 80 – 82% = B- 77 – 79% = C+ 73 – 76% = C 70 – 72% = C- 67 - 69% = D+ 63 – 66% = D 60 – 62% = D- 0 – 59% = F

ATTENDANCE POLICY: Attendance will be recorded for each class period as per college policy. Non-Aviation students: as stated above, your final grade percentage will be reduced by 1% for each class hour missed exceeding three class hour absences for any reason. There will be no distinction made between excused or unexcused absences. Each tardy is equal to no less than ¼ of an hour. Regular attendance is crucial to successful completion of this course, as much of the material presented in class is not available from other sources, including the text.

ABSENCE FROM A SCHEDULED QUIZ/EXAM: You are expected to be present in class to take all quizzes/tests as scheduled. You must make up the missed quiz/test. Failure to do so will result in a grade of "0" for that test.

AVIATION STUDENTS NOTE: The FAA requires attendance in classes and that accurate records are kept. If the student is absent more than four hours, the time must be made up within two weeks, and prior to the start of final exams. Time missed must be made up on an arranged basis with the instructor.

TESTING POLICY: All tests/quizzes will normally be announced at least five calendar days prior to their administration. You are expected to be present in class to take all tests/quizzes as scheduled. If a test/quiz is missed, it is the student’s responsibility to take the missed test/quiz. Failure to take a test/quiz results in a grade of “0”.

OTHER COURSE QUESTIONS/HELP: Any questions or problems that arise should be discussed EXPECTATIONS: with the instructor as soon as possible.

LATE ASSIGNMENTS: Late Assignments will receive a maximum of 50% credit. At the end of the semester, the one lowest assignment/lab grade for each student will be dropped. Assignments may be turned in early.

COURSE OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of this course the student should be able to: 1. Perform basic addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, using both positive and negative numbers and using the Order of Operations. 2. Work with fractions performing the basic operations listed above. 3. Solve problems involving percentage calculations 4. Work with and convert between the English and Metric Systems. 5. Analyze and interpret data presented in various graphical forms. 6. Solve basic ratio and proportion problems. 7. Perform basic Algebraic operations on positive and negative numbers 8. Solve basic linear equations. 9. Use and interpret scales of Vernier calipers and micrometers. 10. Understand precision and accuracy of measurement. 11. Solve for square roots. 12. Solve area, volume, perimeter, and angle measure problems in geometry, using reference materials. 13. Analyze a word problem with the ability to: a. translate from written word to math language, including creating a diagram or picture to represent the information b. state a plan for solving the problem, including the ability to 1) choose appropriate techniques and strategies 2) choose the correct operations using the correct numbers 3) follow through with the plan accurately 14. Analyze real world, industry-based problems to determine which math tools are needed, and apply them accurately. 15. Have the confidence to seek out resources to solve problems encountered on the job. 16. Express an appreciation for how these math skills are needed and used in various technical fields.

COURSE OUTLINE: Technical Math 111 provides the practical mathematics skills needed in a wide variety of trade and technical areas. It is intended for students enrolled in the School of Technology and provides a direct, practical approach that emphasizes careful, complete explanations and actual on-the-job applications.

This course provides each student with review and continuation of the essential fundamentals of Technical math that is necessary to solve practical mathematical problems in industry applications. Various practical equations are solved and rearranged as necessary including percents, metric measure, ratio/proportion, quadratic equation, basic plane geometry, right triangles and oblique angles.

COURSE ASSIGNMENTS: The course will follow a weekly training cycle. New material will be presented in class and homework for the week will be assigned. The class will go over the weekly homework assignment.

There is no formal schedule of course assignments for Math 111. The instructor will present assignments weekly, so as to make the course as flexible as possible.

