God S Answer to Worry Philippians 4:6, 7

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God S Answer to Worry Philippians 4:6, 7


DATE: 9/19/10 pm

TEXT: Philippians 4:6, 7


There is always something happening that can cause us to fret and worry

Ill. Someone once gave a list of the things that causes people to worry

40 % of our worries are over things that never happen 30 % of our worries are over things done and over with 10 % are petty worries 12 % are needless health worries Only 8 % of the things we worry about are legitimate worries

I find it interesting that the things we worry about the most are the things that never seem to happen

Ill. Mark Twain made the observation, "I am an old man and have known my troubles, but most of them never happened." Ill. Someone has said, "Worry does not empty tomorrow of its troubles, but robs today of its strength." Ill. Another has said, "Worry is a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind. If encouraged, it cuts a channel into which all other thoughts are drained."

Ill. Still another has said, "Worry is the interest you pay on troubles that seldom come." 1 God’s Answer to Worry – Philippians 4:6, 7

Ill. Vance Havner said, "Worry, is like a rocking chair, it will give you something to do, but it won't get you anywhere."

Our text deals with the subject of “Worry”

Let's pray and then look at these two verses and see what is



First, notice with me:

I. THE “DESCRIPTION” OF A “TROUBLED” HEART! Paul said in v.6 – “Be careful for nothing” Notice the word “careful” Normally when we think of being careful we think of exercising caution But the word used in our text speaks of being anxious or worried You could read Paul's statement as - “Don't be full of cares” What does it mean to “worry” ?

The Latin word for “worry” describes an outside force responsible for inner turmoil

So, “Worry” is when the heart and mind are in turmoil 2 God’s Answer to Worry – Philippians 4:6, 7

The Greeks thought of “worry” as something that rips a man in two and drags him in opposite directions

Opposing forces at work tearing a man apart

“ Worry” is being emotionally and mentally torn apart The Anglo-Saxons used the figure of an animal clutching its prey by the throat and strangling it, to describe “worry” “ Worry” is the choking or stifling of a calm and peaceful heart Understanding now what we mean by “worry”, Think with me of: A. The ‘Consequences’ of “Worry”

(2 things: Physically Destructive and Spiritually Depletive)

All of the Descriptions I have given you …

Suggest the Injurious Nature of “worry”

And the Consequences of it in our life

For one thing, they describe how “worry” is -

1. Physically Destructive

“ Worry” has Physical Consequences

3 God’s Answer to Worry – Philippians 4:6, 7 Let me give you just a few of the quotes I found regarding the Physical Destruction of the body because of “Worry”

Ill. George Henderson in his book called "Heaven's Cure for Earth's Care" writes, "Worry is one the most fatal of all transgressions. It is a sin against not one organ of the body, but against the body as a whole. It is a demon whose pressure is felt upon the heart, and there is not a capillary in any gland or tissue which does not shrink under the glance of its gloomy eyes. A man who worries is slowly draining the springs of life."

Ill. In another book titled "None of These Diseases" by Dr. S.I. McMillen, Dr. McMillen has a lot to say about worry, anxiety, and stress. He describes how "carnal emotions and stress" play a large factor in cholesterol levels. In the chapter entitled, "Upset Mind--Sick Body" he describes how invisible emotional tension in the mind can produce striking visible changes in the body, changes that can become serious and fatal. He gives a list of things that anxiety and worry can cause physically: Disorders of:  The Digestive System  The Circulatory System  The Genital-Urinary System  The Nervous System  Glands of Internal Secretion  Allergic disorders  Muscle-joint disorders  Infections  Eye diseases  Skin diseases

He writes, "The office of a physician is filled with people suffering from nearly every disease in the book because their

4 God’s Answer to Worry – Philippians 4:6, 7 minds are beset by a thousand worries about their finances, their health, and their children."

