The Great Awakening

Part One: Introduction Open the link The Great Awakening: (First Part) 1. Explain what was the Great Awakening.

Read through The First Signs of Awakening: 2. Who was Jonathan Edwards?

3. What made people listen / respond to him?

Another Inspirational Evangelist was George Whitefield Read through and answer the questions: 4. What was George Whitefield known as:

5. How did George Whitefield appeal to the people in his sermons:

Phases of the Great Awakening were different for each area, explain how the areas were impacted: 6. North:

7. South:

8. There were SIX major Results of the Great Awakening, what ere they: a. b. c. d. e. f. Part Two: Sermons FIRST ACTIVITY: Introduction to Jonathan Edwards, a leading preacher of the Great Awakening. You will analyze Edwards' sermon, "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" in order to identify major themes of the Great Awakening and to answer the questions below: 9. In what context (at what time and in what place) did Edwards deliver this sermon?

10.Who would have represented Edwards' "ideal" audience?

11.What message does Edwards convey in this passage?

12.What reactions do Edwards' carefully crafted images attempt to evoke?

13. Did Edwards employ vocabulary with which are you unfamiliar? If so, use a dictionary to look up any unfamiliar terms.

SECOND ACTIVITY: Read "The Great Awakening Comes to Weathersfield, Connecticut: Nathan Cole's Spiritual Travels", and answer the following questions. 14.Why do you think average farmers such as Nathaniel Cole stopped what they were doing and traveled great distances to witness George Whitefield speak?

15.What message does Cole's statement, "I saw that my righteousness would not save me; then I was convinced of the doctrine of Election and went right to quarrelling with God about it, because all that I could do would not save me" reveal about Whitefield's teachings?

16.After reading this passage, what conclusion can you draw about the religious practices and beliefs of the Great Awakening?

Part Three: Determining the Facts Open the link above and read through the information concerning the Great Awakening and answer the questions below. 17.What problems with the Congregational Church troubled Jonathan Edwards? What action did he take to solve these problems?

18.Who was George Whitefield? How did he inspire a religious revival in the American colonies?

19. What was the Great Awakening? How did it appeal to common people?