Reading Assignments:

Week Chapter to Read Sections Activity prior to class

1 1A 1.1 - 1.5

2 1B 1.6 - 1.9 Quiz

3 1C 1.10 - 1.14 Quiz

4 2 2.1 - 2.4

5 3 3.1 - 3.7 Quiz

6 4 4.1 - 4.7 Quiz

7 5 5.1 - 5.4 Midterm

8 6 6.1 - 6.9 Quiz

9 11 11.2 - 11.3 Quiz

10 7 7.1 - 7.4

11 12 12.1 - 12.4 Quiz

12 12 12.5 - 12.10 Quiz

13 15 15.1 - 15.4 Quiz

14 Review Final Exam

TOPICS All topics will emphasize industry applications as well as use of the scientific calculator

Chapter 1: Review of Basic Operations Order of Operations Area and Volume Formulas Prime Factorization Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division of Fractions The English System of Weights and Measures Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division of Decimal Fractions Rounding Numbers Percent Percentage, Base and Rate

Chapter 2: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division of Signed numbers Signed fractions

Chapter 3: Intro to the Metric System Length, Mass, Weight, Volume, Area, Time, Current, Temperature Metric and English Conversions

Chapter 4: Accuracy Precision and Greatest Possible Error Vernier Caliper scale Micrometer scale Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division of Measurements Relative Error

Chapter 5: Fundamental Algebraic Operations Simplifying Algebraic Expressions Addition and Subtraction of Polynomials Multiplication of Monomials

Chapter 6: Solving Algebraic Equations Translating Words into Algebraic Symbols Applications and Formulas Substituting data into Formulas Reciprocal Formulas

Chapter 11: Solving Quadratic Equations using the Quadratic Formula

Chapter 7: Ratio and Proportion Direct and Inverse Variation

Chapter 12: Angles and Polygons Quadrilaterals Triangles Similar Polygons Circles Radian Measure Prisms: Cylinders, Pyramids, Cones and Spheres

Chapter 15: Interpreting Data and Graphs Bar Graphs, Circle Graphs, Line Graphs, and Other Graphs


SMC ______Group Lab Sheet ______Staple this sheet to the front of your group lab report. Lab Number: ______Chapter:______Lab Assignment:______

Group Name:______Date:______

Group Participants (all roles must rotate each class period):

Reader/Recorder:______(Reads problems aloud to group/records solutions.)

Auditor:______(Makes sure all group members can explain how to solve each problem correctly.)

Advocate:______(Encourages all members to participate in the discussion and share ideas.)

Effectiveness Processing: (1) List something each member did that was helpful for the group today: ______(2) List something each member could do to make the group better next time: ______Goals Processing: (1) What was the most important thing your group learned from this lab project? ______(2)List something from this assignment that group member(s) had difficulty understanding. ______

Group Member Signatures:



I have read the syllabus and I understand what is required for satisfactory completion of Math 111. My final grade will be based on the following: ***NOTE: My final grade will be reduced by 1. EVALUATION METHOD: 1% for each class hour missed in excess of three, for any reason. I may also earn attendance bonus points for less than three absences. (Non-Aviation). Lab Projects 40% Quizzes (10) 20% Midterm Exam 10% Final Exam 30% 100%

2. ATENDANCE/ASSIGNMENTS: If I am absent I am expected to obtain any assignments prior to the next class period, from my classmates or the instructor. Late assignments will receive a maximum of 50% credit. Aviation students must make-up absences in excess of four hours.

3. QUIZZES/TESTS: I am expected to be present in class to take all Quizzes/Tests, except in the case of a verifiable illness or emergency. If a test/quiz is missed it is my responsibility to make up the quiz in the Testing Center prior to the following Wednesday. Failure to do so will result in a grade of “0”.

Student Copy

MATH 111 STUDENT CONTRACT I have read the syllabus and I understand what is required for satisfactory completion of Math 111. My final grade will be based on the following: 1. EVALUATION METHOD: Lab Projects 40% ***NOTE: My final grade will be reduced by Quizzes (10) 20% 1% for each class hour missed in excess of Midterm Exam 10% three, for any reason. I may also earn Final Exam 30% attendance bonus points for less than three 100% absences. (Non-Aviation).

2. ATENDANCE/ASSIGNMENTS: If I am absent I am expected to obtain any assignments prior to the next class period, from my classmates or the instructor. Late assignments will receive a maximum of 50% credit. Aviation students must make-up absences in excess of four hours.

3. QUIZZES/TESTS: I am expected to be present in class to take all Quizzes/Tests, except in the case of a verifiable illness or emergency. If a test/quiz is missed it is my responsibility to make up the quiz in the Testing Center prior to the following Wednesday. Failure to do so will result in a grade of “0”.

Student Signature______Date:______

Instructor Copy

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