California Coalition Against Sexual Assault

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California Coalition Against Sexual Assault


About Us The California Coalition Against Sexual Assault (CALCASA) is a national leader in the movement to end sexual violence. The organization serves many roles by providing resources, leadership and voice to 84 rape crisis centers and rape prevention education programs within the state of California.

We also are the comprehensive technical assistance provider on two federal grants to reduce violence against women on college campuses and to reduce violence against women with disabilities. For these grants we serve grantees who are geographically dispersed around the country. Through our rape prevention resource center, we also provide information and referrals to other allied organizations and professionals in the fields of law enforcement, criminal justice, social services, legislative on a statewide, national and international basis. Our programs also produce publications on a regular basis on a wide variety of topics of interest to the field as well as hosting a wide variety of meetings, trainings and conferences throughout the year as well.

One of our notable resources is our nationally renowned library of violence against women resources, the largest such library of its kind in the country. Visitors to our site have access to our library collection via the searchable Spectrum catalog.

As a project coming up in the near future, we also have been awarded a grant to develop and disseminate a statewide media campaign promoting sexual violence prevention over the next two years. This will complement our annual Sexual Assault Awareness Month media campaigns we conduct each year.

Current site ( While our site stands out as a model followed by other state coalitions, many problems keep it from being a truly robust, content-driven, usable site. A lack of continuity coupled with an outmoded top-level navigation system creates a less than ideal experience for users. Our most recent redesign of the home page of our site was driven by our strong desire to incorporate more graphics and images. With our expanded constituency and an exponential increase in the amount of information we have produced and need to disperse to a wide audience since the present site was constructed, we feel we have outgrown the structure of our present site.

Proposed site The CALCASA Web site should not only reflect the many roles of the organization, but should itself be another face of it. The Web site will not only serve the organization’s current constituency but also serve a new population of people involved with this issue on the Internet. The redesigned site will be driven by a simple and intuitive navigation scheme as well as our desire to provide users with a more human feel by incorporating more visual elements to the site. The site must also be scaleable for planned growth.

Usability for people with disabilities (Rehabilitation Act Section 508 and ADA compliancy) must be a prime consideration throughout the design and testing process.

Some interactive elements of the Web site (interactive calendar, action alerts, etc.) will be handled through net:FORUM, our online database management system.

I. General Changes  Should be driven by content  Add pictures to make a more human “feel”, will need stock photos  Multilingual possibilities  Easier navigation  Incorporate CGI, ASP, PHP and other scripting languages for a more diverse and “full” site  Develop a searchable online digital resource database to serve CALCASA generally, and specifically for resources to necessary for Project Access grantees.  Should pass all 3 levels of ADA compliancy and Bobby standards. If this is not possible, a separate “text only” site will need to be created.

II. Contract Objectives The chosen vendor will complete the following objectives for the present phase of this project:

Requirements 1. Create a new visual design which incorporates our existing marketing brands and logos and to also develop a navigational system for the site that is scaleable to its content by September 30th 2004. The design will be based on the current content of the site, and will be scalable to encompass the desired content as listed in our proposed website as noted in the addenda.

2. Design components of the website (specifically the visual elements and navigation) so it can be modified by CALCASA staff. In essence, all elements created by the vendor need to be self sustaining or able to be controlled by CALCASA staff.

3. Keep users with disabilities in mind by creating a Web site that is compliant with Rehabilitation Act Section 508 and ADA standards. Compliancy should be taken one step further and the Web site will be tested with screen readers and alternate large text resolutions.

4. Will have a working relationship with Avectra, the vendor providing CALCASA’s online database management system net:FORUM, to work on elements of the site common to both vendors.

CALCASA WEB SITE RFP PAGE 2 5. Site design should be compatible with existing web based library catalog software Spectrum and should enhance users’ access to the search interface for the catalog.

6. Site indexing terms should help increase rankings in Internet search engines

7. Test the site for usability and functionality.

8. Complete all agreed upon phases of design and navigational changes by or before December 30th 2004, when the contract will end.

III. Additional desired components to be developed in later phase

1. Ability to locate California rape crisis center programs via zip code lookup table/database.

2. Interactive clickable county map of California to provide rape crisis center information for desired counties.

3. Web-based training made available through on subjects relevant to sexual violence.

4. Multi-lingual access points for the site.

5. Ability to archive and deliver streaming audio/video components to site visitors on demand.

Request for proposal Potential vendors who have competitive pricing and experience working with non-profit organizations are encouraged to submit a proposal that includes details of the following: 1. Description of qualifications, description of lead personnel, amount of time and personnel to be expended, and equipment and facilities to be utilized; 2. Description of techniques to be used in solving the stated problem(s) or meeting the stated need(s); 3. Timeline of work; 4. Total cost of the contract and detailed quote with prices per part.

