Dear Friends & Neighbours
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Dear Friends & Neighbours,
Please find the attached report and suggested points for objections prepared by Geoff Gardner of Hives Planning which was funded by Elsenham Parish Council. We have waited a while for them, but we think you will agree that they contain some powerful arguments.
Officers of Uttlesford District Council have repeatedly stated that they pay little attention to identical standard letters of objection, but are influenced by the strength of arguments within individual letters. We are, therefore, asking you to write in your own words to object to the planning application to build 32 houses behind Hailes Wood and The Crown public house. We know that some of you have moved out of the area over the last few months, but we should really appreciate your continued support since you have personal knowledge and experience of life in this lovely village.
To assist you in composing your letter, some of the main points are summarised below and you should use the ones which are personally important to you. It is essential that you reference Planning application UTT/13/2917 for a development including 32 houses at Hailes Wood. and that you give your name, address and postcode.
Please email it [email protected] or post a paper letter to Planning Policy Team, Council Offices, London Road. Saffron Walden. CB11 4ER. Please also copy the following in your email: [email protected] [email protected] Ray.Gooding@ [email protected] [email protected] nicktedwards [email protected] [email protected] Points to Include
This application fails to patch up the failings of refused UTT/13/1397/FUL
It is not included in the ALP, ELP or the LDF (currently in consultation) It is contrary to the development plan thus failing the first test of the legislation. There are no “Exceptional Circumstances” which are required by NPPF to justfy construction outside the above local plans ECC Highways Department Have descibed the site access between 2 listed buildings through the pub car park as “contrived” and “sub standard pub access”. It is and will become a significant risk to school children, parents and pub patrons. The road system serving the site has previously been a reason for rejecting the site in the SHLAA. There have been no changes to the roads since. Other proposals are claimed as ‘benefits’ but actually only serve the development and are detrimental to almost all existing residents, their visitors, pub patrons and school children. ECC Highways have not raised objection to the development but have visited the site secretly, met the developer in private and refused to meet residents. The 20 mph limit is not required by existing residents - its only purpose is to enable the new junction through no. 32 to meet standards. “Improvements” in the form of a raised platform will generate noise pollution, flash flood risk and obnoxious speed limit signs will restrict light entering windows of houses near the junction with the High Street. The application’s justification for development outside local plan relies on wrong data for housing land supply figures.
Elsenham has accommodated 55 homes built in the Orchard and a further 500+ have been granted planning permission in 2013. Over 50% increase on the current 900. The application shows the Wildlife/ecology strip along the western and northern boundaries of the site being incorporated into the rear gardens of new homes. This destroys their “wild” nature. The “Phase one extended habitat survey” states that only the area used for arable farming is to be used. This ignores this strip. The adjacent new house will be less than 5ft from No 59. The application overstates the local services and infrastructure such as a police station and direct rail service to Stansted Airport neither of which exist. The “hourly” bus service only runs 7:00am to 7:00pm and Greater Anglian state that there is no spare capacity on the train services. The Planning Statement distorts the facts and implies that Elsenham Parish Council agreed with a housing development on this site. They strongly object! This development is unsustainable as it requires Punch Taverns to continue support and maintenance of access through pub land and the play area which would stop if Punch were to cease trading. Existing Hailes Wood is totally unsuitable for construction traffic such as low loaders with bulldozers and 38 ton earth moving lorries. Design and Access Statement Still refers to photovoltaic solar panels. These were at NOT referred to by the planning officer for the previous application, but objected to by Stansted Airport.
Restrictive Covenant on 32 Hailes Wood still applies and prohibits demolition/construction on that property.
Elevation of new development will cause run-off onto existing residents’ gardens
The development will cause significant loss of open space and amenity to local residents and villagers Please feel free to include anything you feel we have missed in your letter and get it to the Planning Office by the deadline of next Thursday 28thNovember 2013. Please let Bob or myself know if you require help with either writing your letter or getting it to the council offices.
We will keep you informed of any progress and will be writing to you again just prior to the planning meeting asking you to email the Committee members to refuse this application.
Regards – Graham & Bob [email protected]