Ill. Dr. Roy R. Grinker, of the Michael Reese Hospital in Chicago states in his book “None of these Diseases” that anxiety places more stress on the heart than any other stimulus, including physical exercise and fatigue

“Worry” can be so Physically Destructive

But it can also be:

2. Spiritually Depleting

Our bodies are a gift from God

When we abuse them by “worrying” (when we should be living by faith) …

We show a total disregard to and for the Lord Jesus Christ

Worry affects us in many ways spiritually

Because when your body is not healthy it can’t do the things you want it to do

It weakens our desire for prayer and spending time in God's Word

It clouds our spiritual vision

It takes us out of Christian service 5 God’s Answer to Worry – Philippians 4:6, 7

It takes our eyes off God

It even hinders our worship

We need to “be careful for nothing”

There are not only the Consequences of “Worry”

But think with me of:

B. The ‘Condemnation’ of “Worry”

Ill. Sir Walter Scott, Scottish historical novelist and poet at age fifty-five, was saddled with a large debt. It caused him to distress and worry. His doctor said to him one day, "Sir Walter, if you do not cease worrying you will die." Scott looked up with a sad smile and said, "Why, doctor, as long as that debt is hanging over my head, I cannot help worrying. I know the worrying is killing me, but you might as well go and tell my cook to order the water in the kettle not to boil, as to command my brain not to worry."

That is exactly how you and I think!

Yet, as we look at our text we see that is exactly opposite of what God is telling us to do

He says, “Be careful for nothing”

God is telling us not to “worry” about anything

6 God’s Answer to Worry – Philippians 4:6, 7 “Worry”, on the part of a Christian, is unacceptable

As we read the Bible you find that the Lord Jesus Condemned “Worry”

Jesus said in Matthew 6:25 – “Therefore I say unto you, take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body more than raiment?”

Ill. Herbert Lockyer in his book “The Sins of the Saints” wrote: “We live in a troubled world, and worry seems to be the most natural thing to do. Any phase of worry is unnatural though, and certainly unchristian...”

When you understand the Consequences of “Worry”

You also understand the Condemnation of “Worry”

“Worry” Condemns us to a Christian Life of Impotence

According to the command of God, “WE ARE NOT TO WORRY!”

You say, “But I can't help but worry” that’s …


I say “Whatsoever is not of faith is sin”

7 God’s Answer to Worry – Philippians 4:6, 7

As we look further at our text we see that Paul not only tells us not to “worry”

By saying “Be careful for nothing”

But he also gives us God's Answer for “Worry”

Secondly we see:


We continue to read in v.6 - “but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God”

Paul tells us not to “Worry” about Anything

But to “Pray” about Everything

Instead of “worrying”, we are to pray!

God's answer to “worry” is Prayer!

Yet, it seems that Prayer is the last thing we do when we are “worried”

Paul tells us that it should be the first thing we do when “worried”

Notice carefully what he says about Praying when we are “worried” 8 God’s Answer to Worry – Philippians 4:6, 7

First, he says:

A. ‘Take’ Your Worries ‘To’ God

Paul said - “...in everything by prayer and supplication”

The means by which we are to deal with “worry” is -

“prayer and supplication”

The words that he uses, speak of presenting your needs to God

They speak of laying your petitions before God in prayer that He might meet those needs

We are to take our worries to God and tell Him

The Psalmist said in Psalm 55:22 – “Cast thy burden upon the LORD, and He shall sustain thee: He shall never suffer the righteous to be moved”

In II Kings we read about a letter King Hezekiah received telling him of a threat from the king of Assyria

Yet we read in II Kings 19:14 – “And Hezekiah received the letter of the hand of the messengers, and read it: and Hezekiah went up into the house of the LORD, and spread it out before the LORD” 9 God’s Answer to Worry – Philippians 4:6, 7

What did Hezekiah do when he received disturbing and distressing news?

He brought it before God and talked with Him about it

The songwriter put it this way:

Are you weary, are you heavy-hearted? Tell it to Jesus, Tell it to Jesus; Are you grieving over joys departed? Tell it to Jesus alone. Tell it to Jesus, Tell it to Jesus, He is a friend that's well known; You have no other such a friend or brother, Tell it to Jesus alone.

What is it that is worrying you?

Is it Physical, Financial, Marital, Emotional, Mental, or Spiritual?