Submit your proposal by Monday, July 19 th , 2004 Submit your proposal via e-mail to [email protected] or mail/fax to:

Arash Ebrahimi Multimedia Specialist CALCASA 1215 K Street Suite 1100 Sacramento, CA 95814 Fax 916-446-8166


I. Vision of the new What follows is a general overview of what we envision each section of the proposed site will look like.

About CALCASA General information about the organization, including contact information, mission statement, Executive Director’s message, and other information that is of interest to the general public

Our Programs A listing of CALCASA programs, with links to “Home Pages” of each. The main page will included a short summary of each program, while specific “Home Pages” of each program will contain information specific to that program. Each program will have a public page as well as a secured member section, made available through net:FORUM.

Library A general description of the library with links to the online catalog, highlights of new arrivals, and frequently requested bibliographies. Digital online resource database of electronic or web based resources. Notably, disability resources for Project Access grantees.

Publications and Resources A listing of CALCASA publications as well as resources available to the general public. This will serve as the general “links” section as well.

News and legislation Links to news stories and legislation of interest.

For the media All information needed by the media, including press releases, talking points, and public service announcements.

Event Calendar An interactive calendar of all CALCASA and CALCASA member events, able to be edited by certain users (CALCASA staff and member programs).

Join CALCASA Information regarding volunteer opportunities, current job opportunities, and membership information. The highlight of this area will be a virtual tour of the CALCASA Web site created by the vendor.

Seek Help Information specific to survivors of sexual assault, or people interested in learning more about the issue (rape crisis center directory, zip code search or centers, downloadable documents).

CALCASA WEB SITE RFP PAGE 4 Members Password protected area for members of different CALCASA programs. There will be much overlap with this section and the password protected areas under the “Our Programs” section.

II. Proposed Sitemap

About CALCASA  Executive Director’s message  Mission  Background  Vision newsletters -This section will contain an archive of all past Vision newsletters, as well as the newest edition.  Annual reports  Board of directors information  Council information  Sponsors  Contact information  Action alerts -Alerts to news items relevant to the issue of sexual violence. These alerts will be handled through net:FORUM  State/federal congressional district listings  Updated statistics

Our Programs  Sexual Assault Awareness Month  Project Access  General program information  Bibliography of resources  Contact information  Searchable online database of electronic resources (digital library)

 Education  General program information  Top ten technical assistance requests  Highlights of center’s work  Contact information

 Campus  General info screen  Grant history  Who serves  Past grantees  Current grantees

CALCASA WEB SITE RFP PAGE 5  How to get funding  Market campus resource guide  National Campus Advisory Board list

Library  Library catalog -The catalog is run through the Winnebago Spectrum Web Cat software already functional.  Highlights of new arrivals  Frequently requested bibliographies  Searchable online database of electronic resources (digital library)

Publications and Resources  Multilingual brochures  Snippets of CALCASA publications  Materials for survivors with disabilities  Online Technical Assistance request form -A form where users can request technical assistance, provided by net:FORUM  Online site visit request form -A form where users can request site visits, provided by net:FORUM  Self defense program information  Myths and facts  Statute of limitations information  Bilingual services  Links  Links to other coalitions  Job listings for other organizations

News and Legislation

For the Media  Press releases  Talking points  Position papers

Event Calendar -Interactive calendar of events provided by net:FORUM

Join CALCASA  Volunteer opportunities  Current job opportunities  Membership information  Donation information  Showcase parts of  Virtual tour of

CALCASA WEB SITE RFP PAGE 6 -this will be created by the vendor  Sponsors page  Donors page

Seek Help  Crisis center directory  Clickable county map of California  Zip code search of rape crisis centers  Survivor brochures

Members  Member Agencies  Links to listservs  Creating access prevention strategies  Games  Quizzes  Top 10 frequently asked TA questions  Campus Grantees  Teleconference Info  Teleconference Agendas  Teleconference Audio  Institute info and registration  Info packets  Calendar  Upcoming events  Publications order form  PowerPoint presentations  T and TA request  Field visit request  New grantee section  Links to grantee programs  Media showcase  Web-based training on Counseling  Tools and Support for Survivors  Conference Audio on the Web  Online conference registration and information -Provided by net:FORUM


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