Tell it to Jesus!

Take your Burdens to the Lord in Prayer

‘Take’ Your Worries ‘To’ God

Secondly, may I suggest that you:

B. ‘Trust’ Your Worries ‘With’ God

10 God’s Answer to Worry – Philippians 4:6, 7 We also read in v. 6 – “...with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God”

We can Bring these things to our Loving Saviour that “worry” us

And we can come to Him with thanksgiving Leaving our “worries” with Him

When we come to Jesus, no matter what it is that Concerns us, Troubles us, and Perplexes us,

We can come with thanksgiving, knowing that -

1. He’s ‘Available’

We have a Loving Saviour that we can go to with our “worries”

He’s always available

I think of the little poem:

Said the robin to the sparrow “I should really like to know, Why these anxious human beings Rush around and worry so.” Said the sparrow to the robin, “Friend, I think that it must be, That they have no Heavenly Father, Such as cares for you and me.”

11 God’s Answer to Worry – Philippians 4:6, 7 But the truth is we do have a Heavenly Father that cares and He is always available

Hebrews 13:5b – “for He hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee”

Furthermore, He is not only always Available,

But He is also -

2. ‘ Able’

We can come to God with thanksgiving for we know that He is able to take care of whatever is worrying us

“Worry” in a nutshell, is you and I wondering what we are going to do

God's Answer to “Worry” is bringing those matters to God and leaving them with Him to let Him do with them what He wants

Luke 12:6, 7 – “Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God?” “But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows”

12 God’s Answer to Worry – Philippians 4:6, 7 Matthew 8:26 – “And he saith unto them, Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith? Then he arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm”

I remind you that if God would watch over and take care of a little sparrow,

He will certainly take care of you and I

You can take your worries To God and trust your worries With God



Finally, as we think of God's Answer to Worry we see:


Paul tells us What To Do With our “worries”

And then in v.7 he speaks of the Result of following those Directions

He says – “And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus”

Instead of Anxiety, there is Tranquility

13 God’s Answer to Worry – Philippians 4:6, 7 Instead of being Torn Apart we are Held Together

Instead of Perplexity there is Peace

The word “keep” describes a garrison of soldiers that are standing guard

God's Peace is a Guard from “worry”

Psalm 119:165 – “Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them”

When the Peace of God fills our heart, it protects us from “anxiety” and “worry”

Ill. Several years ago there was a submarine that was being tested and had to remain submerged for many hours. When it returned to the harbor, the captain asked, "How did the terrible storm affect you?" The officer in charge of the submarine looked at him and said, "Storm? What storm? We didn't know there was a storm." The sub had been so far below the surface that it had reached the area known to sailors as "the cushion of the sea." Even though the ocean above had been whipped into huge waves by the high winds, the water deep below was never stirred.

God's Peace is a cushion in the midst of the storm

Even though there is a lot to “worry” a person, that person is not “worried”

Instead, there is a Peace that has been given by God

14 God’s Answer to Worry – Philippians 4:6, 7

How does this Peace affect us?

First, I think of how God's Peace:

A. Reaches Us ‘Emotionally’

Paul stated that God's Peace keeps our “heart”

The “heart” speaks of our Emotions

Instead of being an Emotional Wreck, there is Peace

Secondly, God's Peace:

B. Reaches Us ‘Mentally’

Paul also said that God's Peace keeps our heart and “minds”

There are times when we Think we are going to snap

Yet, God's Peace is the answer

Ill. I am sure you are familiar with the poem about the old lady that lived in a shoe She had so many children that she did not know what to do Someone has offered us this version of the poem: There was a sad Christian Who lived in a stew She had so many troubles Tho she knew what she should do. She should cast them all on Jesus And find sweet releif; But she choose to worry, And suffer much grief. 15 God’s Answer to Worry – Philippians 4:6, 7

Ill. Joseph Scriven said it well in his great hymn, “What a Friend We Have In Jesus”: O what peace we often forfeit, O what needless pain we bear, All because we do not carry Everything to God in prayer.

Paul said that we should not “worry” about Anything

Instead, we should Pray about Everything



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